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To all Mizrachi members

& friends,

Wishing you a happy, healthy and Kosher Pesach.

ה בירושליםאלשנה הב

Ian Waller President

Rabbi Yaakov Sprung Mara D’Atra

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From the Rav’s desk: LAWS OF PESACH Please Note: Due to the multitude of laws gov-erning the Pesach Yom

Tov and its preparation, the digested laws that follow should be viewed solely as a summary of the halachos pertaining to the proper observance of the holiday. Please contact me for any further information concerning any doubtful halachic decision. Shabbat Hagadol Shabbat Hagadol commemorates the Jews tying the lamb to their bedposts on Shabbat, the 10th Nissan, five days before leaving Egypt. When the Egyptians inquired about this unusual use of the Egyptian god, they were informed that the Jews were going to offer it as a korban (sacrifice) to G-d. The Egyptians were powerless to intercede, and no Jew was harmed. It is customary on this Shabbat for all to attend the Rav’s drashah, tradi-tionally focused upon a Pesach theme. The Haftarah for Shabbat hagadol speaks about the coming of Mashiach on the “great” seminal day of the Hakadosh Baruch Hu (Malachi 3:23). Chametz Chametz results when one of the five types of grain (wheat, barley, rye oats, spelt) or their derivatives is permitted to maintain undisturbed contact with water for a period of 18 minutes or longer. Extracts of cho-metz, alcoholic fermentation, foods processed in chometz, utensils, and chometz admixtures are halachically considered chometz as well. The To-rah forbids an individual to eat, pos-sess or derive benefit from chometz during the Pesach Yom Tov. Ashke-nazi Jews refrain from partaking of legumes (beans, corn, rice, peas) – kitniyos – and their admixtures dur-ing Pesach. Removal of Chametz Prior to Pesach, one must remove all chometz from one’s properties and jurisdiction. This is accomplished through the following processes:

Mechirat Chametz (the Sale of Chametz) 1. All forms of chametz not destroyed must be transferred to a Gentile before the end of the “fifth hour” on the 14th Nissan. This is normally done through the sale of chometz via the Rav as appointed agent for this sale. The sale is bona fide in nature and transfers posses-sion of all chametz to the Gentile, accompanied by the subleasing of the property on which the chometz is to be found. The non-Jew should be allowed free access to the property and items he has purchased. 2. Chametz utensils are rented and their contents are sold. (Sale of utensil would require immersion if and when acquired.) Bedikat Chametz (The Search) 1. After tzait hakochavim (ap-pearance of 3 stars) on the evening of 14th Nissan (or evening prior to tak-ing leave of one’s residence within 30 days of Pesach), one must dili-gently search for chometz in all areas in which it may have been stored or eaten. This search is not ceremonial in nature and should include such places as: closets, toasters, medicine cabinets, clothes, cars, toy chests, vacuum bags, etc. As such, proper time must be allotted to the search. This year the search is conducted on Sunday evening 13 April, after 6.38 PM. 1. No work, study, or meal should be commenced within ½ hr prior to the search. 2. The search should be facili-tated by the aid of a single-wick can-dle. 3. Prior to the search, the bless-ing al biyur chometz is recited. It is a custom for some to scatter 10 pieces of bread throughout the house prior to the bedikah. The mere collection of these morsels should not be mis-construed as the fulfillment of the search. Bittul HeChametz (Nullification) After the search, Kol Chamiroh is recited, renouncing title to any cho-metz not already set aside for either the next morning’s breakfast, sale or

