Page 1: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


________________________________________________________________________ Boletín informativo de la Hermandad de la Costa

Bulletin d'information des Frères de la Côte * Newsletter of the Brotherhood of the Coast Notiziario dei Fratelli della Costa

Vol. X/4 No 31 XII.2004

"The Brotherhood of the Coast is a highly disorganized looselyorganized group of people who are bound by love of the sea and a sense of friendship." This definition has been presented By Brise-Galets A.K.A. Bernard Lefevre and is without question the simplest most direct definition describing our fraternity as we know it today. In my attempt to define what it means to be a Brother of the Coast I would like to revise Brise-Galets’ definition as follows: “The Brotherhood of the Coast is a group of lovers of the sea dedicated to supporting each other without p r e j u d i c e , b o u n d b y friendship, compassion and love, governed by the Octalog”. Even though it may appear so

to the average individual, I do not think that the Brotherhood of the Coast is disorganized. In my view it is in fact highly organized. Our Tables are run like ships. We hold regular meetings. We organize large functions. We travel overseas and many of us sail across oceans - all quite organized indeed. To be a Brother of the Coast means something very special. It means that your flag will be recognized the world over by other Brothers of the Coast and that you will be given harbor wherever you go in accordance with the Octalog. It means unconditional support, compassion, and love. Those Brothers who have had the good fortune to meet voyaging Brothers will attest to the fact that language barriers are quickly broken by the universal language of the Brotherhood of the Coast. When we talk about going to a Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more than what money can buy - you get the

friendship and love of Brothers from other bays who came to see you and be with yo u and sh are the i r experiences and their love of the sea. How can you put a price on that? In 2006 we will be getting together in Argentina. This is the perfect opportunity to get together with Brothers from other bays and speak the language of the Brotherhood of the Coast.

Tony Olmer, aka Rascal

Lire la traduction en page suivante. Traducción en pág. siguiente

Tony Olmer's Column

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Felices Fiestas!

Meilleurs vœux à tous!

The Tortuga Post

What it means to be a

Brother of the Coast

Page 2: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


Traduction de l'édito de Tony Olmer: Ce que signifie être Frère de la Côte "Les Frères de la Côte constituent un groupe plutôt désorganisé de gens unis par l'amour de la mer et le sens de l'amitié." Cette définition a été formulée par Brise-Galets, dit Bernard Lefèvre, et c'est à coup sûr la définition la plus simple et pertinente de notre Confrérie, telle que nous la connaissons aujourd'hui. Pourtant, en essayant de décrire ce que signifie être un Frère de la Côte, j'aimerais compléter la définition de Brise-Galets de la manière suivante: "Les Frères de la Côte sont un group d'amoureux de la mer, pour qui une entraide sans réserve est un style de vie, qui sont liés par l'amitié, l'empathie et l'affection, et qui sont conduits par l'Octalogue." Même si cela peut donner cette impression à un observateur étranger, je ne pense pas que les Frères de la Côte soient désorganisés. A mes yeux, au con t r a i re , nous sommes hautement organisés. Nos tables sont conduites comme des vaisseaux, nous tenons des réunions régulières. Nous o r g a n i s o n s d e g r a n d s événements. Nous voyageons outre-mer et nombreux sont ceux d'entre nous qui traversent les Océans à la voile – tous parfaitement organisés. Etre un Frère de la Côte est donc quelque chose de très particulier. Cela signifie que ton pavillon va

être reconnu dans le monde entier par d'autres Frères, et que tu seras accueilli dans le port, comme cela est prévu par l'Octalogue. Cela signifie que tu recevras un appui inconditionnel, sympathie et affection. Ceux qui ont eu la bonne fortune de rencontrer des Frères voyageurs peuvent attester que la barrière des langue est vite rompue grâce au langage universel des Frères de la Côte. Lorsque nous disons que nous nous rendons à un Zafarrancho en dehors de notre baie, nous nous référons souvent à des valeurs reçues. Nous demandons par exemple: que vais-je avoir pour mon argent? Pour moi, la réponse est simple: vous recevez bien plus que ce que votre argent peut acheter. Vous recevez l'amitié et l'affection de Frères venus d'autres baies pour vous rencontrer, pour être avec vous et partager expériences et amour de la mer. Comment pouvez-vous mettre un prix à cela? En 2006 nous allons nous réunir en Argentine. Ce sera donc une occasion parfaite de nous retrouver avec des Frères venus d'autres baies et de parler ensemble le langage des Frères de la Côte. Traducción del editorial de Tony Olmer ¿Qué significa ser un hermano de la Costa? La Hermandad de la Costa es un grupo de gente un tanto desorganizada reunida por el amor a la mar y un sentido de la amistad. Esta definición ha sido presentada por Brise-Galets A.K.A. Bernard Lefevre y es indiscutible la definición directa más simple que describe a nuestra fraternidad como la conocemos hoy. En mi intención de indicar qué significa ser un hermano de la costa, deseo revisar la definición de Brise-Galets como sigue:

La Hermandad de la costa es un grupo de amantes del mar dedicado a apoyarse sin prejuicios, en aras de la amistad, la compasión y el amor, gobernado por el Octálogo. Aunque al individuo medio le pueda dar esa impresión, no pienso que la Hermandad de la Costa es desorganizada. En mi opinión, es todo lo contrario. Nuestras mesas funcionan como las naves, nosotros celebramos r e u n i o n e s r e g u l a r e s , organizamos grandes eventos, viajamos a ultramar y muchos de nosotros lo hace a vela a través de los océanos - todos de hecho, absolutamente organizados. Ser un hermano de la costa significa algo muy especial. Significa que su bandera será reconocida en el mundo por otros hermanos de la costa y que le darán puerto dondequiera que vaya, de acuerdo con el Octálogo. Significa la ayuda, la compasión, y el amor en forma incondicional. Esos hermanos que han tenido la buena fortuna de encontrar hermanos viajeros, atestiguarán que las barreras l i n g ü í s t i c a s s o n r o t a s rápidamente por la lengua universal de la Hermandad de la Costa. Cuando hablamos de ir a un Zafarrancho fuera de nuestra bahía, hablamos a menudo del valor percibido. ¿Qué consigo a cambio de mi dinero? - se preguntan a menudo. Para mí la respuesta es simple - usted consigue mucho más que lo que el dinero puede comprar - usted consigue la amistad y el amor de hermanos de otras bahías que vinieron a verle, estar con usted y compartir sus experiencias y su amor al mar. ¿Cómo puede usted poner un precio a eso? En 2006 nos reuniremos en la Argentina. Ésta es la oportunidad perfecta de reunirse con los hermanos de otras bahías y de hablar la lengua de la Hermandad de la Costa.

