
Training Section Operating Procedures v10 Page 1 of 27



01 Operating Procedures re-written 16.06.10 Training Committee

02 Lifejackets for non-swimmers to buoyancy aids, minor amendments

20.06.10 Training Committee

03 Amendments to document following review by H&S Officer and instructors

30.05.11 Training Committee

04 Revised Declaration of Acceptance List

Minor text amendments 1.5, 1.6, 2.3, 3.3, 7.7

20.06.16 Training Committee

05 Minor revisions & numbering 18.03.13 Training Committee

06 Addition of updated risk assessment, and minor revisions 17.03.14 Training Committee

07 Specific Power Boat risks added, and minor revisions Feb 2015 Training Committee

08 RYA Instructor Code of Conduct June 2016 Training Committee

09 Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures June 2016 Training Committee

10 Revised Declaration of Acceptance List

Updates and revisions following RYA Inspection. Minor text and numbering revisions. Rewritten Complaints Procedure and Essential Powerboat Equipment

July 2017

July 2017

Training Committee 10Aug17

This Document covers the following sections:- Section

DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE ........................................................................................................ 0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1 RYA INSTRUCTOR CODE OF CONDUCT …………………………………………………………… ........ 2 ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................................. 3 GENERAL SAFETY ................................................................................................................................ 4 SAILING OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 5 POWERBOATING OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................... 6 CHILD PROTECTION POLICY STATEMENT ........................................................................................ 7 PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW IN CASE OF A SERIOUS INCIDENT OR INJURY ................................ 8 COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE …………………………………………………………………………………9

Page Number Appendix 1 – RYA advice for dealing with witnesses and the press ..................................................... 13 Appendix 2 - Essential Powerboat Equipment ...................................................................................... 14 Appendix 3 – Child Protection ............................................................................................................... 17 Appendix 4 – Designated Training Areas .............................................................................................. 19 Appendix 5 – Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................. 20 Appendix 6 - Mission Statement ……………………………………………………………………………..27

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DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE I declare to have read and understood the Procedures contained herein.

Name/Position Signature Date

Sue Sayle Training Secretary/ RYA Principal

Geoff Pavey Chief Dinghy Instructor SI/Welfare Officer

Colin McLean Chief Powerboat Instructor PBI/AI

Gerry Anderson PBI/DI

Steve Bark DI

Janice Beaumont DI

Mark Bromly

Dave Calkin SI

Emily Calkin DI

Trevor Exelby SI/Race Coach

Ian Gregory AI/PBI

Sean Gregory DI

Doug Latta DI

Paul Oakey DI/Race Coach

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Ann Sewell

Andrew Shrimpton DI

Ray Suomi DI

Jenny Winfield SI/Racing Instructor

Heather Yeomans SI/ Cruising Instructor

Richard Corser AI

Ben Corser AI

Jacob Dennett AI

Charlie Houghton-Clarke AI

Blake Latta AI

Ella Macey AI

Nic Ross AI

Keiran Shrimpton AI

Cordelia Towers AI

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1.1. Portchester Sailing Club (PSC) is committed to providing good quality safe RYA

Training, and to the Health and Safety of all participants. The Club is also an RYA

Champion Club. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the

procedures and processes under which PSC operates as a Recognised Training

Centre (RTC) and as guidance to all staff involved in the management of training.

1.2. Overall responsibility for RYA Training lies with the RYA Principal and Training

Secretary, together with the Executive Committee of Portchester Sailing Club.

1.3. Responsibility for RYA Training Sessions lies with the appropriate Chief Instructor

(Dinghy or Powerboat), who will designate other Senior Instructors and Instructors

to take responsibility for particular sessions and direct Assistant Instructors.

1.4. These Operating Procedures apply when advertised RYA Training is taking place

under the RTC Status of PSC. Other activities at PSC (racing, informal sailing etc)

may not be bound by these Operating Procedures. However, these Procedures are

published as standard practices to be adhered to as far as practicable for all sailing

activities at PSC.

