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Lesson Title Learning Goals Ontario Curriculum Connections


Decoding Animal Behaviour


Students will understand that there are different ways to interact with animals depending on the body language they display

Students will understand how to approach (or not approach) animals they don’t know


Students will learn to interpret the signs that animals give on how to approach them (i.e. a wagging tail vs. growling)


Students will explain how they know when to approach an animal


Students will demonstrate their understanding through an interactive “animal charades” activity

Students will compare traits of a friendly vs. not friendly animal

GRADE 1: Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 1. Assess the role of humans in maintaining a healthy environment Life Systems 2. Investigate needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans Specific Expectations SE1.1. Identify personal action that they themselves can take to help maintain a healthy environment for living things, including humans SE2.1. Follow established safety procedures and humane practices during science and technology investigations Health and Physical Education Overall Expectation C1.1. Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development Specific Expectations C1.2. Demonstrate essential knowledge and practices for ensuring personal safety GRADE 2: Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 2. Investigate similarities and differences in the characteristics of various animals Specific Expectations

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SE2.1. follow established safety procedures and humane practices specific to the care and handling of live animals, where appropriate, during science and technology investigation SE2.2. observe and compare the physical characteristics (e.g., fur or feathers; two legs or no legs) and the behavioural characteristics (e.g., predator or prey) of a variety of animals, including insects, using student-generated questions and a variety of methods and resources Overall Expectation Life Systems 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans Specific Expectations SE3.4. identify ways in which animals can be harmful to humans GRADE 3: Health and Physical Education Overall Expectation C2. Demonstrate ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being Specific Expectation: C2.2. apply their understanding of good safety practices by developing safety guidelines for a variety of places and situations outside the classroom

Empathy for Animals and Each Other


Students will understand how humans and animals make each other healthier and happier

Students will understand respectful ways to treat an animal

Students will understand what to do if they see someone mistreating an animal


GRADE 1: Social Studies Overall Expectation A3. Understanding Context: Demonstrate an understanding that they and other people have different roles, relationships, and responsibilities, and that all people should be treated with respect regardless of their roles, relationships, and responsibilities

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Students will evaluate the impacts of treating both humans and animals with respect and compassion


Students will organize ideas and information presented in the lesson in oral and written form


Students will compare and contrast the needs of animals with the needs of humans to arrive at the understanding that humans and animals have similar basic needs (i.e. food, safety, love)

Students will make connections between how we treat animals and how we should treat each other

Specific Expectations A3.4. Identify some elements of respectful behaviour that they can practise in their everyday life A3.5. Demonstrate an understanding that it is important to treat other people and the environment with respect Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans. Specific Expectations SE3.5. Describe how showing care and respect for all living things helps maintain a healthy environment SE3.6. Identify what living things provide for other living things Health and Physical Education Overall Expectation C2. Demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and wellbeing Specific Expectations C2.3. Demonstrate the ability to recognize caring behaviours and exploitative behaviours and how to do deal with each GRADE 2: Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 1. assess ways in which animals have an impact on society and the environment, and ways in which humans have an impact upon animals and the places where they live Specific Expectations

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SE1.1. identify positive and negative impacts that animals have on humans (society) and the environment, form an opinion about one of them, and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized or enhanced

SE1.2. identify positive and negative impacts that different kinds of human activity have on animals and where they live (e.g., actions of animal lovers and groups that protect animals and their rights, the home owner who wants a nice lawn, people who visit zoos and wildlife parks, pet owners), form an opinion about one of them, and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized or enhanced Overall Expectation Life Systems 3. Demonstrate an understanding that animals grow and change and have distinct characteristics Specific Expectations: SE3.3. identify ways in which animals are helpful to, and ways in which they meet the needs of, living things, including humans, to explain why humans should protect animals and the places where they live Health and Physical Education Overall Expectation C3. demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being. Specific Expectation C3.1. describe how to relate positively to others (e.g., cooperate, show respect, smile, manage anger, pay attention to what people say and to their facial expressions and body language), and describe behaviours that can be harmful in relating to others (e.g., verbal abuse, including both online and face-to-face name calling, insults, and mocking; deliberately ignoring someone, or ignoring the feelings they express; physical

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violence, including pushing, kicking, and hitting)

Taking Care of My Pet KNOWLEDGE

students will understand what a pet owner must provide for their animal


students will examine different scenarios to determine if this is something a responsible pet owner would or would not do


students will communicate their understanding of responsible pet ownership in written form


students will apply their knowledge of responsible pet ownership in a real life context by writing a letter from the perspective of a pet to a new owner about what they need

GRADE 1: Social Studies Overall Expectation: A3. Understanding Context: Demonstrate an understanding that they and other people have different roles, relationships, and responsibilities, and that all people should be treated with respect regardless of their roles, relationships, and responsibilities Specific Expectations: A3.4. Identify some elements of respectful behaviour that they can practise in their everyday life A3.5. Demonstrate an understanding that it is important to treat other people and the environment with respect Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans. Specific Expectations SE3.5. Describe how showing care and respect for all living things helps maintain a healthy environment SE3.6. Identify what living things provide for other living things LANGUAGE ARTS WRITING Overall Expectation OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience

OE2. Draft and revise their writing, using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements

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appropriate for purpose and audience Specific Expectations SE1.1. identify the topic, purpose, audience, and form for writing SE1.2. generate ideas about a potential topic using a variety of strategies and resources SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing in a variety of ways and/or from a variety of sources SE1.4. sort ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways, with support and direction SE2.1. write short texts using a few simple forms SE2.2. begin to establish a personal voice in their writing by using pictures and words that convey their attitude or feeling towards the subject or audience SE2.3. use familiar words and phrases to convey clear meaning SE2.4. write simple but complete sentences that make sense SE2.5 begin to identify , with support and direction, their point of view about the topic GRADE 2: Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 1. assess ways in which animals have an impact on society and the environment, and ways in which humans have an impact upon animals and the places where they live Specific Expectations SE1.1. identify positive and negative impacts that animals have on humans (society) and the environment, form an opinion about one of them, and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized or enhanced

SE1.2. identify positive and negative impacts that different kinds of human activity have on animals and where they live (e.g., actions of animal lovers and groups that protect animals and their rights, the home owner who wants a nice lawn, people who visit zoos and wildlife parks, pet owners), form an opinion

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about one of them, and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized or enhanced Overall Expectation Life Systems 3. Demonstrate an understanding that animals grow and change and have distinct characteristics Specific Expectations: SE3.3. identify ways in which animals are helpful to, and ways in which they meet the needs of, living things, including humans, to explain why humans should protect animals and the places where they live LANGUAGE ARTS Writing Overall Expectation OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience

OE2. Draft and revise their writing, using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for purpose and audience Specific Expectations SE1.1. identify the topic, purpose, audience, and form for writing SE1.2. generate ideas about a potential topic using a variety of strategies and resources SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing in a variety of ways and/or from a variety of sources SE1.4. sort ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways, with support and direction SE2.1. write short texts using several simple forms