destruction. One who does not under-stand Aramaic should recite Kol Chamiroh in his native tongue. The English translation of the Ara-maic formula for Bitul Chometz re-cited after the burning follows: I HEREBY DECLARE ALL LEAV-EN AND CHOMETZ IN MY POS-SESSION WHICH I HAVE DIS-COVERED OR NOT DISCOV-ERED OF WHICH I AM AWARE AND OF WHICH I AM NOT AWARE, TO BE NAUGHT AND AS DUST OF THE EARTH. Biur Chometz (Destruction of the Chometz) Chometz found during the search, and remaining from breakfast, must be destroyed (preferably by fire) dur-ing the fifth hour of the “halachical-ly-divided 12 hour day.” This is fol-lowed by a more encompassing bitul nullifying all chometz seen or unseen. This can not be recited during the halachic sixth hour of the day when the use of chometz and its benefits are already forbidden. The Rabbinic prohibition for eating chometz begins with the commencement of the ha-lachic fifth hour of the day. Eating Matzah on Erev Pesach 1. It is forbidden to eat matzoh usable at the seder or consume wine on erev Pesach. One may eat fish, fruit, and meat in moderate amounts that will not detract from his appetite for the Seder Matzoh. 2. When erev Pesach falls on a weekday tedious and or profitable work should not be engaged in after chatzos (halachic midday). Ta’anit Bechorim. In gratitude to the Almighty for having been spared during the slaying of the Egyptian first-born, first-born males fast on erev Pesach. A father fasts on behalf of a son too young to fast and a mother fasts for her b’chor when the father is a first-born as well. Firstborns may participate in a siyum, which enables them to eat during the remainder of the day. This year the fast is commemorated on Monday 14 April (14 Nisan) and the fast will begin at 5.33 am. The Siyum will take place at 7:05am with an addi-tional one at 8:10am.

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Matzoh 1. Shemura matzoh (i.e. matzoh guarded from any possibility of be-coming chometz and processed ex-pressly for the purpose of Matzas mitzvah) should be used during both Seder nights for the different mitzvos involving matzah. 2. Egg matzoh, whole wheat matzohs made with fruit juices, and chocolate covered matzohs should not be eaten all Yom Tov by anyone, excepting the sick or elderly. Tefillot (Prayers) 1. Tachanun, tzidkascha tzedek, fasts and eulogies are deleted during the entire month of Nissan. 2. Mizmor l’soda and lamnat-zai’ach are omitted on erev Pesach and Yom Tov itself. 3. Full Hallel is recited the first two days of Pesach. (It is a custom in some shuls to recite the entire Hallel on the first two nights of Pesach.) Half Hallel is recited during the re-mainder of the holiday. 4. Mashiv Haruach u’Morid HaGashem is deleted beginning with the repetition of the Musaf sh’moneh esrai on the first day of Yom Tov. 5. Vetain Bracha is substituted for tal u’matar in the weekday shmoneh esrai, beginning with the first night of Chol Hamoed. 6. Women who normally recite shehecheyanu with the kindling of Yom Tov candles do not recite shehecheyanu on the last two days of Pesach when ushering in the Yom Tov. 7. Yaaleh Veyavo is inserted in Birchas Hamazon during the entire eight days. If one forgets its recita-tion and begins the next brachah, the entire benching must be repeated. 8. There is a dispute regarding the wearing of tefillin during chol hamoed. Most authorities agree that those who are accustomed to wearing them on these days should not recite the two accompanying blessings. Chametz discovered during Pesach Chometz discovered during chol ha-moed should be immediately de-stroyed. Chometz found during Shabbos or Yom Tov should be cov-ered with a vessel and destroyed after havdalah.

Sefirat Ha-Omer (Counting the Omer) 1. Beginning with the second night of Pesach until the night pre-ceding Shavuos, the Omer is count-ed, computing the days and weeks in the enunciated formula. 2. If, during the day, one realiz-es that s/he has forgotten to count the preceding evening (or if s/he is doubtful), one should count immedi-ately without the accompanying bra-chah. One who has entirely missed a day (and night’s) count should con-tinue counting without a blessing. 3. There are different customs regarding the 33 day “mourning” period within Sefirah. Some observe it from Pesach until Lag B’Omer, others observe from 1 Iyar until Sha-vuos (except Lag B’Omer), and yet others observe it from the first day Rosh Chodesh Iyar till 3 Sivan (ex-cept Lag B’Omer). When Lag B’Omer falls on Sunday, as it does this year, following Shab-bat Kodesh, according to minhag Ashkenaz, haircuts and shaving are already permitted on Friday, Erev Shabbat in honour of Shabbat itself, like this year on on April 26. 4. Weddings, parties, musical entertainment, and haircutting are prohibited during the period of mourning. When crossing the inter-national dateline to Australia from the West Coast of the U.S.A. or from Israel, one should count the “missed day” upon returning, without a bra-chah, and continue counting the next day’s Omer (the evening of one’s arrival) with a brachah. Mechirat chametz Rabbi Sprung’s mechirat chometz form (see attached) requires the vendor to know exactly what he is selling to the purchaser and the pur-chaser must fully understand what he is purchasing, where it is located