1.5. All RYA Senior Instructors (SI), Instructors (Dinghy DI and Powerboat PBI), and

Assistant Instructors (AI) involved in RYA Training at PSC must read these

Operating Procedures at the start of each season and sign the Declaration of

Acceptance at the front of this document.

1.6. All SIs, DIs, PBIs and AIs share responsibility and duty of care to provide good

quality and safe RYA Training.

1.7. Training Operating Procedures and associated PSC Risk Assessments are

reviewed annually under the authority of the RYA Principal and the Training Section.


2.1. This document outlines the code of conduct under which all holders of RYA

instructor qualifications and RYA training appointments (hereafter referred to as

Instructors) are required to comply. The code of conduct is intended to make clear

to all participants, Instructors and RYA appointment holders the high standards to

which all are expected to conform. Instructors must:

If working with people under the age of 18, read and understand the Child

Protection Policy as detailed on the RYA website at

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat everyone

equally within the context of their sport.

Place the wellbeing and safety of the student above the development of

performance or delivery of training.

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They should follow all guidelines laid down by the RYA with regards to

specific training or coaching programmes.

Hold appropriate insurance cover either individually or through the training

centre in which they are working.

Not develop inappropriate working relationships with students (especially

children). Relationships must be based on mutual trust and respect and not

exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.

Encourage and guide students to accept responsibility for their own

behaviour and performance.

Hold relevant up to date governing body qualifications as approved by the


Ensure that the activities they direct or advocate are appropriate for the age,

maturity, experience and ability of the individual.

At the outset, clarify with students (and where appropriate their parents)

exactly what is expected of them and what they are entitled to expect.

Always promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. courtesy of other

water users).

Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.

Not do or neglect to do anything which may bring the RYA into disrepute.

Act with integrity in all customer and business dealings pertaining to RYA


Not teach or purport to provide RYA courses or RYA certification outside of

the framework of an RYA recognised training centre.

Notify the RYA immediately of any court imposed sanction that precludes the

instructor from contact with specific user groups (for example children and

vulnerable adults).

Not carry out RYA training, examining or coaching activities whilst under the

influence of alcohol or drugs.

Failure to adhere to the RYA Instructor Code of Conduct may result in the suspension

or withdrawal of RYA qualifications or appointments.

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3.1. The Principal is responsible for ensuring that adequate insurance has been

arranged by the Executive Committee of the Club to cover all training activities is in

full force and effect. All the club activities must be covered.

3.2. Booking forms are to include information about any pre-course requirements and

emergency contacts. If the Club is aware that a student has a medical condition,

they should seek further advice from the student.

3.3. Booking and Medical forms for on-going courses are kept in a locked filing cabinet

in the Training Room. Due to the sensitive nature of the information contained

within, these forms are to be kept secure at all times unless required for use. SIs

responsible on the day should familiarise themselves with the information prior to

the start of the training session.

3.4. The Club is to hold contact details and records of students for a minimum of 12


3.5. The Club holds a record of the qualifications of all instructors, which shall be

reviewed regularly and kept up to date.

3.6. The Principal is responsible for ensuring that all Instructors hold qualifications of an

appropriate level, that they are in date and that they are supported by a valid First

Aid certificate, and RYA Powerboat 2 certificate. All details are recorded securely

on the Training File.

3.7. A record of near misses or incidents of concern during training sessions is kept by

the Principal. It is to be reviewed regularly under the responsibility of the Principal

and lessons learned recorded with actions taken to avoid recurrence.

3.8. A student feedback and complaints system is kept. The Principal/Chief Instructor

are to resolve any complaints as quickly as possible.

3.9. Permanent records of certificates issued are kept for verification purposes, including

names, dates and certificate numbers.

3.10. A Risk Assessment for all dinghy sailing and powerboat activities engaged in

training at PSC is reviewed annually and submitted to QHM.


