
••• | ^ t i s _ i _ _ ^ - (|]ECEI¥E[|) t i i i . u i * . _ j - • •

j DUPLICATE "! !-1 ^ ' !:;;-- County....!M»aula I -, ..- •



- (Eiev. above sea ievei.i»,iUQ'. ) Notice of Completion of Groundwaler

jj," SSiSt/1*" 8'2" Appropriation by Means oi Well j

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I' - — Sand & Qravtl • • j

i3L—, , . ,v Owner.....5...S,..J^«.jL&rv&». Address 8^Ur...M»:»..lSoS!m*... •

T •' Driller.....I4J)i!rlar..flriXW»g...CP» Address)B9«..9j»ji..ltt»aoai»»..ltoB*i.- . Tan.Sandy Clay_ Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater ....2rfe$2

;,';.+': 3i<- ' . '.;. /'. Date well started .?-7«63 Date Completed 2rWf-$

V-. '•'-' •'.'• • "•..-•• Type of well drJJAid Equipment Used gbRVn.dg&l./'••."' ••'•••••. :-; - ' Brotan Book China (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or•• v - S S S L d S ^ T e i v drilled> ather)

]••:/, .'•;._ . Water Use: Domestic • Municipal • Stock n Irrigation n•..'".' i . Industrial D Drainage • Other g)

«i==—._ _, U.S.F.8. Poblio Caapgroundk\ i-' OUy ••J Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different-"" ' . • ^ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand,

; " •-•— ?*?!2? ?« °k*P* etc. Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of6j ' p "*•*"» *& STV 6l«y water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

iSe Bin and From To Tof Welfht of (Feet) (Peet) PEBFOaAIIOWS

- D"ll«d Culnt ^i i^ —^H0Ie Sl» (Feet) (Feet) .

.- 8" 8«1D x 2h.64 plua fa>-6« 1011 :

I _ • " -'•..••I ' • • .;' .- N

I _ n Static Water Level for non-flowing Well lJk!....T,J". feet.

jj n ! Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well ™.Bfit...UflSteg

Qr« "S" Si ie~C In r Pumping Water Level .7?.' feet at....XlJ. gal. per minute. ' , •

z! Q—" 3rol»nlr»« Ic ere in arawi" Discharge in gal, per min. of flowing well ...JffiOlaKblg--' ' '- •™ r~•" "fwiiim~¥6?t of TwEjii E ; :I - ' T_ ..___:_ - -. How Tested. A&.-.J44&..PBHP. Length of Test S.hmXfk . ,j _ Oras o w "Wh grwil JWkadlcdjj ji I Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- " • ••'.••I"! •>— -fiadMLl CM a jane .it. gait]._». water tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any '_ _-_ JBofcim other similar pertinent information, including number of- j^EgJ 1 :— , acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) . J_ K5.....y4-HKk Sec.33... Tl?... R.3$.. | •

Indicate location of well and v n'u'xt \ /place of use, i£ possible. Each • w •• • j • • -,

— small square represents 10 acres. ! • /J _ y.

\ I^_J Show exact depth of bottom. gj

Driller's License Number •

Driller's Signature j '

•i This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Re-corder in the county in which the well is located. !

* Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. j •

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines,. :and Quadruplicate for the Appropriate. 0

, • • ' I j

,'• - '* ',' "•"' •'.':' • • . f . • • • ' " '

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File No ....... J ? ^'^ T...l?...K,,...l5.W,

DUPLICATE )P County *!M«»1* :



| Declaration of Vesled Gronndwaler BighlssjATf. ENGINEERf (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) .

| i ?•...?•. Jo****..!******* of. .?5?..i7 ?*?.?*ir..^?**M •\ •'• (Name of Appropriatorj * (Address) . (Town)i ' County of. «Ml.«>5ft» State of. *»5*«».i have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fol-i lows:

j .—; . , . . 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based .ffP^jM***??*1i grout* «t Caap Paucaoni ___- ___

j 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-I tinuous the use has been SHBi!?.....~....l!?J9.I 2

m ,^ ••IB MHB HMB HH « ~ HHB ~ E • " ...••-. .

! 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons| per minute) ?!? ?.•.?.•.?•j |

• I ' ! 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the •: s lands to which water has been applied and name of the ownerI thereof .K«*.. ?4«*l<l.

! M...V* Sec...3J. T..M»R.l$tf' Indicate point of appropriation1 and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and thej Each small square represents 10 location of each well or other means of withdrawal '•.; acres. .S J?..***..E?HP! 'i i

' i

1 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction *of the well, wells, or other works for with- idrawal of groundwater .1tlM....-.....28.&>. {Approximately) j

; 3. The depth of water table 81»ttS..K*tor...J«Y»X..*«..lUH^^^ j

: 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth oil each well or the general specifications of any• other works for the withdrawal of groundwater A.JBrlJ»n.1»ll..O»»t.d..Jldltto..a!?..«tWll..O«»tni I! .tO...»..*Ptft..R*..22.7.!.*. I


10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year .?QQ*GH9.....ffl*l.f. '. .:

; 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available Hafe.AniUabl*;. \

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record Moat .

Signature of Owner..J^.Li^^&**'/.-..£%>£&?>£%£

I- . ' Dat/. *£r.£r.<&<L*r.

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is'_ located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

i n

— — — ^

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•.^t*i .. ' •••' ."• • •*j I ; ," •-. .. !.

I nnttr«t and /lied (W« JMlmmtnl let ' ' ;•••cordon the S.£..dat oi.Mk.«*f....V>HHh . * 'at fo&Slo'dock -O.:-M.. pcrmaf wi ilia . "- ;

| ol Mfuoula County, State oi Montana •- ,T ;! WitMw my hand: • " "- • '

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ow 2 ' Approved Stock Foroi—Sl»Je>ublliiitai Co, Helena. Mdiltu—43(42 j »3

File No. S^TE WATER CONSERVATION BOAftS T-M~-*--*M~-g£- \ - •

DUPUOATE SEP 21 19|8 CountyJ*«!?i^?. I


I • Top ot Ground *«"*-——» «*iW™__OmOB OP STATE ENGINEER •«**M1.VW_ fajliDM • i • .

T fEimr. ahnvii«,«. iflroi Ofl^—y.—, Notice oj^ Completion of Groundwater i

~/47' 4mdtf toil Appropriation by Means of Well )-jt aatutmi^atti DEVELOPED AFTEB JANUARY 1, 1902 !

~~lt 40&ii*9ek (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) •:

-jo:' M;fMf ^ ««u» r^-sj^j^Ah^LA^p^-* Add^. £^Ms \—12 mtUt, 4mtl ftaod „ c. o ,

«a*i, MiX mi 4om oUu/ DrMoife™to^..i^..4M*&^ !

Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater. ?Mi?/W I

,'•'•'•"• _ Date weU started...-^?/** .Date eomplDtcd...7/!.ft^*. j

i - TypeofweU .^«^«4. Bqnipmcut used......flftll!M* \(Dug, driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other) j

Water use: Domestic • Municipal D Stock Q Irrigation • j"••••;• - Industrial • Drainage D Other 0} j

_,. Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata •' met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show ; .

— depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing 1strata and height to which the water rises in the well. . ( •

- DlDW WtfcM (F«l) (PM) PWPORATIO7WHoi. otCMtat Sid rnm I i5

— , SIM (Fat*) <F«t)



j — N Static Water Level for non-flowing well " .j - | j £ feet.

i _ j \ Shut-in Pressure for Plowing WelL.5

_ '5.^. •*«! Pumping Water Level .??. feet

| w ; I B at iSx. gal. per minute.

! * I Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well; .„ j...... .„ !„„„ .........*................. •'

: ~' II HowTcsted.**^..*!^.^*!*)^. ;

j — I 1 I ' I Longth of Test .(??.*..;..*?*** !

— Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack-~

j " •7JW..y^.Sec...?.?.. 1^fflLJP»en> tyP° °f 8hUt°ff' I 'j — Indicate location of well and

place of use, if possible. Each— small square represents 40 "

acres. «......,.««.u«..

(Continue on reverse side) j

~ USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state I • /_ number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- , ,'

tion). j

— I*-

| L^SJ Show exact depth of bottom. !':

"I 33 j 'i This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with tho '".''"".'"Z".— VI'—7~ !; County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Drillers License Number |

,•'•" | retained by driller. ^ „ i . \i ' Please answer ell questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be U2M&(l4o6...!!SL.t....lS&K&.I returned. .. Drillers Signature. ' :h -

^ i ~ T t f ^ * v ^ r r ~~ - - - - - ____^

£| I ' .- ;.. -- •. _» - • •• *,. , [[' | . •..•.,• - . , .•..,.-.......--,...-.•,. ,, • -,.,„. . i . . -.--,•-"'••""•-»»*V<pi*»g«tmw«**wli»»KW»<" '"•*i MMl»«4;«Bd tOtd tlil> Zattranwnt lorW»rB « U»,7.....dor ct4<L*J(*,»W..Bt-9;jS~..i'i!Kk/):.Ml" p cnoal //J.»of Mlmoula Stairlrj jvfcnfona .W»«»s joy fccnl ,:. .'; •Vtianae It. Coazc. Cuocty Recorder

t- &Le....JkM- iijfljj ; / •

I".11 jri ».« " "• '}•! •

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;: *"* •:;•.;:" vV-<-'< f •;• oV KVAT'V-I ;"•;,.,.• Awrerad Suck Fora—sun MblWitat Co, Hetaa. MonniM—C234 < a£ "! M"

; BBeNo - • •••- t/7/J &.J5KKL.( — . -•<- >fi DUPLICATE • ' ' County. _



Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

t-___.toMULt*_l^JN«ttlLMtJittlU*Mi , of.. fi»*;«W_.Uk» \(Name ot Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

\ County of XlMoulft. State of. JteatitM. ;I have appropriated gixrandwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as follows:i ,


I | ! j I I ! j j 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based...JloSMJ&e.-.S.ML. I! ! ! ! ;—.! __ _

I | J • • ! j "

I j p ...... j i ^ Date or approadmate date of earliest beneficial nae: and how continn-

i —..;... J ; .;....! •-... ous the use has been W«LU.«^.!w««._rtM«

t «V ; | '. j ' j | ' E __

j .....p... , , .j . ^ ^^ amount of groundwater daLuod (in miner's inches or gallons :

...,• :.....; i—.;.—|.... per minute) !tt»f....<.?.>...«*.U.9!»!l.»»*..!*«S.?:».

