Page 1: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 2: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Training =

A Celebration of New Knowledge

Page 3: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 4: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

1. Pick a partner.

2. Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby, interest, experience, goal, etc. – that most would not know about.

3. In one sentence, stand up and introduce them, sharing their special something!

Page 5: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 6: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 7: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

who? what? when? where? why? how? how much?

Stories are foundations.

Stories share the significance – the why –

of your training.

Page 8: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Life, liberty

and the pursuit of


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Page 10: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

There is no duty we underrate so much as the duty of being


Robert Lewis Stevenson

Page 11: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Work should be more fun than fun.

Noel Coward

Page 12: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

I will laugh at the world.

I will smile and my digestion will improve.

I will chuckle and my burdens will be lightened.

I will laugh and my life will be lengthened for this is the great secret of long life and now it is mine.

And most of all, I will laugh at myself, for man and woman are most comical when they take themselves too seriously.

Og Mandino

The Greatest Salesman in the World

Page 13: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 14: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 15: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 16: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 17: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 18: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 19: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 20: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
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 Delivery within 30 min.

Page 25: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 26: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 27: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 28: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 29: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Come, a Come, a passionate passionate


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An honest tale An honest tale speeds best being speeds best being

plainly told.plainly told.

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Page 32: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Think Chicago.

Page 33: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Make No Little Plans, they have no magic

to stir men’s blood.

Daniel H. Burnham The Chicago Plan


Page 34: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 35: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 36: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
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(Great trainers motivate)

Page 38: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

“Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities,

because, as has been said, it is the quality which guarantees all others.”

Winston Churchill

Page 39: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 40: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented,

and fabulous?”Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God;Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automaticallyliberates others.

Read to the people of the world as part of the inaugural address of Nelson Mandela

Page 41: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Speak terms of manage Speak terms of manage to thy bounding steed. to thy bounding steed. Cry ‘Courage! Cry ‘Courage!

To the field!’To the field!’

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Q: How can we bring a story to


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And make it stick?

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Suit the action to the word, the word to the action.

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1.Put your listeners in the action by using the present


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2. Share visual description.

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Page 48: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Additional tip...

Give them correct analogies... don’t let them think of their


Their analogies or comparisons may be inaccurate--and alter the meaning or significance of your


Page 49: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 50: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Been there... Done that... I don’t

need this.

Page 51: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Every experience, observation, point of awareness, and influence


What is done – and what is not done – trains others.

Their perception becomes their reality.

Page 52: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Conditioning influences minds.

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Page 54: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Page 55: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,
Page 56: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Lauren Ashley McCain: Brother was her hero

Julia Pryde: Graduate student studied ways to boost water quality

G.V. Loganathan: Professor pulled all-nighters with students

Reema Samaha: She spent her life dancing

Jamie Bishop: He talked about 'changing the world with art'

Henry Lee: An energetic and intelligent spirit

Caitlin Hammaren: A best friend to everybody she met

Jarrett Lane: Uniquely talented, and a nice person

Rachael Elizabeth Hill: The one coming out of the wilderness

Emily Jane Hilscher: 'Everybody here just loved her'

Ryan Clark: 'Above and beyond helping people'

Maxine Turner: For her, life was 'AWESOME'

Ross Alameddine: He put people in a better mood

Leslie Sherman: An honor roll student

Daniel O’Neil: Civil engineer loved running, writing music

Juan Ortiz: He found joy in everything he did

Daniel Alejandro Perez Cueva: 'A role model to emulate'

Liviu Librescu: Holocaust survivor blocked shooter, letting students flee

Kevin Granata: Professor’s reputation in department was growing

Mary Read: Aspiring elementary school teacher served food, smiles

Erin Peterson: High school basketball players, coach remember former athlete

Jeremy Herbstritt: Romance blossomed quickly for 'outgoing’ and 'friendly’ grad student

Jocelyne Couture-Nowak: Husband and wife were associated with Tech and recently bought home in Blacksburg

Brian Bluhm: Shy grad student had 'a huge heart’

Austin Cloyd: Freshman came from Ill. when father took job at Tech

Matthew La Porte: Freshman from New Jersey was in the Corps of Cadets

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Page 58: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

Always let them know this in everything you do.

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Celebrate the good you do and the good we all can do.

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You help others get in the way

of luck.

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You share the adventure and freedom

of learning.

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You unite people.

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You help others celebrate the future.

And all that it can be.

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Honor the heart, the home of goodness and courage.

Page 65: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

The greatest actions of men or women The greatest actions of men or women or nations are spontaneous and or nations are spontaneous and

instinctive. They do not result from instinctive. They do not result from nice calculations or long processes of nice calculations or long processes of thought. They happen as if nothing thought. They happen as if nothing

could help them happening. The could help them happening. The heart, as the French say, has reasons heart, as the French say, has reasons

which the reason does not know.which the reason does not know.Winston ChurchillWinston Churchill

Page 66: Training = A Celebration of New Knowledge 1.Pick a partner. 2.Spend one minute each interviewing one another, identifying something special – a hobby,

A good leg will fall, a straight back will A good leg will fall, a straight back will stoop, a black beard will turn white, a stoop, a black beard will turn white, a curled pate will grow bald, a fair face curled pate will grow bald, a fair face

will wither, a full eye will wax hollow.will wither, a full eye will wax hollow.

But a good heart is the sun and moon… for it shines bright and never

changes, but keeps its course truly.

William Shakespeare

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We are going—swinging We are going—swinging bravely forward along the bravely forward along the

grand high road—and grand high road—and already behind the distant already behind the distant

mountains is the promise mountains is the promise of the sun.of the sun.

Winston ChurchillWinston Churchill

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Thank You.

It’s always an honor to work with

great people.

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