4.1. All SI, DI, PBI and responsible helpers shall be responsible for checking the

suitability of clothing and personal buoyancy of training participants.

4.2. Appropriate footwear shall be worn at all times when on the water.

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4.3. All SIs, DIs, PBIs and responsible helpers shall be responsible for checking the

boats each time they are used. If any defects are found they shall be reported

directly to the Club Boats Officer ([email protected]). The Club Boats

Officer shall notify the Chief Instructor of repairs or other issues.

4.4. The Chief Officer is responsible for liaising with the Club Boats Officer to ensure

that repairs are carried out and that boats requiring maintenance are not used for


4.5. Before going afloat each safety boat shall be equipped with all essential safety items, a list of which can be found at Appendix 2.

4.6. In the event of any collision, Club boats shall be checked as soon as possible, and

a report made, even if no damage has occurred (See 3.7)

4.7. Notices listing the first aiders are displayed in the Start Hut, each changing room,

and near the telephone in the club house lobby. All first aiders have a current

certificate of first aid training.


5.1. First Aid kits are to be carried in all safety boats and available in the start hut.

5.2. The RYA minimum guidelines for safety cover during RYA training courses are as


Up to 6 dinghies – 1 safety boat 6 – 15 dinghies – 2 safety boats More than 15 dinghies – 3 safety boats

5.3. The student/instructor ratios must not exceed those laid down in the syllabus for

each level of course, ie;

Crewed dinghies 3:1

Single handed dinghies 6:1 (applies only whilst the boats are used as single-handers)

One Instructor cannot be responsible for more than 9 students (eg 3 boats with 3

students in each boat or 4 boats with 2 students in each)

5.4. For dinghy courses, the SI will only use RYA Dinghy Instructors and club AI’s for on

the water instruction. Unqualified helpers may be used to drive the support boats,

providing they hold RYA Powerboat 2

5.5. Participants, helpers and instructors are required to wear appropriately sized

buoyancy aids (it is recommended that these should be minimum CE 50 Newton) –

these should be checked by an instructor before going afloat.

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5.6. Any non-swimmers must notify the instructor of this and may be required to wear a

life jacket rather than a buoyancy aid.

5.7. The RIB, Jaffa and Tango shall each be fitted with a working kill cord, which must be

worn correctly at all times.

5.8. The SI in charge shall ensure that clearly defined sailing areas are known by all

participants, instructors and helpers. If an SI wishes to use a sailing area outside of

the designated training areas (Appendix4), the SI must produce a passage plan to

the new area and log it with the Chief Instructor

5.9. The signal for returning to shore is to be determined by the SI and communicated

as part of the briefing session to all participants and helpers.

5.10. The SI in charge shall brief Instructors on the use of masthead floatation should this

be deemed necessary according to the conditions, dinghies being used, and

competence of the sailors. The use of masthead floatation shall be in accordance

with PSC’s Club Boat Usage Policy (available on the website).

5.11. A working VHF radio, tuned to Channel 37, shall be carried in each safety boat and,

if practical, monitored by a responsible adult ashore.

5.12. The SI in charge is responsible for authorisation for on the water activities and shall

take into account the forecast weather and the actual conditions for the planned

duration of the session and all other policies stated in these Procedures.

5.13. All new students will be assessed to ensure their competency and the appropriate

level of supervision and tuition required. A student’s progress is monitored in the

appropriate RYA logbook and PSC register of training undertaken.


6.1. First Aid kits are to be carried in all safety boats and are also available in the start


6.2. The RYA minimum guidelines for tuition during RYA training courses are as follows

Level 2 Powerboat Training: 1 instructor to 3 students Safety Boat Training: 1 instructor to 6 students (2 Boats)

6.3. All participants, helpers and instructors are required to wear appropriately sized

buoyancy aids (it is recommended that these should be minimum CE 50 Newton) –

these should be checked by an instructor before going afloat.

6.4. All non-swimmers must notify their instructor of this and may be required to wear a life jacket instead of a buoyancy aid.

