Page 1: Treasure Island Script 2017 - · Everybody has heard of the famous pirate, Captain ... I wonder if he’s done anything bad. Molly: ... (pulls out a piece of


Treasure Island

5th Grade Musical—May 17, 2017

A Musical Adaptation of the Robert Louis Stevenson Classic

By Mary Donnelly and George L.O. Strid Adapted by Ms. Glaser

Page 2: Treasure Island Script 2017 - · Everybody has heard of the famous pirate, Captain ... I wonder if he’s done anything bad. Molly: ... (pulls out a piece of


Act 1 (Lights come up on a typical 1742 inn scene. Characters are frozen in a seated or

standing position. The room has a party-like atmosphere.)

(Track 1) Song 1: Pieces of Eight Eat, drink, and let’s be merry! Eat, drink, and let’s be merry! This is the time to celebrate. Now that we’ve got our pay, We’ll sing the night away. All for pieces of eight!

SOLO 1: Every day I work and slave to hoist another crate. What do I get for all my troubles? Pieces of eight.

Eat, drink, and let’s be merry! Eat, drink, and let’s be merry! This is the time to celebrate. Now that we’ve got our pay, We’ll sing the night away. All for pieces of eight! SOLO 2: Every day I work and slave to wash another plate. What do I get for all my troubles? Pieces of eight.

Eat, drink, and let’s be merry! Eat, drink, and let’s be merry! This is the time to celebrate. Now that we’ve got our pay, We’ll sing the night away. All for pieces of eight!

Every day we work and slave to do a job we hate. What do we get for all our troubles? Pieces of eight. Eat, drink, and let’s be merry! Eat, drink, and let’s be merry! This is the time to celebrate. Now that we’ve got our pay, We’ll sing the night away. All for pieces of eight!

And once a month on payday, We’ve cause to celebrate, We take our money home with us, Pieces of eight….!

(At the end of the song, all characters freeze as the narrators talk.) (Track 2—Transition Music)

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All Narrators: Yo-ho, ye mates! Narrator Jim: My name is Jim Hawkins Narrator Molly: I’m Molly Narrator Joshua: I’m Joshua Narrator Alex: And I’m Alex. Narrator Jim: And welcome to Wines Elementary School’s musical production of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island. N. Alex: Adapted by Mary Donnelly and George Strid. N. Joshua: Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey and the rest of the town people have asked us to tell you all the particulars about Treasure Island from the beginning to the end. N. Jim: The only thing we won’t tell you is where this island is located ‘cause there still be a little treasure not yet lifted. N. Molly: It all started back in the year 1700-something… N. Alex: …When my friends and I were young. N. Jim: I was working in my parents’ inn, called the Admiral Benbow, one night when a man dressed in dirty clothes came in dragging a large wooden chest behind him. (Billy Bones enters front stage left pulling a large wooden chest and using a cane to walk.) N. Molly: We didn’t think anyone would talk to him because of the way he looked N. Joshua: But then to our surprise, Jim’s mother spoke.

(Narrators exit the stage, and everyone unfreezes for scene to begin) Mrs. Hawkins: Welcome, stranger, to the Admiral Benbow. Find a place and sit down. Billy: (gruffly) Thanks! And who may you be? Mrs. Hawkins: My name is Mrs. Hawkins. I’m the owner of this inn. And who are you? Billy: My name’s Billy Bones, but you can call me Captain. Mrs. Hawkins: Well, Captain, if there is anything I can do, just give a whistle. Billy: Thanks! (looks around) By the way, any sailors around these parts? Mrs. Hawkins: You’re the only one we’ve had in a long time.

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Billy: Good! (He drags the chest over to a table and sits down.) Mrs. Hawkins: Jim, go see what the Captain wants! Jim: (looks scared) But, Mom… Mrs. Hawkins: Do as I say. Now be off with you! Jim: What will you have? Billy: Root beer! I always drinks root beer. (digs in his pocket and pulls out a gold coin) This should cover the cost. Jim: I’m sure it will, Sir. Billy: (glaring) CAPTAIN! I’m a CAPTAIN not a SIR! Jim: Yes, Sir, Captain. I mean… (Jim gets his Root beer backstage and comes back out)

(Townspeople go to microphones)

Billy: (talking to all) It’s a cold night. (taps cane on floor) But I’ve seen it colder out on the sea. Townsperson 1: You’ve been to sea? Billy: Aye, that I have, mate. Elizabeth Springfield and 3: And when was that? Billy: Many years ago. Townsperson 4: Who did you sail with? Billy: I sailed with Captain Flint. (Gasps from the entire cast) Billy: Ah, I see you have heard of him. Mrs. Hawkins: Heard of him?!?! Everybody has heard of the famous pirate, Captain Flint. But I thought you said you were a Captain? Billy: I am now! I started out as a first mate under Captain Flint. Townsperson 1: Is it true what they say about Captain Flint and his pirate ship? Billy: Probably that and more. I could tell you stories that would make your skin crawl.

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Elizabeth Springfield: Did you ever see anyone walk the plank? Billy: (glancing around the room) I’ve seen more people walk the plank than in this room. Townsperson 3: What about the treasure? Where is it buried? Billy: I’m not that stupid as to tell you! Townsperson 4: Why not? Billy: No one has ever lived to tell where the treasure of Captain Flint is buried. (Track 3) Song #2—Captain Flint Captain Flint was an evil man with a black patch on his eye. He wore a long black mustache to match his black bowtie. He used the kind of language that wasn’t fit to print, A mad man was a gentleman compared to Captain Flint. Flint! Flint! Flint! As bad as he could be! Flint! Flint! Flint! The terror of the sea! Captain Flint was a pirate king who sailed the seven seas. He boarded every vessel and conquered it with ease. He plundered every treasure that had a golden glint, And Midas was a beggar man compared to Captain Flint. Flint! Flint! Flint! As bad as he could be! Flint! Flint! Flint! The terror of the sea! Flint! Flint! Flint! As bad as he could be! Flint! Flint! Flint! The terr….or… of…. the…. sea! Track 4—Transition Music Mrs. Hawkins: Enough with the story telling. It’s 9 o’clock and time to close up. We’ll be open tomorrow morning at 5 sharp for anyone that’s interested in breakfast. ALL: Thanks! We’ll be back in the morning! Track 5—Longer Transition Music—Props directors take away chairs and move to wall off of stage (Music plays and all exit except Mrs. Hawkins, Billy, Molly, Jim, and Joshua) Mrs. Hawkins: Jim, make sure that everything is put away and don’t forget to wash the big kettle on the stove. I’ll be using it to make oatmeal in the morning.

