Page 1: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

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Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania

County, Washington County, Washington

Edward Charles Brown Portland State University

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Page 2: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


the Master of Science in Geology presented June 6, 1984.

Title: Tiltmeter Analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County, Washington


Gilbert T. Benson

Mount St. Helens returned to an active eruptive state March 20,

1980. Since then explosive and dome building eruptions have caused

major topographic changes to the mountain and surrounding drainages.

Monitoring of the southern side of the mountain by six tiltmeters at

distances between 6 km and 12 km was conducted during the period of

July 1, 1980 to December 31, 1980. Records obtained from the tiltmeters

were analyzed and compared to data from precision geodetic surveys.

Page 3: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


Results of this analysis indicated that minimal correlation existed

between any of the tiltmeter sites and geodetic surveys at any given

time. Correlation of tiltmeter change to eruptive events was also

minimal. Short term changes in tilt correlative to eruptive event

onset were not distinguishable above background noise. Possible minor

correlation of tilt change to the October, 1980 eruption exists for the

Ape Cave and Ape cave lt>rth tilt sites, but absolute correlation was

not possible. Long term tilt results indicated that the borehole

tiltmeter sites recorded downslope soil movement greatly in excess of

predicted volcanic deformation.

Results of deformation modeling indicated that at distances greater

than 6 km from the vent, changes in tilt would be less than 3 µrad for

any eruption, commonly near 1 µrad. Records from all of the tiltmeter

sites indicated changes from any eruption during the study period were

less than 1 µrad. Single chamber model deformation curves fit early

1980 deformation patterns, explaining recorded eruption related tilt

change at Ape Cave North during the May 18, 1980 eruption. Evolution

of the magmatic system into a two chamber system by October, 1980

correlates well to modeled surf icial deformation from a two chamber


Conclusions from the study in terms of far-field tiltmeter use in

monitoring Mount St. Helens are: 1) based on modeled deformation

patterns, for volume changes of less than .OS km3 , the deformation

changes at distances greater than 6 km from the vent termination will

be indistinguishable above background noise at any tiltmeter site in use

during this study, 2) all borehole tiltmeters sites used in this study

Page 4: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

recorded soil creep in great excess of expected volcanic deformation

changes, and 3} that use of far-field tiltmeters for real time

monitoring of this type of deformation system is of little value.


Page 5: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County





A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of





Page 6: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

'ID THE OFFICE OP GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH: The members of the Committee approve the thesis of Edward

Charles Brown presented June 6, 1984.

Gi r T. Benson

Le'bnard A. Palmer


Ji Studies and Research

Page 7: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


I wish to thank the members of my committee, Dr. Ansel Johnson,

Dr. Gilbert Benson, and Dr. Leonard Palmer for their critical review

of this manuscript and helpful suggestions.

Special thanks are expressed to Dr. John Dvorak, u.s.G.S.

geophysicist, who suggested this area of study and helped in the

initiation of this project. To Dr. Dan Dzurisin, U.S.G.S.

geophysicist, for his comments suggestions and review of the thesis.

Also to Dr. Roger Denlinger, u.s.G.s. geophysicist, for his critical

review and suggestions in modeling the volcanic system.

Thanks to the staff of the David Johnston Cascades Volcano

Observatory, for their temperance, tolerance and help during the

writing of this report. A special thanks is given to Bruce Furukawa,

Tom Murray, Virginia Johnson and Steve Finneran for their inestimable

contributions to the completion of this thesis.

In addition I would also like to express my appreciation to Fred

Gullixson and Jon Bounds for their suggestions and comments.

Financial support was provided through personal donations and

the U.S. Geological Survey.

Support for the Portland State University tiltmeter site

installation and data collection was provided by the Mazamas.

Page 8: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County





A. Location B. Purpose • c. Previous Work •




A. Regional Geologic Setting • B. General Stratigraphy of Mount St. Helens c. General Structure of the Mount St. Helens D. Summary of 1980 eruptions •



A. Ape cave Tiltmeter B. Ape Cave North Tiltmeter c. Blue Lake Tiltmeter • D. June Lake Tiltmeter • E. PSU i2 Tiltmeter F. PSU #3 Tiltmeter


A. Data Aquisition • B. Initial Analysis c. Detrending and Smoothing D. Spectral Analysis • E. Correlation of Data • F. Site and Location Evaluation



iii vi

• viii


1 1 4


6 8

11 16



23 25 25 26 27 27


28 28 29 31 32 32

Page 9: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County






RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Comparison of eruptive sequences

July Eruption • • • • • • • August Eruption October Eruption • December Eruption • • • •

THEORETICAL MODELS • • • • • • • • • • •

A. B.

Mogi Model (single magma chamber) Mogi Model (multiple magma chamber)

DISCUSSION • • • • • • • •

A. Discussion of Results • B. Problems and Sources of Error • C. System Improvments • • • •


• • • • •

. . .

. . . .





Plots of Raw Monthly Tilts

Equation Derivations

Chronology of Volcanic Events: July, 1980 through December, 1980 •••••••••




48 48 54 62 71


80 85


96 99







Page 10: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



I Comparison of Eruptive Periods, Output Volumes, Dome

Dimensions, Dates of Dome Emplacement and Extrusion

Rates for Mount St. Helens During 1980

II Tiltmeter Operational Data, Net Tilt and Average Daily

Tilt Fluctuations at Mount St. Helens Between July 1

and December 31, 1980 • • • • • •

III Pre-eruption Tilt.vector Orientation, Pre-eruption Tilt

Rate, Post-eruption Tilt Vector Orientation,

Post-eruption Tilt Rate, Net Tilt Since Julian Day 180



at Mount St. Helens for the July 22, 1980 Eruption 53

IV Pre-eruption Tilt Vector Orientation, Pre-eruption Tilt

Rate, Post-eruption Tilt Vector Orientation,

Post-eruption Tilt Rate, Net Tilt Since Last Major

Eruption at Mount St. Helens for the August 7, 1980

Eruption . . . . . . . . V Pre-eruption Tilt Vector Orientation, Pre-eruption Tilt

Rate, Post-eruption Tilt Vector Orientation,

Post-eruption Tilt Rate, Net Tilt Since Last Major

Eruption at Mount St. Helens for the October 16, 1980

Eruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Page 11: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



VI Pre-eruption Tilt Vector Orientation, Pre-eruption Tilt

Rate, Post-eruption Tilt Vector Orientation,

Post-eruption Tilt Rate, Net Tilt Since Last Major

Eruption at Mount st. Helens for the December 1980

Eruption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII Average Chemical Analysis in Weight Percent, of Eruptive

Products from Major Eruptions of Mount St. Helens,

Washington Between June 1980 and December 1980



Page 12: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



1. General location map showing the Cascade Range and major

volcanic peaks to the Pacific Northwest

2. Index map showing the location of the study area

3. Map showing the major high Cascade volcanic peaks,

with the gross stratigraphic units of the Cascades

4. Generalized geologic map of the study area . . . . . . s. Map showing the approximate trace of the Mount St. Helens

seismic zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Map and cross section diagram of Mount St. Helens showing

hypocenter locations

7a. Diagram showing the USGS borehole tiltmeter installation

7b. Diagram showing the PSU borehole tiltmeter installation • . 8. Diagram showing standard platform tiltmeter installation

9. Diagram showing the locations of the tiltmeter sites for

this study and outer-network USGS geodetic survey

studies • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . .











10. Plot of raw data from Ape Cave tiltmeter site for 190 days 37

11. Plot of raw data from Ape cave North tiltmeter site for

190 days . . . . 38

Page 13: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


12. Plot of raw data from Blue Lake tiltmeter site for 190 days

13. Plot of raw data from June Lake tiltmeter site for 190 days

14. Plot of raw data from PSU 12 tiltmeter sitefor 190 days

15. Plot of raw data from PSU 13 tiltmeter sitefor 150 days

16. Plot of smoothed power spectrum for the the Ape Cave

tiltmeter site, north-south tilt axis • . . 17. Three component plot showing the detrended and smoothed

tilt axes and temperature record for the PSU f2

tiltmeter site

18a. Plot of raw tilt data from Ape Cave North, July 21, 1980

through July 25, 1980, north-south axis of tilt

18b. Plot of smoothed tilt data from Ape Cave North, July 21,










1980 through July 25, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 50

19a. Plot of raw tilt data from June Lake, July 21, 1980

through July 25, 1980, north-south axis of tilt

19b. Plot of smoothed tilt data from June Lake, July 21, 1980

through July 25, 1980, north-south axis of tilt •

20. Diagram showing the relative magnitudes and direction of

tilt from the tiltmeters before and after the

July 25, 1980 eruption

2la. Plot of raw tilt data from Ape Cave, August 5, 1980

through August 9, 1980, north-south axis of tilt

2lb. Plot of smoothed tilt data from Ape Cave, August 5, 1980

through August 9, 1980, north-south axis of tilt






Page 14: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



22a. Plot of raw tilt data from Ape Cave North, August 5, 1980

through August 9, 1980, north-south axis of tilt • • • 57

22b. Plot of smoothed tilt data from Ape Cave North, August 5,

1980 through August 9, 1980, north-south axis of tilt • 57

23a. Plot of raw tilt data from June Lake, August 5, 1980

through August 9, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 58

23b. Plot of smoothed tilt data from June Lake, August 5, 1980

through August 9, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 58

24a. Plot of raw tilt data from PSU 13, August 5, 1980 through

August 9, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 59

24b. Plot of smoothed tilt data form PSU 13, Augusts, 1980

through August 9, 1980, north-south axis of tilt

25a. Plot of raw tilt data from Blue Lake, August 5, 1980

through August 9, 1980, east-west axis of tilt

2Sb. Plot of smoothed tilt data from Blue Lake, August 5, 1980

through August 9, 1980, east-west axis of tilt

26. A diagram of the tilt vector directions and relative

magnitudes recorded before and after the August 7,

1980 eruption • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27a. Plot of raw tilt data from Ape Cave, October 14, 1980

through October 23, 1980, north-south axis of tilt

27b. Plot of smoothed tilt data from APe Cave, October 14, 1980

through October 23, 1980, norht-south axix of tilt







Page 15: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



28a. Plot of raw tilt data from Ape Cave North, October 14, 1980

through October 23, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 66

28b. plot of smoothed tilt data from Ape Cave North, October 14,

1980 through October 23, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 66

29a. Plot of raw tilt data from June Lake, October 14, 1980

through October 23, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 67

29b. Plot of smoothed tilt data from June Lake, October 14, 1980

through October 23, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 67

30a. Plot of raw tilt data from PSU t2, October 14, 1980

through October 23, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 68

30b. plot of smoothed tilt data from PSU t2, October 14, 1980

through October 23, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 68

31. A diagram of the tilt vector directions and relative

magnitudes recorded before and after the October 16,

1980 eruption • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 69

32a. Plot of raw tilt data from Ape Cave, December 26, 1980

through December 31, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 74

32b. Plot of smoothed tilt data from Ape Cave, December 26, 1980

through December 31, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 74

33a. Plot of raw tilt data from Ape Cave North, December 26,

1980 through December 31, 1980, north-south axis of

tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Page 16: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


33b. Plot of smoothed tilt data from Ape Cave North, December 26,

1980 through December 31, 1980 1 north-south axis of

tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34a. Plot of raw tilt data from June Lake, December 26, 1980




through December 31, 1980, north-south axis of tilt 76

34b. Plot of smoothed tilt data from June Lake, December 26,

1980 through December 31, 1980, north-south axis of


35. A diagram of the tilt vector directions and relative

magnitudes recorded before and after the December 1980


36. Idealized diagram of a Mogi volcanic system showing the

major axis of stress as described by Machado

37. Surficial deformation diagram representing the projected

maximum and mimimum theoretical vertical deformation

from a point source

38. Idealized deformation patterns resulting from a large

volume at depth ••••••••••••

39. Idealized diagram of a two chamber volcanic system

40. Time verses depth plot of relative hypocenter locations

under the Mount St. Helens crater for July, 1980

41. Time verses depth plot of relative hypocenter locations

under the Mount St. Helens crater for August, 1980









Page 17: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



42. Time verses depth plot of relative hypocenter locations

under the Mount St. Helens crater for October, 1980 91

43. Time verses depth plot of relative hypocenter locations

under the Mount St. Helens crater for December, 1980 91

44. Idealized deformation patterns caused by a two chamber

system • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 93

45. Idealized deformation diagram of a two chamber magmatic

system that could have existed during the October,

1980 eruption • • • • • • • • • •

46a. Plot of resultant tilt from Ape Cave and Ape Cave North

tiltmeter stations for the May 18 eruption

46b. Plot of resultant tilt from Ape Cave and Ape Cave North

tiltmeter stations for the May 25 eruption

47. Proposed chamber shape and depth model for early 1980

eruptions of Mount St. Helens •••••••

48. Proposed chamber shape and depth model for late 1980

eruptions of Mount St. Helens ••••




Julian day conversion chart for Leap year use only

East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

tiltmeter site, July 1, 1980 through July 30, 1980

East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

tiltmeter site, August 1, 1980 through August 30, 1980









Page 18: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



52. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

tiltmeter site, September l, 1980 through

September 30, 1980 . . . . . . . . . 118

53. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

tiltmeter site, October 1, 1980 through

October 30, 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

54. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

tiltmeter site, November 1, 1980 through

November 30, 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

SS. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

tiltmeter site, December 1, 1980 through

December 30, 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

S6. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

North tiltmeter site, July 1, 1980 through

July 30, 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

S7. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

North tiltmeter site, August 1, 1980 through

August 30, 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

S8. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

North tiltmeter site, September 1, 1980 through

September 30, 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

59. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

North tiltmeter site, October 1, 1980 through

October 30, 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Page 19: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



60. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

North tiltmeter site, November 1, 1980 through

November 30, 1980 •• . . . . . 61. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave

North tiltmeter site, December 1, 1980 through


December 30, 1980 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 127

62. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake

tiltmeter site, July 1, 1980 through July 30, 1980 128

63. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake

tiltmeter site, August 1, 1980 through August 30, 1980 129

64. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake

tiltmeter site,September 1, 1980 through

September 30, 1980 ••••••••••••

65. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake

tiltmeter site, October 1, 1980 through

October 30, 1980 . . . . . . . . 66. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake

tiltmeter site, November 1, 1980 through

November 30, 1980 ••

67. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake

tiltmeter site, December 1, 1980 through

December 30, 1980 • • • •••

68. East-west and north-south components of tilt at June Lake





tiltmeter site, July 1, 1980 through July 30, 1980 134

Page 20: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



69. East-west and north-south components of tilt at June Lake

tiltmeter site, August 1, 1980 through August 30, 1980 135

70. East-west and north-south components of tilt at June Lake

tiltmeter site, September 1, 1980 through

September 30, 1980 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 136

71. East-west and north-south components of tilt at June Lake

tiltmeter site, October 1, 1980 through

October 30, 1980

72. East-west and north-south components of tilt at June Lake

tiltmeter site, November 1, 1980 through

November 30, 1980 ••

73. East-west and north-south components of tilt at June Lake

tiltmeter site, December 1, 1980 through

December 30, 1980 ••

74. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU f 2




tiltmeter site, July 1, 1980 through July 30, 1980 140

75. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU f 2

tiltmeter site, August 1, 1980 through August 30, 1980 141

76. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU f 2

tiltmeter site, September 1, 1980 through

September 30, 1980 •••••••••

77. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU f2

tiltmeter site, October 1, 1980 through

October 30, 1980 • • • • • • • •



Page 21: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



78. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU 13

tiltmeter site, August l, 1980 through August 30, 1980 144

79. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU 13

tiltmeter site, September 1, 1980 through

September 30, 1980 • • • • • 145

80. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU f 3

tiltmeter site, October 1, 1980 through

October 30, 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Page 22: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County




Mount St. Helens is located in the southwestern portion of

Skamania County, Washington at 122.11° west longitude and 46.12°

north latitude, about 85 km northeast of Portland, Oregon. It is one

of a series of volcanoes forming the Cascade Range (Figure 1) which

extends from Mount Garibaldi in British Columbia, Canada to Lassen Peak

in northern California. The primary area of study (Figure 2) comprises

approximately 157 square kilometers {km2 ) in a semicircular pattern,

extending 10 km radially to the west, east and south from the central

crater of Mount St. Helens.

