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THE IlANSA$ $CHOOl NATURAl/$T Vol. 34 Emporia State University October

No. 1 Emporia, Kansas 1987


h Kansas School Naturalist

Published by

mporia State University and Issued by

The Division of Biological Sciences

Editor: Robert F. Clarke

Editorial Committee: Tom Eddy, Gilbert A. Lel:,man

Neufeld, John Parrish

The Kansas School Naturalist is sent upon request, free of to Kansas school board members and administrators, conserva­

and other adults interested in nature education. Back numbers are sent free as long as supply lasts. Send requests to The Kansas School Naturalist, Division of Biological Sciences, State University,

Kansas, 66801-5087.

The Kansas School Naturalist is published in December, and April of each year by Emporia State 1200 Commer-

Kansas 66801-5087. Second-class postage paid at Em-Kansas.

"Statement by the Act of Section 3685, Title United States showing Ownership.

The Kansas School Naturalist is in December, and April. Editorial Office and Publication Office at 1200 Com­

mercial Street, Emporia, Kansas 66801-5087. The Naturalist is edited and by Emporia State University, Kansas. Robert F.

Division of Biological Sciences.



by Delta Kappa Chapter Beta Beta

Travelers in lands remark on the exotic architecture, birds. and customs -. the trees. At home, these same people go about their living constantly among trees that are familiar with. but about which they know very little. not even their identity. In a way. these persons might as well be in a foreign land. Certain satisfaction and enjoyment comes with a knowledge of nature, and one step toward a broader knowledge is identification of common trees. It's easy - and here is one way to do it. Use this booklet and walk the trail indicated on the Emporia State University campus. On pages 8 and 9 is a map of the campus with the trail marked. The numbers on the map refer to the tree identification and description. Stop at each numbered location. Find the marker

the tree. Look up the the tree and examine the bark and the leaves. See how the tree is how the branches grow, seed pods or flowers, if any, and how this tree differs from other trees. Then move on to the next numbered stop and repeat your observations of the tree there. You'll be sur­prised how quickly you become familiar with the right name on any given tree. These trees grow elsewhere than the campus, of course; so you can transfer this newly-gained to other It is easy to get up in this game, and there is no limit to the eventual satisfaction that can be acquired from

your horizon - the campus, the beyond the state, beyond the country.

The honorary Beta Beta Beta, of State has this and they invite you to learn more about the common native and ornamental trees of Kansas. This trail takes you on a tour of 40 of trees and about an hour at a yourself!


Emporia State was founded March 7, 1863, as Kansas State Normal School. Since that time the school's name has three times and the campus has grown COflSUllera in size.



To make the campus more beautiful , trees have been donated to honor a number of past presidents and athletes of Emporia State University . In the early years of the school, several senior classes donated trees. In 1893, an elm tree was planted in memory of former President Taylor. In 1918, another elm was planted in honor of former president Butcher. The oak trees that are to the west of Plumb Hall were dedicated to the memory of Mike Rostetter , a football player who was killed in World War I. Elm trees were planted in memory of McKinley Pratt, a baseball star , and evergreen trees were planted in memory of William Hays, a pro ­minent football player. In 1923, the evergreen trees in front of Plumb Hall were planted in memory of the name, Kansas State Normal School, which was being changed to Kansas State Teachers College. As of 1936 there were sixty-five different kinds of trees on campus.

About twenty· five years ago , Dutch elm disease swept through North America, destroying American elms. Because 50 percent of the deciduous trees on campus were elms, the campus suffered a huge loss of large shade trees . The campus was replanted with a variety of trees, which has contributed to the large diversity of trees found there today.


1. WHITE CEDAR (Thuja occidentalis) Northern white cedar is very similar to western red cedar. They differ by the waxy white band on the underside of the foliage of the white cedar . The white cedar also smells of apples cooked with cloves . This tree is often referred to as "arbor vitae", which is Latin for "tree of life", because of its evergreen foliage .

