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Transtibial Versus Anteromedial Portal Reaming in AnteriorCruciate Ligament Reconstruction: An Anatomic and

Biomechanical Evaluation of Surgical Technique

Asheesh Bedi, M.D., Volker Musahl, M.D., Volker Steuber, M.D., Daniel Kendoff, M.D.,Dan Choi, B.S.E., Answorth A. Allen, M.D., Andrew D. Pearle, M.D.,

and David W. Altchek, M.D.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to objectively evaluate the anatomic and biomechanical outcomes ofanterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with transtibial versus anteromedial portal drilling of thefemoral tunnel. Methods: Ten human cadaveric knees (5 matched pairs) without ligament injury or pre-existingarthritis underwent ACL reconstruction by either a transtibial or anteromedial portal technique. A medialarthrotomy was created in all cases before reconstruction to determine the center of the native ACL tibial andfemoral footprints. A 10-mm tibial tunnel directed toward the center of the tibial footprint was prepared in anidentical fashion, starting at the anterior border of the medial collateral ligament in all cases. For transtibialfemoral socket preparation (n � 5), a guidewire was placed as close to the center of the femoral footprint aspossible. With anteromedial portal reconstruction (n � 5), the guidewire was positioned centrally in the femoralfootprint and the tunnel drilled through the medial portal in hyperflexion. An identical graft was fixed andtensioned, and knee stability was assessed with the following standardized examinations: (1) anterior drawer,(2) Lachman, (3) maximal internal rotation at 30°, (4) manual pivot shift, and (5) instrumented pivot shift.Distance from the femoral guidewire to the center of the femoral footprint and dimensions of the tibial tunnelintra-articular aperture were measured for all specimens. Statistical analysis was completed with a repeated-measures analysis of variance and Tukey multiple comparisons test with P � .05 defined as significant.Results: The anteromedial portal ACL reconstruction controlled tibial translation significantly more than thetranstibial reconstruction with anterior drawer, Lachman, and pivot-shift examinations of knee stability (P �.05). Anteromedial portal ACL reconstruction restored the Lachman and anterior drawer examinations to thoseof the intact condition and constrained translation with the manual and instrumented pivot-shift examinationsmore than the native ACL (P � .05). Despite optimal guidewire positioning, the transtibial technique resultedin a mean position 1.94 mm anterior and 3.26 mm superior to the center of the femoral footprint. The guidewirewas positioned at the center of the femoral footprint through the anteromedial portal in all cases. The tibialtunnel intra-articular aperture was 38% larger in the anteroposterior dimension with the transtibial versusanteromedial portal technique (mean, 14.9 mm v 10.8 mm; P � .05). Conclusions: The anteromedial portaldrilling technique allows for accurate positioning of the femoral socket in the center of the native footprint,resulting in secondary improvement in time-zero control of tibial translation with Lachman and pivot-shifttesting compared with conventional transtibial ACL reconstruction. This technique respects the native ACLanatomy but cannot restore it with a single-bundle ACL reconstruction. Eccentric, posterolateral positioning ofthe guidewire in the tibial tunnel with the transtibial technique results in iatrogenic re-reaming of the tibial tunneland significant intra-articular aperture expansion. Clinical Relevance: Anteromedial portal drilling of thefemoral socket may allow for improved restoration of anatomy and stability with ACL reconstruction comparedwith conventional transtibial drilling techniques.

From the Sports Medicine & Shoulder Service (A.B., V.M., A.A.A., A.D.P., D.W.K.), Computer Assisted Surgery Laboratory (V.S., D.K.),and Laboratory of Biomechanics (D.C.), Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, New York, U.S.A.

Supported by the Institute for Sports Medicine Research at the Hospital for Special Surgery. The authors report no conflict of interest.Received June 13, 2009; accepted July 23, 2010.Address correspondence and reprint requests to Asheesh Bedi, M.D., Sports Medicine & Shoulder Service, Hospital for Special Surgery,

535 E 70th St, New York, NY 10021, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]© 2011 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America


380 Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 27, No 3 (March), 2011: pp 380-390

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The need for anatomic anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) reconstruction to restore normal kine-

atics and postoperative function of the knee haseen increasingly recognized.1-5 Although transla-ional stability can be achieved with isometric fem-ral positioning and a vertical graft orientation,otational instability and a positive pivot shift mayersist postoperatively.3,6 Biomechanical studiesave shown improved knee kinematics and stabilityith restoration of the native ligament orientation,rigin, and insertion.2,3,5-11 The surgical techniquey which to prepare tibial and femoral sockets thatespect the native ACL anatomy, however, remainsontroversial. Whereas some authors have recom-ended preparation of the femoral tunnel using a

ranstibial technique, others have advocated for in-ependent femoral tunnel drilling through an an-eromedial arthroscopic portal.