Access to the area since the renewed volcanic activity of 1980 is

limited, with the primary mode of transportation being by helicopter.

It is possible however to reach many portions of the area by ground

transportation, but the condition of the road beds is generally poor

with washouts and bridge failures common.


The purpose of this study at Mount St. Helens was to analyze

tiltmeter data recorded during the period of July 1, 1980 to December

31, 1980 and compare it with concurrent volcanic activity. Three major

Page 23: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 -u. -CJ




~· ~· ~ ;1 ~ c I


_ _..... .... HEL~S A MOUNT ADAMS ~ --1 ----- ' '---'--- I A MOUNT HOOD I



I I •,




~· 81 ~.







~· c( zl o cc c( g, ~ 51 z

0 100 200 Mil ES


Figure 1. General location map showing the relationship of the Cascade Range and major volcanic peaks to the Pacific Northwest.

Page 24: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

z c(

w 0 0

0 LL





\ \


~ ...



Figure 2. Index map showing the location of the study area with reference to Mount St. Helens.

Page 25: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


topics were addressed in the course of this study: the first, was

analysis of the data for the relationships of tilt to eruptive events;

the second, to correlate output from the tiltmeters based on distance

from the mountain and tiltmeter type; and the third, to analyze and

correlate tiltmeter data to results from geodetic and seismic studies

during the same period.


The earliest formal geologic investigation in the area was done

by Verhoogen (1937) culminating in a general geologic map of the Mount

St. Helens area. More recently investigations by Crandell (1971),

Crandell and others (1962, 1973), Hopson (1971, 1980), Hyde (1970, 1975)

and Mullineaux and Crandell (1960) have focused on the stratigraphy and

relative ages of the volcaniclastic deposits surrounding the mountain.

Several geophysical investigations involving the Mount St. Helens

region have been conducted since the late 1960's. Gravity studies by

Danes (1969), Braile (1970), D. Williams and R. Spidel (1981, personal

communication) using a regional data base have tried to interpret the

structure of Mount St. Helens based on the appearance of local

anomalies. Seismological studies of the region (Weaver and others,

1981, Weaver and Smith, 1983} have shown the existence of a major fault

zone in the Mount St. Helens region.

The first subsurface modeling of volcanic structures using tilt

data was done by Mogi (1958), who developed a practical approach for

the determination of size and location of magmatic chambers based on

surface deformation at Sakurazima Volcano, Japan. Since that time

Page 26: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


major studies at Kilauea, Hawaii (Kinoshita and others, 1969, 1974,

Swanson and others, 1976, and Fiske and Kinoshita, 1969), and Krafla,

Iceland (Tryggvason, 1978, Bodvarsson and others, 1980, and Axelsson,

1980) have used platform or borehole tiltmeters in association with

other geodetic measurements to assess the physical parameters of the

magma chamber in active volcanic situations. The studies at Kilauea

and Krafla volcanoes have indicated that both platform and borehole

tiltmeters can succesfully measure surface deformation associated with

volcanic eruptions, the results of these measurements aiding in the

analysis and prediction of volcanic activity.

The current monitoring of Mount St. Helens, necessitated with the

start of eruptive activity in March, 1980, has created a large

information base. Deformation studies using geodetic survey techniques

(Swanson and others, 1981, Chadwick and others, 1983), have indicated

that measurable changes to Mount St. Helens have occurred since March,

1980. Petrological studies of eruptive output from Mount St. Helens

between 1980 and 1984 (Cashman and Taggert, 1983, Lipman and others,

1981, Melson, 1983, Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1981) have indicated

that there has been only one source for eruptive outputs. Tiltmeter

studies at Mount St. Helens (Dvorak and others, 1981, Dzurisin and

others, 1983) have indicated that discernible changes in tilt occur in

conjunction with both explosive volcanic activity and exogenous dome

growth. Geophysical modeling of inner-crater deformation patterns

(Denlinger, 1984, personal communication) has indicated that a small

piston-like intrusive body is a possible cause of the late 1980 and

early 1981 deformation of the crater floor.

Page 27: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County




Mount st. Helens is located within the north-south trending belt

of the Cascade Mountains forming a portion of the western Cordilleran

Mountain System. The cascade Mountains are characterized by high

Plio-Pleistocene strato-volcanoes built on Tertiary volcanic rocks in

the south and, pre-Tertiary rocks at the northern termination.

Rocks of the Cascade Range have been statigraphically and physio­

graphically divided into two major groups (Hammond, 1979)7 the Western

Cascade Group (50-0 Million years Ago (MA)) and the High Cascade Group

(4-0 MA), as shown in Figure 3. The Western Cascade Group composed of

lower, middle and upper members, consists primarily of calc-alkaline

andestites, rhyodacites, basalts, mudflows, volcaniclastic deposits and

pyroclastic deposits. The High Cascade Group is predominantly composed

of high-alumina olivine basalt, basaltic andesite forming shield

volcanoes and cinder cones and, in smaller quantities hornblende and/or

pyroxene andesite and dacite forming large strato-volcanoes.

In general the Western Cascade Group has been extensively eroded

in comparison to the High Cascades Group. Arching of the Cascade Range

during the Plio-Pleistocene resulted in greater erosion of the Western

Cascades. The High Cascade Group is generally located to the east of

Page 28: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County




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j_ _______ ,

------ ' ~



A. TH~E-sC:ERS 1)

.+. N'e w BER R y v 0 L c AN 0 I

~ ~· A. QATER [AKE ~·

( w 01

-::u~ A.~:~:~N ____ J __ SHAS ~{;}ICINEI



~ ~: C3

0 100

01 ~ ~ w ~lz


Western Cascade Group, andesite basalt complex

High Cascade Group, olivine basalt complex


Figure 3. A map showing the major high Cascade volcanic peaks, with the gross stratigraphic units of the Cascades (after Hammond, 1979).

Page 29: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


the Western cascade sununit with High Cascade Group formations conunonly

covering Western Cascade Group formations.

The position of Mount St. Helens is about 45 km west of the

Cascade Crest very near the western edge of the Tertiary volcanic rocks

of the Western Cascades. This positioning is almost due west of Mount

Adams, another High Cascade volcano, and west of the general axis of

the High Cascade group strato-volcanoes. Location of Mount St. Helens

is also in the area where the Cascade Range may be changing from a

compressive tectonic environment in the north to an extensional

environment in the south (Nakamura, 1977, Weaver and Smith, 1983).


Since the purpose of this study is not to describe the detailed

geology of Mount St. Helens, only a brief summary of the general

stratigraphic character of the volcano will be presented here. More

complete stratigraphic descriptions can be found in; Verhoogen, (1937),

Mullineaux and Crandell, (1960, 1981), and Fiske, (1963).

The Mount St. Helens area in general is composed of two ages of

volcanic rock (Mullineaux and Crandell, 1960); the complex of Late

Eocene to Pleistocene age rocks and the predominantly Holocene age

(younger than 37,000 B.P.) material which forms the present mountain.

The major pre-Mount St. Helens rock unit is the Ohanapechosh

Formation, primarily exposed south of the mountain. In the area of

Mount St. Helens, the Ohanapechosh Formation generally consists of

andesitic and dacitic tuff-breccia, pyroxene andesite lava flows with

associated breccias, or volcani-clastic sedimentary beds dipping s0

Page 30: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

to 20° SE in the study area. Widespread zeolite facies alteration is

cononon in the Ohanapechosh Formation. Age of the Ohanapechosh

Formation is Late Eocene to Oligocene (?) (Verhoogen, 19371 Fiske,

1963) and is the oldest unit exposed in the study area.


During the Miocene, the Ohanapechosh Formation was intruded by

small plutonic bodies of epizonal granodiorite associated with Mitchell

Peak. Following the Mitchell Peak event was the emplacement of

hypabyssal intrusive rocks, primarily pyroxene microdiorite and

granodiorite porphyry forming the Spirit Lake pluton. Concurrent with

the Spirit Lake pluton emplacement was the intrusion of a similar

complex south of Merrill Lake (Hopson, 1981, unpublished).

Emplacement of the Goat Mountain plug, a biotite-hornblende

dacite porphyry, occurred during the Late Pliocene. This was followed

by the formation of Marble Mountain during the Early Pleistocene, which

is considered by Hopson (1981, unpublished) to be the last major event

belonging to the pre-Mount St. Helens complex.

The present Mount St. Helens volcanic center is a complex

composite volcano formed of numerous dacitic domes intruded into an

andesitic strato-volcano. Based on radio carbon dates of terrace

deposits and tephera layers surrounding the mountain, it is believed

that the present cone is a feature probably less than five hundred

years old (Mullineaux and Crandell, 1960, 1981) that started forming

during the Kalama eruptive period.

Volcanic products from Mount St. Helens are varied, ranging from

silicic andesite and dacitic domes, to mafic aa and pahoehoe basalt

flows (Crandell and others, 1962, Mullineaux and Crandell, 1981) • The

Page 31: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


eruptions in recent history (younger than 1,000 yrs. before present

(B.P.)) have been closely spaced in time (Crandell and Mullineaux,

1978), with the recent lava flows emanating from the flanks, and dacite

plug domes commonly intruding volcanic rock at the 2,000 meter level

and at the summit.

During formation of the mountain, explosive events created

numerous tephra deposits. The most notable of these deposits are the W

and Y layers. The W layer, dated at 500 yrs. B.P. has a thickness of 7

meters on the volcano flank. The Y layer, dated at 3,200 yrs. B.P.,

extends to the northeast having a thickness of greater than one meter

in Randle, Washington, 41 km northeast of the present cone (Crandell

and others, 1962).

Major products of volcanic activity at Mount St. Helens have been

mud fl(){tls, debris flows and lahars. These primary fl(){tls, interbedded

with tephras and pyroclastic flows commonly form the major constituents

of terrace deposits found in the drainage system of the mountain.

Remnants of the largest debris flow deposits can be found extending as

far from the mountain as the Columbia River (Hyde, 1970).

The eruption of May 18, 1980 was accompanied by the ejection of

large volumes of ash, the removal of the summit by a landslide and the

creation of a new central crater. Material derived from a massive

landslide of the northern side of the mountain was deposited on the

plain between the mountain and Spirit Lake. Large debris flows

resulting from the eruption traveled as far as the Columbia River. For

details of the lateral extent of the debris flows, depositional area of

the landslide, post-May 18, 1980 eruption topography and geologic

Page 32: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


information concerning the eruption of May 18th, refer to either Lipman

and Mullineaux (1981) or Foxworthy and Hill (1982).

Since May 18, 1980, several explosive eruptions and dome building

sequences have occurred. A chronographic history of the events during

the period of July 1, 1980 through January 4, 1981 are listed in

Appendix c. For this study the most important events are July 22,

August 7, October 16, and December 28, 1980. For additional

information concerning the first one hundred days of volcanic activity

at Mount St. Helens during 1980, refer to Foxworthy and Hill (1982).

A preliminary geologic map of Mount St. Helens area was compiled

by Hopson (1981, unpublished) • Based on this map, a generalized

geologic map (Figure 4) was constructed indicating the suspected gross

physical properties of the various formations as they relate to the

installation and response of tiltmeters.


Limited erosion of Recent rock units forming Mount St. Helens has

left many of the older Plio-Pleistocene units in the study area

covered. Because of this, the postulated existence of major structural

features in near proximity to the mountain are based on geophysical

evidence collected from seismic networks and gravity surveys.

Deformation of recent units forming Mount St. Helens has been limited

to soft sediment deformation in unconsolidated deposits.

Major structural control for this area is recorded in the older

Ohanapecosh Formation, which is considered to be the basement formation

in this study. Structural modifications to the Ohanapechosh Formation

Page 33: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

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Page 34: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


have resulted from horizontal SW to NE tectonic compression of the Mount

St. Helens region (Weaver and others, 1981) and localized volcanic

deformation. This is consistent with regional tectonic stress patterns

with the fold axis of the major compressional stress direction at

approximately N. 30° w. (Rodgers, 1979). Recent seismic investig­

ations (Weaver and others, 1981, Weaver and Smith, 1983} have shown the

major compressional tectonic axis in the Mount St. Helens area to be at

N. 25° W.

A major fault zone trending approximately N. 5° w. through the

Mount St. Helens area initially described by Weaver and others, (1981}

has been informally named the St. Helens seismic zone (SHZ} (Weaver and

Smith, 1983}. The SHZ is characterized as a right lateral strike-slip

fault zone with a near ~ertical dip, north or south of Mount St. Helens.

Beneath Mount St. Helens, the SHZ remains right lateral but focal

mechanisms suggest a possible thrust component with a slight westward

dipping of the fault plane. The relationship of hypocenter locations

of magnitude greater than 1.0 to Mount St. Helens during 1980, with

approximate fault zone locations is shown in Figure 5. The trace of

the northeast trending fault may be a controlling mechanism for

location of Mount St. Helens magmatic conduit (Weaver and others, 1983}.

The pattern of the hypocenter locations beneath the mountain

(Figure 6) at a depth of approximately 7 km bifurcate. This pattern,

described by Scandone and Malone (in review) represents the competent

zone where earthquakes are located surrounding a seismically free zone

which they interpret to be a magma chamber. Based on the hypocenter

data, Malone has characterized the chamber to be about 1.5 km in

Page 35: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


-122.~0 -122.20 -122.00

~0.0~ ......... ill .. 1111111 ...................... llllliiilllliillliiii ..... ~6.0~ -122.~0 -122.20 -122.00

e~I ....L-..4.-~1__,_l_.._l~l.__..l_.__,110 SCALE CKHl

Figure 5. Map showing the approximate trace of the St. Helens seismic zone (after Weaver and others, 19811 Weaver and Smith, 1983) based on seismic data.

diameter with a vertical extent of greater than 6 km. This would give

the chamber a nominal volume of 10-20 km3• Additionally Malone noted

that the chamber shape was relatively constant throughout of 1980.

Page 36: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


1:t Crater f - . fB !] Rim

x flflj ID l!I X'

!B l!f.,..J ~,, ·t921.-

• lfl l"'ti}~;i HJ • .. ... r.1 t# ~


46 .15 46 .15

0 x X'

0 CJ Possible

CJ Chamber

o 0~ Locations ........

o;-~ .2 '-"

..c: 10 ~

0. Q)

CJ 0

t~ <I I ?