2. BRADFORD PEAR (Pyrus callervana) Simply known as the Bradford, it is often used in urban areas for ornamental purposes. The Bradford blooms in April with white flowers. The leaves are glossy , dark green , and nearly round. During fall, the foliage turns a brilliant purplish-red and is most attractive.

3. REDBUD (Cercis canadensis) This small unique tree is also known as the Judas tree or Junebud. In the fall , the fruits of the tree are long, flat crimson pods that hang on the old stems as well as the new ones . The tree is most easily identified by its heart-shaped leaves and rosy-purple flowers which appear on the trunk as well as on the branches. In the spring, the flowers appear before the leaves.



4. MULBERRY (MOTUS sp.) The fruit of the mulberry tree is an aggregate fruit, which means many in­dividual fruits make up one berry. Humans and birds eat these fruits, which are black, white, or red in color. The mulberry leaf comes in several shapes with toothed edges and rough surfaces. The leaves of some species are used as food for silkworms. The tree has a characteristic rough, scaly, pinkish-brown bark.

5. TREE OF HEAVEN (Ailanthus altissima) Also called the tree of paradise or smoke tree, the tree of heaven is native to northern China. Its name comes from a translation of a Chinese phrase mean­ing "very tall tree." In cities, it can withstand smoke and gas from factories; it is a rapidly growing tree in urban and rural environments. Its huge leaf, which may have ten to forty leaflets, falls off completely while still green.

6. HACKBERRY (Celtis occidentalis) Belonging to the elm family, it is often mistaken for an elm due to its similar appearance. Its dark purple berries ripen in the fall and remain on the tree throughout the winter, providing food for birds. The tree is often recognized by its bark, which is roughened by corky warts and ridges, and its leaves are usually covere~ with insect galls.

7. BRISTLY LOCUST (Robinia hispida) Also known as the rose acacia, the bristly locust is planted as an ornamental tree. In two years the tree may grow to be 10 feet tall. The stems are covered with reddish brown bristles with 4 to 8 inch leaves having as many as 9 to 15 egg shaped leaflets. The flowers, which bloom in May, are large and rose pink.



8. RUSSIAN OLIVE (Elaeagnus angustifolia) Commonly used for wind breaks because it does not usually get over 5 meters tall and is highly immune to drought. disease. and poor soil conditions. Its bushy growth makes a perfect nesting place for birds. An outstanding characteristic of this tree is its thin split bark. Its leaves are grey to dark green above and silvery-white beneath .

9. HONEY LOCUST (Gleditsia triacanthos) Known in some regions as the honey-shuck. the pods provide food for several small animals and are sometimes fed to livestock. The wood of the honey locust is often used for construction purposes. fenceposts. and railroad ties. The leaf on this tree is compound. having many small leaflets on each stalk. The thornless variety of honey locust is used more for ornamental purposes because it does not have the typical three-barbed thorns.

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10. HAWTHORN (Crataegus sp.) This tree represents a very complex group of dense shrubs or small trees. The fruits. which are apple-like. persist on the tree into the winter and provide food for numerous birds and mammals. This tree is infected with cedar apple rust. which is a fungus that requires moisture and is detrimental to its host.

II. SEPTEMBER ELM (Ulmus serotina) September elm is a rare southern species that has flowers and fruits appearing in autumn. It has a thin bark which makes it susceptible to fire. The leaves look like typical elm leaves but are smaller.



12. PIN OAK (Quercus palustr£s) Also known as the swamp oak, the pin oak is often used as an ornamental tree alongside streets. The tree is usually found in poorly drained areas and on the edges of swamps. Small leaves, thin branches, and tiny acorns are the familiar characteristics of the pin oak. In the autumn, the leaves tum brilliant red.

13. KENTUCKY COFFFE TREE (Gymnocladus dioica) This tree was named by Kentucky pioneers who made a bitter drink from its seeds. In the winter you can see the thick brown oblong pods hanging from the branches. The Kentucky coffee tree is characterized by twice-compound leaves and hairy twigs, which in the winter appear to be painted with grey paint.