Technical modifications to the transtibial techniqueave been described in an effort to improve femoralunnel obliquity and restoration of the native femoralCL footprint. Howell et al.12 recommended creating

a tibial tunnel at a coronal angle of 65° to 70° toachieve sufficient femoral tunnel obliquity. Chhabra etal.13 provided guidelines for using external landmarksto achieve sufficient tibial and femoral tunnel obliq-uity, and they reported that a tibial starting point at themidpoint between the tibial tubercle and posterome-dial corner achieved a coronal angle of approximately70°. Despite these technical modifications, however,concerns have been raised about the ability to capturethe femoral ACL footprint with a transtibial tech-nique. In a recent radiographic review, Dargel et al.14

reported suboptimal femoral tunnel position using atranstibial technique with trajectory toward the roof ofthe notch and anterior to the native footprint becauseof constraints from the tibial tunnel orientation. Bro-phy et al.1 and Pearle et al.9 reported that the tradi-ional arthroscopic transtibial technique predisposesatients to a “mismatch” graft position from the pos-erolateral tibial footprint to the anteromedial femoralootprint. Furthermore, Heming et al.15 found that a

transtibial technique could produce tunnels centered inboth the tibial and femoral footprints only if a startingpoint prohibitively close to the joint line with a cor-respondingly short tibial tunnel were used.

In light of these concerns, some surgeons haveadvocated independent drilling of the femoral tunnelfor ACL reconstruction. O’Donnell and Scerpella16

first described a modified technique of reamingthrough a medial parapatellar portal, and Bottoni17

and Harner et al.18 have subsequently advocated use of t

the medial arthroscopic portal with the knee placed inhyperflexion. Preliminary radiographic and laboratorystudies have reported favorable femoral tunnel place-ment by use of this technique. However, the potentialadvantages of this technique over transtibial recon-struction remain undefined.16,19 The purpose of thisstudy was to objectively evaluate the anatomic andbiomechanical outcomes of ACL reconstruction withtranstibial versus anteromedial portal drilling of thefemoral tunnel. The hypothesis was that anteromedialportal reaming of the femoral socket would betterrestore native ligament anatomy and time-zero para-meters of knee stability compared with a transtibialtechnique for ACL reconstruction.


This study was approved by our institutional reviewboard. Ten human cadaveric knees (5 matched-pairtorsos transected above the pelvis; mean age, 64 years;range, 44 to 73 years) without ligament injury orpre-existing arthritis were allocated for ACL recon-struction by either a transtibial (n � 5) or anterome-dial portal (n � 5) technique. The Praxim ACL Sur-getics Navigation System (Praxim Medivision, LaTronche, France) was used for kinematic data acqui-sition. This “imageless” bone-morphing technologygenerates a 3-dimensional image of the patient’s bonyanatomy by acquiring points directly on the bonesurface and then forming a statistical model to fit thesepoints. Each knee was bench mounted in the dedicatedcomputer navigation surgery laboratory at the studyinstitution and positioned to allow a free flexion cyclefrom 0° to 130°. Steinmann pins were then placed inthe distal femur and proximal tibia 10 cm from thejoint line and mounted with reflective markers toprovide fixed frame-of-reference points for the study.Surface landmarks were recorded, intra-articular ge-ometry was mapped, and the 3-dimensional modelwas created. The knee was cycled through flexion-extension cycles, and kinematics were recorded.Pearle et al.20 have validated this model as a reliableool to quantify knee stability by comparison to aobotic/universal force-moment sensor (UFS) testingystem. Coupled knee motions were determined by aobotic/UFS testing system and by an image-free nav-gation system in 6 cadaveric knees that were sub-ected to various tests of knee stability. The overallntraclass correlation coefficient between data fromhe surgical navigation system and the robotic posi-

