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Tour packages for Congress ParticipantsSingular Business

Experience the other SevilleExperience the other Seville

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Page 3: Tour packages for Congress Participants


Catalogue of Singular BusinessTour packages in the

Province of Seville










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Fernando Rodríguez VillalobosPresident of Seville Provincial Council

The province of Seville boasts a wide variety of complementary, differentiated and high-qualityattractions based on its rich heritage and artistic traditions, its genuine and unique products,its beautiful natural spaces, its cuisine and the hospitality of its people, offering businesstravellers visiting the region for professional reasons an endless array of delightful options.

In this spirit, Seville Provincial Council, through the company PRODETUR, is delighted topresent an innovative and differential product aimed at congress organisers and specialist travel agencies: theSINGULAR BUSINESS tour packages specially designed and prepared to cater for this target group.

The Singular Business tour packages, promoted under the slogan “Experience the other Seville”, offer uniqueexperiences designed to add value to existing offers and enhance the province's image by promoting the wide variety ofcultural attractions the province has to offer through specific products targeted at this segment.

These tourist packages, aimed at groups of up to 20 professionals, have been planned as instruments to fostersustainable tourism development since they drive demand for added-value products and favour the development ofterritorially-balanced tourism.

Our aim with these tour packages is to develop a quality, dynamic, creative and committed offer to attract businesstravellers to our province.

Visitors to the province of Seville can enjoy the most authentic and unforgettable experiences through excellence andprofessionalism combined with our art and from our hearts. We want to share these experiences with you.


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Singular Business

Experience the other Seville

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The province of Seville boasts a very important historical heritage that is often largely unknown. The rich culturalheritage of the towns in the province is an important asset, and the opportunity to enjoy this heritage is anexperience that no visitor travelling to Seville for business, congresses or meetings should miss.

This tour package will surprise visitors as they discover unique towns brimming with historical attractions,combining this experience with the opportunity to visit olive groves, one of the greatest treasures of Andalusian gastronomy and theMediterranean diet.

The tour starts with a visit to an Arbequina olive farm where visitors will learn about olive harvesting and growing techniques, the specificcharacteristics of ecological production and discover the secrets of a signature extra virgin olive oil. The experience will also include a beginners'tasting session in which participants can learn how to distinguish between good and bad olive oils, identify extra virgin olive oil and enjoy itsaromas and natural flavours.

After the visit to the olive grove and the tasting experience, the group will enjoy a new experience for the senses on their visit to the town ofCarmona.

Carmona's artistic monumental site and former defensive system, palatial homes, churches and convents and its intrinsic beauty make it one ofSeville's most charming towns.

The guided tour will allow visitors to truly discover every corner of the town and learn about its history and meeting places. The tour ends with theopportunity to savour a wide array of traditionalAndalusian dishes.

The programme ends with a visit to the province's quintessential museum town, Osuna, where participants can visit the Collegiate Church and thePantheon of the Dukes of Osuna, the Museum of SacredArt, theArchaeology Museum and the Town Museum.

Finally, the group will have dinner at one of the two charming hotels specially selected for this tour package.

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OLIVE GROVES AND OUR TOWNSProgramme (for groups of 10/20 pax.)

Day 19:00 h

10:00 h

12:00 h

14:00 h

16:30 h

20:30 h

Pick-up at the hotel in Seville

Visit to the olive grove in Seville at El Viso del Alcor

Guided tour of Carmona

Traditional lunch in Carmona

Arrival at the hotel in Osuna and guided tour of the town

Dinner and accommodation at a hotel in Osuna

Stroll through the olive groves, introduction to harvesting andgrowing techniques used in the production of superior categoryextra virgin olive oil.Visit to the farm, interpretation room and olive mill.Tasting and pairing session.

Visit to the exterior of the Alcázar de la Puerta de Sevilla fortress,palatial homes, churches and convents, the Alcázar del Rey donPedro fortress and Parador de Turismo hotel.

Admission to the Collegiate Church and Pantheon of the Dukes ofOsuna.Admission to the Museum of SacredArt.Admission and guided tour of theArchaeology Museum.Town Museum.