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Jim: Yes, mother. I’ll remember. Mrs. Hawkins: I’m off to bed. Good night! Sam and Alex: Good night, Mrs. Hawkins. Molly and Joshua: See you tomorrow. (Mrs. Hawkins exits stage.) Jim: Captain Bones, whatever happened to Flint? Billy: I’ve heard that he died, (takes a drink then wipes his mouth) but just between you and me, I think he’s still alive. Sam: What about the treasure? Alex: Is it still buried? Billy: As far as I reckon, no man, woman, nor beast has found it. And if they have, none have lived long enough to spend it. (takes another drink, then slams the mug down) Get me some more and be quick about it! Jim: (to Molly and Joshua as they get more Root beer) Wow! Captain Bones has been everywhere! (Goes and gets more root beer from backstage) Molly: And he’s done lots of things. Joshua: I wonder if he’s done anything bad. Molly: (looking shocked) Joshua, how dare you even ask such a question! Joshua: I can think what I want, Molly. I’m a free man. Molly: No you’re not! You’re just a little boy! Joshua: I am not! Besides, you’re a scullery maid. Molly: A what? Joshua: (looking smug) A scullery maid! Molly: (getting louder) Well, if I’m a scullery maid, you’re a… Jim: (stepping in between Molly and Joshua) Knock it off! Can’t you two ever quit arguing?! Molly: I can, but Joshua can’t! Joshua: Can too! Besides, you’re the one who always starts it!

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Molly: Moi? You’re the one that calls me names! Jim: Stop it! Molly: You’re right, Jim! (to Joshua) You should know better Joshua. Joshua: I should know better? Why you little… Jim: (loudly) I SAID, STOP!!! (glares at Joshua and Molly) Sometimes I wish I could just get away from you guys and run away. Molly: And go where? Jim: I don’t know. Somewhere far from here. Pew goes backstage, gets cane and paper, and waits backstage until scene is over (Track 6) Song #3—Somewhere There’s a Great Adventure ||:Somewhere there’s a voice inside me Crying to be free. Somewhere there’s a great adventure Waiting just for me. I don’t know where to look, Can’t find it in a book, I only wish that I knew. I’ll know it right away, Might even come today, Just know it’s gonna come true. Somewhere there’s a voice inside me Crying to be free. Somewhere there’s a great adventure Waiting And it’s waiting for me! :| | Yes, it’s waiting for me! (At the end of the song, Pew, a blind man, walks in. The room is instantly quiet and everyone watches as Pew, using a cane, taps into the room.) Pew: Is anyone here? (no response) I said, is anyone here? (Billy signals everyone to be quiet.) Pew: I know there is someone here because just before I entered the room I heard talking and singing. Now, is there anyone here? (still no response) I’m looking for a fellow named Billy Bones. I’ve got something for him. Something that he wants. You can call it a “present.” Aye, that’s a good word for it. (snidely) A present!

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(taps his way around Jim, then suddenly grabs him by the arm and puts him into a head lock) AHA! There is someone here. Now, who may I ask am I holding? Jim: (meekly) Jim. Pew: Talk louder! Who are you? Jim: Jim Hawkins! Pew: How old are you, Jim Hawkins? Jim: Thirteen. Pew: Why are you here? Jim: My mother owns this inn and I work here. Pew: Ah! Have you seen my friend, Billy Bones? (Billy signals Jim not to say a word.) Jim: ….noooo? Pew: Don’t lie to me, boy. (grabs his arm) Jim: OWW! I don’t know the person you are asking for. Pew: I said, don’t lie to me, boy, or I’ll break your arm. And if that’s not enough, I’ll continue to break all your bones. (Billy walks over and pulls Jim away from Pew.) Billy: Unhand him, Pew! Pew: So we meet again, Billy Bones. I’ve got something for you. A present from me and all of your old friends. Billy: You are not my friend. Pew: We’ll see about that! (He pulls out a stick and they battle. Battle ends with Billy

lying on a table and Pew holding him down.) Like I said, Billy, me and your old friends have something for you. (pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Billy) You have till 10 o’clock. (walks to the door) Remember, Billy. 10 o’clock sharp! (exits)

(Billy collapses in a chair and looks at the paper.) Jim: Who are the old friends he is talking about? Billy: Some people that I worked with on Flint’s ship.

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Jim: What do they want? Billy: They want the map. Sam: What map? Billy: The map to Captain Flint’s treasure. Alex: How do you get the map? Billy: Flint gave it to me for safe keeping and told me that he would hunt me down if I ever showed it to anyone. Sam: Why don’t you contact the constable? Billy: And tell him what? That I have the map to a fortune? They would either laugh at me or just take it for themselves. No, it’s best that I don’t contact the constable. Jim: What are you going to do? Billy: I don’t know…(falls down) Alex: Captain? (leans over Captain) Jim, something is wrong! Sam: (leans over Captain) Let me see…I think he’s dead! Jim: (leans over Captain and listens to his heart) I think he just fainted. His heart is still ticking. Billy: (suddenly sitting up) Here, Jim! (pulls out paper from inside his shirt) Take it and hide it! Jim: What is it, Captain? Billy: The map! Now, quick, hide it somewhere safe. (Jim takes the map and puts it into his shirt.) And one more thing, watch out for the man with the one leg! Alex: One leg? What’s this man’s name? Billy: His name is Lo…(dies) Sam: (looking scared) I…think…he’s …dead…! Alex: (scared) I …think…you’re…right…S-Sam! Jim: What are we going to do? (There is a loud knock at the door and yelling heard offstage) sound team from backstage will knock