ional sensor for all tests was 0.9976.20
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With the native ACL intact, a navigated manual andinstrumented stability examination was performed foreach knee. The navigation system allowed for real-time control of the flexion angle during examination.After the level of the joint line was determined withfluoroscopy, a hook was screwed into the anteriorcrest of the proximal part of the tibia 8 cm distal to thejoint line. The hook was used to apply an anteriorlydirected force to the proximal part of the tibia by useof the technique for reproducible application of loaddescribed by Van Damme et al.21 For the Lachmanand anterior drawer examinations, the knee was flexedto 30° and 90°, respectively. A 68-N force was appliedwith a spring scale attached to a 6.5-mm screw in theanterior tibia for these tests. A maximum manualinternal rotation force was applied to the knee flexedto 30°. A manual pivot-shift examination, as describedby Noulis22 and modified by Noyes et al.,23 was per-formed for each specimen. An instrumented pivot-shift examination was performed by use of a contin-uous passive motion (CPM) machine that was securedto the operating room table in a 45° angle posted on awedge (Fig 1). A custom-made foot holder was at-tached to allow for application of an internal rotationmoment at the knee. Thigh supports were removedsuch that the tibia was fixed in its position in the footholder and the femur was completely free of con-straint. This allowed the femur to reproducibly sub-luxate posteriorly off the moving tibia (or converselystated, the tibia subluxated anteriorly from the femur).Valgus moment was achieved by the 45° position ofthe CPM machine with respect to the supine positionand a Velcro strap firmly secured across the proximaltibia. The motorized CPM machine then moved theknee through a range of motion, from full extension to90° of knee flexion. The navigation system was usedto record the kinematics during each of these maneu-vers. Each maneuver was repeated 3 times for repro-ducibility and data analysis.

After testing of the intact condition, the anatomy ofthe ACL was defined by use of a modified approachdescribed by Colombet et al.24 A medial parapatellarrthrotomy was created in each knee before recon-truction to determine the center of the native ACLibial and femoral footprints. The ACL was sectionedt its midpoint, and with traction on the ligament, theibial and femoral footprints were carefully demar-ated with electrocautery. The medial-lateral and an-eroposterior dimensions of each footprint were mea-ured and the center defined and marked withlectrocautery (Fig 2). The sub-vastus arthrotomy was

reated such that it incorporated the anteromedial por- &

al at the inferior aspect of the incision. The arthrot-my was closed in anatomic fashion after definitionnd marking of the ACL footprints, with care beingaken to avoid imbrication or tightening of the medialetinaculum. Navigated knee stability examination ofhe ACL-deficient condition was then completed forll 5 maneuvers as described previously.

For the transtibial ACL reconstruction technique, aommercial tibial ACL guide (Acufex Director; Smith

FIGURE 1. (A) Schema and (B) photograph of instrumented pivot-hift device. The device allows the femur to reproducibly subluxateosteriorly off the moving tibia. A custom-made foot holder wasttached to allow for application of an internal rotation moment athe knee. Thigh supports were removed such that the tibia wasxed in its position in the foot holder and the femur was completelyree of constraint. Valgus moment was achieved by the 45° posi-ion of the CPM machine with respect to the supine position and aelcro strap firmly secured across the proximal tibia. The motor-

zed CPM machine then moved the knee through a range ofotion, from full extension to 90° of knee flexion. The navigation

ystem was used to record the kinematics during each of theseaneuvers.

Nephew, Andover, MA) was set at 55° to prepare a

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10-mm tunnel as described by Rue et al.25,26 Theintra-articular exit point of the guide was placed at thecenter of the outlined tibial footprint (Fig 2). A 6-cmincision was then created over the medial tibial me-taphysis and the pes anserinus retracted inferiorly todefine the tibial insertion of the medial collateral lig-ament (MCL). The external starting point was placedat the anterior border of the MCL insertional fibers inall cases to allow for oblique orientation of the guideof approximately 65°, as described by Howell et al.12

When satisfactory intra- and extra-articular startingpoints were confirmed, the guide pin was drilled andover-reamed with a 10-mm cannulated acorn reamer(Arthrex, Naples, FL). With the knee positioned in

FIGURE 2. (A) Margin and center of tibial ACL footprint aredemarcated by use of electrocautery by the technique defined byColombet et al.24 (B) Surgical technique to prepare tibial tunnel.

he commercial guide was set at 55°, with the external startingoint placed at the anterior fibers of the MCL and the internal targetlaced at the center of the tibial footprint.