Indice Contents Sommaire

Editorial, 1-2

International News, 3– 6 National News, 7– 9

Directory 10 - 11 Obituary, 12

Page 3: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


NOTICIAS INTERNACIONALES Belice y Rep. Dominicana El 11 de noviembre de 2004, SECOIN envió siguiente mensaje a la Asamblea de los Capitanes nacionales: "Mi querido Capitán Nacional, nos preocupan dos Hermandades Nacionales: Belice y República Dominicana: Belice: El hermano americano Jim Patterson fundó esta fraternidad en 1995. Ella al parecer nunca tuvo éxito en reunir a los 7 hermanos necesarios para su funcionamiento local, y nunca fue integrada al país. En fin, por dos años, a lo menos, no ha dado noticias y es imposible contactarla. República Dominicana: Esta fraternidad es obra de un hermano italiano, Ellero Tamburini, que actuaba (en 1999) con la ayuda remota de Aldo Devoto, pero sin la ayuda esencial de su fraternidad de origen. Después de algunos intercambios de botellas cibernéticas con SECOIN, es ta nao de Montecristi parece haberse perdido en la niebla. No han enviado más noticias, de ninguna clase, por lo menos en 3 años y es imposible contactarla. Bajo estas condiciones, quisiera sugerir a la Asamblea de Capitanes Nacionales que eliminen estas dos Capitanías de la sección B del directorio, y en adelante se ubiquen en la lista de las naos desaparecidas. Sin noticias de su parte hasta el 30 de Noviembre, admitiré que usted aprueba esta medida. En el caso contrario, por favor, ruego enviar sus comentarios a tiempo."

On November 11th, 2004, SECOIN sent the following note to the Assembly of National Captains: "My dear National Captain, Two National fraternities are of concern to us: Belize and the Dominican Republic: Belize: this Table was founded by an American Brother, Jim Patterson, in 1995. It apparently never succeeded in gathering the 7 Brothers necessary for its total recognition and never integrated itself into the country. Finally, for at least two years there is no news and it is impossible to contact it.

Dominican Republic: this Table is the work of an Italian Brother, Ellero Tamburini, who acted (in 1999) with the distant blessing of Aldo Devoto, but without the necessary support from the founding fraternity. After a few exchanges by mail with SECOIN, this Table of Montecristi appears to be lost in the fog. It has not given any kind of news for more than 3 years and is impossible to contact. With these conditions I would like to suggest to the Assembly of National Captains to erase these two fraternities from the B section of the Directory, and to list them from now on in the list of lost Tables. Without news on your behalf before November 30th, I will assume your approval of this measure. To the contrary, I urge you to inform me of your comments."

Le 11 novembre 2004, SECOIN a adressé le message suivant à l’Assemblée des Capitaines nationaux: "Mon cher Capitaine national Deux Confréries nationales nous donnent des soucis: Belize et la Rép. Dominicaine:

1. Belize: cette confrérie a été fondée par le Frère américain Jim Patterson en 1995. Elle n'a apparemment jamais réussi à réunir les 7 Frères nécessaires à sa reconnaissance totale, et ne s'est jamais intégrée dans le pays. Enfin, depuis deux années au moins, elle ne donne plus de nouvelles et il est impossible de la joindre.

2. Rép Dominicaine: cette confrérie est l'œuvre d'un Frère italien, Ellero Tamburini, qui a agi (en 1999) avec l'appui lointain de Aldo Devoto, mais sans le soutien indispensable de sa confrérie d'origine. Après quelques échanges de mails avec SECOIN, cette Table de Montecristi semble s'être perdue dans la brume. Elle ne donne plus de nouvelles d'aucune sorte depuis au moins 3 ans et il est impossible de la joindre. Dans ces conditions, j'aimerais suggérer à l'Assemblée des Capitaines nationaux de rayer ces deux Confréries de la section B du Directory, et de les placer dorénavant dans la liste des tables disparues. Sans nouvelles de votre part jusqu'au 30 novembre, j'admettrai que vous approuvez cette mesure. Dans le cas contraire, je vous prie de me faire parvenir vos commentaires en temps utile."


La propuesta es aprobada sín oposición

The proposal is approved

with no opposition

La proposition est acceptée sans opposition

Page 4: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


5th World Zafarrancho BUENOS AIRES

2006 A letter from the Argentinian National Captain (translation): Why we had to change our plans Due to the fact that in the next days we will be presenting the schedule for the sixth World Zafarrancho 2006, we felt obliged to inform you of all the reasons that detoured us from our original plans. Holding the World Zaf in Ushuia (original proposal) has the following inconveniences: A. The first thing we did was to evaluate the kind of Zafarrancho we wanted to have, a “touristic oriented” or a “brotherhood like”, because of some comments on some zafarranchos that were seen as touristic oriented. This is why we decided to organize events in Buenos Aires and coordinate touristic extensions for those brothers coming from far away that wish to visit this vast country. For whom we have considered Ushuaia, Lago Argentino, Peninsula Valdez, Mendoza, and Iguazu falls! The Argentine brotherhood does not have a table in Ushuaia, consequently coordinating this event 3500 km away is far too risky. Is as organizing a Zaf in Moscow from Madrid. B. Due the recent tourism boom in Ushuaia as a result of the local currency devaluation, the hotels are overbooked by spring summer time. Handling terms for 400 attendants, would not be as flexible as it should be for a Zafarrancho. As an example there is no place to host 400 people at once for dinner or lunch. C. We had a navy ship that suffered a mayor break down (as it did happen to the Frigate Libertad). Due to the funding situation of the navy they are considering scrapping her (not Libertad). We looked for other alternatives to this one -chartering privately owned vessels. The budgets resulted way off our intentions due that the ship had to be detoured. We are not that many to get a cruiser just for us. Besides this we needed to add airfares which worsen the situation. D. When we finally had a detailed evaluation of our sailing plan, it discouraged us due the following:

Sailing on the South Atlantic is not sailing the Caribbean waters, hard weather conditions, south west wind (right on your nose) open waters, no

sheltered waters as in Chile and just one single port on the way to stop - Madryn.