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Sam: (to Jim, Molly, and Alex) Who’s at the door? Jim: IT’S PEW! He’s back with his friends! Alex: But it’s not 10 o’clock yet! Molly: When would a pirate ever keep his promise? Joshua: (looking bewildered) I don’t know, when? Jim: They don’t! Now come on! We’ve got to get out of here! Molly: What do we do with Billy? Should we just leave him? Joshua: Yeah! Dead men tell no tales. Jim: Bad joke, but probably true. Now quick! Out the back door before they find us. Track 8—Transition Music (They exit stage just as Pew and the pirates enter) Pirate 1: There he is, lying on the table. Pirate 2: Aw…I bet he’s dead. Pirate 3: (checking for heart beat) Well, there’s no heartbeat. Pirate 4 and 5: What do we do now? Pirate 6: Notify next of kin? Pirate 7: Not about that! About the map! Billy: (rising) His name is Lo… (Pirates freak out and run away from Billy) Pirate 8, 9, and 10: (shaking) I thought you said he was dead! Pirate 2: I thought he was! (Pirates begin nudging and pushing Pirate 6 to check Billy. Pirate 6 cautiously goes and pokes Billy a couple of times.) Pirate 6: Okay, I think he’s gone. Pirate 1: Are you sure? Pew: Someone take me to him. (As Pew searches for the map, he lifts one of Billy’s arms

and puts it down again. As the first arm goes down, the second one comes up and knocks into Pew. As he puts that arm down, the first pops up and knocks into Pew.) One of you guys want to come over and have a look?

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All Pirates: (Jumbled together) No thanks…You’re doing fine…Wouldn’t want to get in the way…Not me. Pew: It’s not here! Look for his wooden trunk! Pirate 3: It’s over here. (brings it to the middle of the stage) Pirate 5: I bet that trunk is full of Root beer. Pirate 9: No, I think he is the one that is full of Root beer! (points to Billy) (Pirates 1-10 gather around the chest, each taking an unusual item and some clothes out of the chest to examine. Pirate 7 takes the stuffed parrot, looks around, and sneaks the teddy bear around his back.) Pirate 4: Hey, Pew, get a load of us. Pirate 8: Ten pirates in a dead man’s chest! All Pirates: Hurrah! Pirate 10: There’s no map in here. Pirate 1: Just dirty clothes… Pirate 2: And personal items. Pirate 3: Speaking of personal items, wasn’t there a parrot in here? Pirate 7: (embarrassed—slowly brings out the bear and parrot and deposits them back in the chest.) I was..uh..just..uh…checking them for the map. Pirate 2: Checking for the map or planning for a nap? Other Pirates: (Jumbled together) Haha! That’s a good one! A nap…get it? Pew: He must have given it to that kid. Everybody outside. Start looking for that kid.

He can’t have gone too far. When you find him, bring him to me. (Pirates exit stage.) A couple of you grab Billy. We don’t want to leave ANYBODY behind.

Pirate 4: (laughs) That’s a good one, Pew. Pew: What are you talking about? Pirate 5: The joke about leave any BODY behind. Pew: (stares at pirate) Let’s get out of here! Track 9—Transition Music (Pew and the pirates exit carrying Billy. Alex, Sam, Molly,

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Jim, and Joshua enter from the left.) Molly: Do you think they’ll return? Joshua: If you talk any louder the whole world will know where we are! Molly: I’m not talking very loud! Joshua: Oh really? You don’t need a megaphone. Molly: You look like a megaphone! Jim: (pulling out the map from his shirt) Knock it off, you guys! Joshua: What’s that in your hand? Molly: It’s the map, stupid. Joshua: Don’t call me stupid, you fool! Molly: I am not a foo…(Jim walks toward the door) Where are you going, Jim? Jim: To find the pirates and Pew. I think I have a better chance with them than I do with you guys. Molly: (standing) Don’t leave, Jim. We promise to be good.(looks at Joshua) don’t we, Joshua? (waits for a nod from Joshua before continuing) Let’s see the map. (Jim places map on table) Molly: I don’t recognize any of these places. Joshua: I don’t either. Jim: (after looking at it for a few moments) I know someone that can help us. Joshua: Who is that? Jim: Squire Trelawney. Molly: Why should we contact her? Jim: She’s the smartest around. Besides that, she’s the Squire. She’ll be able to read the map and tell us exactly where the place is located.

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Track 10—Transition Music—

ACT 2 N. Jim: The next morning we went to Squire Trelawney’s house. N. Molly: At first she was not too thrilled, but when we showed her the map, boy, did she get excited! N. Joshua: Without Squire Trelawney’s help, I don’t know what we would have done. N. Alex: In just a few weeks she had acquired a ship, the Hispaniola, and hired the crew to sail it.

(Narrators exit the stage) Alex: (looking out at the audience) Look at the size of this ship! Sam: It’s gigantic! Joshua: What does “His-pan-i-oh-la” mean? Molly: Where do you see that? Joshua: (points) It’s right there in front of your face, silly. Molly: That says, Hispaniola. It’s the name of the ship. (to Jim) And he calls me silly! (to Joshua) You don’t even know how to read? Joshua: I do too know how to read. Alex: Why did you mispronounce the name? Joshua: I was just checking to see if you knew how to read. Sam: That is the dumbest excuse I have ever heard. Jim: Would you guys knock it off? We’re about to board the Hispaniola and we’d better act like we know what we’re doing. (Joshua starts walking across the stage.) Jim: Joshua, now where are you going? Joshua: To get on the ship. Jim: You don’t just walk on!

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Joshua: Why not? Jim: You have to ask permission to board. Joshua: That’s dumb! Alex: Not as dumb as you are! Joshua: I bet you didn’t know that! Alex: Yes I did! Joshua: Well if you’re so smart, tell us how we get permission. Alex: (stuttering) Er…I…I…give up! How do we do it? Jim: We yell! Joshua: We yell? Alex, Sam, and Molly: (sounding skeptical) We yell? Jim: Like this. (cups hands over mouth) Hey, Hispaniola, permission to come aboard? Abraham: (walks on opposite side of stage) Who asks permission to board the Hispaniola? Jim: I, Jim Hawkins, and my shipmates, Molly, Joshua, Alex, and Sam. Abraham: What reason do you have to board? Jim: We’re the cabin helpers for this voyage. Abraham: (checks clipboard) Come aboard! Track 11—Transition Music (Jim, Molly, Joshua, Alex, Sam, and Abraham walk offstage, Squire Trelawney, Captain Smollett, Dr. Livesey, and Nurse Hunter walk onstage. Then, Jim, Molly, Joshua, Alex, Sam, and Abraham walk back onstage.) Trelawney: (sees Jim, Molly, and Joshua) Here they are now, Jim, over here. Jim: Hi Squire Trelawney. Trelawney: Welcome aboard the Hispaniola. Let me introduce you to Captain Smollett

and Dr. Sara Livesey. (to Smollett and Livesey) This is Jim Hawkins and his friend, Molly and Joshua. Jim is the one I've been telling you about who was given Flint's map.

