Download - Top 10 Boards




The concept behind this brief is to create a title sequence for a proposed ‘Top 10’ TV program. The subject for the Top 10 program will be the top 10 Movie Villains.

As research for the brief I have looked at various sources to see what kind of ‘Top Movie Villains’ already exist and found a few existing examples. Using these and some of my own examples I have come up with the Villains that should be in the top 10.

I want to show the more light hearted, clichéd side of Villains rather than showing them as actually being menacing.


For the style of the animation I want to use simple shapes (like the ones on these boards) to create suggestions of the top 10 characters, not just specifically show each Villain.

I want the style to be really simple and bold to give the animation a more light hearted feel and represent the less scary side of each villain.

I want to try and represent each Villain in image alone, so there will only be a small amount of type to show the title of the program.

The audience for this program would be for adults around the age group of 20 - 40+. The proposed show would probably be shown on a channel such as E4.

From the animation“35mm” by Pascal Monaco


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