On the vessels we found, we had to eat in small groups, vanishing away our possibilities of enjoying a Zafarrancho party! As regards to budget, we found that this could put aside some brothers, which we do not want at all! For your reference it would not be less than US$ 200 per person on a daily basis. This would result US$ 1000 for 4 days sailing plus local transportation, some extra days in hotels, and airfare to Argentina. Weather conditions are tough. We have consulted a weather data base with a 20 year sampling, and we have proof how hard this can be. We do consider that we have many Brothers and their captives which are not any longer 20 years old. Can they enjoy or be attracted to this scenario? We do not think so! Besides all this, we have a group of Brothers which are working very much professionally, having a business attitude to it, to assure all participants to the world Zaf 2006 have a hell of a good time party, hosting you all as we always did, as true Brothers.

Awaiting your valuable suggestions, I remain yours truly….

Une lettre du Capitaine national argentin (Traduction)

Les raisons d'un changement de programme Comme, dans peu de temps, nous allons vous faire parvenir le nouveau programme du 6e Zafarrancho mondial, nous avons jugé qu'il convenait de vous expliquer les raisons qui nous ont amenés à changer nos plans initiaux. Organiser le Zaf à Ushuaia (notre ambition originale) comportait les inconvénients suivants: A. La première chose que nous avons faite a été de nous demander quel genre de Zaf nous voulions: un programme essentiellement axé sur le tourisme ou quelque chose de plus "Frères de la Côte". Cette réflexion nous a amenés à choisir d'organiser les événements officiels à Buenos Aires et, en même temps, d'offrir aux Frères qui viennent de loin la possibilité d'aller à leurs frais à Ushuaia, Lago Argentino, Península Valdez, Mendoza, aux Cataractes, ou à Bariloche, etc. Comme on sait, nous n'avons pas de Table à Ushuaia, ce qui rendait difficile l'organisation d'un Zaf à 3500 km, à cause de tous les problèmes imprévus qui peuvent surgir. C´était comme organiser un Zaf à Moscou à partir de Madrid.

B. A cause d´un forte augmentation du tourisme, due à la dévaluation de la monnaie, les hôtels d'Ushuaia sont complets durant le printemps et l'été australs. Il aurait en particulier été très difficile de gérer la présence de 300 à 400 personnes avec toute la flexibilité voulue. Par exemple il n'existe aucun lieu pouvant réunir 400 personnes pour un repas. C. Pour la navigation à l'île des Etats, nous avions réservé un bâtiment de la marine... mais il a subi une importante avarie (la même mésaventure est arrivée à la Frégate Libertad peu avant son départ). A cause des restrictions budgétaires, la réparation s'est révélée impossible et on pense même à l'envoyer à la casse. Nous avons également étudié la solution du charter. Mais les compagnies nous imposaient une base 1000 personnes pour envisager la route qui nous convenait. De plus, on nous demandait de prévoir une location aller et retour, à défaut de quoi il fallait payer une compensation à l'armateur et ajouter des frais d'avion. D. Enfin, faire cette navigation avait de gros inconvénients: Naviguer sur l´Atlantique Sud n´est pas une croisière dans les Caraïbes. Il y a le mauvais temps, des vents constants du sud-ouest, c.-à-d. en plein dans le nez, la géographie elle-même qui n´offre pas de protection comme au Chili: il n'y a en effet qu'un seul port, Puerto Madryn. A bord des bateaux en considération, on devait organiser les déjeuners et dîners en deux ou trois services, ce qui signifiait que nous allions perdre la possibilité d'avoir nos fêtes en commun. Dans ces conditions, les frais par participants auraient été tellement élevés, qu'ils auraient découragé bien des Frères. Pour donner une idée, on parlait de 200 dollars par personne et par jour, plus 400-500 dollars pour le ticket d´avion pour arriver au Sud. Si on fait le compte, une croisière de 4 jours sans les boissons, aurait coûté 1000 US$, sans compter les cadeaux et le prix du ticket d'avion jusqu'en Argentine. Nous avons aussi estimé que nos frères les plus âgés n'auraient peut-être pas apprécié ce genre de voyage. Cela dit, nous pouvons compter sur un groupe de Frères aux compétences professionnelles et animés d'un grand esprit d'entreprise. Ils vont organiser un Zaf 2006 inoubliable et animé par un grand esprit fraternel. En attendant vos précieuses suggestions, je vous dis à bientôt avec un fraternel ORRRZZZAAA !!!

Gustavo Giannoni, "Doc"

Capitán nacional Hermandad de la Costa Argentina

Page 5: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


Page 6: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


Los días 8, 9, 10 y 11 de Octubre la Hermandad de la Costa se dio cita en el puerto de Coquimbo de Chile, para participar en el Zafarrancho Internacional del Cono Sur 2004, en el que aparte de los numerosos filibusteros chilenos, llegados desde diversas Naos, se congregaron también queridos Hermanos y Cautivas, venidos desde las caletas uruguayas de Montevideo y Punta del Este. El programa contempló la inauguración de la nueva guarida de los Hermanos coquimbanos, en el corazón del Barrio Inglés, del puerto, la visita al Observator io del Tololo, navegación por la bahía, el 2do.Campeonato de Deportes S u b ma r in o s y u n g r a n Zafarrancho con tenida pirata en el Casino de Peñuelas, al que siguió un ameno baile hasta que el astro rey mostrara sus primeros rayos. El Domingo, los Capitanes Nacionales Don Titi y Bebeto, citaron a sus Oficiales y Capitanes de Naos presentes a una Cámara en la que se debatieron importantes materias relacionadas con el navegar de ambas Mesas, la programación de un próximo encuentro del Cono Sur y noticias del Zafarrancho Mundial de Argentina 2006. Ellos, sólo después de concluir su agenda, pudieron integrarse a las actividades recreativas y gastronómicas que se realizaron en una hacienda donde hubo caballos y asados al palo a pleno campo.