6.5. The RIB, Jaffa and Tango shall each be fitted with a working kill cord, which must be

correctly worn (by the helmsman) at all times.

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6.6. The Chief Powerboat Instructor shall brief all Instructors and participants on

operating areas and shall take into account the forecast weather and actual

conditions, the boats being used and the competence of the participants.

6.7. A working VHF radio, tuned to Channel 37, shall be carried and operated in each powerboat.


7.1. As defined in the Children Act 1989, for the purposes of this policy, anyone under

the age of 18 should be considered as a child. The policy also applies to vulnerable


7.2. It is the policy of PSC to safeguard children and young people taking part in boating

from physical, sexual or emotional harm.

7.3. PSC will take all reasonable steps to ensure that, through appropriate procedures

and training, children participating in PSC activities do so in a safe environment.

PSC recognizes that the safety and welfare of the child is paramount and that all

children have a right to protection from abuse.

7.4. PSC actively seeks to:

Create a safe and welcoming environment, both on and off the water, where children can have fun and develop their skills and confidence.

Recognise that safeguarding children is the responsibility of everyone, not just those who work with children.

Ensure that its training and other events are run to the highest possible safety standards.

Be prepared to review its ways of working to incorporate best practice.

7.5. PSC will:

Treat all children with respect and celebrate their achievements.

Carefully select and train all volunteer Instructors and helpers.

Respond swiftly and appropriately to all complaints and concerns about poor practice or suspected or actual child abuse.

7.6. It is the responsibility of all Instructors and helpers to work towards creating this


7.7. If a situation occurs that you are unsure about, or a child reports something of

concern to you – pass it on immediately to the PSC Child Protection Officer.

Details of this person are displayed in the club.

7.8. Guidelines should be handed out to and read by each helper and volunteer. (Appendix 3)

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A serious incident is determined as one where there is serious injury to people or property and also an incident which has the potential to result in a serious injury.

8.1. In the event of injury administer immediate First Aid and bring the casualty ashore if


8.2. Contact the Emergency Services and the casualty’s next of kin.

8.3. If the First Aider considers that the emergency services are not required, the

casualty may be taken to the Accident and Emergency Department of Queen

Alexandra Hospital, Cosham. This is about a 10/15 minute drive.

IF in doubt dial 999

8.4. Details of next of kin are held on the Training File. A telephone is located in the

Clubhouse lobby.

8.5. The Senior Instructor shall preserve any evidence from the scene of the incident

and exclude all personnel from the site until such time as the scene has been

examined by the appropriate authorities.

8.6. The Principal shall be informed immediately following a serious incident or when an

incident had the potential to develop into a serious incident.

8.7. The Senior Instructor in charge shall ensure that all witnesses make an immediate

statement or record of what they were doing, what they saw, what they said, and

what they heard.

8.8. The Senior Instructor in charge shall be responsible for monitoring the casualty's

progress and documenting the incident at an appropriate time.

8.9. The Principal shall immediately contact the Flag Officers and Trustees of the Club

and the Health and Safety Executive and the RYA as required.

8.10. Refer to and follow the RYA’s advice for dealing with witnesses and the press

(Appendix 1). Any statement from the Club shall be referred to the Flag Officers and

Trustees for approval prior to its release.

8.11. All accidents and incidents must be recorded in the Accident Book.

8.12. The Principal shall investigate each accident/incident and consider if further action

is required.

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9.1. Any complaint received needs to be assessed to establish:

the complainant wishes it to be dealt with as a formal complaint

the complainant wishes it to be dealt with by informal resolution

9.2. All formal complaints MUST be dealt with under the Club Complaints procedure

by a sub-committee chaired by the Vice Commodore and members of the General


9.3. Any complaint that needs to be resolved under a disciplinary procedure should

initially be dealt with as a formal complaint and sent to the Training Secretary. The

Club Complaints procedure (as above) will then be followed.

