Page 1: Toward a burning plasma state using diamond ablator ... · physics community. A burning plasma is a state where alpha particle deposition from deuterium – tritium (DT) fusion reactions

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion


Toward a burning plasma state using diamondablator inertially confined fusion (ICF) implosionson the National Ignition Facility (NIF)To cite this article: L Berzak Hopkins et al 2019 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61 014023


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Page 2: Toward a burning plasma state using diamond ablator ... · physics community. A burning plasma is a state where alpha particle deposition from deuterium – tritium (DT) fusion reactions

Toward a burning plasma state usingdiamond ablator inertially confined fusion(ICF) implosions on the National IgnitionFacility (NIF)L Berzak Hopkins1,7 , S LePape1, L Divol1, A Pak1, E Dewald1, D D Ho1,N Meezan1, S Bhandarkar1, L R Benedetti1, T Bunn1, J Biener1, J Crippen2,D Casey1, D Clark1, D Edgell3, D Fittinghoff1, M Gatu-Johnson4, C Goyon1,S Haan1, R Hatarik1, M Havre2, D Hinkel1, H Huang2, N Izumi1, J Jaquez2,O Jones1 , S Khan1, A Kritcher1, C Kong2, G Kyrala5, O Landen1, T Ma1,A MacPhee1, B MacGowan1, A J Mackinnon1, M Marinak1, J Milovich1,M Millot1 , P Michel1, A Moore1, S R Nagel1, A Nikroo1, P Patel1, J Ralph1,H Robey1, J S Ross1, N G Rice2, S Sepke1, V A Smalyuk1, P Sterne1,D Strozzi1, M Stadermann1, P Volegov5, C Weber1, C Wild6, C Yeamans1,D Callahan1, O Hurricane1, R P J Town1 and M J Edwards1

1 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States of America2General Atomics, San Diego, CA, United States of America3 Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, United States of America4 Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Mass. Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States of America5 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States of America6Diamond Materials GmbH, Freiburg, Germany

E-mail: [email protected]

Received 3 July 2018, revised 2 August 2018Accepted for publication 10 August 2018Published 21 November 2018

AbstractProducing a burning plasma in the laboratory has been a long-standing milestone for the plasmaphysics community. A burning plasma is a state where alpha particle deposition from deuterium–

tritium (DT) fusion reactions is the leading source of energy input to the DT plasma. Achieving thesehigh thermonuclear yields in an inertial confinement fusion (ICF) implosion requires an efficienttransfer of energy from the driving source, e.g., lasers, to the DT fuel. In indirect-drive ICF, the fuelis loaded into a spherical capsule which is placed at the center of a cylindrical radiation enclosure, thehohlraum. Lasers enter through each end of the hohlraum, depositing their energy in the walls whereit is converted to x-rays that drive the capsule implosion. Maintaining a spherically symmetric, stable,and efficient drive is a critical challenge and focus of ICF research effort. Our program at theNational Ignition Facility has steadily resolved challenges that began with controlling ablativeRayleigh–Taylor instability in implosions, followed by improving hohlraum-capsule x-ray couplingusing low gas-fill hohlraums, improving control of time-dependent implosion symmetry, andreducing target engineering feature-generated perturbations. As a result of this program of work, ourteam is now poised to enter the burning plasma regime.

Keywords: inertial confinement fusion, laser, diamond, symmetry control, hohlraum

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61 (2019) 014023 (10pp)

7 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.

0741-3335/19/014023+10$33.00 © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK1

Page 3: Toward a burning plasma state using diamond ablator ... · physics community. A burning plasma is a state where alpha particle deposition from deuterium – tritium (DT) fusion reactions

1. Introduction

The goal of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) is to compresshydrogenic species (deuterium and tritium, DT) to highpressure conditions such that the DT fuses and releases largeamounts of energy. To reach fusion-relevant conditions, theDT fuel is cryogenically frozen inside a low-Z capsule; thecapsule outer surface is ablated driving the remaining capsulematerial and fuel inwards to high densities, temperatures, andpressures. In indirect-drive ICF, the capsule is placed at thecenter of a radiation enclosure (hohlraum), and lasers are firedinto the hohlraum, depositing their energy and forming anx-ray drive which serves to ablate and implode the fuel-filledcapsule [1].

