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Treatment of Polymyalgia Rheumaticavia Nutritional Therapy

byJennifer McDermott DipION, MBANT

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What is PMR?

• PMR is an inflammatory rheumatic condition.

• Affecting approx 4 in 1000 people – usually over the age of 50.

• Both men & women affected but slightly more women than men.

Dr Badal Pal, Consultant Rheumatologist

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Main symptoms of PMR• Sudden abrupt pain• Morning stiffness – mainly affecting shoulders & thighs (often inc neck & torso)• Feeling generally unwell• Fatigue• Depression• Occasional slight fever• Loss of appetite and weightSevere form of PMR – ‘temporal arteritis’ –causing painful inflammation of the arteries in the head.

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There are no clear known causes for PMR but is thought by some to be:

• Related to rheumatoid arthritis

• A genetic disorder

• Caused by the adenovirus respiratory infection

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Mistaken Identity?There are a number of conditions displaying similar symptoms and can therefore be mistaken for PMR such as:•Rheumatoid Arthritis•Osteoarthritis•Underactive Thyroid•Depression•Parkinson’s disease•Fibromyalgia•Occasionally even cancer such as prostate or myeloma.

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DiagnosisSince the symptoms of PMR are similar to so many conditions, it is important to obtain confirmation of PMR via blood tests.

Two blood tests: ESR & CRP(erythrocyte sedimentation rate & C-reactive protein)

Both test results will give an indication of inflammation occurring within the body.

(However, many conditions cause ESR & CRP to change so additional tests may be necessary to obtain a positive

PMR diagnosis)

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Treatment of PMR

• Present Orthodox treatment of PMR consists of Corticosteroid drugs such as: Prednisolone (Deltacortril)

• Around 50% of patients require 2-3 years of medication, 30% require even longer.

• THESE DRUGS DO NOT CURE PMR! They suppress inflammation.

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Possible side effects of Prednisolone

•Weight gain (abdomen, puffy ‘moon’ face)•Easy bruising•Hair loss•Rise in blood sugar•Rise in blood pressure•Osteoporosis

(CAUTION! Never stop any medication suddenly as this may cause harm. Always consult GP and request help to reduce medication slowly.)

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Inflammation, a cry for help?Inflammation is an immune response caused by Granulocyte white blood cells known as Eosinophils and Basophils.

Any inflammation within the body should be read as a warning sign that the body is out of balance.

Inflammation within the body is a sign that the body is reacting to something i.e. food, alcohol, environmental pollution etc.

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Avoid the side-effects!

It is possible to treat inflammation within the body by dietary means…

and there are no side effects!

Reduce inflammation and reduce pain.

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Reducing InflammationThe body may react/over-react if deficient in:• Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)• Biotin• Vitamin B6 & B3• Vitamin C• Zinc• Magnesium• Pantothenic Acid (B5) also required to make cortisol, an anti-inflammatory hormone.

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Essential Fatty Acids

EFAs, both Omega 3 and 6 make extremely active hormone-like substances known as prostaglandins. Prostaglandins cannot be supplemented and so must be obtained from the diet in order to achieve optimum health and wellbeing.

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There are three sets of prostaglandins which can be made: Prostaglandins ‘series 1’ (PGE1) Prostaglandins ‘series 2’ (PGE2) Prostaglandins ‘series 3’ (PGE3)

PGE1 & 3 are beneficial as they are anti-inflammatory, PGE2 encourages inflammation within the body and is to be avoided.

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Omega 3 & 6 families

Essential fatty Acids

Omega 6 Omega 3Linolenic Acid Alpha-Linolenic AcidCorn, safflower, sunflower, flax, pumpkin, walnut

Sesame, pumpkin oils


meat, milk fish fish


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Foods to eat rich in EFAsOmega 3 Omega 6Flax (Linseed) oil Corn oilHemp SafflowerPumpkin SunflowerWalnut Sesame

EPA & DHA GLASalmon Evening Primrose oilMackerel Borage oilHerring Blackcurrant seed oilSardinesAnchoviesTunaMarine algaeEggs* (also AA)

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Foods to eat containing supporting nutrients…

BiotinCauliflower, lettuce, peas, tomatoes,oysters, grapefruit, watermelon, sweetcorn, cabbage, almonds, cherries, herrings, eggs.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)Watercress, cauliflower, cabbage, peppers, bananas, squash, broccoli, asparagus, lentils, red kidney beans, brussel sprouts, onions, seeds and nuts (various)

Vitamin B3 (niacin)Mushrooms, tuna, chicken, salmon, asparagus, cabbage, lamb, mackerel, turkey, tomatoes, courgettes, squash, cauliflower, wholewheat.