approximately 90° of flexion, a guidewire was passed 1

freehand through the tibial tunnel and placed as closeto the previously marked center of the femoral foot-print as possible. Knee flexion and rotation were ad-justed to allow for the best possible approximation ofthe center of the femoral footprint with the guidewire.The distance from the guidewire tip to the center ofthe femoral footprint was measured in the anteropos-terior and proximal-distal planes with a digital caliperdevice (Tresna Instruments, Columbus, OH) beforereaming. Direct measurements were carefully per-formed directly on the specimen with a digital caliperthat has been validated to be accurate within 0.1 mm.The guidewire was subsequently advanced and over-reamed with a 6-mm drill to prepare the femoraltunnel. A 10-mm tibial tunnel was used to simulate themost clinically relevant tibial tunnel size for single-bundle ACL reconstruction with a transtibial tech-nique, as well as to simulate the typical maneuverabil-ity of the offset guide to optimize femoral positionwith the transtibial technique. After femoral tunnelreaming, the anteroposterior and medial-lateral di-mensions of the intra-articular tibial tunnel aperturewere measured with digital calipers. A 6-mm syn-thetic ligament device (LARS Ligament; Dijon,France) was passed and fixed with an extracorticalEndoButton (Smith & Nephew) on the femoral sideand with a screw-and-post construct on the tibial side.Screw-and-post tibial fixation allowed for reproduc-ible tensioning and fixation of the graft between testconditions without risk of graft damage or iatrogenictunnel expansion and has been shown to restore ante-rior laxity and construct stiffness as well as joint linefixation with an interference screw.20 A synthetic graft

as used to eliminate any confounding effect of vari-bility in graft stiffness and strength. Although con-iderable concern exists regarding their biological in-orporation, limiting their clinical use, autogenousendon grafts have shown comparable biomechanicaltrength, stiffness, and restoration of knee stability inoth time-zero and long-term biomechanical stud-es.10,21,25-30 Tibial fixation was performed after 10exion-extension cycles, a 44-N tension was applied

o each graft, and the sutures were secured by use ofscrew-post construct at the proximal medial tibialetaphysis. Navigated knee stability examination of

he transtibial ACL reconstruction was then completedor all 5 maneuvers, as described previously.

To confirm the absence of a time-zero biomechani-al effect of an undersized graft in a 10-mm tibialunnel, a pilot study was completed comparing bio-echanical stability of knees with 6-mm versus

0-mm grafts that were placed in the same tunnels and

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secured with identical tensioning and fixation tech-niques (N � 4). Results showed no statistically sig-nificant differences in the following examinations be-tween conditions, confirming the validity of theexperimental model: Lachman, anterior drawer, max-imal internal rotation at 30° of flexion, and manualand instrumented pivot shift (Fig 3).

For ACL reconstruction with an anteromedial portaltechnique, the tibial tunnel was prepared in an identi-cal fashion as described previously. A 1-cm antero-medial portal was created along the medial border ofthe patellar tendon, entering just above the anteriorhorn of the medial meniscus. A guidewire was placedat the marked center of the femoral footprint andover-reamed with a 6-mm drill with the knee in 110°of flexion.17,18 The synthetic graft was fixed and ten-sioned in an identical fashion as described previously.

FIGURE 3. Results of navigated (A) Lachman and (B) instru-ented pivot-shift examination for the following conditions: intactCL, ACL-deficient condition, ACL reconstruction with 6-mm

undersized” graft, and ACL reconstruction with 10-mm was no statistically significant difference in anterior trans-

ation with different graft size for either test condition.

Navigated knee stability examination of the anterome-

dial portal ACL reconstruction was then completed forall 5 maneuvers, as described previously.

Statistical analysis was completed with a repeated-measures analysis of variance and post hoc Tukeymultiple comparisons test to compare translational androtational differences of knee stability testing. Resultsfrom 3 repeated trials for each examination maneuverwere averaged before comparison. Significance wasset at P � .05. All statistical analyses were performed

ith the GraphPad Prism program (GraphPad Soft-are, San Diego, CA). This study was powered toetect a 3-mm difference in translation during Lach-an and anterior drawer examinations.



