
Tools for Better Customer Communications An ACEware Webinar with Chuck Havlicek Possibilities! Contacting an individual ing a classRegistration Confirmations/Receipts & CertificatesCourse Reminder & Follow-ups Emergency& SMS 80% of smart phone users check their phone within 15 minutes of waking up Contacting an Individual Double-clickfield Name Quick Reports As long as were talking about Student... ?? How about Instructors ?? Same feature available on the instructor screen. Double-clickfield Creating HTML(a little help) HTML Tool From Customers/Student Manager Resources/Create HTMLs ing a Class Quickto Class Report of students who will receive, and those withoutaddresses options Send a carbon copy Includesignature Send yourself a copy Send instructor a carbon copy Include first name of student as salutation? Include attachment Meter Flow ofs (to avoid internal Anti- Spam flag) Mass Mergeto Class Different because of additional options & because its based on a template FYI Were offering a breakout session on editingtemplates at our annual users conference in May Manhattan, Kansas May 18-20, 2016 ( Registration info already on our website) Mail Merge Options Note the opportunity to make a log entry You can also send Stock or personalized (mail merge)s to your entire database. justafter(do mergmail) Personalized Or justafter('=do ()') Stock Message Registration Receipts, Confirmations & Certificates Registrations Confirmations, Receipts & Certificates are TransactionalMessages Transactionals have a specific informational purpose and are usually initiated at the request of the student 3X On average, a student will read transactionals and store the message indefinitely Your participants are frequently watching for this information Take advantage of the opportunity! Receipts and Confirmations Registration Screen / Print Receipt Massreceipts Reports / Registrations / Receipts / Additional Report MassReceipts There is a Report Template in the Report Templates Area on our website Customers/Student Manager Resources/Report Templates EditingTemplates Module / Catalog /Templates Course Reminders & Followups Automatic Manual Automatic (mostly) Enable Course Reminders Manual: Course Reminders for a single class Use Send Mass Mergeto Class option on Course Quick Reports Select Reminder Template Controlling Which Courses Get Reminders If you answer No during the setup, you can work on a course-by-course basis Followups work similarly to reminders Enable in Preferences Build or install template Send to single course or all courses NOTE: A NEW Feature Released SM8.Ver.028 + SMS & Emergency Remember... for SMS to work Student must have a cell phone listed AND Opt In must be checked on name screen If you want to learn more about SMS We have a webinar for that in Webinar Archive SMS Messages can be sent to... Individual Class To all names in a report As an emergency message to everyone with a class that meets on a specific day SMS Messages to an Individual Very similar to sending an individual an... From the name screen, double-click the Cell Phone field to open the SMS screen SMS Messages to a Class All, Date & Select Functions are available options SMS Messages Templates Class Reminder Run from Tools /Student Reminders Send SMS Message to Names in a Report justafter("do massSMS") Emergency SMS Messages You will be ask for the date of emergency You can edit or create new SMS templates from Module / Catalog / SMS Templates Chuck, can I edit the SMS Templates? Excellent help is available for editing templates in our Online Help page EmergencyTools / EmergencyFill in date of emergency The templates pull your organizations name from the Org Default Preferences and substitutes the contents for Your University in the message Location specific emergencyYou will be ask for the specific dates and the location/building and, will have an opportunity to edit the existing text Yea.. Even MoreMarketing Tools SHOUPCLS() Allows you to send a personalizedto a student that Lists upcoming courses, that match his/her interest profile! DO () Can send a standard(with HTML or plain text) to Select groups of student/prospects in your database NOTE: The Last Minutesome of you received yesterday was created with the HTML builder tool and sent out via DO () SHOUPCLS (example) Inserted into an, the user gets a list of upcoming classes.. AND you can Link them DIRECTLY to your ACEweb Check out page! Questions???? Did you get your February newsletter ? If you did, you already know about our next webinar! Understanding Payments & Deposits February 17, 2016, 1:30 PM Central ACEware 20th Annual Users Conference May 18 20, 2016 / Hilton Garden Inn, Manhattan Kansas

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