  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    Trafc ControlSystem

    using 89C51

    Project Title:

    Thajid Ibna Rouf Uday

    Id:021 121 102Marzia IslamMowID:024121009

    Amzad ossainID:021 111 140

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    D!s"ri#$ionThis project is developed to meet the

    re"uirements of solid state traffic light controller

    by adopting microcontroller as the main

    controlling element, and led#s as the indication of

    light. A micro controller is interfaced to led#s

    provide for centrali$ed control of the traffic

    signals. %icrocontroller is programmed in such a

    way to adjust their timing and phasing to meet

    changing traffic conditions. The circuit besides

    being reliable and compact is also cost effective

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language



    Typically traffic lights consist of a set of three colored

    lights& red, yellow and green. 'n a typical cycle,

    lashing )reen& *aries among jurisdiction.'llumination of the green light allows traffic to

    proceed in the direction denoted.

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    D!s"ri#$ionFlashing Yellow: +aution, crossing or road

    ha$ard ahead. 'llumination of the amberyellow

    light denoting, if safe to do so, prepare to stop

    short of the intersection, andFlashing Red: Treat as a stop sign. 'llumination

    of the red signal prohibits any traffic from


    After completing every cycle red and yellow

    lights are flashing at a time for proceed net cycle

    to flash green light

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language



    A%/T'01&Traffic signal is controlled by light are generally

    built in 2 types for four roads junction point.

    T3/4 5& one major road and one minor roadare crossed at a point.

    T3/42& Two major roads are crossed at a point.

    These two type of traffic system are different

    for heavy rush of vehicles. 0ur traffic control

    system is built in T3/42 , which is shown net


  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language



  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    D!s"ri#$ionWorking procedure&When the display5 of road 5 flash green light to move

    then other three roads are show stop sign.

    After ome sec yellow light (halt signal! is flashes for

    ome sec. At the same moment display5 of road2shows red and yellow signals at a time, which means

    that after some sec it will flash green light.

    This se"uence is repeated continuously for accordinglyroad 5, 2, 6 7 8.

    When all roads are shows red signal for ome sec,

    then general people are crossing road very safely which

    shows in 9isplay

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    D!s"ri#$ion%ost of the time general people are not use

    foot over bridge to cross the road, and many

    busy roads have no foot over bridge to cross

    road. o, 'f there is a traffic control display toshow when general people are cross the road

    which is play very important role to minimi$e

    largely the road accident. At the mean time therewas a bar which is closed all the road and does

    not move on the vehicles. :ecause some time

    driver are not flow the traffic signals .

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    AT89C51%icrocontroller +hip, 5pic


    L!"#Yellow, 8pic

    L29%" %otor 9river (package! , 8pic

    Stepper Motor, 8pic


  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    %&M'&()(T* AT89C51AT>?+@5 is an >-

    bit microcontroller and

    belongs to Atmels >=@5


    AT%4B >?+@5 has 8C: of

    lash programmable and

    erasable read only memory

    (/4D0%! and 52> bytes of


    't can be erased and program

    to a maimum of 5=== times.

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    %&M'&()(T* 74LS245Th!s! o"$al bus $rans"!i+!rs ar!

    d!si,n!d for asyn"hronous $wo-way "ommuni"a$ion b!$w!!nda$a bus!s.

    Th! "on$rol-fun"$ionim#l!m!n$a$ion minimiz!s!/$!rnal $imin, r!uir!m!n$s.

    Th! d!+i"!s allow da$a

    $ransmission from $h! A bus $o$h! bus or from $h! bus $o$h! A bus d!#!ndin, on $h!lo,i" l!+!l a$ $h! dir!"$ion-

    "on$rol 3DIR in#u$. Th! ou$#u$-!nabl!3&) in#u$ "an disabl! $h!

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    %&M'&()(T* 744

    This #a"6a,! "on$ains si/

    in+!r$!rAll si/ in+!r$!rs "an b! us!dind!#!nd!n$ly of on! ano$h!r .

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language



    Desistance- 66= ohms

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language



  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    C&'(&)!)TS L29%" %otor 9river

    *ide S+,,ly#-oltage Range:

    4.5 - to %/ -

    Se,arate 0n,+t#Logi S+,,ly

    igh#)oise#033+nity 0n,+ts&+t,+t C+rrent 1 A (er


    (ea &+t,+t C+rrent 2 A (er


    Can "rie 2 3otors 6sero or d

    3otor at a ti3e

    Can "rie one ste,,er 3otor

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    Stepper motorA stepper motoris a brushl!ss D%

    !l!"$ri" motor$ha$ di+id!s a full ro$a$ion in$o anumb!r of !ual s$!#s. Th! motor's#osi$ion"an $h!n b! "ommand!d $o mo+! and hold a$on! of $h!s! s$!#s wi$hou$ any f!!dba"6s!nsor as lon, as $h! motoris "ar!fully siz!d$o $h! a##li"a$ion.

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    %ir"ui$ *"h!ma$i"

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language



    0D) =; %0* D5,E22; Fload D5,22;

    %0* D2,E28; Fload D2,28;

    %0* D6,E58; Fload D6,58;

    %0* D8,E=+; Fload D8,=+;

    %0* DG,E25; Fload DG,25;

    0D) ==6=

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    'ro,ramTADT& %0* p2,D2 Fent port2 from D2

    A+ABB 94BA32 %0* p5,DG Fent port5 from DG

    A+ABB +01T9

    %0* p2,D2 Fent port2 from D2

    %0* p5,DG Fent port5 from DG

    A+ABB +01T9

    %0* p2,E2G; Fent port2 from 2G;

    %0* p5,D5 Fent port5 from D5

    A+ABB 94BA32

    %0* p2,DG Fent port2 from DG

    %0* p5,D2 Fent port5 from D2

    A+ABB +01T9

    %0* p2,DG Fent port2 from DG

    %0* p5,D2 Fent port5 from D2

    A+ABB +01T9

    %0* p2,D5 Fent port2 from D5 %0* p5,E68; Fent port5 from 68;

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    'ro,ramA+ABB 94BA32

    %0* p2,D2 Fent port2 from D2 %0* p5,D8 Fent port5 from D8

    A+ABB +01T9

    %0* p2,D2 Fent port2 from D2

    %0* p5,D8 Fent port5 from D8

    A+ABB +01T9

    %0* p2,E68; Fent port2 from 68;

    %0* p5,D6 Fent port5 from D6

    A+ABB 94BA32

    %0* p2,D8 Fent port2 from D8

    %0* p5,D2 Fent port5 from D2

    A+ABB +01T9

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


    'ro,ram%0* p2,D8 Fent port2 from D8

    %0* p5,D2 Fent port5 from D2

    A%A77 %&U(TD

    M& #2R ;*!n$ #or$2 from R

    M& #1

  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language



    +01T9& %0* p=,EGH; F ? A+ABB 94BA32

    %0* p=,EH; F >

    A+ABB 94BA32

    %0* p=,E2H; F H

    A+ABB 94BA32

    %0* p=,EH9; F G

    A+ABB 94BA32 %0* p=,EG9; F @

    A+ABB 94BA32

    %0* p=,EGG; F 8

    A+ABB 94BA32 %0* p=,E8; F 6

    A+ABB 94BA32

    %0* p=,E@:; F 2

    A+ABB 94BA32

    %0* p=,E=G; F 5

    A+ABB 94BA32

    %0* p=,E6f; F = A+ABB 94BA32


  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language



  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


  • 8/9/2019 Traffic Control System using 89c51 and assembly language


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