Day 29:00 h

10:00 h

Breakfast at the hotel

Transfer to Seville









Hotels: Marqués de la Gomera or Hospedería del Monasterio.î


Recommended price: 185 € + VAT per pax.

Note: the recommended price corresponds to accommodation in a doubleroom; the surcharge for single use is 25€ + VAT. Participants arerecommended to use comfortable clothing and footwear. This tour packagecan be contracted through your event organiser or a specialised travelagency.

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Visit to the OlivoBasilippo Cultural Centre.

This olive farm and ranch conserves the beauty andnoble style of 18th century architecture. The farmproduces and sells Basilippo Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

The ranch has 6,000 Arbequina olive trees. Thecentre allows visitors to enjoy the experience ofdiscovering the individual factors that determine thequality of an Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

The tour, which lasts approximately 75/90 minutes,includes a stroll through the olive groves, a visit tothe main ranch building and the interpretation room(where visitors can learn about the history of work inthe oil mill through an exhibition of traditional utensilsand machinery, audio-visual contents andexplanatory panels), visits to the oil mill, air-conditioned cellar and bottling plant. They will alsolearn how Basilippo olives are milled and theresulting olive oil conserved and sold.

On the visit to the ranch, participants will enjoy abeginners' tasting session in the tasting room,consisting of a guided session tasting two virgin oliveoils, complemented with a special tasting andpairing session, savouring Greek yoghurt withBasilippo vanilla aromas or chocolate ice cream withBasilippo orange aromas.

Guided tour of Carmona

An expert local guide will take visitors on a tour of thetown's most important monuments and landmarks.The tour takes around two hours and will includevisits to the following sites:

The exterior of the Alcázar de la Puerta de Sevillafortress, where they can see all the civilizations thathave passed through the town, such as theCarthaginians, Romans and Muslims.

The exteriors of 18th-century palatial homes wheremarquis and counts had their residence.

The exteriors of churches and convents to discoverthe town's rich artistic and cultural heritage,including the Priory Church of Santa María, theancient site of the Aljama mosque during theMoorish occupation.

The Alcázar del Rey Don Pedro fortress and theParador de Turismo hotel; in the courtyard visitorswill visit one of the finest Paradores (luxury state-owned hotels) in Spain, overlooking the site withvast views of the Vega (vertile plains) below.

Guided tour of Osuna

After the visit to Carmona, the group will travel toOsuna for a tour around the town's most importantmuseums and buildings, including admission to theCollegiate Church and the Pantheon of the Dukes ofOsuna, admission and guided tour of the Museum ofSacred Art and the Archaeology Museum and a visitto the Town's Museum.

Dinner and accommodation

To round off the day, participants will have dinner attheir hotel. Two charming hotels are adhered to thisprogramme - Hotel Marqués de la Gomera andHospedería del Monasterio - in order to guaranteeavailability since the number of places is limited.


Transport will be provided to pick up and transfer thegroup for all the visits.

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Singular Business

Experience the other Seville

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The Singular Business tour packages would be incomplete without a visit to see fighting bulls. This attraction iscombined with a day in the country, savouring traditional local liqueurs and enjoying the local cultural heritage.

The province of Seville seems to be intimately linked to bulls, which are an intrinsic part of its culture and identity.This tour package offers business travellers the unique opportunity to enjoy an experience associated with one of Seville's oldest traditions.

The experience takes place in Sierra Norte in the province of Seville and starts with a visit to a prestigious cattle ranch. There, participants will beable to see wild bulls in their natural habitat, learn about the different batches of bulls that will be used in bullfights in different bullrings around thecountry and visit the installations at the ranch such as the plaza de tientas (practicing bullring) and forcing pens.At the ranch, participants can alsoenjoy the stunning landscape on the banks of the Huéznar Reservoir.

After the visit to the cattle ranch, when visitors can also taste local products during a country-style lunch, participants can also discover and tastethe distilled spirits of Cazalla, products famous worldwide whose tradition dates back to the 13th century.