1. SE2.2. establish a personal voice in their writing by using pictures and words that convey their attitude or feeling towards the subject or audience

2. SE2.3. use familiar words and phrases to communicate relevant details

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SE2.4. use a variety of sentence types 3. SE2.5. identify , with support and direction, their point of view

about the topic GRADE 3 LANGUAGE ARTS Writing Overall Expectation OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience

OE2. Draft and revise their writing, using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for purpose and audience Specific Expectations SE1.1. identify the topic, purpose, audience, and form for writing SE1.2. generate ideas about a potential topic using a variety of strategies and resources SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing in a variety of ways and/or from a variety of sources SE1.4. sort ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways SE2.1. write short texts a variety of forms SE2.2. establish a personal voice in their writing with a focus on using concrete words and images to convey their attitude or feeling towards the subject or audience SE2.3. use words and phrases that will help convey their meaning as specifically as possible SE2.4. Vary sentence structures and maintain continuity by using joining words SE2.5. identify their point of view and other possible points of view on the topic, and determine if their information supports their own view

Wild About Wildlife KNOWLEDGE

Students will understand what wildlife lives in the city

GRADE 1 Science and Technology Overall Expectation

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Students will understand what they can do to respect wildlife


Students will determine the habitats of various wildlife in Toronto (i.e. raccoon, skunk, squirrel, coyote)

Students will brainstorm ways in which they can respect wildlife in their area


Students will discuss how wildlife might feel living in a city, and why it is important to try and protect them


Students will learn about respecting wildlife from their own experience pretending to be an animal in the city

Life Systems 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans. Specific Expectations SE3.5. Describe how showing care and respect for all living things helps maintain a healthy environment SE3.6. Identify what living things provide for other living things GRADE 2: Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 1. assess ways in which animals have an impact on society and the environment, and ways in which humans have an impact upon animals and the places where they live; Specific Expectations SE1.1. identify positive and negative impacts that animals have on humans (society) and the environment, form an opinion about one of them, and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized or enhance

SE1.2. identify positive and negative impacts that different kinds of human activity have on animals and where they live (e.g., actions of animal lovers and groups that protect animals and their rights, the home owner who wants a nice lawn, people who visit zoos and wildlife parks, pet owners), form an opinion about one of them, and suggest ways in which the impact can be minimized or enhanced


students will understand the basics of what a veterinarian’s job entails


GRADE 1 Science and Technology Overall Expectations Life Systems 1. assess the role of humans in maintaining a healthy environment

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students will think about some of the questions a veterinarian might ask, and the tasks that they might undertake as part of their job


students will communicate their understanding through mock veterinary appointments


students will apply their knowledge by acting as a veterinarian in an appointment with a stuffed animal

Life Systems 2. investigate needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans Life Systems 3. demonstrate an understanding of the basic needs and characteristics of plants and animals, including humans Specific Expectations SE1.1. identify personal action that they themselves can take to help maintain a healthy environment for living things, including humans SE2.1 follow established safety procedures and humane practices during science and technology investigations SE2.2. investigate and compare the basic needs of humans and other living things, including the need for air, water, food, warmth, and space, using a variety of methods and resources SE3.1. use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including investigation, explore, needs, space, and food, in oral and written communication SE3.2. identify the physical characteristics (e.g., size, shape, colour, common parts) of a variety of plants and animals GRADE 2 Science and Technology Overall Expectations Life Systems 2. investigate similarities and differences in the characteristics of various animals Specific Expectations SE2.2. observe and compare the physical characteristics (e.g., fur or feathers; two legs or no legs) and the behavioural characteristics (e.g., predator or prey) of a variety of animals, including insects, using student-generated questions and a variety of methods and resources SE2.6. use scientific inquiry/research skills (see page 15), and knowledge acquired from previous investigations, to investigate the basic needs, characteristics, behaviour, and adaptations of an animal of their choice

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SE2.7. use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including life cycle, migration, adaptation, body coverings, and classify, in oral and written communication


Understanding our Relationships with Animals


students will understand the basics of why animal abuse and neglect may occur, and the reasons that organizations like THS exist

Students will understand that there are different ways to interact with animals depending on their personality

Students will understand how to approach (or not approach) animals they don’t know

Students will understand not to approach wildlife, and know what to do if they encounter sick or injured wildlife


students will generate ideas about why some animals are fearful, aggressive or friendly (i.e. temperament, because they have been abused, because they were neglected and had limited interaction with loving parents etc)

Students will analyze why we may be seeing more wildlife in the city than in the past (i.e. habitat destruction, deforestation, urban sprawl)


Students will explain the issues with having increased wildlife in the city, and what strategies could be useful to keep both animals and humans safe (i.e. issues are increased encounters which could lead to human/animal illnesses, wildlife more likely to be injured by cars; humans should avoid wildlife and report if they see wildlife that are injured, dead, or acting strangely)

GRADE 4: Health and Physical Education Overall Expectation C2. demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being Specific Expectations C2.2. apply a decision-making process (e.g., identify potential dangers and risks, consider ways to stay safe, consider the pros and cons of each option, consider whether they need to check with an adult, choose the safest option, act, reflect on their decision, consider whether there is anything they could improve for next time) to assess risks and make safe decisions in a variety of situations (e.g., when using a wheelchair, cycling, preparing food GRADE 4: Social Sciences Overall Expectation B2. Inquiry: use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some issues and challenges associated with balancing human needs/wants and activities with environmental stewardship in one or more of the political and/or physical regions of Canada Specific Expectation B2.1 formulate questions to guide investigations into some of the issues and challenges associated with balancing human needs/wants and activities with environmental stewardship in one or more of the political and/or physical regions of Canada B2.5 evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about issues and

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students will apply their knowledge of animal behaviour to determine when it is safe to approach an animal

Students will create a “rulebook” for interacting with domestic and wild animals

challenges associated with balancing human needs/wants and activities with environmental stewardship in Canada GRADE 5: Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 1. 1. analyse the impact of human activities and technological innovations on human health Specific Expectations SE1.1. assess the effects of social and environmental factors on human health, and propose ways in which individuals can reduce the harmful effects of these factors and take advantage of those that are beneficial GRADE 6 Science and Technology Overall Expectation OE1. assess human impacts on biodiversity, and identify ways of preserving biodiversity OE2. investigate the characteristics of living things, and classify diverse organisms according to specific characteristics Specific Expectations SE1.1. analyse a local issue related to biodiversity SE2.1. follow established safety procedures for outdoor activities and field work SE2.5. use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes

Too Many Cats!


