  • Trade Secret Protection In IndiaBy, Ms Vintee MishraBrain League IP Services Now BananaIP

    Copyright Brain league IP Services Pvt. Ltd. Now BananaIP 2008

  • Overview

    Meaning Acquisition of Information Protection of Trade Secret

    Confidentiality Agreements

    Business strategies


  • MeaningBasics:

    Trade = Competitive Advantage + Potential to Generate Revenues Secret = Confidential Information Known to Few, All Pledged to Secrecy

    Confidential Information = Business or Technical

    Business = Financial, Commercial or Negative

    Technical = Scientific

  • Principles:

    1.Information Readily Unascertainable Unknown by Proper Means

    Generally Known Matters of common knowledge, library, public database, journals, patent information, hardware designs and software applications available in market

  • 2. Independent Economic Value

    Determined by cost of development, benefits derived or May be derived

    3. Reasonable Efforts

    Security Measures, Agreements

  • Examples:

    Pricing Information, Customer Lists, Business methods, Strategic plans, Marketing plan Work product Ideas, Design, Drawing, Model, Specification, Surface data, Notes, Improvements.

  • Acquisition of Information

    Proper Means

    Reverse Engineering

    Independent Creation

    Public Literature



  • Misappropriation

    Conduct which results in obtaining Trade secret Information by Improper Means

    Improper Means





    Breach of Contract

    Inducement to breach a duty

    Network attacks

  • Protection of Trade Secret Identification of Information as Trade Secret Determinants: Value of Information to Company Who Should Know

    Value and Access to Competitors (Ease to Copy, Duplicate etc.)

    Measures Taken

  • Precautions:

    Written Protection Policies Clarity, Quantum of Disclosure, Whom to Disclose.

    Information Security Controlled Online Transactions, Password Protection, USB Ports, Intranet, Anti Virus, Firewalls. Physical Security - Record Keeping, Docketing, Documentation, Marking, Paper Shredding, Logs, Visitors Passes, Clean Desk Policy.

    Human Resources - Entrance and Exit Interviews, Current Employees, Agreements, Periodic Training and Audits, Restrict Access

    Enforcement Watch Compliances, Prosecute Violators Agreements Non Disclosure Agreement, Confidentiality Agreements

  • Confidentiality Agreements

    Employer EmployeeVendorSupplierContractors, Sub ContractorsConsultants

    Important ProvisionsDefine Confidential Information ScopeClarify ExclusionsDefinite ObligationsTime LimitJurisdiction

  • Business StrategiesPatents and Trade Secrets

    Patents Trade secrets

    Registration Yes NoAvailability Time Consuming Immediate Longevity 20 Years No Limit Public Disclosure Yes NoProtection Exclusive LimitedEnforcement Powerful Tool Difficult

  • Choice between Patents and Trade Secrets on basis of Legal and Business Perspective

    Keep Information initially as Secret

    If Patentable, disclose only what enables person skilled in art to practice the invention

    May keep confidential till Publication Date

  • 2. Sale

    Transfer by way of sale of entire business Only

    Partial sale not possible

    3. Licensing In combination with Patent and Software Licenses

    Clear, Explicit and Controlled Disclosure

  • Enforcement


    No Trade Secret Law in India Contracts Confidential arrangements between parties through Non Disclosure Agreements and other Confidential Agreements

    Specific Relief Claim specific performance or damages

    Arbitration and Conciliation Most of the dispute settlement prescribed in contracts, agreements or otherwise dealt through arbitration

  • Copyrights Blatant or substantial copying Torts Misappropriation, Theft, Espionage, Unfair Competition

    Criminal Laws Indian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure

    Information Technology Laws Hacking, Tampering with Computer, Computer Source or Network

  • Court Decisions

    1. Mundipharma v Wockhardt

    License Agreement to sell pharmaceutical preparations with discretion to adopt such packaging design as it thinks proper; contains copyrighted content which is confidential information Pharmaceutical Preparation and Product became public information during currency of Agreement Dispute Arose Section 27 of Contract Act invoked to restrict rights after termination of license No actual or potential damages showed

  • Held: S. 27s exception to restrain others trade due to loss of 1st partys goodwill cannot be considered here.

    Information already Public, no goodwill loss

    *Goodwill Loss damages should be proved.

  • Trade Secret Case between Competitors Alphamed incorporated by ex employees of Arriva Arriva used Unfair Competitive practices to destroy Alphameds business Arriva stole Alphameds Confidential documents and other Trade Secrets by appointing secret detectives and used them for their business advantage Alphamed couldnt provide actual or potential damages

    Held: Trade secret theft by unfair means is unfair competition.

    No remedy may be provided because of lack of proof on damages by Alphamed

    *Actual or potential damages proof necessary2. Alphamed v Arriva

  • Employer-Employee RelationshipMemorandum of Understanding signed provides Non Competition ClausesConfidential Information not defined in the MemorandumEmployee resigns to join another companyEmployer files to get injunction on employees joining

    Held: No confidential information defined

    Proper relief is not asked, therefore suit dismissed.

    *Confidential Information should be explicitly defined, else it is unfair to stop employee from joining competitor.3. VPS Global v Suprit Roy

  • Remedies

    Injunction Damages Search and Cease Order Precautionary Impoundment

  • Thank You

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