The package ends with a visit to the Carthusian Monastery of Cazalla de la Sierra, a monumental architectural site where participants candiscover and learn about the moments of greatest splendour in the history of Carthusian Order.

At the end of the day, the group will stay at a charming and traditional local hotel in the town of Cazalla de la Sierra.


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BULLS AND THE SIERRAProgramme (for groups of 15/20 pax.)

Day 19:30 h

11:00 h

14:00 h

17:30 h

18:00 h

19:15 h

20:30 h

Pick-up at the hotel in Seville

Visit to a cattle ranch

Country-style lunch

Visit to an anisette distillery

Visit to the Cazalla de la Sierra convent-monastery

Transfer to the hotel

Dinner and accommodation at a hotel in Cazalla de la Sierra

Reception of the group and tour of the cattle ranch with the farmmanager to see fighting bulls in different batches and age groups.Visit to the banks of the Huéznar reservoir bordering the ranch.

Traditional dishes served at the ranch.

Visit to the magnificent architectural site once home to the Order ofCarthusian monks.

Day 28:30 h

10:00 h

Breakfast at the hotel

Transfer to Seville





El Clavel. Brand of anisette created in 1896 and tasting of itsproducts.


La Posada del Moro. Hotel situated in the centre of Cazalla de laSierra, in the heart of the Natural Park of Sierra Norte in Seville.


Note: the recommended price corresponds to accommodation in a doubleroom; the surcharge for single use is 20 € + VAT. Participants arerecommended to use comfortable clothing and footwear. This tour packagecan be contracted through your event organiser or a specialised travelagency.

Recommended price: 202 € + VAT per pax.


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Visit to a cattle farm and ranch

Visit to the Dehesa Frías cattle farm and ranch, home tothe bulls of Dolores Aguirre and ensconced in theNatural Park of Sierra Norte in Seville. The companywas awarded a sustainable tourism prize for itsresponsibility towards the forest environment andsustainability of the dehesa (wooded pasturelands).

Visitors will be taken on a tour of the entire ranch andlearn about the different batches of bulls, the differentage groups, see wild bulls up close and learn abouttasks associated with cattle farming, and also visit thedifferent installations on the ranch.

Before lunch, the group will visit the banks of theHuéznar reservoir on the furthest boundary of the ranch.An area of enormous natural richness with a leafylandscape, gallery forest formed mainly by holm oaksand cork oaks, as well as different fauna including deerand boars. On the visit, participants will come into directcontact with local flora and fauna.

The estimated duration of the visit is 3 hours. At the endof the visit, a country-style lunch will be served andparticipants will have the chance to savour exquisitelocal cuisine: chacinas (cured porks), Iberian meats,exquisite stews and wines. After lunch, the group willtravel to the “El Clavel” anisette distillery.

Visit to the anisette distillery

Cazalla is famous worldwide for its distilled spirits. Thistradition dates back to the 13th century but it was in the15th century when the Carthusian monks introducedimprovements in the copper stills and alquitaras(ancient Arabic stills), making Cazalla a centre ofreference for distilleries worldwide.

“El Clavel” was founded in 1896. Its traditional productsof dry and sweet anisette are the renowned “Cazalla”anisettes. They are still made using traditional craftmethods where the anisette is slowly distilled “drop-by-drop” in traditional copper stills.

On the visit the group will learn about the distillingprocess and taste and learn to distinguish between thedifferent varieties of anisette, as well as the differentproducts. El Clavel uses its own ancient formula toobtain the distillery's unique bouquet known as Esenciade los Ángeles (“Essence of theAngels”), but it has alsoincorporated a range of orujos (liquor distilled fromgrape remains) and a line of top-range products.

The duration of the programmed visit is approximatelyhalf an hour.

Visit to the Cazalla de la Sierraconvent-monastery

After the visit to the distillery, the programme includes avisit to the emblematic architectural site of theCarthusian Monastery, once home to the monks of theCarthusian Order.

