Page 1: Trailer deconstructions - script

Trailer Deconstructions(Video Script)

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Period of equilibrium starts at the beginning when we see an establishing shot of the house

Moment of disequilibrium is shown when we see the main female (Casey) sees the child/spirit in the street.

Period of disequilibrium begins when Casey starts to watch the film.

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The female protagonist Child/spirit is (Casey) is the victim/hero the villain

The Vicar is the helper

The male gaze is also shown through the shower scene. However, the feminist theory is shown as the protagonist is seen wanting to overcome being possessed or haunted by the child.

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The Unborn trailer creates a scary atmosphere through sound, editing, camera angles and shots.

The diegetic sound of the whispering through the baby monitor. This can suggest that there is something mentally wrong with the child. The moments of high-pitched non-diegetic sound creates an eerie atmosphere and makes it uncomfortable for the audience.There are also moments of silence which creates a sinister atmosphere making the audience feel uneasy. Some of the voices in the trailer are not clear and understandable, this creates a fear of the unknown in the audience's mind.

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There are many fades throughout the trailer, which gives the trailer a continuous feel. During the latter stages the pace of the trailer speeds up, this is done through jump cuts.The jump cuts creates an irritating effect for the audience and puts the audience at an edge.

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Camera angles and shots

There are a number of different camera angles, some are canted angles , these create an alarming atmosphere for the audience. There are also a variation of shot types, the first shot is an establishing shot showing the isolated setting. There are some of over-the-shoulder shots, in which the audience is positioned alongside the protagonist.There is an extreme close-up of the protagonists eye, which is symbolic to the plot of the film.There are also a number of point-of-view shots which place the audience in the protagonist position and make the audience empathise with her.

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We are quickly shown some newspaper articles which can indicate the equilibrium and tell a narrative atthe same time. As with many trailers this trailer does not have a new equilibrium, so the audience does not know what happens in the end. Leaving the trailer as mystery, this makes audience want to watch to whole film and gives them the pleasure of watching it without knowing how it end

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Character analysis

The blonde female is the she is portrayed as being helpless

The police officer/detective is the helper

The masked man (Jigsaw) is the villain. By wearing a mask it keeps his identity unknown, this follows the structuralist theory of the killer being unknown.

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A variety of diegetic and nondiegetic sounds have been used. The non-diegetic sound of the high pitched rumbling noise has occasionally been used to build tension and fear amongst the audience. The diegetic sounds of the chains, the clock ticking, screams and the laughter of a clown's create an eerie atmosphere which makes the audience feel uneasy.Some of the voices in the trailer are not clear and understandable, this creates a fear of the unknown in the audience's mind.

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The trailer uses many jump cuts, which creates suspense and make the audience feel disorientated. There are a lot of black screens which are on screen for a long time. This makes the audience feel uneasy as they do not know what is going on. It also makes the audience feel vulnerable and involved in the trailer.

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Camera angles and shots

Camera angles and shots- In the trailer there are a lot of canted angles used. These shots create an alarming and uneasy atmosphere for the audience. There are also a number of close up shots which show the emotions and instability of the characters; which makes the audience empathise with them

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