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Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 2


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Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Optimizing Your Video Files ........................................................................................................................................... 5

On Page Video SEO Optimization ................................................................................................................................. 7

Advanced Optimization Settings .................................................................................................................................. 8

Local Video SEO ................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Google Hangouts & YouTube Live for Advantage................................................................................................ 10

Starting to Backlink Your Videos – Video Embeds.............................................................................................. 13

Web 2.0 Networks For Backlinks ............................................................................................................................... 14

Looking After Your Web 2.0’s ...................................................................................................................................... 15

Getting Your Own Web 2.0 Accounts ........................................................................................................................ 16

Quick and Easy Backlinks From Within YouTube ............................................................................................... 16

Blogger and Tumblr Blogs ............................................................................................................................................ 17

Will I Get Penalized If I Backlink My YouTube Videos Too Much? ............................................................... 19

Using Software For Video Backlinks ......................................................................................................................... 20

Private Blog Networks (PBN’s) ................................................................................................................................... 21

Buying Used Domains ..................................................................................................................................................... 22

Boosting The Rankings of Your Videos .................................................................................................................... 23

Summary .............................................................................................................................................................................. 24

SAPE Links ........................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 4


I know for a fact that you guys are in for an absolutely awesome call tonight.

So as I said when the audio catches up please put in the chat box we will keep

an eye on it and see if you can hear us loud and clear.

So anyway what we're going to do now is we are going to get underway the

cause there's quite a few of you already in the room. I can see there is a

percentage maybe a few more come and a drop in obviously if they miss out

or don't drop in the room well it should only be the portion that are going to

miss. So we'll get underway here.

So guys hello and welcome to this call this evening where we are going to

cover video SEO and more importantly what's currently working for video

SEO in 2015. Now on the call we have myself Chris Cole my good friend Stace


Now Stace is a true SEO boss I'm not actually too far behind him although I

moved away from pure SEO quite some time ago. Now Stace has his own

network of sites on ranks but it's on a daily basis he is known as the go to guy

when it comes to video SEO and obviously by good luck and with a bit of good

pressure he finally agreed to join us on this live call. So hello and welcome to

the call Stace, how are you doing.


Hey Chris I'm great good to be here, great to be on a call with yourself as well.

I've been following you as well with your Google hangouts and you obviously

know the power of Google hangouts and what that can do.


Well it's great to have you as I said I had to sort of twist your arm a little bit

and pressurize you to get you on this call because you don't really want to be

giving away your secrets too much but you've agreed to come on tonight to do

this and that's actually fantastic of you to do that. If we can start out what I

want to do is I want to talk about your venture into the video world and

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 5

obviously what then took you to SEO world, could you tell us about a brief

history and what drew you a cross to video and more specifically video SEO?


Yeah SEO in general just fascinated me, I just seen it is a challenge to rank

videos webpages, work out to the actual how to manipulated end of the day

that's what we are all doing how to manipulate the algorithm that Google puts

out there. It's a real challenge for somebody to succeed to do that, and that's

what gave me the boost with SEO. So yeah I've just pursued it and studied it

and put it into practice, more importantly have practiced and tested different

things out and got some really good results along the way.


Yeah and obviously as I said Stace you've sort of then got across into video

SEO, you mentioned good results that you are getting a lot of people on the

call of maybe heard of the easier stuff to do and we're going to get into more

in-depth stuff, but good you tell us your process to what you initially learned

as a newbie and what anybody that is new to video and video SEO needs to

know to get started, so what are the basics or the bare essentials that they

must do?


Okay so the first thing I was learning about was the on page SEO and how to

give them signals to Google what your video is about, putting the keywords in

the correct places and it just really giving them signals to Google to tell them

that this video is about weight loss; the title is to me the main thing that

Google picks up on straightaway and Google gives a lot of weight, the other on

page stuff helps towards it using your descriptions and attacks as well. It's just

really giving the signals to Google and that's the kind of thing I really picked

up on with the video SEO really.

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 6


And is there anything now that you recommend, I'm hoping you will agree

with me about the optimizing of your video file if you have it on your PC, is

there anything you would do their yourself?