The energy released from fusing DT takes the form of a14.1 MeV neutron and a 3.5 MeV alpha particle (4He). If theimplosion density and pressure are high enough, this alphaparticle deposits its kinetic energy via small angle scattering,raising the temperature of the fusion plasma and leading to afeedback cycle of self-heating. On the path toward reachingsuch a propagating burn front and ignition, there are severaldistinct performance steps that must be surmounted, and keyimprovements in understanding have steadily led to platformdesign changes that allow these steps to be reached. Recentexperiments have reached a new step of fusion energy outputgreater than the kinetic energy of the imploding shell (figure 1pink markers) [2], nearing the burning plasma regime. Wereport here the detailed laser design and symmetry controltechniques utilized to reach this milestone and how these areplanned for future utilization to reach the next stage ofimplosion performance.

Burning plasmas and ignition require compression tohigh pressure and temperatures in short time scales to reachself-heating conditions, where heating from alpha particledeposition is the dominant source of heating (burning plasma,slightly higher than current implosions as can be seen infigure 1) and where energy output from fusion reactions isgreater than the cooling from conduction and x-ray losses(ignition). The implosion nuclear yield (Y) is a function of thestagnation pressure (Pstag), core temperature (Thotspot), corevolume (V ), and confinement time (τ) [3]:

Y P T V . 1stag2

hs2 tµ ( )

This equation can be recast into terms controlled bytarget platform design to understand the distinct contributionsto performance (described in further detail in an appendix to[7])

P pv

, 2stag abl2 5 imp



aµ ( )

T v 3hs imp4 3µ ( )

such that:

Y pv

S , 4abl4 5 imp



aµ ( )

where pabl is the capsule ablation pressure generally set by thechoice of ablator (capsule) material and the internal hohlraum

temperature; vimp is the implosion velocity, a direct functionof the laser energy converted to x-rays available to drive theimplosion and capsule mass; α is a pressure ratio encom-passing the entropy contained in the DT fuel and serves to

Figure 1. (a) Measured fusion yield output relative to an ignitionthreshold metric (which convolves implosion areal density with fusionyield and fuel mass as defined in [4]) with an estimate for burningplasma and ignition levels as described in [5]; (b) implosion pressureinferred from experimental measurements relative to the laser designmetric ‘coast time’, the time between the end of the laser pulse and peakneutron emission compared with an estimate for the pressure at thecenter of the sun [6]. Blue markers denote ICF implosions on NIF from2009–2012, which were limited in performance by ablative Rayleigh–Taylor (RT) instabilities, asymmetries, and shell perforations. Greenmarkers denote implosions from 2013–2015, which implemented alaser design that mitigated RT instability but remained limited byimplosion asymmetries and perforation of the shell by engineeringfeatures as well as laser energy. Pink markers denote recent high densitycarbon (HDC or ‘diamond’) 2016–2017 implosions with improvedcoupling, reduced laser-plasma interaction effects, and time-dependentsymmetry control through the use of low gas-fill density in thehohlraum. The highest performing implosions, to-date, also includedsmaller fuel fill tubes, reducing the impact of that particular targetengineering feature.


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quantify the compressibility of the implosion [8]; ò is aneffective efficiency term which takes into account implosionenergy loss mechanisms such as asymmetry which reducesthe efficiency of the transference of shell kinetic energy tofuel potential energy [9]; and S is a scaling parameter appliedto all target dimensions as well as time and encompasses theability of larger capsule surface areas to absorb more energy[10]. Increasing the target scale is straightforward; however,‘hydroscaling’ is not universal for all features of the implo-sion such as gradients, mean free paths, or the laser spot size(i.e., the laser intensity on the hohlraum wall).

Initial experiments at the National Ignition Facility (NIF)[11] showed large quantities of capsule material mixed intothe fuel, which prevented the hot spot from reaching hightemperature and pressure conditions (figure 1 blue markers)[12, 13]. There is strong evidence for ablation front hydro-dynamic instabilities as the source of this mix, in particularthose seeded by the large perturbation due to the capsulesupport engineering feature [14]. Other potential seeds, suchas inhomogeneous uptake of oxygen in the ablator, are alsounder investigation [15]. This issue was mitigated throughmodifications to the laser pulse increasing the α term butalso greatly reducing mix (essentially increasing ò). Theseexperiments resulted in the first demonstration of heating viaalpha-particle deposition and fusion energy output greaterthan the energy absorbed by the fuel (figure 1 green markers)[16, 17], a crucial step toward reaching burning plasma andignition conditions.