9.4. In line with employment law, training instructors need to be alert to the fact that

breaches of Club Rules and breaches of the RYA Code of Conduct can be dealt

with in two distinct ways:

By way of immediate words of advice.

By informing the Instructor involved, at the time of the occurrence, that they

are going to be reported for the breach

All Training Instructors should be made aware of this procedure and it is also

recommended that the RYA Code of Conduct be discussed and circulated


9.5. A report will be dealt with as a formal complaint and sent to the Training Secretary.

The Club Secretary will then proceed to deal with the matter under the Club

Complaints procedure (as above).

9.6. When immediate words of advice are given, the Chief/Senior Instructor must inform

the Training Secretary.

Upon receipt of 3 incidents where immediate words of advice are given, in

respect of one individual, then the individual should be sent a written


All Senior Instructors should be made aware of the situation and any

subsequent incident should then be dealt with by bringing the fact to the

attention of the Member involved and telling them that they are going to be


The report should then be dealt with as a formal complaint and sent to the

Training Secretary (as 1.5 above).

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9.7. Matters dealt with by informal resolution, should first be investigated by the Chief

Instructor and the individual involved should be given the opportunity to explain their


9.8. Matters dealt with by informal resolution can only be resolved with three options:

no further action

words of advice

written advice.

9.9. In the training environment the performance of Instructors needs to be monitored by

the Chief Instructor. Dated records must be kept of any complaints and their

resolutions recorded with action taken.


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Appendix 1 – RYA advice for dealing with witnesses and the press

Your first priority is, of course, the safety of participants and instructors. However, once ashore you need a strategy to deal with the authorities and the press.

Get a statement from competent witnesses

Remove the instructor and key witnesses from the Club to somewhere you can talk to them away from the press

Produce a written statement for the press, such as: "Portchester Sailing Club regrets to announce the death of a crew member who fell overboard at night from a training yacht. (State when and where) Our deepest sympathy to the relatives etc. A full statement will be issued at 2pm tomorrow” (give yourself time to collate the information)

Don't hold a press conference, but decide who will speak to the press

Don't allow well meaning but ill informed staff to make public comments

Try to keep a record of whom you have spoken to, who has contacted you etc

Inform RYA Training (023 8060 4180) who can assist with compiling your statement to the press

If the rescue services have been involved the press will have probably obtained some information from them

If there has been a fatality the police will contact the Club and inform the next of kin. Do not publicise the name of the casualty until you know this has been done, even if the press appear to know who it is

If necessary, inform the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) within 24 hours. You can do this by phoning 023 8039 5500. They will inform you within 28 days whether they intend to investigate

Keep any relevant equipment such as lifejackets, logbooks etc When dealing with any major incident, it helps if:

your paperwork is up to date with information such as contact numbers for the next of kin.

Your boats and instructors comply with your own safety policy and the RYA’s conditions of recognition.

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Appendix 2 - Essential Powerboat Equipment when used for Training All training

A Paddles or oars (or alternate means of propulsion)

B Bucket or bailer

C Towline

D Throwline

E Tool kit

F Survival bag or TPA (thermo protective aid)

G Waterproof first aid kit containing (minimum) 2 large wound dressings, 2 medium wound

dressings and triangular bandages

H Anchor and chain or warp

I Distress flares (2 orange smoke, 2 pinpoint red, or 2 day/night flares) (coastal RTCs)

J Sharp knife, preferably serrated

K Spare kill cord (except heavy displacement craft)

L 1 Fire extinguisher 5A/34B serviced annually, in line with manufacturers' recommendations,

discharge test @ 5yr +

M VHF fixed or handheld

N Radio emergency procedure card

O Efficient fog sound signal

P Laminated charts, (in date) or map of operating area (inland)

Powerboat Level 1 and 2

Q Tide tables (coastal) PB2

R Compass (coastal), fixed or handheld PB2

Safety Boat

S Chartplotter or GPS, fixed or handheld SB

T Bridle secured to suitable strong points SB

U Sufficient modern dinghies and windsurfers available for use SB

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A Engines serviced regularly and in good order

