
Tingha Public School Tinny’s News ‘Learning from the past - Valuing the present - Creating the future’

54 Ruby Street Tingha NSW 2369 Ph: 67 233 437

Email: [email protected]

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Every minute of every day counts

Totally Proud & Strong

Calendar of Upcoming Events

11/9 - Year 6- 7 half day high school transition 12/9 - Whole school cooking

13/9 - Regional Athletics- Tamworth 25/9 - Year 5/6 Best Tree Tenders Excursion

26/9 - Year 5/6 League Tag Gala Day 27/9 - Last day of Term 3

Week 8 Term 3

9th September 2019

Attendance If your child is away from school we will send you a text message from 0419 942 583. This number is for text messages only. We would appreciate if you could respond to the message as soon as possible, either by text or by ringing the school on 67 233 437.

PBL Award Recipients

Merit Award Recipients

Late to School

Parents please note if your child is late

to school they are required to report to

the Office to be signed in.

This also is the case for students leaving

and returning to school during the

school day.

PBL Bear Recipients

Principal’s Report Culture of Success

At Tingha Public School we pride ourselves on working with the community to provide a quality

education for our students. We are committed to positively influencing every student’s life. Regular

attendance and displaying the school’s Positive Behaviour for Learning values (Proud, Strong, Safe and

Respectful) allows students to make educational gains and contribute to our ‘successful school learning

culture.’ We love sharing the great news that is happening in our beautiful school and appreciate those

that celebrate the successes with us. We are well aware that we need to work with our community to

support our students as ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ Please if there are any school related concerns

you wish to discuss please know my door is always open.

Respectful Learner quality

For the remainder of the term, our learner quality focus is going to be what makes a RESPECTFUL

learner at Tingha Public School. Students will be exposed to explicit lessons to enhance their

understanding of what the quality looks like in practice. As a parent you can further support this at home

by asking your child of a time when they have displayed being a respectful learner.

External Validation

Last Thursday our school participated in External Validation, a school self-evaluation process that uses

evidence, to identify the impact the school is having on improving student learning outcomes. Using a

state wide framework, this process highlighted the relentless focus the school and its staff place on

providing our students with a high quality education whilst strongly supporting their wellbeing needs.

SASS Recognition Week

Last week we celebrated SASS Recognition Week. This week aims to recognise the contribution office,

school learning support officers and general assistants make to the learning outcomes of students and the

running of schools. I wish to thank Mrs T, Alison, Dawnie P, Dawn Mac, Preston, Michael B, Michael

M, Renata and Peter for their continued commitment to the students of Tingha Public School.

Resilience ‘Toon School’ Workshop

We are always looking for new opportunities to support the learning needs of our students. Last

Monday, Joffa from Toon School provided Resilience sessions based upon the drawing of cartoon

characters. Whilst completing the sessions he spoke of a ‘fixed verse growth mindset’ and how these

impacts on a person’s belief they can succeed.

Small School Sports Gala Day

On Friday a Small School Sports Gala Day was held in Inverell with Gilgai, Gum Flat, Bonshaw and

Delungra. This day exposed students to the skills of hockey, cricket, league tag, and AFL, whilst allowing

them to socialise with students from these schools. This was and always is a very enjoyable day.

Regional Athletics

We wish Lateah, Leearnah, Samantha, Kiarra and Malika all the best for Regional Athletics this Friday.

We look forward to hearing their results when they return next week.

I am looking forward to another wonderful fortnight at Tingha Public School, with students growing

stronger and smarter in their learning every day.

Melinda Partridge


A snapshot of the Year 5/6 children engaging in some of their learning activities they

participated in this term.

In a mathematics lesson you can see the students learning to estimate, record and

compare the capacity of containers using formal measuring units. We were all really

pleased that it was a lovely warm day for this outside water activity.

Spotlight on


As part of our writing the children learned about the structure and language features of

an informative text. They did this through a range of oral, written and visual

instructions. This led to playing marbles, designing new handball rules and origami to

name a few. The children finished this unit of work by making hamburgers and then

writing their own procedure. We had a very nice lunch that day.

In geography the children have been learning about natural disasters. The Rural Fire

Services visited us and discussed the recent bushfires . This led to an excursion just

out of town to see where we could place our nest boxes that we made recently. This

has also driven our art activities. As you can see the children have created some

wonderful artworks that depict other natural disasters.












Last Friday 6th September Tingha Public joined with Gilgai, Gum Flat, Delungra and Bonshaw for a day of skills. Students from Macintyre High were on hand to help during the day. A big thank you to Mrs Wilcocks from Gilgai Public for organising the day.

Small Schools Gala Day of

Hockey, Cricket, League

Tag and AFL.

Tingha Supported Playgroup

Runs every Friday from 10am - 1pm. At the

Tingha pre school.

Lots of great activities for children

under 5.

All Welcome

Canteen News The Canteen will be operating this Friday.

Please support the canteen by purchasing lunch

or recess to keep it open.

A reminder there is a no booking up policy at the


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