Students will understand the magnitude of overpopulation of cats and dogs in Canada

Students will understand the multitude of purposes for spay neuter (i.e. health, longevity, reduced population)


GRADE 4 Mathematics Overall Expectations Number sense and numeration 3. solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of single- and multi-digit whole numbers, and involving the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to tenths and money amounts,

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Students will identify the impacts of spay/neuter on animal welfare, society as a whole


Students will discuss what they know about spay/neuter

Students will demonstrate their learning by graphing the information they have discovered


Students will apply their knowledge of multiplication and addition to make conclusions about the effect of spay/neuter on an animal population

Students will form conclusions regarding spay/neuter based on the information presented and the bar graphs they have created

using a variety of strategies; Data Management and Probability 1. collect and organize discrete primary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including stem-and-leaf plots and double bar graphs Data Management and Probability 2. read,describe,and interpret primary data and secondary data presented in charts and graphs, including stem-and-leaf plots and double bar graphs; Specific Expectations Number Sense and Numeration

multiply to 9 x 9 and divide to 81 ÷ 9, using a variety of mental strategies (e.g., doubles, doubles plus another set, skip counting);

multiply two-digit whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers,using a variety of tools (e.g.,base ten materials or drawings of them,arrays),student-generated algorithms,and standard algorithms;

divide two-digit whole numbers by onedigit whole numbers,using a variety of tools (e.g.,concrete materials,drawings) and student-generated algorithms;

use estimation when solving problems involving the addition,subtraction,and multiplication of whole numbers,to help judge the reasonableness of a solution (Sample problem: A school is ordering pencils that come in boxes of 100. If there are 9 classes and each class needs about 110 pencils,estimate how many boxes the school should buy.).

use estimation when solving problems involving the addition,subtraction,multiplication, and division of whole numbers, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution.

Data Management and Probability

collect and organize discrete primary data and display the data in charts,tables,and graphs (including stem-and-leaf

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plots and double bar graphs) that have appropriate titles,labels (e.g.,appropriate units marked on the axes),and scales (e.g.,with appropriate increments) that suit the range and distribution of the data,using a variety of tools (e.g.,graph paper,simple spreadsheets,dynamic statistical software).

read,interpret,and draw conclusions from primary data (e.g.,survey results,measurements,observations) and from secondary data (e.g.,temperature data in the newspaper, data from the Internet about endangered species),presented in charts,tables, and graphs (including stem-and-leaf plots and double bar graphs);

GRADE 4: Social Sciences Overall Expectation B2. Inquiry: use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some issues and challenges associated with balancing human needs/wants and activities with environmental stewardship in one or more of the political and/or physical regions of Canada Specific Expectation B2.1 formulate questions to guide investigations into some of the issues and challenges associated with balancing human needs/wants and activities with environmental stewardship in one or more of the political and/or physical regions of Canada B2.5 evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about issues and challenges associated with balancing human needs/wants and activities with environmental stewardship in Canada Grade 4: Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 3. Demonstrate an understanding of habitats and communities and the relationships among the plants and animals that live in them

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Specific Expectations SE3.9. demonstrate an understanding of why all habitats have limits to the number of plants and animals they can support GRADE 5 Mathematics Overall Expectation Number Sense and Numeration 3. solve problems involving the multiplication and division of multi-digit whole numbers,and involving the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to hundredths,using a variety of strategies Data Management and Probability 1. collect and organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs,including broken-line graphs; Data Management and Probability 2. read,describe,and interpret primary data and secondary data presented in charts and graphs, including broken-line graphs; Specific Expectations Number Sense and Numeration

multiply two-digit whole numbers by two-digit whole numbers,using estimation, student-generated algorithms,and standard algorithms

Data Management and Probability

collect and organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data in charts,tables,and graphs (including broken-line graphs) that have appropriate titles,labels (e.g.,appropriate units marked on the axes),and scales that suit the range and distribution of the data (e.g.,to represent precipitation amounts ranging from 0 mm to 50 mm over the school year,use a scale of 5 mm for each unit on the vertical axis and show months on the horizontal axis),using a variety of tools (e.g.,graph

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paper,simple spreadsheets,dynamic statistical software)

read,interpret,and draw conclusions from primary data (e.g.,survey results,measurements,observations) and from secondary data (e.g.,precipitation or temperature data in the newspaper,data from the Internet about heights of buildings and other structures),presented in charts, tables,and graphs (including broken-line graphs);

GRADE 6 Mathematics Overall Expectation Number Sense and Numeration 3. solve problems involving the multiplication and division of whole numbers,and the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to thousandths,using a variety of strategies Data Management and Probability 1. collect and organize discrete or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs,including continuous line graphs Data Management and Probability 2. read,describe,and interpret data,and explain relationships between sets of data; Specific Expectations Number Sense and Numeration

use a variety of mental strategies to solve addition,subtraction,multiplication,and division problems involving whole numbers (e.g.,use the commutative property: 4 x 16 x 5 = 4 x 5 x 16,which gives 20 x 16 = 320; use the distributive property: (500 + 15) ÷ 5 = 500 ÷ 5 + 15 ÷ 5, which gives 100 + 3 = 103); – solve problems involving the multiplication and division of whole numbers (four digit by two-digit),using a variety of tools (e.g.,concrete materials,drawings,calculators) and strategies (e.g.,estimation, algorithms);

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represent ratios found in real-life contexts, using concrete materials,drawings,and standard fractional notation (Sample problem: In a classroom of 28 students,12 are female.What is the ratio of male students to female students?);

Data Management and Probability

select an appropriate type of graph to represent a set of data,graph the data using technology,and justify the choice of graph (i.e.,from types of graphs already studied, such as pictographs,horizontal or vertical bar graphs,stem-and-leaf plots,double bar graphs,broken-line graphs,and continuous line graphs)

demonstrate,through investigation,an understanding of how data from charts, tables,and graphs can be used to make inferences and convincing arguments (e.g., describe examples found in newspapers and magazines).

Find me a Forever Home


Students will understand that pet ownership is a long-term commitment

Students will understand that to keep a pet healthy and happy, we must take care of them


Students will brainstorm the needs of a pet

Students will think about how long each type of pet lives, and if they got a pet today, how old they would be when it died


Students will communicate their understanding in visual and oral forms


Students will apply their understanding by creating an

GRADE 4 Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 1. Analyze the effects of human activities on habitats and communities Life Systems 2. Investigate the interdependence of plants and animals within specific habitats and communities Specific Expectations SE1.1. Analyze the positive and negative impacts of human interactions with natural habitats and communities, taking different perspectives into account, and evaluate ways of minimizing negative impacts

SE2.6. use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes

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“adoption” poster for an animal at the THS, that demonstrates to prospective owners, what they need to know before adopting

LANGUAGE ARTS ORAL COMMUNICATION Overall Expectations OE2. Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes

Specific Expectations SE2.3. communicate in a clear, coherent manner, presenting ideas, opinions, and information in a readily understandable form SE2.4. use appropriate words and phrases from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory terms, and appropriate elements of style, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their audience WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience

OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways SE1.5. Identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop a summary SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary SE2.3. use specific words and phrases to create an intended impression