1 i ! ' ' I • I I T 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ,I i to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

„.__.. Jto*Jl9 i&Ji*!QM*%l9*!~1 Slf %/. fitOgen. _34t 17HR. 1511 .. - .. ...... '

! Indicate point of appropriation "~ ' ;and place of nse, if possible. Each•mall square represent! 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- j

tion of each well or other means of withdrawal- •Hlthd»imJaeJlMM<l-aMB !

.., ..I, i I, , i

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- |drawal of groundwater. ibill-diig..JLa...lSSl „

ttmtoa (12)8. The depth of water table H«t>g..Ubl*..»t..«hfiMlt.JHmHMlim..J!Mt-.. „. „ ]

9. So far as it may be available, the type, lire and depth of each well or the general specifications of any othor jworks for the withdrawal of groundwater.....H«U.-da*..wlth..*b.OMV..1 !

1 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year 36«.QQO...SAMM*

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available MXKf&i.

•, .... « ..... ^

; 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including: reference to book and page of any county record. ..... „...„.__..

^ s~./j"

Signatnre of Gwner.j.' x. --»*TttAIU'^H' & duetto.'Bate...Be*.«*«r.Jft*...lS!ML...

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned., Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. J\i;'

.: : •• • 'ii • •> ':," I

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! • ••'-'•!



' ' ".••pi




/ / " '••••• Ii f '••••'•-( ' • _ , . _! , _ _ _ ~ ~ , : - . _. ____

', ( GROUNDWATER INDEX • ' P*96 o'- |

r ;.; cnuntv miSSflUUi Two. ibN age. 93t~J |

.•,-.•' ' ..; " ' >j ': -' • """""" County 1 ' :•

•'-.•"•'• j ' Sec# Name of Appropriator Type of Form File No. ' Remarks

JLm_£Mt2j&B£Jh _ft4LLi_ ai&tQ :77 frl^tef. R.i. & W * ^ ¥ 7 ^ 6

I T FdtHrt. & £ . b i ^ V 3 M 7 £ L j

.. / 7 /TSlsfcf. /gg. G > U > 3 £ } V 7 & £ I

I ' 3 4 f k n a h ! n * J/)hn & Q Q 3 ' 43/7-

?h K~ ? & Prnofte..'Charlc6<!'. &bJ H &/*/?$• j! W Longpn*. D a n J. 6.L) 3 £)993ft I

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File No T_/.£l_.JLJr_-5L

DUPUCATE County-i.i.i.i..X.y(.*..<l«r..._



UUJ A N 3 rf '

Noiice of Completion of Groundwaier Appropriation -j if on Well ,

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1061)

Date of Appropriation^ of Groundwater J2^2£-./JUi.l _'

t Contractor (if any) . „_ _ fl

Address of Contractor _ £.._

Date Started Date Completed. _

„ Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by________________ sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to

water when applicable .^.^^.^^...^...^v^^../?.^

i Iw —!—I 1 • ~

I Quantity of w.cer developed and used with explanation of metb-l—————-————————» ^ jj j fa -jamj-e or estimate such amount If use if intermit-

y/JL. Sec...yT. T.™_J R.__ 3> tent estimate approximate lengths of periods of use _

' Indicate point of appropriation y , _f_^and place of use, if powlble. fH f7>7<-~rr*-**»V"X

\ __, j

"•"""•"""•••"'""•'"-—'———••"•-•••"•«-»——«"-i ,

Signature of Otmec^.^^t^^^^^i^i.^i^^.g^^.


This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of thift notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county inwhich the works are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise tHe form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder: duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to theMontana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriate*.


r — - -• • - . - . . _ _ .... Xi •»— - r •

i . J'4 *• I •

; File No T Lk—8 L±



J / Lj J nrr> « 1QM »—'DecUniion of Veiled Gnmadwtier Bights(Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, 1061) SI A 9f. ENUlN EER

i, @4tZXiA- &.6£~^£j> cL__ ^d^z^u^ ^tt^/(Nainerf Appropriatar) ' (Address) . /""(Town)

County of ^TXC^-O^LjC^hL State .^?^jO&y!£~3£*x*.have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana lawi in effect prior to January 1,1982, at fol-lows:

it .I I I I i I i I I 2. The beneficial use onwhjch the claimji based ; <

_( __ j£_ _ _ J&<£*4<<*&a,^f&S^aa«*a^&~-m-.

3. Date or approximate date of earliett beneficial uae^and how con- "tinuoui the me hai been ....;jwh-s«!-»./...*Sa._./.f-.jf.-

1 W **» ••— ii ^~ ^^ ^" ^— • — — 'I J I "" " )I -—| ^ Ybe amount of groiudwatcr claimed (in miner'i inchey>r gallon* .j —'n : per minute) ....^Zj^^*^^..1i^.^.^k^^!i:±^..

( 1 I i I I I I I 1 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the '[ s lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner ,! thereof Tr,,--rr ,.,. i,.,,—,..,,,-,,r,n .,,r---!•,...,—.... ...—.-•, . , mili i; 4^%<45T SeciK— T£zL< RT.™ * " i

Indicate point of appropriation " ti and place Of use, if passible. 8. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and tb«f Bach small square represents 10 location of each well or other mean* of withdrawal

v Via. <fn r^if^tAJU^~~7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-

drawal of groundwater

i8. The depth of water table .'.

9. So tu as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any ,other works for the withdrawal of groundwater

.............. •*" • »— —•• *""*•*""**"* •**"""*" *" * * "

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year j

. 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available __ '

i r-*\ : ;"•••;;; 7"r7ZI"ZZZZ"ZI j>"" . . I

! *-•-' :i l 2 . Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, Including !

reference to book and page of any county record _.j """ "••"•" ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ .„..._„___i .»....,............................*....'*-»-...... —' •«»~

Signature of Ovma.^J.SL^l!-..^±^-

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well Ulocated.

Pleas© answer all questions. If not ar-plieable, bo state, otherwiso the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Becorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureauof Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriate!-. ^c. , n

\ 't . .

• I

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O' Approved Stock Form—Stale Publishing Co.. Helena. Montana—41921 <^_ ^>3 I ' '

Pile No T Iktl*. TJL: ^ \



uu DEC26 i963 :-= iDeclaration of Vested Groundwater Rights !

: (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) STATt ENGINEER: I.

i i lu«-E»--<Fel«t«t of..Box.£ JErenchtown. ;; (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) i! County of. Miflsoula state of....Hoatana i

have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: iN ' '

! j ; 1 i | | I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based...Domestic :I — -i ; j— : i i— and irrigation ;

, | , , 1 , g Pato or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- •;i ......:....j....L_ j jL j ous the use has been Stoce..I?I0..CpntinpU8 .

i W 1 1 f . "I.. j-i-i i E I

^ ,...., , , ' ! 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons !j. ...j L.J J....L..:.... perminute) »..igalle«8..i»er.mlmite j .

I ...|...j....!_ .|.-!.-U- |I : ! ! ! ; I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands I

. • . to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereofi ._..tL8255L. M ...t...".! ?.?£.J.... ....?*!??M"| .N.e.44fi&iSec..j(.7.. T../4... R..-?.&> ji Indicate point of appropriation ;'; mallPl6ua°reepres?ntelbio a ?* 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- j

Rtio «u> V £tcf-r,i. ei-3-J %\gi^tou 0 WTOS«dV(itMtewal '•i u>-ri3s*c7T/<,./ei*o. .J£??_ri±r.™..r.r. .r.*~±r?±.-*:.rr*

i v u>ti s e e n n u <i~ - ^ jI r; 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-; drawal of groundwater .-.......—.-q

8. The depth of water table ??...?.?.?* !9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other iworks for the withdra J jglg^<jj^-"^-|^"IO'TSW"Br'Wter"fir'|kipieV

. 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year Z?.» H j ;

.' 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if avaUable ??.*?*~!*...?...?. ?.?. |

I o?"?.9«?"i?)??""?Mi? '#«?F?Mr'i^ •

j i• 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including [

roferenco to book and page of any county record Boofc 2 page-7—line"** ;

. . ~A?£ J' j-*/-:• Signature of OwncrsZ? ...JsJLifeCjfe .

nS).e:e,....a.Q...rMJ.B.. ;

• Three copies to be filed by the o^vncr with the County Clerk and Bccorder of the county in which tho well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable!, so state, othe -wis| the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Eecorder; Duplicate to tijeiiiate Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of x, . Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator J \ 12?

•• •; "• •

m i 0 ? • • I '

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< ^ Approved Stock Form—Stile Publlthlng Co- Helena, Montam—41921 n. >3 | I

Me No T lLe!lx .2.3.^. 41''




Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights^j,-,, HMCINFFR(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) '""• t- IN la KM 11K

i ;

| * " Wf^m^riator) ' ^*"&fc=5 *"**"-&*> j| County of MJ330Ula State of....Montana ;: have appropriated gronndwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

'!n : 'j I i i I I i i I I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based...-DQIBeAtiC

....I i L__ .!.....! i and IrrigationI i : • : : | j ".j j j j .!—j j ^ Date or gppygjjjnjjtg jate of earliest beneficial use; and how continu-

| —| ! j j i i ous the use has been Juljr...X959 -•i | j | | ! I

W ; 1 1 1 j 1 j E Z..1...L.Z.Z. r V.: ™™

I j I , j ; | ^ ^o amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallonsI ..........i.....i i-.-j.....:.... perminute) 10.miners inches. .-.j • i I i j ! natural-spring :..:..— ;

i : i ! ; j I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acrcags and description, of the lands jj to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereofj ..aprinole..±rxigata..Appro3djnataly:.I0t..acrea; /. ...y4. /sec.../z T.../An..te. * !i Indicate point of appropriation

s n ^ t t a w ^ i ^ l O ^ ^ 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca-*0 e ai '/. < 0 T a 1? ia w t'00 of each we^ or Q^r n168"8 °f withdrawaL

; .. Uot '-i S«t7T'<l-T«l|r j.Ii 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- iI drawal of groundwater Ha»WW»l.../!IRrlng

i j1 8. The depth of water table Qr.ffiWn.d...lay.el. I

! 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other jI works for the withdrawal of groundwater. .« -• - v »• ~- || Jta.tea ...spr.fc«,...n.Q >

I 1

i 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year. 5Q0.».0QQ...gSX.*.pn8 j

: 11. The log of formations encountered in tho drilling of each well if available. ;; Naftira.X...Bpr.J!ng.

i 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record .™.....™...« .™.....™.......£ _

Signature of Owner£^V.....<^....v1^^lci?^L«»^>^- Dec 20 * W 2 > T ^


Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

1 Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of ^Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appi-opiiator. . a 3 "*

' | o'J

: .'••••• ' ^ (tt~\ •

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„ jW3 Approrod Stock Fora—Suit PobUlhlnj Co, HeleM, MmIIm—42199 •fgjfr*

File No j , T 1!=£ R. .Vr.2VA / j

DUPLIOATE (. / County- £.£U.--iSTATE OP MOKTAKA j •") E C K IT VE[\\\


Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation" t N t i l N ^

Without Well

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session haws, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of Groundwater. _

Ownery£iT./G../ k^Sce^Bt.&Ud^QI^/Ao^T:

Contractor (if any)

Address of Contractor _

Date Started.................................. Date Completed

N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "'as by—j . , j 1 ; ; 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to

! i j I ; i— water when applicable /&.

