Page 1: Top 10 Life Lessons Learned From Chess

Top 10 Life Lessons Learned From


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Page 2: Top 10 Life Lessons Learned From Chess

Chess is not only a game, but also a way of life. Playing chess can

teach you valuable life lessons and you may not even know it! The 10 items on this list are the greatest

life lessons you can learn from playing the game.

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1. Sometimes it’s Okay to Bluff

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There may be a few times in life where you’ll have to tell a white lie – and

that’s okay! Just like in chess, you may need to act like you have it all together

when you’re really shaking on the inside. This confidence throws people

off and can even make them uncomfortable. Use it to your


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2. It’s Okay to Lose

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Losing is not the worst thing that can happen to you in life. Sometimes you

need to lose in order to learn something. Chess and life are the

same in this regard as well. You can learn from your mistakes and come out

of the gate with guns blazing next time.

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3. Flexibility is Essential

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Remaining flexible is an invaluable life lessons. Things don’t always go according to plan and people

are unpredictable. Remaining flexible relieves stress and gives

you the upper hand. The less rigid you are, the better you’re able to

handle situations thrown your way.

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4. Sometimes Sacrifice is Necessary

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Sacrifice is a necessary part of life. Without sacrifice we will never get

what we truly want or be completely happy. In chess you may sacrifice a

pawn to make a better attack later on in the game. The same principle

applies once you walk away from the chessboard. Sacrifices in life help you

do the things you really want at a later time.

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5. Take Notice of Patterns

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Patterns are everywhere and the better you are at spotting them, the

better off you’ll be. When you can take notice of patterns you’re better

equipped to predict the next move. This skill is used in chess to take notice

of moves your opponent typically makes. You may even find a flaw in

their game just by noticing their patterns.

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6. Think Outside the Box

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Chess trains you to think outside the box. There are many times in a game where your plans are foiled and you

need a creative solution to stay in the game. This is also a skill you will need over and over again in life. Thinking

outside the box helps you find solutions to problems in ways that

others may not think of.

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7. If an Opportunity Arises, Take It

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Opportunities don’t always arrive when you want them to, so when one is

presented to you, don’t wait on it. This principle is used in chess all the time.

If there is an opportunity to take a crucial piece in your opponent’s army, you take it. The same goes with life. If

you’re given the opportunity of a lifetime, don’t let it pass by. Take it and

run with it.

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8. Stand Your Ground

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Chess is about making strong moves and sticking by them. You want to be confident in the moves you make –

both in chess and life. In life, if you do something, make sure to stand your

ground and fight for what you believe in.

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9. Take Action

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When there is a problem or a threat in chess, what do you do? You take

action! Make a move, be on defense, or make a strong attack. This rule is no exception in life either. Take action to change things or make a difference.

You don’t want to let life pass by without going after the things you


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10. Have Fun

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Most importantly – in the game of chess and in everyday life – have fun. Do what makes you happy and enjoy everything you do. If you don’t have

fun, what else is there to do? Make the best of each day and keep playing


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