Yeah, yeah that's something I learned quite late actually what I picked up on

that as well. So yeah what I do I actually name the file itself before I even

uploaded to YouTube, what that does if you notice as soon as you upload a

video to YouTube it gives you the title and the basic file name and it kind of

starts indexing straightaway, that's what usually grabs and starts indexing

straightaway even before it's finished uploading.

So the filename is one of the first things that Google looks at as well. You can

actually even go into depending on what computer you are on, you can go into

the file yourself and at some tags into the file, and you can put your keyword

and comments in there as well, it may be a bit advanced to but it is optimizing

the natural file before you even uploading it, and that just gives you kudos

when Google grabs hold of it for you to grabs hold of it I should say.


Okay so the average typical affiliate marketer that is maybe promoting IM

style products they are obviously on the call here and they're looking to find

out what they could use to rank their videos over and above any other tips

and tricks, would you like to go into let me see what types of checks they could

use before they go to the ranking portion of it, what other avenues can they

use for getting leverage with their videos before they even look at the building

back links?


Okay yes so I mean as we mentioned actual file itself, and giving all the right

page signals, if I can share my screen quickly I can show you a basic upload

video and walk-through what I do when I do the on page stuff.

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 7


And just while Stace is doing that I'll drop into obviously the chat box the guys

on the live call. If you have any questions drop them in I'll keep an eye on it

and I'll try to get them answered for you as well during the call this evening.


Can you see that?


Yes I can indeed.


So obviously everyone's aware of this this is where you upload your file. So

I've got one here and just went to drag that and drop into that. So I haven't

optimize this file just for this actual test here, but this is the first thing that

YouTube's picked up on that my file was called woman in hospital, YouTube

started indexing this straightaway and it's got some data already and it's only

at 42%. You can obviously edit this as well, this is going to be your title, so you

want your keyword in the title here, and what I tend to do is depending on

what type of video it is and actual content in the video I transcribe the video,

and actually put that in the description as an article if you like.

So again YouTube/Google as got something to grab hold of and index and

really crawl and get a feel and an idea for what the actual video is all about. So

again you need to put your description, that's your keyword in the

description. It needs to be at the beginning really so you're in the search

results, you've got the title and description snippet, so in the search results

you want your keyword in the description to be visible in the snippet on the

actual search result pages, don't put it to lowdown the actual description that

you are adding in there.

And then obviously the tags as well; I wouldn't go ahead and stuff the tags

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 8

with your keyword, but certainly put your main keyword in there and put

different variations of your keyword in there they call it LSI keywords. So

adding that into your tags.


I think a lot of people miss out as well is they don't use this advanced settings

part here.

So if I just click on here now I could show you you've got to the category you

want to pick, a good way to look is whatever niche if you go to YouTube and to

see what the main majority of people what kind of category they've put in.

When YouTube is categorizing your video and and continue to, and then the

video location as well; not so much with affiliate marketing stuff but certainly

local stuff if you're doing local video rankings you want to localize it to a

certain area.

So I'm in the UK so I just click on search here and then zoom into, I'm in

London so I'll just drop this pin in there and this puts in a longitude latitude

for you, so that's located this video to London. You can select the language as

well, basically I try to add as much detail in here as possible.


So what you're given here is an outlet for

somebody who is doing local SEO with their video

they can basically locate and target people within

that area more so within the search results,


Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 9


Going back to the title of your video as well at in your local area into the title

as well again Google is going to pick that up.


Well just when you mention title Chris has asked the question he says is there

a difference in naming your file name, if it was your keyword three keywords

and splitting the space between them or you have them altogether or just have

like a word and_, do you think there's any difference in that?

Your keyword if you are sort of Internet marketer, are you better having an all

is one word, so Internet marketer.MP4 or Internet_marketer, would you have

any difference about that?


I would just use the term Internet marketer if you want to separate the

keywords you can put points what's called a point. So video language you

want to put video language in there as well, United Kingdom and drop today's

date in there. I don't to worry about 3-D preferences, unless you specifically

want to do something around 3-D and this is another one people don't do here

the captions certification, this content is never been aired on television in the


Again it's just giving more detail in your video and Google or YouTube likes all

this kind of information so it can index your video better.

