
personal energ y2nd







– in stant feedback– networkable

personalised productsfindorf f arm shares

this is t o c ertify that

harry moore owns 100


lifetime supply of rental products

> Go with the flow. Scenarios explore future possibilities, they aren’t predictions. Suspend your disbelief and challenge yourself to accept your scenario as reality

> Mind the gaps. The scenarios are not comprehensive. If you come across specific gaps, fill them in yourself - elaborate and build on the scenario to make it your own

> Keep scribbling. Any reflections you have about the scenarios, major points, ideas, whatever - jott them down on post-its, stick-em up and share them with your team

> Dream big! This is your chance to step away from today’s constraints, regulations, red-tape and societal ‘norms’.

working with scenarios

consumer futures 2020

personal energ y2nd







– in stant feedback– networkable

personalised productsfindorf f arm shares

this is t o c ertify that

harry moore owns 100


lifetime supply of rental products

Check out these ideas for what characterises sustainable consumption. Use them to help you filter your ideas.

Does your idea encompass:

> Smart growth, where economic growth is not delivered at the expense of the environment, and where the overall environmental footprint of business has been reduced, delivering more economic value per unit resource used.

> Smart use, where impacts associated with product use and disposal are minimal. Characterised by closed loops, or even open loops, where someone’s waste is another’s raw material; take-back schemes, where used goods return to the manufacturer; product to service shifts; and different ownership models – consumers don’t need to possess something to derive a benefit.

> A better choice of choice, where the unsustainable product or service is no longer available and consumers are choosing within a set of sustainable options. By deciding what to stock, and what to make, retailers and manufacturers have already made choices on behalf of their consumers.

> Positive social impact, where what and how we buy promotes well-being in individuals, communities and supply chains. Transactions for goods and services that have a positive social benefit are the norm, whereas novelty and implied personal status are far less important than they are today.

filtering your ideas

consumer futures 2020

raw materials



distributionconsumer use


end of life


consumer futures

john lives in the city and teaches at a local •

school.most of the time he gets around on his push-•

bike but sometimes he uses public transport when the weather is bad. John married lucy in the summer and they •

have just climbed onto the first rung of the property ladder. john is quite vain and always likes to look his •

best. he is in good health but due to his lactose •

intolerance he has to be carefull what he eats. John loves throwing dinnner parties for •



John (26)

consumer futures

alice lives in the suburbs and works shifts at •

the hospital as a nurse. she is married to peter and they have an 8 •

year old son. peter is the managing director of a local •

firm. alice and peter own a car which makes family •

life so much easier.alice likes to watch her weight and she’s •

often following one diet or another. the family are all in good health.•


alice (40)

consumer futures

personaslouise was brought up in the country and still •

lives in the same village. although louise is single, she has a small •

circle of good friends and her family all live nearby. louise drives a company car.•

she is a sales rep for a large uk sports •

retailer and spends a lot of her time away on business.image is everthing in her world of work and •

she always looks presentable. louise looks forward to relaxing at home on •

the weekends.She’s a vegetarian. •louise (33)

consumer futures

ken’s a retired engineer and now qualifies •

for his free bus pass. he left the rat race 5 years ago and •

downsized to the leafy suburbs for some peace and quiet with his wife. he’s been happily married to emily for over •

40 years and they have 3 grown-up children who live and work in the city. getting about can be tricky due to ken’s bad •

hip but he’s hoping to have an operation soon to fix things. ken has diabetes so he has to manage his •

diet carefully.


ken (65)

consumer futures

Millie lives in the capital and goes to an •

inner-city school. millie is studying for her exams and wants to •

be a vet when she’s older. millie has a part-time job at the pet store on •

the weekends. her parents both work fulltime and she has a •

little brother at primary school. millie is very conscious of her apperance •

and follows the latest trends and fashions. She likes to keep tabs on all the latest •

beauty products. millie is also a fussy eater.•


millie (15)

consumer futures

ANDY divorced 6 years ago and now lives on •

his own near the coast. He has no children.•

Andy is a skilled tradesman but chronic back •

problems means he can no longer work and now has to rely on state benefits to get by. Andy’s always led a pretty sedentary •

lifestyle and has a penchant for reality tv and football. He loves food and drink, especially crisps, fish and chips, red meat, beer and cider.


andy (48)

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