B Outboards securely mounted

C Throttle/gear changing mechanisms positive and reliable

D Outboard engines must not slip out of gear or start in gear

E Outboard engines must be capable of being locked down and raised

F Fuel tanks must be securely fastened to boat

G Spare petrol containers clearly marked and readily jettisoned


A Kill switches fully functioning • Kill cords used at all times • Effective kill cord for student and

instructor if teaching 8-11 year olds

B All equipment suitably secured/stowed

C Steering mechanism free, easy to use


A Serviceable condition

B Winch strap fully operational

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Appendix 3 – Child Protection Good Practice Guidelines

Avoid spending any significant amount of time working with children in isolation.

Do not take children alone in a car, however short the journey.

Do not take children to your home as part of any PSC activity.

Where any of these are unavoidable, ensure that they only occur with the full knowledge and consent of someone in charge or the child’s parents.

Design training programmes that are within the ability of the individual child. You should never:

Engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games.

Allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any form.

Allow children to use inappropriate language unchallenged, or use such language yourself when with children.

Make sexually suggestive comments to a child, even in fun.

Fail to respond to an allegation made by a child; always act.

Do things of a personal nature that children can do for themselves.

It may sometimes be necessary to do things of a personal nature for children, particularly if they are very young or disabled. These tasks should only be carried out with the full understanding and consent of both the child (where possible) and their parents or carers. In an emergency situation which requires this type of help, parents should be fully informed. On such situations, it is important to ensure that any adult present is sensitive to the child and undertakes personal care tasks with the utmost discretion.

Parental responsibility and Club liability Although PSC has a duty of care to it members and, in particular, to young people who cannot take full responsibility for their own safety, parents must be responsible for their children’s welfare and behaviour, or designate another adult to take that responsibility, outside club-organised activities. Changing Rooms and Showers It is preferable for adults to stay away from the changing rooms while there are children there. However, bullying etc. can be an issue here, and a balance should be struck depending on the situation. In general, it is better if one adult is not alone. If it is essential, in an emergency situation, for a male to enter a female changing area or vice versa, it is advised that they are accompanied by another adult of the opposite gender.

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All parents and guardians are required to sign a form giving their consent to photographic images being taken and used before any training can be undertaken.

Any photographer or member of the press or television attending an event should wear identification at all times and should be fully briefed in advance on the Club’s expectations regarding his or her behaviour.

Do not allow a photographer to have unsupervised access to young people at the event or to arrange photo sessions outside the event.

Consent should also be obtained for the use of video images as a coaching aid. Any other use by a coach will be regarded as a breach of the RYA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct.

Care must be taken in the storage of and access to images. When publishing images, make sure they are appropriate and that you do not include any information that might enable someone to contact the child.

It is preferable to use a general shot showing participants on the water, or a group shot of the prize winners, without identifying them by name.

If you are recognising the achievement of an individual sailor and wish to publish their name with their photo, DO NOT publish any other information (e.g., where they live, name of school, other hobbies and interests) that would enable someone to contact, befriend or start to ‘groom’ the child.

Ensure that the young people pictured are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk of inappropriate use.

Most sailing takes place in areas that are open to the public and it is therefore not possible to control all photography, but any concerns about inappropriate or intrusive photography or about the inappropriate use of images, should be reported to the Club’s Child Protection/Welfare officer and treated in the same way as any other child protection concern. Parents and spectators should be prepared to identify themselves if requested and state their purpose for the photography.

The use of cameras, or ‘phone cameras, in changing rooms should not be permitted in any circumstances. Such use by young people should be regarded as a form of bullying.

If a situation occurs that you are unsure about, or a child reports something concerning to you – please pass it on immediately to the Child Protection Officer. Details of this person are displayed in the club.

