Page 1: Timothy Ferret Reference Letter

To Whom it May Concern, I have had the privilege of knowing Timothy Ferret for five years now and directly served along the side of him in Residence Life for two of those years. I believe it is an honor to write a letter of recommendation for him to work with and learn from future employees, specifically within Higher Education. My relationship with him has been one of mutual respect in a professional setting, along with years of personal friendship. My role when I worked with Timothy at Messiah College has been the impetus for our relationship, but has continued to today in a different setting. Currently, I serve as the Director of Lighthouse at Taylor University. I have the privilege of observing him from afar as he continues the good work he does as he mentors, leads, and disciples men and women. Now working at different institutions, it’s a privilege to have a friend with whom I can consult to simply to brainstorm ideas and share best practices in our respective fields. Our relationship continues to exist because of a deep level of trust and respect and for that I’m thankful. During my time working with Timothy within Residence Life, he demonstrated several qualities that I believe to be a great fit for his continued desire to work in Higher Education. Timothy oversaw a co-ed residence hall and apartment building of upperclassmen. It was through intentional programming, authentic conversations, and by living a life of integrity before them that he made a great impact. His actions truly do speak louder than words. Timothy’s interactions with his students and colleagues alike are always positive, respectful, and polite. Not only was he able to demonstrate strong leadership qualities with the men and women in the residence hall, but I saw this firsthand on the team of eight other RDs with whom he served. Timothy is willing to give a listening ear at any time. He is creative and energetic, allowing our professional staff to have space to brainstorm new ideas, to invigorate passion in what we did, and lighten the mood when appropriate. From my understanding in his new role as Asst. Director of Residence Life – FYE, he continues to show maturity through his words, his work ethic, and his relationships. Timothy is one who has grown in his ability to be a strong communicator, attentive to administrative details, and is self-motivated. As a former colleague and current friend, I know that I can count on him to follow through with his word. He is someone whom I would gladly and eagerly welcome to be part of my team. It is with these things in mind and many more positive attributes that I would recommend Timothy Ferret for a position in Higher Education. I am confident at his ability to carry out independent and collaborative efforts to succeed and represent the institution well. I believe that through this type of opportunity, he would further advance his understandings in the field of Student Affairs and gain valuable experiences in practices. With that said, I strongly recommend him. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,

Katie Rousopoulos, Director of Lighthouse 765.998.5361

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