La cita concluyó el lunes, con un encuentro en la nueva guarida en que reinó la fraternidad y afecto entre los Piratas.


en el CONO SUR

Hermandad de la Costa Argentina

6to Zafarrancho Mundial 2006

24 Noviembre - 4 Diciembre Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Tortuga Post editará próximamente un número especial con el Programa del

Zafarrancho Mundial 2006 en Argentina junto a otras informaciones importantes.

Un no spécial de

The Tortuga Post vous donnera prochainement le

programme et d'autres informations importantes.

A special edition of The Tortuga Post will soon provide you with the

program and other important information.

Page 7: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more



CHILE Con pocos meses de diferencia debo volver a informar de un Zarpe a la Eternidad de un Hermano Mayor. Como se sabe, en Chile existe el Grupo de Hermanos Mayores formado por 7 filibusteros activos merecedores del más alto honor y reconocimiento de la cofradía, que representan la sabiduría, la tradición y ejemplo de los 7 Hermanos Fundadores. Uno de ellos, el más antiguo, rol N° 19 Ariel Ferrada Radic, en forma abrupta y sin solicitar la autorización respectiva al Capitán de la Nao de Valparaíso Rolando Fuentes Castor, emprendió su último viaje. Su despedida fue acompañada por un gran piquete de hermanos, familiares y amigos de otras entidades náuticas. En fecha próxima se verterán sus cenizas a la Mar que tanto quiso. La Hermandad de la Costa de Chile edita cada 2 años la revista abordajes. Para el próximo N° 15/2005 se ha solicitado a cada C a p i t a n í a N a c i o n a l l a cooperación de un texto sobre la creación de su nao y fotos al respecto. Hasta la fecha se ha r e c i b i d o l a e x c e l e n t e colaboración de las naos de Bélgica, USA, Holanda, Nueva Zelandia, Polonia, Portugal y Uruguay. Se ruega a los restantes vigías internacionales apurar su respuesta para no quedar afuera. A n t e c e d e n t e s e n [email protected] Américo Editor TTP en español

FRANCE Gérard Olicard dit "La Lacune", Grand Frère de France, a terminé son mandat, qui par les résultats obtenus aura été un des plus riches pour assurer la pérennité de notre confrérie dans les années à venir. Tous nous le

remercions pour le travail qu’il a accompli avec l’aide de ses fidèles lieutenants. Jacques Chalabreysse, "La Renverse", Grand Frère de la Table de Provence Levant, capitaine de ‘Fidelio’ va prendre sa suite, et nous lui souhaitons à la barre de la Flotte de France la même réussite et les mêmes s a t i s f a c t i o n s q u e s o n prédécesseur. Il vous donne à tous rendez-vous sur les bords de la Grande bleue dans les mois à venir pour un Grand Boucan qui ne pourra que renforcer les liens qui nous unissent et affirmer notre présence. Pour la Lacune et pour la Renverse OOOOORRRRRZZZZZA! Rase-Cailloux, V.I.

GERMANY Reminder Duesseldorf Table will have the National ZAF Germany on Saturday 15 th of January 2005 in connection with the opening of "boot duesseldorf." So combine your visit so you can can celebrate with the BROTHERHOOD. For more information, please contact Monika Wiss: [email protected] Tel.: 0049-211-4560 667 Welcome to Duesseldorf! Heinz Scheel V.I. Germany

HAITI Mail du 18 septembre 2004: Pour les Frères de la Côte d'Haïti et la Tortue, c'est profil bas. La plupart des Frères sont affectés par les problèmes économiques du pays. On est "en carène". Mais nous gardons le contact. Jusqu'ici les cyclones nous ont épargnés. Nous rêvons toujours d'un grand rassemblement à la Tortue. Taillevent, V.I.

IRELAND The Irish Freres met in Galway on 15th October 2004 with the Grand Frere Jean le Dorven presiding. Also present were Sean O'Loughlin (Bosco), John Coyle (Vigie), David Fitzgerald, Jamie Young, Pat Lavelle, John O'Sullivan, Dr. Michael Brogan, Patrick Fahy and Captain Brian Sheridan. In addition the Table's Legal Advisor, John Dillon-Leetch and it's Caterer, Eoin Coyle, attended. Apologies were received. Our numbers now come to 18. The Grand Frere read the communication from the Secoin that the Irish Freres are now in Part A of the Directory. This was met with applause. The Freres felt that the 2004 Programme had been a success and expressed their sincere thanks to the Freres of Normandy and Brittany who had sailed to the Dingle Boucan. A voyage to Brittany is p l a n n e d f o r 2 0 0 5 . The establishment of Tables on the East, North and South Coasts will be organised in that order over the winter. Tibbot na Long (John Coyle) V.I.

NEW ZEALAND On Sat 13th November the National Brotherhood was summoned to attend the 4th annual Zafferancho. This year it was held in a beautiful little bay on the banks of the Whangarei harbour in a little settlement called Taurikura. The anchorage is a safe one and two of our brothers had anchored in the bay making a grand sight with all the flags a flying with the BOC flag having pride of place. The boom of the two cannons fired by the Bosun signalled the start of the Zaf and the sight of the brothers in all their finery had the neighbours rushing out to take a photo and were very amused at the bosun who had gone temporarily deaf from a "short fuse". After the Happy Hour in which the red and black "Powder" was tasted with much gusto, the 9 attending brothers and their 20 or so guests were seated after the grand entry of the spit cooked pig which was the main supper. The Captain addressed the gathering and reminded all the

Page 8: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


brothers of the Octalog and many a loud ORZA was shouted especially to our overseas brothers. Our beautiful captives had provided salads and extras and we all tucked in to a first class dinner. After the meal the Captain ordered the Master-at-Arms to bring forth any defaulters, not realising that he was the first to face the charge of temporarily losing the "treasure chest", the verdict, guilty and into the "stocks" for a song and a dance. We all had a turn of facing the mock court, much to amusement of the guests. Next was the official naming ceremony in which our new brother Lt Ross Hickey RNZN and his captive Donna were to be known forthwith as "Matelot" and "The Rebel". The celebrations went on late into the night and were enjoyed by all. The Brotherhood here in NZ is flourishing with new prospective brothers. This New Years Eve we plan to rendezvous five yachts in the Whangaroa Harbour in the North, to fly the flag and have a good time. We welcome any overseas visitors and offer to help our fellow Brothers at anytime. Le Jaunty, International lookout.

