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Tom Jenkins

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Tom Jenkins has been working as a photographer for the past 25 years and his most focused source of photographs would be big sporting events. He has taken photos at great major sports events such as Summer Olympic Games and 6 football world cups. To start off his photography career he studied the documentary photography course at Newport, South Wales. In 1989 after he had completed this course he became a freelance agent for the agency Allsport as well as different newspapers.

Tom Jenkins published a book called “In the moment” which contains all his sport photography. Tom Jenkins now lives in London with his family and since he started a career in photography he won the Barclays shot of the season award in 2011/2012.

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The main focus of the photo is the player in the middle this has been done by using the rule of thirds which positions the player in the middle. This has been done because the photo wants you to focus on the player in the photo. The other people in the stadium are in the outer boxes of the rule of thirds because the picture wants you to see them but doesn’t want them to be the main focus of the photo. Deep focus has been used in this photo because you can see everybody in the photo and not just the front of the photo is blurred. High key lighting has been used in the photo because of the stadium lights which create a happy mood for the picture, you can also tell the mood due to the peoples expressions which look happy and excited. The number 10 on the players shirt is clearly visible but there is no text to say the players name, this might be because this player may be iconic and people will know who he is just by looking at the number on the back of his shirt. Above the player it says “Rugby World Cup 2003” a rugby fan would be able to look at this and realise who the player is that is there from the number he is wearing and also know that the picture is about England wining the world cup in 2003. The colours in this photo are fairly bright with greens, yellows and reds which brighten up the photo and make it seem happy and a good occasion which it is. The meaning of this photo is to show that England won the rugby world cup in 2003 and it shows that the player that is walking off is feeling proud and loved by the fans around him and they all want to reach out to him and also to thank him because he might of scored the winner for that game. Fast shutter speed has been used in this photo to capture the moment that this player is about to walk in the tunnel, this has been done so the picture can capture the celebration and showing all the people wanting to tough the guy and appreciate him.

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The main focus in this picture is the goalkeeper and the two football players in the background. The goalkeeper takes up most of the shot which suggests this and the two players in the background are in focus because they just scored a goal and the picture wants you to focus on them as well. Ronaldo would be in the middle box of the rule of thirds because the picture wants you to focus on him the most because he might of scored the goal and the photo is showing you that. A wide angle shot has been used so you can see the goalkeeper stretched out and you can see the players and the stadium in the background. There is natural/high key lighting in this photo because they are outdoors but also because of the stadiums lighting. This gives the effect of happiness and cheer which is key in this photo because the players have just scored a goal. Shallow focus has been used in this photo because the goalkeeper has been blurred so you can focus on the two players in front of him that have just scored this goal. If you look into the background of the photo you can see the scoreboard and who is playing who and you can just make out it is Manchester United against Liverpool. The colours in this photo are key because of the two players in the background wearing red with white shorts on you can clearly tell that that is a Manchester United kit. The goalkeepers kit is a bit different because goalkeepers kits are usually different to their teams but the bright green still makes the goalkeeper stand out. There is also red in the background of the photo and in the stadium this shows the people supporting Manchester United and the sponsors supporting them.The meaning of this photo is to show the audience that United have scored this goal and that this may have won them the game because it has focused specifically on this shot where they have scored. Fat shutter speed has been used in this photo because the photographer wants to capture the exact moment in which Ronaldo scores the penalty, you can see this because the keep has dived and the shot has clearly captured that and in the background you can see the two players that has been involved in this.

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The main focus of this image is the man in the photo doing his training for the Paralympics. This is easy to tell he is the main focus because he is the only subject in the photo other then the stadium that is right in the background. A low angle has been used for this shot to make the man look bigger and stand out more, this has also been used to make him look stronger and determined even though he has no legs. The man is in the middle of the picture which would be the middle boxes of the rule of thirds, This is because the photo wants you to focus on him the most and make him stand out and what he is doing. There is natural lighting in the photo because they are outdoors, as you can tell from looking at the sky it is a nice day which means the lighting will be even brighter. This puts a good mood into the photo and shows happiness even though he has no legs and he is doing what he enjoys to do.The meaning of this photo is to show that even somebody with a disability can go ahead to do great things like the Paralympics like this man in the photo that doesn’t have any legs but is training for the running in the Paralympics, And that all you need is determination and hard work and you will be able to do whatever you want to do. This photographer has used a fast shutter speed to clearly capture the motion and the action of this Paralympian running, this gives the effect that the Paralympian is running and so that the audience can see that.

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