And that's about it really, make sure that I put every field in, and then if you

want to upload thumbnail as well you can do; and again when you're

uploading an image for the thumbnail just put your keyword in the title before

you upload the image so your name in your image basically your keyword


So again it's just giving that full optimization around your video, giving you

kudos above everyone else, you know who's not doing this.

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 10


Just another question when you were in the advanced settings tab obviously

you can do various locations rather than just specifically London, basically you

can do this worldwide so if you were as an SEO service provider and

somebody in Washington DC asked you to do local SEO for them you could do

the exact same target that location to them is that correct?


That's right yes you can do you can just click on here and just pick wherever

you want for the map for the world just drop that pin on it.


Yes just drop a pin and sort of localize it and if it's was Dublin going across

you just zoom in on whatever area and drop the pin in.


Yeah so that's really the on page stuff you know just doing that alone it does

really help. Half of the people that are just getting into video SEO they are not

really doing any of this stuff like back linking or any of the tricks, just doing

the actual on page stuff and seeing results from just on page stuff really.


What other methods Stace are there apart from just uploading the video file

that you can get a competitive advantage, I'm sure most of the guys on the call

know this but for anybody else that doesn't there is other ways that you can

use to get a quick advantage or quick leverage with your videos?

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 11


There is loads of ways lots of different things I do myself, you mean without

going into too much hassle.


One of them is Google hangouts I was thinking along that line different using

Google hangouts to get a leverage, do use that and is there any other methods

you would use to get quick leverage on your videos?


Yeah Google hangouts you know as you know yourself some really powerful

Google hangouts, Google plus should I say is attached to YouTube, Google

owns YouTube so Google is giving more preference to the hangouts than just

the normal YouTube video.

I mean it's something that Google are trying to push as a product as their own

product, so they are giving a lot of weight towards it and trying to get it well-

known in the search engines and get people to use it really use their products

which is what it's all about for them.

So you'll receive better rankings for using Google plus and the hangouts. And

you can share your screen like I've shown you there, so you don't really have

to be face-to-face on a video, you can do your affiliate stuff that a problem and

play a video through there.

It does mess a little bit with your bandwidth but you know if you've got some

good Internet connection or a way of just turning down your bandwidth you

can run a video through their and you talk over the top.

I've done that many, many times and it works really well; of course you can

also edit afterwards as well, you can go into the YouTube editor and just got

off the end and beginning if it didn't work out too well for you, take a couple of

takes and just edit it like that.

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 12


Okay there's that and there's also you mentioned YouTube live which gives

you a great option. Now one of the questions I want to mention here is video

silo in do use that link in your video in the descriptions, or is it something you

don't necessarily do that much of?


Yeah I know I've not really been into it, I do see the power of it, it's pretty

much like tiering, like some of the back linking techniques I use are tiering

back links and similar to that. So yeah it does have a good effect you know

you're basically passing the link the powerful Mac video to another video as

well, you are helping that rank as well so it works really well.


But it's not something that you really specifically spend a lot of time on,

because you obviously start your back linking process is it?


Yeah I feel like the back linking process is more important you get better

results from it it's more powerful technique, there's lots of different ways you

know that people use, some people just use social signals to rank with, there

are lots of different tricks and techniques and everything out there. But year

they Silo in is not something that I use, but it can be handy.

At the end of the day SEO in general matter what you are ranking whether it is

videos or webpages, everything to do with SEO boils down to your

competition. How competitive is this keyword that you are looking to rank for,

that is the first thing you need to assess and you need to research before you

even think about ranking a video, because so many people don't take that into

consideration and they don't do their keyword research correctly and

properly before they even go to rank a video, they are doomed to fail before

they've even started really you know.

And because if you're trying to rank for competitive keyword and not really

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 13

aware of it and obviously need to put that extra effort into it to compete

against the other guys that are out there ranking; Keyword research is really



Okay basically we've talked about optimizing your file your own page SEO

different tracks before you actually start going out and starting getting your

own wave of back links in who is, say promoting an IM you know a product

launch or something like that they are maybe not going to be not in every case

going after highly competitive terms, what sort of link strategy would you take

for those types of videos in the initial sweep of back links?