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GRADE 5 LANGUAGE ARTS ORAL COMMUNICATION Overall Expectations OE2. Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes

Specific Expectations SE2.3. communicate in a clear, coherent manner, presenting ideas, opinions, and information in a readily understandable form

SE2.4. use appropriate words and phrases from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory terms, and appropriate elements of style, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their audience WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience

Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways SE1.5. Identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop several linked paragraphs SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary SE2.3. use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to add interest

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GRADE 6 LANGUAGE ARTS ORAL COMMUNICATION Overall Expectations OE2. Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes

Specific Expectations SE2.3. communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using appropriate organizing strategies and formats to link and sequence ideas and information

SE2.4. use appropriate words and phrases from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory terms, and appropriate elements of style, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their audience WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience

Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways that allow them to view information from different perspectives and make connections between different ideas SE1.5. Identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop a structured, multiparagraph piece of writing SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do

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more research if necessary SE2.3. use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to enhance interest

Making a Difference


students will understand what “neglect and abuse” is, and what you need to provide for your pet

Students will learn what the humane society does, how many animals it takes in etc

Students will learn different strategies to convey information to the public (i.e. clear, simple messages, provocative or eye catching images)


Students will brainstorm different ways individuals, organizations, governments etc. can help animals


Students will demonstrate their final product (i.e. poster, radio ad etc)


Students will choose an issue, and a medium of communication to encourage community members, organizations, governments to “make a difference”

GRADE 5 Social Studies Overall Expectation B1. Application: assess responses of governments in Canada to some significant issues, and develop plans of action for governments and citizens to address social and environmental issues B2. Inquiry: use the social studies inquiry process to investigate Canadian social and/or environmental issues from various perspectives, including the perspective of the level (or levels) of government responsible for addressing the issues B3. Understanding Context: demonstrate an understanding of the roles and key responsibilities of citizens and of the different levels of government in Canada Specific Expectations B1.2. create a plan of action to address a social issue of local, provincial/territorial, and/or national significance (e.g., homelessness, child poverty, bullying in schools, availability of physicians in remote communities), specifying the actions to be taken by the appropriate level (or levels) of government as well as by citizens B2.5. evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about social and/or environmental issues, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of different positions on the issues, including the position of the level (or levels) of government responsible for addressing the issues B3.6. explain why different groups may have different perspectives on specific social and environmental issues

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B3.7. describe some different ways in which citizens can take action to address social and environmental issues GRADE 5 LANGUAGE ARTS ORAL COMMUNICATION Overall Expectations OE2. Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes

Specific Expectations SE2.3. communicate in a clear, coherent manner, presenting ideas, opinions, and information in a readily understandable form SE2.4. use appropriate words and phrases from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory terms, and appropriate elements of style, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their audience WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience

OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways SE1.5. Identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop several linked paragraphs SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do

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more research if necessary SE2.3. use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to add interest MEDIA LITERACY Overall Expectations OE2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning OE3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques Specific Expectations SE2.2. identify the conventions and techniques used in some familiar media forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience SE3.1. describe in detail the topic, purpose, and audience for media texts they plan to create SE3.2. identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice SE3.3. identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a media text they plan to create, and explain how they will use the conventions and techniques to help communicate their message SE3.4. produce a variety of media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques GRADE 6 LANGUAGE ARTS ORAL COMMUNICATION Overall Expectations OE2. Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes Specific Expectations

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SE2.3. communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using appropriate organizing strategies and formats to link and sequence ideas and information SE2.4. use appropriate words and phrases from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory terms, and appropriate elements of style, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their audience WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience

Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways that allow them to view information from different perspectives and make connections between different ideas SE1.5. Identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop a structured, multi-paragraph piece of writing SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary SE2.3. use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to enhance interest MEDIA LITERACY Overall Expectations OE2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning;

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OE3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques; Specific Expectations SE2.2. identify the conventions and techniques used in some familiar media forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience SE3.1. describe in detail the topic, purpose, and audience for media texts they plan to create, and identify challenges they may face in achieving their purpose SE3.2. identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice SE3.3. identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a media text they plan to create, and explain how they will use the conventions and techniques to help communicate their message SE3.4. produce a variety of media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques

Pet Health and Safety KNOWLEDGE

Students will understand how to keep pets safe and healthy (i.e. they must go to the vet, avoid hazards)


Students will examine their pre-existing knowledge about pet safety


Students will demonstrate their understanding by creating “pet hazard” posters that educate pet owners about hazards for pets, and what they can do to prevent them


Students will apply knowledge about pet hazards to a specific situation in order to demonstrate what pet

GRADE 4 Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 1. Analyze the effects of human activities on habitats and communities Life Systems 2. Investigate the interdependence of plants and animals within specific habitats and communities Specific Expectations SE1.1. Analyze the positive and negative impacts of human interactions with natural habitats and communities, taking different perspectives into account, and evaluate ways of minimizing negative impacts SE2.6. use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes

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owners can do to keep pets safe (i.e. don’t leave your pet in a hot car)

GRADE 5 Science and Technology Overall Expectations Life Systems 1. Analyse the impact of human activities and technological innovations on human health Specific Expectation SE1.1. assess the effects of social and environmental factors on human health, and propose ways in which individuals can reduce the harmful effects of these factors and take advantage of those that are beneficial

Adopt Don’t Shop KNOWLEDGE

Students will understand the benefits of adopting an animal compared to purchasing one

Students will understand the dangers of puppy mills, and purchasing animals from unlicensed breeders


Students will analyze the differences among animal shelters, puppy mills, and licensed breeders


Students will communicate their understanding in oral, visual, or written formats

APPLICATION Students will create compelling messages on why it is better to shop than adopt

GRADE 4 Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 1. Analyze the effects of human activities on habitats and communities Life Systems 2. Investigate the interdependence of plants and animals within specific habitats and communities Specific Expectations SE1.1. Analyze the positive and negative impacts of human interactions with natural habitats and communities, taking different perspectives into account, and evaluate ways of minimizing negative impacts

SE2.6. use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes Language Arts WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience

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OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways SE1.5. Identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop a summary SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary SE2.3. use specific words and phrases to create an intended impression GRADE 5 Social Studies Overall Expectation B1. Application: assess responses of governments in Canada to some significant issues, and develop plans of action for governments and citizens to address social and environmental issues B2. Inquiry: use the social studies inquiry process to investigate Canadian social and/or environmental issues from various perspectives, including the perspective of the level (or levels) of government responsible for addressing the issues B3. Understanding Context: demonstrate an understanding of the roles and key responsibilities of citizens and of the different levels of government in Canada Specific Expectations B1.2 create a plan of action to address a social issue of local, provincial/territorial, and/or national significance (e.g., homelessness, child poverty, bullying in schools, availability of physicians in remote communities), specifying the actions to be taken by the appropriate level (or levels) of government as well

