
Today’s StudentsNeed More Than an LMS:A New Approach to Learning

Mark StrassmanSenior Vice PresidentProduct Management & Marketing

John Whitmer, Ed.DPlatform Analytics and Educational Research Director

Van Davis, PhDAssociate Vice President of Higher Education, Policy and Research

Driving Student Outcomes by Making Data ActionableMaking sense of data across the learner experience

Learners and CompetenciesTransitioning away from seat time, in favor of a structure that creates flexibility

The New Learning ExperienceMore than an LMS

Learner Centricity and BlackboardReimagining education

Driving Student Outcomes by Making Data ActionableMaking sense of data across the learner experience

Learners and CompetenciesTransitioning away from seat time, in favor of a structure that creates flexibility

The New Learning ExperienceMore than an LMS

Learner Centricity and BlackboardReimagining education

Post-traditional learners

Decreasing funding

Accountability for performance/

completionRetention Required



preparedness/ readiness

Increasing competition Access

Skills mismatch

Increasing competition Access

Skills mismatch

Education faces major challenges

Changing global postsecondary/ tertiary student demographics

>75%from low or mid-income


1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025




Enrolled tertiary students

Increasingratio of woman to men

in higher education

Source: UNESCO

Changing U.S. postsecondary student demographics

39% of postsecondary

students are not white

Students are just as likely to be enrolled in a two-year college

as a four-year college

Over half of all postsecondary students are over the age of 22

Students are more likely to be female

Almost a quarter of all students are enrolled in at least one online course. Undergraduatesare twice as likely as graduate students to be enrolled in blended degree programs

Over a third of all students are attending part-time

Source: U.S. Department of Education

Learners today are approaching educational experiences with consumer expectations. They are exercising choice

like consumers, they are shopping around for best fit and value

like consumers, and using data like consumers to inform decisions. Pretending today’s consumer paradigm does not apply to education isn’t going to help us address their needs or figure out how to adapt for the future.

Learners have consumer expectations.

Rethinking today’seducational experiences



“It’s different from other high schools. It’s self paced… they just give you the work and you do as much as you can.The faster you get it done, the faster you get out of there.”

“After I graduate college and all that, I'll try overseas, another country; I'll get a nice steady job, my own house, just chillin’ like a little bachelor.”

“After I graduate college and all that, I'll try overseas, another country; I'll get a nice steady job, my own house, just chillin’ like a little bachelor.”

“Five, six years, no more than that. Just, keep my mind on track, I get distracted really easy, just stay focused and keep my eyes on the prize.”

“You don't have a lot of interaction with people, unless you have a problem.”

“That is frustrating to me because it's hard to get an appointment, to know who to talk to in the big university – you feel kinda lost… like getting your transcripts is nerve-racking…”

“If I could change things, I would have higher education not follow the same positivistic no child left behind movement that started with the kiddos and has permeated to the highest levels – these goals, objectives, outcomes, and competencies.”

Insights & Implications


There are no traditional learners.


We need to produce products and services that support learners when they change their minds.


The institution of academia has become driven by quantitative metrics, perhaps at the expense

of educational creativity.


We need to integrate analytics into our products so seamlessly that educators celebrate hard data

as a part of their creative teaching process.


Above all, academia needs to support the learner's journey – a journey that is about a building a sense of self as much as it is about knowledge acquisition.


We need to build products that help learners identify their strengths and interests in a collaborative,

supportive context.

anxiety in learners

The New Learning Experience is a new approach to education that fosters better engagement, interaction and quality learning through the delivery of leading-edge technology, services and data capabilities.

The New Learning Experience

A focus on

the learnerConnected and tightly integrated

workflowsA delightful

new user experience


data and analyticsAn accessible and always-on



Learners and CompetenciesTransitioning away from seat time, in favor of a structure that creates flexibility

The New Learning ExperienceMore than an LMS

Learner Centricity and BlackboardReimagining education

Driving Student Outcomes by Making Data ActionableMaking sense of data across the learner experience

Empowering you to make sense of data across the student experience

Campus Experience & Student Services


Classroom Engagement

Advising & Other Academic Services Course Performance

Social, Demographic, and Economic Profile

Career Planning

Financial Aid

Alumni Relations

Logged into course within 24 hours

Interacts frequently in discussion boards

Failed first exam

Hasn’t taken college-level math

No declared major

Pop Quiz

What’s a better predictor of course-level success?