Smollett: (to Jim) I've heard great things about you, my boy.

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Jim: I hope I can live up to your expectations, Captain Smollett. Smollett: This is Mr. Hands. He’s a very important part of our voyage, as he steers the ship. Jim: Nice to meet you. Mr. Hands: You too. We’ve got a long journey ahead, and I will try to make it as smooth as possible. Smollett: You already know Squire Trelawney, but let me introduce you to Dr. Sara Livesey. Molly: (gushing) Wow! A real live doctor. (Shakes hands) It's nice to meet you. Livesey: I'm sure we will become good friends on this voyage. Molly: I have so much to ask you. Hunter: I’m her assistant, Nurse Hunter. I’m sure you’ll learn a lot from me too. Molly: Oh yes, I can’t wait to talk with both of you! Joshua: (groans loudly) Just what I want to talk about! Now where's the grub on the ship? Alex: Joshua, where are your manners? Trelawney: A man after my own heart! (pointing off stage left) You'll find some food

through the door and down two levels. Just ask for the cook. His name is Long John Silver. (Long John enters from left) You're in luck! Here he is now!

(Long John Silver enters and Jim, Molly, Joshua, Alex, and Sam gasp in horror.) Livesey and Hunter: Molly, what is it? Molly: (trembling) He has a wooden leg! Silver: Aye, and I'm glad that I do. If not, I would be walking around on me hands. Trelawney: Long John Silver, I would like to introduce you to our cabin helpers—Molly, Joshua, Alex, Sam, and Jim Hawkins. Silver: Not THE Jim Hawkins, the one who got this voyage started? (Jim nods) Why, I

thought you were…I don't mean to offend but…a lot…older! …By the looks of you I would guess you to be about sixteen.

Jim: (laughing) I'm only thirteen.

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Silver: Well, I'm glad to meet you and your mates no matter how old you be. (turns to Smollett) Captain Smollett, I was just looking for you. Smollett: What do you need, Long John? Silver: I just wanted to tell you that the food and drinks are aboard and stowed. Smollett: Good! We're about ready to sail. Joshua: When do we eat? I'm starving! Silver: Well, Joshua, mess won't be ready for a couple of hours, but if you need a little

snippet to work off the hunger pangs, then there be three large barrels full of apples down in the galley.

Joshua: Apples? Why apples? Silver: I was once a cook on a ship where we had no fruit. Halfway through the voyage all the crew got sick. So sick, that we thought everyone was going to die. Sam: It sounds awful. Silver: Let me tell you, it was awful. It wasn't until we got in port that a doctor informed us that we all had scurvy. Jim: What did the doctor tell you to do? Silver: He told us to eat fruit. And since that voyage, I've always made sure we've had lots of apples to eat. Jim: Why apples? Why not bananas? Silver: You've heard the saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away? Let me tell you from experience, it's true. (Track 12) Song #4 An Apple a Day Listen closely to my advice If you want to keep feeling nice, Pay attention to what I say, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Aye, aye, aye! Sing with me. Sing this little melody I, I, I want to say, “Eat an apple every day.” In the islands they know a trick That will keep you from getting sick. Eat an apple or maybe two.

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The doctor will not come a visiting you. Aye, aye, aye! Sing with me. Sing this little melody I, I, I want to say, “Eat an apple every day.” Sing along now! Aye, aye, sing with me, Aye, aye, aye, sing with me Sing this little melody Sing this little melody I, I want to say, I, I, I want to say “Eat an apple every day.” “Eat an apple every day.” Track 13—Transition Music Smollet: If everything is loaded, we best be setting sail. Jim: Captain? Smollett: Yes, Jim? Jim: What should we do with our bags? Silver: Well, shiver me timbers. There’s plenty of room for all of you to bunk in the galley. Trelawney: I was planning on having them stay in the cabin next to mine. Silver: Nonsense, Squire Trelawney. I have plenty of room. Plus, I could use the extra hands with the cookin’ and the cleanin’. Joshua: That sounds great to me! Silver: Then it’s all settled. Come along, mates. Let’s get you settled so that you can be back up on deck before we sail. (Jim, Joshua, Molly, Alex, Sam, and Silver exit.) Smollett: Something bothers me about Long John Silver. Trelawney: I don’t know what you mean. Everyone I talked to said there was no better cook than he. Smollett: That may be, but I’m keeping my eye on him. Livesey: I agree with you, Captain Smollett. Every time I’m near him, I get the feeling that he is up to no good. Hunter: He does give off a strange vibe.

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Trelawney: If it wasn’t for Long John, I would never have been able to get the crew together so fast. Smollett: That’s another thing that bothers me. It seems to me that our whole crew is nothing more than a gang of pirates. Livesey and Hunter: Pirates? Smollett: Yes, pirates! And I will not rest until this voyage is over. (Enter Jim, Molly, Joshua, Alex, Sam and the pirate crew) Abraham: Captain Smollett? Smollett: Yes, Abraham? Abraham: All’s aboard that’s coming aboard. We’re ready to sail. Hands: If we’re ready to sail, I’ll go take my position. Smollett: Thanks, you two. Now, sound the call and let’s be on our way. Abraham: Aye,aye, Captain. (Track 14) Song #5—Sailing Away Sailing away, we’re heading out today. So set the sail and say farewell, we’re sailing away. The wind is up, the sail is set, We’ve got an able crew. We’re heading for adventure across the ocean blue. There’s lots of things we want to see, So anchors away. The open sea is calling us! We’re sailing away! Sailing away, we’re heading out today. So set the sail and say farewell, we’re sailing away. Now everybody come aboard, we’re heading out to sea. There’s nothing here to keep us, We’ll live a life that’s free. So raise the sail and chart the course, We’ll leave without delay. The open sea is calling us! We’re sailing away! Sailing away, we’re heading out today. So set the sail and say farewell, We’re sail….ing away! Yo-ho!