and have access to its usage. There-fore, the vendor must give considera-tion to both the content and wherea-bouts of his chometz, including its approximate value. As the sale of chometz has to be recognised in beis din as well as secular courts, the owner of chometz must appreciate the legal principles of this contract (as in every contractual agreement we enter) and, therefore, makes a

kinyan (transaction) with his agent (the Rav) and signs a document indi-cating such. If the owner of chometz will be spending Yom Tov away, he must inform his agent (the Rav) as to the whereabouts of keys to provide entry to the gentile to whom the chometz has been sold. Rabbi Sprung will be effecting the kinyan for mechiras chometz at the following times: Sunday 6 April 8.45 – 10.30am 6.30 – 8.00pm Wednesday 9 April 6.45 – 7.45pm Thursday 10 April 7.00 – 9.00pm Sunday 13 April 8.45 – 9:30am Monday 14 April 8:30 – 9:30am Forms are also available in the office. Clear out your box! The shule is not responsible for cleaning individual Synagogue seat boxes and tallit bags which are under private ownership. People must in-dividually check and remove chametz from their own boxes over the next 10 days. Bin There, Done That Properties are to be free of chametz over Pesach. There is a requirement to remove chametz by 11.12am (this year) on Erev Pesach. To enable Mizrachi members to dispose of chametz after their regular residential bin collection, a chametz bin will be available in Fosbery Avenue on Monday 14 April from 7.30 – 10.30am. Note this is for chametz only and not for garden refuse, gen-eral household garbage, etc. Miz-rachi reserves the right to levy any-one caught using the bin for anything other than chametz.

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SALE OF CHAMETZ – 5774/2014 The Torah prohibits us from owning any chametz during the festival of Pesach. In principle a person has the option of consuming all his chametz before Pesach, giving it away, destroying it or renouncing ownership over it. In practice it is often not possible to dispose of all chametz before Pesach, nor can a person be relied upon to genuinely renounce ownership of a significant amount of chametz. Moreover, a person might even have chametz in his possession of which he is unaware. Therefore the practice of “Selling the chametz” began nearly two thousand years ago during the time of the Mishnah.

To ensure that all the legal requirements of a contract of sale are satisfied, it is customary to make one’s Rabbi his agent for selling his chametz to a non-Jew. It should be noted that chametz remaining in one's possession during Pesach is prohibited for use afterwards.

Please Complete both sides of this form and personally present it to Rabbi Sprung*** for the Halachic transaction to be valid, ensuring that no chametz remains in your possession over Pesach.

The Chametz that I possess includes the following: 1. NAME & ADDRESSES INCLUDED IN THIS SALE 1. NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ I authorise Rabbi Sprung to sell all Chametz located anywhere in my possession at the noted addresses. 2. HOME (S)1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. OFFICE (S)1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. TYPE OF CHAMETZ Groceries Liquors Beer Cereals Flour Pasta & Noodle products Medicines Toiletries Cleansers Pet Food Insects & Rodents Traps

3. EXACT LOCATION KITCHEN Cabinets Freezer Dishwasher Refrigerator Meat Dairy BEDROOM CLOSET Boxes Shelves LIVING ROOM Cabinets Liquor Bar DINING ROOM Buffet Hutch Sideboard FAMILY ROOM Cabinet Liquor Bar Bookshelves DEN Buffet Liquor Bar Cabinet Bookshelves BATHROOM (S) Cabinets Medicine cabinets Vanity Units BAR PANTRY GARAGE Shelves Freezer Boxes Refrigerator DECK BARBECUE CAR(S) LAUNDRY

4. TIMES FOR KINYAN *** The Rabbi has set aside the following times for selling Chametz in his office at Mizrachi and asks that you please conform to this schedule: Sunday 6 April (6 Nissan) ................................................................................................................................................................... 8.45 – 10.30am .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6.30 – 8.00pm Wednesday 9 April (9 Nissan) .............................................................................................................................................................. 6.45 – 7.45pm Thursday 10 April (10 Nissan) ............................................................................................................................................................. 7:00 – 8:00pm Sunday 13 April (13 Nissan) ................................................................................................................................................................. 8.45 – 9:30am Monday 14 April (14 Nissan) ................................................................................................................................................................ 7.30 – 9.00am