POLAND Polish Brotherhood consists now of three local tables. During past year their leaders were elected on local zaffs so I can present them now. They are known as “Stormans” of local tables so in such setup there is only one Captain in Polish BOC and he is our National Captain. (Brother “Gienia” # 73) - Storman of Mesa Kaprow Lubelskich (Lublin) is Wincenty LIPINSKI (# 39) - S t o r man o f M e sa K ap r o w Szczecinskich (Szczecin) is Bohdan WALKNOWSKI-RONIN (# 58) - S t o r man o f M e sa K ap r o w Warszawskich (Warszawa) is Wieslaw ROGALA (# 13). On 23rd October 2004 there was National Zaf in Warsaw attended by Brothers from all over Poland and its task was to finalize and accept changes in various statute books reflecting last year devolution. Later we turned attention to new candidates. They were introduced first by sponsoring Brothers and then presenting t h e m s e l v e s . A m o n g o t h e r

“Ooorza’s”, we toasted US Brothers, h o l d i n g - a s we kn e w , simultaneously - their National Zaff in New York. We listened to the tales of the recent sea voyages and pleasant encounters with Brothers from other coasts. We planned our activities for the 2005. And we started to discuss ways and means to visit Buenos Aires in 2006… Jerzy Knabe Vigia Internacional, Hermandad de la Costa - Polonia


PORTUGAL Grand Boucan Les Frères étrangers, qui sont venus ici pour la première fois, se seront aperçus de l' exotisme de ce petit Pays situé à l' extrème sud d' Europe et dont les racines arabes et influences africaines sont si notables. Ces Frères-là, venus d' Italie, de Belgique, du Brésil et d' Afrique du Sud (ces deux derniers avec les affinités que l' on connait) seront nos meilleurs juges et nous ont donné l' immense, l' énorme plaisir de fraterniser avec nous pendant trois inoubliables journées, contribuant ainsi d' une façon sublime, à l' ambiance de fraternelle amitié qui s' enresgistra et qu' au Zafarrancho de clôture a eu son moment le plus haut, saupoudré d' humour et de discours d' un esprit délirant, auxquels ont contribué les interventions des Frères visiteurs. Le Zafarrancho s' est déroulé de telle façon, que les bruyants éclats de rire, sautaient hors du Palais de la Mess des Officiers de l' Armée Navale, par ses larges fenêtres, et se projectaient sur les eaux de la très belle baie de Cascais, ressemblant à des fusillades de bombardes de navire corsaire. On aimerait vous pouvoir faire un rapport aussi détaillé que possible, mais notre "impitoyable" Secrétaire International et responsable de cette publication, Jacques Rial, nous a donné seulement de place pour "pas plus d' une demi à une colonne ..." Patience ! Merci à tous, présents et absents, sans distinction, car nous sommes certains que les absents auraient aussi voulu être ici. Nous comptons sur eux une prochaine fois, même si nous devons, pour cela, louer le Mosteiro dos Jerónimos (Monastère des Hiéronymites).

SOUTH AFRICA The National Brotherhood of the Coast - South Africa is pleased to confirm the formation of a new Table on the eastern coast of South Africa in the region of Durban under the leadership of Capt. S Sarno and with the help of Italian Brothers. The expansion of the Brotherhood of the Coast on the southern part of this great continent of Africa, bears testament to the trust and support so many Brothers internationally have bestowed upon us in our endeavours. We further would like to thank all for the in teres t shown in our Brotherhood and the support received and here a special word of thanks to SECOIN for the assistance and guidance in ensuring protocols and traditions are maintained. All Brothers are invited to visit the official site of South Africa Greg Marshall (Ice Navigator) National Captain

UK NATIONAL BOUCAN – 29 – 31 OCTOBER 2004 When our Brothers from Belgium announced last year that their National Boucan would become bi-annual we were of course disappointed. We then realized that we in the United Kingdom could fill the gap year with a Boucan in this country. This was discussed at the Fleet Council meeting and everyone ag reed . Ke i th S imm onds , representing the Dorset Table then volunteered to put on the event for this year – and what an event that was! On arrival at the Portland Heights Hotel, Brothers from all three UK Tables together with Brothers from Belgium, Germany and France were en thus i as t i ca l l y g r ee t ed b y representatives of the Dorset Table and given the programme for the weekend. After a short rest –(well needed after the hour and a half drive over the last five miles into Weymouth) we were then taken by coach to the Galley Bistro for some rather alcoholic punch followed by a superb buffet, music from an Irish Band and some rather interesting

Page 9: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


singing from members of the Dorset Table. The following morning we went to the National Sailing Academy where we were shown around by one of the executives, Mr John Tweed. The visit culminated in me having the honour to represent you all in presenting a cheque for £3000 towards the Portland stone floor in the entrance. One of the stones was engraved with the emblem of Freres de la Cote. This will be there for posterity and hopefully will be recognised if the RSA hosts the sailing part of the Olympics in 2012, if the United Kingdom win the bid for that event. After lunch we were taken to visit the Brewers Quay and Timewatch Museum. This gave us an insight into the last six hundred years of Weymouth including a fascinating historical trip round a Brewery. It always amazes me how Freres de la Cote and alcohol are not very far removed! In the evening we were hosted to the National Boucan Dinner with a small band, once again including input from a member of the Dorset Table on his saxophone. This day gave your Fleet Council a chance to meet Gerard Olicard the French National Captain and some members of the Flotte de France to jointly discuss the possibility of forming a new UK Table on the island of Guernsey. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to work together towards the creation of this Table. The weekend culminated with a visit to Portland Bill on Sunday morning where a few of us climbed Pulpit Rock, then up to the top of the lighthouse in some attempt to remove some of the calories acquired over the previous three days, to be immediately replaced with lunch at the Lobster Pot. Thank you again members of the Dorset Table for entertaining us so lavishly. I recognise that there was a great deal of hospitality in addition to the formal programme. It is this enthusiasm that makes me proud to be your National Captain. I believe our intention of getting the Tables closer together is being realised better than our expectations and with this in mind may I remind you of the ‘Sail In’ to Ramsgate to be held over the weekend 28 – 30 May

2005 when we hope members of all three Tables plus any Brothers from overseas can attend. Fred Bentley. National Captain.

