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A housing is concept of secure housing

Now this environment must include all necessity services facilities equipment n devise n social well we of the family and

Housing starts from rooms, or one room or combination of room to create house Therefore the definition of room must be understood clearly to understand the subject housing.

NBC defines the room as A room must have an area of 7.5 sq.m and height of 2.6 m Opening must not be less than 1/6 of the floor area in hot humid climate and 1/10 of the floor area in hot and dry areaNw these opening except than doors and room must be

Objectives of planning housing areas:-To provide sufficient living space within and around the houses to meet the need of family of diff size n compositionTo arrange the houses and to contrl the spaces in b/w them in such a way 1. secure optimum condition of envt in relation to climate due to comfort health 2. to provide adequate space for private n communal enjoyment for outdoor activities 3. to secure sanitary 4. to provide visually pleasant n simulating envt.

Various elemants of housingA. there r various elements dat r to be considered before design n area of housing, a detailed study of these elements n there implication of the buildings n vis-versa are extreamly neccessory before planning Elements are 1 access of the site 2. orientation of the site 3. direction of wind flow 4. the soil condition 5.contours on site. 6. natural drainage of water 7. the floura on the site 8. noise level at the site 8. building bay laws of the area 9. existing buildings around the site. 10 . The view n the level from the site

Type of housingsDetached dwelling housingsADV N DIS-ADVa. Climatology it is the most suitable as we can place the doors n windows as we feel like Dis-advIt is more costly than there housingMore open space is requiredResulting in lesser no. of houses along the stretch of streetSEMI DETACHTED HOUSESADV N DIS-ADVHere is a common wall b/w 2 houses though economically n climatologically its not good as detached housesThe major dis-adv is that 2 building has to be devel;oped simultaneously is beared by 2 personsCourtyard housesThis type of housing is common in hot- dry climate areaThese are introvert in planning , it insures the maximum plot coverage n in some cases there are no common wall in b/w the houses.RAW HOUSESTraditionally this type of houses is utilized for the economical weaker section if settled the proper manner of the raw housing.

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