...-i.-j.-j j -j-- JjtacJi 3j.£^.^Juuf<!u£^^

1 j • j i i Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method...,.....;—;_ I ; | Me(j t<) meMnre 0P estimate such amount. If use is intermittent

» estimate approximate lengths of periods of we.../? .d//.£).fy/A &

/fcyrf/faetf... T/6.. U2..«> __Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. „

aU s**-7 r// *** """"" " T" " 7T It-t>T i3 ^ _ — - — _ . - - .

Signature of OwnerSn i &..*..y/.4.U:*t<JlA..

Date.Se..W.# JS-Al.

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the count? In which theworks are located.

Please nnswor all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates


I / retired urf Wed <Vi lapiumtnt lac

[ \ . ' ' *&.'...YAtcl°ckj2~M..p»muHC*a»I a< W/Mtmla Court/ Sfa(« al UauamI • ' ' W'fooia Mf bvkd:I - H&MTUJ S. BEHtpa. Carnwtr Im*r4* -

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: I Mr. ft. f. ralstat, Frtnchtown, Montana <\ j

c Fabruary 26, 196* * '

'•rj '.'"'•••'• ' ^

Vi'vt".- D«»*«r 13, 196k \

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J* > Appraml 8ux* Form-Sun PBtdMUm Co, Heloa. MonUM—C262 p»> ' f

File No T—4O-JI 2-u5:

DXTPLI0AT1! County


OmOI OF 8TATB SNOINKKB / / ] / ' f/))

.JAN 3 fae^ j(/Notice of Completion of Groundwater Apprapriiafionn™

Without Well y ™ £ £ N U u : / ?

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Seuion Lam, 1961)

Data of Appropriation of Grnondtwater.SSVt*?.. «r/ «....C/_SL»5...

Contractor (if any) .../ft*1.4U<».

Address of Contractor ><yfrn— _

Date Started..-.'. '.. Date Completed ;7TTL.

n Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a wall "m by, ,y- •—— 1 i ,' . ' i " I iub-irriyation and other natural proeenei". Inekde depth to„.„.! I ; ! ' j water when applicable.... _. . „.„

! — j — j — ! L-j L.. ._M±T*&.j*.a£..e*.....Ae.u,jr.e. ^..y??yfc*w.

j—-j •— -—;•—;—I— ActJM. C.eJjf.(L.....lg;xiff:K~ -

w .;J A I ' I i i E J'™*!r..Tfi : : '•—-'.— "

I I | ! • i I Quantity of water developed and naed with explanation of methodi ..........—,- , ; j Uiied to meuure or estimate auoh amount. If uie i* intermittent

I * Mtimate approximate lengths of periods of use—

SifTy* sec M iJL R.-23Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. _ ,

I Signature of rim>./r>JL/T+tr ({TIUa*-*^^ _

V Date

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theworks are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorderi duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBnrean of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

j }.#7


• ••!i

<r. '• !



* . >III

.....••• i


r~~~4-8*ma Independent Record ^"W.i7 Li

File No T_J£JL JL&JL

DUPLICATE Cmmty **•«»•!*




DodanHim of Vested Groudwaler Bights S 196r

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Um, INSTATE ENGlNtfcR

l....a^fl^.Q.i...fmi..X»Tmm»..Mt...aamM* , ot fhMa»..!feiatu&(Name of Approprlator) (Address) (Town)

County ot...-«U«o«l« state oi.....J**1WMlhave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana lawi to effect prior to January 1,1KB, aa fol-low*: £ij

i n• i t | i 2. The beneficial uae on which the claim is baaed

t _£ |__ IlTlgfcttQBi l«r MBplaai

-!*» 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial uae; and how coo-> / y. Unuoua the um hai been ...MUr..Xi&t..»BUNLUbm\jciMC

^ "gj-* J- -^ ^ 4, The amount of groundu«ter claimed (in xniner'i inchw or gallons

I ^ f^ £jr^^t...^«^^^^..gJl^lgU*J._

-f-H— ^^nHsnwEnsis •******••- *«™—^ • J ' • i—LJ—I—LJ S. If utrd for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the

• landa to which water hat been applied and name of the owner

*•*, #»i «4 K>r. thereof ...&...*m9M.m..9*.3..MmJA~9Ml^mjUi!)LtMt V* Secji TlA R.23 ...**W»..JWl6...9S9UW..M...*hoifl»../lteMt

Indicat* point of appropriation " "and place of u»e, if potiible. 6. The meanc of withdrawing auch water from tlte ground and theEach amall aquwe repit»entt 10 loc,Uon ^ oUjer mMaf rf wBMmWil ^T «1Mim

*"**• ill.J^..Jlt4...flaUb«...B«a*.^.JMW^,.yittk^«UlrM JU«.J(tU..awtaT —t«arU< aW •fcoM>..*00 ft«t WMi of Its VertlMMl pormmr.

8. The depth of water table Jfat «»»—M«

9. So far ai it may be available, the type, iUe and depth of each well at the general specification* of anyother works for the withdrawal of groundwater QttahM. 3* * 2*>* 36.K. 12. _ :

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ^<«d*rt<^2j£J^l^. _

11. The log of formations encountered to the drilling of each well if available / < •• „ I W / ^ ^ I t

•*•*«"««• ;:•:;::: ^o I

I -. ;I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful to carrying out the policy of this act, includingI reference to book and page of any county rrr* Btftrw—i Btrnlr T nf mtar rtalilt. 1mm

I l«ok.J^.je£.J)Mdaf..Ja^..k7»lw-«WB-M^--<^^

I Signature of Owner. //. _™. **~si- .._«_

I • ' DHe.....^.^..J.S.jM.J- -k

I Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well isI located. i ' .

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise 1 e form will be returned. /

I ~ Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Ingineer, Triplicate to the Montana BureauI of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Approprlator.


• 1 & ' * f r i T >i


- f

^mipj&Ltfci/ek, i£3

<•/ V/wosfe Cmintr, fMM W Mmmmio

•* *

JW 3 Approved Stock Form—SUte Publishing Co., Helena. Montina—42262 igg>i» 0 IJ




Notice of Completion of Groundwater App^gr'^tion !EER

Without Wed

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of GroundwaterJ&nW&;ry..3-»... Oregon Street

owneBanji.. Jrfangpxe. AddresJ$s&QjU&,...Mo.nt»n&...

j C it Coatractor (if any) inapplicable...

<J > Address of Contractor inapplicable.I Q *I (Jj <j Date ptnrtPrl{nflppHr''»1p Date Completed..lnapplicable

I • >tI n •> ^ Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by

a I 1 —-i sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to

water when applicableXed..datS..indicate..Sprln££t.XJlainig.....

Jn..appr.ffisixnfltR.lacsMPna.£lKe», j

I i i i I : : ' II • w 1 ! : ' ;—-j j e

I !::_!'! Quantity of water developed and used with explanation cf methodI j—1 i "" 1 I !'"." used to measure or estimate such amount. If usi is intermittentI I ' ; '• ' '' ' i I 90 gallons per second-ditch observation. ; II s estimate approximate lengths of periods of use I

I E* NE~% 8e«3*- »»- «aw ........inappucahifi.................. _I Indicate point of appropriationI and place of use, if possible. i

I Signature of Owner./Q6*(£?ittp£&2t.

I DateJfejJBary..3,...156.4 |

• This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

K Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theH works are located.

B Please answor all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

I Original to the County Clerk and Beeorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana• Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for tile Appropriates.


I ' ' • "' •

I - .••'•; •-' ,'; • ; ;

! : 11 -•| " • '•' . . •" .

' I'


' 'I GROUNDWATER INDEX • ' Page p'._ i "^

Cmintv pll&>OUtJ+ Twp. /& /U Rge. cQO 1*J

\ ' -".'•''

"""""" CountySec. Name of Appropriate* Type of Form File No. ' Remarks

3k. ftp*. /maJ GJU3- &/f\$tf : \

4 —-—' : ' '. •- fi< ' ; : , : : r}< . .

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LI _••••• • - a

VOW3 i Approved Stock Form—State Publishing Co- Helena, Montnna-42345 <Kfc»3

Pile No **' * • T /<£. B.. $..&. .fAft

DUPLICATE Coimty.....'C0&«a«KKi>£fcf.



Notiee of Completion of Groundwater AppropriationWithout Well

Developed After January 1, 1062

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Lnws, 19G1)

Date of Appropriation of Groundwatcr.....,/?TyS?.^T.j£!!

Owncr....«.a.->:-:^.a«....y?...^)<J.^yVddress...../j2v-^..rf.^.....^^>r../a> <v i,

Contractor (if any)

Address of Contractor

Date Started Date Completed

w 1) Describe means of obtaining groundwatcr (as by sub-irrigation,

j i i | i j developed spring, drains, etc.).^^^..^^^,^^..,^^^

._._! ! • I | | ...-»««36> yt* «**»^r- '

W J • —— 1 • 1 E

....; ;..... , ; I 2j jjcanB 0£ withdrawing water (gravity, pump, canal, etc.)

