

Top 10 Foods for a Healthy

Lymphatic System

An introductory guide to improving and maintaining your lymphatic system’s health with wholesome foods.

by Astrid H-Vlahakis- Founder -

A Publication of



Chapter 1 - The Importance of a Healthy Lymphatic System

Chapter 2 - Symptoms of Lymphatic Congestion

Chapter 3 - Top 10 Foods for a Super Healthy Lymphatic System

Chapter 4 - Other Ways to Enhance Lymphatic Function

Chapter 5 - Recipes

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1The Importance of a Healthy

Lymphatic System

The Importance of a Healthy Lymphatic

SystemThe lymphatic system is a complex network of vessels, organs and glands, and fluid-filled nodes that has many functions. One of its most important functions is to carry waste away (toxins) from the cells and bloodstream towards the body's organs of elimination. (kidneys, liver).

The system is comprised of veins and capillaries, with one-way valves, that contain a clear fluid called lymph. This fluid surrounds cells throughout the body and collects cellular debris before draining it into the lymphatic system. Lymph carries the waste on a one-way path toward the heart and passes through many filters (lymph nodes) where special white blood cells attack and eliminate foreign molecules.

Indicators that your lymphatic system may need some help include: ● Extreme lethargy● Inflammation ● Inadequate digestion● Mucus formation● General stiffness● Headaches or migraines

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Make sure to consume dairy in moderation (organic preferably) if you suspect that your lymph system isn’t performing the way it should.

Dairy slows the lymph system down. The same goes for sugar, foods fried in unhealthy oils --ei: canola, vegetable or processed foods in general. Each of these can easily block the body, whereas clean foods have naturally-occurring cleansing properties which also boost your energy levels to keep you moving.

Considering that movement functions like a pump for your lymphatic system, consuming all of these foods will always benefit your lymph system, and overall your body. Instead switch to healthier choices such as:● Coconut oil● Grass-fed or pastured butter● Olive oil● Avocado Oil

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2Symptoms of Lymphatic


Lab Values High systolic blood pressure

General Symptoms

Glandular Symptoms

General Symptoms - Skin Excess perspiration [3]

(Frequent) cervical node swelling (Frequent) painful cervical nodesPostauricular node problems (History of) swollen axillary nodes

(History of) painful axillary nodes (Often) swollen inguinal nodes (Often) painful inguinal nodes

Having a CFS diagnosis or

Other Symptoms of Lymphatic Congestion

● Rings get tight on fingers.● Soreness and/or stiffness in the morning.● Feeling tired.● Bloating.● Itchy skin.● Fluid retention. ● Breast swelling or soreness with each cycle.● Dry skin.

Source [8]

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Major Symptoms of Lymphatic Congestion


3Top 10 Foods For a Healthy

Lymphatic System

1. Water

The Lymphatic system 95% water, making water necessary for it to function properly. {Avoid dehydration by consuming |50% of} your bodyweight in ounces of clean water a day. Without the required water, lymphatic fluid cannot flow adequately.

Lymph congestion occurs when there is dehydration. Water alone will adequately rehydrate your body, but if you want to expedite the process, add lemon to your water. Lemon is an alkaline fruit that helps to mineralize the body and lymph.

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Try sipping on warm lemon water, throughout the day, but don’t forget your straw! This protects the teeth’s enamel from the lemon.

If you want take it to the next level by making this Turmeric Warm Lemon Water. Not only does water keep the lymph fluid hydrated-- it also keeps it flowing optimally and smoothly.

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2. Greens

Drinking green juices or even better - consuming leafy greens is a great opportunity to nourish your body because they are rich in carotenoids, chlorophyll, Vitamin K, prebiotics and Carotenoids to name a few.

chlorophyll (a molecule) in green vegetables, has great detoxing properties and is particularly known as “the green blood”. It basically purifies the blood which in turn cleanses the lymphatic system.

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Celery, cabbage, kale, chard, spinach, broccoli, mustard greens and dandelion leaves, and other greens are excellent for stimulating the lymphatic system and blood circulation while accelerating the elimination of excess water.

The colorful plant pigments some of which the body can turn into vitamin A, are powerful antioxidants that can help prevent some forms of cancer and heart disease. Plus, raw organic foods are typically alkaline, that aid in neutralize dangerous pathogens , minimizing the burden towards the lymph.

Here’s a great healing salad recipe I created. It contains prebiotics & probiotics. Yes both!

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3. Berries All Raw berries like: cranberries, pomegranates, cherries and blueberries are loaded with antioxidants. They also offer abundant levels of naturally occurring enzymes which break down toxic buildup and enhance the elimination of harmful compounds in your body. Here’s a delicious chia berries pudding.

❖ Cranberries

Cranberries are an invaluable fat emulsifier. It assists in metabolizing excess body fat when it comes to the lymphatic vessels to transport it out of your body. Consider fresh cranberries and juice them, instead of the sugary and pasteurized chemically processed ones.

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Other Red Foods that Help the Lymph System

❖ Beets

Beets essential property that make them the superior healthy food on my list right now. They thin the bile. Bile is accountable to about 80% of the immune response in the gut, it regulates the stool, digests helpful fat and eliminates unhealthy fat. Beets also scrub the villi of one's gut, which happens to be exactly where the digestive lymph originates. Beets make a great food for your lymphatic System. [3]

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4. Raw Seeds & Nuts

Seeds and nuts are loaded with fatty acids which help power up the lymphatic system. Choose from almonds, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, cashews, macadamia, and walnuts.