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Track 15—Transition Trelawney: I don’t know what you’re so nervous about, Captain Smollett. We sailed out of port without a hitch four weeks ago. Smollett: Have you ever been to sea, Squire Trelawney? Trelawney: No, can’t say that I have. Smollett: Being out to sea can sometimes change a person. Hunter: It’s true! Livesey: How’s that? Smollett: I’ve seen many a man become mad after being at sea for only a few days. Trelawney: I don’t think that’s going to happen on the voyage. Besides, no one knows the reason for this voyage. Smollett: Pirates might not know where we’re headed or why, but they do know when

something’s amiss. I’ll bet my last guinea that they already know where we’re headed.

Livesey: Captain Smollett, you’re making me a little nervous. Hunter: Me too… Smollett: Well, you should be. (A knock is heard at the door.) Sound team knocks 3 times Smollett: Who is it? Silver: Long John Silver and the young lad, Jim Hawkins! Smollett: Enter! (Long John Silver and Jim enter carrying food.) Silver: ‘Evening, Captain. I’ve brought your dinner to celebrate the voyage. Smollett: Thank you, Silver. (As Silver starts to serve food, Captain spies a sword

hidden in Silver’s cummerbund.) Did I not tell you that there would be no weapons allowed on board?

Silver: Well, shiver me timbers. Aye, mate! You did. I collected everyone’s arms and

placed them in the strong hold next to the brig just like you said and then plum

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forgot about me own sword. Smollett: You will put your weapon with the others, immediately. Silver: Aye, aye, Captain. (Starts to leave) Now, before I go, is there anything else that you might need? Smollett: Not at this time. Thanks! You are dismissed. (Silver bows and exits. Jim follows.) Trelawney: (to Smollett) I would have thought you would have wanted Long John to keep his weapon so that he could guard the food. Smollett: Rules were made for everyone. With a pirate crew, I trust no one. Track 16—Transition Props Directors give Jim his map (Smollet’s Crew exits and sits backstage. Enter Long John and Jim from stage right.) Silver: I can’t fathom why the captain is so fired up about me and my weapon. Jim: He’s probably just taking precautions. Silver: Precautions? Jim: (shrugs) You know, making sure everyone is safe. Silver: Safe from what? Jim, is there something I should know about? Jim: (pretending) I don’t know what you’re talking about… Silver: Word among the crew is that we’re looking for buried treasure. Jim: I don’t know anything ‘bout a treasure. All I know is…(puts hand over mouth) Silver: Aw, so you do know! Jim: You’ve got to promise me that you won’t tell anyone! Silver: Cross my heart and may I walk the plank if I do! Jim: (looks around) I’ve got a map. Silver: What type of map? Jim: A map to buried treasure. Silver: How do you know it’s buried treasure?

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Jim: Captain Billy Bones told me so. Silver: Captain Bones? Did you say Billy Bones? Jim: Yes, do you know him? Silver: Yes, Er..I mean… NO! No, never heard of him. Jim: (looking skeptical) Are you sure? Silver: Positive! If I’m lying, may I be struck with lightning. (Both look up. When nothing happens, Silver mouths “Thank you.”) Jim: As Billy was dying, he handed me Captain Flint’s map. Silver: (excited) Are you sure it’s really Flint’s map? Jim: That’s what Billy said. Silver: Go on with the story! This is interesting. Jim: Anyway, after I got Flint’s map, I showed it to Squire Trelawney and here we are today. Silver: Do you still have this map? Jim: (hesitating) Er…yes…but I promised Captain Smollett that I wouldn’t tell. Silver: Jim, me boy, telling me wouldn’t really be breaking your secret. Jim: But if Captain Smollett should find out… Silver: And who’s going to tell? Not I! Jim: I guess I can trust you. (pulls out the map.) Here it is. Silver: (pushes it back into Jim’s shirt) And this is where it should stay. Now, you go

back to the Captain’s cabin and gather the dishes while I go down and cook us a great big dinner. You’re hungry, aren’t you?

Jim: Oh, yes! Silver: Good, now get going. (Jim runs off and O’Brien and Alan walk over from stage left) Track 17—Transition Silver: Where have you two goons been? O’Brien: Me and Alan have been perfect shipmates.

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Alan: Yeah! O’Brien and me have been watching those kids Molly and Dummy, and … Silver: That’s Joshua! Alan: Whatever! Silver: (grabs Alan by the collar) Get it right! Alan: All right already! You don’t have to be so rough! Silver: It’s just that we’ve come so far, we can’t afford to make mistakes. Alan: Like I was saying, we’ve been keeping a close eye on those kids the whole time we’ve been to sea. Silver: And? O’Brien: And what? We have nothing to report. Silver: (looking sneakily) You might not have anything to report, but I do! Alan: What? O’Brien: Tell us! Silver: Not here! Meet me down in the galley in twenty minutes. Make sure no one follows you. O’Brien: We’ll be there. Track 18—Transition Props Directors move 5 barrels to the stage. (They will be on the floor in front of the stage.) (Molly, Joshua, Sam, and Alex enter stage.) Joshua: I’m starving! Molly: Have an apple. Joshua: Don’t mind if I do. (walks over to one barrel and looks in) Hey we’re almost out of apples. Alex: Look in one of the other barrels. Joshua: (looks in other barrels) They’re almost empty too. (tries to reach an apple) I can’t reach one. Help me out! Sam: Sometimes you can be such a baby. (She helps Joshua crawl into a barrel.) Joshua: Help me out of here!

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Molly: Shhh…I hear someone coming. (Jim enters) Jim, you nearly scared us to death. Jim: Us? Where’s Joshua? Joshua: (heard from within barrel) I’m in here! Jim: (looks into barrel) What are you doing in there? Joshua: Getting an apple. Jim: Well, get out of there before someone comes. Joshua: I can’t! Jim: Molly, help me get Joshua out of here. Molly: (huffy) Oh, all right! Jim: Joshua, reach up with you arms and….shhh….what’s that sound? Alex: Someone’s coming! Jim: It’s just Long John.