ContextHybrid, large enrollment, undergraduate introductory course at California State University, Chico

A High School GPA

B LMS Announcement Access?

LMS activity better predictors (of course-level success) than demographic/educational variables

Variable % Variance


URM and Pell-Eligibility Interaction 7%

Under-Represented Minority 4%

Enrollment Status 3%

URM and Gender Interaction 2%

Pell Eligible 2%

First in Family to Attend College 1%

Mean value all significant variables 4%

Variable % Variance

Total Hits 23%

Assessment activity hits 22%

Content activity hits 17%

Engagement activity hits 16%

Administrative activity hits 12%

Mean value all significant variables 18%

At-risk students: “Over-working gap”

Spring 2014Learning analytics triggers vs. final course points


p<0.0001; r2=0.4828 p<0.0001; r2=0.6558

4 Sections, 2 Courses, N=882 students

Recent Bb Analytics Releases & Updates

Platform AnalyticsIntegrating analytics in core solutions

Dedicated Solutions

• Learning Analytics in Learn Ultra View

• IMS Caliper™ Conformance

• X-Ray Learning Analytics

• Bb Analytics

• Retention Dashboard & Program Strategy

Recent HighlightsPlatform Analytics for Learn Ultra

• Integrated into core application workflows

• Alerts enabled by default, based on relative activity levels

• Materialize findings about student risk / success factors

Student View in Learn – Integrated Alerts & Visualizations

Instructor View in Learn – Showing Student Activity/Grades & Integrated Messaging

Recent HighlightsIMS CaliperTM conformance in Learn SaaS

• Certified for Caliper compliance

• Participant in IMS Caliper Working group

• Caliper event ‘ingestion’ targeted for Q4 2015

Critical Thinking in Discussion Board Forums

Course Activity –Past and Predicted

Recent HighlightsX-Ray Learning Analytics

• X-ray analytics predictive learning analytics

– Integrates into the core Moodle interface and workflow

– Predicts at-risk students; goes beyond to give insights to increase engagement of all students

– Eases course facilitation for instructors; increases LMS adoption

– Analytics to improve design of course content and assessments

– Available now for Moodlerooms and Enterprise Moodle Customers

– Learn release is in planning

Recent HighlightsBb Analytics: Learn Connector for student management

• In-depth analyses that cut across SIS and LMS data

• Field analyses merging current learner engagement (LMS) with performance history and degree program (SIS) to yield a complete student risk profile

Recent HighlightsRetention Dashboard and Program Strategy (RDPS)

• Retention Dashboard and Program Strategy (RDPS) consulting offering

• In-depth analysis of data and interactions at critical touch points:

– At Enrollment

– In Courses

– In Programs

• Identification of institutional touchpoints that hamper student success

• Pinpoint underlying root causes and recommend solutions

• Capability to monitor over time

We help you…

Grow the use of data-informed decision making

Determine student levels of risk via custom dashboards

Design specific success programs as recommended

Dashboards for identified problems

Realign success programs based on the data

Driving Student Outcomes by Making Data ActionableMaking sense of data across the learner experience

The New Learning ExperienceMore than an LMS

Learner Centricity and BlackboardReimagining education

Learners and CompetenciesTransitioning away from seat time, in favor of a structure that creates flexibility

“Transitioning away from seat time, in favor of a structure that creates flexibility, allows students to progress as they demonstrate mastery of academic content, regardless of time, place, or pace of learning. Competency-based strategies provide flexibility in the way that credit can be earned or awarded, and provide students with personalized learning opportunities.”

