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Top Things to Do After Trekking in Nepal

Trekking in Nepal accomplished? What to do next? Well, there are lots of things that you can do, places you can visit or activities

you can experience before heading towards your home. Here are some recommendations that you might look forward to consider after

week of trekking in Nepal adventure:

1. Relax at wilderness Chitwan National Park

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Forested grasslands around Chitwan National Park can be your best option to relax and do some jungle activities like embarking for

jungle safari on elephant or jeep ride and encounter wildlife habitats, paddle canoe at Rapti river, glare at picturesque sunsets from

Sauraha. Or just simply reenergize yourself at jungle atmosphere in the heart of nature after you are finished trekking in Nepal.

2. Paragliding at scenic lake city of Pokhara

Paragliding in Pokhara is an adventurous activity that lets you fly like a bird over beautiful Phewa Lake and Pokhara valley. After

trekking in Nepal around the Annapurna Himalayan foothills for few days or a week you will start to miss the grand Himalayas, and

overall experience. Now the best way to recall those superb views of snow capped Himalayas from another angle is to join paragliding

at scenic lake city of Pokhara.

3. Visit peaceful Lumbini for peace of mind and body

After trekking in Nepal, visiting Lumbini can be another option to get yourself close to symbolic holy site where Lord Budhha was

born. The land that symbolizes world peace, visiting century’s old monasteries, temples, palaces and monuments would create a

insightful cum peaceful atmosphere and spending a day or two at Lumbini would help you regain energy with mind & heart full of

peace and tranquility.

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4. Rafting at Trishuli river

Rafting at Trishuli river with overnight camp at riverbank would add a pinch of unique adventure to your whole trekking trip. Nepal is

famous for white water rafting activities and Trishuli is most famous one due to its good connection with Kathmandu and Pokhara.

Everyone can join rafting trips from first timer toddlers to experienced paddlers, however rafting during monsoon brings strong rapids

and strongly recommended for extreme adventure lovers.

5. Join yoga and meditation classes

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Yoga and meditation is important in our daily lives to make us physically and mentally fit. Joining yoga and meditation classes after

trekking in Nepal would revitalize your body with positive energy. More positivity means more energy and more success. Therefore,

either you are at Kathmandu or Pokhara, we (Icicles Adventure Team) can arrange yoga and meditation classes at lap of Himalayas

with professional yoga gurus.

6. Join mountain bike and cycling trips

Stretch out and join in some mountain biking around nearby downhill mountain biking routes at Pharping at southern Kathmandu or,

sightseeing around three major cities Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur on mountain bike. Cycling is not only best and easiest way to

exercise but also to view culturally affluent Kathmandu valley from a different perspective. Mountain bikes or bicycles can be easily

hired in Kathmandu.

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7. Short day excursions around Kathmandu valley

If you have extra days to spare after completion of trekking in Nepal, then don’t rush home. Wait! Lol, its your choice to stay or

leave but if you really want to experience authentic local living of inhabitants with scenic views and know insightful things nearby

Kathmandu valley then short hiking day trips is highly recommended. Then after you can proudly say to your friends that I have no

only go for trekking in Nepal but also seen the places that you might not have.

8. Visit Garden of Dreams in Kathmandu

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Garden of Dreams is a peaceful private garden at edge of road between Durbarmarg and Thamel. Visiting the beautiful heritage

garden after your trekking in Nepal takes you far from crowded Kathmandu city. With nominal fees, you can complete your Novel,

hang around with friends or just relax and have some free time enjoying a cup of coffee in a restaurant inside. Well, you can also grab

some dry foods, drinks bought from outside and turn it into a picnic spot.

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