—I—|—i—x^j^E3—I—! ; | oi j ! 3) Depth of water table

,rr«uo~^* 4) Use of the water. ^.TT^..^..^. ^/t...a^J!^..f^....^.

Indicate point of appropriation :4Svu.-*p<f&t*-~ .....

and place of use, if possible. r>) Amount of groundwator claimed (in minor's inches, or gallons

per ™\nKte)£&fj^^6er,vX1,-MGt~v.1^rl&wtj£.

6) If used for irrigation, give number of acres and description of

land....../....«<«u*. xi/ it...//. M.. <6C. K f-

.gv+J^Bli-.'—JU*., £.6 /". X.«. ;/^..-^.-<3 ;••

7) Estimate amount of water used each year j

Signature of Owner.....;)^^^<^^-1n_..^y^...<>{l/yyt</^.....


This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Bccorder of the county in which theworks arc located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.


'T*reeelrad and filed tali fnMnunant toi record on tba.l.f$£dar ol*£*pf:..l9.b.%] at.H.'.S.-o'clock...i?...M., pefhaaent 111—of ViMouJa County, Sfata ot Montana - '

' Wltnasi my hand;* Varamae R. Crpuva, Counlr RecorderByThn..rsr1..rr.K<n!V»iwM««tfc*f-Dapotr

! Fa. l.X., „....•• yold j^u^

i ' ' • " '

|> ^

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Miy .••-,"•' • >-• * " •

'••£%$••£••••''• ' MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD MONTANA \N ATER RESOURCES BOARD ;.. y'srr:*-''."'•'•)••..' . Groundwater Division R E C E * " •;- .% f-: '?}k.; • Mitchell Building !] •S&'&^'^'S Helena, Montana 59601 JRN 2 3 ™'U I

' 'i2fif"i-:^;%!&- Recently a copy of a groundwater appropriation form,

'•'r$^0,-'':]•••!•••• GW 1, Notice of Appropriation o£ Groundwater | \

J ji®1^!*"•'-••' ^^ GW 2, Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation bytf&f<;::s-iX\ means of Well ! •

•'^«^->.*:j,' ' X GW 3, Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation without |^ ^ • y ^ J - : Well ! .';fl>ka;,f. "' • ' • . ' .;'M* ': :i~4 '-y}y " -.. GW 4, Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights (This form is;A*«r::.'".-'' obsolete and was limited by law to use only through 1965) \••-;%- •;•••• i- • •••v; : . was forwarded to this office by the County Clerk and Recorder.

ii:,;.•.'".'"• "• . This form is identified by• ., ; -.V • Owner Gordon R. Doney Address Arlee. Montana 59821

.: ""' '•• Location T. 16N., R. 2OW., Sec. 36 Document No. 284B28 I::' . •.. ', - 1 •

. The form is complete as filed. This is to inform you that your GW form has. • been received and no further action is necessary on your part.

The form is incomplete. Please complete the enclosed copy by providing in-formation where indicated, or as noted here and return the corrected copy to

' ' the Montana Water Resources Board in Helena. 1

I Please indicate dates of commencement and completion of spring development, j• : Also estimate the amount of water withdrawn in gallons per year. ;V*

: . j Other. •-••;.t *i

i. i ; . l

i ' •'i •

• ' r•• •:.• • •• i

'.•,'• County recording information is missing. Please forward this information to !'• -- . the Montana Water Resources Board in Helena. I •

• .... I .- " . • ' .

: . • - • . • I

'' ' ' -••••'


w^KKBUq*-*i{ j /_/ : *'/ Tii j't' T'f'F' * h ' v a*- —. J»k vSpt •• . t* ' »™ ' ' *" kj ' "* • • - ' ' I** yjinryH jCpQt4F*rnV|1| f

I tffsBrfcKBtr^'t*''*•:. ^t *T' Ki •' .' ••*'*'*' ' * •*•' . •*"• >< *.'. <•(? .• < i. i • '. ' J • /t "** * .. * 'V^i^H^S?

§'•'•••,;i ....:....;....;—Vir7.i....;.... ; . • . • ...v,j|.yh... : ! j J ; : 3) Depth of water table ,'.,.*! >|

i,, ~£, , f Indicate point of appropriation i */>MJ +1**^ - • - •—^* ,s •;J^^ I

£$$•: *"* plOe* °' ni*' " P* "*- 5) Amount of groundwator elaimed (Jn miner'* inchea, or gallon. ^ F

/. -:'..,,. • .6) ,If naed.for irrigation, givo number of acrea and deaeription of '_ • '• *i-i

£) und^y^-rtc-vt**^ ^r¥- ,fHJ/t/ ,r, -&**•/ v-1

& •" • ' LT " • "•• '•"«!:*v; ' • '" ' ' ' ' 7 •*'•%'It'*'- 7) Estimate amount of vntcr twed each year.....j£?1i..??.™.a(j&saC_. . •••'4a • _y__/ \;i

^•- • • '••r.-ij£- Thia torn to be prepared by contractor Upany), otherwiae by the owner, .. ,. • >$s '

' "^i./ Throe eotdea of thk notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the ' ' '•^':. 'worlaiew located. ...¥;'at.'-*. • v.v •••'" ':v '.>,'• f PleaM antwer all queitiona. If not applicable, »o state, otherwtac the form wi>.: be returned. ,:\. j '

ftf;':-' •" - • '; ••• •• •-' ••' ••••••' fsfes-^^M,


-"* ApprOYd Stock Form-Suit Publlitlnt Co, HeleM, Mcmumi-42199 • 3J»» y ^

File No 1—}4/^K-.,#.&J?..

DUPLICATE Connty—^a?.^^?-



JAN 2. 1PR4 -Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation

Without Well SlA.u ...„,„.,.;l

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Law*, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of Groundwater /.../..iSi.-S...

Contractor (if any) ™.«3£Aat-£_.

Addree* of Contractor .ZtfL&MJL**..... _

Date Started..:OCte£3i<fe? Date Completed...:*******!-:.....

n Describe meant of obtaining groondwater without a well "as byI 1 ; 1 j 1 ; ; 1 sub-irrigation and other uaturol pro«Mies". Include depth to...}, L...!.... .:.—.; I—- water when applicable....7) t 5*WW»4£.../ ^

--LJ | I-4--I ^ ^ . * ^ . . . * A m £ ^ „ i. 1

I I ! i : i X ~w • ! ! ' : ; ! r.

'. I ! | I ; Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method.........,....;- ; ; | ^ ^ to meainre or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent

" estimate approximate lengths of periods of vMe.J Sd i .. .. >

Indicate point of appropriation vjand place of use, if possible. AA*A<nti9!*U..t.

Signature of Owner.JlLd^.l.U^ti&GjC. ..._

»^Jk*.,.A8.J.lbA .'

This foi-m to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. \

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theworks are located. '

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


C '


;•«• 1 S-r-ff.- , ,,._. . , ..._ _ ^ || , '•

t(:\ \\\ 6RQUNPMATER INDEX • 1 Page *. \ -. j

;O I ]' aiMa/ntttXJlJ)- Tiro. /£> h/ line. /?6J ,

^r i —:— __^5SSS5 - i County

; Sec. Name of Appropriates Type of Form File No. ' Remarks

•<U\.. II ^i4&tSs,V>^W/'O. fnfitJ^. 9-/X900

. ; J , \

!*'*' \

1 . .|

—— " • — • •••—• ' »

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!i ! ~ • ~ • i '" ;• I, , . . , , ,.

I _; i_^ i *; I

: 1 ;

• I — I

•it . . J

OWJ ' AppronJ Slock Form—Slue PublWHni Co, Helen.. Montana—41»}3* ^ *

Me No T-U4g^-45L_--

DUPLICATE Oonntefc-,-——,.——,,,.^..----


— I Top of around OFIIOB OT STATS SHOXVUBp^g g g JS

(Her. above tea M.. ) Notice of Completion of GrpyndwaterAppropriation by MeafifTOftW'NEER

0 to 2* Tap Mil (Under Chapter 237, Montana Sewion Laws, 1961)

: **V»?Z?7lv * Owner HS^J^SS. yutnmJS^JSSSt

i ~ gnml DriUer ?*« °^...._ WJ*!!^

^ «0« to22* Oil? * *••!.«•*• Date of Notlce of Appropri.tion of Gronndwoter

-^. fll» Date TreU itarted-"'""** Datfl Completed.*./*!./**. ,• *"•» Brills)* n u n telll '

: «•• •• ti« «ur»«i ^-i=; lsirMSi^=ia!^ ;Tt1 %• TC1 ataaifgniVaX driUed) other) \

•X«jr * •••• *•••» Water Use: Dome«tio ft Municipal • Other Q Irrigation • *~ fft tt yii 01^ A p m j Induitrlal D Drainage Q Stock Q 4

I M* ^* f5* ttaA|(nv>l -ssa Indicate on the diagram tbe character and thicknen of the different \, ~ wt%*T ( Mi1*— 1 ••«••••) itr»ta met with in drilling, indi ai toil, clay, ahale, gravel, rock or land, eto. "! Show depth at which water it encountered, thiekneH and character of water- '<| fi* %• 104' CUjr * gfltml bearing itraU and height to which water rises in the, we!L iI ~ KH» U 1051 a—*.—***. I

1 ~ •Mter(4a.M.) StVl. w^Tl 531! «£« ""•*"" ;

1 ^ 109* H 11V 0«t.1 «M ^ ^ S I KS I A

^_ 111* U 115* fnv*l Mat * to ii»»-f" ••»

~ *nto».~ i


_ " Static Water Level for non-flowing Well .7* feet j

_ ._,.; I ; „.! • I Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL—.._..._..... _........_.-.„„......—. I

_ ' '• '• \ : i 82 9k i.....—:—,. ,—]—i—- Pumping Water Level ...feet at • gal. per minute.

! : I ; I ~"j Discharge in gal. per min. of mowing well !