~ 20

ca p Skm

Sc a I e

Figure 6. Map and cross section diagram of Mount St. Helens showing hypocenter locations for earthquakes of magnitude greater than 1, associated with volcanic phenomena. Circles indicate the 30 best identified precursory earthquakes to the March 19, 1980 eruption. Squares indicate the 90 best identified earthquakes immediately following explosive eruptions of 1980. Increasing symbol size denotes increased magnitude. Hypocenter locations have been horizontally superimposed onto a single plane from up to 2.5 km north or south of the cross section.

Page 37: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



The following section is a short synopsis of the major volcanic

events of 1980. A chronologic listing of the major volcanic events

during this study is given in Appendix C. Important statistics

concerning the major eruptions during the study are shown in Table I.

On March 20, 1980 Mount St. Helens returned to an active state

with a series of volcanic tremors. Tremors continued increasing in

number for the next five days, peaking March 25 in the late afternoon.

A subsequent decrease in tremor activity followed for the next two

days. On the afternoon of March 27 the first explosive eruption

occurred leaving a small crater in the summit of the mountain. Over

the next two days more than a dozen explosive events occurred and a

second crater was created separated from the first by a septum of rock

and ice. A bulge began to form March 27, on the north flank of the

mountain centered over the main area of earthquake activity.

The first harmonic tremor occurred April 1 and was followed by

twenty-one days of sporadic non-harmonic tremor. The frequency of

explosive eruptions continued on the wane through mid-April temporarily

ceasing on April 22.

Explosive activity resumed on May 7 and continued sporadically

through May 14. The bulge that had begun to grow on the north flank

had increased in height by 150 m and had moved northward by 106 m

(Christiansen and Peterson, 1981) •

On May 18 at 15:32 GMT (Greenwich Mean time, 8:32 PDT) the major

eruption of 1980 occurred. The area of the bulge on the north flank

suffered slope failure following a magnitude 5+ earthquake. This was

Page 38: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County






Eruption period ------ June 12- July 22 Aug. 7- Oct. 16- Dec. 22-19. 10. 19. Jan. 2-4.

Number of lobes extruded l 0 l l 2

Dome growth period ---- June 12- Aug. 8- Oct. 18- from about 19. 9. 19. Dec. 27 to

Jan. 2-4.

Dome diameter (in meters)l 365 0 120 225 SE lobe 200 NE lobe 75

Dome height (in meters)l 45 0 60 37 SE lobe 90 NE lobe 40

Dome output volume this eruption (in l06m3)1 4.7 0 0.7 1.5 3.5

Gross danal volume (in l06m3) ---------- 4.7 0 5.4 6.9 10.4

Net domal volume (in l06m3)1 --------- 4.7 0 0.7 2.2 5.7

Volume of ejecta (in l06m3)2 ---------- 18.0 7.0 4.5 1.3 0.1

Total magmatic output (in 106m3) ---------- 22.7 29.7 34.2 37.0 40.6

Average dcmal extrusion rate (in 104m3 per hour) 2.8 0 4.2 6.2 1.8

lFrom Swanson and others, 1982 2'todified from: Lipman and others, 1981; Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1981; Rowley and

others, 1981.

followed in rapid succession by a lateral explosive blast and a Plinian

column. The results were a large debris avalanche down the north side

of the mountain and Toutle River drainage and devastation of an area of

600 km2 north of the mountain. The summit of the mountain was removed

and a large breached crater 1.5 km x 3 km across and 700 meters deep

was formed, opening to the north.

Page 39: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

The next large eruptive event with associated pyroclastic flows

occurred on May 25 emanating from the crater. On June 12 the third

major eruption of the mountain took place. This eruption produced


several new ash flows that traveled down the north flank. The first

lava dome created during the eruptive series that started May 18th was

sighted June 15. Dome growth continued for at least the next five days

with observations on June 28 showing stabilization.

The eruption of July 22 was also an explosive eruption similar to

the eruptions of May 25 and June 12. The eruption was not accompanied

by premonitory harmonic tremor (Malone and others, 1981) as occurred in

the June 12 eruption. This eruption destroyed the dome created in the

June 12 eruption, but did not produce a new dome. Geodetic measurements

made during this time suggested a northward movement of a section of

the crater known as the "rampart" of about 5 cm/day (Christiansen and

Peterson, 1981).

Following the July 22 eruption by 16 days another major eruption

occurred. The August 7 eruption was preceded by harmonic tremor

(Malone and others, 1981) and a northward expansion of the "rampart•

area. The eruption created a small pumiceous ash flow. Following the

main eruptive burst small deep earthquakes (5 km) occurred and the

intensity of harmonic tremor decreased. A new dome was first observed

the morning of August 8 and continued growing until August 10. After

the dome stopped growing, seismicity returned to low levels, remaining

low for the next two months. In the "rampart" area of the crater,

movement continued in a northerly direction.

Earthquakes resumed in October gradually increasing in number

Page 40: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

until October 16, when a series of separate pyroclastic eruptions

occurred over a three day period. Small pyroclastic flows occurred

during two of the events on the north flank. Following the last

pyroclastic eruption of this sequence on October 18, a new dome was

extruded. The dome extrusion lasted for a day, creating the largest

dome since May 18, 1980.


The mountain remained relatively quite until late November when

low-level seismic events began to accompany low-level harmonic tremor.

On December 13, a small portion of the dome was blasted away by a gas

emission. Following the blast, seismicity began to increase and on

December 25 a new dome began extruding along side the October dome.

This extrusion continued until early January, 1981 and was the last

event of 1980.

Page 41: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



Tiltmeters are electronic devices designed to measure extremely

small (.8*10-8 radians) tilts about two principal axis (X and Y).

Based on the movement of a bubble in an electrolytic fluid, sensors are

used to measure resistance changes that indicate the attitude of the

bubble and fluid container with respect to vertical. By the addition

of electronic circuitry, output from the sensors can be directly

related to attitude changes of the tiltmeter (Kinemetrics, 1975).

The intention of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) installations

was to establish a network of tiltmeters around the base of the

mountain to provide early detection of inflation or deflation. The

tiltmeter network was also designed to provide a large data base for

geologic interpretations, such as intrusive body depth and prediction

of future volcanic episodes. Tiltmeter installations on the north side

of Mount St. Helens were destroyed during the May 18, 1980 eruption and

the sites abandoned (Dvorak and others, 1981).

The instrumentation network for this project is based on the use

of two different types of tiltmeters1 the biaxial shallow borehole type

(Kinimetrics model TM-lB), and the short base biaxial platform type

(Kinimetrics model TM-lA). 'IWo shallow borehole tiltmeters belonging

to the USGS were installed using the standard installation procedure

described by Mortensen and others, (1977).

Page 42: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


Two other borehole tiltmeters, belonging to Portland State University

(PSU) were installed in a modified version of the USGS procedure. A

diagrarnatic comparison of the two borehole installation procedures is

shown in Figure 7. Two short base platform type tiltrneters belonging

to the USGS were installed (Figure 8) in lava tubes on solid rock


The site selection for the various tiltmeters was determined by

the apparent stability of the site, and in the case of the PSU

tiltmeters, road access. A major concern was the susceptibility of the

site to future volcanic events. See Figure 9 for locations of the

different tiltmeters related to Mount St. Helens.

The installation of the PSU tiltmeters postdated the May 18, 1980

eruption. Intent of the borehole installations was to obtain further

data regarding volcanic activity in conjunction with the USGS

tiltrneters. The PSU tiltmeters were setup to record tilt more

precisely than the USGS tiltmeters, enabling the PSU sites to monitor


All of the data from the USGS tiltmeters was electronically

digitized and telemetered at ten minute intervals to Vancouver,

Washington. The data collected by the PSU tiltmeters was recorded on

site by Rustrak strip chart recorders and later hand digitized by Ansel


Page 43: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

Lid Ground Surface

Steel Culvert

Tiltmeter Output To-~m::ICSOl""'*'ai:o:"

Telemetry Vnit

Top Plate \.lith

Steel Pipe

Model T~-lB Biaxial Borehole Tiltmeter


Bean Bag !nsulation

Beryllium­,----'- Copper Flange

Ground Surf ace

Fiberglass Culvert ----

Tiltmeter Output To~-~--:::a:q:z::a:::cc:ci~

Redo rd ing Un it

Model TM-lB Biaxial Borehole -+-----.i


Steel Pipe--\



Silica Sand

Figure 7. Diagram showing the two different versions of borehole installations used in this study. Figure 7a. is the USGS installation and Figure 7b. is the Portland State version.

Concrete Adhesive


Tiltmeter output _....-rr:~ to telemetry unit



Figure 8. Diagram showing standard platform tiltmeter installation at Mount St. Helens.

Page 44: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



The following site descriptions are generalized in terms of

geologic information. Classification of the units is based on the

gross physical properties rather than individual rock type. Also

contained in the site descriptions are physiographic descriptions and

other information pertinent to the site. The locations of each site

are shown in Figures 4 and 9. Generalized geology for the study area

can be seen in Figure 4.


The Ape cave tiltmeter (platform type biaxial tiltmeter) was

installed April 19, 1980 and is located approximately 9 km southwest of

Mount St. Helens, at 625 m elevation, in a lava tube of the Ape Cave

basalt flows. The site was selected because of the inherent stability

of the rock unit. It was also assumed that the basalt flow would act

as a cohesive unit when deformation occurred. Suspected stable thermal

conditions that the cave offered were also considered in the selection

of this site. Location of the tiltmeter was near the lower entrance to

the lave tube. Depth to the tiltmeter from the surface was about 10

meters. Access to the the lava tube was through an opening created by

tube collapse. There were no major cracks in the remaining tube

structure in the near proximity of the tiltmeter.

Page 45: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


-122. 'i0 -122.20 -122.00

't6. J't



KEY ================= Tiltmeter Sites

0 Ape Cav<:'

0 Ape Cave North

0 Blue l.ak0

0 June Lake

0 PSU fl 2


USGS Geodetic Survey Sit es

0 Clear Cut

0 Butte Camp

CD South Fork Toutle

0 Harrys Ridge

CD Road l 00

© Muddy

CD Studebaker

~6.e~J----------L----_.t.-L----------------+---------------"------l._ ____ ._ __ -+~6.e~ -122. ~0 -122. 20 -122. 00

~---'--'--'-~'~'~'---'----111 SCALE 001')

Figure 9. Diagram showing the locations of the tiltmeter sites for this study and outer-network USGS geodetic survey studies (after Swanson and others, 1981).

The basic geology of the site is that of a pahoehoe basalt flow

containing lava tubes overlying assorted mudflows and pyroclastic

flows. The basalt is a primitive diktytaxitic olivine basalt flow

(approx. 1925 .± 95 years B.P.1 Greely and Hyde, 1972) that varies

chemically to an olivine andesitic basalt. The volcanic deposits

Page 46: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


overlie the volcaniclastic sediments of the Ohanapecosh Formation.


The tiltmeter installed at Ape Cave North was a short base

platform type biaxial tiltmeter (Figure 8). The site was installed May

18, 1980, and is located about 6.1 km southwest of Mount St. Helens, at

975 m elevation. The site is geologically similar to the Ape Cave

site, located in a lava tube of the same basalt flow. The Ape Cave

North site is located about 3 km closer to Mount St. Helens than the

Ape cave site.

In the area of the tiltmeter, the basalt previously described has

a thickness of about 12 meters. The basalt in this location has

undergone negligible deformation since deposition. Access to the site

was through an opening in the lava tube created by the collapse of a

section of the tube north of the site. At the site, no evidence was

found indicating continued collapse or cracking of the remaining tube


Together, the two platform tiltmeters form a generally radial

line from the mountain (see Figure 9). It was hoped that the two Ape

Cave tiltmeters would show similar directions of relative tilt with

amount of tilt a function of their respective distances to the mountain.


The Blue Lake tiltmeter site, installed June 11, 1980, used a USGS

borehole tiltmeter. The installation of the meter followed standard

USGS procedures as shown in Figure 7a. Located about 5.2 km west of

Page 47: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

Mount St. Helens, at 1190 m elevation is the most northerly tiltmeter

and the closest site to the mountain (see Figure 9).


The site is located on a mudflow deposit from previous Mount St.

Helens eruption of Pine Creek age or older (Crandell and Mullineaux,

1973). The mudflow is generally poorly consolidated, matrix supported

and consists primarily of volcanic and lithic fragments.

Topographically the site is located at a break in slope at the

northern edge of a clear cut area. In the area of the site the ground

slopes to the south-southeast with a gradient of between 5 and 10



The June Lake tiltmeter site located 5.8 km southeast of Mount

St. Helens at 1175 m elevation, uses a USGS borehole tiltmeter (see

Figure 8). The tiltmeter was installed June 15, 1980 using standard

USGS installation techniques (see Figure 7).

The geology of the area surrounding this site consists of layers

of mudflows of Pine Creek age exceeding 10 meters in total depth. The

sediments probably overlie older andesite or basaltic andesite flows

which in turn overlie the Ohanapechosh Formation. The tiltmeter itself

is installed in a poorly consolidated mudflow deposit, which contains

volcaniclastic sediments with rocks up to 1 meter in diameter.

The site is located on a small saddle that trends east to west

near the center of a large clear-cut area. The slopes on either side

dip away from the saddle with a gradient of 10 to 15 degrees.

Page 48: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



The PSU f 2 tiltmeter location used a Kinemetrics borehole

tiltmeter belonging to Portland State University. The basic

installation of the tiltmeter was completed in June 1980 using a

modified installation technique based on the USGS procedure (Figure

7b.). The site was located on top of a ridge at 1020 m elevation,

about 7.2 km southwest of Mount St. Helens (Figure 9). The tiltmeter

was emplaced in the soil mantle that covers the ridge.

The geology of this site is dominated by a basaltic ridge of the

Ohanapechosh Formation. The basalt at this point is fractured, but

still coherent enough to form a cliff of approximately 250 meters.

The site is located at an excavated area, that within the last

ten years had been a base for "Highline" logging operations. The

tiltmeter was situated about 40 meters from a north facing cliff.


The PSU t3 tiltmeter site is also a Kinemeterics borehole type,

installed in July 1980, using the same installation procedure as PSU 12.

The location is about 5.8 km southeast of Mount St. Helens at 1040 m

elevation, slightly north of an old logging road. This is the eastern

most tiltmeter site in the study (see Figure 9).

Geologically the site is similar to the June Lake site. The

tiltmeter was placed in unconsolidated debris flow deposits of the same

type. The slope in the area of the tiltmeter has a gradient of about 5

degrees to the south and southwest.

Page 49: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County




Two methods of data collection were used in this study. The

first method involved real time data recovery techniques by USGS

equipment and personnel. The tilt data collected by the tiltmeter at

each USGS site was telemetered from Mount St. Helens to Vancouver,

Washington. This data was then manually transferred to a host computer

system (Univ. of Washington, DEC PDP 11/70) for further processing.