The guided tour of the church and its three cloisters,with their different quarters dating from different periodsin history, will offer visitors the chance to discover thisimportant historical heritage site and monumentsdating from the period of splendour of the CarthusianOrder.

Dinner and accommodation at the“La Posada del Moro” Hotel

After the programmed activities have ended, thegroup will stay at the charming “La Posada del Moro”hotel situated in the heart of the Natural Park ofSierra de Norte.

In order to promote local cuisine, great care hasbeen taken to ensure participants are later able toenjoy a country-style lunch and savour traditionaldishes sprinkled with a touch of innovation.


Transport will be provided to pick up and transfer thegroup for all the visits.

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Singular Business

Experience the other Seville

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The Guadalquivir, a symbol of the province of Seville, has been famous since time immemorial and has played akey role in the history of Spain. Its uniqueness and importance and the diversity of its environment, characterisedby landscapes of great natural beauty, make this an enticing tour package in contact with nature.

This attractive package combines boat trips, history, the ecosystem, horse and carriage rides, food and flamenco shows, and is aimed at businesstravellers looking for a dynamic experience in which nature takes centre stage.

The programme starts with a boat trip on the Guadalquivir, the symbol of communication between peoples. The river offers stunning views alongits entire course and participants in the business group will be left in awe at the river's majesty and beauty.

The boat trip takes travellers from the centre of Seville to the floating wharf at Isla Mínima, on the doorstep of the Doñana National Park.

From the floating wharf, the participants will travel to the Dehesa de Abajo Nature Reserve, a place of great ecological value with a great diversityof birds and plants.

On this journey along the river, participants have the chance to discover and admire this unique place, from the wild olive groves to the wetlandsrenowned worldwide for being home to thousands of Doñana's aquatic birds, including some endangered species.

After the boat trip, the group will rest and enjoy a country-style lunch prepared with local produce before travelling to Vado del Quema, a famouscrossing point used by pilgrims on their way to El Rocío. From there, the group will ride by horse and carriage through the Mediterranean forest toVillamanrique de la Condesa, where they will stay at a hotel ensconced in a privileged landscape in the heart nature and enjoy a dinneraccompanied by a “rociero-style” choral group, ending the day immersed in the flavours of local cuisine and artistic traditions.


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OUR RIVER AND ITS SURROUNDINGSProgramme (for groups of 10/20 pax.)

Day 19:00 h

9:30 h

11:30 h

12:00 h

14:30 h

16:30 h

17:00 h

18:00 h

20:30 h

Pick-up at the hotel in Seville

Guided boat trip along the river Guadalquivir

Arrival at the floating dock and transfer to Dehesa de Abajo

Hiking through Dehesa de Abajo

Country-style lunch at the Dehesa de Abajo Visitors' Centre

Transfer to Vado del Quema

Horse and carriage ride

Arrival at the hotel

Dinner at the hotel with entertainment offered by a“rociero-style” choral group

Boat trip from the San Telmo Palace viewing the city's emblematicmonuments.Passage through the new lock towards Isla Mínima, discovering allthe rich flora and fauna that inhabit the banks of the river.

Day 29:00 h

10:00 h

Breakfast at the hotel

Transfer to Seville



Nature Reserve with exceptional landscapes, lagoons and canals.î

Crossing point used by pilgrims on their journey to El Rocío.î

HotelArdea Purpúrea.Aluxury hotel situated in the heart of nature.î

Note: the recommended price corresponds to accommodation in a doubleroom; the surcharge for single use is 37.50 € + VAT. Participants arerecommended to use comfortable clothing and footwear. This tour packagecan be contracted through your event organiser or a specialised travelagency.

Recommended price: 238 € + VAT per pax.


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Guided boat trip along the Guadalquivir

The programme begins with a boat trip along the riverGuadalquivir. It starts in the centre of Seville near theSan Telmo Palace and follows the river as it windsthrough the city, passing the Puerto de Cuba terrace, theCosturero de la Reina building, the Maria Luisa park, thenew aquarium, the San Telmo bridge, the loading quaysand Port of Seville itself.