• • • i i i How Tested...if^. Length of Test*?-?!!!*?. ;..... ;. • . ; ,; : ; ; ; Bemsrksi (Gravel packing, cementing, parken, trpe of abutoff, loca- ;

"••; ; ; : ;--•;--- tion of place of use of eroundwater if net at well, and any j....:...}•...''•- '• i :-... otner similar pertinent information, including number of i

- I '< '• 1 '' ! •—•• acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) ;

- ....->/«..... 8ee../l T../>. Bif_ *£• „ !_ Indicate location of well and !

place of use, if possible. Each _ ! /— small square represents 10 acres. :

„__! 8how exact depth of bottom. itiMM* # T \

, Driller's License Number ;

^d$JLH^J.St*7*£i2.Driller's Signature if

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderk • in the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of' Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for tbe Appropriator. 7.<roi°


/•taw* e«-«r.«N* **-»«•• ^J; r iidi :

'I • - "



-<W 3 Approved Stock Form—State PubllsWns Co.Hdtm, Monuiu-42345 ° ^ >» \

Pilo No f T...../l .U....../..J?. f \

DUPLICATE Covnty..J$S.f..f..&~iA./..3r



Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation

: Without WeilDeveloped After January 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) •

Date of Appropriation of Groundwnter....^...y^#^«/3«..../S?6^<f.

Ownci cr_ J.a. .. >..£)B.>vyfcldress.. T. ..Jt.. ,../5?d 7"

Contractor (if ntiy)

Address of Contractor '.

Date Started Date Completed

N 1) Describe means of obtaining groundwatcr (as by sub-irrigation,

: ! j ! | ! | developed spring, drains, etc.) JL?ervt-/.apJtr.cL...C.J3.yr/W a

\ i l l ! | j ±,2*t>* Q.<uj*A./xF.....T~a..t*..k..-4r..j?.Jf*c

; .—.:._„.: : |...j |.— M./..W.*. /«?. HaufJJk.

(V \ \ \ I ' I E

j . | I , j 2) Means of withdrawing water (gravity, pump, canal, etc.)

i '&'&*&. \ i ; &-+'-l&-**rfy '•

; +S T+l*f ! j I 3) Depth of water table ^

I J V c ^ ^ ^ ^ J r ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ' ^ ) Use of the vtatcr......//.o..c,.s..M..../..t,../J.i ]/t efi. T R •

Indicate Jioint of appropriationand place of use, if possible. 5) Amount of gr0Undwatcr claimed (in miner's inches, or gallons j

per minute) i4L...A41 rf>v«u'--tZL-.--<3Mv>CA ... i

6) If used for irrigation, give number of acres and description of

land .//a !

7) Estimate amount of water used each yQt\r..../..A.l)y.X)azi>....4*iitaS

Signature of 0wner....^p£v<5&^yv.••-•^--j&^c»«;"-" '•

Date .f-~.../.j/...~*../.f%:.G...

This form to be prepared 'by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theworks are located.

•- ' Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. <

i .'" •". • •

I ' I received and filed Ihli Inttzamemtoi jI I record on !&,../'.f. \I I af...,.&,t.ix!j..o'dock.(Ar*..M.. pormaneni tfJ«c fI i . o/.Miseoula County. State 0/ Montana 'I ] Witness my hand:I < Veramae R. Crouse, County Secordeij i By .r Deputy |I ' Fee t...,>> ,,:..Paid &A&JJ \ g t

•, §Q v

; '•• . giu OT •.

:, -. i> I •

I • . • • ew ^ :

! . ".- V...- •: 10 &

I ,0 - . :,.,:.

I • '


( ••

' . 1


"0N Appro»«l Stock Fonn—Sum PubUihtaj Co, Helm. Monuuu—41234 < >3 6* | \. v .

File No T_.../£...Lb_._/./£ —

DUPLICATE Coimty/i^Zr,'.^:.^/.::^.-^.... :STATE Of MONTANA '


! JAN <i i&6 - '-/ ;Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights _ imr

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) " ' « ' t [ jV;'•.• • •

1 i^W/aj/ikteL , &.LlkJUL*L jJLh2\hLL i •i ^ (Nam? of ppropriator) ^ (Address) ^ (Town) ;! County <AJ -(l!LQdiLU-4r -State of. Z).'..}llil '

have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: \

i ITjjl ! I ! I i I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based.4<^..tZ:.^.C//(^7 ii < *?--[ j—- •!-—j |— <J.Ul.....JLrl-SjX></JX/.. |i x _U_i i. I....I | '-•-- Ij ^ , I j ^ ^ Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- >'I ! | ! | j ous the use has been........lll,i /}£$£. '

w —j—i—| ;—j—|— E Z~ZZZZZ!!!C'^^i^5'^"H^Z~""Z!~ZZ!ZI •j ;....| .j j I ^ ^ amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons i

.... • :—• j—! j per minute) Zf..&...Q.J.ii. \

• I -4-|-f- i-~H ^ • " II I : • I ! I ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands .

s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

\ ' n iH.wl.% oec.^,.|.... t*-4-^>. ic.i...y.. —i**y'S-^-*c V*?"tcix7"— ~ '/""' Indicate point of appropriation —* • "

and place of use, if possible. Bach , . .,, . , . , , . I '; small square represents 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- {

tion of each well or other meanaof withdrawal..i-.-rtr-i-T1!/-- !; ^ ^ = i j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

: 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- {drawal of groundwater J.ll.(2d._./.i....i£El „... j

8. The depth of water table _ _ !

: 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other jworks for the withdrawal of groundwater •//•••! ; • / *••+ • - • « • •

:..i....,T../2r_J. ...£y../..Z_Zlxs=c j

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ^.'i.../..x....L.,.iXi<&i:'. -

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available !r\, .ZZ!j _ I

; _^^..^...'^fi<ib^...tji-*^<feferil-<r. ' /"' I ' S\ 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ,•• reference to book and page of aur county record. . • • ~ «..«—.« lrl... ,, ^ MH.r „... j

Signature of Oyma..J^J^Ui.iLJJ^...-X^~~^L'.U^i( '

; DitoJfej^ 1JLJX4S )

i Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

, Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of _Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. o 0' 3


h —

• l . .

_ _ , '• I

• • •; •; £&: i .

1 !i • !

1 noatod and »W Al, lo,tmm<at tor I, '****.j!h:dU 4wo*.j9At-(....jeiJ

•ta.'Jf*>.M.. r.rnan.iX <ij«-••• " «'«oiil« Coonlr, Stale o/ Montana

Vfltncst mj> io«*

»^s.,aLW>P.pU(rr«g »..jaft...ii>* o/j

| • : •• • i • i• - ' • ; . . I • I

I . . ••','"•..


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O Arprored Stock Fora-SUtt Pobllihtej Co, Helem. MontM»-C2M «^^>>7 I '•

Me No. V-JJhjL*-/?J!L \

DUPLICATE County_..^&£fefl*4fc-<f •; STATE 07 MONTANA 'j ADMINISTBATOB. OF OBOUNDWATZB CODE [31 E C E Jf ¥ K fn] - •I omens of state encumber In] ' ,i

[ Declaration of Vested Groundwater RigMs.T •| (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) " * « ' C EN\j j ,•• ._ '. -

i, OX, 4", ^/Us^vxjs?^ of. rrr. ^&&t-=r_ j/ y (Name of.Apprcpriator) (Address) (Town) i

j Octant of_ ^^^.h*^L._..__: J3tate of. .^(^.fefc^.. (I have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: \

j* *•/ i -/-" II i ; I 1 j j | I 2. The beneficial nsfcon whieh he claim is bm&.../Z&#k.*!!$#$£&:.. ;—-i •—-1 i—-j |— .. .{ _... k?a<a .... !5feS ^ „ ;

• I j j , I | ^ Date «^ approximate date of earliest beneficial_nsei and how cejitinu- .;.—.:....!.—-• i—-!—i— oug the use has bem..../...4/...Jk...&C.. ^~..&*MlU***. .

; *• ^ * i , i ; i I ...*M&L.:. „„........ X —I W ; 1 1 1 j 1 1 E '

\ ; : i I j i 4. The amount of groundwaterdaiinAdJin minerjs inches or gallont/ •?| ....;....:—.: |—.| ].... perintan^..^<%^«i«^.^;j/<^ir^^ \

.-•;•-!•-!- H~t~ ' * r1 I ! ! ! I ! I i I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •.

g to which water hag been applied and name of the owner thereof ;

Indicate point of appropriation """ : !and place of use, if possible. Each . , 7mnall square represents 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing snch water from the ground andjhe loon- j • ,

tion o/eaclt well or other means of withdrawal..--S<sS<?M<!aS'. > •__^6&22«£ . . -I / Z Z Z l Z i

1. The date of commencementind cqmp3etion.of the construction of the well, wells, or othor works for with- <drawal of groundwater. ~!fty!2.£k'r.tL/,i<4Al~lLtti. ./ _. . _... J

; 8. The depth of water teble...^..-rf^...x^.^:.L.-^/»(«cr.. , \

' 9. So far at it may be available, the type, «zo and- depth of/dck well or the general specifications of any other •i works for the withdrawal of groundwater........:.*S*fiiL..JKA& •

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each ycar....^?..^^.^f^..yf.3.^..^.....'.'^/»..^..^*^/ I .

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available (<?±rfc?/(?23tiv:*+.

^ >#> ^ t> m> # t ^ m^ .... ..... , r '

i 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the poUpy of thisyict, including "reference to ,book and page of any county record -. ~ /ZZkt~..£J 6@&fuA. udL(..leij£)h..:.u.. „..„ ...„„_._.. ...„ „.._. . ............. ......_. _~ ... . i,

" - Signature of Qm&J^t^^S^^fi^ltai/jh^... '-

U*J.1:/.3/./A.3.. !v

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau off Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriatcr. 0


• • i

1 • "

1 L • •

; rocN'v^d Mrf Ulmd Hill tiitrwmmt tjSl ,record mtjujrj...(..•&• ot.//£<.t»p...'at lACJorloek.r.Jt., frmaXMM Mi-ni U'zroula Cntinfi*. Srala o M«jrtaii«

••-' : • • I" • . ••

• iJ- , i' • • j

™ j

:: <<\' ' .'•.'./

•' i • • • . .-•" •i • - S



-*' Appnnred Stock Fonn—Sute Publiildog Co, Hdraa, Mimun—42199 jjBfc.* "7, I

Pile No T /4.._B__/.£._™.