A second method of data collection was conducted by the PSU

geophysics group. Data from the tiltmeters was recorded on site using

Rustract (model 288) strip chart recorders. Tiltmeter records and

associated temperature and pressure records were retrieved every one to

two weeks and returned to PSU. The data was then manually digitized by

A. Johnson and transferred to the Univ. of Washington computer system

for further analysis.


Following entry of the data into the computer, data was evaluated

and plotted. The preliminary evaluations of the data were done

visually. These evaluations included the initial delineation and

correction of data segments where missing points or obvious mechanical

Page 50: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


problems occurred. Common problems encountered in this study were:

1) Instrument resetting.

2) Electronic malfunctions, battery failures.

3) Telemetry malfunctions due to atmospheric changes.

4) Operator error in digitalization.

5) Improper equipment setup.

Following the initial evaluation, the corrected data segments

where combined into contiguous data sets. Within these sets, initially

offset chronologically adjacent segments were aligned based on previous

trends. Short sections of missing data were temporarily inserted

using linear interpolation to facilitate additional computations

outlined in the following sections.

Possible effects of interference of thermal noise resulting from

thermoelastic tilting of the ground (Berger, 1975) were removed by the

use of a linear temperature correction factor. This correction factor

is based on the ratio of tilt verses temperature and derived by

calculating the slope of the best fit linear regression line.

Correction for temperature was only done on the PSU tiltmeters because

they were the only sites setup to record temperature.


Although signals associated with major equipment malfunctions are

easily recognized, signals from minor equipment problems or transient

instruments fluctuations are not easily isolated. Other outside signals

that influence the tilt signal are temperature changes, pressure

changes, instrument settling, lunar tides, earthtides and soil creep.

Page 51: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


In this study, these signals constitute "noise" in the data set,

masking the desired signal. Since the main focus of the study is on a

changing dynamic system with other studies (Swanson and others, 1981)

indicating inflationary and deflationary changes, extraction of the

primary tilt signal associated with these changes is critical. Removal

of the "noise" is necessary for further analysis of the primary tilt


Initial filtering of the data sets was done by the collection

method. Signals with duration periods of less than one hour were not

collected. Longer duration signals of known amplitudes were removed by

use of specific frequency "notch" filter functions (Davis, 1973).

Other signals that were highly variant in duration and amplitude

(equipment fluctuations, settling, pressure or temperature) are not

easily measured or removed, so that filtering by "notch" filter

functions is not appropriate. The method chosen to remove these

signals was the filtering of the data set by a cubic spline function

(IMSL, 1982).

Detrending is a mathematical method used to remove linear signal

functions from a data set. In this study, detrending of the entire

data set would remove all linear tilting signals, although it would

allow examination of earthtides. Since the majority of the stations

where not setup to record signals in the earthtide range (l0-7urad)

long term detrending of the data was not attempted. Instead, detrending

of data collected during individual eruptions was done. The purpose

being to isolate any tilt change that could be spatially associated with

the eruption onset from long term tilt trends.

Page 52: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



Spectral analysis of the tiltmeter data sets was done to define

the major frequencies (cyclic events) in these data sets. The ident-

if ication of the major frequencies is the initial step in removal of

these frequencies by specific filters. Subsets of equal length from

the same time period for each tiltmeter were used for the analysis.

According to the concept of Nyquist frequencies (Davis, 1973) the

minimum number of equally timed points required to identify a wave at a

certain frequency is 3. The minimum number of points required to

define a wave is 5 and to completely reconstruct the wave is 8. This

means that the minimum frequency that can be evaluated in this study

due to sampling interval is 4 hours, due to 1 hour sample interval.

The definition of cyclic events in a continuous data set is best

accomplished using a Fourier Transform (FT). What the FT does is define

a frequency spectra of the input time sequence. Because of the slow

calculation speed involved the standard FT program was not used. In

this study the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm (Brigham, 1974)

was used.

The basic formula for the discrete FFT at a given frequency f is:

N-1 F ( f) = ( l/N) E x ( j ~ t) exp ( - i 2 ;r j ~ t f) ( 1)


where x(j~t) is a time series of length T = N~t. To improve the

analysis speed, a FFT requires N = 2n, where n is an integer and

f = k/N~t fork= 0,1, ••• N-1.

Page 53: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


For a more complete discussion on the benifits and uses of FT

techniques refer to Bath (1973), Claerbout (1976) or Davis (1973). A

very good discussion of the uses, techniques and properties of FFT's

can be found in Brigham (1974).

Results of the FFT analysis were then used for two purposes: 1)

to define major frequencies present in each data set for subsequent

removal and 2) for the comparison of frequencies (presence, absence, or

power) between data sets.


Correlation of both the raw data and filtered data was done to

determine the relationships between the data sets. In this study, two

types of correlations were used1 autocorrelation and cross-correlation.

Autocorrelation of individual data sets was done to determine

similarity between different segments of the same data set. This

procedure defines the correlation of a time series with itself at

different time offsets (lag) (Davis, 1973).

Cross-correlation is similar to autocorrelation, but uses the

principle of linear correlation between two individual time series

instead of one (Davis, 1973). The purpose of the cross-correlation

effort in this study was to quantitatively analyze the relationships

between the different tilt axes and to determine if the different

tiltmeter sites responded in a similar manner during the study.


The reason for evaluating results and terrain differences between

Page 54: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

tiltmeter sites was to indentify and quantify what affects tiltmeter

type or installation method had on results. Several factors where

evaluated, 1) distance of the tiltmeter with respect to the mountain,

2) type of tiltmeter used, 3) the medium on which the tiltmeter was

placed, and 4) the geology between the tiltmeter and the deformation



Distance of the tiltmeter from the deformation source is extremely

important in terms of expected tiltmeter response. Tiltmeters measure

the arc of change in an axis which is associated with vertical change

of a point at distance X away from the tiltmeter. This means that the

relative location of the tiltmeter to the deformation source will

determine the arc (tilt change) the tiltmeter will record. If the

surface being deformed responds in a linear elastic manner, deformation

would be expected to vary inversely with radial distance from the

source. Visual evaluation of the resultant tiltmeter data sets should

reveal the maximum deformation associated with any eruption, if the

deformation was large enough to be recorded. Comparison of resultant

tilt records to theoretical models should also indicate if the

tiltmeters reacted as predicted in the model.

Tiltmeters used in this study are similar in function but

dissimilar in container construction (see Figures 7 and 8). Borehole

tiltmeters measure the partial derivative of horizontal displacement

verses sensor depth and partial derivative of radial distance.

Platform tiltmeters measure the partial derivative of vertical

displacement verses the partial derivative of radial distance. This

results in the borehole tiltmeter being highly sensitive to near

Page 55: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


surface shearing phenomena while the platform tiltmeter are relatively

insensitive to near surface shearing. The cause of the sensitivity is

the major variance in lengths of the respective tiltmeters vertical

axis (see Figures 7 and 8) • The difference between tiltmeter types

becomes pronounced when installation of the tiltmeter into an unstable

surface subject to soil creep (surface shear). Comparison of tiltmeter

response to site environmental conditions was done by mathematical

evaluation (correlation and FFT) of resultant tilt signals and visual

evaluation of resultant tilt vector direction to physiographic

characteristics of the site.

Site location in terms of soil or rock type was also extremely

different in the two types of instrument sites. The borehole tiltmeter

sites are emplaced in unconsolidated sediments. The sediments at these

sites are not extremely efficient in terms of deformation transmission,

since interfragmental shearing can occur at relatively low energy

level. These sediments could act as a dampening or amplifying medium

for short period signals, but should not effect the long period

signals. The platform tiltmeters both rest on solid basalt which is by

comparison a good transmitter of deformation. Evaluation of tilt

changes during eruptive periods and during the entire study period in

comparison to tiltmeter type, predicted deformation for models should

be indicative of signal dampening at individual sites due to

installation medium.

In utilizing the tiltmeter to analyze deformation patterns at any

distance, ass~ptions must be made about the medium connecting the

tiltmeter to the deformation source. Commonly the medium is assumed to

Page 56: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


act as a homogeneous mass, deforming in a linearly consistent manner

relative to the deformation source. In theory, this makes the analysis

of the deformation patterns and modeling of deformation source much

simpler. In practice, changes in the medium (stratagraphic and

lithologic changes, faulting, etc.) modify the deformation pattern,

leading to possibly erroneous conclusions about the deformation source

and deformation patterns. Geologic information (Hopson, 1980) and

geodetic survey results (Swanson and others, 1981) around Mount St.

Helens help define boundary conditions for modeling deformational

patterns during this study. Resultant tilt vectors from each site are

then spatially compared to these boundary conditions. The result is a

theoretical model of a deformation source that meets as many of the

conditions as possible.

Page 57: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



The data obtained from the six tiltmeters in the Mount St. Helens

study area between July 1, 1980 to December 31, 1980 is shown in

Figures 10 through 15. In the following discussion, this data will be

referred to as "raw data". These figures are the result of plotting

both data from the north-south and east-west axis of tilt against time

at hourly intervals. Plots of the raw data on a monthly time base for

all tiltmeters are located in Appendix A.

Plots of the raw data for the study period (Figures 10 through

15) indicate all but one of the tiltmeters where relatively stable.

This stability is also shown in the monthly plots (Appendix A), where

fluctuations of the data are generally minor. The Blue Lake site (see

Figure 12) however, was highly unstable during the study period. Tilt

records from the Blue Lake site are characterized by extended periods

of excessively fluctuating daily tilts and extremely sporadic output

(Table II and Appendix A). The suspected cause of the instability at

the Blue Lake site was very poor site selection and equipment problems

generally related to the telemetry of data.

The raw tilt data from all the tiltmeters show the existence of

long term variation or instrument drift and relatively short term

variation. These periods of fluctuating tilt could result from any of

Page 58: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


Figure 10. Plot of raw data from Ape Cave tiltmeter site. Shown are East-West and North-South components of tilt at Ape Cave tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting July 1, 1980 and continuing through December 31, 1980. All times are GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets. Gaps in the plots indicate periods where no usable data was collected.



Page 59: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


c: .:,I

~· ..J .... ~




316.• .. Figure 11. Plot of raw data from Ape Cave North tiltmeter site. Shown are East-West and North-South components of tilt at Ape Cave North tiltrneter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting July 1, 1980 and continuing through December 31, 1980. All times are GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets. Gaps in the plots indicate periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 60: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



d I



vt,) ' \

·~.._ ... \ ~" ... _.._.,, ~-w


Figure 12. Plot of raw data from Blue Lake tiltmeter site. Shown are East-West and North-South components of tilt at Blue Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting July 1, 1980 and continuing through December 31, 1980. All times are GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets. Gaps in the plots indicate periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 61: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


Figure 13. Plot of raw data from June Lake tiltmeter site. Shown are East-West and North-South components of tilt. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive


(inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting July 1, 1980 and continuing through December 31, 1980. All times are GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets. Gaps in the plots indicate periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 62: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0

0 ~

0 ~ ~ ~

0 ~ 0 ~


~o C·

-~ _N


• L og L • uo


e c -o ~o

~ --~ -0 0


0 0


0 0


PSU #2

~ ~ ~~yE-W

,.,,,,,.. ~rN-S

v /


..,_ ____ ....,_. ____ ..,.. ____ ....., ____________ __, ____________________________ .... ____ ~ 0 l8J.OO 201 -00 219.00 2 7.00 255.00 27J 00 291 .oo J09.00 J27.00 J•S.00 J6J


Figure 14. Plot of raw data from PSU 12 tiltmeter site. Shown are East-West and North-South components of tilt. A decrease in recor ed values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting July 1, 1980 and continuing through December 31, 1980. All times are GMT equivale ts. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets. Gaps in the plot indicate periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 63: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0


0 0

II') ,...,

0 0

0 ,...,

-o .,0 C• .II') _N


• I.. og I... uo _N

e c -o ...... o

II') --_J

0 0


0 0




PSU #3



~N-S o.._ ____ .,_. ____________ ...., ______ ..,. ____ ....,._. ____ ..,... ____ ~,....----..,..------~-----, 0 i1•.00 229.00 244.00 259.00 274.00 289.00 304.00 319.00 JJ•.OO 349.00 J64


Figure 15. Plot of raw data from PSU i3 tiltmeter site. Shown are East-West and North-South components of tilt. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive. Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting August 1, 1980 and continuing through December 31, 1980. All times are GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets. Gaps in the plots indicate periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 64: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


the following:

1) Meteorologic or thermal noise, since this study included data

collected over a wide range of climatic conditions.

2) Settling of the instruments.

3) Instrument drift, diurnal variations or instrument instability.

4) Movement of the station in response to inflation or deflation

of the mountain.

5) Changes due to stress relief on the St. Helens seismic zone.

6) Soil creep of the area around the instrument site.

General daily and cumulative performance data for each of the

tiltmeters is shown in Table II. Included in Table II are the following

performance statistics; number of days in operation, number of hours of

usable data collected, number of full days in operation, total net tilt

for the study period and average daily tilt fluctuation. The value

given as number of hours of useable data collected represents the total

number of hours where recognizable information was collected. The full

days value relates the total number of number of 24 hour contiguous

Julian date intervals represented in the data set. Average daily tilt

is a calculated value based on the difference between the maximum and

minimum tilt values for full days only.

By sampling at hourly intervals, effects of large short term

(less than one hour) disturbances where minimized. Longer period

disturbances were removed by use of notch and cubic spline filters.

Since "earthtide" signals where not being evaluated within this study,

detrending of large time base data sets was not done, because of the

almost total dynamic signal loss involved in the process.

Page 65: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County





Daysl in


Hours2 in


Full3 days in


Net ti1t4 during


Average daily tilt


Ape CaveS E 184 N 184

Ape Cave E 184 North5 N 184

Blue Lake5 E 184 N 184

June LakeS E 184 N 184

PSU i2 E 116 N 116 T 116

PSU i3 E 70 N T

70 70

E = East-west tilt axis T = Temperature

3931 3608

3675 3682

2732 2731

3808 3809

1638 1439 1537

1297 1206 1205

109 102

107 106

68 66

108 108

66 49

52 48

-4 5

17 -21

-8 -11

-4 103

-5 9

-5 -23

N = North-south tilt axis = No data for this value

2.87 4.57

2.04 2.25

4.48 4.06

1.32 1.85

0.65 0.24

0.37 0.47

lPossible total operational days. Maximum time during the study period was 184 days.

2Total hours of useable data collected. 3Total days where full 24 hour records where collected • 4Net tilt change for the axis during the study in lo-6 radians.

Positive value indicates west or south relatively up. SusGs tiltmeters were not equipped to record temperature.

Page 66: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


Spectral analysis of the data was done to isolate cyclic

functions and evaluate signal correlation between instruments. The

data evaluated consisted of 2048 hours of contiguous data points

between Julian day (JD) 214 00:00 GMT and JD 299 07:00 GMT (Aug. 1

through Oct. 25) for the USGS tiltmeters. The longest possible

contiguous data set for the PSU tiltmeters was from JD 214 00:00 GMT to

JD 256 15:00 GMT (Aug. 1 through Sept. 12) for a total of 1024 hours.