Further progress was limited in implosion velocity bylaser backscatter out of the hohlraum and hence not availableto contribute to the x-ray drive ablating the capsule. Implo-sions were also limited in efficiency by time-dependentasymmetries induced by cross-beam energy transfer [18, 19],a time-dependent energy transfer process between beamsdetermined by the plasma conditions where the lasers cross atthe laser entrance holes on each end of the hohlraum [20].Near-vacuum or low gas-fill hohlraums address these issuesby exhibiting minimal laser backscatter, providing more laserto drive the implosion [21]. Minimal cross-beam energytransfer is also noted when 0Å beam wavelength separation isused, allowing symmetry to be directly controlled by laserchanges as opposed to indirectly controlled through changingplasma conditions. In addition, suprathermal electrons [22], apotential source of increased α, are reduced by two orders ofmagnitude [21].

To accrue the benefits of low gas-fill hohlraums, exper-imental campaigns have transitioned to using this category ofhohlraum for plastic (CH) shells as well as for beryllium[23–25]. Experiments have also focused on utilizing highdensity carbon (HDC or polycrystalline diamond) capsules[26–28]. Because HDC is nearly 3×as dense as CH, laserpulses can be 2–3×shorter in length (5–9 ns versus 15–22 ns)and still drive implosions to ignition relevant conditions[29, 30]. HDC experimental campaigns have developed effi-cient utilization techniques for low gas-fill hohlraums—exploring capsule to hohlraum size [31], time-dependentsymmetry control [32, 33], shock timing, and improved sta-bility with capsule dopant [34].

In low gas-fill hohlraums, due to the reduced time-dependent cross-beam energy transfer, implosion symmetry iscontrolled directly through changes in the beam power bal-ance—if more drive is needed on the waist of the capsule,then the ‘inner’ beams which strike the hohlraum in theequatorial region are increased in power, while if more driveis needed on the poles of the capsule, then the ‘outer’ beamswhich strike near the ends of the hohlraum are increased inpower (figure 2). Implosion shape is quantified in terms of aLegendre moment decomposition of the 17% contour of peakbrightness of measured equatorial x-ray or neutron emissionwhere the zeroth order term (P0) specifies the overall size ofthe emitting region; P2 specifies the level of oblate or prolate-ness, and P4 specifies the level of ‘square’ or ‘diamond’shape, as described in [35].

While final implosion shape is important for optimizingnuclear performance, the time-dependent symmetry of theradiation flux producing that shape is of at least equal, if notmore, importance [9]. The ultimate goal is to apply minimalP2 (as well as minimal higher orders) throughout the entiredrive of the pulse such that the fuel is driven as symmetrically(as efficiently) as possible. As described above, symmetry iscontrolled through inner and outer beam balance (cone frac-tion defined as the ratio of inner power to total power). Two-dimensional radiation hydrodynamics simulations withHYDRA including the lasers, hohlraum, and capsule areexecuted to determine the appropriate cone fraction [36]. Thesimulated radiation flux striking the capsule can be calculatedand decomposed using Legendre polynomials, and the conefraction modified throughout the laser pulse to maintain

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of target showing capsule and fuelinside hohlraum with inner beams deposition location near thecapsule waist and outer beams deposition location near the laserentrance holes; inner and outer beams are in actuality four groups ofbeams crossing the hohlraum axis at different angles −23° and 30°for inners and 44° and 50° for outers.


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radiation flux P2 near 0 throughout, driving a round ablatorand fuel and producing a round hot spot.

