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Tips for travelling

Topic : Tip 483 – 502Riding on public transportation and

Planning for international travel

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Riding on Public Transportation

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A mugger may be among the passengers and may be evaluating potential targets as they board. Board with confidence, displaying an I’m – in – control demeanor.

Tip 483 : Board with alertness and with confident

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If you are boarding a train or rapid transit system with many attached cars, choose a car in which there are several other riders.

Tip 484 : Ride with Others

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Look over the ridership. Make eye contact with the passengers who may be looking at you while you board. If you feel uncomfortable with the people on board, get off and wait for the next train or bus.

Tip 485 : See who is on board

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Choose a seat where you can see who boards. If you feel threatened by a boarding passenger, get off and wait for the next train or bus.

Tip 486 : Sit where you can see

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Sit as close as possible to the vehicle operator. If there is an emergency, the operator generally has access to a radio or telephone and can call for help. If there is a threat to you, you want that threat to also be felt by someone who has the ability to call for assistance.

Tip 487 : Sit near an operator

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Don’t trap yourself between a stranger and the side of the vehicle. If you sit on as aisle, there will be one fewer person to negotiate your way around to reach an exit.

Tip 488 : Sit on an Aisle

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Choose a seat that has good access to an exit so that in an emergency you can escape from the vehicle. Once seated, identify a second exit should the one you are near become blocked.

Tip 489 : Sit near an exit

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Make sure you hold on to your possessions particularly if you are seated near an exit. A criminal can grab you or your possessions just as he is getting off and as the vehicle door is shutting behind him. Keep your property between your legs or on your lap with your arms on top of it. Hold your property so that it cannot easily be snatched away.

Tip 490 : Hold on to valuables

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If you are riding in a vehicle so crowded that you must stand, try to stand with your back against a wall to prevent someone from surprising you or trying to lift your property from behind.

Tip 491 : Stand against a wall

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As you disembark from your train or bus, look around for signs of danger (e.g., isolation, darkness, creepy-looking guys). If you feel uncomfortable, get back on and ride to another stop where it appears safer. From there you might take an alternate route to your final destination.

Tip 492 : Check the safety of your stop when exiting

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As you disembark, notice who is exiting with you. As you move to your destination, check to see that you are not being followed by a former passenger.

Tip 493 : See who get off when you do

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Don’t dawdle once you have been delivered to you stop. Stay with others who have exited with you, or if you are alone, move quickly to a place where you will find others.

Tip 494 : Go directly where there are others

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Planning for International Travel

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There are many countries in the world that don’t get along with their neighbors. If you place to visit one of these countries and if you have previously visited one of its antagonistic neighbors, get a new passport that does not include immigration stamps from your visit.

Tip 495 : Carry a “’Clean’ passport

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Put a plan cover on your passport to hide your nationality.

Tip 496 : Carry a covered passport

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Second citizenships are available, for a price, from Granada and other Caribbean countries as well as, for the very wealthy, from Austria.

Tip 497 : Get a second citizenship

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Granada is an island situated between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago.

Caribbean countries : Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines , and Trinidad and Tobago.

Just so you know

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Passports for countries that never did or no longer exist are available from some commercial sources.

Tip 498 : Get a phony citizenship

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Except when passing between borders when you will need the real thing, carry a photocopy of your passport information page and the page with your picture on it and store your passport in a safe place (e.g. hotel safe) while in country.

Tip 499 : Keep your passport locked away

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Take along a secondary means of identification such as a driver’s license. Like your primary identification, your back up should include a recent photograph of you.

Tip 500 : Carry a back-up ID

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Make photocopies of important documents that you will be carrying passport, credit cards, business contacts and leave them with someone you can contact while away.

Tip 501 : Leave copies of important documents

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Documents that can identify you as a desirable (i.e., high gain) target should be concealed while you are in transit. Company business cards, diplomatic papers, military credentials, travel vouchers, and the like should be packed in checked baggage or hidden in carried luggage.

Tip 502 : Hide identifying documents

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Ms. Tipaporn Ngorsakul


Ms. Radtiyakorn Khampong


Mr. Warit Sutthisri ID.52623433014

Ms. Wanida Phoothongkan


Members of group

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