14. FLOWERING DOGWOOD (Comus jlor£da) The dogwood is best known for its white flowers that show in the early spring. The flowers have four large white petal-like bracts surrounding a number of perfect flowers. In the fall, clusters of small red berries are present. This tree is a cultivated species, and the flowers are pink colored. The wood is ideal for making spindles for thread since the wood is rather compact.

15. OSAGE ORANGE (Maclura pomifera) Originally found in the valleys that were inhibited by the Osage Indians, this hardy tree has been adapted for hedges and windbreaks. This usually small and thorny tree has a very distinguishable fruit, commonly known as the "Hedge Apple," which resembles a large, green orange.

16. SUGAR MAPLE (Acer saccharum) Also known as the hard maple, this tree is valued in the manufacture of fur­niture. The sap of the sugar maple is used for making syrup. It takes about 32 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup. The fruit and seeds ripen in late summer and provide food for many kinds of animals. 'The leaves of the sugar maple are dark green on top and paler green underneath. In the fall, the leaves tum colors that range from yellow to orange to scarlet.


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17. BASSWOOD (Ul£aglabra) The American basswood, or linden, is a hardy tree that can grow to 80 or 90 feet tall. It has small clusters of flowers that lie beneath a modified leaf, so that birds and insects have to look underneath to find the nectar-rich flowers. The basswood forms a dense shade in the summer, making it a good lawn tree. Its leaves are large and heart-shaped and its pea-sized fruits hang from the modified leaf in the autumn.

18. GREEN ASH (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) Green ash is commonly found near rivers and moist lowlands. The wood is heavy and hard which makes it very popular for tool handles, baseball bats, and skis . The tree produces a large number of seeds, which grow quickly upon dispersal.


19. AUSTRIAN PINE (Pinus nigra) This tree, which is also known as the black pine, bears long straight needles which are arranged two per bundle. This tree has rugged, closely spaced bran­ches, resulting in a very knotty low-grade timber. Austrian pines are used in North America and Europe for shelter belts. When the tree is young it is dense and straight, and when it is mature it has a flat-topped crown and plated bark.

20. SCOTCH PINE (Pinus sylvestris) The Scotch, or Scots, pine is so named because its native range includes Scotland. The Scotch pine has become the traditional Christmas tree. It has short needles which are arranged two per bundle and the bark appears orange underneath irregular scaly plates.



21. WHITE PINE (Pinus strobus) This is the tallest pine in eastern North America. The Indians used the bark of the white pine as a cough remedy. During pre-revolutionary times, tall straight specimens were reserved by the British crown for ship masts . Occasionally a tree can still be found with the Royal mark on it. The needles, which come in bundles of five, are long, flexible, and bluish green.

22 . ENGLISH OAK (Quercus robur) This particular variety of English oak, which is native to Europe, grows in a columnar form similar to Lombardy poplar. It has leaves that are similar to those of white oak but are less deeply lobed.

23. CRABAPPLE (Pyrus sp.) There are about twenty-five species of crabapple. They are small scrubby trees with five-petaled pink or white flowers. The small apple-like fruits can be made into jelly.

24. PONDEROSA PINE (Pinus ponderosa) The ponderosa pine, or western yellow pine, is widely used for lumber. Because of its value it is cut sparingly to insure future supplies. The tree has rigid long needles that are usually grouped in threes and a bark that is cinnamon-red to nearly black.

25. BLACK WALNUT (Juglans nigra) A prized hardwood, black walnut is used for gunstocks, furniture, and cabinets. The leaves are large and have a distinctive aroma. The seed is covered by a thick husk that was used by pioneers to make brown dye and by poachers to kill fish. The seed is edible once removed from the shell. The tree can be identified by its fuzzy twigs and light brown, chambered pith observed in a cut-open stem.