The same set of simulations can be used to calculate theP4, set by the geometric locations of the beam spots on thewall. Outer and inner beams can be moved in the simulationsto determine the appropriate location which minimizes P4 inthe radiation flux and hence in the shell and hot spot. ModesP6 and higher are typically of lesser concern due to the nativesmoothing which occurs inside a hohlraum [37]. While thegoal is to have a completely symmetric implosion, a perfor-mance specification has been quantified using 2D HYDRAsimulations for the level of implosion P2 and P4 deviationfrom zero (round) that still produces 70% of the 1D simulatedyield at alpha-heating levels of 2×(P2 can deviate ±5 μm,while P4 can deviate ±3 μm) [9].

2. Late-time symmetry control

Typically, hohlraums have been filled with a high density ofgas (>1 mg cm−3) to reduce expansion of the hohlraum wallmaterial into the volume of the hohlraum and into the laserbeam paths. With a low gas-fill (0.03–0.6 mg cm−3), clearbenefits are gained as mentioned [21, 39, 40], but the wallexpands readily into the hohlraum volume and into the laserbeam paths (figure 3(a)). The challenge of late-time symmetrycontrol is demonstrated in figure 3, where the effects of lossof symmetry control as beams are absorbed in the hohlraumvolume are simulated as well as compared to measurements.Radiation flux P2 can be controlled for much of the pulse withcone fraction (figure 3(b), <6 ns), but the inner beams arehindered in their propagation to the hohlraum waist producinga rapid shift to positive P2 (pole hot) in radiation flux near theend of the laser pulse (figure 3(b), 6 ns onwards). The effecton the implosion can be noted in the inset equatorial materialdensity image in figure 3(b); although the outside of the denseshell is relatively round, the internal features show a largebuild-up of density at the poles resulting in reduced neutronproduction for this implosion.

Experimentally, one manifestation of this issue can benoted in figure 3(c). The time-resolved measurement of post-bang time x-ray emission provides information regarding thestate of the shell convolved with the radiation flux. Althoughthe image at the time of peak neutron emission (bang time)shows a well-formed, albeit oblate implosion, the measuredand simulated x-ray emission after bang time indicates sig-nificant asymmetry as the outgoing shock interacts with thedense polar features. The agreement between measured andsimulated images provides confidence that the radiation fluxis understood, both indicating that improvement is needed aswell as providing confidence that the simulations can beutilized to determine how that improvement can be achieved.

The challenge of late-time symmetry control has led tolaser designs with higher peak power of shorter duration toforce the capsule to reach the desired implosion velocitywhile symmetry control can still be maintained (figure 4). Thehigher power, shorter pulses allow the capsule to be drivenaccording to design velocity specifications, while being short

enough to avoid the late-time hindrance of inner beampropagation.

With these limitations in mind, a platform has beensuccessfully designed with 5.75 mm diameter, depleted ura-nium hohlraums filled with 0.3 mg cm−3 helium and bothW-doped and undoped HDC capsules with 844 μm innerradii, 64 μm thick ablators, and 52 μm thick DT fuel layers(‘subscale’ targets [32]). Time-dependent P2 symmetry con-trol was achieved and maintained using simulations to guide achanging cone fraction through time. It can be noted, though,as in the lower right image of figure 4 that the hot spot has adegree of ‘square’ shape indicating a remaining P4contribution.

Therefore, a series of experiments was executed todemonstrate that P4 could be modified while still keeping P2within performance specification (figure 5). The spacing ofthe location of inner versus outer beam spots on the hohlraumwall was steadily widened by moving both the 44° and 50°outer beam groups from a nominal position to +200 μm andto +350 μm toward the laser entrance holes. The shift in P4was measured by analyzing radiographs of the inflight shell ata convergence of approximately 5×[41]. Through this series,measured P4 clearly shifts and reaches levels within theperformance specification showing a sensitivity of ∼2 μm ofP4 for each 100 μm of outer beam shift. An offset in absolute

Figure 3. (a) Schematic diagram of upper hohlraum halves showing(left) tamped wall expansion with higher gas-fill or at early time inlow-gas fill and (right) late-time expanded wall material; (b) simulatedLegendre moment P2 (solid line) of the radiation flux (+P2 fluxindicates pole/outer high; −P2 flux indicates waist/inner high) insidethe hohlraum applied to the capsule compared to the timing of a laserpulse (dotted line). The inset image is a simulated equatorial materialdensity profile at the time of peak neutron emission showing the result ofthis radiation flux asymmetry; (c) equatorial x-ray emission images [38]measured from an experiment (N150128, top row) and output froma simulation (bottom row) showing one measurable signature ofradiation flux asymmetry, significant density build-up on the poles ofthe implosion.