Props Directors give O’Brien and Alan the handheld microphone . O’Brien: (Heard off stage) Alan, watch your step! Alan: I can’t see where I’m going…Ow! O’Brien: I SAID WATCH YOUR STEP! You just walked on my foot. Alan: Did you have to hit me? O’Brien: YES! Now be quiet! We don’t want anyone hearing us. Jim: Quick, guys, get in those barrels. (Jim gets into a barrel too.) (Enter O’Brien and Alan.) O’Brien: Something must be up. Alan: Do you think Long John has figured out who has the map? O’Brien: That, or something even bigger. (pauses) Shhh…did you hear something? Alan: (listening) What am I listening for. O’Brien: It sounded like there was someone in this room.

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Alan: It’s probably your imagination. (looks around) I didn’t hear anything. O’Brien: (listening) I heard something. Alan: There’s nobody here. (Silver enters.) So, Long John, what exciting news do you have to tell us? Silver: Our suspicions are correct. We’re sailing for buried treasure. O’Brien: We’re off to get Flint’s Treasure? Silver: Bull’s eye! Alan: I’m going to be rich! O’Brien: I’m going to be rich! Silver: We’re going to be rich! Rich! Rich! (Track 18) Song #6 Rich! Rich! Rich! I’m really not very greedy, a few million dollars will do. I’ll give a few to the needy, and spend the rest on me and you. ‘Cause we’re rich, rich, rich! Never have a care! We have everything! Yes, we’re rich, rich, rich! Rich beyond compare! Richer than a king! Now that we have all this money, money that we didn’t earn. Doesn’t it seem kind of funny, that now we have enough to burn? ‘Cause we’re rich, rich, rich! Never have a care! We have everything! Yes, we’re rich, rich, rich! Rich beyond compare! Richer than a king! Where will we keep all our riches? There’s not even one bank in town. We’ll sew more pockets on our britches, And hope that they will not fall down. ‘Cause we’re rich, rich, rich! Never have a care! We have everything! Yes, we’re rich, rich, rich! Rich beyond compare! Richer than a king! Yes, we’re rich, rich, rich, never have a care! We have everything! Yes, we’re rich, rich, rich Rich beyond compare! Richer than a king! Yes richer than a king! We’re rich! Rich! Rich!

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(Track 19—Transition Music) O’Brien: How are we going to find the treasure if we don’t have a map? Silver: Don’t worry about that. Someone on the ship has the map. Alan: And who may that person be? Silver: None other than the young lad, Jim Hawkins. Alan: Let’s go get it! (starts to leave) Silver: Not so fast! We have to have a plan. O’Brien: And I bet you have such a plan. Silver: Have I ever never had a plan? Alan: Never ever since I’ve known you. Silver: And ever and forever will I never ever not have one! O’Brien: What’s the plan? Silver: We’re going to start a mutiny! Alan: A what? O’Brien: A mutiny! Alan: What’s that? O’Brien: A mutiny is where we take over the ship! Alan: Won’t the Captain be mad? O’Brien: That’s the whole idea. We’ll put the Captain in the brig and we’ll choose a new captain. Silver: And that person will be me! Alan: I get it! You’ll become the captain and take control of the ship. We’ll get the treasure and then sail home. Silver: PRECICELY! O’Brien: There’s only one problem! Silver: And what’s that?

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O’Brien: How do you plan on getting the map from the kid? Silver: That, I haven’t thought of. But don’t worry. I’ll think of it soon. Now, let’s get

back up on deck and start talking to the others about the mutiny. (Silver and O’Brien start to exit. Alan heads for a barrel.) What are you doing, Alan?

Alan: Getting an apple. I’m hungry! O’Brien: (grabs Alan’s arm) Forget it! We have a mutiny to get started! (O’Brien, Alan and Silver exit) Joshua: Look at the trouble you got us into, Molly! Molly: I got us in? Who fell into the apple barrel and couldn’t get out? Jim: You guys can argue later. Quick, out of the barrels! We’ve got to find Captain Smollett and tell him what’s happening! Track 20—Transition Music (Curtains close, barrels move out. Jim, Molly, Joshua, Alex, and Sam run off stage and back on the other side. Captain Smollett, Livesey, Hunter, and Trelawney enter.) Jim: (out of breath) Captain Smollett! Smollett: Take a breath, Jim, and then talk. Jim: We were in the galley when… Joshua:…two guys came in… Molly:…looking for Long John Silver. Alex: They know about… Sam:…the treasure map… Jim: …and now, they are planning a All five: MUTINY! Smollett: I suspected that’s what they would do. Trelawney: What do you think we should do? Smollett: Fight fire with fire. Livesey and Hunter: And what is that? Smollett: You’ll see!

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(Hands and Abraham enter the stage.) Hands: Land ahoy! Abraham: Land ahoy! Smollett: Abraham, ring the bell and gather everyone around. I have something to say. Abraham: Aye, aye, Captain. (rings the bell) (Long John Silver enters stage.) Smollett: Long John Silver, step forward. Silver: Yes, Captain? Smollett: We are in desperate need of provisions. Lower the rowboats and take the crew ashore in search of water and food. Silver: Aye, aye, sir. Trelawney: (aside) Are you sure that is wise, Captain Smollett? Smollett: Do we have any other choice? Trelawney: I guess not. Silver: Jim, why don’t you come along with us? You’ll have the time of your life! Jim: No, I think I’ll stay here with my friends. Silver: (to O’Brien and Alan) Grab the boy and let’s go! (Track 21—Transition Music) (Lights go down as O’Brien and Alan pick up Jim and run offstage with Long John Silver following.)

Act 3

(Lights come up on island scene. Pirates enter from stage left. O’Brien and Alan carry Jim to center stage.) Jim: Put me down! I said, PUT ME DOWN! Silver: Do as the lad says. Put him down! Alan and O’Brien: Aye, aye, Captain. Silver: Welcome, Jim Hawkins, to Pirate’s Cove.