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5. VALUE OF CHAMETZ Approximate value of the chametz (overleaf) to be sold $ _______________ 6. PLEASE COMPLETE IF YOU WILL BE AWAY FOR PESACH The keys to my addresses can be found with: Name _____________________________________________________ Phone _____________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. POWER OF ATTORNEY I, the undersigned, fully empower and permit Rabbi Yaakov Sprung to act in my place and stead and on my behalf sell all CHAMETZ as defined by Torah and Rabbinic law, (including doubtful Chametz, mixtures of Chametz and inedible Chametz of the sort which tends to adhere to the inner surface of pots pans and cooking utensils) possessed by me (knowingly or unknowingly).

The sale will take place as of Monday morning 14 April 2014 by 11.00am. Rabbi Sprung has full right to sell the Chametz utilizing all transactions including the leasing of a small area in listed addresses as mentioned in the general contract used by Rabbi Sprung to effect the sale of Chametz. Rabbi Sprung is granted full power and authority to appoint a proxy to facilitate this as well. The above granted conforms to all Torah and Rabbinical laws, as well as those of Australia. And to this do I hereby affix my signature on this the _____________ day of _____________ 2014/5774. SIGNATURE _____________________________ NAME (Block letters) __________________________

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Friday, 11 April ( ניסן אי" ) Mincha 5:50pm1,3,4 Light candles by 5:41pm

Shabbat, 12 April (י"ב ניסן) – תומי אחרשבת הגדול / פרשת Shacharit 7:30am1, 9:30am1-4,9 Children’s Tefillah Groups 10:15am – 11:15am Rabbi Sprung’s Shabbat HaGadol Drashah 4:15pm1 Minchah 5:35pm1,3 Seudah Shlishit speaker: TBA Ma’ariv 6:40pm1,3

Sunday, 13 April ( ניסן גי" ) Shacharit 8:00am1, 9:00am3 Sale of Chametz 8:45am – 9:30am Taking place in R’ Sprung’s office at Mizrachi Minchah / Ma’ariv 5:45pm1 Bedikat Chametz AFTER 6:38pm Ma’ariv 9:30pm3

Monday, 14 April (י"ד ניסן) – ותתענית בכור ערב פסח / Fast of the first born commences 5:33am Shacharit (followed by siyum) Shacharit (followed by the Daf Yomi siyum)

6:30am1 7:25am1

A chametz bin will be available for Mizrachi members from 7:30am – 10:30am. It will be accessible from Fosbery Avenue.

Sale of Chametz 8:30am – 9:30am Taking place in R’ Sprung’s office at Mizrachi Finish eating chametz by 10:04am Latest time for removal and burning chametz 11:12am Candle Lighting 5:37pm Minchah / Ma’ariv 5:45pm1-4 Dvar Torah1: R’ Yaakov Sprung

Tuesday, 15 April – א' דפסח Shacharit 7:30am1, 9:30am1-4,9 R’ Sprung davening with Beit Haroeh Minchah / Ma’ariv 5:40pm1-4 Shiur1: R’ Yaakov Sprung Earliest time for candle lighting and seder preparations 6:36pm Begin S’firat HaOmer at Ma’ariv

Wednesday, 16 April – ב' דפסח Shacharit 7:30am1, 9:30am1-4,9 Minchah 5:35pm1-4 Shiur1: R’ Immanuel Bernstein Ma’ariv 6:34pm1,3 Begin reciting V’Tein Bracha

Thursday, 17 April – )ג' דפסח )א' דחול המועד Shacharit minyanim 6:20am1,7:15am1


Minchah / Ma’ariv 5:40pm1 Ma’ariv 9:30pm3

Friday, 18 April – דחול המועד(ב' דפסח )ד ' Shacharit 8:00am1, 9:00am3 Minchah 5:40pm1 Light candles by 5:32pm

R’ Sprung davening with Bnei Akiva Shabbat, 19 April - דחול המועד(ג' דפסח )ה '

Shacharit 7:15am1, 9:30am1-4,9 R’ Sprung davening with Beit Midrash Minyan Children’s Tefillah Groups 10:15am – 11:15am Minchah 5:25pm1,3 Seudah Shlishit speaker: TBA Ma’ariv 6:30pm1,3

Sunday, 20 April – דחול המועד(ד' דפסח )ו ' Shacharit 8:00am1, 9:00am3 Candle Lighting 5:29pm Minchah / Ma’ariv 5:35pm1-4 No shiur halachically required.