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magnitude of P4 is noted between measurements and simu-lations, an effect that may indicate inadequate zoning of thesimulation wall mesh or possibly non-hydrodynamic, kineticinteractions between the gas fill and hohlraum wall [42].However, the slope of the shift is consistent between mea-surements and simulations providing confidence that once anexperimental starting point is known the measured P4/outerbeam pointing sensitivity can be implemented successfully.

Moving the outer beams toward the laser entrance holesnot only affects P4, but will also affect P2 by applying astronger drive to the poles of the capsule, driving anincreasingly oblate radiation flux. Experiments have shownthat P2 shifts by 5 μm for each 100 μm shift in outer pointing.Therefore, the balance between the inner and outer beampowers through time must be adjusted as the outer beam spotlocation is moved. This series of experiments included suchcone fraction modifications in addition to the beam pointingchanges, and measurements showed that, although P2 didmove between experiments, adequate control was maintained.

3. Increased target scale

Building upon these results, the target size was increased by∼8% to 6.2 mm diameter hohlraums, 910 μm HDC capsules’inner radii, 70 μm thick ablators and 56 μm thick DT fuellayers (‘midscale’ targets) to test the S term in equation (4).The size scaling was indeed effective at increasing yield,reaching new NIF yield to-date records [2], but the symmetrydid not scale as nominal 2D radiation hydrodynamics simu-lations expected. Initial gas-filled capsule experiments(‘symcaps’ [35]) in midscale targets produced hot spots moreoblate than predicted by nominal simulations (figure 6, sub-scale N160221 was designed and measured to be round whilemidscale N170206 was designed to be round but measured tobe oblate). Further work is needed to fully explain the lack ofsymmetry scaling, although this effect seems to be caused by

a hindrance of late-time laser propagation; one challenge ofincreasing the scale size of targets is that the laser power andenergy must increase to maintain similar hohlraum internalradiation temperature with the increased hohlraum wall area,but the laser spot size cannot increase (beyond a small spreaddue to the longer path length), thus the laser intensity on thewalls increases causing the wall expansion velocity to behigher with larger targets.

To correct the oblate shape, several symmetry controltechniques were tested and verified including: increased peakcone fraction, increased hohlraum gas density (0.45 mg cm−3

instead of 0.3 mg cm−3), one set of outer beams’ (44° beams)pointing shifted inward away from the laser entrance holes(−350 μm), and reduced picket power (44 TW instead of56 TW). The results of the series of experiments are sum-marized in figure 6. Due to a limited number of availableshots, some experiments changed multiple parameters atonce. However, the series taken as a whole can be utilized tointerpret distinct sensitivities.

Increased peak power cone fraction forces more drivenear the waist of the capsule as the capsule begins to convergewithout inducing shell to hot spot symmetry swings thatreduce ò. If simulations underestimate the absorption of theinner beams as the hohlraum is filling with wall and ablatormaterial, then this technique can be effective at empiricallycorrecting for that discrepancy. There is a limit to how muchthe cone fraction can be increased, though, due to reachingthe peak powers deliverable by NIF, and so this technique canonly be implemented until that point is reached. Measure-ments demonstrated that increased peak cone fraction waseffective at shifting hot spot symmetry from oblate to roundwith a sensitivity of ∼3 μm per % cone fraction increase.

In simulations, increased hohlraum gas-fill densityimproves symmetry by slowing the expansion of the hohl-raum wall allowing additional late-time inner beam propa-gation. Experimentally, this effect is not always observed[39], and in fact, the opposite effect where symmetry is moreprolate with reduced hohlraum gas-fill density has been dis-tinctly noted [45]. The hohlraum gas-fill density wasincreased from 0.3 mg cm−3 to 0.45 mg cm−3, and the peak

Figure 5. (a) Comparison of measured and simulated P4 values ofthe inflight shell in a series of experiments (N160119, N160627,N160816) where the outer beams were incrementally movedoutward toward the laser entrance holes. Top half-hohlraumdiagrams (axes horizontal) display the outer beam location for eachexperiment; (b) comparison of measured and simulated P2 valuescorresponding to each experiment.