Okay so in affiliate marketing you talk about launch jacking that kind of stuff,

so yeah I mean launch jacking depending on who who launch is based around,

it can be easier to get on the first pages and get some exposure around that;

again it kind of comes back to the level of competition.

If it's a big launch for instance one of the big name Internet marketers you can

have a lot of other guys that's probably know what they're doing that are

going to be promoting and trying to get affiliate sales through the search

engines, so they're going to be pulling out all the stops because they know

there is some money involved to get on there.

Some of the other launches, embeds work really well, if you're embedding in

your video on other websites, then essentially what you're doing is you are

putting an instance of YouTube and on other websites, and YouTube Google

really likes that because you are kind of spreading their product across the

Internet, you are embedding multiple instances, they give love towards that.

So embeds work really, really well for that and yeah I mean as you mentioned

earlier I've got my own network that I've built up over time, and that's one of

the strategies I use is embeds to give my videos a boost, and essentially get a

kind of back link from them as well.

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 14


Okay so you have your own network is that the Web 2.0 properties that you

are using?


That's right yeah.

Okay Web 2.0 is basically the high authority web properties that are out there.

YouTube is a Web 2.0, tumbler is a Web 2.0, over blog, there's

lots of different rebel mouse lots of different the list goes on, and these are

basically free websites where you can just go and signed up and get yourself a

website straightaway just through signing up.

Everything is hosted if it's tumbler for instance, everything is hosted with

tumbler so you don't have to worry about hosting and stuff like that, because

let's take tumbler for instance tumbler is such a big website, that website has

authority, when you create your own blog on tumbler you are kind of writing

off the back of that authority.

So straightaway the actual domain authority I think tumbler is something like

98 domain authority and it goes up to hundred so it's massive, obviously you

are writing off the back of that authority by having your own blog on there,

and then using their blogs to embed your video you are getting more and

more kudos.

They kind of because they are so big, they kind of double up as a social

network if you like, there is a lot of sharing going on there and people are just

bringing up their own blogs on their and kind of start out with a website on

there before the get their own self hosted websites may be.

There is a lot of things going on on tumbler on's I've been

building up my web 2.0 properties for couple of years now and I've got

thousands of them it is crazy.

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 15


One of the things I used to hugely, hugely recommend when I was involved in

SEO myself was these Web 2.0's a lot of people use to have a sort of set it and

forget it attitude where they basically are building a new Web 2.0 for every

new campaign, would you recommend doing that or are you of the same

opinion as myself where I recommend you look after your Web 2.0s because

these are your back linking these as much is your YouTube videos so when

you integrate a new YouTube video you've already got authority with a

different Web 2.0 is that what you mean in there?


Yeah, yeah that's it I mean let's see you've got you know the kind of metrics

that everyone kind of looks at to determine how strong a web property is one

of them is domain authority, YouTube has got huge domain authority, tumbler

has got huge domain authority.

So when you set up a webpage entendre for instance, your page authority is

really low, but the domain authority is very high because it is,

you may have so the actual page is on tumblr that you set

up for your own very low, as you say rank and back linking the actual blog

itself is going to push that page authority and is going to just give you more

and more kudos in Google's eyes because the actual authority of that blog is

larger and yeah look after those blogs and back link them and take care of

them when you continue to use them each time you use them you get more

and more ranking power because you know your back linking them and kind

of pumping up the actual ranking power of that blog by back linking them.

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 16


Okay I've just seen a question coming here Stace about places to embed your

videos, could you give a sort of a quick list of places sort of the Web 2.0 places

that you use to embed your video, and whilst you are doing that I'm looking

into my YouTube account because I want to show something else very quickly

as well.


Okay so list of places, so let's see you've got there's heaps of them there’s, you know I was just mentioning tumblr, I use one called over

blog, there is rebel mouse, there is a heap of them if I had known I would've

looked into my account and reel to them all off.