DUPLICATE Comty^^^ksfctftt^



Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation'- • -

Without Well

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

Date of Appropriation of Groundwater......«?5s©»«<L.J(&3&<!.... I

I Co, factor (if any) ^OM^TT. I

I Address of Contractor -T. ...... I

I Date Started. Date Completed......#.#i?. I

I n Describe means of obtaining ground water withont a well "m by II I j 1 1 1 1 ; ; 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes' '•, Include depth to II ...j j i i I L- water when applicable .../tMMb»M...«!fg&:'ji.r.*. I

I : ! \ \ \ ; Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method II ....;...-;—,- -, j i ^gj to BeMnre or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent I

I • riuij * estimate approximate lengths of periods of use /£*&<<~U...rdM>2iz. I

I Indicate point of appropriation , / « ' II and place of use, if powible. . d*JLfa..* .//C ia2ZMJ'./*r.. I

I rp^ "7 ~,I Signature of Owner....I »«-/..l ... ia <fS' i«te*rfr: I

I " x>«*..U$J3jA.3. I

I This form t» be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. I

• Three copies of this notice arc to lie filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the I• works are located. , I

I , Please nnswer all questions. If not applicable, so slate, otherwiiie the fora will be returned. . I

I Original to the County Clerk and Hecorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana, II Bureau of Minen and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriate*. I

•••" 4fai y t y l *

1 received <fi kilixl.thli Atnmt*, J^j f-

at .„ l/3i^chcir... ( M.,fitaatuuit 10— 'o/ V'ou/aourifXi Stutcjoi MoataMM

Fw i fX/SlM.,. raid

i •,

OV - Approred Stock Fotm-Stau Publtahlnf Co. Helena, Montana—422M < g >

PfleNo...^.^ON1^WTERRESOURCESBOARD T 16»....A 1M J=!.




> Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights> (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Law*, 1961) :

WXI&XAM B. BKOCKMOr and; L HKTJBI BBOTKOTT ., of &ClM.' (Name of Appropriator) (_ Mress) (Town) ,' County of Mlrartla stat0 „£ Hfeafetn* |

have appropriated groundwattr according to the Montana lawi in effect prior to January 1, 1962, at follows:

- . !i i i T~~~] j I I 2. The beneficial me on which the claim is baaed dOMMtlcaad. ' |

-- •—••—-:-— i—-i i— AjociswUon .....! ; I

I ! ; 1 i j 3. Date sr approximate date of earliert beneficial nae; and how oo&tinn-; —;»--!•*--:— j—-j—!— oni the use has been. 1952 «»t«r «M -ContintHMt* <MBi w j I i I ! i I E J«priisg»M indicated ;

, ....; ; , j , . ^ ^ amount of grtrandwater claimed (in miner'i incliea or gallon!|....: X..; !----; I— por minute) . 10 iiiwr'B inolKB - '

; I ! ! ! I ! : ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lMidi...._.._-. ^-l«_i^_l to which water hai been applied and name of the owner thereof

•w4pni4pnt3( •WtUtyaWf , , ,•Hvls vfvV » ——^ iukvi An nfffii^M^ m *™

• •" 7*-*~~" O"*"'*© * <-AnlM*»""A3r• «.««..«—««««..«——«.«.«— _«»..........Indicate point of appropriation " ' j (and plaoe of um, if poiaible> Bach•mall aquare repreaenta 10 acre* & The meant of withdrawing tueh water from the ground and the loea- '

tion of each well or other meant of withdrawal. ; |

7. The date of commencement and completion of the conitruction of the well, wellt, or other worka for with-drawal of gr9iindwater....a«9 . . _ _... _ ._..„__...._..._..

8. The depth of water table «*,...•.,_ - -.. '

t. So far at it may be available, the type, fixe and depth of each well or the general tpecifieationt of any other -workt for the withdrawal of groundwater. _ »

„. fc jt jf*iy#»j« Bjyr4nja *• ro w#11 _ :


10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year .WUrJjM.-- ..10.JailMK.!JL.iaB>M(R..XAWr•rouna

11. The log of formation! encountered in the drilling of each well if available Bon* - '-

12. Such other information ot a similar nature at may be useful in carrying out the policy of this set, includingreference to book and page of any county record.. ^ - . '

• Cffl'A 'XEi'.;rt"'^nl jfy"^io'P^py^Zni"

Signature of 0wnefci«^^«^:-k^^n^^^2V

Date....- MOvtnbwr-9,-196.7.

, Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Becorder of the county in which the well it located.3.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

, Original to the County Clerk and Becorder; Implicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. _ q

*t , £S Si, j


\ j . si ST7Ao

• ifj I isrwlvrf aid ttlmd (hit lartrewnl "' {f, ft 2,'/ 41 rtn/jT. •' ;• in C'.iif «!•» ' • •y ot Hiiucl" Cir.'f, Stuif o/ . ;<nacint' . '•Wilr.K'" r-y ) i«J . - I T

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\ Z - ; •' [• v

i a. "•* ii ':

• i • -. ^! -

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I ' 1


- - "•

OW1' ' Approved Slock Form—Slue Publhhlni Co.. Heleni. Monuu—41*33 - ^ ' I

FfleNo v'0NTftv'"'"-*rL..,---,J?Cf.i6-,M, T_JL6H R 19w «<\ • -

DUPUOATE PSCT.'.'tO GmtyJ£.2£?tt?L* ;


P — 1 Top of Ground — — - H H ^ ~ - 0W1CT OF 8TAT8 ENOntEER

j (Kier. at»ovf,M»to»rtl~-_;__.;..) -Notise of Completion of Groundwater

15» <a«r * Botad«« utti. Tiataii5« Appropriation by Means of Welll£* (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) :

»• ^lS«r fSraVel Owner.... JjOC«L.AJ}9X<«L_ Mdress_.te&fiSJS«t_____

~ DriUer....Jflhft..Enrr.Cl.i MdwM_^teaao.Mgnt

' , _ Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater ~_ !

Date well started.Xflb...l..l9.6a Date CtompletedlA&.Jt.lSfiS |

~ Type of we1L_.ariXl*d Equipment Uied_..._01lSUa..JtelU ' ,_ (dor, drtTen, bond or (Churn, drill, rotarjr or '

drilled) other)

Water Uiei Domestic K Municipal D Other D Irrigation Dj ~ Induatrial Q Drainage • Stock D |

I '99 Indicate on the diagram the character and thiekneai of the different jj ~ strata met with in drilling, such ai toil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or land, etc I: — Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water- !

bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well.

**"•" Mm atf Mm m4 Ww^m TmM M ***** OTnt) VmU ""M»A"OW1

_ 6" (6" 10.97*9 0 30' «~ arm <r*o

i - 'II

! _ " Static Water Level for non-flowing WeU Mi ieet.

' — i i ; ! ! !.*. Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well™ ™~

i "" —I—I ; !—|—|— Pumping Water Level 28.....feet at per minute. ' .

I ; i """! ! j "" Discharge in gal. per min. of floiring welL..._. ._..... .„...........„...„_ I

_ : • ; : I ; H0W Tested Jtimp Length of Test.kJJM?

i • I : ! I Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of ahutoff, looa- I— ; j : I ; I tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any I

! • : : . i ; .I. other similar pertinent information, including number of [! ~ ...y...,.--j j , ;

! _ I :—; ' ! '• • 1 acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)..., !

O...._yJ^Jteec.?£.. T«* bA?? .-/_ Indicate location of well and /

place of use, if possible. Bach _ _ S\ ~~tr%% miall square represents 10 acres.f _-)w _ _ ;I | _ J Show exact depth of bottom. ,. »

• i Driller's License Number ,

......Jt4&kt.....j&\A*xjt&£L iDriller's Signature

'; This form to be prepared by driller, and tb-'ee copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Reorder* in the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If dot applicable, so state, otherwise the form will he returned.

t Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. i_L "R Afb

• i

\ ' i i. • I • I stctlntl emLHUa tbti JaunmmjoL,

I r«gdottli..X..J)to'*« tA.» ./S et..7..:.mff...*doek&L.M. petmaamU liltg : at Mlumla Cmatr. Slot* el HantmaS Witn—t mf hand: '1 Puomina Cauj&tmatr Imntor ;

* r«« t..Jl.i.a..(l.....-~n-:ir.-$Mi<f


• I •


j .V1- ' •-' - '' ' <

• -f

, ' 0 4

« .

n '/••/ & t o - -: c> / / Approved Stoii Fonn—Sute Publtahloa Co, Helena. Montana—42234 c<tej»>V

| Ffle No. y^ T../^. *-f-fL%-- :-

'• DUPLICATE ' Connty......:.'2U-<a^W^^s;-- •)


| Declaration of Vested Groundwater IgfeAlTC ENGINEER; . (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) .

!• 1. <Z_ :_.... ifZtS^r. , of....g2^£^a^....y&.^r./J^4^../.: (Name of Appropriator) Address) * (Town)I County <A..J?#iJ^UskcaJ2^, .State of.—32L&V<C&t*&1*4=; |I have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January i, 1962, as follows: ,

I n .. . " ,., ';.:\'\ T j i j i 1 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is>-(iati;;..!!T. | jj —-! i !— ;-—;—-! •^^^^^^^skA^y^^.- [I ____: : : j.. i | > <; T\ '•'•'• "','•'• 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- ;

• j 'yl .-.j..„:.„..:— •„..;—j..... ous the use has been {...&,%.£....kt>....l.S..6>.3t j

op»v —i—'••—i—'—i—I—i— e ~zzzi~zzzz"z~~rizzzzr"~z zzzz \

j ' • ;''"; j 'j ! L The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons •i —-j I—-; ;'—•! j—- permmute).....x -fc hAiad!M t>y< ; -••- -•-—• ( "

i **••• --;---!——'—i—i— '! l/: ! ! I .i ; i I • 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands .' . Ij s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof j! 3() /** /f -&0-4**&b4vCr&4z i| 14 Qgj ^ B....<. i '; Indicate point of appropriation " I ,

and place of use, if possible. Each .,, . , '•small square represents 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- : |

' ,, tion of each well or other means of withdrawal • • ' ji ---^^^(^^sr-^orr^ — j

' 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells,, or other works for with- ij drawal of groundwater....y...a..£.£)....M.....y....y..g* „. .. . _.. j

"• L : \8. The depth of water table 4i!£*t«d*4a~&it*J*y\z; -—-' '

»9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other j / :works for the withdrawal of groundwater. .„ „ j

^..^^...^j^g^.. £..-^*<&&x&c*^ \

a 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each yeta.....^..^..gtJ5MS..^...J^.(^-(jU^...^j..tKjJ j

11. The log of formations encountered in the dril'tag of each well if avaaable.....^;E;;j;c;;^;ij^;:;gi;^^_;y _ ,' I

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including j ireference to book and page of any county record. _.~. ....y ^ ^ . . ,'..