The trip continues towards the floating dock at IslaMínima, passing through the port area, the old docksand the old lock before leaving through the new lock,discovering all the flora (pines, cork oaks, thyme fields,etc.) and fauna that inhabit the banks of the river(chameleons, herons, stiff-tailed ducks, etc.).

Guided hiking tour through Dehesa deAbajo wooden pastureland

Guided visit to the Dehesa deAbajo Nature Reserve. Onthe route, participants will discover the Reserve'snatural, historical and ethnographic heritage.

The group will stop at the Visitors Centre where expertguides in environmental interpretation and conservationwill explain what they are going to discover on the route.

The route begins at the Dehesa de Abajo VisitorsCentre, passing through a large hundred-year-old wildolive tree grove, home to the largest colony of whitestorks in Europe, as well as birds of prey and a wide

diversity of typical Mediterranean mountain plants andfauna, before reaching a pine and holm oak forest. Thegroup will then walk to the lagoon, home to a largenumber of different aquatic birds, and from there startthe return trip across the meadows from where they cansee the rice fields and part of the Guadalquivirmarshlands.

The walk takes about two and a half hours and endswith a country-style lunch.

After lunch, the group will travel to the spot known as“Vado del Quema” (a ford in the river Guadiamarcrossed by pilgrims on their journey to El Rocío).

Horse and carriage ride

At Vado del Quema, the group will go on a horse andcarriage ride, enjoying the landscape and discoveringthis crossing point, a popular meeting place for pilgrimstravelling to the town of El Rocío, before continuing tothe hotel.

D i n n e r w i t h “ r o c i e r o - s t y l e ”entertainment

After the ride, the group will have dinner at the hotelaccompanied by a “rociero-style” choral group; theday's experiences will culminate in a combination oflocal cuisine and popular song, which will delightboth national and international business travellers.

The Ardea Purpúrea hotel is situated in the heart ofnature on a nine-hectare farm with a beautiful lakeand forest.


Transport will be provided to pick up and transfer thegroup for all the visits.

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Singular Business

Experience the other Seville

Page 19: Tour packages for Congress Participants


The province of Seville boasts the oldest Roman settlement in the Iberian Peninsula: Italica. This package offersbusiness tourists the unique opportunity to visit this archaeological site located in the town of Santiponce, with itsmagnificent buildings, amphitheatre, theatre, houses and mosaics.

The power and experience of history at Italica would be enough to fill an entire tour package, but the programmecomplements the experience with other activities that will captivate and amaze participants.

After the guided tour of Italica, the group will enjoy a beautiful “birds of prey in flight” show in a unique setting. Visitors can participate actively in theshow and learn about the ancient art of falconry, intangible heritage of humanity, in a spectacle involving a wide variety of birds or prey in theirnatural habitat.

After marvelling at Italica's rich historical heritage, the spectacular birds of prey in flight show and the spectacular sensation of being in directcontact with these magnificent birds, the group will travel to one of the most important ranches in the province, which boasts a historic buildingconstructed in 1615 as a convent for monks belonging to the Order of Saint Jerome. Here, participants will enjoy a special and exquisite local dish:Retinto meat.

At sunset the group will go on a safari ride through the large ranch to see Retinto cattle, crop fields, the hunting area, a reservoir and the Romanruins.,-alimentaci%C3%B3n-y-medio-ambiente-autoriza-el-uso-del-logotipo-%E2%80%9Craza-aut%C3%B3ctona%E2%80%9D-a-la-asociaci%C3%B3n-nacional-de-criadores-de-ganado-vacuno-selecto-raza-retinta-/tcm7-308426-16


Page 20: Tour packages for Congress Participants

FROM ROMAN SEVILLE TO OURFARMS AND RANCHESProgramme (for groups of 10/20 pax.)