URUGUAY “ DEL OLIMAR AL OCEANO “ Lanzamiento de un libro dedicado al Hno Uruguayo que Navega en el “Mar de la Eternidad” - Omar Medina –Nª 100 El día 18 de octubre de 2004 se hizo el lanzamiento del libro, obra de Juan Pedro Gilmes, con asistencia de mucho público, el Capitán Nacional de Uruguay, el Capitán de la Mesa de Montevideo y varios Hermanos. Al final de la presentación nuestro Capitán Nacional “BEBETO” pidió la palabra para informar que nuestro Secretario Internacional de la Hermandad de la Costa Mundial, con sede en Suiza, ex - Embajador de Suiza en Uruguay y Hermano de la Costa de Uruguay, Jacques Rial, se había interesado por este libro y que, como Omar Medina era Hermano de la Costa de muchos años, era justo que un libro, como el que se presentaba dejara plasmada su vida llena de ayuda a los temas del mar y que, en reconocimiento a su labor, la Embajada de Suiza le había regalado un Zodiac y un motor fuera de borda para ayudar a su labor ecológica. Es un orgullo para la Hermandad de la Costa el haber contado entre su tripulación con este Hermano excepcional. Gonzalo Dupont Abo "Capitán Jambo", Gran Vigía Internacional

USA The US Tables have been honored by the visit of past UK National Captain Malcolm Hill as he made his way up the East Coast on board Swan Dancer, stopping in the Bahamas, Florida, Chesapeake and New York with side trips to Texas. I understand that Malcolm will be spending Thanksgiving with the Chesapeake Bay Table at the home of Sherry and

Preston Callaway. Orza! Malcolm it’s been great visiting with you. This year’s US National Zafarrancho hosted by the Table of New York turned out to be a huge success. Eighty Brothers, Captives and guests attended the event including Brothers and Captives from Germany, Great Brittan and Italy. The weather held out and the views from the Millenium Hilton of Ground Zero, St. Paul’s Church, the Hudson River, the Statue of Liberty, City Hall and the Broo kl yn Br id ge were breathtaking. There were numerous tours in many areas of New York City. Among the most popular were the culinary tour of Greenwich Village, the Botanical Gardens, and the Staten Island Ferry. Friday night’s dinner at the Park Avenue Country Club turned out to be spectacular, with slide shows of many Brotherhood events running continuously on numerous giant TV screens. There was also a pumpkin carving contest and wild dancing to an energetic Disk-Jockey. Saturday night’s pirate event at SouthWest NY in the Winter Garden overlooking the Hudson River was equally festive, with speeches and presentations from our international and US Brothers. The auction that followed, conducted by our Houston Table Captain Big Dog, was a huge success as Brothers battled to acquire a part of the booty. The highlight of the evening however was the Induction of two New York Table Engages, Bob Coddington and Robert Coles. Bob AKA “Cooee” became US Brother #251 and Robert AKA “Big Hopper” US Brother #252. The induction ceremony was conducted by US National Captain Tom Collier. It was without doubt a very proud moment. Rascal.

Page 10: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


Hermandad de la Costa International Directory

CN: Capitán Nacional VI: Vigía Internacional @: e-mail

A. Alemania (1976) CN: Commodoro Claus Groth Leostrasse 79 40547 Duesseldorf Tel: (++49) 211 955 903 6 Fax: (++49) 211 955 903 8 @: [email protected] VI Heinz Scheel, Dachsweg 13, D-23689 Techau Tel: 0049 4504-4313 Fax: 0049 4504 5031 @: [email protected]

Argentina (1953, 1976) CN: Gustavo Eduardo Giannoni Republ. De la India 2729, piso 4, dto A Buenos Aires @: [email protected] VI: William Christensen Chacabuco 314 C1069AAH Buenos Aires Tel: (++54 11) 4345 1531 y 4343 8772 Fax: ++54 11 4343 7604 @: [email protected]

Australia (1960) Captain: Don Pattison P.O.Box 2120, Rose Bay N., 2030 Tel: (++ 61 2) 9371 9388 @: [email protected] VI: Peter M Smith 37 Champion Road, Tennyson, NSW 2111 Tel: 61 2 9879 7095 Cell: 61 418 461 613 @: [email protected].

Bahamas (1999) CN: Ted Dowty Man-O-War Cay, Abaco Tel:(++1) 242 365 6318 @: [email protected]

Bélgica (1955) Grand Frère: Paul van Hees Rolleweg 9 8210 Loppem_Zedelgem Tel/fax: (++32 )50 38 48 89 @: [email protected] VI: Alphonse Thielemans Busleydenlaan 3, Bus 4 B - 1020 Bruxelles Tel: (++ 32 2) 262 11 65 Fax: (++32 2) 268 41 33 @:[email protected]

Brasil (1984, 1990, 1995) Capitão General: Manoel Herculano Chorão de Carvalho Av. Walter Kwrle, 61/ 1203; Bairro: Belvedere . BELO HORIZONTE - MG .CEP: 30.320-200 Tel:(31) 3385-1798 / 9106-7554 @ : [email protected]

VI:Maximo Emiliano F. Alves R. Santa Maria do Itabira, 339 apto. 700; Bairro: Sion. BELO HORIZONTE – MG. CEP: 30.310-600 Tel: (21) 2553-6872 - Rio de Janeiro @: [email protected]