U.S. Dept. of Education

Why institutions pursue CBE

Ensuring learners possess competencies, knowledge and skills needed to advance in the workplace


clear to employers

Replacing grades with demonstrated

mastery of a defined set of competencies


clear to learners

Decoupling learning from a time-

bracketed system

AffordabilityLower costs for learners

Using technology to address challenges attending synchronous or face-to-face classes


learner options

Providing a better way to serve post-traditional learners

Demonstrated leadership in Higher Education

Research contributions with the American Council on Education (ACE)

Active participation in IMS Global working group on CBE record standard

Participating in C-BEN (Competency-based Education Network) technical interoperability project

Scheduled to demonstrate prototype at EDUCAUSE in October

Elements of success

Plan Enable Execute

Campus-wide StrategyStrategic vision and goals are mapped to a comprehensive operational plan. Institutional governance defined. Competencies are mapped and modules are designed

On-Campus ImplementationIntegrated technologies, data, and metrics are deployed and optimized. Programs are ready for launch

Recruiting & Retaining StudentsMarketing the program, lead generation, enrollment services and faculty development are underway, students are supported in programs

Supporting the CBE Learner

Showcase Recognized


Engage with Employers

Peer and Mentor


Track Competency


Risk Identification and Intervention

Robust AssessmentFeatures

Content and Tools

Curriculum Model and Alignment

Blackboard tools to support the CBE Learner

Blackboard Achievements



NEW: Goal Performance


Retention Center and Analytics

Tests, Rubrics, and Portfolios

xPlor, Publisher Integrations

Goals management infrastructure

New: Goal Performance Dashboards for CBE

In-course and cross-course performance dashboards

Multiple views for access by Students, Faculty, and Advisors

Access via B2 – new feature of Learn 9.1 – no additional license required

Available with the Learn Oct 2015 release and compatible with Oct 2014 and Apr 2015 releases

Texas A&M University Commerce graduated 16 students in May 2015

Commencement represented first time students who physically met their faculty and mentors, and each other

Among the students: a father and daughter, a husband and wife, a student who began her higher education in 1976, and two students graduating with honors

CBE made education possible for these students

Real Results: Texas A&M University Commerce

“Shifting to a competency-based degree program allowed me to learn and retain so much more information because I was able to apply my knowledge from work/life experiences, I was able to work at my own pace, and I wasn’t being pressured to hurry and learn the information just to pass a test.”

2015 Graduate

Driving Student Outcomes by Making Data ActionableMaking sense of data across the learner experience

Learners and CompetenciesTransitioning away from seat time, in favor of a structure that creates flexibility

Learner Centricity and BlackboardReimagining education

The New Learning ExperienceMore than an LMS

The ‘New Learning Experience’ Learner focus across Blackboard’s entire solution portfolio

Teaching & Learning SolutionsLearn/Ultra, Collaborate, Moodlerooms, MyEdu•Learning management systems •Collaboration for synchronous learning, office hours and administrative •Portable student profile and job matching •Embedded Analytics and reporting to inform decision-making and actions

The ‘New Learning Experience’ Learner focus across Blackboard’s entire solution portfolio

Data & AnalyticsBb Analytics, X-Ray Analytics

MobileBb Student, Bb Instructor


• Strategic consulting• Technology adoption

and support services• Student acquisition,

retention and support services

Teaching & Learning SolutionsLearn/Ultra, Collaborate, Moodlerooms, MyEdu

• Learning management systems • Collaboration for synchronous learning, office hours

and administrative • Portable student profile and job matching • Embedded Analytics and reporting to inform decision-making

and actions

Commerce & SecurityTransact

• One-card solution for on- and off-campus purchasing

• Financial services, including funds disbursement and tracking

• Campus access control, video surveillance and mass notification

Community Engagement

& NotificationSchoolwires, Parentlink,

Connect integration• Mass notification enabling

rapid dissemination of critical information at scale

• District-branded responsive web presence, integrated with information across systems

Flexible Delivery Methods SaaS Managed-hosting On-premise

• Mobile apps for students, instructors and parents• Anytime, anywhere access across platforms• Academic planning tool for student and advisors • Portable student profile and job matching

• Analytics solution across learning and administration• Built-in dashboards• Integrations with frequently-used information systems • Evidence collection for accreditation and institutional outcomes

K-12 Schools & Districts Higher Education InstitutionsCorporations

& Government Agencies

The New Learning Experience

A focus on

the learnerConnected and tightly integrated

workflowsA delightful

new user experience


data and analyticsAn accessible and always-on


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