Day 19:30 h

10:00 h

11:30 h

13:00 h

14:00 h

16:30 h

20:00 h

Pick-up at the hotel in Seville

Guided cultural tour of the Archaeological Site at Itálica

Birds of prey in flight show

Arrival at the Cortijo El Esparragal ranch

Retinto meat roast

Safari truck tour

Dinner and accommodation at the hotel on the Ranch

Visit to the walls, Exedra building, amphitheatre, the Major ThermalBaths, the Building of the Mosaic of Neptune, the Minor ThermalBaths.

*The birds of prey in flight show will take place before or after arrival at Cortijo El Esparragal.


Exhibition of autochthonous birds of prey flying in their naturalhabitat. Participation in the art of falconry.

Visit to the Retinto cattle ranch, crop fields, hunting area, reservoirand the Roman ruins.

Day 29:00 h

10:00 h

Breakfast at the hotel

Transfer to Seville




Note: the recommended price corresponds to accommodation in a doubleroom; the surcharge for single use is 29.50 € + VAT. Participants arerecommended to use comfortable clothing and footwear. This tour packagecan be contracted through your event organiser or a specialised travelagency.

Recommended price: 174 € + VAT per pax.


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Guided tour of Italica

Tour of the magnificent archaeological site of Italica,including visits to the walls, the Exedra building, thebuilding with the Neptune mosaic, the Casa del PatioRodio (House of the Rhodian Patio or Peristilium), theCasa de los Pájaros (House of the Birds), the Casa delPlanetario (House of the Planetarium), the MainThermal Baths, the Small Thermal Baths and theAmphitheatre.

On this visit the group will discover the majesticarchitecture of the Roman town evident from the layoutof its streets and buildings, all integrated in a carefullypreserved landscape setting. Participants will be able tovisit in person the different elements of a typical Romantown.

Birds of prey in flight show

This show is offered by the “Vivir al Aire Libre” Centreand consists of an interactive presentation combininginformation, descriptions and stories with an exhibition,allowing participants to have close contact withdifferent birds or prey.

Participants will learn about the basic aspects offalconry, in particular its importance as culturalheritage, the morphology of these magnificent birds,their natural behaviour and the specific characteristicsof the different birds on show, different types of falconry,training methods and material used to handle thesebirds.

The main aim of the show is to give participants thechance to see autochthonous birds of prey close-upand in flight, and even hold them, all in an unbeatablesetting.

Cortijo El Esparragal

After the “birds of prey in flight” show, the group willtravel to Cortijo El Esparragal, a three-thousand-hectare farm dating form the 17th century that wasoriginally a convent of the Order of Saint Jerome.

The paths connecting each farmstead, the ruins ofold settlements, the convent, the thermal springs,the mills and mines show how each civilisation inhistory exploited these lands.

At the ranch the group will be offered typical roastRetinto meat. After lunch, the group will go on asafari visit by vehicle to see Retinto cattle and visitthe beautiful areas around the reservoir and theRoman ruins.

The day ends with a dinner and participants will stayin rooms at the ranch overlooking the gardens orpatios.


Transport will be provided to pick up and transfer thegroup for all the visits.


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Singular Business

Experience the other Seville

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This tour package combines nature, tradition, art and culture in a privileged setting and environment on thedoorstep of Doñana National Park.

The first unique experience in this package will be a horse and carriage ride through protected natural spacesbrimming with beauty and bathed in tranquillity and harmony, situated between El Aljarafe and the marshlands in

the province of Seville.

After the horse and carriage ride, participants will have the unique opportunity to visit a famous ranch to see fighting bulls, famed for their imposingpoise and ferocity. Their appearance is a spectacle in itself.

After the fighting bulls the group will discover another emblematic feature of the Seville countryside, purebred horses, an intrinsic symbol of theprovince of Seville. Participants can also go on visit to see purebred Spanish (Pura Raza Española) and Haflinger horses, both breeds famous fortheir beauty, strength and character.

This unique tour package culminates with the opportunity to enjoy typical cuisine from the Doñana area and an exquisite, carefully preparedgourmet dinner followed by a traditional flamenco and Sevillanas (popular songs and dancing from Seville) show. This authentic and unique localartistic spectacle will bring the curtain down an intense and unforgettable experience that will leave visitors spellbound.