Figure 4. (a) Comparison between two laser pulses which drivesimilar velocity implosions through different peak power anddifferent lengths; (b) resulting radiation flux from the lower power,longer pulse (red) and the higher power, shorter pulse (blue); imagesbelow are simulated equatorial material density and x-ray emissionresulting from the longer pulse (red, left) and the shorter pulse (blue,right).


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cone fraction was increased 3%. The resulting hot spot shapedid shift toward prolate, but less than the peak cone fractionchange alone. This result is consistent with two hypotheses—either the increased gas density cost ∼3 μm in P2 or thesensitivity to peak cone fraction is reduced to 2 μm per %cone fraction.

Because longer pulse lengths are more challenging onsymmetry, the effect of lengthening peak power (+500 ps)was tested. As this change is expected to push the hot spotshape toward oblate, the separation between the two sets ofouter beams was also increased by shifting one set closer tothe capsule waist (44° beams only, −350 μm). This separa-tion of the outer beam groups reduces drive on the capsulepole, instead shifting that drive toward the waist and also mayreduce the radial extent of the expansion of the wall con-centrated near the outer beam deposition location. Previousexperiments demonstrated ∼5 μm P2 shift per 100 μm ofouter beam repoint when both groups of outer beams wereshifted. Here, only half of the outer beams were moved, andso the effect can be halved and then scaled to the 350 μm shiftyielding an expected P2 total shift of almost 9 μm fromthe 44° beam repoint. For this experiment, 5 μm of P2 shiftwas measured. Hence a rough estimate can be made that

lengthening the pulse cost ∼4 μm of P2. This estimate indi-cates a sensitivity of ∼<1 μm of P2 degradation per 100 pspulse extension. Simulations with symmetry baselined to theinitial oblate implosion were consistent with this level ofsensitivity.

To provide further symmetry flexibility, a reduced powerpicket was implemented. To maximize P2, this picket mod-ification was coupled to 100 μm inward repoint on both the44° and 50° outer beams. These two changes together inducedthe largest change in P2 (ΔP2∼12 μm) of the series. Asnoted, previous experiments have been consistent with∼5 μm P2 shift per 100 μm of outer beam repoint. Therefore,the picket power reduction is consistent with ∼7 μm P2 shiftfor a 20% picket power reduction.

These empirical estimates of picket power effect areconsistent with simulation expectations where approximatelyhalf of the P2 shift could be seen in simulations with onlyouter beam repoint and half could be seen in simulations withonly picket power reduction. The picket power effect can beinterpreted by examining simulations where two contributionsare noted. The reduced power picket seems to induce less wallmotion, consistent with empirical observations [7]. In addi-tion, the simulations calculate increased cross-beam energytransfer in the peak of the laser pulse caused by altered plasmaconditions at the laser entrance holes effectively resulting in alarger peak power cone fraction, already noted to be effectiveat shifting symmetry.

Although the techniques discussed are focused on late-time symmetry control, early-time control is also key toefficiently driving the implosion. Hence, cone fraction chan-ges were introduced during the foot of the pulse when neededto maintain symmetric shock structure, while still shiftingfinal hot spot shape. The result of this can be seen infigure 6(c) where the picket cone fraction is reduced when theouter beams are repointed. It is also important to note that thelevel of P4 was not measured to increase outside the perfor-mance specification with the separation of the 44° and 50°and with the small repoint.

4. Late-time drive modification

We have designed and experimentally verified several effec-tive symmetry control techniques, but there is another keyaspect of experimental performance, a contributor to pabl inequation (4)—the empirical effect of coast time (the timebetween the end of the laser pulse and peak neutron emis-sion). Previous CH experiments demonstrated a dependencebetween reduced coast time and increased stagnation pres-sure. This effect can be noted in figure 1(b) and is consistentwith theoretical analysis [46]. Higher power, shorter pulsesfor late-time symmetry control as discussed here inherentlyresult in a longer delay between the end of the laser pulse andthe time of peak neutron emission (longer coast times). Whileeffective at reducing late-time symmetry issues, this laserpulse design has room for improvement to increase expectedstagnation pressure.

