Page 1: Tools Description Document - Primus Geo Tools Doc.pdf · ALTERYX TOOLS 4 Formula: The formula tool is a powerful processor of data and formulas. Use it to add a field to an input

Tools Description Document

Page 2: Tools Description Document - Primus Geo Tools Doc.pdf · ALTERYX TOOLS 4 Formula: The formula tool is a powerful processor of data and formulas. Use it to add a field to an input


Portfolio Alteryx Tools Tools are organized in the Toolbox into 8 categories: Input/Output, Basic, Advanced, Spatial, Portfolio, US Address, Wizards & Macros, and Macro Tools. These categories and tools are explained below. Each tool within Portfolio Alteryx has a specific function. Configured tools make up modules. Click and drag a tool from the toolbox into the document to begin building a module. Tools are linked by clicking output arrows and dragging a downstream path to the next tool's input arrows. See Building Modules for more information.

Page 3: Tools Description Document - Primus Geo Tools Doc.pdf · ALTERYX TOOLS 4 Formula: The formula tool is a powerful processor of data and formulas. Use it to add a field to an input


Input/Output Tools: Each module must contain inputs and outputs. Both the Input and Output tool have different configuration properties, depending on the file type. The Browse tool and Browse map offer a temporary view of what the data looks like in table or map format.

Input: The input tool can be the starting point for any project in Portfolio Alteryx. Every project must have an input and output. The input tool opens the source data to be used in the analysis. The input tool reads information from the following file formats: CSV, MDB, DBF, XLS, MID/MIF, SHP, TAB, GEO, SZ, YXDB, SDF, FLAT, OleDB, Oracle Spatial.

Output: The output tool is used anytime results are needed to be output to a file from the analysis. Every project must have an input and output. The output tool opens the data results derived to from the analysis. The Output tool will write the results of the analysis to the same variety of formats specified for the input tool.

Browse: The Browse tool offers a quick view of the data anywhere within the Portfolio Alteryx module stream.

Browse Map: The Browse Map tool displays a quick map showing the geography and reference layers within the vicinity of the input map layer from the Portfolio Alteryx module. To tool can view map objects anywhere within the module stream. A quick view of the map data can be viewed once the module is run. Basic Tools: The tools contained within the Basic category offer a large array of data manipulation methods, touching on basic analytical processes.

Filter: The Filter tool queries records in your file to meet specified criteria. The tool creates two outputs, True and False. True is where the data met the specified criteria, False is where it does not.

Page 4: Tools Description Document - Primus Geo Tools Doc.pdf · ALTERYX TOOLS 4 Formula: The formula tool is a powerful processor of data and formulas. Use it to add a field to an input


Formula: The formula tool is a powerful processor of data and formulas. Use it to add a field to an input table, to create new data fields based on an expression or by assigning a data relationship, or to update an existing field based on these same premises.

Join: The Join tool combines two inputs based on a commonality between the two tables. Its function is like a SQL join but gives the option of creating 3 outputs resulting from the join.

Record ID: The Record ID tool assigns a unique identifier to each data record. The ID generated is a numeric value that could also be a string where leading zeros are appended to the ID.

Running Total: The Running Total tool calculates a cumulative sum, per record, in a file.

Sample: The Sample tool extracts a specified portion of the records in the data stream.

Select: The Select tool is a multi-function utility that allows for selected fields to be carried through downstream, renaming fields, reordering field position in the file, changing the field type, and loading/saving field configurations.

Summarize: The Summarize tool can conduct a host of Summary Processes within the input table, including: grouping, summing, count, spatial object processing, string concatenation, and much more.

Sort: The Sort tool arranges the records in a table in alphanumeric order, based on the values of the specified data fields.

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Text Box: The Text Box tool adds annotation to the project workspace. This is useful to jot down notes, explain processes to share or reference later.

Union: The Union tool appends multiple data streams into one unified steam. The tool accepts multiple inputs based on either field name or record position, creating a stacked output table. The user then has complete control to how these fields stack or match up.