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as by citizens B2.5 evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about social and/or environmental issues, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of different positions on the issues, including the position of the level (or levels) of government responsible for addressing the issues B3.6 explain why different groups may have different perspectives on specific social and environmental issues B3.7 describe some different ways in which citizens can take action to address social and environmental issues LANGUAGE ARTS ORAL COMMUNICATION Overall Expectations OE2. Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes

Specific Expectations SE2.3. communicate in a clear, coherent manner, presenting ideas, opinions, and information in a readily understandable form SE2.4. use appropriate words and phrases from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory terms, and appropriate elements of style, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their audience WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in

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a variety of ways SE1.5. Identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop several linked paragraphs SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary SE2.3. use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to add interest

GRADE 6 LANGUAGE ARTS ORAL COMMUNICATION Overall Expectations OE2. Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes Specific Expectations SE2.3. communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using appropriate organizing strategies and formats to link and sequence ideas and information SE2.4. use appropriate words and phrases from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory terms, and appropriate elements of style, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their audience WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience

Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in

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a variety of ways that allow them to view information from different perspectives and make connections between different ideas SE1.5. Identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop a structured, multi-paragraph piece of writing SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary SE2.3. use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to enhance interest

GRADE 7 - 8

Making a Difference KNOWLEDGE

Students will understand what neglect and mistreatment of animals is and will understand bylaws that exist to protect animals

Students will learn what the humane society does, how many animals it takes in etc

Students will learn different strategies to convey information to the public – look at a few campaigns by organizations to prevent animal cruelty (i.e. OSPCA, PETA, HSUS)


Students will brainstorm different ways individuals, organizations, governments etc. can help animals


Students will demonstrate their final product in oral, visual, or written form (i.e. poster, radio ad etc)


Students will choose an issue, and a medium of communication to encourage community members, organizations, or governments to “make a difference”

GRADE 7 LANGUAGE ARTS WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways that allow them to view information from different perspectives and make connections between different ideas SE2.1. Identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop a structured, multi-paragraph piece of writing SE2.2. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary SE2.3. use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to enhance interest

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MEDIA LITERACY Overall Expectations OE2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning; OE3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques; Specific Expectations SE2.2. identify the conventions and techniques used in a variety of media forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience SE3.2. identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice SE3.3. identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a media text they plan to create, and explain how they will use the conventions and techniques to help communicate their message SE3.4. produce a variety of media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques GRADE 8 LANGUAGE ARTS WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a

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variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways that allow them to view information from different perspectives and make connections between different ideas SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary SE2.3. use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to enhance interest MEDIA LITERACY Overall Expectations OE2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning; OE3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques; Specific Expectations SE2.2. identify the conventions and techniques used in a variety of media forms and explain how they help convey meaning and influence or engage the audience SE3.2. identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice SE3.3. identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a media text they plan to create, and explain how they will use the conventions and techniques to help communicate their message SE3.4. produce a variety of media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques

Adopt Don’t Shop KNOWLEDGE

Students will understand the benefits of adopting an animal compared to purchasing one

Students will understand the dangers of puppy mills,


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and purchasing animals from unlicensed breeders


Students will analyze the differences among animal shelters, puppy mills, and licensed breeders


Students will communicate their understanding in oral, visual, or written formats


Students will create compelling messages on why it is better to shop than adopt

OE2. use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes Specific Expectations SE2.3. communicate orally in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style appropriate to both the topic and the intended audience SE2.4. use appropriate words, phrases, and terminology from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory language, and a range of stylistic devices, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their intended audience WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience

Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways that allow them to view information from different perspectives and make connections between different ideas SE1.5. Identify and order main ideas and supporting details and group them into units that could be used to develop a structured, multi-paragraph piece of writing SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary SE2.3. use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to enhance interest GRADE 8

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LANGUAGE ARTS ORAL COMMUNICATION Overall Expectations OE2. use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes Specific Expectations SE2.3. communicate orally in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style appropriate to both the topic and the intended audience SE2.4. use appropriate words, phrases, and terminology from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory language, and a range of stylistic devices, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their intended audience WRITING Overall Expectations OE1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience OE2. Draft and revise writing using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience

Specific Expectations SE1.3. gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and sources SE1.4. sort and classify ideas and information for their writing in a variety of ways that allow them to view information from different perspectives and make connections between different ideas SE1.6. Determine whether the ideas and information they have gathered are relevant and adequate for the purpose, and do more research if necessary SE2.3. use some vivid and/or figurative language and innovative expressions to enhance interest

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Too Many Cats! KNOWLEDGE

Students will understand the magnitude of overpopulation of cats and dogs in Canada

Students will understand the multitude of purposes for spay neuter (i.e. health, longevity, reduced population)


Students will identify the impacts of spay/neuter on animal welfare, society as a whole


Students will discuss what they know about spay/neuter

Students will demonstrate their learning by graphing the information they have discovered


Students will apply their knowledge of multiplication and addition to make conclusions about the effect of spay/neuter on an animal population Students will form conclusions regarding spay/neuter based on the information presented and the bar graphs they have created

Students will make predictions of the impact of not spaying/neutering on the environment, society

GRADE 7 Mathematics Overall Expectation Number Sense and Numeration

demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions and integers,and apply a variety of computational strategies to solve problems involving whole numbers and decimal numbers

Data Management and Probability

collect and organize categorical,discrete,or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs,including relative frequency tables and circle graphs

make and evaluate convincing arguments,based on the analysis of data

Specific Expectation Number Sense and Numeration

solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers and decimals,using a variety of tools (e.g.,concrete materials,drawings, calculators) and strategies (e.g.,estimation, algorithms);

use estimation when solving problems involving operations with whole numbers, decimals,and percents,to help judge the reasonableness of a solution (Sample problem: A book costs $18.49.The salesperson tells you that the total price, including taxes,is $22.37. How can you tell if the total price is reasonable without using a calculator?)