Figure 6. Comparison of measured equatorial x-ray images at bangtime through the series of symmetry experiments spanning‘subscale’ N160221, ‘midscale’ 170206, gas density change to0.45 mg cm−3 N170417 with peak cone fraction modification, peakcone fraction modification N170702, pulse length increase with 44°beam pointing modification N170731, and picket reshape N170926.The bright spot noted in the images is attributed to the fuel fill tube[43, 44]; this feature affects the apparent brightness of the underlyinghot spot and hence apparent size. However, the P2 in micronsremains consistent across multiple brightness contour levels. Laserplots: (a) power versus time comparisons for N160221 (black),N170206, N170417, and N170702 (blue), N170731 and N170926(red); (b) picket power comparison between N170206, N170702,N170731 (red) and N170926 (green); (c) cone fraction versus timefor N170206 (blue), N170417 and N170702 (yellow), and N170731and N170926 (red).


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Much research effort has focused on the power and conefraction history of the laser pulse before peak (in figure 4(a),the pulse before ∼5 ns). This additional constraint (reducedcoast time) coupled with the inherent late-time symmetrycontrol challenge of low gas-fill hohlraums motivates devel-opment of post-peak power laser pulse designs. With the highdegree of laser tunability at the NIF, the time history of thelaser pulse can indeed be controlled after reaching peak powerin addition to the typical control in the earlier time portion.

Reduced coast time through simply lengthening the timeat laser peak power returns to the symmetry issue noted infigures 3 and 4 as well as produces an accelerating drive to thecapsule rapidly reducing the amount of ablator massremaining at peak velocity, raising concerns about interfacestability and mix.

In fact, three DT layered experiments in the HDC campaign(N141116, N161113, N180218) with varying symmetry, scale,and α have demonstrated that nuclear performance does notincrease according to expectations when the mass remainingshrinks to less than ∼4%. One design option for modifying thelate time laser peak power to reduce coast time but still maintainablator mass is the ‘drooping’ drive. Previous point designs [47]explored similar options, but for the first time, we haveexperimentally explored this design.

Rather than the traditional square laser pulse peak shape,the drooping drive reaches peak power and subsequentlyramps down in power extending the pulse later in time. Theresulting simulated internal radiation temperature (Tr) chan-ges from a steadily rising, peaked profile to a flattened profile(figure 7(b)). Because the drooping pulse leads to a flattenedTr profile, the capsule does not continue to accelerate andburn mass as with a peaked profile, and the laser pulse islonger, such that short coast times with adequate ablator massremaining can be designed.

In simulations, the effect of the drooping pulse design isclearly noted (table 1) between two simulations of the samecapsule, fuel, and hohlraum with the laser pulses shown infigure 7. Although the drooping pulse is ∼1 ns longer, themass remaining is similar between the two drives. Further-more, although the fuel velocities are nearly identical, thestagnation pressure is increased 2×with the reduced coasttime drive.

The drooping pulse provides an added symmetry benefitin that the late-time peak cone fraction can steadily rise withthe decreasing power while still remaining within the NIFlaser power delivery capabilities. Effectively, if this conefraction ramp is utilized, then the inner beams are kept con-stant through the duration of peak power, while the outerbeams are steadily reduced in power. Simulations indicatethat this ramping cone fraction improves late-time symmetrycontrol, although this remains to be verified experimentally.Furthermore, laser backscatter often rises late in the pulse andis concentrated in the outer beams; reducing the late-timepower in the outer beams can be effective at negating thisissue as well.

Moreover, simulations often do not calculate correctlythe late time cooling of the hohlraumn noted as a discrepancybetween post peak power measured and simulated Dante [48]fluxes (figure 8(a)). With a typical coast time of ∼1.8 ns as infigure 8, a significant fraction of the implosion trajectoryoccurs after the end of the laser pulse when the hohlraum iscooling. Therefore, with the disagreement between measured

Figure 7. (a) Comparison between a square peak laser pulse (black)and a ‘drooping’ pulse (green); (b) comparison of the resultingsimulated hohlraum internal radiation temperatures between square(black) and ‘drooping’ pulses (green).

Table 1. Comparison of square and ‘drooping’ pulse implosionmetrics.