Chile (1951) CN: Oscar Eduardo Cabrera Cortés Colipí 351 Copiapó, Chile Tel. Of. (56) 52 211272 Celular: 09 5425219 @ [email protected] VI: Jorge Patricio Sapiains Arnold Maria Luisa Santander 585 Providencia, Santiago Tel: ++56 - 2 - 274 542 4 Fax: ++56 - 2 - 223 889 5 @: [email protected]

España (1955, 1994) CN: Manuel de Luque Gomila C/ Pau Piferrer, 15- 5 07011-Palma de Mallorca Tel: +34-971731920 y +34.629814301 @: [email protected] VI: Miguel Bordoy Borras Trablisa-Poligono Son Castello 07009 Palma de Mallorca Tel: +34.971285390 Tel. Work: +34.971431800 Fax: +34.971432061 @: [email protected]

Estados Unidos (1959) CN: Tom Collier 4529 Mariners Mooring Dickinson, Texas 77539 Cell – 713-408-1599 Phone (Home )– 281-337-0622 @: [email protected] VI: Tony Olmer 6 Fourth Street Norwalk, CT 06855 U.S.A. Phone: 203-854-9558 Fax: 203-852-0260 @: [email protected]

Francia (1963) Grand Frère: Jacques Chalabreysse (au 1er janv. 2005) 16 Avenue de la Gare F-26700 PIERRELATTE Tél: (++33) 4 75 04 04 38 Portable: (++33) 6 80 85 85 29 @: [email protected] VI: Jean-Claude Payan Le Villandry I 122, rue du Commandant Rolland 13008 MARSEILLE Tel: 00 33 4 91 22 74 83 @:[email protected] Grecia (1985) CN: André P. Hadzopoulos 1, Digent Street, 17456 Atenas Fono: (++30 10) 9919328 Fax: (++ 30 10) 9936043 @: [email protected]

Hungría (1998) CN: Làszlò Z. Pintèr Szent István Ut. 33 2112 Veresegyház, Hungary Tel: (++ 36) 28 385314 Galleria Eremitani 5 35121 Padova, Italia Tel: (++39) 049 8755050 Fax: (++39) 049 8753944 @: [email protected] VI: Ferenc Horváth Déryné u. 1/b 8360 Keszthely, Hungary Tel: (++ 36) 83310 294 Fax: (++ 36) 83312 080 @: [email protected]

Inglaterra (1952, 1978) CN: Fred Bentley Herons, Sandy Lane, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, IP15 5PG, Phone: (++44) 1728 452154. @: [email protected] VI: John Eberhardt 8 St Helens Court St Helens Parade Southsea PO4ORR Tel: (++44) 0 239 284 3842 Fax: (++44) 0 239 281 7545

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please do inform SECOIN of any change.

AVIS IMPORTANT: veuillez informer SECOIN de tout changement.

AVISO IMPORTANTE: por favor, avisar SECOIN de cualquier cambio.

Page 11: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


Italia (1953) Gran Commodoro: Edilio Di Martino Viale Merello 41, 09125 Cagliari, Tel: (++39 070) 66 80 29 Fax: (++39 070) 654591 @: [email protected] VI: Giovanni Bigozzi Via di San Vito 22/5 50124 Firenze Tel: (++39 055)713 54 62 Fax: (++39 055) 731 03 38 @: [email protected]

Nederland (1999) CN: Dees, Joop Platteweg 3, NL-4506 HH CADZAND Tel.fax. 00 31 117 391341 VI: Izaak Boidin Pro-menade 1-3, NL-4511 RB BRESKENS Tel. 00 31 117 382103 Fax. 00 31 117 454522 @: [email protected]

New Zealand (2001) NC : Gary Underwood, P.O. Box 206 Whangarei Tel. 09 438 4914 Mobile 025 907 150@: [email protected]. VI: Jim Bettridge, 115 Pacific Parade, Army bay, Whangapararoa Fono: (++ 64 9) 4240878, Mob: 0272023561. @:[email protected]

Noruega (1995) CN: Marcus A. Seidl Solbakksvingen 14A N-5035 Bergen Tel: ++ (47 55) 33 05 70 @: [email protected] VI: Per Langhelle, Gunvorsvel 15A, N-5040 Paradis. Tel: ++ (47 55) 16 74 85 @: [email protected]

Polonia (1966) CN: Eugeniusz Moczydlowski Nagodziców 8 m.11 Warszawa Phone: ++48 22 614 6068 Mobile: +48 60 375 1155 Fax : ++48 22 670 3752 @: [email protected] VI: Jerzy Knabe, 17 Hillside Rd, LONDON N15 6LU U.K. Phone: ++44 20 8800 7570 Mobile: ++44 77 888 30 666 Fax: ++1 702 975 9881 @: [email protected]

Portugal (1965, 1988) CN (Grande Irmão): Philip Henry Abecassis Rua. S. João da Mata, 132 - 1º. 1200-852 LISBOA Tél: ++351.21.3963918 Mobile ++351 919522376 Fax: ++351.21.3955291 @: [email protected] VI: Humberto Baptista da Costa Rua de S. José, nº. 15 - 2º. 1150-321 LISBOA Tél. ++351.21.3426663 Fax: ++351.21.3422524. @: Ana.nunes @

Sénégal (1973) CN: Jean Rey La Corvette BP 2260 Dakar Tel: ++ 221.832 04 59, Fax: ++221.832 00 81 @: [email protected]

Suiza (1976) CN: Philippe Didisheim Ch. de Faguillon 3c 1223 Cologny Tel/ Fax (++ 41 22) 786 75 45 @: [email protected] VI: Franco Benini 19, av. du Temple, 1012 Lausanne Tel: (++ 41 21) 653 35 75 Fax: (++ 41 21) 652 03 84 @: [email protected]

Turquía (1995, 1998) CN: Tahsin Öge Atatürk Cad.386/511, Izmir Tel: (++ 90 232) 328 16 29 Fax: (++ 90 232) 328 16 30 @: [email protected]

Uruguay (1957) CN: Juan B. Bidegaray Juan M. Perez 2986, Montevideo Tel: (++ 598-2) 704181 Fax: (++ 598-2) 711402 @: [email protected] VI: Gonzalo Dupont Abó Juan B. Blanco 838, apto. 802 11300 Montevideo Tel/Fax: ++598 2 710 8307 Celular: 094.410.259 @:[email protected]. uy

