
Towards Zero Carbon Bute

Aims to help Bute people to reduce the island’s overall carbon footprint

This will reduce our impact on climate change

It will help us all reduce our energy and transport costs

And make the island an even lovelier place to live!

Funded by the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund. A Fyne Futures project

Home energy efficiency review• How to save £££ on your energy bills• Heating/electricity for your home from

renewable energy source, e.g. a solar panel?

Measure your carbon footprint• Where are most of your CO2 emissions

from: travel, your home, or your lifestyle? Use this to save money

Free home insulation survey• Survey/quote and help with grant sourcing

Help with sourcing grants• For insulation, in-house energy generation,

for community projects and charitable groups

Information about wood fuelled heating

• We are helping to develop a local source of wood for wood burning stoves & central heating systems

Help with travel planning • Easy source of information across

different public transport types

Find out about electric vehicles• Feasibility study for an electric vehicle

car club/hire for Bute

• Car club members wouldn’t need to own a car but could hire one when needed

Lift sharing scheme• Would a scheme for good for Bute?

Monthly info on a different theme • To help you reduce costs and CO2 emissions• Handy hints monthly by post or email

Sister Fyne Futures Projects

Recycling• Find out more about recycling

Buy local • Buy from local suppliers and local products

and not only reduce the CO2 emission from travel but support Bute too

Growing your own fruit and vegetables

• Encouragement to grown your own

Please get in touchWe’d love to hear from you

Sheena Stone and Karen HiltonTel: 01700 [email protected]

Visit us any Thursday 2-6pm at:1st Floor, 7 Castle Street, Rothesay(Above Achievement Bute and below Bute FM!)

A Baseline Survey of Environmental Issues

on Bute

Presentation of Findings to Bute Residents

17th January 2010


+Baseline Survey• attitudes• behaviour• interest

Actions on Bute to address climate change

Target of 25% reduction in carbon emissions


Households (from edited Electoral Register)BusinessesFarms

Household Survey

Sample of 398 (320 postal, 63 telephone and 15 online)

Data accurate to +/- 4.5% (based on 2,224 households)

Data accurate to +/- 4.74% (based on 5,733 adults)

No survey yet of young people; possibility of online survey through school?

Attitudes to Environmental Issues

The Home

Getting Around



Getting Involved

A Word on the Sample

These distinctions will be accounted for in “weighting” of data for the carbon footprinting and other analysis.

Demographic 2001 Census This Survey

In employment 52% 33%

Aged 65+ 35% 50%

Owner occupied 56% 72%

Attitudes to Climate Change (1)

Base: 392 Base: 386 Base: 390 Base: 386

Attitudes to Climate Change (2)

Base: 387 Base: 378 Base: 388 Base: 382

Attitudes to Wind Farms

Base: 398 Base: 398 Base: 398

The Home

• 60% of homes built pre-1929

• 99% of respondents were from main family home*

• 52% of homes are flats

• 92% have central heating- 23% have a boiler aged 10 years+

* Do we need to consider engagement with owners / users of holiday homes?

Sources of EnergyMain source

Base: 382

Sources of Energy

• Important additional sources are:- electricity and gas- wood logs (8% of the total)- coal (5% of the total)- bottled gas (3% of the total)

• No discernible use of renewable energy

• Additional fuel usually delivered to home (80%)

Energy Efficiency in the Home

* Not always relevant

Base: 392

Energy Efficiency in the Home

Base: 386 Base: 376

Getting Around

Households Base Walk CyclePublic


Car or other


A journey of less than half a mile 366 87% - 1% 12%

A journey of between half a mile and one mile

348 59% - 6% 35%

A journey of between one and two miles

348 25% 1% 17% 56%

A journey of between two and five miles

344 6% 3% 21% 70%

A journey of more than five miles 344 1% 1% 27% 72%

Journey distance and method of transport

Estimated Miles Driven Per Year

Base: 335

Estimated Miles Driven Per Year

• Overall mean is 3,959 miles

• For people who work it is 5,350 miles

• Only a small part of the sample commute daily

•More likely to visit the mainland once or twice a month (or less often)


* On average 2 bikes for each of these households. Main barriers are perceived to be fitness and “getting wet”.

Base: 167

Base: 398

WalkingMiles walked in an average month

The mean number of miles walked is 25

Base: 376

Public Transport

Main barrier is that using a car is more convenient.

On average, people had taken 1.67 flights (a return counts as 2 flights)



Most days

(Monday to


Once or twice a week

Once or twice a month

Every few


Less often

than thatNever

Ferry 384 3% 21% 45% 22% 6% 3%

Bus 357 12% 17% 22% 15% 11% 24%Train/ Underground 307 1% 5% 20% 32% 21% 21%

Car Sharing

Main barriers are appropriateness to journey and having to rely on others

Base: 278

Interest in Car Sharing, Car Club, Car Hire

Base: 398

Street Lighting

Base: 398

Interest in Initiatives


% of respondents

Number of Respondents

Extrapolation for Bute


Take part in a Community Panel 9% 37 516

Calculate your carbon footprint 14% 54 803

Home visit to advise you about energy efficiency 16% 62 356

Attend free workshops on carbon reduction 10% 38 573

Receive handy hints by post or email 33% 131 1892

Receive information about in-house energy generation 26% 105 578

Free insulation survey 15% 59 334

Volunteer with Revive Rothesay 2% 8 115

Volunteer with Bute Recycling Project 2% 8 115

Volunteer with Bute Produce 4% 15 229

Find out about having your recycling collected 9% 34 200

Business and Farms Survey

• 48 businesses responded from a total of 315- 39 businesses (from a total of 274)- 9 farm businesses (from a total of 41)

• Main business sectors:- Retail / wholesale (28%)- Hotels, catering, tourism (21%)- A diverse set of others

• Provides strong indicative data

Business Attitudes to Climate Change

Similar views to households except…

•Businesses less likely to believe climate change is impacting on their organisation (38%)

• Although farm businesses are more likely (89%)

Next Steps

• Further review and formal report

• Carbon footprinting

• Prioritisation and delivery of actions

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