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Jim: Why did you kidnap me? Silver: Kidnap you? Why, we just brought you along. Alan: Should we tie him up, Long John, so he doesn’t escape? Silver: Where’s the boy to go? We’re on an island. (looks out to sea) And it looks like a long swim back to the ship. Jim: (standing up) You’re nothing but a band of pirates. Silver: Right you are, Jim Hawkins! And if you want to, you can join us. Jim: Join you? Silver: Why sure! Right now you see us as dirty, ugly, low life that should be taken out

to sea and made to walk the plank. But once you get to know us, you’ll see that we are friendly, helpful, and above all, we’re happy.

Jim: Happy? How can you be happy? Silver: Do you know anything about pirates? Jim: Yes, they’re disgusting scoundrels, who steal instead of work! Silver: (thinks) You’re right! We also get to do something that most people just dream about! Jim: And what’s that? Silver: We travel! That, me boy, is why we are pirates. Jim: Just because you travel? Silver: Just because we are free! (Track 22) Song #7 A Pirate Through and Through Solo 1: A pirate is a sailor man who always likes to roam. He travels all around the world and calls the sea his home. And fie on him that ridicules or tells him what to do! Now that my boy, is a pirate, a pirate through and through. All pirates: Yes, that my boy, is a pirate, a pirate through and through. Yo-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho, we’re a motley crew! Never will we settle down, we’re pirates through and through

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Solo 2: A pirate is a stylish gent that no one can deny. A necker-chief around his head and a patch up on his eye. And some of the unlucky ones have a wooden leg or two. And that my boy, is a pirate, a pirate through and through. All pirates: Yes, that my boy, is a pirate, a pirate through and through. Yo-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho, we’re a motley crew! Never will we settle down, we’re pirates through and through Singing yo-ho-ho, yo-ho-ho, we’re a motley crew! Never will we settle down, we’re pi…rates through… and… through. (Track 23—Transition Music) Silver: (to Jim) Well, Jim Hawkins, are you going to join us? Jim: Do I have a choice? Silver: (thinks a little) No! Jim: Then I guess I will. Silver: Great! Before we head off in search of the treasure, we need to borrow something from you. Jim: What do you need? Silver: Flint’s map! Jim: What happens if I don’t give it to you. (A couple of pirates step forward in a threatening manner) O’Brien: We’ll take it from you! Jim: (timid) If that’s the case, (pulls out map) here it is. Silver: (takes map) Jim, me boy, you’ll go down in history as one of the biggest-hearted pirates of all times. (to everyone) It’s time to get the treasure! (Track 24—Transition Music) (Smollett, Livesey, Hunter, Trelawney, Molly, Joshua, Alex, and Sam enter from stage right) Joshua: Look! They’ve been here!

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Molly: How can you tell? Alex: All of the footprints. Trelawney: It looks like they headed off in that direction. Smollett: It could be a little dangerous, so stay close together. Everyone ready? Let’s go! Livesey: Can’t we rest just a little bit? Hunter: Yes, please. My legs are starting to hurt. Smollett: All right! But only for a few minutes. (They sit down and rest and are instantly surrounded by the Pigaloo Tribe.) Pigaloo 1: Oo-whay ar-ay ey-thay? Pigaloo 2: eye-ay ont-day ow-nay. Pigaloo 3: ey-thay ust-jay owed-shay up-ay! Pigaloo 4: uht-way is is-thay agic-may!? Smollett: Quick! Protect the children! Chief: Y-whay-ar-ay oo-yah ere-hay? Pigaloo 5: Es-yay. Eye-whay? Trelawney: (looking confused) What did you say? Pigaloo 6: Ere-whay id-day oo-yay ome-cay om-fray? Chief: Es-yay! Air-whay! Smollett: I can’t understand a word they are saying! Livesey: It almost sounds like they are speaking Latin. Hunter: Yes, Latin. I think that it does sound to have some similarities… Trelawney: (to Livesey) Do you speak Latin? Livesey: (rolls eyes) No one speaks Latin. Smollett: Let me try to talk to them. (talks to Chief and uses lots of hand signs) We have

traveled a long way on a ship and now we are looking for some very bad pirates. Have you seen them?

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Chief: (to other Piagloos) Is-thay eye-gay is azy-cray! Pigaloo 7: Es-yay, es-yay. Pigaloo 8: Or-yay ight-ray! Joshua: (standing up to Chief) He is not! He’s the Captain of the ship! Pigaloo 9: (to Joshua) An-cay oo-yay understand us-ay? Joshua: Yes I can! Hunter: How did you learn this language? Joshua: We speak it in school so the teachers can’t understand us. Smollett: Ask them who they are. Joshua: Oo-whay are-ay oo-yay? Chief: Ee-way are-ay ugh-that Igaloo-Pays! All Pigaloos: Igaloo-Pays! Igaloo Pays! Joshua: They are the Pigaloos. Smollett: Who is your leader? Joshua: Oo-whay is-ay or-yay eader-lay? Chief: I-ay is-ay ugh-thay eiff-chay. Pigaloo 10: I-ay is-ay econd-say ommand-cay! Joshua: This is the Chief! And his second-in-command. Smollett: Ask him if he knows a man named Ben Gunn. Joshua: Oo-day oo-yay… Gunn: (steps forward) I be Ben Gunn. Trelawney: You speak English? Gunn: Of course I speak English. Smollett: I am Captain Smollett and we are here in search of Flint’s treasure. But first we must locate a boy named Jim Hawkins who was kidnapped by the pirates that were on our ship.

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Gunn: Who is the leader of the pirates? Molly: Long John Silver! Gunn: Silver, huh? Molly: Do you know him? Gunn: Know him? He’s the one that convinced Captain Flint to leave me behind on this island to protect the treasure. Joshua: Have you been by yourself the whole time? Gunn: I was until I met the Pigaloo Tribe. Livesey: How long have you been here? Gunn: I don’t know. But it’s been a really long time. Smollett: Can you help us find Jim? Gunn: Let me talk to the Chief. (to chief) Ey-thay eed-nay our-ay elp-ay! Pigaloo 11: Ur-say. Eel-way elp-hay. Chief: Ut-bay irst-fay e-way ay-pray o-tay ugh-thay ods-gay. Trelawney: Joshua, what did he say? Joshua: They have to prepare for battle. (Track 25) Song #8—We Are the Pigaloo Tribe We are the Pigaloo, Pigaloo tribe, We are the Pigaloo tribe. We are the Pigaloo, Pigaloo tribe, We are the Pigaloo tribe. Gather round, all my friends, join with us tonight. Sing a loud battle song, get ready for the fight. We are the Pigaloo, Pigaloo tribe, We are the Pigaloo tribe. We are the Pigaloo, Pigaloo tribe, We are the Pigaloo tribe. Enemies, run away. You don’t have a prayer. We are proud Pigaloos, so pirates now beware.