Keep in mind that the sodium added to most commercially packaged nuts is a source of stress for the lymph system. Instead opt for himalayan or sea which you can add to taste.

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5. CitrusThe astringent properties of citrus fruits and berries make them highly effective in eliminating blockages and enhancing the functioning of the lymph vessels.

If you suspect or have diagnosed with a poor functioning lymph system consume plenty of citric fruits such as: limes, lemon, oranges, kiwi, citrus grapefruit, and even acidic berries and lemon water.

Citrus fruit varieties also have amazing astringent properties which assist enhance lymph flow and get rid of any obstructions in the lymph system. [2]

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6. Algae, SeaweedsSpirulina, wakame, chlorella, kelp, nori, and dulse are varieties of seaweed that your body benefits from and loves.

They aren’t just a great natural detoxing food when it comes to the body, they are also extremely nutrient-dense, delivering high levels of iron, omega 3′s (such as Krill and calamarine oils) , Vitamin A, healthy proteins, Vitamin B, magnesium, iodine, and chlorophyll. Making Algae the perfect food to prevent disease, nourish your body and definitely keep the lymphatic system running free of toxicity. Make an effort to add a teaspoon of any of these algae to your daily meals if you can. Spirulina may be used in smoothies, in association with chlorella, and dulse-- instead of table salt, wakame, kelp as well as nori all make great salad and wrap ingredients. Make an effort to purchase algae from maine or the coast of france.

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7. Raw FruitEating raw fruits is a great way to nourish your body, but if you want to help your lymphatic system do its job, the acid and enzymes in raw fruits on an empty stomach are powerful lymph cleaners.

Eating raw fruits is a great way to increase water levels in your body, which in turn helps the lymph system remove toxins. Additionally, fruits digest very quickly (within 30-40 minutes) which in turn with digestion, and bowel movements.

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8. Foods Rich in Zinc

A recent study showed that the lymphatic absorption of retinol is significantly decreased in rats fed a low zinc diet. The study further demonstrated that low zinc intake or marginal zinc deficiency significantly lowers the absorption of beta-carotene as estimated by lymphatic retinol output.

Grassfed beef is one of the best sources of zinc,is low in sodium, is high in niacin, selenium, the only source of Vitamin B12 one of the best sources of Zinc. [6]

However if you do not eat meat I have included other options with a green leaf next to the food in the table that follows:

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Grass-fed Beef (3 oz: 4.9 mg )

175 33%

Lamb 310 35%

Sesame Seeds 206 25%

Pumpkin Seeds 180 23%

Lentils 230 23%

Garbanzo Beans 269 23%

Cashews 221 21%

Turkey 167 18%

Quinoa 222 18%

Shrimp 135 17%

Kefir or Yogurt (8 oz whole milk)

104 15%

Spinach/Mushrooms 16/7 9%

Source [7] f t P

9. Adaptogenic Herbs

Using a herbal adaptogen can help intervene with the body's stress response.

Adaptogens are oftentimes used for their great antioxidant like actions. Contrary to a particular phyto (plant) nutrient or vitamin-- herbal adaptogens are one-of-a-kind in the way they are able to shield the mitochondria from stress-induced damage. They simply stimulate the cell to generate proteins that help resist stress and improve longevity.

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9. Herbs That Enhance Lymph FunctionThis herbs help reduce inflammation and congestion of the lymph vessels and nodes. You may use them in juices, teas, tisanes or even tinctures to stimulate blood flow:

● Wild indigo root (find it here)● Red clover,● Parsley● Pokeroot● Astragalus● Goldenseal● Echinacea● Cilantro

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10. Adaptogenic Spices

Scientists determined that Turmeric’s adaptogenic activity is based upon the ability of Turmeric (try it here) to strengthen the body’s natural antioxidant function as well as assisting your body to sustain healthy and balanced levels of Corticosterone.

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4Other Ways to Enhance

Lymphatic Function

Other Ways to Enhance Lymphatic Function

❖ Sauna: saunas or steam baths are an excellent way to sweat out toxins and waste material through the skin and cleanse your system.

❖ Lymph drainage massage: this type of

massage stimulates lymph circulation and

drains fat, fluids, toxins and other waste

products away from your cells. [1]

❖ Rebounding: Rebounding on a mini trampoline is

perhaps the most efficient and forceful means of

flushing the lymph while stimulating the immune

system and defending against cancer and other

ailments. During rebound exercise the forces of

the upward and downward bounces – acceleration

and deceleration – are vertically aligned on the

same plane with gravity.

You can get a trampoline like this one for rebounding

from the comfort of your home. f t P





❖ [1]

❖ Fight off 80% of chronic disease by Cleansing your Lymphatic


m/ [2]

❖ [3]❖ Source: [4]❖


❖ 11 Ways to Boost Your Lymphatic System for Great Health

❖ 11 Ways to Boost Your Lymphatic System for Great Health❖


❖ [6]

❖ What are adaptogens and how do they work? By Ann Baker❖


❖ Douillard, J. “The Miracle of Lymph.” Retrieved September,10

2016 from [8]

Recommended BooksDr. Vodder's Manual Lymph Drainage

Foundations of Manual Lymph Drainage

The Complete Guide to Lymph Drainage Massage

Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement

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