26. SWEET GUM (Liquidambar stryrac~ Planted as a shade tree, the sweet gum has a leaf that has brilliant coloring during the fall. The dried fruit, which is covered small horns, releases many seeds when cracked open. These fruits persist on the tree after the leaves have fallen.

27. NORWAY MAPLE (Acer platanoides) Sometimes called the the Norway was introduced from

because of its disease-resistant The tree has a beautiful spray of flowers in the spring. One characteristic is a milky juice that appears at the base of the leaf stalk. Ribbed bark is another recollIlizable feature.

28. MAGNOLIA (Magnoha soulangeana) Magnolias need sunny areas to grow in northern latitudes.

are often found in the south in warmer climates. The leaves are and waxy. The flowers are large, usually cream, or tinted with pink or lavender_

29. AMERICAN ELM (Ulmus americana) Otherwise known as the white it can be found alongside streams and rocky hillsides in Kansas, its native home. Many ofthe trees have been lost due to Dutch elm disease. It can be distinguished by exceptionally large trunk and wide crown. One of the largest American elms is the "Custer elm" in Council Grove, Kansas.



30. SYCAMORE (Platanus occidentalis) The sycamore is commonly found along streams and bottomlands. It can be 70 to 100 feet or more in height and recognized by its mottled bark. When the tree is young, the whitish inner bark can be seen as thin, irregular pieces of outer bark are shed. Older trees have a reddish or yellowish brown color to their bark. The bark is split and shed because it does not stretch when the tree grows. The sycamore can also be recognized by ball-like fruits that persist on the tree through the winter.

31. PAPER BIRCH (Betula papyrifera) This tree is distinguished by its gleaming white bark, which peels off in papery strips. The inner bark has an orange color, and was used by the Indians to make canoes because it is waterproof. The twigs of this tree are thin and droop slightly; the leaves are small and oval.

32. GOLDEN RAIN TREE (Koelreuteria paniculata) This tree is native to Asia and is widely planted as an ornamental. InJuly, the tree has branched groups of yellow, sweet pea-like flowers. These flowers dry to a brown color and persist far into the winter. The leaves have 7 to 15 three­lobed leaflets which are round toothed.

33. COTTONWOOD (Populus deltoides) This is the eastern cottonwood, and it is the state tree of Kansas. It grows best near water, and the settlers saw cottonwoods on the prairie as a sign of nearby sources of water. This is a fast growing tree which is used in shelter belts, but the branches can break in strong winds. The leaves, which rustle in the wind, can be identified by their triangular shape.

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34. GINKGO biloba) Sometimes called the maiden hair, the is native to China, being in­troduced to the west in the 1750's. It is almost identical to trees from 200 million years ago that are found imbedded as fossils. Each tree is male or

only females have fruits, which give off a foul odor. The leaf can be identified bv its fan shane and its parallel venation.

35. SILVER MAPLE (Acer saccharinum) Also known as the soft maple, the silver maple is a fast growing tree. Because it has soft the tree will break in a very removed. It can be identified by its which are green on top and silverv underneath.

wind. The bark is also deeply lobed

37. BALD CYPRESS (Taxodz'um distichum) This conifer has short leaves that are soft and flat. The leaves turn an orange­brown before they drop in autumn. Distinguishing characteristics of this tree are its feathery leaves, fan base, and modified roots growing out of the water. These "knees" are hollow and are believed to provide air for the tree's roots when it is growing in water.

38. (Catalpa bignonioides) tree is a native to the mid-western states. Its leaves are large and

The is characterized by clusters of white flowers, thickly spotted with brownish purple. Its long, slender pods stay on the tree all winter.

39. PECAN (Carya t'llinoensis) This tree is native to the southern United States. Its primary commercial use is for its nuts; the trees are planted in orchards for this purpose. The wood is brit­tle and has no real commercial value. find the pecan a valuable food source in the fall and winter. It is the larllest of the hickories (un to 100 ft.) and can be identified by its pointed fruit.