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Foods to eat containing supporting nutrients cont…

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)Peppers, watercress, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, lemons, kiwi fruit, peas, melons, oranges, grapefruit, limes, tomatoes.

MagnesiumWheat germ, almonds, cashew nuts, brewer’s yeast, buckwheat flour, Brazil nuts, peanuts, pecan nuts, cooked beans, garlic, raisins, green peas, potato skin, crab

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) Mushrooms, watercress, broccoli, alfalfa sprouts, peas, lentils, tomatoes, cabbage, celery, strawberries, eggs, squash, avocados, wholewheat.

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Foods to eat containing supporting nutrients cont…


Oysters, ginger root, lamb, pecan nuts, dry split peas, haddock, green peas, shrimps, turnips, Brazil nuts, egg yolks, wholewheat grain, rye, oats, peanuts, almonds

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Foods/drinks to avoid• Coffee• Alcohol• Foods high in saturated fat (can inhibit the absorption of

EFAs)• Foods from the nightshade family such as:• Potatoes, peppers, aubergines, tomatoes• Meat• Chicken is higher in AA than Turkey so Turkey

preferable• Dairy products, milk, yoghurt, butter, cream etc• Refined carbohydrates such as: cakes, biscuits, white

bread/rice etc• Sugar – immune suppressant

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Toxic overload?

The information outlined within suggests a process for reducing inflammation. However, in this instance we are simply treating the ‘symptoms’ and not the ‘cause’. The cause of PMR seems to be, as yet, unknown. However it is my opinion that such symptoms may arise due to toxic overload within the body.

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Toxic overload?A healthy Liver plays a vital role in the process of digestion. Taking in food from the digestive tract and repackaging before shipping it off to other parts of the body for use. It is the role of the Liver to deal with toxins within the body either by breaking them down into a safer form or eliminating them from your body. However, if toxins are taken into the body on a regular basis, the Liver becomes overloaded and cannot deal with the amount of work it has to carry out. When this happens, your health will suffer in many ways.

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Health problems associated with suppressed Liver function

• Indigestion• Atherosclerosis• Diabetes• Hormone imbalances• PMS• Period or menopausal problems• Headaches/migraines• Arthritis• Sinusitis• Hives• Behavioural problems• Mood swings• Mental confusion• Fatigue• Poor hair and skin• Inability to lose weight• Irritability• Stiff and aching joints

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What Harms the Liver?

• Sugar

• Fats

• Alcohol

• Drugs (medication and social/recreational)

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Liver DetoxA Liver Detox programme could detoxify the body of toxic overload in as little as six weeks. Some of the benefits achieved after a Liver detox are:

• Energy – LOTS! • Joint pain and stiffness – Dramatic improvement, possibly eliminated • Skin – soft, smooth, clear and bright• Hair – strong, shiny and healthy• Food cravings – gone!• Weight loss – a minimum of 7lbs (on average)• Heartburn/indigestion – gone!• Constipation – gone!• Sleep – sleep sound, wake refreshed and ready to go!


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Other lifestyle factors to consider

• Stress relief

• Exercise

• Meditation

• Positive Thinking

• Lymphatic drainage

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Useful books The Journey -An Extraordinary Guide for Healing Your Life and Setting Yourself Free – by Brandon Bays (Thorsons – ISBN: 0-7225-3839-1)

Boost Your Immune System – by Jennifer Meek & Patrick Holford (Piatkus – ISBN: 0-7499-1864-0)

Change Your Life with Accelerated Visualisation – by Harold Hampf (Quantum – ISBN: 0-572-02458-4)

The Power of Your Subconcious Mind – by Joseph Murphy Ph D., D.D. (Pocket Books – ISBN:0-7434-0818-7)

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A few last tips!

Make changes slowly – i.e. change your breakfast for one month then move onto making lunch a healthier option.

Visualise clearly what you want to achieve (see yourself as you want to be)

Avoid foods which you crave and feel as though you couldn’t live without! (most of the time the foods we love are the very one’s causing the problems!)

Set yourself small goals and build in rewards – keep motivated.

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Thank you……

I’d like to thank the PMR-GCA UK North East Group, for inviting me here today.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

Jennifer McDermott Dip ION, MBANT

Nutritional Therapist

Tel: 07789 117396

Email: [email protected]

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