The navigated Lachman examination for intactnees (n � 10) showed a mean of 6.2 � 2.5 mm of

anterior translation. Mean translation was 13.2 � 2.9mm for Lachman examination of the ACL-deficientcondition (n � 10). Mean translation was 9.9 � 2.3mm and 6.3 � 1.7 mm after transtibial (n � 5) andanteromedial portal (n � 5) ACL reconstruction, re-spectively (Fig 4). There was no statistically signifi-cant difference in translation between the intact ACLand anteromedial portal ACL reconstruction (P �

FIGURE 4. Results of navigated Lachman examination for thefollowing conditions: intact ACL, ACL-deficient condition, trans-tibial ACL reconstruction, and anteromedial (AM) portal ACLreconstruction. There was no statistically significant differencebetween the intact ACL and anteromedial portal ACL reconstruc-tion (P � .05). There was a statistically significant difference intranslation between the transtibial ACL reconstruction, intact ACL,and anteromedial portal ACL reconstruction (P � .05). The trans-

tibial ACL reconstruction was not significantly different from theACL-deficient condition (P � .05).
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.05). There was a statistically significant difference intranslation between the transtibial ACL reconstructionand the intact ACL or anteromedial portal ACL re-construction (P � .05). The transtibial ACL recon-truction was not significantly different from theCL-deficient condition (P � .05).

Anterior Drawer

The navigated anterior drawer examination for in-tact knees (n � 10) showed a mean of 4.4 � 2.2 mmof anterior translation. Mean translation was 8.4 � 3.9mm for drawer examination of the ACL-deficient con-dition (n � 10). Mean translation was 6.1 � 3.6 mmand 5.2 � 2.0 mm after transtibial (n � 5) andanteromedial portal (n � 5) ACL reconstruction, re-spectively (Fig 5). There was a statistically significantdifference in translation between the anteromedialportal ACL reconstruction and the ACL-deficient con-dition (P � .05). However, there was no statisticallysignificant difference in anterior translation betweenthe anteromedial portal ACL reconstruction, trans-tibial ACL reconstruction, and intact ACL conditions(P � .05).

Internal Rotation at 30°

Maximal manual internal rotation at 30° of flexionwas 21.7° � 3.9° for the intact ACL condition (n �

FIGURE 5. Results of navigated anterior drawer examination forntact ACL, ACL-deficient, transtibial ACL reconstruction, andnteromedial (AM) portal ACL reconstruction conditions. Thereas a statistically significant difference in translation between the

nteromedial portal ACL reconstruction and the ACL-deficientondition (P � .05). However, there was no statistically significantifference between the anteromedial portal ACL reconstruction,ranstibial ACL reconstruction, and intact ACL conditions (P �05).

10). Maximal internal rotation was 23.4° � 3.6° for

the ACL-deficient condition (n � 10). Maximum in-ternal rotation was 22.3° � 4.5° and 21.3° � 4.4° aftertranstibial (n � 5) and anteromedial portal (n � 5)

CL reconstruction, respectively. There was no sta-istically significant difference between the intactCL and the ACL-deficient, transtibial, or anterome-ial portal ACL reconstructions for maximal internalotation (P � .05).

Manual Pivot Shift

The manual pivot shift, as described by Noulis22

and modified by Noyes et al.,23 is composed of trans-lational and rotational components of knee motion.29 Theintact knee showed 4.3 � 1.4 mm of mean translationand 15.6° � 4.4° of mean internal rotation. The ACL-deficient knee showed 11.5 � 2.7 mm of mean transla-tion and 19.7° � 5.6° of mean internal rotation. AfterACL reconstruction by a transtibial technique, there was9.1 � 2.7 mm of mean translation and 18.8° � 5.8° ofmean internal rotation. There was no statistically signif-icant difference between the ACL-deficient and trans-tibial ACL reconstruction conditions (P � .05). Theknee showed significantly greater translational constraintafter anteromedial portal ACL reconstruction comparedwith the native condition (P � .05), with mean transla-tion of �5.9 � 1.8 mm and 15.8° � 6.6° of meaninternal rotation (Fig 6).

FIGURE 6. Results of navigated manual and instrumented pivot-shift examinations for intact ACL, ACL-deficient, transtibial ACLreconstruction, and anteromedial (AM) portal ACL reconstructionconditions. The knee showed significantly greater translationalconstraint after anteromedial portal ACL reconstruction comparedwith the native condition (P � .05). There was no statisticallysignificant difference between the ACL-deficient and transtibial

ACL reconstruction conditions (P � .05). (MP, manual pivot; Inst,instrumented pivot.)
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386 A. BEDI ET AL.