Data Management and Probability

collect and organize categorical,discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data (e.g.,electronic data from websites such as E-Stat or Census At Schools) and display the data in charts,tables,and graphs (including relative frequency tables and circle graphs) that have appropriate titles, labels (e.g.,appropriate units marked

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on the axes),and scales (e.g.,with appropriate increments) that suit the range and distribution of the data,using a variety of tools (e.g.,graph paper,spreadsheets,dynamic statistical software);

read,interpret,and draw conclusions from primary data (e.g.,survey results,measurements,observations) and from secondary data (e.g.,temperature data or community data in the newspaper,data from the Internet about populations) presented in charts,tables,and graphs (including relative frequency tables and circle graphs);

identify and describe trends,based on the distribution of the data presented in tables and graphs,using informal language;

GRADE 8 Mathematics Overall Expectations Data Management and Probability

collect and organize categorical,discrete,or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs,including frequency tables with intervals, histograms,and scatter plots;

apply a variety of data management tools and strategies to make convincing arguments about data;

Specific Expectations

collect and organize categorical,discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data (e.g.,electronic data from websites such as E-Stat or Census At Schools),and display the data in charts,tables,and graphs (including histograms and scatter plots) that have appropriate titles,labels (e.g., appropriate units marked on the axes),and scales (e.g.,with appropriate increments) that suit the range and distribution of the data,using a variety of tools (e.g.,graph paper,spreadsheets,dynamic statistical software);

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read,interpret,and draw conclusions from primary data (e.g.,survey results,measurements,observations) and from secondary data (e.g.,election data or temperature data from the newspaper,data from the Internet about lifestyles),presented in charts,tables,and graphs (including frequency tables with intervals,histograms, and scatter plots)

identify and describe trends,based on the rate of change of data from tables and graphs,using informal language (e.g., “The steep line going upward on this graph represents rapid growth.The steep line going downward on this other graph represents rapid decline.”)

make inferences and convincing arguments that are based on the analysis of charts,tables,and graphs (Sample problem: Use data to make a convincing argument that the environment is becoming increasingly polluted.)

GRADE 7 Science and Technology Overall Expectation Life Systems 3. demonstrate an understanding of interactions between and among biotic and abiotic elements in the environment.

Specific Expectations SE3.7. explain why an ecosystem is limited in the number of living things (e.g., plants and animals, including humans) that it can support SE3.8. describe ways in which human activities and technologies alter balances and interactions in the environment GRADE 8 Geography

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Overall Expectation A2. Inquiry: use the geographic inquiry process to investigate issues related to the interrelationship between human settlement and sustainability from a geographic perspective A3. Understanding Geographic Context: demonstrate an understanding of significant patterns and trends related to human settlement and of ways in which human settlement affects the environment Specific Expectations A2.5. evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about issues related to the interrelationship between human settlement and sustainability A3.5. describe various ways in which human settlement has affected the environment

What Pet Should I Get? KNOWLEDGE

Students will understand the responsibilities of being a pet owner

Students will understand that being a pet owner is a lifelong commitment (for the pet) and that preparing for lifelong pet ownership is important


Students will estimate the annual average cost for a pet

Students will brainstorm potential unforeseen expenses


Students present their situation and budget, class will determine whether budget is reasonable


Students will create a time and financial “budget” for pet ownership – kids will be divided into groups and

GRADE 7 Mathematics Overall Expectation Number Sense and Numeration

demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions and integers,and apply a variety of computational strategies to solve problems involving whole numbers and decimal numbers;

collect and organize categorical,discrete,or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs,including relative frequency tables and circle graphs;

make and evaluate convincing arguments,based on the analysis of data;

Specific Expectation

solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers and decimals,using a variety of tools (e.g.,concrete materials,drawings, calculators) and strategies (e.g.,estimation, algorithms);

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randomly assigned life situations (i.e. family income, living expenses, lifestyle) – based on animal cost per year and these factors, students will choose which animal (if any) they will get for their family

use estimation when solving problems involving operations with whole numbers, decimals,and percents,to help judge the reasonableness of a solution (Sample problem: A book costs $18.49.The salesperson tells you that the total price, including taxes,is $22.37. How can you tell if the total price is reasonable without using a calculator?)

GRADE 8 Mathematics Overall Expectations Number Sense and Numeration

solve problems involving whole numbers,decimal numbers,fractions,and integers,using a variety of computational strategies

solve problems by using proportional reasoning in a variety of meaningful contexts.

Specific Expectations

solve multi-step problems arising from real-life contexts and involving whole numbers and decimals,using a variety of tools (e.g.,graphs,calculators) and strategies (e.g.,estimation,algorithms)

use estimation when solving problems involving operations with whole numbers, decimals,percents,integers,and fractions, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution

solve problems involving percent that arise from real-life contexts (e.g.,discount,sales tax,simple interest) (Sample problem: In Ontario,people often pay a provincial sales tax [PST] of 8% and a federal sales tax [GST] of 7% when they make a purchase. Does it matter which tax is calculated first? Explain your reasoning.); – solve problems involving rates (Sample problem: A pack of 24 CDs costs $7.99. A pack of 50 CDs costs $10.45.What is the most economical way to purchase 130 CDs?).


Students will understand the concept of one health

Language Arts Grade 7&8 Overall Expectation Communication

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Students will examine the ways in which animal ownership can enrich our lives


Students will summarize information presented in written form

Students will present findings of inquiry


Students will apply the concept of one-health to real life scenarios via newspaper articles

OE1. listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes; OE2. use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes; Reading OE1. read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning; Media Literacy OE1. demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts; Specific Expectations Communication SE1.6. extend understanding of oral texts, including increasingly complex texts, by connecting, comparing, and contrasting the ideas and information in them to their own knowledge, experience, and insights; to other texts, including print and visual texts; and to the world around them SE2.3. communicate orally in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style appropriate to both the topic and the intended audience SE2.4. use appropriate words, phrases, and terminology from the full range of their vocabulary, including inclusive and non-discriminatory language, and a range of stylistic devices, to communicate their meaning accurately and engage the interest of their intended audience Reading SE1.4. demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex texts by summarizing important ideas and citing a variety of details that support the main idea SE1.6. extend understanding of texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, by connecting the ideas in them to their own knowledge, experience, and insights, to other familiar texts, and to the world around them

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Media Literacy SE1.2. interpret increasingly complex or difficult media texts, using overt and implied messages as evidence for their interpretations

Grades 9 - 12

Too Many Cats! An Inquiry into Toronto’s Feral Cat Population


Students will understand the differences between domestic, stray, and feral cats

Students will understand the process of TNR and its benefits


Students will consider the environmental and societal impacts of feral cat colonies and TNR


Students will communicate their understanding orally with the use of discussion questions


Students will learn about the difficulty of TNR, and the rate of cat reproduction through a hands on activity

GRADE 9 Science (Academic) Overall Expectations B1. assess the impact of human activities on the sustainability of terrestrial and/or aquatic ecosystems, and evaluate the effectiveness of courses of action intended to remedy or mitigate negative impacts; B2. investigate factors related to human activity that affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and explain how they affect the sustainability of these ecosystems; Specific Expectations B1.1 assess, on the basis of research, the impact of a factor related to human activity (e.g., urban sprawl, introduction of invasive species, overhunting/overfishing) that threatens the sustainability of a terrestrial or aquatic ecosystem [IP, PR, AI, C] B2.5 analyse the effect of human activity on the populations of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems by interpreting data and generating graphs (e.g., data from Statistics Canada, Parks Canada, and other websites on: the concentration in water of chemicals from fertilizer run-off and their effect on the growth of algae; stressors associated with human use of natural areas, such as trampled vegetation, wildlife mortality from motor vehicles, and the removal of plants, animals, and/or natural objects; suburban developments and their impact on the food supply for animals such as foxes and racoons) [PR, AI, C] Science (Applied) Overall Expectations B1. analyse the impact of human activity on terrestrial or