Monday, 21 April – שביעי של פסח Shacharit 7:30am1, 9:30am1-4,9 R’ Sprung davening with Nachalat David Children’s Tefillah Groups 10:15am – 11:15am Minchah / Ma’ariv 5:30pm1-4 Shiur1: R’ Dudi Winkler Earliest time for Candle Lighting and preparations 6:28pm

Tuesday, 22 April – של פסחאחרון Shacharit 7:20am1, 9:30am1-4,9 Yizkor Children’s Tefillah Groups 10:15am – 11:15am Minchah 5:30pm1-4 Divrei Torah1: Ronen Slonim, David Smith, Jonathan


Ma’ariv 6:26pm1,3

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בס"דE U G E N Y A A C O V W E I S S M I Z R A C H I C E N T R E


ספירת העומר סדר The correct time to count the Omer is immediately after dark. Recite the brachah below if you have counted all the previous days. If you forget one night, you may count during the following day without a brachah, and then continue saying a brachah for the following days. If you forget to count on one day entirely, count the remaining days without saying the brachah.

בתורה. וספרתם לכם ממחרת השבת מיום שכתובומזומן לקים מצות עשה של ספירת העומר. כמו כןמוהנני תספרו חמשים יום. השביעית השבתעומר התנופה. שבע שבתות תמימות תהיינה. עד ממחרת אתהביאכם

כוננה עלינו. ומעשה ידינו כוננהו: ידינוינו עלינו. ומעשה ק א� ה': ויהי נועם 'לה חדשהוהקרבתם מנחה

קדשנוינו מל� העולם. אשר ק א� 'אתה ה ברו� תיו וצונו על ספירת העומר:במצו

Insert the number of the day from the chart overleaf... םיוה

במהרה בימינו. אמן סלה: למקומה. הוא יחזיר לנו עבודת בית המקדש הרחמן

גוים בכליאר פניו אתנו סלה: לדעת בארץ דרכ� ויברכנוים יחננו ק �מזמור שיר: א בנגינות למנצח

ר ו: ישמחו וירננו לאמים כי תשפט עמים מישכלםים יודו� עמים ק ישועת�: יודו� עמים א�ים ק כלם: ארץ נתנה יבולה יברכנו א� עמיםים יודו� ק תנחם סלה: יודו� עמים א�בארץ ולאמים

ים וייראו אותו כל אפסי ארץ:ק א� יברכנוינו: ק א�

"ג ית"ץ אבבכח. גדלת ימינ�. תתיר צרורה: אנא "ע שט"ןקררנת עמ�. שגבנו טהרנו נורא: לקב "ד יכ"ש נג:שמרםגבור. דורשי יחוד�. כבבת נא

"ר צת"ג בטגמלם: תמידטהרם. רחמי צדקת�. ברכם "ב טנ"ע חק. נהל עדת�:טוב�קדוש. ברוב חסין "ל פז"ק יג. זוכרי קדשת�:פנהאה. לעמ� ג יחיד

"ו צי"ת שק. ושמע צעקתנו. יודע תעלומות:קבל שועתנו ברו� שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד: בלחש

כמו ספירת העומר כדי לטהרנו מקלפותינו ומטומאותינו. ספורל של עולם. אתה צויתנו על ידי משה עבד� רבונו

עדהביאכם את עומר התנופה שבע שבתות תמימות תהיינה. מיוםשכתבת בתורת�. וספרתם לכם ממחרת השבת 'מלפני� ה רצוןנפשות עמ� ישראל מזהמתם: ובכן יהי שיטהרוהשבת השביעית תספרו חמשים יום. כדי ממחרת