An example of a smoothed raw power spectrum from the north-south axis

of the Ape cave tiltmeter is shown in Figure 16. Smoothed power

spectra for the other tiltmeters are very similar to Figure 16 and are

not shown. Comparison of the spectral analysis results indicated that

all of the tiltmeter components had major frequency periods at 8 hours,

12 hours, 24 hours and 3 days. The presence of these major frequency

spikes indicates that all of the tiltmeters responded in a similar

manner to these cyclic functions. The intermediate and low frequency

spikes are presumably multiples of the frequencies of the major spikes

and random "noise".

Correlation of the long term tiltmeter records indicated an

apparent lack of consistent trends in the data sets. Long term

auto-correlation indicated that all of the tiltmeter records are

stationary in terms of response trends. Cross-correlation analysis,

utilizing the first 1024 hours of data from sets used in the FFT

analysis, indicated a lack of correlation between tiltmeters in terms

of resultant tilt response patterns. The best signal correlation

recorded was between the June Lake and PSU i2 tiltmeters.

The effects of thermal variance on the PSU tiltmeters were next

Page 67: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

1 ,....,. 0 0

• "'.:J ::s ...

0 0.

Wh • r • n = 0 , 1 , , , N-1 N = 2048 T = 1 hour

Frequency (n/NT)



Figure 16. Plot of smoothed power spectrum from the north-south tilt component of the Ape Cave tiltmeter.

examined. The results of plotting tilt verses temperature for PSU i2

north-south and east-west tilt axes (Figure 17) shows the average

temperature correction factor to be greater than 20 deg/µrad (in degrees

Fahrenheit) indicating minimal tilt variance with temperature change.

Tilt variance in the east-west axis is much grater than in the

north-south axis, but the variance was less than 1 µrad/day.

Temperature correction factors for the remaining axes of both the PSU

f 2 and PSU f3 sites tilt were all on the order of greater than 20

deg/µrad (in degrees Fahrenheit). Temperature variance effects on the

USGS tiltmeters can only be speculated since temperature was not

recorded. Based on the PSU results, temperature effects on the USGS

borehole sites are expected to be minimal. The effects of temperature

on the platform sites also appears to be minimal after visual


Apparent "earthtides• were recorded at both of the PSU sites

(Appendix A). These "earthtide" signals are an order of magnitude too

Page 68: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


1 60

.. Temperature~ .....

" ..-------.. ....__/-~ • ,, __ , :I

~ --\.... A--......... ,,----... __ __, .... -a ,--.. , ' / • • .... __ .. , \ ..._... ,, .. s:: \ I \ !\ I \--E-W

a G _.,.

\ I \ I \ I \ (' s::

-a .. G • .. \; \ I \ I I\ 0 '- \ \ I '"' .. • u ,j \ ...,

'-' 2 ')


Jul Ian Date 282 30

Figure 17. Three component plot showing the detrended and smoothed north-south tilt axis, the east-west tilt axis, and the corresponding temperature record for the PSU f 2 tiltmeter site between Julian days 277 and 282.

small to have been recorded at the USGS sites. Further resolution and

investigation of these signals was not attempted. However, the

recording of these signals at the PSU sites indicate the sites were

functioning at expected performance levels.

One major non-volcanic phenomena commonly experienced by

tiltmeters is instrument drift. Instrument drift is the electro-

mechanical deviation of the instrument with time. In this study,

isolation of instrument drift was difficult. Positive identification

of instrument drift at any of the sites was impossible since the system

the tiltmeters were monitoring may not have been static during the

study long enough for a baseline to be established. Since several of

the sites are on shallow slopes or are in close proximity to slopes,

Page 69: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


instrument drift could be the result of soil creep at the site. The

resolution of long term tilt vectors (see Table II) also indicates soil

creep as a possible cause of instrument drift at both PSU sites and the

June Lake site since resultant tilt vectors at the sites indicated down

slope directions.

Spurious short term fluctuations effecting a single tilt component

were recorded at all of the sites. The USGS sites were effected more

often than the PSU sites. These fluctuations were identified through

visual examination and removed when directly attributable to mechanical

problems. The fluctuations commonly represented a single data point,

whose value was unrelated to surrounding data points. Suspected cause

of the fluctuations is in the electronic circuitry and transmission of

data rather than rapid attitude change of the tiltmeter station. The

problem seems to be seasonal, attributable to temperature sensitive

electronics or high wind conditions (Murry and Furukawa, personal

communication, 1982).



The first eruption during this study took place on July 22, 1980

at 17:14 PDT (00:14 GMT on Julian Day (JD) 205). Tiltmeters

functioning during this period were Ape Cave North and June Lake (see

Figure 9). This eruption had three major explosive events within a

period of two hours, each event was accompanied by small shallow

earthquake swarms. There was no post-explosive dome growth associated

with this eruption. Other major statistics concerning this eruption

Page 70: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


can be found in Appendix C.

Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data for a time period of

five days bracketing the eruption are shown in Figures 18 and 19. The

statistics indicating the pre-eruption tilt vector orientation and tilt

rate, the post-eruption tilt vector orientation and tilt rate, and the

net tilt since JD 180 are given in Table III. A diagram showing the

general direction and relative magnitude of tilt deformation vectors

before and after the July eruption can be seen in Figure 20.

The general direction of the tilt vectors five days preceding

the eruption indicate that the deformation center was to the north of

the tiltmeters in the Mount St. Helens area (Figure 20). Constraints

on the exact location of the deformation center are poor due to lack of

data from the other tiltmeter sites. Geodetic measurements (Swanson

and others, 1981) indicate the primary area of deformation was centered

at Mount St. Helens.

From JD 184 until the eruption, the base line tilt value (value

of predictable daily tilt) for Ape Cave North tiltmeter (Figure 18)

indicated a relative deflationary trend of the mountain. The rate

amounted to a daily average of .3 ~rad/day deflation. Baseline tilt

values for the June Lake site (Figure 19), preceding the eruption, also

recorded a similar deflationary trend of .2 µrad/day (see Table III).

Although the June Lake tiltmeter (Figure 19) did not operate

during the eruption (telemetry problems, not instrument malfunction),

after the eruption, tilt vector orientation indicated continuation of

the deflationary trend of Mount St. Helens at a decreased rate. The

tilt vector orientation at the Ape Cave North site (Figure 18) indicated

Page 71: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



• c G

-a ., .... 0 .... u


.. c: G

-a ., .... 0 .... u


0 203 Dal (1980)

208 Ju I I an



0 203 Dal ( 1980)

208 Ju I I an


Figure 18. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from Ape Cave North tiltmeter for the period of July 21, 1980 through July 25, 1980. Figure 18a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 18b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. The period of highest seismic activity is marked by a solid horizontal bar. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 72: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



.. c G

"a G ... 0 ... u


.. c G

"a G ... 0 ... u


' 0 203

Jul Ian Dal (1980) 208



0 203 ' Dal (1980)

208 Jul Ian


Figure 19. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from June Lake tiltmeter for the period of July 21, 1980 through July 25, 1980. Figure 19a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 19b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by an arrow. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 73: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

-122. 't0 -122. 20



KEY ================= Tiltmetcr Sites

0 Ape Cave

0 Ape Cave North

E) June Lakl!

't6.0 .. J.-~~--1~~-L-.J_~~~~-+-~~~~__._~-W.~~_,_~---t- .. 6.0 ..

-122 ... 0 -122. 20 -122. 00

••-L~..L-l''--'-'~'~'--.._,.111 SCALE 0<t0

Figure 20. Diagram showing the relative magnitudes and direction of tilt from the tiltmeters before and after the July 25, 1980 eruption. Pre-eruption vectors are indicated by hollow arrows. Post-eruption vectors are indicated by solid arrows.

Page 74: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County





Pre-eruption! tilt vector

orientation rate/day

Post-eruption2 tilt vector

orientation rate/day

Net tilt


Ape Cave

Ape cave North

June Lake







N90W .6

Nl9W -.5

S45W .4

!pre-eruption records since Julian Day 180. 2post-eruption records for five days after the eruption.




3All rate and net changes in microradians of tilt. Positive tilt values indicate relative deflation of Mount St. Helens.

a continued deflationary trend until JD 216 when trend changed to

inflationary. This is possibly related to the next major explosive

eruption on August 7.

The tiltmeter at Ape Cave was not functioning during the eruption,

but was functioning prior to JD 203 and after JD 206 (see Appendix A) •

The Ape Cave tiltmeter recorded a deformation pattern similar to the Ape

cave North station, with a daily tilt fluctuation of about 3 µrad/day.

Baseline values for Ape Cave prior to the eruption indicated that

deformation was in a deflationary sense relative to the mountain.

After the eruption the deformation vector rotated to indicate that the

mountain was slowly inflating.

Visual evaluation of the data from Ape Cave North (Figure 18) and

June Lake (Figure 19) tiltmeter sites indicated that no apparent

Page 75: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

correlation existed between the sites during this eruption other than

the general tilt direction. Cross-correlation analysis confirmed the

conclusions of the visual evaluation.



The second eruption during the study occurred August 7, 1980 at

16:23 PDT (23:23 GMT Julian Day 220). This eruption consisted of both

explosive and dome building components. The two eruptive columns

produced during this eruption were preceded by several hours of

harmonic tremor. After the second eruptive column had dissipated, deep

earthquakes followed and a small dome was extruded. The eruption lasted

for about 4 days. Total output of the eruption was 0.7*10 6m3 of

magma. Domal subsidence followed the eruption, possibly indicating

draining of magma back into the chamber (Swanson and others, 1981). An

additional small explosive eruption occurred during the afternoon of

August 15.

The tiltmeters in operation during this eruption were1 Ape Cave,

Ape Cave North, June Lake, PSU t3 and Blue Lake (see Figure 9).

Stability of the Blue Lake site is highly suspect due to mechanical

problems during this eruption, but is included since it was functioning.

Each of the tiltmeters recorded a small change in tilt that equates to

inflation of the region generally to the North of the tiltmeters.

Statistics indicating the pre-eruption tilt vector orientation and rate,

the post-eruption tilt vector orientation and rate, and the net tilt

since the July 22, 1980 eruption are given in Table IV.

Deformation recorded by the tiltmeters for the period between the

July 22 eruption and the August 7 eruption generally indicated an

Page 76: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County





Ape cave

Ape Cave North

June Lake

PSU f3

Blue Lake


Pre-eruption! tilt vector

orientation rate/day

N52E -1.0

N27W -.4

S26W .3

N45W -.1


Post-eruption2 tilt vector

orientation rate/day

S61W 1.2

N56W -1.0

N-S .4


S45W 1.4

N/A = Missing data, tilt vector undefinable.

!pre-eruption records since Julian Day 204. 2Post-eruption records for five days after the eruption.

Net tilt







3All rate and net changes in microradians of tilt. Positive tilt values indicate relative deflation of Mount St. Helens.

inflationary baseline tilt. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data

for a period three days before the eruption to two days following the

eruption are shown in Figures 21 through 25. Shown in Figure 26 is a

diagram indicating the direction and relative magnitudes of tilt

deformation vectors before and after this eruption.

Ape Cave tilt site (Figure 21) recorded a deflationary trend

preceding the August eruption of approximately .9 µrad/day. Following

the eruption the site showed an inflationary trend of about 1 µrad/day.

Page 77: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


• c a ,, a .. 0 .. u

.. c a ,, a .. 0 .. u




Jul Ian Day (1980) (aJ

Jul Ian Day (1980) (bJ




Figure 21. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from Ape Cave tiltmeter for the period of August s, 1980 through August 9, 1980. Figure 2la. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 2lb. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. The period of highest seismic activity is marked by a solid horizontal bar. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 78: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



• I: a ,, a .. 0 .. a


• I: a -,, a .. 0 .. a


0 219

Jul Ian Day (1980) (aJ



' __.,,,, - ........___ ~--......_ __ _

0 219

Jul Ian Day (1980) (bJ


Figure 22. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from Ape Cave North tiltmeter for the period of August S, 1980 through August 9, 1980. Figure 22a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 22b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. The period of highest seismic activity is marked by a solid horizontal bar. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 79: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



• c G

"'G G .. 0 .. u


.. c G

"'G G .. 0 .. u


0 219

Jul Ian Day (1980) (a)



' ~------------------ - - -0

219 Jul Ian Day (1980)



Figure 23. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from June Lake tiltmeter for the period of August 5, 1980 through August 9, 1980. Figure 23a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 23b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. The period of highest seismic activity is marked by a solid horizontal bar. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 80: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



.. c a ~ a ... 0 ... u


.. c a ~ a ... 0 ... u


' 0

219 Jul Ian Day (1980)




' 0

219 Jul Ian Day (1980}



Figure 24. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from PSU 13 tiltmeter for the period of August S, 1980 through August 9, 1980. Figure 24a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 24b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. The period of highest seismic activity is marked by a solid horizontal bar. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 81: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



.. c G ,, G ... 0 ... u


.. c G

,, G ... 0 ... u


' 0

219 Jul Ian Day (1980)




0 219

' ---

Jul Ian Day (1980) (bJ



Figure 25. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from Blue Lake tiltmeter for the period of August S, 1980 through August 9, 1980. Figure 2Sa. is the raw tilt data for the east-west axis of tilt. Figure 25b. shows the same east-west axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. The period of highest seismic activity is marked by a solid horizontal bar. A decrease in recorded values indicates an east positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 82: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

-122. 't0 -122. 20



KEY ================= Tiltmeter Sites

0 Ape Cave

0 Ape Cave North

E) June Lake

0 PSU 113


-122.'t0 -122.20 -122.00

.w_,_-'-..i.-~1~1~1_..1 __ _.__111 SC-'LE O<t1'J

Figure 26. A diagram of the tilt vector directions and relative magnitudes recorded before and after the August 7, 1980 eruption. Pre-eruption vectors are indicated by hollow arrows. Post eruption vectors are indicated by solid arrows.

Page 83: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


The Ape Cave North tilt site (Figure 22) recorded a general

inflationary trend to the data, with inflation increasing to 1 µrad/day

between JD 216 and the eruption. Following the eruption inflationary

movement continued at a rate .5 µrad/day through JD 232 when inflation

increased to 3 µrad/day for a four day period.

The June Lake tilt site (Figure 23) recorded continual

deflationary movement between the July and August eruptions. This

deflationary trend amounted to an average of .5 µrad/day. On day 216

the deflation trend increased to approximately .1 µrad/day. This

shallow trend continued until the eruption. After the eruption the

trend returned to a .5 µrad/day rate of deflation.

The PSU 13 tilt site (Figure 24) was in operation for only one

day prior to the eruption. The general direction of tilt at this site

indicted an average inflationary trend of .6 µrad/day. The quality of

the data recorded at this site for this eruption is very low due to the

extremely short operational period involved prior to the eruption.

The Blue Lake tilt site (Figure 25) indicated that a possible

deflation was taking place during the eruption. Since the site was

mechanically unstable directly before and after the eruption, the tilt

vector directions and magnitudes are of little value.

Visual evaluation of all resultant tiltmeter records during this

eruption indicated that only minimal correlation existed between any of

the sites. Cross-correlation analysis indicated minimal correlation

between tiltmeter sites, confirming the visual evaluation.


