


Inning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total


Today’s Goal:

• Reinforce Nature of Biology, Ecology and Chemistry.

1.Locate your Core 40 Study Guide.



Inning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total HomeHome




Core 40 Test Practice



Inning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total HomeHome




Batter Up!Batter Up!

Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?

Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?

Plant Cell or Animal Cell?

Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?

Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?Plant Cell or Animal Cell?

Name the Organelle?

Found in Plant Cells,

Animal Cells or Both?

Name the Organelle?

Found in Plant Cells,

Animal Cells or Both?

Name the Organelle?

Found in Plant Cells,

Animal Cells or Both?

Name the Organelle?

Found in Plant Cells,

Animal Cells or Both?

Name the Organelle?

Found in Plant Cells,

Animal Cells or Both?

Outside the Cell

Inside the Cell

Name the Organelle?

Found in Plant Cells, Animal Cells or Both?

Outside the Cell

Inside the Cell


Name the Organelle?

Found in Plant Cells, Animal

Cells or Both?

Name the Organelle? Found in Plant Cells,

Animal Cells or Both?

Name the Organelle?

Found in Plant Cells,

Animal Cells or Both?


Name the Organelle?

Found in Plant Cells, Animal

Cells or Both?


What is it?

List the three parts of the Cell Theory.

1. All living things are made of cells.

2. Cells are the basic units of life.

3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.

What are the two basic types of cells?

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Which type of cell has a nucleus?

Present your answers!


This is the simpler of the two types of cells.


This type of cell has membrane-bound organelles.


______________ is the thin, flexible barrier around all cells.

Plasma membrane (Cell membrane)

The plasma membrane is made up of two layers of



What are the two parts of a phospholipid called?

Head and a tail

These molecules are located in the hydrophobic region of the membrane and strengthen the



Scientists call the model they have developed to represent the

structure of the plasma membrane the ______ ________ model.

Fluid Mosaic

What does it mean to be selectively permeable?

To choose what goes in and what doesn’t

T or F. All cells have cell membranes.

Present your answers!


T or F. All cells have DNA.

Present your answers!


T or F. All cells have cytoplasm.

Present your answers!


T or F. All cells have a nucleus.

Present your answers!


T or F. All cells have a cell wall.

False – animal cells do not.

What is the name of the membrane that surrounds the


Nuclear envelope

What are the functions of the cytoskeleton?

For cell support and movement

The cytoskeleton is made up of what three components?

Present your answers!

Microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments

What do ribosomes do for the cell?

Present your answers!

Make proteins

Where can you find ribosomes in a cell?

Present your answers!

On rough ER, and in the cytoplasm (also in the

nucleolus when they are being made

What are the two types of Endoplasmic reticulum and what

is the structural difference between the two types?

Present your answers!

Smooth and Rough – rough have ribosomes attached

What does the ER do for the cell?

Rough – modifies proteins

Smooth – makes lipids and breaks down drugs and alcohol

What does the Golgi apparatus do for the cell?

Processes and packages proteins for export

What is the function of a lysosome?

To digest or break down food, old organelles, or other waste

What type of molecules are inside lysosomes? (These molecules are

what make the breaking down happen.)


What is the function of a central vacuole?

A place for plants to store water, minerals, and waste;

strengthens the cell and helps support the entire plant

What do chloroplasts do for the cell?

Convert energy from sunlight to chemical or food energy;

perform photosynthesis

Do animal cells have chloroplasts?

Present your answers!


What is the function of the mitochondria?

Present your answers!

To make energy (the power plant of the cell)

Animal, Plant, or Both:Cell Membrane

Present your answers!


Animal, Plant, or Both:Endoplasmic Reticulum

Present your answers!


Animal, Plant, or Both: Mitochondria


Animal, Plant, or Both:Chloroplasts

Present your answers!


Animal, Plant, or Both:Cell wall

Present your answers!


Animal, Plant, or Both:Ribosomes

Present your answers!


Animal, Plant, or Both:Nucleus

Present your answers!


Animal, Plant, or Both:Golgi apparatus


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