Instrumented Pivot Shift

The knee kinematics during an instrumented pivotshift could also be subdivided into translational androtational components. The intact knee showed 3.7 � 0.6

m of mean translation and 9.7° � 4.9° of mean internalotation. The ACL-deficient knee showed significantlyreater mean translation of 6.9 � 1.6 mm (P � .01) and1.3° � 2.9° of mean internal rotation. After ACL re-

construction by a transtibial technique, there was 7.4 �2.3 mm of mean translation and 10.9° � 1.1° of meaninternal rotation. There was no statistically significantdifference between the ACL-deficient and transtibialACL reconstruction conditions (P � .05). The kneehowed significantly greater translational constraint afternteromedial portal ACL reconstruction compared withhe native condition (P � .01), with a mean translation of.8 � 0.7 mm and 8.7° � 2.5° of mean internal rotationFig 6). No significant differences in mean internal rota-ion were detected between the intact, ACL-deficient,nd both ACL reconstruction conditions (P � .05).

ibial Aperture Dimensions

The mean medial-lateral and anteroposterior dimen-ions of the tibial intra-articular aperture after tunnelreparation measured 10.6 � 0.3 mm and 14.9 � 0.8m, respectively. By use of an anteromedial portal

echnique for femoral tunnel drilling, these dimen-ions measured 10.4 � 0.2 mm and 10.8 � 0.4 mm,espectively. This 38% difference in anteroposteriorimension of the tibial aperture between reconstruc-ion techniques was statistically significant (P � .01)

(Fig 7).

Capture of Femoral ACL Footprint

By use of a transtibial technique, the femoral tunnelguidewire was positioned as close to the center of themarked femoral footprint as possible. Despite eccen-tric posterolateral positioning within the tibial tunnel,the guidewire was a mean of 1.9 � 0.5 mm anteriorand 3.3 � 1.6 mm superior to the center of the femoralfootprint and primarily directed toward the anterome-dial bundle (Fig 8). In contrast, the guidewire could beplaced at the exact femoral footprint center in all caseswhen positioned and over-reamed through the antero-medial portal (P � .05).


In this study ACL reconstruction with anteromedial

portal reaming of the femoral socket better restored

FIGURE 7. (A) The transtibial guidewire is positioned eccentricallyposterior and lateral in the tibial tunnel to achieve a position near the ACLfemoral footprint. The arrows show the relative posterior and lateraleccentric positioning of the guidewire in the tibial tunnel to improvepositioning within the femoral footprint. (B) Because the guidewire isover-drilled, the eccentric position results in iatrogenic re-reaming of thetibial metaphyseal bone with significant secondary tunnel expansion. Thecircle demonstrates the eccentric reaming and iatrogenic, posterolateralexpansion of the tibial aperture. (C) The tibial aperture was 38% greater

in the anteroposterior dimension in the transtibial versus anteromedialportal ACL reconstruction groups (P � .05).
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native ligament anatomy and time-zero measures ofknee stability compared with a transtibial technique.The center of the native femoral ACL footprint couldnot be captured by use of a transtibial technique inwhich the tibial tunnel was anatomically restricted tocapture the center of the ACL footprint.15,31 Despitemaximal eccentric positioning posteriorly and later-ally in the tibial tunnel, the guidewire was alwaysanterior and superior to the center of the femoralfootprint and directed more toward the anteromedialbundle. In contrast, the anteromedial portal techniqueallowed guidewire positioning at the center of thefemoral footprint in all cases. Whereas the magnitudeof distance between the guidewire and footprint centerwas small (approximately 2 to 3 mm), this differencewas sufficient to result in significantly inferior time-zero control of tibial translation with Lachman andpivot-shift testing compared with the anteromedialportal technique.

The biomechanical superiority of anatomic femoraltunnel positioning has been well-established in bothlaboratory and clinical studies.5,6,9-11,20,21,29,30,32 Im-roving surgical techniques to recapitulate the ana-omic footprints of the native ACL and restore normalnee kinematics has therefore become a significantocus in ACL reconstructive surgery. No consensusxists, however, on which surgical technique is opti-al to reliably achieve these goals. Whereas some

uthors have recommended preparation of the femoralunnel using a modified transtibial technique, othersave advocated for independent femoral tunnel dril-

FIGURE 8. Despite optimal positioning, the transtibial guidewireould not achieve an anatomic position at the center of the femoralootprint and was more eccentrically biased toward an isolatednteromedial (AM) bundle reconstruction.