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aquatic ecosystems, and assess the effectiveness of selected initiatives related to environmental sustainability; B2. investigate some factors related to human activity that affect terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems, and describe the consequences that these factors have for the sustainability of these ecosystems; Specific Expectations B2.5 analyse the effect of factors related to human activity on terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems by interpreting data and generating graphs (e.g., data on the concentration in water of chemicals from fertilizer run-off and their effect on the growth of algae) [AI, C] GRADE 11 Biology (Academic) Overall Expectation B1. analyse the effects of various human activities on the diversity of living things; Specific Expectations B1.1 analyse some of the risks and benefits of human intervention (e.g., tree plantations; monoculture of livestock or agricultural crops; overharvesting of wild plants for medicinal purposes; using pesticides to control pests; suppression of wild fires) to the biodiversity of aquatic or terrestrial ecosystems [AI, C] GRADE 12 Biology Overall Expectation F3. demonstrate an understanding of concepts related to population growth, and explain the factors that affect the growth of various populations of species. Specific Expectation F3.3 explain factors such as carrying capacity, fecundity, density,

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and predation that cause fluctuation in populations, and analyse the fluctuation in the population of a species of plant, wild animal, or microorganism F3.5 explain how a change in one population in an aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem can affect the entire hierarchy of living things in that system (e.g., how the disappearance of crayfish from a lake causes a decrease in the bass population of the lake; how the disappearance of beaver from an ecosystem causes a decrease in the wolf population in that ecosystem)

How Vaccinations Prevent Illnesses in Pets and Us


Students will understand how vaccines help the body to produce a secondary immune response upon encountering a pathogen

Students will learn about various zoonotic and animal illnesses that can be prevented with vaccination


Students will consider the impact of having no one in a community vaccinated, some, or majority

Students will examine the impact of vaccination or non-vaccination on pets


Students will communicate their understanding orally with the use of discussion questions


Students will learn about herd immunity and its impact on infection incidences through a hands on activity

GRADE 10 Science (Academic) Overall Expectations B1. evaluate the importance of medical and other technological developments related to systems biology, and analyse their societal and ethical implications; Specific Expectations B1.3 describe public health strategies related to systems biology (e.g., cancer screening and prevention programs; vaccines against the human papillomavirus [HPV] and measles, mumps, and rubella [MMR]; AIDS education), and assess their impact on society [AI, C] Science (Applied) Overall Expectations B1. analyse some current technologies or substances that have an impact on human tissues, organs, or systems, and evaluate their effects on human health; GRADE 11 Biology (University) Overall Expectation E1. analyse the relationships between changing societal needs, technological advances, and our understanding of internal systems of humans; Specific Expectation

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E1.1 evaluate the importance of various technologies, including Canadian contributions, to our understanding of internal body systems (e.g., endoscopes can be used to locate, diagnose, and surgically remove digestive system tumours; lasers can be used during surgery to destroy lung tumours; nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR] imaging can be used to diagnose injuries and cardiovascular disorders, such as aneurysms) GRADE 11 Biology (College) Overall Expectations C3. demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of microorganisms and the relationships that exist between them. Specific Expectations C3.5 describe how different viruses, bacteria, and fungi can affect host organisms, and how those effects are normally treated or prevented (e.g., hepatitis viruses can damage the liver, but vaccinations can prevent infections; streptococcus bacteria can cause respiratory infections, which are treated with antibiotics; ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin, treated with fungicides) GRADE 12 Biology Overall Expectations B1. analyse technological applications of enzymes in some industrial processes, and evaluate technological advances in the field of cellular biology; Specific Expectations B1.2. evaluate, on the basis of research, some advances in cellular biology and related technological applications (e.g., new treatments for cancer, HIV/AIDS, and hepatitis C; radioisotopic labelling to study the function of internal organs; fluorescence to study genetic material within cells; forensic biological techniques to aid in crime resolution) [IP, PR, AI, C]

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Animal Related Careers KNOWLEDGE

Students will learn about the educational and extracurricular requirements to attain various animal related careers


Students will be encouraged to ask questions to further their own learning

Students will think about their own career goals COMMUNICATION

Students will communicate their understanding orally with the use of discussion questions


Students will use their knowledge of animal related career paths to plan for their potential careers based on their career goals

GRADE 9 Science Overall Expectation A2. identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study, and identify scientists, including Canadians, who have made contributions to those fields. Specific Expectation A2.1 identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study (e.g., astrophysicist, geophysicist, conservation officer, park warden, fire protection engineer, hydrologist, electrician) and the education and training necessary for these careers GRADE 10 Science (Academic) Overall Expectation A2. identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study, and identify scientists, including Canadians, who have made contributions to those fields Specific Expectations A2.1 identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study (e.g., meteorologist, medical illustrator, geochemist, optical physicist) and the education and training necessary for these careers Science (Applied) Overall Expectation A2. identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study, and identify scientists, including Canadians, who have made contributions to those fields Specific Expectations A2.1 identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study (e.g., meteorologist, medical illustrator, geochemist, optical physicist) and the education and training necessary for these careers

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GRADE 11 Biology (University) Overall Expectation A2. identify and describe careers related to the fields of science under study, and describe the contributions of scientists, including Canadians, to those fields. Specific Expectation A2.1 identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study (e.g., zoologist, botanist, geneticist, ecologist, pharmacologist, farmer, forester, horticulturalist) and the education and training necessary for these careers Biology (College) Overall Expectation A2. identify and describe careers related to the fields of science under study, and describe the contributions of scientists, including Canadians, to those fields. Specific Expectation A2.1 identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study (e.g., food science technologist, medical laboratory technologist, dental hygienist, outpost clinic/primary care nurse, respiratory therapist, veterinary technician, water or wastewater technician) and the education and training necessary for these careers GRADE 12 Biology (University) Overall Expectations A2. identify and describe careers related to the fields of science under study, and describe contributions of scientists, including Canadians, to those fields. Specific Expectations A2.1 identify and describe a variety of careers related to the fields of science under study (e.g., scientific journalist, fisheries

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and wildlife officer, physician, infectious disease researcher, geneticist) and the education and training necessary for these careers GRADE 10 Career Education Overall Expectations: Exploration of Opportunities: OE3. identify a broad range of options for present and future learning, work, and community involvement. Preparation for Transitions and Change: OE1. use appropriate decision-making and planning processes to set goals and develop a career plan; Specific Expectations SE3.3. compare a variety of postsecondary learning options (e.g., apprenticeship, college, distance education, on-the-job training, private training, university) and identify those most suited to them based on their personal interests, competencies, and aspirations. SE 1.1. demonstrate an understanding of the decision-making process as it relates to career planning; SE1.2. articulate personal, learning, community, and occupational goals, taking into consideration the results from their personal profile and their exploration of selected occupations;