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If operating outside of these designated sailing areas, the SI must produce a passage plan for the new location and log it with the Chief instructor

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Portchester Sailing Club

Risk assessment Training Activities Oct 2014

Instructors - PSC trained staff

Students – members & their children

The Club provides opportunities for young people to learn to sail in a safe and friendly environment. Students are expected to be confident in the water ie can swim a minimum of 50 metres in light clothing. Buoyancy aids will be provided, but students can use their own once inspected by the Senior Instructor.

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Activity Nature of Risk Persons at Risk What risks exist Precautions taken Risk Level Any additional

Measures required

1.1 Dinghy Sailing

Course arrival

Around club house,

car park & dinghy


Students Unfamiliar site, cars

arriving and parking.

All site hazards, and

facilities explained at

opening session, tour

of site undertaken


1.2 Personal injury Students Movement of heavy

items of kit including

fuel tanks, spars etc

Use of trolleys for

heavy items.


1.3 Shore based drills

Instruction (SBD)

On shore in

compound and

surrounding area

Students slipping off

boat when

clambering aboard

during practice


Injury to limbs etc

from falling off

propped up boat

Instructor to closely

supervise and ensure

boat is very securely

propped up on tyres.

low Instructors to assist

students on and off boats

as required.

1.4 SBD Students Injury in moving


Verbal guidance and

face to face



1.5 SBD Students and


Dangers of slipping

on wet and weed

covered slipway

Verbal warning at

briefing ,combined

with close

supervision as boats

are manoeuvred

High Pre-course advice to


1.6 Launch and


Students Injury caused by

boats and slipping on

wet weed and

uneven surface

Warnings in

briefing and

instruction on

reversing boats into



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1.7 Before going afloat Assessment of sailing


Senior Instructor to


assessment of

suitability of weather

conditions for current


Low NB Criteria to be used




2.1 Dinghies afloat Actual launch and


Students Crush type injuries

caused by being

caught between

boats on launching or

hit by swinging boom.

Instructor - close

supervision to ensure

each launch has

plenty of room.


2.2 sailing Leaving shore

From slipway to

training area

Students Collision with moored

boats and craft using

channel to and from

Port Solent etc

One safety boat ‘on

station’ between

channel and

launching boats

advising of traffic.

Others supporting


medium If necessary tow boats to

training area

2.3 sailing Collision while afloat Students Possible injury to

hands & fingers catch

between boats, to

limbs head etc by

being ‘thrown about

boat due to collision.

Collision risks

extensively covered

in briefing, i.e. no

fingers /hands over

gunwale. Group

control and tasks set

to minimise risk.


2.4 sailing Training Area Students Boats extending to

wide area resulting in

difficult safety cover

Well defined sailing

area. Possibly

marked with buoys,

and modified should



Low Sailing area to be clearly

outlined in briefing and

communication signals

clearly understood by all


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2.5 sailing Afloat unexpected

gybe resulting in

being struck by boom

Students Potential head injury

due to boom hitting

crew member

Briefing to

cover potential risk

and well defined

tasks to minimise

involuntary gybe.


2.6 sailing Afloat Capsize Students Serious injury due to

being struck/caught

in rigging sails. Crew

swim/float away from

boat. Panic.

Capsize drill to be

fully covered in

briefing. Sails reefed

to reduce power for

novices. Safety boat

crews on constant

watch for capsize.


2.7 sailing Entrapment Students Drowning unseen

under vessel.

Causes 30% ropes

tangled around the

body or limbs, 30%

caught on other

control lines/straps,

30% some part of

trapeze harness;

Prevent inversion by

use of masthead

floats. Right boat as

rapidly as possible;


2.8 sailing Afloat


Students Change in

conditions. Following

capsize. Lack of

food. Prolonged


Instructors to ensure

adequate clothing is

taken and spare

clothing carried in

safety boats.

Sessions tailored to

meet groups ability.

Safety boats to carry

spare food and hot


(subject to change)

To be covered in

instructor/safety boat

crew briefing to ensure

early recognition and

swift action.

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drink plus survival


2.9 sailing Afloat


Students Heat exhaustion.