Unique: The Unique Tool distinguishes whether a data record is unique or a duplicate by grouping on one or more specified fields, then sorting on those fields. The first record in each group is sent to the Unique output stream while the remaining records are sent to the Duplicate output stream. Advanced Tools: The tools contained within the Advanced category offer a large array of more sophisticated, specialty data manipulation tools.

Auto Field Strings: The Auto Field tool reads through an input file and sets the field type to the smallest possible size relative to the data contained within the column.

Block Until Done: The Block Until Done tool stops downstream processing until all records come through. This tool makes it possible to overwrite an input file.

Cross Tab: The CrossTab pivots the orientation of the data table. It transforms the data so vertical data fields can be viewed on a horizontal axis summarizing data where specified.

Date Time: The Date Time tool standardizes and formats date/time data so that it can be used in expressions and functions from the Formula or Filter tools.

Detour: The Detour tool is useful in constructing wizard or macro modules, where the developer can prompt a user to bypass a process in a module.

Page 6: Tools Description Document - Primus Geo Tools Doc.pdf · ALTERYX TOOLS 4 Formula: The formula tool is a powerful processor of data and formulas. Use it to add a field to an input


Detour End: The Detour End tool will unify the data processes from a resulting Detour upstream into a single stream for further analysis in Wizard and Macro modules.

Field Info: The Field Info tool allows the user to see in tabular form, the name of fields within a datastream as well as the field order, field type and field size.

Find and Replace: The Find and Replace tool searches for data in one field from the input table and replaces it with a specified field from a different data table.

Fuzzy Match: The Fuzzy Matching tool can be used to identify duplicates of a database by specifying parameters to match on. Values need not be exact to find a match, they just need to fall within the user specified or prefabricated parameters set forth in the configuration properties.

Generate Rows: The Generate Rows tool will create new rows of data, at the record level. This tool is useful to create a sequence of numbers, transactions, or dates.

Make Group: The Make Group tool takes data relationships and assembles the data into groups based on those relationships.

Multi-Row Formula Tool: The Multi-Row Formula tool takes the concept of the Formula Tool a step further, allowing the user to utilize row data as part of the formula creation. This tool is useful for parsing complex data, and creating running totals, averages, percentages and other mathematical calculations.

Regular Expression: The Regular Expression tool is a robust data parser. There are four types of output methods that determine the type of parsing the tool will do. These methods are explained in the Configuration Properties.

Page 7: Tools Description Document - Primus Geo Tools Doc.pdf · ALTERYX TOOLS 4 Formula: The formula tool is a powerful processor of data and formulas. Use it to add a field to an input


Run Command: The Run Command tool allows the user to run external command programs within Alteryx. This tool can be used as an Input, Output or as a pass through, intermediary tool.

Test: The test tool is useful for testing assumptions one may have regarding their data or a process.

Text to Columns: The text to columns tool takes the text in one column and splits the string value into separate, multiple fields based on a single or multiple delimiter(s).

Tile: The tile tool assigns a value (tile) based on ranges in the data.

Transpose: The Transpose tool pivots the orientation of the data table. It transforms the data so you may view Horizontal data fields on a vertical axis. Spatial Tools: The tools contained within the Spatial category offer a large array of spatial data manipulation, processing, and object editing tools.

Create Points: The Create Points from Fields tool creates a point-type spatial object by specifying input fields containing the X coordinate (Longitude) and the Y coordinate (Latitude).

Distance: The Distance tool calculates the ellipsoidal direct point-to-point or point-to-edge distance between two sets of spatial objects. It will also calculate the drive distance of two point objects if a licensed installation of Portfolio Guzzler is detected.

Find Nearest: The Find Nearest Points tool identifies the shortest distance between points or polygons in one file and the points, polygons, or lines in a second file.

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Geocode: Geocoding associates geographic coordinates with input addresses, letting you pinpoint locations and carry out geography-based analyses.

Make Grid: The Make Grid tool takes a specified spatial object (point or polygon) and creates a grid based on the spatial object. The resulting grid is either a single grid, bound to the extent of the input spatial objects, or individual grids that dissect each input polygon.