40. BLUE SPRUCE pungens) Blue spruce normally occurs at high elevation, that have cold winters and hot dry summers. The needles appear to have a bluish color because of a waxy resin that helps the tree to resist droughts. Spruces can be from

the square needles of spruces as comnared to the rounded needles of




A tree trail can be a valuable asset to your community. Biology classes and other people from the community can use the trail to observe, understand, and en­joy nature. This type of outdoor experience can greatly increase an understanding of trees and how they are important to our lives.

Expert help in planning is helpful and can be obtained by consulting a naturalist. Naturalists in your area can be found by contacting agencies such as the Wildlife and Parks Department, County Extension Office, or local college.

It is best to plan a trail in a loop pattern. The length of the trail will be deter­mined by your location. For a one-quarter mile trail, 15-20 features are sufficient.

For the tree trail at ESU, Graviply was used for labeling the trees. Graviply is a hard plastic that consists of two layers of different colors. An engraver is used to form the letters that appear the color of the bottom layer. Graviply was ordered from Industrial Arts Supply Co., 5724 West 36th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55416-2594. The labels bearing the common and scientific names were then screw­ed into the trees. A spring was placed between the tree and label to allow for tree growth. For trees and bushes that are too small or have too dense foliage, markers will be needed that are placed on the ground. Markers were ordered from Aluminum Label, S & W Supply Company, Box 275, Girard, KS 66743. Because of weathering and tree growth, the labels will have to be replaced periodically. The trail should also be checked frequently for vandalism.

Your tree trail needs a guide pamphlet. This pamphlet can range anywhere from a one-page flyer to a booklet. Regardless of size, your pamphlet should have information about each tree which pertains to the purpose of your tree trail. For ex­ample, tree histories, identification, and the tree's relationship to ecology can be mentioned. Drawings and pictures are additional options.

For more information, the following sources might be helpful: Trail Planning and Layout, Byron L. Ashbaugh and Raymond J. Kordish,

National Audubon Society, Nature Center Planning Division, New York, NY. Na­tional Audubon Society, Inc., 1971.

"Trails for Enjoying Nature", The Conservationist, Alan Mapes, ]1/Ag '82, Vol. 37, pg 22-29.

American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboretums, 1965 Special Issue, '63.

For identification and other information: Stephens, H.A. 1969. Trees, shrubs, and woody vines in Kansas. Regents Press

of Kansas, Lawrence. 250 pages.


Kansas School Naturalist Entered as Second Emporia State University Class Mail and 1200 Commercial Street Second Class

Emporia , Kansas 66801 Postage Paid at Emporia, Kansas

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - The following members of Tri Beta contributed to the completion of the tree trail : Pam Baldridge, Scott Baxter, Todd Gordon, Janet Graham, Ann Marie Johnson, Mark LaBarge, Cindy Palmer, Phyllis Schmitz, Theresa Spradling, Tanya Tims, Lisa Volland, Christine Yoder, and Dr. Dwight Moore, sponsor. We thank Gilbert Leisman for helping set up the route of the tree trail. We thank Drs. Robert Clarke, Gilbert Leisman and James Mayo for critically reading an early draft of this manuscript. We thank C . F. Gladfelter, Riley Stor­mont, and Mary Bogan and her staff at William Allen White Library for informa­tion about the history of the trees at ESU. We thank Roger Ferguson and Richard Weatherholt for help with materials. The cover photo was furnished by University Relations, E.S.U ., Kim Maxwell, Director.

NOTICE Because of financial problems, we were unable to issue numbers 3 and 4 of

Volume 33. These two numbers would have been mailed in February and April of 1987 . We have been given the green light for at least two numbers in the present volume, with some hope for all four. At present , we are attempting to build an en­dowment fund that would ensure continued publication of four numbers each academic year into the future . The fund still has a long way to go. If you care to

contribute (and I hope you will), please send your contribution to Endowment Of­fice, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas 66801-5087. Be sure to indicate that it is intended for The Kansas School Naturalist fund. Thank you for your continued interest and support.

Editor, Robert F . Clarke

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