There is heaps of them if you Google Web 2.0 lists you will get a lot of them,

and obviously these are kind of free websites that you create yourself, or if

you can get your VA to do it, and get them to just create these Web 2.0's for


I think another thing is you can buy these on fiverr as well, you can go and buy

like a Web 2.0 package where people have already created these accounts for

you. There's people selling gigs on there that will do that for you. So that's

another avenue that you might want to look at to get a hold of these Web 2.0's.


Okay I've actually logged into my YouTube account Stace and you can let me

know whether or not you agree to this but generally what I do, one of the first

things that I do when I come over to my video whenever just freshly uploaded

it and I've done all my optimization I basically come down to the video I watch

the video, I always give it a thumbs up straightaway.

Then what I also do is I will come down to the little share icon here, and here

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 17

you can see all these different services that are listed. Now I generally stay

signed into these accounts so it is only a matter of me coming and hitting the

tweet button, share a link to tweet it said quick I practically just tweeted a

back link to this video.

Likewise not a lot of people seem to talk about this, this Pinterest account if I

come across here what you are actually seeing is I've picked a board within

my Pinterest account, if I pin this and then I come across and see this that's

actually an embed of the video, maybe an image in this case but generally if I

come across to the videos within my Pinterest account, you find that is an

instance as you see of an embed, and that is actually set within Pinterest

rather than on YouTube.

So I literally just come down below the video and that is probably the quick

round of back links I fire to my videos, as soon as it gets uploaded it gets a full

watch it gets a thumbs up it gets a share on Facebook and I come across a

series here obviously you get a click around the links. Do you do that or do

you recommend for anybody new to do that?


Yeah I would do that there you go is a list of Web 2.0's, there they are in front

of you a blog tumblr, Pinterest, LinkedIn they are all web 2.0's, so basically

huge sites that get massive authority and I've got lots of activity going on

social sharing accounts if you like, you can embed all of them and even set

these up yourself as well and use them as your own personal network. So yeah

I would definitely recommend doing that.


One of the things that I also like to do is I like to come across to the associated

blogger account and the tumblr account, basically what I will do then I will see

a question has been asked about it, I will take the same description that I have

put in the YouTube video, I will make a blog post which is nearly a full

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 18

application of what's on YouTube, and also include links to my YouTube video

or to wherever it is going or possibly both, and I do that on every post is that

also a good thing to do?


Yeah for sure, definitely you know what a lot of people do as well is they

scrape YouTube, I've seen my video on loads of websites and I'm like how did

it get on here, people are scraping videos and they will scrape the description

as well, and then you will find on other websites you've got your there you get a back link.


This is actually an older one that I have not specifically gone off to a specific

term, in my affiliate I always grab the video URL and I drop that into the

description as well at the bottom. Basically what I will do is I will do the full

description and a couple of lines a dashed line and a couple more lines in their

I will put the video URL in.

Basically what you are saying Stace if somebody scrapes my video then they

are going to put a back link to my video as well are they?


That's right yeah you are going to get like a free back link if you like to your

video if you've got your YouTube video linked in your description.


Okay so now that we are through the quick shares and the web 2.0's what

about services the likes of only where would you recommend or use only

where our service similar to that or have you gone beyond that now that you

have your own specifics network.

Yeah I've used in the past and it's been really good at the end of the day

YouTube/Google they love social interaction social signals and you know even

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 19

a future tip here, I hear that back links are becoming less relevant at the

moment in Google's eyes.

Obviously they have not cut them out but they are looking to kind of fade out

the back link thing and move towards the social interaction because at the end

of the day that's where most people are there on Facebook they are on twitter.

So that's where all the traffic is happening and that is kind of where things are

moving towards. Battling still work and they work really well I think it just

tightening up their algorithm on the back links and to get some more relevant

back links as well.


So one question I have for you before we go into this back link techniques

what about people that are worrying about sending too many back links to

their videos and they’re saying I don't really want to send too many back links

to my video because it will be seen as spam or I will get sort of kicked in the

rear end for its what would you say to that?


Personally myself I know that if you smash a YouTube video with back links it

does nothing but rank, I use software myself and I use some what I consider

the granddaddy of software is for back linking.