The October eruption occurred on October 16, 1980 at 21:58 PDT

Page 84: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


(05:58 GMT on Julian Day 291). The eruption consisted of five separate

explosive columns over a period of two days (see Appendix C), a pyro­

clastic flow, destruction of the old August dome complex and creation

of a new dome. Unlike previous eruptions where dome growth occurred

(see Table 1, Appendix C) , the dome growth took place over a period of

two days. Total magmatic output for this eruption was of l.5*10 6m3

of material.

Tiltmeters in operation during this eruption where1 Ape Cave, Ape

Cave North, June Lake, and PSU 12 (see Figure 9). Statistics

indicating the pre-eruption tilt vector orientation and rate, the

post-eruption tilt vector orientation and rate, and the net tilt since

the August 7, 1980 eruption are given in Table v.

The general direction of the tilt since the August eruption was

that of continued inflation of the region to the north of the tilt­

meters. Indicating this to the greatest extent were Ape Cave and Ape

Cave North sites. The June lake site continued the deflationary trend

evident in the last two eruptions. Deformation recorded by the

tiltmeters for the period of August 11 to October 15 (see Figures 10

through 15) indicated a general deflationary baseline tilt trend except

for the PSU i3 site which recorded an inflationary trend. Plots of raw

and smoothed tiltmeter data for the period JD 289 through JD 299 are

shown in Figures 27 through 30. Shown in Figure 31 is a diagram

indicating tilt deformation vectors before and after this eruption.

On approximately JD 284 both components of the Ape Cave tiltmeter

(Figure 27) changed pattern. The north-south component changed from a

inflationary trend of approximately 4 µrad/day to a deflationary trend

Page 85: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County





Pre-eruptionl tilt vector

orientation rate/day

Post-eruption2 tilt vector

orientation rate/day

Net tilt


Ape Cave

Ape Cave North

June Lake

PSU i2

S57W -.1 N31W

S4W -.3 N45W

N3W .2 N31W

incomplete record N/A

N/A = Missing data, tilt vector undefinable.





lpre-eruption records since Julian Day 220. 2Post-eruption records for five days after the eruption.





3All rate and net changes in microradians of tilt. Positive tilt values indicate relative deflation of Mount St. Helens.

of about 2 µrad/day for a period lasting about two days. The east-west

axis changed at about the same time from an east up trend of 2 µrad/day

to a west up trend of 1 µrad/day starting at about the same time. The

tilts on both axis remained relatively flat until JD 288 where the

east-west axis again began to show an east up tilt of 1 µrad/day and

the north-south axis showed a north up tilt of 1 µrad/day. The first

eruption was preceded by an inflationary tilt increase and was followed

by deflationary tilt movement of the north-south axis, and the

east-west axis indicated continual east up tilt of about 1 µrad/day.

The second eruption started eleven hours after the first, with

Page 86: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



.. c 0

-a 0 ... 0 ... u


.. c 0

-a 0 ... 0 ... u


0 289

Jul Ian Da~ (1980) 299

(a 20


0 289

Ju 11 an Da~ ( 1980) 299


Figure 27. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from Ape Cave tiltmeter for the period of October 14, 1980 through October 23, 1980. Figure 27a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 27b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 87: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



• c: 0

-0 a .. 0 .. u


• c: 0

-0 0 .. 0 .. u


0 289

Jul Ian Day (1980) (aJ



0 289

Jul Ian Day (1980) (b)


Figure 28. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from Ape Cave North tiltmeter for the period of October 14, 1980 through October 23, 1980. Figure 28a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 28b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 88: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


• c: a "V a .. 0 .. u

.. c: a

"V a .. 0 .. u



J u.I I a n D a y ( 1 9 8 O ) (a)

Jul Ian Day (1980) (b)



______ J


Figure 29. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from June Lake tiltmeter for the period of October 14, 1980 through October 23, 1980. Figure 29a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 29b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 89: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



.. c G

-a G ~

0 ~



.. c: G

-a G ~

0 ~



' .....,

0 289

Ju 11 an Da~ ( 1980) 299

(a 20

' 0

289 Ju I Ian Da~ (1980)



Figure 30. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from PSU 12 tiltmeter for the period of October 14, 1980 through October 23, 1980. Figure 30a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 30b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 90: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


-122. cte -122. 20 -122.00

KEY ================= Tiltmeter Sites

0 Ape Cave

0 Ape Cave North

0 June Lake

0 PSU 112

.. 6.0~.J._ ____ _J..__ __ _L..L..--------...L------t--------------------"'------..M----------------.-~6.0~

-122. ~e -122. 20 -122. ee •• -1.-1-..L-~'~'~'-'-'_._~l11


Figure 31. A diagram of the tilt vector directions and relative magnitudes recorded before and after the October 16, 1980 eruption. Pre-erpution vectors are indicated by hollow arrows. Post-eruption vectors are indicated by solid arrows.

Page 91: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


continued east up tilt of the east-west axis but with the north-south

axis showing a deflationary tilt of about 1 µrad/hr. The tilt

direction of the north-south axis distinctly changed trend at approx­

imately 01:00 GMT JD 292. The north-south axis began showing a rapid

inflationary increase of about 2 µrad/hr until about 0400 hrs. GMT when

tilt direction changed to the deflationary sense and at 0512 hrs the

third eruptive pulse occurred. This deflation lasted for about 2 hours

and then changed back to inflation. The east-west axis also changed

tilt orientation reflecting the north-south axis changes although

lagging it by about 4 hours and at a smaller amplitude. Tilts

continued in the inflationary sense until approximately 1230 when they

again changed back to deflationary. The fourth eruptive event occurred

at 1935 and signaled the start of a major deflationary pattern of 2

µrad/hr until the the final explosive event started at 2128 hrs. GMT.

Following the last event the formation of a dome complex occurred over

the next two days.

The Ape Cave North tiltmeter (Figure 28) preformed in a very

similar pattern to the Ape cave tiltmeter except that in general the

amplitude of the changes where not nearly as large. Signals recorded

by the Ape cave North station were of larger amplitude for the

east-west tilt axis than the north-south axis. This is probably due to

the more westerly orientation of the site. 'nle signals at Ape Cave

North also lagged behind the Ape Cave signals in general by about 1 or

2 hours. The overall direction of tilt during the eruptive period was

south positive and west positive, which translates to an overall

subsidence in the region to north-east of the mountain.

Page 92: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


The June Lake site recorded essentially no change during the

eruptive period. There was a very small change in tilt to a possible

south positive orientation on about JD 291 (Figure 29), but the change

was about l µrad/day. The east-west axis recorded continued minor east

positive tilt preceding and throughout the eruptive period of about

.s µrad/day.

The PSU 12 tiltmeter site (Figure 30) indicated essentially no

change during, before or directly after the eruption. The north-south

component indicated negligible tilt in any direction, while the east­

west component had a minimal west positive tilt.

Visual evaluation of the data recorded during this eruptive

period (Figures 27 through 30) indicated a possible correlation existed

between eruptive cycles ~nd tiltmeter vector fluctuations for the Ape

Cave and Ape Cave North sites, although the amplitude of the recorded

signal at Ape Cave was much stronger than Ape Cave North. Cross­

correlation of the resultant tilt data confirmed that Ape cave and Ape

Cave North had remotely similar patterns (correlation coeff icie.nt, less

than .6).


The December was the last eruption during the study period. Start

of this eruption is uncertain because poor weather conditions prevented

visual observation and no eruptive column was detected by radar.

Shallow earthquakes signaled the approximate start of the eruption on

December 27, 1980 (Julian Date 362). This eruption is unique in this

study due to the lack of associated explosive activity characteristic

of previous eruptions (Appendix C) • The new dome growth took place

Page 93: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


without removal of the previous dome. Dome growth lasted for a period

of 7 days with cessation of output occurring sometime January 4, 1981

(Appendix C) • The total magmatic output for the December eruption was

3.6 *106m3.

By the time this eruption occurred, the PSU tiltmeters had been

rendered inactive; weather conditions making the equipment inaccess-

ible. Tiltmeters in operation during the December eruption were; Ape

Cave, Ape Cave R:>rth, and June Lake (see Figure 9). Statistics

indicating the pre-eruption tilt vector orientation and rate, the

post-eruption tilt vector orientation and rate, and the net tilt since

the October 22, 1980 eruption are given in Table VI.




Ape Cave

Ape Cave North

June Lake


Pre-eruption! tilt vector

orientation rate/day



NlSW .7

Post-eruption2 tilt vector

orientation rate/day

see * below

see * below

see * below

N/A = Missing data, tilt vector undefinable. * The December eruption was not yet finished when the study


Net tilt




49. 7

!Pre-eruption records since Julian Day 290. 2Post-eruption records for five days after the eruption. 3All rate and net changes in microradians of tilt. Positive values

indicate relative deflation of Mount St. Helens.

Page 94: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


Tilt recorded at each of the sites between October 19, 1980 and

December 27, 1980 (see Figures 10 through 13) indicated that there was

an overall subsidence of Mount St. Helens. Tilt trends between JD 361

and the eruption (JD 362) indicated a slight inflationary trend to the

North of the tiltmeter sites. This trend reversed after the eruption

again to deflationary. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data

between JD 357 and JD 367 are shown in Figures 32 through 34. A

diagram showing the general direction and magnitude of tilt deformation

vectors before and after the December eruption is given in Figure 35.

The Ape Cave tiltmeter site signal reception quality was

decreasing before this eruption (Appendix A). Cause of the decreased

reception quality was presumed to be weather related. Signal loss for

the north-south axis was experienced for a twenty four day period

between JD 335 and JD 361 (see Figure 10). This means that tilt trend

analysis between the October and December eruptions is meaningless for

this site. However the east-west tilt component was functioning the

majority of the time, indicating a general east positive tilt until JD

354 when the axis orientation changed to a west positive tilt.

During the eruption the north-south axis of the Ape Cave

tiltmeter (Figure 32) indicated a possible extremely minor north

positive orientation. The east-west axis returned to an east positive

orientation on JD 366.

The Ape Cave North site experienced major telemetry or instrument

problems between JD 340 and JD 355 (see Figure 11), making assumptions

about long term trends between the October and December of low value.

The speculated trends of the north-south axis during this period is

Page 95: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



.. c G

~ G ~

0 ~



.. c G

~ G ~

0 ~



0 357

Jul Ian Do~ (1980) (a


0 357

Julian Do~ (1980) (b

Figure 32. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from Ape Cave tiltmeter for the period of December 26, 1980 through December 31, 1980. Figure 32a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 32b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. The period of highest seismic activity is marked by a solid horizontal bar. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflatfon).

Page 96: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



.. c: G

"'G G .. 0 .. u


.. c: G

"'G G .. 0 .. u



357 Jul Ian Da~ (1980)


(a 20


357 Da~ (1980)

001 Ju I I an


Figure 33. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from Ape Cave North tiltmeter for the period of December 26, 1980 through December 31, 1980. Figure 33a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 33b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. The period of highest seismic activity is marked by a solid horizontal bar. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 97: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



• c G

,, G ... 0 ... u

.. c G ,, G ... 0 ... u



Jul tan Day (1980) (aJ


0 357

Jul tan Day (1980) (bJ


Figure 34. Plots of raw and smoothed tiltmeter data from June Lake tiltmeter for the period of December 26, 1980 through December 31, 1980. Figure 34a. is the raw tilt data for the north-south axis of tilt. Figure 34b. shows the same north-south axis after smoothing. Eruption onset is indicated by a vertical arrow. The period of highest seismic activity is marked by a solid horizontal bar. A decrease in recorded values indicates a north positive tilt (relative inflation).

Page 98: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


-122. 't0 -122. 20 -122.00

KEY ================= Tiltmetcr Sites

0 Ape Cave

(} Ape Cave North

0 June Lake

't6.0't.J_ _____ _JL_ ___ ....L..1_ ____________ ..._ ___________ _,_ ___ ~---~-l.----~'t6.0't

-122. 't0 -122. 20 -122. 00

•• _,,__._...L-~'~'_._1_1...._._._~!11 SCALE O<H'l

Figure 35. A diagram of the tilt vector directions and relative magnitudes recorded before and after the December 1980 eruption. Pre-eruption vectors are indicated by hollow arrows. Post-eruption vectors are indicated by solid arrows.

Page 99: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

that it remained relatively flat. The east-west axis underwent major

changes in comparison to the north-south axis, but analysis of tilt

direction between JD 340 and JD 355 is of little value.


During the eruption period JD 355 through JD 366 the Ape Cave

North site was apparently functioning properly (Figure 33). Between

days JD 355 and JD 361, the north-south axis recorded a south positive

tilt orientation and the east-west axis showed a east positive tilt

orientation. After JD 361 these orientations rotated to the opposite

direction and again rotated back on JD 364.

The June Lake site indicated a slight inflationary trend relative

to the mountain approximately fifteen to sixteen days prior to JD 361

(Figure 34). Another change in trend occurred JD 361, with rapid

deflation of approximately 10 urad for a twelve hour period again on

the north-south axis. Following this twelve hour period, tilt trends

returned to a very minor deflationary pattern for the remainder of the

eruptive period. The east-west axis remained relatively flat compared

to the north-south axis, in general indicating a slight east positive

tilt (relative deflation) until JD 356 when a short term inflation took

place. Following the inflation, which lasted approximately four to six

days, east positive tilt resumed.

Visual evaluation of the resultant tiltmeter records during this

eruption (Figures 32 through 34) indicated that minimal correlation of

trends existed between the sites. Cross-correlation analysis confirmed

the conclusions of the visual evaluation.

Page 100: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



Evaluation of the results from the tiltmeters based on available

geologic, geodetic, geochemical and seismic information is the next

phase of this study. This involved the integration of results obtained

from the tiltmeters and other monitoring techniques.

As discussed in Chapter II.C, a major right lateral strike slip

fault zone (SHZ) that trends north S°w through the Mount St. Helens

region. This fault zone could be a primary controlling factor in the

location of the magmatic conduit for Mount St. Helens (Weaver and

others, 1983). The location of seismic activity between 1980 and 1983

at Mount St. Helens (see Figure 5) also suggests that a northeast

trending fault may also be resultant of the volcanic activity and a

controlling factor of future activity (Weaver and Malone, 1983).

Results of geodetic deformation surveys conducted during 1980

(Swanson and others, 1981) indicated measurable amounts of deformation

was associated with several of the eruptions during this period.

During this study, the flanks of the mountain characteristically had

measurable deformational changes during explosive eruptions (July 22

and August 7) and minimal deformation during non-explosive dome

building eruptions (August 7 and December 23). The deformation surveys

also indicated that patterns of resultant deformation to the north and

east of Mount St. Helens varied from the south and west sides. The

Page 101: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

common deformation pattern before explosive eruptions was that of

symetrical inflation of the mountain. Following explosive eruptions,

the deformation to the north and east was negligible while marked

deformation occurred to the south and west.


Surface deformation resulting from the intrusion of magma can be

used to describe the shape, volume and depth of an idealized subsurface

deformation source (Mogi, 1958). Using surface deformation data

(tiltmeter and geodetic) and seismic information, models of the

subsurface deformation source can be constructed. The purpose of

modeling in this study was to correlate measured surf icial deformation

to specific volcanic events.

Two models were chosen to approximate the deformation patterns

that accompanied each eruption. The first model, developed by Mogi

(1958) uses a single pressurized magma chamber with a small cylindrical

conduit. The second model applies the concepts of the first model to a

system containing two vertically aligned pressurized magma chambers.