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THE DOÑANA IN SEVILLA, HORSES AND BULLSProgramme (for groups of 7/14 pax.)*

Day 19:00 h

10:00 h

11:00 h

14:00 h

16:00 h

18:00 h

21:00 h

Pick-up at the hotel in Seville

Arrival at Paraíso Doñana

Ride on horse and carriage crossing Dehesa Boyaland El Chaparral

Lunch (typical cuisine from Doñana)

Visit to a cattle ranch

Visit to the Resort. Purebred Spanish andHaflinger horses

Gourmet dinner at the hotel with flamenco andSevillanas show

Check-in at the hotel and coffee.

Day 29:00 h

10:00 h

Breakfast at the hotel

Transfer to Seville


The ride will take visitors along the route used by pilgrims on theirjourney to El Rocio through the protected natural areas of DehesaBoyal and El Chaparral.


Hotel Paraiso de Doñana Nature & Horses Resort.î

Note: the recommended price corresponds to accommodation in a doubleroom; the surcharge for single use is 80 € + VAT. Participants arerecommended to use comfortable clothing and footwear. This tour packagecan be contracted through your event organiser or a specialised travelagency.

* For groups of 14 pax.; accommodation in double rooms.

Recommended price: 249 € + VAT per pax.


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Horse and carriage ride

The group will travel on horse and carriage along theroute used by pilgrims on their journey to El Rocío,crossing the natural areas of Dehesa Boyal and ElChaparral. The ride starts and ends at the resort andtakes approximately two and a half to three hours. Onthe route, the group can enjoy the beautiful andharmonious landscape brimming with fascinating floraand fauna.

Visit to a cattle ranch

After the ride and lunch, visitors will go on a delightfultour of the Don Pablo Romero cattle ranch to see bullswith special characteristics. Given its impressivehistory, this cattle ranch has come to be considered partof historical bullfighting heritage.

Visitors will see bulls roaming on the ranch and go on atour of the installations that takes approximately 2hours.

Visit to see Purebred Spanish andHaflinger horses

The programme offers visitors the chance to see thehorses that are bred on the resort itself: Pura RazaEspañola (“Purebred Spanish”) horses of great beauty,with balanced, energetic, noble and docile characters;and Haflinger horses, a versatile breed notable for theirgreat strength, character and resistance, often used intraining and dressage. The group will have the chanceto get a close look at these two world-famous breeds ofhorses and watch them performing different activities.

Gourmet dinner and Flamenco andSevillanas show

After the horse and carriage ride, the group willreturn to the hotel and have the chance to enjoysome local cuisine, consisting of four dishes and avariety of homemade deserts. After the dinner,participants can enjoy a show combining flamencoand Sevillanas (typical folk music and dancing fromSeville).


Transport will be provided to pick up and transfer thegroup for all the visits.

Page 26: Tour packages for Congress Participants

Catalogue of Singular BusinessTour Packages in theProvince of Seville

Image licences and copyright

Cazalla de la Sierra, page 10, of Julen Iturbe-Ormaetxe (Licence: ofthe River Guadalquivir, page 14, of Malatesta87 (Licence: of

Ardea Purpurea, page 16, by Michele Lamperti (Licence:, page 16, by José Luis Diez Rodríguez (Licence: ofhikers, page 17, by Juan Pablo Olmo (Licence: ofbirth of prey, page 19, by Rafolas (Licence: ofItálica, page 20 (bottom right) by Matt Blackwell (Licence: ofstork in Doñana, page 22, by Paco Gómez (Licence: offlamenco dancers, page 25, by Tom (Licence: of


Page 27: Tour packages for Congress Participants


Experience the other SevilleExperience the other Seville

Page 28: Tour packages for Congress Participants

TURISMO DE LA PROVINCIA DE SEVILLA(PRODETUR, S.A.)Leonardo Da Vinci, 16Isla de la Cartuja41092 SevilleTel. +34 954 486 800

Tourist OfficePlaza del Triunfo, 141004 SevilleTel. +34 954 210 005









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