Venezuela (1984) Hermano Mayor: Luís Centeno Gutiérrez Apartado 17247 Caracas 1015-A Tel: (++58 2) 241 2476 Fax:(++58 2) 241 8325 @: [email protected] Gran Sabio Consejero, Juan Lasi Apartado 80187, Caracas 1080 A Tel/ fax: (++58 2) 992 2953 @: [email protected]


Africa del Sur (1998)* CN: Greg Marshall P.O.B 782 Saldanha Bay 7395 Phone +27 2271 42831

Fax +27 2271 41772 Mobile: +27 82 561 9604 @: [email protected] VI: Joao Costa Address: P.P.Box 187, Saldanha Bay, 7395, South Africa Phone: +27 2271 42084 Fax: +27 2271 42084 Mobile: +27 82 455 4080 @: [email protected] Haiti (1988, 1999)* Grand Frère: Victor Boulos Ace Basket, BP 861 Port au Prince Tel: (++ 509) 558 2235 @: [email protected], VI: Christian Goguet Domus Design 115 Rue Faubert Pétionville Tel: (++ 509) 257 1926 @: [email protected]

Irlanda (1987)* CN: Jean Le Dorven Boet Mor Seafood Ireland Ltd, Cushnatrough, Claddaghduff, Clifden Co. Galway Tel: (++353) 95 44698 Fax: ++353 95. 44773 @: [email protected] VI: John Coyle 12 Long Walk, Galway Phone: ++ 353.(0)91.566782 Fax: ++ 353 (0)91.794738. Mob: ++ 353 (0)87-2565863 @: [email protected]

* Confrérie qui ne remplit pas encore (ou plus) toutes les

conditions / Brotherhood which does not yet (or not anymore) fulfil

all conditions / Cofra-día que todavía no satisface (o no satisface

más) todos los requisitos.

** Table en voie de formation / Table to be created / Mesa en


*** Contact perdu / Contact lost / Contacto perdido.

Page 12: Tony Olmer's Column · Zafarrancho outside our bay we often talk about perceived value; what do I get for my money? is often asked. To me the answer is simple - you get much more


Malta (2003)* Gran Commodoro Luigi Cacciatore 9, Reggie Miller Square PLA15, FGURA Tel: ++356 21 673986 Fax: ++356 21 242873 @: [email protected] VI: Adrian Warringhton, "Chimaera" 1 Triq il-Fortizza tal-Grazzja, Xghajra Tel: ++356 21 692522 Cell: +356 9 949 3619 Fax : ++356 21 498404 @: [email protected]

Trinidad y Tobago (2002)* CN: Mike Isava 1, Anchor Drive West Moorings Trinidad W1 VI: Eugene Crichlow A3-89A Ascott Drive Goodwood Park Trinidad W1 @: [email protected]

Hermandades desaparecidas:

Angola (Portugal) 1965 – 1974; Belice 1995-2004; Rep. Dominicana 1999-2004. El Salvador 1977- ?; Japón 1978-?; Mexico 1980-?; Nao oceánica 1991-1999; Perú 1957-?; Suecia.

Last update: Nov. 30, 2004


Secretario Coordinador internacional: Jacques Rial

16, Eggwaldstrasse, CH-3076 Worb, Suiza

T/F ++ 41 31 839 19 85 Mobile: ++41 79 356 17 89

@: [email protected]


Vol.X,4 no 31 XII.2004

Principios que reglamentan nuestra difusión: 1. El boletín es inviado gra-tuitamente por e-mail a todos los Cyber-Brothers 2. La organización de la difusión interna es la responsabilidad de cada país. 3. Los Vigías comunicarán a uno o al otro de los redactores, o a SECOIN, eventos importantes de la vida de la Hermandad. Principles which govern the distribution of our newsletter: 1. It is sent free by e-mail to all Cyber-Brothers. 2. The internal distribution is the responsability of each national Brotherhood. 3. The Look-outs send to one of the Editors or to SECOIN news on e v e n t s i n t h e i r B r o t h e r h o o d . Principes qui règlent notre distribution: 1. Le bulletin est adressé gratuitement par e-mail à tous les Cyber-Frères 2. Chaque Confrérie nationale en organise la diffusion interne à sa guise. 3. Pour leur part, les Vigies communiquent à l'un ou l'autre des rédacteurs ou à SECOIN les nouvelles de leur Confrérie nationale.

Editor honorario de la parte española: Aldo Devoto Pascualetti Honorary English Editor : René Fiechter

Editor de la parte española: Jorge Patricio Sapiains Maria Luisa Santander 585 Providencia Santiago 6640814 Chile Fono ++(56 2) 2745424 Fax ++(56 2) 2238895 @: [email protected]

English Editor: Tony Olmer 6 Fourth Street Norwalk, CT 06855 U.S.A. Phone: (++1) 203-854-9558 Fax: (++1) 203-852-0260 @: [email protected]

Editeur de la partie française et coordination finale: Jacques Rial (SECOIN) Eggwaldstrasse 16, 3076 WORB. SUISSE. Tél./ Fax (++41 31) 839 19 85 Mobile: ++41 79 356 17 86 @: [email protected]

THE TORTUGA POST Prochain numéro: Printemps 2005

Clôture de la rédaction: 15/3/2005


September 2004


Notice on Brother Dr. Heinz Vonester VONESTER, Dr. Heinz German Brother # 23 from the Table of Düsseldorf (born in 1925). Became Brother of the Coast 1982. Naval Officer in World War II, passionate hobby yachtsman and Skipper of his boat LILO. Started his final voyage on 25 September 2004. Nachruf auf Bruder Dr. Heinz Vonester VONESTER, Dr. Heinz Deutscher Bruder # 23 vom Tisch Düsseldorf (geb. 1925). Wurde 1982 in die Bruderschaft aufgenommen. Marine-Offizier im 2. Weltkrieg, passionierter Freizeit-Segler und Kapitän seines Bootes LILO. Begann seine letzte See-Reise am 25. September 2004.

Octubre de 2004


Ariel Ferrada Radic, GHM (Ver las noticias de Chile)

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