ואתקדש בקדשה ואטהרפגמתי בספירה.יתקן מה ש םיוהעומר שספרתי ה ספירתי אבותינו שבזכות ק ינו וא�ק א�נפשותינו ורוחותינו ונשמותינו מכל סיג ופגם. אתמעלה. ועל ידי זה ישפע שפע רב בכל העולמות ולתקן של

� העליונה. אמן סלה:ולקדשנו בקדשת ולטהרינו

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Night of Tuesday, 15 April 1 רמ עד ל ח ם א ם יוויה שבחסד חסד Night of Wednesday, 16 April 2 מרלע ימים שני םהיו שבחסדה ר בוג

Night of Thursday, 17 April 3 מרלע ימים הש של םהיו שבחסד תפארת Night of Friday, 18 April 4 מרלע ימים ארבעה םהיו שבחסד נצח Night of Saturday, 19 April 5 מרלע ימים חמשה םהיו שבחסדד הו Night of Sunday, 20 April 6 מרעל ימים ששה םהיו שבחסדד סוי Night of Monday, 21 April 7 מרלע אחד ע בום ש ה , ש ימים שבעה םהיו שבחסדת כול מ

Night of Tuesday, 22 April 8 מרלע אחד םויו אחד שבוע שהם, ימים נהשמ םהיו שבגבורה חסד Night of Wednesday, 23 April 9 מרלע ימים ושני אחד שבוע שהם, ימים תשעה םהיו שבגבורה גבורה

Night of Thursday, 24 April 10 מרלע ימים שהושל אחד שבוע שהם, ימיםה עשר םהיו שבגבורה תפארת Night of Friday, 25 April 11 מרלע ימים וארבעה אחד שבוע שהם, םיור ש ע אחד םהיו שבגבורה נצח Night of Saturday, 26 April 12 מרלע ימים וחמשה אחד שבוע שהם, םיו עשר שנים םהיו שבגבורה דהו

Night of Sunday, 27 April 13 מרלע ימים וששהאחד שבוע שהםם, יו עשר שהשלם היו שבגבורה דיסו YOM HASHOAH – MONDAY, 28 APRIL

Night of Monday, 28 April 14 מרלע תעושבו שני שהם, םיו עשר ארבעה םהיו שבגבורה מלכות Night of Tuesday, 29 April 15 מרלע אחד םויות עובוש שני שהם, םיו עשר חמשה םהיו שבתפארת חסד

ROSH CHODESH IYAR DAY 1 – WEDNESDAY, 30 APRIL Night of Wednesday, 30 April 16 מרלע ימים ושני תשבועו שני שהם, םיו עשר ששה םהיו שבתפארת גבורה

ROSH CHODESH IYAR DAY 2 – THURSDAY, 1 MAY Night of Thursday, 1 May 17 מרלע םימי שהושל תשבועו שני שהם, םיו עשר שבעה םהיו שבתפארת תפארת

Night of Friday, 2 May 18 מרלע ימים וארבעה תשבועו שני שהם, םיו עשר נהשמ םהיו שבתפארת נצח Night of Saturday, 3 Mayl 19 מרלע ימים משהוח תשבועו שני שהם, םיו עשר תשעה םהיו שבתפארת דהו

Night of Sunday, 4 May 20 מרלע ימים וששה תשבועו שני שהם, םיו עשרים םהיו שבתפארת דיסו YOM HAZIKARON – MONDAY, 4 MAY

Night of Monday, 5 May 21 מרלע תשבועו שהשל שהם, םיו שריםוע אחד םהיו שבתפארת מלכות YOM HA’ATZMA’UT – TUESDAY, 5 MAY

Night of Tuesday, 6 May 22 מרלע אחד םויו תשבועו שהשל שהם, םיו ועשרים שנים םהיו שבנצח חסד Night of Wednesday, 7 May 23 מרלע ימים ושני תשבועו שהשל שהם, םיו ועשרים שהשל םהיו בנצחש גבורה