Both models assume that the primary deformation source is definable and

that lateral migration of the source with time has not occurred.

Further explanation and assumptions made about each model can be found

in their respective sections in the following text.

A. MOGI MODEL (single magma chamber)

The first major practical interpretation of ground deformation

relative to magma chamber inflation was developed by Mogi (1958). Mogi

based his work on a hypothesis originated by Yamakawa (1955). The

method Mogi used assumed that the earths surface is a semi-infinite

Page 102: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


body approximating an elastic material in: 1) the short term, where the

earths surface responds instantaneously to short period disturbances

(i.e. instantaneous sununit deflation caused by material loss due to

eruption) and, (2) the long term, where the period of deformation may

be years in length (i.e. the slow filling of a magma chamber). Mogi

also assumed that deformation is caused by a small spherical source

(point source) with associated hydrostatic pressure within the earths

crust. An additional assumption made here is that the pressure change

is equatable to volume change and that both are essentially equivalent.

Theoretical calculations of the deformation are based on the

conceptual drawing of an idealized system shown in Figure 36. The

deformation in this idealized system is the result of spherical

displacement in an elastic half space. Based on this idealized system

Magi developed equations relating pressure change, chamber volume and

source depth to horizontal and vertical displacements at the Earth's

surface. These equations and related derivations are illustrated and

more fully explained in Appendix B.

Based on physical conditions present at Mount St. Helens after

the May 18, 1980 eruption, an additional condition was placed on the

model. Since the conduit ends at the crater floor, the distance to the

center of the intruding spherical body was calculated relative to the

crater floor rather than the summit. Also the loading caused by the

edifice will be considered constant for this study. This is necessary

because the effects of differential loading due to the shape of the

remaining edifice are not fully understood. With the rapid unloading

of the system resulting from the May 18, 1980 eruption either in an

Page 103: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


z AH



* *



Figure 36. Idealized diagram of a Mogi volcanic system showing the major axis of stress as described by Machado (1974).

inelastic or viscous response could be a major complication (Denlinger,

1983, personal communication).

The deformation source below Mount St. Helens is known to have

caused both horizontal and vertical expansion of the mountain during

the study period (Swanson and others, 1981). Geodetic survey

measurements of vertical deformation at Mount St. Helens indicated

that 20 to 70 cm of subsidence occured during the study period.

Calculation of an idealized cumulative deformation model for

the entire study period (Figure 37) , used results of the geodetic

surveys as maximum and minimum boundary conditions in conjunction with

Page 104: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

:x: 396 <I .. z 0 H f-4 < ~ ex: o-µ.., e ~ (J


t-l < u H f-4 ex: ~ :> 0


20~ co ~

:1. -~

t:> z < :x: u f-4 t-l H f-4

~ :> H

0 f-4 < 10 ..J


Curve A Earameters Curve B Earameters

volume change = .24 km3 volume change = .24 km3 source depth = 9.0 km source depth = 15.7 km

v = .75 v = .75 H = 70 cm H = 21 cm

Figure 37. Surficial deformation diagram representing the projected maximum and mimimum theoretical vertical deformation from a point source. Line A, indicates the maximum deformation boundary and line B, indicates minimum deformation boundary. Line C indicates calculated tilt for deformation indicated by line A, and line D indicates calculated tilt for deformation indicated by line B. The shaded region is the area of possible modeled relative tilt change values. Vertical lines indicate generalized tiltmeter locations and relative tilt change at the site. Horizontal axis values are relative to vent termination in crater of Mount St. Helens.

measured output volumes (see Table I). Shown in Figure 37 are the

deformation curves for 20 and 70 cm of vertical displacement, tilt

curves for the same vertical displacements and, relative tilt changes

for the individual tiltmeter sites. Ideally the relative tilt change

recorded at any of the tiltmeter sites should be in the shaded area

between the two tilt curves.

Page 105: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


Results of modeling deformation for the entire study period

(Figure 37), with deformation caused by removal of material alone,

indicated that the minimum modeled deformation tilt curve was generally

larger than recorded tilt at most of the sites. The deformation curve

from a subsidence of 70 cm results in tilt changes of about 80 µrad (50

cm) and 30 µrad (31 cm) at horizontal distances of 6 km and 9 km

respectively from a deformation source (source depth = 9 km, magma

volume removed= .24 km3 : Lipman and others, 1981). A subsidence of

20 cm results in relative tilt changes of about 11.5 µrad (20.3 cm) and

9.2 µrad (16 cm) at horizontal distances of 6 km and 9 km respectively

from a deformation source (source depth = +15 km, magma volume removed

= .24 km3). Large deviations from the model by several of the

tiltmeter s in terms of tilt vector direction indicate non-volcanic

deformation as a major factor in deformation at these sites.

The modeled deformation pattern expected from a large mass at a

depth of 7 km is shown in Figure 38. A chamber diameter of 1.5 km was

used, based on seismic information (Scandone and Malone, 1983). Also

shown in Figure 38 is the resultant deformation curve from removal of a

small portion of this mass (.24 km3) equivalent to the amount erupted

during 1980. The deformation pattern created by a large deep chamber

is only minimally effected by removal of material from that chamber at

distances of greater that 5 km, with the modeled tilts less than 6

µrad. Expected deformation from removal of material equal to any of

the eruptions of late 1980 from a large chamber would result in tilt

changes of less than l µrad at horizontal distances greater than 5 km.

Page 106: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


:x: 3 9 6 ...-----4S


z 0 H f-4 < ~ i:i::: o­~ e ~ CJ o-


"" :::1 -~ (.!)

z < :I: (.)

f-4 ...J H f-4

~ ::> H

0 f-4 < 10 ...J ~ i:i::: RADIAL DISTANCE (km)

Curve A Earameters Curve B Earameters

chamber volume = 10.0 km3 chamber volume = 9.76 km3 source depth = 7.75 km source depth = 7. 75 km

v = .75 v = .75 H = 396 cm H = 387 cm

Figure 38. Idealized deformation patterns resulting from a large volume at depth. Line A, indicates the predicted deformation pattern caused by a magmatic body before removal of volcanic products and line B, indicates the predicted deformation pattern caused by removal of a volume equivalent to the 1980 eruptive products. Line C indicates calculated tilt for deformation indicated by line A, and line D indicates calculated tilt for deformation indicated by line B. The shaded region is the area of possible relative tilt change values. Vertical lines indicate generalized tiltmeter locations and relative tilt change at the site. Horizontal axis values are relative to vent termination in crater of Mount St. Helens.

B. MOGI MODEL (multiple magma chamber)

This model is based on the assumption that the system is composed

of two separate chambers, a large lower chamber at a depth greater that

6 km supplying magma and a small upper chamber at a relatively shallow

Page 107: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


depth (2 km .:!:. 1 km) that acts as a temporary holding chamber directly

preceeding eruptive periods (Figure 39). This hypothesis is based on

the following factors1 (1) there have been only minor compositional

changes in the extruded magma (Table 7) (Casadevall and others, 1983) ,

(2) that two pressure sources can be inferred from geodetic data

(SWanson, 1981), (3) that an ascertainable vertical zonation of

hypocenter locations exists below Mount St. Helens (Weaver, Zollweg and

Malone, 1983) and (4) that inner-crater tiltmeters recorded large

deformations prior to dome building eruptions during 1981 and 1982

(Dzurisin, Westphal and Johnson, 1983), while far field tiltmeters

indicated changs of less than 1 µrad.

The changes in bulk chemistry (Table 7) during 1980 were minor,

the only recognizable change being a fluctuation of approximately 2% in

Si02 concentration. This change could be reflecting the removal of

the relatively light constituents from the magma chamber by degassing

and eruptive removal making later eruptions slightly more maf ic.

Crystallinity of the eruptive products is also increasing, indicative

of material being derived from a more crystal-rich volatile-poor region

of the magma chamber (Cashman and Taggert, 1983). Decreases in co2

and S02 gas emmission since May 1980 also indicate that additional

new magma has not entered the system (Casadevall and others, 1983).

The geochemical results indicate that only one large (greater than 5

km3) magma chamber has produced all of the eruptive products since

1980 (Casadevall, 1983, personal communication).

Results of geodetic surveys for the eruptions of August 7,

October 17, and December 26, 1980 indicated that measurable

Page 108: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County







Figure 39. Idealized diagram of a two chamber volcanic system.

deformation was localized to the crater area of Mount St. Helens

(Swanson and others, 1981). The deformation measured on the exterior

slopes of the mountain indicated that negligible deformation

accompanied these same eruptions. This was contrary to the explosive

eruptions of May, June, July and August 1980, where significant

Page 109: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County





Si02 63.65 61.93 62. 75 62.22 63. 20

Al203 17.60 18.13 17.70 17.84 18.00

Fe203 4.35 5.27 5.09 5.23 5.10

MgO 1.99 1.99 2.31 2.42 2.28

Cao 5.07 5.67 5.37 5.61 5.46

Na20 4.58 4.5 4.53 4.48 4.52

K20 1.28 1.19 1.25 1.19 1.27

Ti02 .63 .67 .67 .69 .68

P2Q5 .08 .2 .11 .15 .12

MnO .08 .09 .07 .07 .07

1 Modified from: Lipman and others, 19811 Sarana-Wojcicki and others, 19811 Rowley and others, 1981


deformations of the exterior slopes were measured. Besides indicating

a change in eruptive styles, the lack of deformation of the exterior

slopes of the volcano would also tend to indicate that a change in the

pressure and magmatic supply rates had occurred. It is conjectured

here that changes in the deformation patterns and explosive activity

indicate the formation of a more fully developed or "mature" magmatic

conduit system_ for the mountain. With developement of a •mature"

conduit, the zone of major pressure and deformation change was displaced

Page 110: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


from the top of the major lower chamber {depth approximately 7 km) to a

much shallower depth {approximately 1-2 km) where the confining

pressure and magmatic pressure are in static equilibrium.

An additional argument for the formation of a small shallow

chamber evolves from mathematical studies of the inner-crater

deformation patterns. Modeling of the thrust faults and movement of

the infamous "rampart" (Swanson and others, 1981) area of the crater

has been undertaken by Roger Denlinger (1984, personal communication) •

Preliminary results indicate that a best fit model might be a homogenous

plate with a piston exerting vertical pressure at the center, three

sides of the plate held static and the fourth side remaining free. This

equates the plate to the crater floor, with the confinement of the three

sides resulting from loading by the crater walls. By modeling the

deformation this way, a small piston applying a vertical stress to the

plate would cause formation of in shear fractures adjacent to the point

of maximum vertical stress on the static sides of the plate, the

unconfined side deforming laterally without shearing. This equates to

the thrust faults that first appeared in December 1980 in association

with lateral movement away from the dome of the "rampart" {Swanson and

others, 1981~ Chadwick and others, 1983). The formation of radial

cracks in the crater floor in September 1980 also fits this type of

deformation model, indicating vertical and radial stress increases

which resulted in tensional failure of the plate prior to vertical

shearing which culminated in the thrust faulting.

By plotting hypocenter depth against time for eruptions during

this study {Figures 40, 41, 42 and 43), two primary levels of seismic

Page 111: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0.0 0.0

"-' 12. 0 c .s:.

~ 18.0 0

2't. 0


Upper Chamber


•C. <Ee <"Cfo fE• Lowe r

f f;t




,...... •

Figure 40. Time verses depth plot of relative hypocenter locations under the Mount St. Helens crater. Shown is the July eruption during the period of July 1, 1980 through July 31, 1980. Increasing symbol size indicates relative magnitude increase.


0.0 6.0 12.0 10.0 2'i. 0 30.0 0.0-------tP~-m-------.,.--------.--------.---------,

Ef;t Efo £f;t ~f;t EE- lif:o EE' t£t Et-

fE- f(o

ff: ~ <Ei ll' 6.0 <Ee Ekf. El' ~[6-


"-' 12.0 Upper Chamber

~ 18.0 0

2't. 0 Eruption


Figure 41. Time verses depth plot of relative hypocenter locations ~nder the M9unt St. Helens crater. Shown is the August eruption during the period of August 1, 1980 through August 31, 1980. Increasing symbol size indicates relative magnitude increase.

Page 112: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


Ti •C (d.,,)

6.0 12. 0 1 a. 0 2't. 0 30.0

££:' ~£-

EE' ~E-

'-" 12.0 ~it fE- ~l'

££:i ~ ... Lower £:i

t£:i ~ 18.0 0



2'+. 0


Figure 42. Time verses depth plot of relative hypocenter locations under the Mount St. Helens crater. Shown is the October eruption during the period of October 1, 1980 through October 31, 1980. Increasing symbol size indicates relative magnitude increase.

T .• ic (deY1)

6.0 12. 0 1 a. 0 2't. 0

Upper Chamber ~

~t' Er H:•


'-" 12.0 Er--._

H:• Lower Chamber

a.. " 18. 0 Eruption


2't. 0


Figure 43. Time verses depth plot of relative hypocenter locations under the Mount St. Helens crater. Shown is the December eruption during the period of December 1, 1980 through December 31, 1980. Increasing symbol size indicates relative magnitude increase.

Page 113: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


disturbance are indicated below the mountain. The first zone is

localized at ·about 1-2 km and the second starts at about 6-8 km and

extends downward to about 15 km. Directly preceding the major

eruptions of 1980, definite increases in both shallow (2 km ±. l km) and

deep (+7 km) earthquakes occurred (Scandone and Malone, 1983).

However, evidence of upward seismic migration can not be documented

during these same events (Endo, 1983, personal communication).

As in the single chamber model, the two chamber model presented

here consists of pressurized spheres in an elastic half space.

Vertical deformation boundary conditions used for the two chamber

system were the same values used for the single chamber model, with

maximum and minimum vertical displacements of 70 cm and 20 cm

respectively. Further development and explaination of this model can

be found in Appendix B.

The two chamber deformation model shown in Figure 44 used an

upper chamber depth of 2 km and a volume of .24 km3; and a lower

chamber depth of 9 km and a volume of 10.0 km3• These upper chamber

volume figure represents the maximum magmatic output of all eruptions

during 1980 (see Table II), while the depth represents the average

depth of the near surface pre-eruptive seismic activity (see Figures

40, 41, 42, 43). The lower chamber volume figure represents a possible

chamber volume based on geochemical (Casadevall, 1983, personal

communication) and seismic evidence (Scandone and Malone, 1983). Upper

chamber depth was also controlled by the need to cause localized

deformation in the inner-crater area without adding to relative

deformation at distances greater than 2 km.

Page 114: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



·~ -.

0 . 0 10 0


Curve A parameters Curve B parameters

upper chamber volume = .24 km3 upper chamber volume = .24 km3 upper chamber depth = ~.o km upper chamber depth = s.o km

lower chamber volume = 10.0 km3 lower chamber volume = 10.0 km3 lCMer chamber depth = 9.0 km lower chamber depth = 9.0 km

v = .75 v = .75 H = 437 cm H = 317 cm

Figure 44. Idealized deformation patterns caused by a two chamber system. The solid line A, indicates the proposed maximum deformation boundary and the dashed line B, indicates a minimum deformation boundary. Line C indicates calculated tilt for deformation indicated by line A, and line D indicates calculated tilt for deformation indicated by line B. The shaded region is the area of possible relative tilt change values. For graphical clearity, the deformation difference between curve A and curve B is approximately 2.5x the deformation measured by geodetic means. The shaded region is the area of possible relative tilt change values.