:::::::::z:::::::=^^ •

Signature of OYn^S^0^.^.S.J^gt^^£jtt^- '.

tJ***£LJL$AjU '

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well in located. |

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. (

L Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of i' Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ' /•y'6 7 i

I f / f ••••

" • ••" .- • " '••-

•••:' -.; C^> V HI7 received aad Ulfd tbtt imftniimmt ><}rd, ' : '

MARTIN SpBUjfllJI, County Jttcortlet "• V,

\ Ftt &S%.s.j>t£>.;. ', Paid j . • .'. "' -ii? .' ,

-• : • ; : i : ) + ,-j

• • i •' . ;; ; ,,:;

-•'••• ' , . x

" >: f

* - "

o. . • •

I •

. i

t ;

„* 3 t i Approved Stock Form—Slate Publishing Co, Helena, MonUM—«2345 i»CP>> \

File No : T /i JJ.. /.£. .>>\

DUPLICATE Couiity....!22&*ktfrt«=^'.



Notice of Completion of Groundwater AppropriationWithout Well

Developed After January 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1901)

Date of Appropriation of Groundwater.

Owncr.tS^4^.<^.^^^...Addrc^ ?

Contractor (if nny) .*2£fc3§.

Address of Contractor .2h^±^;.

Date Started /...?..£.?.. Date Completed L?

N 1) Describe means of obtaining groundwater (as by sub-irrigation,

! i ! ! ] j developed spring, drains, etc.)

| j I j i | Mk&Jf1^..dfiUxt..?. .Q*!:.</....£?f.!*s?f

.J....J |._ |....j_j jd*Jj£>//.4.&w ta &**J?.e&«:f.±

j ; I I , i 2) Means of withdrawing water (gravity, pump, canal, etc.)

— i i—j ;-—;.-—:—. O^-nV^y; J J ; t ! V' t/' 'i ! ! j [A \ 3) Depth of water table .....JJbSfc.

^ • n - ^ 4 - 1 * ^ " " ^ • 4) Use of the water. ^k^^.M^/^.....^ff!tUV* Soo...j3./. T../.A. nj.&.

Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. 5) Amonnt ()£ grourldwntcr claimed (in mincr.8 inchc8i or gaUong ;

por minute)

6) If used for irrigation, give number of acres and description of

land. 3^......Q^As*xJj4..

7) Estimate amount of water used each year. ....

Signature of Owner...«3E2Lr^^...<?^....../tJ.Anfe*;..<^1.

Date..j£^L.5...£ LSjtL?

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theworks are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.


J 3 1

I received and filed this Inetrumtnl forrecord on the. o!.k...iay ol...&M.19.£&at .?,.>./?..o'clock. <£».M., permanent fl)w

* of Mlssoula County. State of Montana• Witness my hood: " H

Venma&B.iQrousM County flecorder, BiL Uav../H - V MO: Deputy

Fee S..cZ2.—.f.f. ». Jald £ ajC> '"

•'• ' £ t

• ! -• • . gill „ . : •:•-•'

•! . • |ui ^ • ; = :•

i • : '-.




-.-: ••••"*•'..,. x '


' IAN 19 WU i.'••; • MONTANA WATER RESOURCES EOARD *•" >.;.. -.-'•'

•r „',* Groundwater Division •Jv :,;.; Mitchell Building -\.-..

v *# Helena, Montana 59601 . ___—.—

•ti u :jjf, ' Recently a copy of a groundwater appropriation form, ; - .

> ,jl , v.!' __ GW 1, Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater I

JiuT &•' ___ GW 2, Notice of Completion of Groundwatar Appropriation byfei.'., < nV means of WellihS" '•..'<"•M. ' . ••'•It v • ,i-iji-r-i•,;•";-/• A GW 3, Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation without * *'S-U:^ Wel1 '

;.'v;iH" ; ' GW 4, Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights (This form is •;•• ,•fi'K'/' '•'-,;: obsolete and was limited by law to use only through 1965j

;'• •. .'. was forwarded to this office by the County Clerk and Recorder. . •

: " Thi6 form is identified by • 1•'; •';. ,_. Owner Fred Doney Address ArleeT Montana 59821 ; .

Location T. 16N., R. 19W., Sec 31 Document No. 285010 '— — ^ — — — — — — • t ,

• • *• '

The form is complete as filed. This is to inform you that your GW form r.s,s . ,been received and no further action is necessary on your part.

• X The form is Incomplete. Please complete the enclosed copy by providing I:. • ••• '' formation where indicated, or as noted here and return the corrected ccpy zo

the Montana Water Resources Board in Helena. ,. ***

• ./ Please indicate the amount of withdrawal in gallons per minute. •'- ' "' '.

Other. •"'•.'. •

' • ' ' ' . ' i'* .

•\':;' ' '! ' •' •••-."'" ! ___ County recording information is missing. Please forward this Information to ' • . - • . .

' the Montana Water Resources Board in Helena. • -/

v - • • 'I

.• I ' . .-•••'• /\ , - .-'


m ^ ' ~ . • • • -.-•' • ••; •: -••••"•-:;: '••• • • % C j < - > M•'''»' ••%S.iijrl!>' ' ' AW""* Staajofm-Swt PubUihlnj Co, Helm. MoaUltt—4U4S fe>1 l .'..t!'^ ".'. Fhe No.___;.*.J!.i._t • T /£ J8 .#L___ - I'

'•:;,• ; DUPLICATE X*-.fc • • C<mnty..! 5l2fe««-fc«5 f



Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation f i

Without Well !Dewiloped Aftar January 1. 1882 [

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Lnw», 19G1)rtOKTAHAWAiLliRESO^f-FSPOARD • [R E C E t V E D • , • • . , • •

• • - Date of Appropriation of Oroundwatcr. „ _ |

-r ""•; -'JAH l tJ.IJ/U . o m w x $ Z L * # t ^

Contractor (tf any) TiHrXdL '. .. \\

•; . . . - - * • Addreas of ......!h± r<! .'. \ i

Date Started l..5.#..% Dntc Completed L?.J/..f. 'I

N 1) Describe means of obtiiining Kfonndwoter (as by mib-irri(?utlon, '

! ! ! ! | j j developed spring, drains, etc.)

j l i ! | j ! hk .-*lzp>.r/..ApM+*f..y. &?*</....*L? f.l!k# f

| " ...\.-\ !-- j-.-J—!-. ' ..<df^M',//.</£-*^ tt. J^?<£«.p.±..

W \ \ \ j ' | K '. ,

I ... . j . ; 2) Means of withdrawing wnter (gravity, pump, canal, cte.)

! ' • -i••••:--! i-j:-i-- # ^ ^ # .

i l l I rj j 3) Depth of wntcr tnblo . ...J .«- .

V':j0'e~~S£i,s.i%,iMy * " ^ 4) use of the water S&*hi*.*<.M*&.....l&!iU .:i i/4 Scc...j3./. TJA. 1U.J...

Indicate point of approprintioii 'and place of u»c, if possible. 5) Amounl of Kroundwatpr claimed fin miner's inches, or gallon.. .

per minute) 9<...if. Mr .1 . : '• , ;.

G) If used for irrigation, give nuuibor of acfes arid description of

; • land 3*^....Q:^*£s^dr£. . . ,

7) B«timate amount of wntcr uscil i-'iieli year... :

1 : r z y " vp-. . /' 1Signature of Owr\i-r...<&r/..r.%rt.x/.....A.£;:t.*....<. _^ , • f |

ThiH form to be prepared by contractor (if any), othrrwisit by th« owner. •

Three copies of this notice nrc to be filed with the Comity Clerk nn<l Keconli-r of the county in which the 'works are located. :

•" ' Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form willbi-returned. j


• 1

[•'S.''.'' , ' "' ' ' '•'.' "••••-'• • - • '• ' 's ;• /.• " • • '. - - « „ > - . . . " ' " ' • • • .•••••• . - • r ,

:.':.•; .'•.'•• -.' jf ' " MONTANA WATER RESOUR"'" BOARD .( R E C E I V E

•- : . :.v MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ';, )\r>,"' Groundwater Division JAN 2 19V»J 3^ik^kV- ; ' Mitchell Building T- ';'.'•>'.':--a!>••••••'• Helena, Montana 59601 !

'fiv'S-';1 v Recently a copy of a groundwater appropriation form,

. OUi^iV^-j.-S ___ GW 1, Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater ', *££?f:v:v , • j •" • 'iViv.'>•''•'"•,: '-• GW 2, Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation by •.>!$£/: !>::-: ' means of Well j •

.••'•iJSr^'"-•.'•".''• .U-V • X GW 3, Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation without j -'v?V .•.:;••';;;',» Well

'$§<•'•'' • "• GW ^' Declaration °f Vested Groundwater Rights (This form is ',;:'*; .'*.:";• obsolete and was limited by law to use on'.}/ through 1965)• ••''" '•.'•' P: • | ' ' •,.;•'• .-;.,':. was forwarded to this office by the County Clerk and Recorder. i •]

•••,""..?" •.•'.• ' . •' This form is identified by j ;'•'•',•;.„:, ••/ Owner Cordon R. Dnney Address Arlee. Montana 59821 t ;

'• ,.••.-' Location T. 16W., R. 19W document No. 284829 | .i i: • -J ! •••': •

••• •,.. ! • I.;1-' The form is complete as filed. This is to inform you that your GW form has j

been received and no further action is necessary on your part. j ''. • i

• • • i . , . • .' ''•!'.•

X The form is incomplete. Please complete the enclosed copy by providing in- • .formation where indicated, or as noted here and return the corrected copy to . ' ,.