ing through an anteromedial arthroscopic portal. p

Modifications of the conventional transtibial tech-ique have been described in an effort to improveemoral tunnel obliquity and restore the native femoralCL footprint.12,13 Despite these technical modifica-

tions, however, significant concerns exist regardingthe ability to restore ACL anatomy through a trans-tibial technique. Dargel et al.14 recently reported sub-ptimal femoral tunnel radiographic position using aranstibial technique with tunnels located in an ante-ior and vertical position relative to the native foot-rint. Giron et al.31 reported on the technical impos-

sibility of restoring both the anatomic tibial andfemoral origins of the ACL using a transtibial tech-nique despite any modifications. Prior work in ourlaboratory1,20 and by Purnell et al.27 has shown theraditional arthroscopic transtibial technique to predis-ose patients to a mismatch graft position from theosterolateral tibial footprint to the anteromedial fem-ral footprint. Furthermore, Heming et al.15 recently

reported that a transtibial technique could capture thenative tibial and femoral footprints only if a tibialstarting point prohibitively close to the joint line wereused. In light of these concerns, some surgeons haveadvocated independent drilling of the femoral tunnelthrough the medial arthroscopic portal, with the kneeplaced in hyperflexion.17,18 Preliminary radiographicnd laboratory studies have reported favorable femo-al tunnel position using this technique.14,33

This study presents several important differences inthe time-zero anatomic and biomechanical outcomesof ACL reconstruction by use of a transtibial versusanteromedial portal technique. In concordance withHeming et al.15 and other authors,31 we have shown annability to capture the center of the native femoralCL footprint using a transtibial technique in which

he tibial tunnel was anatomically restricted to capturehe center of the ACL tibial footprint. Although theagnitude of distance between the guidewire and

ootprint center was small (approximately 2 to 3 mm),his difference was sufficient to result in significantlynferior biomechanical outcomes with standardizedime-zero Lachman and pivot-shift testing comparedith the anteromedial portal technique. Multiple bio-echanical studies have corroborated these findings,

howing that subtle differences in femoral socket posi-ion can significantly alter graft isometry and knee sta-ility postoperatively.1,4,6-8,34-38 Our results also sup-ort the contention that surgeons who achieve annatomic tunnel position on the femoral side using aranstibial technique compromise the location of theibial tunnel more posteriorly in the ACL foot-

rint.1,9,27 This change results in a mismatch graft
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position that confers inferior stability to the kneecompared with an anatomic reconstruction.

Analysis of the tibial tunnel intra-articular apertureshows additional important considerations. A 38%greater anteroposterior dimension of the tibial aperturewas seen in the transtibial versus anteromedial portalgroup (P � .05). We attribute this difference to theeccentric posterior and lateral positioning of theguidewire within the tibial tunnel that is required tooptimize its trajectory toward the femoral footprint.As this guidewire is over-drilled, the eccentric posi-tion results in iatrogenic re-reaming of the tibialmetaphyseal bone with significant secondary tunnelexpansion (Fig 7). It should be noted that our studyused only a 6-mm drill for the femoral tunnel be-cause of limitations in available sizes of the syn-thetic graft. A 10-mm reamer or larger is typicallyused for ACL reconstruction and would result inconsiderably greater tunnel expansion. Further-more, the 10-mm tibial tunnel prepared in this studyprovided substantial ability to maneuver and opti-mally position an offset guide and/or femoral guidepin with a transtibial technique. A smaller tibial tunnelwould further constrain the pin and likely exaggeratethe nonanatomic femoral position as well as iatrogenic re-reaming of the tibial tunnel observed in this study. Webelieve that this time-zero technical issue is a contrib-uting cause for the delayed tunnel expansion that hasbeen vastly reported after transtibial ACL reconstruc-tion.30,39 Our findings are further corroborated by re-cent work by Miller et al.,40 who reported significantlyncreased tibial aperture size and shape after trans-ibial femoral drilling with a medial tibial startingoint based on computed tomography analysis. Kopft al.41 further confirmed these findings, reporting thatrill-bit diameter, sagittal drill angle, and transverserill angle could all affect tibial aperture size andrientation in potentially adverse ways during ACLeconstruction.