Heat stroke/sunburn.

Covered in shore

briefing and

instructors to ensure

every member has

applied sun block and

has a drink

available. Hats and

glasses to be worn in

strong sun.

Weather dependant To be covered in advice

to leaders

2.10 sailing Afloat

Additional assistance

due to multiple


Students Need to call for


help due to safety

boat problems or



All safety craft to

carry VHF radio.

Senior instructor to

additionally have

mobile phone.


2.11 sailing Afloat


Students Injury caused by

falling out of towed


Warnings given

before commencing



2.12 sailing Afloat

Man overboard

Students Student struck by

sailing vessel

attempting recovery

of MOB.

Manoeuvre not to be

attempted by novice

helms. Safety boat to

supervise and

recover mob.


2.13 sailing Afloat

Man overboard

(safety craft)

Instructors Struck by safety craft. ‘kill cord’ to be worn

at all times.


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2.14 sailing Afloat

Returning to base

Students Crew jumping out too

soon into deep

muddy water.

Covered in briefing

on correct approach

depending on state of

tide and wind.


2.15 sailing Returning to slipway Students Moored cruisers and

other craft using

channel. If weather

and student

experience permits,

boats to sail back to

base, but taking into

account moored

boats and any other

craft using the


Close safety boat

escort between boats

and moored or

moving craft. Safety

boat to take control

should need arise.

If necessary drop sails

etc and tow boats to


3 Specialised and

occasional Risk

Participants with

specific disabilities or


This will be

dependent on the

nature of individual


Sailing plan to

include all individuals


Ensure students have

and carry any necessary

medication such as


4.1 Power Boat Man over board. Any participant. Risk of drowning or

hypothermia. Buoyancy aids worn at all times. Crews recovered via safety procedures for MOD drill for PB2. People recovered transferred to shore immediately.


4.2 Power Boat Injury as a result of Any participant Cuts, sprains First aid kit Low See incident process

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collision or other accident.

bruising, breaks, blow to the head, rope burns.

available. First aid trained Instructors.

4.2 Power Boat Gear failure and damage to boat.

Any participant Disablement, sinking, or loss of manoeuvrability Inability to return to shore injury, hypothermia, drowning/ death caused by immersion and submersion.

Ensure all kit is onboard as in procedures, eg radio paddles.

See incident process

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Appendix 6 - Mission Statement: Working closely with all sections of the Club to promote sailing activities, from training beginners to ‘get afloat’ through to improvers to ‘go sailing’ and coaching to ‘start racing’. Providing training and support for all age groups and skill levels to encourage participation in recreational sailing as well as racing and retain an active sailing membership. The Training Section

The Training Section of Portchester Sailing Club aims to provide training opportunities for all boating sections of the Club. The Club is a recognised

RYA Training Centre and a Champion Club and we are therefore governed by the rules set out by the RYA. The Club is also a recognised OnBoard

Centre with the aim of introducing sailing to the wider community and our local school children specifically. The RYA Principal is ably supported by a

volunteer team of RYA qualified instructors, assistants and helpers. All training courses provided by the Section are dependent on demand from the

membership and as such the programme may change from one year to the next.

Shore based courses are run from October to April and water based courses from April to October. In addition to providing a wide range of RYA courses

(both on and off the water), the Training Section is committed to provide training to our members to enable them to make the most of the Club sailing

facilities on offer. This includes a programme of winter evening ‘training’ events and talks as well as working closely with the Sailing Section of the Club

to encourage participation in Club racing and recreational sailing. Full details of our courses can be found on the Club’s website and on the Training

Notice Board. Please also check Club emails from the Googlegroup service for up to date information on forthcoming courses and late notices.

To express interest in a course or to book a place, please contact the Section by email at [email protected]. For any other queries relating

to training e.g. if you would like to volunteer to join the Training Team, have queries on our in-house instructor programme, propose a course or simply

want to know more about training at PSC, please contact the Training Secretary at [email protected].

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