Animal Welfare and Equity KNOWLEDGE

Students will understand key issues in animal welfare in our society


Students will consider equity and social justice in our society (i.e. racism, sexual and gender orientation, sexism, ageism, ableism) and how similar issues might

GRADE 11 Law (CLU3M) Overall Expectations A1. The Inquiry Process in Legal Studies: use the legal studies inquiry process and the concepts of legal thinking when investigating law and legal issues in Canada; A2. Developing Transferable Skills: apply in everyday contexts skills developed through the study of law, and identify careers in

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be present in the animal welfare world

Students will examine injustices that occur in the animal world as a result of prejudices and stereotyping – i.e. breed specific legislation


Students will communicate their understanding using group discussions and informal debates


Students will apply their knowledge to critically assess where these stereotypes come from, and what differing points of view might be

which a background in law might be an asset C2. Development of Human Rights Law: analyse how various factors have influenced and continue to influence the development of human rights law in Ontario and Canada Specific Expectations A1.2 select and organize relevant evidence and information from primary and secondary sources A1.4 interpret and analyse legal issues (e.g., related to practices such as polygamy, same-sex marriage, hate speech, human trafficking) using evidence and information relevant to their investigations and a variety of tools and strategies, and taking into account relevant legal theories and ethical and equity concerns A1.5 use the concepts of legal thinking (i.e., legal significance, continuity and change, interrelationships, and legal perspective) when analysing, evaluating evidence about, and formulating conclusions and/or judgements regarding legal issues A1.6 evaluate and synthesize their findings to formulate conclusions and/or make informed judgements or predictions about legal issues they are investigating A1.7 communicate their ideas, arguments, and conclusions using various formats and styles, as appropriate for the audience and purpose A2.2 apply in everyday contexts skills and work habits developed through and relevant to the study of law A2.3 use the concepts of legal thinking when analysing current events related to legal issues in order to enhance their understanding of these events and their role as informed citizens C2.1 explain the concepts of justice, equity, and inclusiveness

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and the ways in which they influence human rights law in Ontario and Canada C2.2 analyse how various social factors have contributed to change over time in Canadian human rights law Politics (CPC30) Overall Expectations A1. Political Inquiry: use the political inquiry process and the concepts of political thinking when investigating issues of political importance in various communities and ways to address them; B2. Issues of Political Importance: explain the political importance of some current issues and analyse various perspectives associated with these issues (FOCUS ON: Political Significance; Political Perspective) B3. Causes, Impact, and Solutions: analyse some issues of political importance in terms of their causes, their impact, and ways in which they have been addressed (FOCUS ON: Objectives and Results; Stability and Change) Specific Expectations A1.4 interpret and analyse evidence, data, and information relevant to their investigations using various tools, strategies, and approaches that are appropriate for political inquiry A1.5 use the concepts of political thinking (i.e., political significance, objectives and results, stability and change, and political perspective) when analysing and evaluating evidence, data, and information and formulating conclusions and/or judgements about issues of political importance in various communities and ways to address them A1.6 evaluate and synthesize their findings to formulate conclusions and/or make informed judgements or predictions about the issues they are investigating A1.7 communicate their ideas, arguments, and conclusions using various formats and styles, as appropriate for the intended

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audience and purpose B2.1 explain the political importance of some current local, national, and/or global issues B2.3 analyse the positions of different stakeholders concerned with some issues of political importance B3.2 analyse the impact of some issues of political importance, with a particular emphasis on issues related to equity, human rights, and/or the environment B3.3 identify actions that have been taken to address some issues of political importance, and assess the effectiveness of these actions in achieving the intended objective GRADE 12 Canadian and International Law (CLN4U) Overall Expectation A1. The Inquiry Process in Legal Studies: use the legal studies inquiry process and the concepts of legal thinking when investigating legal issues in Canada and around the world, and issues relating to international law; C4. Contemporary Issues: analyse various contemporary issues in relation to their impact or potential impact on human rights law Specific Expectations A1.2 select and organize relevant evidence and information from primary and secondary sources A1.4 interpret and analyse legal issues (e.g., debates about laws governing the use of various controlled substances) using evidence and information relevant to their investigations and a variety of tools and strategies and taking into account relevant legal theories and ethical and equity concerns A1.5 use the concepts of legal thinking (i.e., legal significance, continuity and change, interrelationships, and legal perspective) when analysing, evaluating evidence about, and formulating conclusions and/or judgements regarding legal issues in Canada and around the world, and issues relating to international law A1.6 evaluate and synthesize their findings to formulate conclusions and/or make informed judgements or predictions

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about the issues they are investigating A1.7 communicate their ideas, arguments, and conclusions using various formats and styles, as appropriate for the audience and purpose C4.1 analyse from a legal perspective contemporary circumstances in which individual or group rights and freedoms are threatened Challenge and Change in Society (HSB4M) Overall Expectation • appraise the differences and similarities in the approaches taken by anthropology, psychology, and sociology to the study of social challenges pertaining to health, social injustice, and global concerns; • demonstrate an understanding of the social forces that shape such challenges. • communicate the results of their inquiries effectively. Specific Expectations – explain the relationship between prejudice and discrimination, and assess the impact of both on ideas of self-worth; – assess the role of stereotyping as a barrier to full participation in society; – effectively communicate the results of their inquiries, using a variety of methods and forms (e.g., graphs, charts, diagrams, oral presentations, lab reports, written reports, essays, journal-style articles, videos); – explain conclusions made as a result of an inquiry, using appropriate structure, argument, and documentation;

World Issues: Animal Health and Welfare Around the Globe


Students will learn about different animal welfare and health concerns that exist around the world (i.e. meat trade in South Korea, street dogs in South America, rabies deaths in Southeast Asia)


Students will examine different social, cultural, and political policies that may lead to these issues

GRADE 12 World Issues (CGW4U) E1. Leadership and Policy: analyse the influence of governments, groups, and individuals on the promotion and management of social change E3. Continuing Challenges: analyse issues relating to human rights, food security, health care, and other challenges to the quality of life of the world’s population (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends)

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Students will communicate their understanding through group discussions


Students will consider what they can individually, or collectively do to make a difference for animals around the world

Specific Expectations E1.3 assess the contributions of various individuals to advancing human rights and improving the quality of life in various countries, and assess the roles and responsibilities of individuals, as global citizens, in helping to solve issues of global concern E3.5 identify regional and global patterns relating to disease (e.g., infectious diseases, chronic diseases) and health care, and assess the influence of factors affecting quality of life (e.g., per capita income, lifestyle, access to health care, access to improved water and sanitation systems, caloric intake) on health in different parts of the world World Issues (CGW4C) Overall Expectations E3. Human Rights and Quality of Life: analyse impacts of a variety of factors on human rights and quality of life in selected countries Specific Expectations E3.1 analyse interrelationships between demographic characteristics, economic development, and quality of life for selected countries

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