Page 1: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Transition Care –

South Australian



a young adults experience


Anne Jackson Nurse Consultant – Haemophilia

Women’s & Children’s Hospital

Page 2: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion


Financial support to attend from Haemophilia

Foundation Australia:

Page 3: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Transition Care – South

Australian Model

Anne Jackson

Nurse Consultant – Haemophilia

Women’s & Children’s Hospital

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Women's & Children's Hospital


> Focus Group 2000• Highlighted need for information for parents

> Feedback – RAH Treatment centre

staff• Transferred with little to no knowledge of their

diagnosis & treatment

• Parents excluded from reviews

Page 5: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Women's & Children's Hospital

Models of Care

> Discussed with HTC interstate on their

experience and programs in place

> Met with RAH Staff to determine their


> Gathered resources and reviewed


Page 6: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Women's & Children's Hospital

Key Components

> Meet individuals need

> Education of young adult

> Transfer of skills to young adult from parents

> Support for parents

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Key components

> Start earlier

> Involve the child in treatment process

> Provide the bulk of the education prior to adolescence and then reinforce

> Key age 8-9 years old

> Assess child’s knowledge at each clinic visit

> Imbed into practice

The journey starts from diagnosis not when the child reaches a certain age, constantly working towards this.

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Women's & Children's Hospital

Transition Guidelines

National Hemophilia Foundation, New York

> Medical and Scientific Advisory Council


• Transition Guidelines For People With

Bleeding Disorders

• Published March 2003

• Utilised principles

Page 9: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Women's & Children's Hospital

Age Related Guidelines -

Check points

5- 9 years


> Ensure patient knows the name of his illness

> Encourage child to interact independently with team

> Teaching patient to express symptoms of bleed to parent/caregiver

> Provide developmentally appropriate patient literature

> If patient has CVAD, discuss transition to peripheral access

> Discuss developmental tasks of school age (deciding to tell)

> Discuss transfer of knowledge to their child


> Encourage the child to interact independently with you

> Recap haemophilia general education and discuss

Page 10: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Women's & Children's Hospital

Age Related Guidelines -

Check points

14- 17 years


> Ensure adolescent can interact independently with team

> Ensure adolescent can identify his illness, treatment and products used

> Ensure youth is independent in record keeping for factor use and bleeds

> Discuss transition to Adult HTC

> Discuss patient responsibility to maintain good health i.e. appropriate


> Discuss any issues with peers


> Ensure the young adult interacts independently with you; allow mostly 1:1

time – (from 16years)

> Recap haemophilia general education with the adolescent

> Discuss alcohol, tobacco, drug use and consequences of impaired judgement

> Offer assistance to parents in discussing sexual health with their adolescent

> Discuss consequences of serious joint or muscle bleed

> Discuss sexual health and puberty with adolescent

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Women's & Children's Hospital

Transfer to Adult HTC

> Developed guidelines and package of

information for transfer to Adult

Haemophilia Treatment Centre

• Letter outlining the steps involved in

transferring care.

• Pamphlet developed by RAH treatment team

outlining services

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Women’s & Children’s


Royal Adelaide Hospital

When do we transfer?

> Year 12

> When starting a new job?

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Women's & Children's Hospital

Transfer Clinic Format

> Young adult arrives and met for registration at

new centre (check in)

> Tour of Day Treatment Centre, Emergency

Dept, SA Pathology/Transfusion/Collection sites

> Brief overview with treatment team/introduction

to team and outline of format for the clinic

> Patients to see members of the treatment team


Page 14: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Women's & Children's Hospital

Transfer Clinic

> Re-consented for ABDR

> New treatment cards arranged

> Treatment products arranged

• Collected or delivered

> Management plans confirmed and documented

> Appointments for next review arranged

> All members of treatment team meet to discuss

individuals needs that need follow up and plans for

next reviews

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Women's & Children's Hospital

WCH Bleeding Disorder

Transition Model

Pt between 13-15years

Flagged for transition

Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review

Discussion about transition at review

Pt between 16-18years

Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehansive care review

Discussion about transition at review

Portion of appointment with HCP with patient only

Letter of notice of transition sent to patient and family

HCP prepares transition package

Pt 18years + (post completion of year 12)


Formalised transition meeting at WCH

i.e. combined meeting between paedsand adult/primary service

All applicable departments at WCH notified of transition

i.e. transfusion department etc

Pt transfered to adult services (RAH)

Post transition

HCP to follow up that first appointment has occurred with the referring centre


clinic now at

RAH for

Now not required for

those attending joint

transition clinic

Page 16: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Women's & Children's Hospital

VWD & other Rare Bleeding


Principles apply to all groups of young people with

chronic illnesses and should be available to all

Need to consider:

> The gaps in our service

> Opportunity to educate the young adult

> Those lost to follow up for those who are not

frequent attendees

> Value in ABDR registration

Page 17: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Women's & Children's Hospital

“the purposeful planned movement of

adolescents and young adults with

chronic physical and medical

conditions from child-centred to adult

oriented health care systems”

Agency for Clinical Information (ACI), 2014


Page 18: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Women's & Children's Hospital

> A systematic and formal process

> Early preparation

> Identify a transition lead/coordinator

> Good communication

> Individual transition plans

> Empower adolescent to self manage

> Follow up and evaluation

(ACI, 2016)

Key principles for transition

Page 19: Transition Care South Australian Model · Transition Model Pt between 13-15years Flagged for transition Review as per aged based guidelines for comprehensive care review Discussion

Women's & Children's Hospital

> Increased reassurance about the process

> Improved readiness and empowerment for


> Early identification of risk factors

> Clear processes and resources for staff to use

> Person and family centred

> Improved communication between teams

> Decrease in delayed transition

(WCHN Transition Working Group, 2017)

Benefits for staff and adolescents

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Women's & Children's Hospital

Patrick z

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> Funding support form HFA to attend

> Patrick for sharing his experience and



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