Page 1: Tolu Awojobi AS Media Coursework - Photo Shoot Storyboard

Photo Shoot Plan

Page 2: Tolu Awojobi AS Media Coursework - Photo Shoot Storyboard

• This image is of the model in a close up, with him resting his head on his arm. This gives the shot a more personal view, and makes the audience more comfortable with him as he is in a comfortable pose.

Page 3: Tolu Awojobi AS Media Coursework - Photo Shoot Storyboard

• This is an image of the model posing with a microphone to their mouth as if they are performing. It will be a full shot. This will attract the audience in, because they are seeing one of the most prominent artists in the magazines genre and in the artists genre performing, which will excite the audience.

Page 4: Tolu Awojobi AS Media Coursework - Photo Shoot Storyboard

• This is an extreme close up of the model, who is wearing a snap back which is acting as a zeitgeist, setting the artist in modern times and attracting a modern audience. Also, this picture is not a direct address from the model, but rather he is looking to his left. This is a difference, as usually in the genre the model is made to look at the camera directly.

Page 5: Tolu Awojobi AS Media Coursework - Photo Shoot Storyboard

• This is the same sort of picture, but instead it is a close up, and he is looking right. The reason for taking two pictures in the same sort of way is that I can put them at opposite places possibly on the double page spread, which will give it a sense of individuality, which will be specific to my magazine.

Page 6: Tolu Awojobi AS Media Coursework - Photo Shoot Storyboard

• This is a picture of the model on a stool from a full shot. This is more of a contents page shot, where I can place the contents around the model. This is a standard image found in quite a few contents pages across the genre.

Page 7: Tolu Awojobi AS Media Coursework - Photo Shoot Storyboard

• This is an extreme close up of the model, who is wearing a snap back, something that a significant sign of youth and Hip-Hop culture, so it will draw in those from that culture. This is a direct address, and only of the models head, which is also quite a typical front cover image found on magazines across the genre.

Page 8: Tolu Awojobi AS Media Coursework - Photo Shoot Storyboard

• This is another picture likely to be for the contents page, with the model facing away from the camera but looking over his shoulder to his right. He is also holding a microphone in the hand that can be seen in the picture. This type of picture is usually for the contents because it once again allows the contents list to be placed around the image, and is very typical of this genre.

Page 9: Tolu Awojobi AS Media Coursework - Photo Shoot Storyboard

• This is another direct address from the model to the camera, however this time it is from a mid shot, without the artist doing anything but looking at the camera. Though the idea of this is fairly typical, it is not done very much across the genre, which gives the magazine front cover the chance to stand out different from those magazines.

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