The biomechanical outcomes after ACL reconstruc-ion with an anteromedial portal technique were supe-ior to the transtibial ACL reconstruction. The antero-edial portal ACL reconstruction restored the Lachman

xamination to that of the native ACL condition,hereas the transtibial reconstruction could not beistinguished from the ACL-deficient condition. Fur-hermore, the translational restraint conferred by thenteromedial portal ACL reconstruction during man-al and instrumented pivot-shift examination was sig-ificantly greater than both the native ACL and trans-ibial ACL reconstruction conditions. The implications

f this “overconstraint” conferred by the anteromedial v

ortal ACL reconstruction in this study have yet to beefined. In a recent study evaluating the stability ofingle- and double-bundle ACL reconstruction, Markolft al.35 concluded that overconstraint of the knee may

be detrimental by precipitating abnormal knee kine-matics and graft forces in terminal extension thatcould lead to premature failure. On the other hand,overconstraint may confer some protection to the kneeduring the vulnerable healing and rehabilitationphases after ACL reconstruction.

Interestingly, the manual rotational examination ofknee stability and the rotational component of thepivot shift did not show any significant differencesbetween the transtibial and anteromedial ACL recon-structions. This finding is somewhat surprising in lightof prior biomechanical studies that have implicated avertical graft position resulting from a transtibial tech-nique to confer anteroposterior but insufficient rota-tional stability to the knee.3,6,10,25,26 However, Dier-

ann et al.42 evaluated internal tibial rotation with aimulated pivot-shift test on a robotic testing system in

cadaveric knees, and they found no increase innternal tibial rotation in the setting of ACL defi-iency. They concluded that measures of anterior tib-al translation should be evaluated rather than internalibial rotation when using instrumented knee laxityevices under pivot-shift mechanisms. We acknowl-dge that our manual test for maximal internal rotationt 30° of knee flexion may lack the sensitivity to detecthysiologically relevant differences. However, ithould be noted that “rotational instability” from graftalpositioning has most frequently been documented

s an abnormal pivot-shift examination postopera-ively in the literature. Our findings suggest that it mayctually be the translational and not the rotationalomponent of the pivot-shift examination that is re-ponsible for these detectable differences in what haseen reported as “rotational instability.”Our study is not without limitations. Constraint of

he intra-articular position of the tibial guide to theenter of the tibial footprint was critical to our exper-mental design. However, the guide was also set to anngle of 55° and positioned with an external startingoint at the anterior fibers of the MCL. We recognizehat an alteration in the guide angle or coronal obliq-ity can alter the tibial tunnel trajectory and second-rily affect the ability to position the femoral guide-ire. However, these parameters were selected basedn guidelines in the existing literature to optimizeunnel length and obliquity using a transtibial tech-ique.12,25,26 In addition, our model is clinically rele-

ant, using a common guide angle that avoids com-
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plications related to graft-tunnel length mismatch orprohibitively short tunnels with an insufficient tendon-bone interface for healing. Furthermore, an externalstarting point at the anterior fibers of the MCL onlyimproves the coronal obliquity for transtibial guide-wire positioning and the ability to capture the femoralfootprint. We also recognize that although significantanatomic and biomechanical differences between trans-tibial and anteromedial portal ACL reconstructions areevident, the clinical significance of these findings isunclear. It is certainly possible that these differencesmay not translate into improved patient satisfaction orbetter functional outcomes. There is no question thatsuccessful outcomes after transtibial ACL reconstruc-tion have been well established in the literature.8,32

Buchner et al.32 have reported 85% nearly normal ornormal International Knee Documentation Committeescores at a mean of 6 years’ follow-up after transtibialACL reconstruction in 85 patients, with 75% showinga difference of less than 3 mm in KT-1000 measure-ments (MEDmetric, San Diego, CA) between knees.Maletis et al.8 similarly reported excellent subjectiveand objective outcomes as well as restoration of kneestability as assessed by KT-1000 arthrometer in 96patients with transtibial ACL reconstruction at 24months’ follow-up. Randomized, prospective studieswith validated functional outcome tools are necessaryto further define the clinical relevance of our findings.


The anteromedial portal drilling technique allowsfor accurate positioning of the femoral socket in thecenter of the native footprint, resulting in secondaryimprovement in time-zero control of tibial translationwith Lachman and pivot-shift testing compared withconventional transtibial ACL reconstruction. Thistechnique respects the native ACL anatomy but cannotrestore it with a single-bundle ACL reconstruction.Eccentric, posterolateral positioning of the guidewirein the tibial tunnel with the transtibial technique re-sults in iatrogenic re-reaming of the tibial tunnel andsignificant intra-articular aperture expansion.


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