My indexer that I was running at one point it was running like 90,000 links

per day obviously that was spread across a few different videos but you know

it kind of gives that viral effect if you are running lots, and lots, and lots of

back link videos it kind of gives that viral effect to Google.

You know getting the and a text variation correct you can rank as long as they

are over optimized on the anchor text you can rank as Google just sees it.

There is so much activity going on here, I mean with YouTube what you've got

to understand with YouTube is you know there's hundreds I think hundred

hours every minute of video getting uploaded.

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 20

There is like 1 billion people watching videos every month it is just ridiculous

the amount of stats that are reviewed, 61 different languages across 61

different countries it is ridiculous.

So YouTube has got lots and lots of activity going on. So for you to upload a

video and run 10,000 back links for instance at your video per day you know

you should know something's going on because there is so much activity going

on anyway, you can kind of hide yourself in all that activity and gain rankings

from it. This essentially is what I am doing to rank my videos.


And you mentioned you are using software I see some of the guys in the chat

box are trying to guess two different versions of software, the two versions

than the first one was a name I can't remember, the second one I believe is



GSA I've got and use that actually - I consider GSA to be the granddaddy of

back linking software if you want to get some firepower to your videos, GSA is

a great tool it's been around for many years and it's not one of these software

is where you go by on our launch and then maybe a couple of months later it is

breaking down or not been updated.

GSA is been updated pretty much every single day every time I switch and

there is a new update. There is so many features inside a GSA that you can use

to filter what you do you know the kind of types of back links that you use. It's

just unbelievable it took me a while to understand it and learn it. There is a

learning curve to no doubt.


So if you're going to start using software rather than manually building your

links, obviously you can build immense amount of back links and one time

would you recommend just hitting your video hard at first or would you ramp

it up, so start off 1000 links a day for several days and then up to maybe 2000

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 21

links, 5000 links or would you just have a full blast straight out the gate?


Full blast, basically what I'm doing is I'm trying to push the video to make it

kind of seem as if it is gone viral if you like, you've got links coming from all

over the place you've got links coming from all over the world.

You've got links all types of different links wiki links, bookmarks, blog

comments, all these types of different links all hits on the video and it just

gives that kind of viral effect; because you get so many links as well Google's

algorithm can't determine where to put it in the search engines because

you've got usually you know maybe if you are sending a couple of links to a

video, you can kind of determine it's going to be some links now I will put it

there it's move it up a little bit because you are running so many, I am running

so many the video will become a jump in all over the place.

I've done it people have heard about the Google dance, people refer to it as a

Google dance where it is jumping from page to page 5 to page 10 to page 2

again kind of jumping all over the place, Google can't determine where to put


So just switch it off for couple days you know let it settle and you know see

where it is going to settle in the search engines and kind of you know take it a

step at a time like that, kind of determine what to do next.


So apart from using the software you mentioned Stace you also mentioned the

PBN's or private blog networks that in itself is quite an advanced strategy.

Firstly do you want to explain basically what the private PBN is and how you

can find these networks?


Okay the networks I've got set up my own domain with Web 2.0 networks?

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 22


What are PBN's and how do you manage yours for your video SEO.


Okay so PBN's, private blog and networks, whatever you want to call it

basically they are what they are personal blog networks. You've got your own

network of websites so you can control a 100% control where these links go


Usually if you put some content out there on the Internet people start linking

to it thinking it's great content, people will start linking to it, but you don't

control the links so the people that are linking to it may be after a month or so

the more content that is added on their page your link rules off their page so

you lose that link or maybe they delete it or something happens.

So you don't control them, with the private blog network, you control that


So if you send a link you can leave it there, you control how many links you

send, you're in hundred percent in control.

So that's really the best thing about private blog networks is you control them

yourself. Setting them up, I've got a Web 2.0 private blog network, and it's

knocking on 10,000 blog network, and I don't use all of that it's just huge but I

don't to use that but I have it there firepower if I need to. That took a couple of

years to build that up. And then there is the South hosted private blog

network where they can be more powerful if you like, but essentially what

you're doing is you are picking up websites that have been a website once

before, and you are reusing the websites.