Square Drooping

Bang time (ns) 7.8 7.83Coast time (ns) 1.5 0.5Fuel velocity (km s−1) 371 370DT Tion (keV) 4.7 5.1Yield 1.3×1016 2.1×1016

Mass remaining 6.8% 6.3%Stag. pressure (Gbar) 191 343ρ R mg cm 3-( ) 227 423

Figure 8. (a) Comparison between a measured Dante flux (black) anda simulation (blue); (b) simulated trajectory of the center of thefuel mass.


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and simulated fluxes, this key fraction of the implosion tra-jectory is subject to hohlraum drive unable to be captured bythe simulations. Shrinking the coast time provides higherconfidence in simulation fidelity.

5. Robust alpha-heating laser-target combination

Focusing on the laser design aspect of the platform, com-bining symmetry control techniques with the drooping pulsehas led to a controlled and consistent implosion suitable fortesting a range of hypotheses for paths to further increaseperformance. We have executed a series of DT layer experi-ments to test the effect on performance of symmetry andminor shock timing adjustment. Each implosion reached asimilar fuel velocity (∼395 km s−1) and produced similartotal neutron yields (figure 9).

Modifying the picket was effective at shifting final hotspot symmetry from oblate to prolate (both in the gas-filledcapsules and DT layered experiments), but did not change DTlayered implosion performance. Adjusting shock timing(moving the shock mergers away from the capsule:DT iceinterface, closer to the ice:gas interface with added picketenergy and added trough length) was effective at increasingthe down-scatter ratio (DSR, a metric of fuel compression[49]), but again did not change fusion energy output. Theseresults indicate that modest iterations on final symmetry andshock timing are not expected to significantly increase per-formance, but also that this platform is performing con-sistently and robustly and is not in a narrow, sensitive regionof parameter space.

This robustness is valuable for narrowing the designspace over which performance improvements may beexpected. The implosion performance is controlled by manyfactors, including the capsule and hohlraum materials, sizes,and engineering features as well as the power, energy, andtime history of the laser pulse. Experiments are underway to

further increase S to again test that parameter in equation (4).In addition, there is room for further improvement at thecurrent target scale; despite the robustness of performance,the measured yield over 2D simulated yield remains <50%.Sources of that degradation may include perturbation from thefuel fill tube, and so experiments to further shrink the size ofthat engineering feature are planned. Furthermore, althoughfinal measured hot spot symmetry did not affect nuclearperformance, simulations indicate that there may be remain-ing early-time asymmetries due to increased cross-beamtransfer with the reduced picket power design; experimentscorrecting early-time cone fraction could test that simulatedeffect on performance. Fuel:ablator interface stability coupledwith fuel preheat also remains a potentially crucial issue;experiments to optimize capsule dopant for added shieldingand improved fuel:ablator stability could be utilized toexplore whether this is a contributor to fusion performance.Armed with an increased understanding of symmetry anddrive control as detailed here, experimental campaigns willnow move forward, building upon these results to attempt toreach the burning plasma regime and beyond.


The authors would like to thank the NIF operations, laser,target fabrication, and diagnostic teams for their dedicatedefforts during these experiments. This work was performedunder the auspices of the US Department of Energy byLawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344 and by General Atomics under ContractDE-NA0001808.

This document was prepared as an account of worksponsored by an agency of the United States government.Neither the United States government nor Lawrence Liver-more National Security, LLC, nor any of their employeesmakes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes anylegal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness,or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or pro-cess disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringeprivately owned rights. Reference herein to any specificcommercial product, process, or service by trade name, tra-demark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarilyconstitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, orfavoring by the United States government or LawrenceLivermore National Security, LLC. The views and opinionsof authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflectthose of the United States government or Lawrence Liver-more National Security, LLC, and shall not be used foradvertising or product endorsement purposes.


L Berzak Hopkins Jones Millot

Figure 9. Equatorial neutron image [50] comparison for the three DTlayered experiments described here (N170827, N171106, N171218)with associated table of measured performance metrics. YOS 2D is aratio of measured yield to simulated yield from a two-dimensionalsimulation resolving modes P < 8 including the hohlraum, capsule,and delivered laser powers.


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