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We are the Pigaloo, Pigaloo tribe, We are the Pigaloo tribe. We are the Pigaloo, Pigaloo tribe, We are the Pigaloo tribe. We are the Pigaloo tribe…..We are the Pigaloo tribe. BOO! (Track 26 Transition) Pigaloo 12: ugh-thay adition-tray is omplete-cay! Pigaloo 13: et-lay me at em-thay! Pigaloo 14: Ee-way are-ay eddy-ray! Gunn: We are ready. Smollett: Show us the way! (They all exit left. Pirates come on stage.) O’Brien: Long John, we seem to be going in circles. Alan: You’re right, O’Brien. Look, here are our footprints that we made earlier. Silver: Those aren’t our footprints. Alan: How can you tell? Silver: We’re wearing shoes and those are FOOTPRINTS! Alan: Oh! (quietly) I knew that! Silver: (takes out map) This is the place! O’Brien: Are you sure? Silver: I’d bet my last guinea that it is! (Track 27 Transition—Singing Pirate Through and Through) Jim: They hit something! It sounded like a box! Silver: Well, dig it up. (the trunk is brought out) Open it! (The lid is opened and all peer in and then jump back looking scared.) Alan: (scared) It’s not there! Silver: What’s not there?

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Alan: The treasure, it’s GONE! Silver: (pushing everyone aside) Let me see. (He reaches into a box and pulls out a skeleton. Jim starts laughing.) What are you laughing about? Jim: You! You march us all over this island in search of Flint’s treasure. And what do we find? Nothing but a skeleton in a wooden chest. (laughs) Pirate 11: Hey, Long John, the kid’s right! Pirate 12: Where is the treasure? Pirate 13: Yeah, where did you hide it? Silver: The only treasure I know of was buried right here. Pirate 14: (to other pirates) Something smells a little fishy to me! Pirate 15: I bet ol’ Silver has the loot hidden somewhere else and he’s going to get it later. Silver: Now, why would I do something like that? Pirate 12: You tell us! Silver: I don’t know where it’s at. ALL Pirates: (Ad lib simultaneously) Yeah, sure… We believe you… etc… (Pirate 1 and 2 approach Long John.) Silver: Don’t come any closer or you’ll regret it. I told ye the truth! This is where it was buried and now I don’t know where it be! Pirate 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: Get him! (Track 28 Transition) NEW—The Pirates are scared and leave after pushing Long John at the Pigaloos. Long John is pinned down by Chief and Pigaloos Gunn: So we meet again, eh, Long John Silver? Silver: I should have known it was you, Ben Gunn. Smollett: You are under arrest, Long John. Silver: Tell me one thing, Gunn. Gunn: What is it?

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Silver: What did you do with all the gold? Gunn: I dug it up after you left and traded it with the Pigaloos. Smollett: Up on your feet, Long John. It’s going to be a long walk back to the ship. Silver: What are you going to do with me? Smollett: I’m going to take you back home and let the courts decide your fate. Silver: Ye can’t do that! They’ll put me away! Smollett: You should have thought about that before now. (to Abraham and Hands) Abraham and Mr. Hands, take Long John back to the ship and put him in the brig. Abraham and Hands: (both salute) Aye, aye, Captain. (exit with Long John) Jim: Squire Trelawney, what’s going to happen to Long John Silver and his pirates? Trelawney: They’ll be taken before a magistrate and tried for their crimes. Joshua: Will he walk the plank? Sam: They don’t do that sort of thing when you are on land. Sometimes you can be so dense! Joshua: DENSE! Why you… Jim: STOP! Why are you arguing about something so stupid?! Sam: Are you saying that I’m stupid? Jim: No… Joshua: Then you’re saying that I’m stupid? Jim: Neither! What I’m trying to say is… Sam: (acts snooty) Never mind, we understand PERFECTLY what you are trying to say. Joshua: Yes, we understand PERFECTLY. (Abraham and Mr. Hands return with clothes in disarray.) Mr. Hands: (out of breath) Captain Smollett! Abraham: (out of breath) Captain Smollett! Smollett: What is it Mr. Hands? What is it Abraham?

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Abraham and Hands: The prisoner got away! Trelawney: Long John escaped? But how? Abraham: We were walking him back… Hands: And before we knew what was happening… Abraham: He hit me over the head. Hands: And he tripped me. I fell down and then blacked out for a minute. Livesey: Let me take a look! (She examines Abraham’s head and says to all…) He looks fine. Just a small bump on the head. Nurse Hunter? Hunter: Yes. Looks fine to me too. Jim: Did you see where he went, Abraham? Abraham: The last time I saw him he was headed for the ocean. Smollett: (looking through a telescope) Just as I thought. Trelawney: What is it? Smollett: Here, look. Trelawney: He’s getting away in one of the rowboats! Smollett: I doubt it! It’s a long way home if he plans to paddle. Gunn: (to everyone) Do you want to see where I hid the treasure? Jim: You still have some of it left? Gunn: Some of it? I have all of it! (gets trunk) I kind of lied when I told Long John that I traded it with the Pigaloos. Molly: Wow! Alex: Gold! We’re gonna be rich! Jim: But this is not our gold. It belongs to Ben Gunn. Gunn: Nonsense! If it wasn’t for all of you, I would never have gotten off this island. No, this gold is for everyone! Joshua: Hooray!

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Sam: Jim, what are you going to do with your share? Jim: I’ll give some to my mother and the rest I’ll use to travel the world. Joshua: And where will you go? Jim: I’ll be looking for my next Treasure Island! (Track 29) Reprise: Pieces of Eight


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