Page 1: Tips to keep kids entertained on a long drive

6 Useful Tips to Keep Kids Entertained on a Long Drive

The time for annual vacation is here. No matter how much the kids love vacations, they

surely don’t like to travel. Traveling hampers their motion and restricts their activities.

So whether it is air or road, they are bound to get irritated. If you are planning to go for

a vacation that involves a road trip, it is imperative to get your kids involved in some fun

activities. Even though it is hard to involve kids in something for long periods of time,

you must certainly take some handy tips to keep your kids entertained on a long drive:

1. Take short breaks: Children have lots of energy and get bored very quickly. You

can take small comfort breaks after regular intervals. This will allow children to

stretch out their limbs. Ask them to run or engage in a physical activity. The idea

is to tire them out so that they fall asleep. This will also ensure that you get

breaks from driving and don’t drive for long stretches at a time.

2. Admire nature: Having children in the back seat undoubtedly increases the

travel time by almost 50%. This is because you have to stick to speed limits and

stop for small breaks. While you are stopping, you can help your children enjoy

nature like beautiful and colorful trees during the fall, a snow clad mountain or a

gushing river. This will reduce their boredom and keep them hooked in their

seats, at least for some time.

3. Prepare a goody bag: Being a parent, you know the likes and dislikes of your

child. Create a customized goody bag with some books, magazines or toys for

his/her age. You can also keep candies, chocolates or even their videogames in

the bag. A smart tip to make the bag last through the trip is to give them one

item at one time instead of handing over the entire bag.

Page 2: Tips to keep kids entertained on a long drive

4. In-car entertainment: Another smart way of keeping your children distracted

and happy is to create in-car entertainment system. There are several innovative

products like a headrest tablet mount that are available in the market today. A

headrest tablet mount is an adjustable device that can hold your iPad or most

tablet on the backseat so that the kids can see the screen. You can simply fasten

the tablet car mount on the back of the seat and it will securely hold your tablet.

This allows your kids to watch their favorite videos while you can easily drive for

miles at a time.

5. Pack some food: Children have a habit of feeling hungry or thirsty even if they

are in the car just for a few minutes. Pack lots of food that your child likes. This

can include veggies, fruits, chips, chocolates or candies. This is one time when

you have to choose indulging snacks for your kid. Chewing gum and lollipops can

keep your child hooked for an hour at a time.

6. Play interactive games: Try to engage your child in interactive games. You can

tell your child facts about their destinations and what they can expect once you

reach there. Another good way is to take them down the memory lane and ask

them about their last vacation or the last painting that he made. These games

can be learning oriented or just for the sake of fun. Whatever it is, just ensure

that you keep them interested for longest possible duration.

One of the most important parts of driving with kids is to ensure safety. Ensure that

they have fastened their seat belts at all times. You must also stick to speed limits at

all times and follow proper traffic rules.

Source: Infernal Innovations

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