So you are getting a used domain you are picking up, a bit of authority already

in it?

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 23


So let's say a website that used to be an old business or something, and hold

blog or whatever, so maybe that blog is like five years old so over that five

years you would've had back links coming to it. It would've had even social

shares and all that kind of activity basically going on there.

For whatever reason the person hasn't renewed it. Its maybe they have died

or maybe they have just moved on, so you can pick them up and reregister

them and use them in your own personal blog network. Again the same kind

of thing with the Web 2.0 network that I have as well.


With the used domain trick you are technically buying built in authority. And

then you are leveraging that authority to your videos which then boosts your

videos up in the search engines.


Well we mentioned already about tiered linking, these already have tiers you

know they've got tiers from years ago. So you're kind of using that old back

links that are already powering for your own benefits.


Okay say you had a video at the mid-table to lower table in positions between

five and 10 for whatever reason obviously you weren't doing extra back

linking what you want to give this thing a boost and rise it up in the search

engine results what would you do to make this jump from position say 7 to 1

or 2?


Again it comes back to competition depending on the competition, I would

either use my GSA software or I could use the blog network that we spoke

about, I could use that, it really depends.

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 24

I do a lot of local stuff as well ranking for local clients, and I see local is there

for the taking, it is easier some of the keywords are easier. It depends what

kinds of ranking you are trying to rank for. At both techniques, GSA or using a

blog network to send some links that way works just as well.


Unless you got any other questions, and I think we will wrap the call up there

we've been on the call on our and a quarter. So if you have anything else to

add to go ahead and add it in and if I see any questions coming in to the chat

box obviously I'll fire them across as well.


Now just remember that there is more than one way to rank videos and

webpages, so the kind of method that I use it works but there are other

methods that work as well, and it's kind of there is something like over 200

different ranking factors of YouTube that will rank in the search engines you

don't have to do all of them.

Some would work a better maybe for others because they know what they are

doing. If someone has been through that process over and over again using the

software or using this process in general then they are accustomed to that and

that is like a good way for them to rank.

Yeah I mean what I do works really well and it sticks as well. I've had a

rankings working for well over a year now and they are still ranking there are

now, I could be considered to black hat, gray hat I don't know but it works and

it's been working throughout these updates of Google as well.

So just to get what you are doing and keyword research is a big, big thing as

well you need to learn keyword research if you don't know how to do it, and

then really drill down to that it can save you a heap of time and failing as well.

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 25


This is something I have never heard of - SAPE links on your videos, firstly

what is that cause I genuinely don't know what this is, do you use them?


Yes I do use SAPE links they can be really good, basically it's a Russian

network where you can go and buy links and a lot of its Russian, the majority

of network is Russian websites but a there are English websites you can use

their and you need to if you want to rank by English terms you need to use the

English websites.

But yeah there's a lot of crap in SAPE. As of websites and they're not even

indexed by Google so you need to do your due diligence if you're going to use

SAPE but they work if you can pick up good clean links, strong powerful links

and you know what to do with the anchor text that can work. Just like

anything you need to know what a good link is and what is spam. But yeah

SAPE links work.


Okay some of the feedback that is coming in - William has said, Stace your

YouTube channel is good thanks for your sharing. Joe says thanks Stace you

have a great web explainer thanks much appreciated. James says, thank you

for a lot of great information and methods.

Obviously we hope that tonight is proved to be a lot of value for you because

of end of the day that's what we wanted to bring to you and hope that it is

been an hour well spent with us and you get a lot of great ideas.

Of course if you have any questions you can reach out to us on Facebook or

blogs or anywhere else. I'll just close the call off there Stace unless there is

anything else you want to add?


No I'm good… I had a great time doing this, an hour and a quarter flew by for

Total Tube Traffic – Copyright 2015 Chris Cole & Stace Ace 26



And Kip has just said superb so thanks. The feedback is coming in it's a great

to see guys and gals as well it's great to see obviously would like to thank you

for spending your Saturday evening daytime morning whatever it is with us. It

is currently 9:20 in the UK and I think we will sign off there. Speak to you guys

at some other point.


Thanks Chris:

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