Night of Thursday, 8 May 24 מרלע ימים שהושל תשבועו שהשל שהם, םיו ועשרים ארבעה םהיו שבנצח תפארת Night of Friday, 9 May 25 מרלע ימים וארבעה תשבועו שהשל שהם, םיו ועשרים חמשה םהיו שבנצח נצח Night of Saturday, 10 May 26 מרלע ימים וחמשה תשבועו שהשל שהם, םיו ועשרים ששה םהיו שבנצח דהו

Night of Sunday, 11 May 27 מרלע ימים וששה תשבועו שהשל שהם, םיו ועשרים שבעה םהיו שבנצח דיסו Night of Monday, 12 May 28 מרלע תשבועו ארבעה שהם, םיו ועשרים נהשמ םהיו שבנצח מלכות

Night of Tuesday, 13 May 29 מרלע אחד םויו תשבועו ארבעה שהם, םיו ועשרים תשעה םהיו דשבהו חסד PESACH SHEINI – WEDNESDAY, 14 MAY

Night of Wednesday, 14 May 30 שניפסח - מרלע ימים ושני תשבועו עהארב שהם, םיו שלשים םהיו דשבהו גבורה Night of Thursday, 15 May 31 מרלע ימים שהושל תשבועו ארבעה שהם, םיו ושלשים אחד םהיו דשבהו תפארת

Night of Friday, 16 May 32 מרלע ימים וארבעה תשבועו ארבעה שהם, םיו ושלשים שנים םהיו דשבהו נצח Night of Saturday, 17 May 33 מרלע ימים וחמשה תשבועו ארבעה שהם, םיו ושלשים שהשל םהיו דשבהו דהו LAG B’OMER – SUNDAY, 18 MAY

Night of Sunday, 18 May 34 מרלע ימים וששה תשבועו ארבעה שהם, םיו ושלשים ארבעה םהיו דשבהו דיסו Night of Monday, 19 May 35 מרלע תשבועו חמשה שהם, םיו ושלשים חמשה םהיו דשבהו מלכות

Night of Tuesday, 20 May 36 מרלע אחד םויו תשבועו חמשה שהם, םיו ושלשים ששה םהיו דשביסו חסד Night of Wednesday, 21 May 37 מרלע ימים ושני תשבועו חמשה שהם, םיו ושלשים שבעה םהיו דשביסו גבורה

Night of Thursday, 22 May 38 מרלע ימיםה ש לש ו תשבועו חמשה שהם, םיו ושלשים נהשמ םהיו דשביסו תפארת Night of Friday, 23 May 39 מרלע ימים וארבעה תעושבו חמשה שהם, םיו ושלשים תשעה םהיו דשביסו נצח Night of Saturday, 24 May 40 מרלע ימים וחמשה תשבועו חמשה שהם, םיו ארבעים םהיו דשביסו דהו

Night of Sunday, 25 May 41 מרלע ימים וששה תשבועו שהחמ שהם, םיו וארבעים אחד םהיו דשביסו דיסו Night of Monday, 26 May 42 מרלע תשבועו ששה שהם, םיו וארבעים שנים םהיו דשביסו מלכות

Night of Tuesday, 27 May 43 מרלע אחד םויו תשבועו ששה םשה , םיו וארבעים שהשל םהיו שבמלכות חסד YOM YERUSHALAYIM – WEDNESDAY, 28 MAY

Night of Wednesday, 28 May 44 מרלע ימים ושני תשבועו ששה שהם, םיו וארבעים ארבעה םהיו שבמלכות גבורה Night of Thursday, 29 May 45 מרלע ימים שהושל תשבועו ששה שהם, םיו וארבעים חמשה םהיו שבמלכות תפארת

ROSH CHODESH SIVAN – FRIDAY, 30 MAY Night of Friday, 30 May 46 מרלע ימיםה ע ב ר או תשבועו השש שהםם, יו וארבעים ששהם היו שבמלכות נצח Night of Saturday, 31 May 47 מרלע ימים וחמשה תשבועו ששה שהםם, יו וארבעים שבעהם היו שבמלכות דהו

Night of Sunday, 1 June 48 מרלע ימיםה ש ש ו תשבועו ששה שהםם, יו בעיםואר ה נ מש ם היו שבמלכות דיסו Night of Monday, 2 June 49 מרלע תשבועו שבעה שהםם, ים יוע ב ר אה ו ע ש ם ת היו שבמלכות מלכות

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