Map Server: MapServer enables you to create a saveable map image from within the Portfolio Alteryx GUI. A map can be generated from several layers, include reference layers and may include theming as well.

Poly Build: The PolyBuild tool looks at a group of spatial point objects and draws a polygon or polyline in a specific order to represent that group of points.

Poly Split: The PolySplit tool looks at polygon or polyline objects and splits them into their component point, line, or region objects.

Spatial Info: The Spatial Info tool extracts tabular information about the spatial object. Attributes such as: area, spatial object, number of parts, number of points, and centroid Latitude/Longitude coordinates can be appended.

Spatial Match: The Spatial Match tool establishes the spatial relationship between two sets of spatial objects. The tool accepts a set of spatial objects from the Left Input (Targets) and a set of spatial objects from the Right Input (Universe). At least one input stream should contain Polygon type spatial objects.

Spatial Process: The Spatial Process tool performs high-level spatial object editing from a simple, single tool. You can combine multiple objects or cut the spatial objects of the input table.

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Trade Area: The Trade Area tool creates regions around specified point objects in the input file. Trade Areas are created one of two ways: either by defining a radius around a point, or by a drive time. Drive time trade area creation is only an option if a licensed installation of Portfolio Guzzler is detected. Portfolio Tools: The tools contained within the Portfolio category offer the ability to use Portfolio data and functionality within Portfolio Alteryx. You must have a license for the Portfolio bundle to use these tools.

Input Allocate: The Input Allocate tool allows the user to pick geographies and data variables from any Allocate data set installed on the user's system. The most recent data set used in Allocate will always be the default data set that opens within this tool. The Input Allocate tool is only available if you have a licensed installation of Allocate.

Append Allocate Data: The Allocate Append Data tool lets you append demographic fields from an existing Allocate installation. The Allocate Append Data tool is only available if you have a licensed installation of Allocate.

Allocate Report: The Allocate Report tool allows the user to retrieve and run any pre-formatted or custom report associated with Allocate. Reports can be exported to HTML, PDF, XLS, RTF and Portfolio Composer’s PCXML format. The Allocate Report tool is only available if you have a licensed installation of Allocate.

Portfolio Composer: The Portfolio Composer technology provides a unified reporting structure across the SRC Product Suite. This technology allows for easy report creation and also provides a viewer interface that allows for simple report modifications including adding charts, filtering and sorting. SRC Composer reports are rendered using XML (extensible markup language) with the file extension ".pcxml". Reports can be authored to include text, data, charts, maps and images. Composer output is integrated into Allocate, Solocast and Alteryx as well as the Portfolio Web architecture. Reports can be output to XML, PCXML, PDF, RTF, HTML and XLS.

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US Address Tools: The tools contained within the US Address tools category include the ability to Standardize mailing lists and geocode to the 9-digit ZIP Code level. These tools require a special license and are US Data-specific.

CASS: The CASS Tool takes the input address file and checks it against the USPS Coding Accuracy Support System. In effect, the tool cleans up the data by correcting address information to the US Postal Service Standard. It also appends valuable address-specific information to the data. The CASS utility is a separate installation located on the Portfolio Alteryx installation Disk. It requires a special license to run.

Zip +4: The ZIP + 4 Coder associates geographic coordinates with ZIP9 (also known as ZIP+4) codes in your address file, letting you pinpoint locations and carry out geography-based analyses. The ZIP+4 Coder appends latitude and longitude, county and state FIPS code, and census tract and block number. The ZIP + 4 Coder is a separate installation located on the Portfolio Alteryx installation Disk. It requires a special license to run. Macros The tools within the Macro category are sample modules saved as Macros and appear within the toolbox. They can be utilized as single tools within any module when properly configured, assuming the user is fully licensed to the tool set that makes up the particular Macro. Non Overlapping DT: This Macro will create drive time trade areas, that do not overlap, for a point file. This macro requires licensed installation of Portfolio Guzzler to run successfully. Portfolio Explorer: This Macro will utilize many methods to geocode a customer file. This macro requires licensed installations of Portfolio Explorer, CASS, and the ZIP + 4 coder to run successfully.

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