'• the Montana Water Resources Board in Helena. v-'. •I Please indicate dates of commencement anil completion of fipring development. ! |' ' ;

•• ... : Also indicate Section number in the location <t 1 f * • '

< Other. I •', t

• . •'. •:•! . i v ' ' -i . ••

.••••••••."• i

'~y.::.;] r :••.,;,-,, , ; County recording information is missing. Please forward thi6 information to I , " ..«

i the Montana Water Resources Board in Helena. ! • /

'••.:••:••-: ! X-

i '•

;'•••- ' -.

- .'•• PH«iNo:...r.... 1—_? k> • t...../: b....../>? f••'••:.•• • JAN 2 3 1970 y i

DUPLICATE Connty../7,'</'..f_<>.*«./..JL..STATE OF MONTANA


Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation :

Without WellDaroloped After January 1, 1063 '

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1!)C]) !

• '•' ' IU-—. Date of Appropriation of Oroundwatcr....1/£.../y#,«</rX../$& . '"""

Contractor (if iiny) -.. 'i

Address of Contractor J# j

Date Started S*c '// ))nt.. (' \Av\fA..jSt»*.../MjC~. \\ '

N 1) Describe mennn nf obtniniiiK ifnminlwntcr (aa by sub-irrigation,

! i j ! j | developed Rpring, ilniitui, etc.) Zt,vt-/.af>*«cl...CJD.xsiJr6

• ; • I i _ i **ry. .c../T».<yV..7'....7"4./v:.A.*r./5.//«»c ;

....:....:.....:.... j....1 !—. JL/.W*. £0 £/*.**.*. . •

• ; ; ; ' ; ! ! - . i ,....—. , ...| , ; 2j Meam of withdrawing water (iiravity, pump, sanal, etc.) ;

'•'jO'Jy'mof. ; I : •6ry&,*>tTy '. '

»- , \ %Sf**f/f I i I 3) Depth of wnter tnbli< ^ ....:..........".....:.......'. '.. '

?***/./4rM4*S,-#V<».«V«*"^. Use of the wnter . ^ . j , ^ . . /„-</ :.

Indicate point of appropriation 'and place of use, if possible. f)) Amount of Kr(mn(iW|lt(T claimed i\n minor'n inches, or gallons

per minute) ^L. f t ^ t u ^ OjuX .Snru2*+,J(Z• '

fl) If used for irrii;atiiin, k\w number nf Heron and description of

land /faI -

7) Intimate ninoutit of iw*v1 i-nch yvnv .../.4.Qj&TXiQ...A*MitS j • '

I ' i ' /""I . . — j sI "' 8i(?nature of Owner..,.,,^1^^,...;.^..,.^^^...... |

TImk form to be prepared by contractor M*' uny), othorw-iw by thi- nwncr.

Three flopics of this notice arc to be filed with the County Clerk mid H«i-iirdiT uf the county in whieh the jworks arc located. \

• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, no state, otherwise the form will be returned. .


I• ' . •• - •" ' • • • " •

' 4 Approved Slock Form—Sute FubUlhlni Co, Helena, Montana—3M96 J9^**

File N4 ....„ ^ 1^.uf. E ISL^il! |



~_ (Hev. above tea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwarei' :

Appropriation by MfrlAS fot MteH h i h \ ,(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) i !

• i '" - Owner..M«»ri«e..|)ii..l3rtla .Address.. Arloa .JiOllt. j

~ Driller. O?.|to«f«.3»!A3JW.m..C.9.« Address Vmte..Udg»+.)hu±.. . /

, -*•' *• Date of Notice of Appropriation of Oronndwater ».„»_ .:

Date well started AprUA/^.^Date Completed Apr.ll.lO./^*

Type of well drilled Equipment Used OhUH j.— ('Jug", driven! bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or

; .irlUed) other)

• _ Water Use: Domestic tf Municipal Q Other • Irrigation Q~ Industrial • Drainage • Stock • . -

• "'53 Indicate on the diagram the character snd thickness of the different~ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc.

I — Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-\ bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. j

Ortat WrttMd (F«H) (tmn rMtFWtATI0W>Hoto Cntai 5SJ i FVo ] ri

Sht (TmO W*)

• _ !*• 6* 18.97< 1 ft. 71 ft,ftbortfijpotun

1 - ' •'" * [ i

M Static Water Level for non-flowing Well U- feet.I I I I I ! 1 i I

— i i. j..., j i I Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well.! ! ! ! ! ! i .1 j....| _; j 1— Pumping Water Levtl 52 ...feet at .J. gal. per minute. : •. .

• ! I 1 "! I ! Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well I!.vi.:.7.!i.:.:.:...-...^. -~_I — w — i — i — j — I — : — | — | — e

_ ! i | i l l How Teited Primped Length of TeMt...l.JU!...flr...tll—....!—| 1 f—j ;..„ r «t«Aili«ed

— | | I | ! | Bemarkn: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loea-< ) i j j"'"""! tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any ]

' j i ! j ! ! other similar pertinent information, including number of j

i _ I ! ! i—I '• '• 1—1 acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) , J

', - U...MSO. Sec-31.. T....16 R-l*. . ''V_ Indicate location of well and i /

• place of use, if possible. Each , {; small square represents 10 acres. ' •

- --- J Show exact depth of bottom. ' •• Driller's License Number , j

Driller's Signature \

o be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recordera ' « .

herwise the form will be returned.

, . ' ate Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of

tV-^ _ _


,*Bsacafcti.-^. _ -*•••-.-•••_;' '" ' '*"• • •" " '"~\v .-... . . J

., " ' " r~rrJ^7T"H

• • . : """" T" 'ii 1S • I

1 and Illv) (W» li<stiur<p-.t nr •

*Yi ¥J? o'clock ../* M., fKincnf;." // _ i joi M/uiouIa Cuulr, Slate o< Mcnicua >' , jW/m«iP my oncf; • ; \ IMAMfN S. BCHWEII, Zjjjlnty Derorder

^rw ta.*». fnirf I

i : :

• I : :. i_L


• ! . • : . • •• -:i : <-• . - ... -

•i . . ' ' s

! • : ; :- ; : .

i . : "; .. T j

fc • "*• It*'

I . •" ••'•'••• ?•

f' *W- ' ?. •:

t ".' '• ' &' I :?!V! • . •'•'•••!.• t-:'.v;t ,

'"*""! -

• ••


• . • i

. gNi ow J Retard i«« County-ittaaOJOla i•r*Tt pubusmini eowr-NV ] " f ' ' • it " :


NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF 6ROUNDWATER «ravel' *hale' »nd«»°"«. •*• Show 'APWOPR1AT.ONI BY MEANS OF WELL a t ^ S S E i T J j S !

Developed after January I, 1962 ;

(Under Chapter 337 Montana Senlon Uwi, 1»61, as amended) Top of Ground reic .*--. i~j> 'Thlt form to be prepared by driller, and three eopiei to fa« filed I jfm I n I ;by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder In the county In "^ g"°whidi the well It located, last copy to be retained by driller. __0 j_TJ Black _?11_ _ —__,-_JPlease antwer all question*. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the " T V ~T5arr"Qrav£ *"lform may be returned; o_ _ X2m _i>tt .{l_Ll_fclrX.__w. _ '

T?" "3S* ~aTar Oraval aV*BftnldaSr':

i Om--»L-mmJlaU ] FC,,,rato,',U..-| ^^ -^ ->•"•«»•

Addrets ifcCl.9*.Jfollt File 3^jD^3P.^>.!&. ]

..._....._.„..... _ Otfii-jSZir Jj.7.3 —. —» —_———.—^—_--_—' I

Date well started ..JKhf..JO..19Z2 GW 1 ./.H-i.{S£rf.>JBl!,. —• '

completed ....J.aa.A5..1973... 1- ——— •) i

Type of well X j(Dot, dri«M, bond or drilltd) ___ _____ *

Equipment used _X. .—_ ._— _—____—.__—______^(Cbun ortjl, rouiy or oUin) __„_ ____ -j-

Water Use: Domestic ljf Municipal • Stock D Irrigation • • — """""I

Industrial Q Drainage D Other Q* Garden/Lawn • — — —;

USRi If used for Irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I •state number of acres ind location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block — • ——— — — — — — — — » ,

and Addition) _,_,_ ( i


BSoli fSHiff Sim aSV) wnunoNi !KM Fran T« I

«" 6"X7J< 0 3^ "" ** ""* H I Z Z

N jj I | I Static water level 3....ft.*""""" "~""~""~'""'"""~~"""~'~* >

x ! j Pumping water level 32....ft.*' j<• J 4 at .XQ.gallons per minute, ^ [

' ! measured .S9..mlnutei after pumping,___ ___.___________________ {| I began. _ _ ____ ' i

! w | — — — — — • 'Measured from ground level. ___,. .___ ________.—_—__ \I i | Well developod by 9l__t*— — - __-—_-__-_______---_ , /; j J for _....h.vrs. —i • _ — — — — . 5 -! | | Power Pump HP —_—______—_——_—_,_—_ '' /j j | Remarlui (Gr«veJ packing, cementing, __ _ ___ ____ __ ' '! M V W**«*ty ' pack9rs' type of thufoH) — ^ ^ ;

^iyf«- .rte.(fc.'/4 ..A1U.V* Sec.T? "" ;t..../6>. n R.....J1 ,-r _. _ .


Driller's Signature ^.JMrfa44.....^alA/uM—

» ' "r Driver's AddressAflkfe.Mpnt t ~L 1 I

* LICENSE NO ^ — S^)0W *Xad ^ept^ °^ bottom *g

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| *V 1 r«*<ved and filed tMt Instrument 1»r It. record on the_*-5..dsyolSB a.l»3&. H* I4 utM'.tt o'el'. i'. A y,, pemfnent film y'r /\: II of Mistoula ..o..niy *••*»! /lOTtena " -7 Witness my . - . -....__',* Oorothjr L. huj, wounty K»c..rJsr . . • , -

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