Page 1: Top 5 Mistakes Businesses Make on Social Media

Top 5 Mistakes Businesses Make on Social MediaAftermarket Inception Computers &

Page 2: Top 5 Mistakes Businesses Make on Social Media

Social media platforms are a popular way for businesses to boost their visibility and promote their brand. There are so many social media websites and they can all be used very effectively for building your reputation, expand your visibility and, ultimately, drive sales to your website. Never underestimate the power of social media for your business.

However, in order for this to work you need to know how to use social media properly. Many businesses make huge mistakes in their approach to social media. If you are one of those business owners make sure to avoid all of the common mistakes companies make on social media:

Page 3: Top 5 Mistakes Businesses Make on Social Media

You Don’t Use Social Media

Some people think that their business doesn’t need social media. If you are one of those business owners, think again. Social media can help you a lot to build your reputation and boost your brand’s visibility. Not to mention that social media presence is basically a must these days – being absent from social media sends a bad message about your company. Since all respectable companies have social media profiles avoiding social media will not make your business look good.

It’s more than being present, though. A good social media strategy can help you a lot. That being said, you don’t have to cover every single social media platform in existence. Your presence on certain websites will depend on the type of products and services you offer. However, whatever your company is about, you will sure find a good social media to boost your visibility.

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You Use All Social Media Platforms in the Same Way

This is one of the most common mistakes many business owners make. With so many social media platforms, it’s easy to feel confused and lose track on what’s going on. In such a situation, it can be very tempting to simply treat them all in the same way. A similar mistake is to post identical content across all of your social media profiles.

If you’re doing this, stop and reexamine your strategy. While there are certain similarities between social media platforms, each of them is unique and requires a specific strategy in order to maximize your potential. Simply put, you need to know what works for each network you wish to use and create specific content for each social media website.

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You Don’t Know How to Use Hashtags

Hashtags are among the most crucial things you need to use on social media websites. Originally developed for Twitter, they can be found across numerous social media platforms today. In order to maximize your success you need to use hashtags, and you need to use them properly.

Think of hashtags are the most important terms related to your niche. You have to have a list of 5 to 10 most effective and most popular hashtags you can use to boost your visibility. The key is to always choose popular hashtags that are also relevant to your niche. Never use a random hashtag just because it’s popular. It will not help you gain visitors. Instead, take your time to research which are the most relevant hashtags for your niche and get into a habit to use them in your social media posts.

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You Are Overly Promotional

While your social media presence has a goal to expand your visibility and, ultimately, boost your sales, you should never be too pushy. People are not on social media to hear your marketing messages; they are there to be entertained. They use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and other social media sites to connect to other people and to find interesting things. This is why it’s called social media, after all.

In order to use social media websites properly, you need to word your messages in a form suitable for social media. Instead of pushing your promotional posts, use social media to communicate. Help people solve a problem. Share interesting content and insights. Answer people’s questions. This is the best way to build your reputation on social media websites. The better your reputation, the higher chances that people will visit your website and get interested in your brand. In order to achieve this, however, you need to avoid overly promotional messages. Do not use social media to talk about your brand only – you need to offer other type of content to keep people interested.

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You Focus on Quantity Instead of Quality

You may notice that big companies have many followers and fans on social media. While an impressive number of followers is a plus, that’s not what social media is about. It is not a popularity contest. You are there to improve your business, and the only way to achieve that is if you get people interested in your brand.

In the world of social media, the quality of your followers is more important than quantity. What does it mean? It means that the number of followers means nothing unless these are quality followers – people who are actually interested in your brand. It’s much better to have a fewer number of dedicated followers than a large number of followers who never interact with your content. This is why buying followers is never a good strategy: it will bring nothing good and it can actually lower your chances for success on social media.

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Ky Toure

Aftermarket Inception Computers & Graphics

[email protected]

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