Results obtained from the model in Figure 44 indicated that the

basic differences between the two chamber model and the single chamber

model (Figure 38) are the large increase in relative deformation at

horizontal distances up to 2 km from the deformation source and the

slight decrease in relative deformation at horizontal distances greater

Page 115: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


than 5 km. Both models indicated that modeled relative tilt changes at

radial distances greater than 5 km were generally greater than measured

tilt changes.

The plot of idealized deformation curves characterizing a two

chamber system that could have existed for the October 1980 eruption is

shown in Figure 45. In Figure 45, the deformation curve labeled "A"

was derived by letting the upper chamber volume be equivalent to the

volume of material output during the eruption (see Table II). The

deformation curve labeled "B", was derived by removing all of the

material in the upper chamber and leaving the uppper chamber empty.

Results of the model indicate that the volume of magma ouput during the

eruption would cause a relative tilt change of less than 2 µrad at

radial distances greater than 6 km from the vent. These changes in

tilt primarily reflect the small volume loss of the lower chamber

because lateral effects from the upper chamber are limited. This means

that tiltmeter sites used for this study would have been incapable of

recording volcanic events of this magnitude reliably because of

background "noise" levels.

At distances up to 1.5 km, the deformation vector for the lower

chamber is near vertical and very large with resultant tilt being

negligable, while resultant tilts caused by the upper chamber vary

greatly within the same distance but deformation caused by the chamber

is small. Had inner-crater tiltmeter sites (sites within 1.5 km of the

vent) been present during the study, the model predicts that changes of

at least 75 µrad would have been recorded.

Page 116: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

420 ::c <J

z 0 H H < ~ p:::; o-.. ~ s ~ CJ 0 '-"

~····~ .· ...

""· .. ..


-350 "'O co 1-4 ~


~ C-' z < ::c u

H ~ H H

i::J > H

i-J < u H H p:::; :, .. . H

0 < 10 ~

~ 0 .... ----...... ----.-----.-----..... --~ ..... ----.ri-----.------.----..... -----.. > 0



Curve A Earameters Curve B ~arameters

upper chamber volume = .001 km3 upper chamber volume = .ooo km3 upper chamber depth = 1.0 km upper chamber depth = 1.0 km

lower chamber volume = 10.0 km3 lower chamber volume = 9.99 km3 lower chamber depth = 7. 75 km lower chamber depth = 7.75 km

v = .75 v = .75 H = 420 cm H = 402 cm

Figure 45. Idealized deformation diagram of a two chamber magmatic system that could have existed during the October, 1980 eruption. The solid line A, indicates the pre-eruptive deformation boundary and the dashed line B, indicates the post-eruption deformation boundary. Line C indicates calculated tilt for deformation indicated by line A, and line D indicates calculated tilt for deformation indicated by line B. The shaded region is the area of possible relative tilt change values. Horizontal axis values are relative to vent termination in crater of Mount St. Helens.

Page 117: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County




The results attained from this study indicate that deformation

patterns recognizable by the use of tiltmeters at distances greater

than 5 km from the deformation source have had minimal value in real

time monitoring of the volcanic system at Mount St. Helens since June

1980. Prior to this time, tilt offsets directly attributable to large

explosive events were recorded and the tilt records used to confirm

geodetic results.

The differences in the physical specifications of the tiltmeters

seem to have major effect on the data, although the site stability

problems encountered with the borehole tiltmeters in general indicates

that the use of borehole tiltmeters in relatively unconsolidated mudflow

deposits in this area substantially increases the systems susceptibility

to long term non-volcanic changes. The thermal insulation provided by

the caves, and the stability of the rock unit at the site makes the

platform tiltmeter installations the most reliable in terms of

consistent data output.

All of the tiltrneters in the study were affected by diurnal

disturbances. Other major cyclic fluctuations of 8, 12 and 72 hours

where also recorded at all installations. The assumed cause of the 12

hour cycle is temperature fluctuation.

Page 118: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


The long term deformation records for all the borehole tiltmeter

sites indicate the predominant signal at each of the sites was the

result of downhill soil creep in the local area of the tiltmeter.

These sites all recorded a distinct overall tilt vector orientation

correlative to the major down slope direction adjacent to the


Comparison of the tilt records by both visual and mathematical

methods for the entire study period indicated that only minimal

correlation existed between tiltmeter sites with respect to Mount St.

Helens in terms of recording volcanic deformation. The best correlation

of tilt records to environment was between resultant tilt vectors and

soil creep at the tiltmeter sites. The comparison of resultant tilt

vector directions (Table II) indicated that each of the borehole

tiltmeters responded to unique primary deformation sources (i.e. site

specific deformation) rather than deformation related to volcanic

activity at Mount St. Helens. The platform tiltmeters appear to have

responded to long term changes caused by volcanic activity at Mount St.

Helens, but generally indicated no change in the short term to volcanic


One feature of the tilt records not seen during the study period

was the recording of instantaneous tilting caused by eruptive events,

as recorded during the May 18 and May 25, 1980 eruptions (Figure 46,

Dvorak and others, 1981). However during the October eruption,

resultant tilt vectors from the Ape Cave and Ape Cave North tiltmeter

sites may have shown the individual eruptive pulses, but other tiltmeter

sites in operation recorded no change in tilt. Possible explanations

Page 119: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

Ill z c 0 c a:

Ape Cave North EAST--....-...-_,..-..!.,--r-~--r---r-r-..,.--r-,

Ape Cave EAST----....-....,.:.;~~_....;T--.,--r--r---,r-r-,


~ wEsrL-L....J~-L.---JL--.L-.J--'---'--L---'-_.__. ~NORTH __ .....,,....._..__,,......--~...,-_,.-r-.,---r---, ~

~ , .. : _, ;:

Ill z c 0 c a:

SOUTHL-L...JL.l--L--1-'--.J-_._--"-L--~_._-! SOUTH 00 2000 2•00 0400 0800 1200 1 200 1600 2000 2•00 0400 0800 1200 1200 16



Ape Cave North EAST.--.--.--....,---r-rr-,-.-r--,.--,r-r--r--,

Ape Cave EAST---.------.-"'"'TT'-r--~-r-,.-r-,--,

~ WESTL-L--J-....1.--.L--11-.L.--'---"---1..__.._...__ ~NORTH--.--....--..--..---....--..--T--ir---.,--~­


~ ....: _, ;:

SOUT~ 0400 0800 1200 1600 2000 2•00 SOUT~OO 0400 0800 1200 1600 2000 2•00



Figure 46. Plot of resultant tilt from Ape Cave and Ape Cave North tiltmeter stations for the May 18 and May 25, 1980 eruptions. Vertical lines indicate onset of major seismic activity as indicated by seismic data. Figure 46a is data for the May 18 eruption1 46b is data for the May 25 eruption (from Dvorak and others, 1981).

for the lack of eruption associated instantaneous surface deformation

are: (1) that major strain patterns developed prior to the May 18, 1980

eruption were released by the eruptions of May 18 and May 25 with

subsequent eruptions encountering a lower resistance to magmatic rise1

Page 120: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


(2) that the structure of the magmatic conduit was poorly defined prior

to June 12, 1980, requiring greater pressure generation within the main

chamber to effect magma ascent, creating larger differences in

deformation between pre-eruption pressure increase to post-eruption

pressure decrease; or (3) that after the May 25 eruption, lateral

effects of the instantaneous tilting are limited because the depth of

the primary deformation source was now about 1 km, where a second small

chamber is postulated to exist (Dzurisin, Westphal and Johnson, 1983) •

Results of modeling indicated a lack of correlation between the

tiltmeters and what could be expected from an idealized volcanic system

of the types chosen for the models. When both the tilt and geodetic

survey records were used together, the two chamber model for the system

seemed to fit best for late 1980 eruptions, while the single chamber

model worked best for early 1980 eruptions.


Problems and errors present in this study are divided into two

main groups; 1) those involved with initial data collection and data

entry, and 2) those involved with the analysis of the data. In the

data collection portion of this study problems associated with

instrument instabilities, telecommunication, record transcription and

manual data entry into the computer hindered data analysis. In the

data analysis portion of the study errors in mathematical reduction,

model generation, and interpretation influenced the conclusions made

about the data.

Missing data and the improper transcription of data into the

Page 121: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


computer were common problems. Large sections of missing or unuseable

data resulted from poor site location or major telemetry problems.

With large sections of missing data, the relationships between segments

of data becomes uncertain making comparative evaluation of data sets


Models used in this study were based on static conditions

relevant for a given time period. The relevance of each model depends

on the approximation of conditions at Mount St. Helens for a given time

period. Because of this, prediction of error in the comparison of real

data and theoretical models is, at best, considered to be within an

order of magnitude.


Since this study was based on data collected during a specific

time frame, additions to or modifications of the system that have been

made since that time have not be included. Post study additions

included the installation of several new experimental type platform

tiltmeters made by Jim Westfall, arranged in a north-south array within

the crater area, .1 km to 2 km from the dome. A new DEC PDP 11/03

micro-computer was added to the system for real time data collection,

eliminating keypunch data entry with it's associated data entry errors,

and increasing data analysis speed.

Reliability of the telemetry network remains a problem, correction

of which would make the data collection portion of the system very

strong. New telemetry equipment (Murray, 1983, personal communication)

is being designed and built. The antenna system is being improved by

Page 122: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

the installation of higher quality equipment so that weather effects

can be negated (Furukawa, 1982, personal communication).


The tiltmeter network should also be expanded now that the danger

from large explosive type eruptions appears to have passed.

Installation of additional tiltmeters around the base of the mountain

within a 5 km radius could add appreciably to the understanding of the

deformation pattern around the base of the mountain and allow for a

more complete analysis of the location of the deformation center or

centers beneath the mountain. Creation of a dry tilt network

(Yamashita, 1981) around the base of the mountain, reoccupied at

regular intervals, might be another more cost effective way of

monitoring major changes in the deep chamber in case of another May 18

type of eruption.

Page 123: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


Summary and Concluding Remarks

In retrospect the results obtained from this study evaluated the

applicability of far field tiltmeters monitoring to both explosive and

non-explosive volcanic activity at Mount St. Helens. Records from the

tiltmeters at a distance greater than 5 km from the deformation source

indicated at best only minor tilt fluctuations presumably due to

volcanic deformation. Based on the magnitudes of eruptions during the

study, the ability to predict eruptions by rapid changes in tilt, is

not possible with the tiltmeters used in this study. IDng term

analysis of the tiltmeter data indicates that variations in tilt trend

can be recognized for the platform tiltmeters.

Based on the final results of this study, the relative amounts of

tilt recorded by each tiltmeter correlated reasonably well to the

minimum theoretical values based on models generated using Mogi's

deformation hypothesis. The variances in geographic settings (i.e.

site condition) was most prominent in the overall effectiveness of the

individual tiltmeter. The tiltmeters that were located in relatively

unconsolidated debris generally recorded large amounts of non-volcanic

deformation. This non-volcanic deformation was most likely due to

instrument settling problems, vegetation growth near the sites and soil

creep in the area of the site. Because of the problems associated with

instruments in unconsolidated terrain, further installation of borehole

Page 124: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

tiltmeters should be confined to the more consolidated formations

surrounding Mount St. Helens.


The existence of two distinct magma chambers in this system can

not be thoroughly substantiated by far field tiltmeter data alone.

Including information from deformation surveys (Swanson and others,

1981), seismic evaluation (Scandone and Malone, 1983: Weaver, Zollweg

and Malone, 1983), modeling of inner-crater deformation patterns

(Denlinger, 1984, personal communication), and inner-crater tiltmeter

networks (Dzurisin, Westphal and Johnson, 1983) with the far field

tiltmeter data, enough deformational evidence exists to argue

effectively for the two chamber system.

Evidence from geochemical studies also indicates that a large

volume of magma (+0.3 km3) was required to achieve the output levels

of gas (S02 and C02) through 1980 (Casedevall and others, 1981:

Harris and others, 1981: Casedevall and others, 1983). Evaluation of

mineral characteristics of eruptive products of the 1980 eruptions also

indicate that a single source of magma supply has existed for all of

the eruptions, becoming more differentiated with time (cashman and

Taggert, 1983: Melson, 1983).

A hypothesis presented by Lipman and others (1981) suggested that

a small chamber was emplaced at a shallow depth during the May 18, 1980

eruption. Another possibility is that a small chamber developed with

time at a shallow depth in conjunction with a large lower chamber,

after the May 18, 1980 eruption. This shallow chamber not being

emplaced as the result of a single eruption but rather forming as a

feature of a continually changing magmatic system.

Page 125: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


It is conjectured here that the magmatic system of Mount St.

Helens matured through the sununer of 1980, establishing the current

magmatic system by December, 1980. A possible scenario for the early

magmatic system is as follows: Early 1980 eruptions emanated from a

single large (+1.5 km diameter) chamber located at a depth of between 6

to 8 km (Figure 47). Stress fields surrounding the system, created

Mount St. Helens

1' f I I

Crater Floor, --~-Magma conduit termination



Primary ,~Magma chamber

\ I

f I

( ' ? '?? '?? '? 0

SCALE (km)


Figure 47. Proposed chamber shape and depth model for early 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens.

Page 126: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


during the initial eruptive activity of April, 1980 with the emplacement

of a new chamber or the rejuvenation of magma into a existing chamber

were largely aleviated by the eruption of May 18, 1980. Subsequent

explosive eruptions of May, June, July and August further decreased the

stresses present at the chamber country rock interface (6 to 8 km).

With a decreased stress field surrounding the chamber, upward magmatic

movement was more easily initiated. Throughout the early explosive

eruptions the magmatic conduit probably remained relatively unpres­

surized and was subject to post-eruption collapse. After the August

1980 eruption occurred and the majority of the remaining main volital

rich magma was drawn out of the chamber, the conduit became more defined

and a new chamber began to develop at about 1 km. This 1 km depth, is

the level at which forces controlling the ascent of the magma (hydro­

static pressure) are held momentarily static by forces in opposition to

this movement. The ascending magma accumulates at this level until

sufficient hydrostatic pressure is acquired to overcome the confining

pressure and force the magma to the surface in a piston like form.

After the July 22 eruption, post explosion dome growth became

more common. By December of 1980, large explosive eruptions were no

longer occurring, a trend that has continued through March, 1984. The

lack of large explosive eruptions since December 1980 is thought to

have been caused by relative stabilization of the main magmatic chamber

by removal of a majority of the volital-rich magma (Cashman and Taggert,

1983) • The magmatic system at Mount St. Helens formed by September

1980 and present through March 1984 might be constructed is as follows:

The lower main chamber with a radius of approximately .75 km at a depth

Page 127: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


of 6-8 km (Scandone and Malone, 1983). This chamber was of sufficient

volume to supply all the eruptions to date (March 1984) without

suffering mineral depletion (Cashman and Taggert, 19831 Melson, 1983)

or volume loss collapse. The second chamber in the system would be

located at a shallow depth (approximately 1 km1 Weaver, Zollweg and

Malone, 1983) vertically above the main chamber. Its existence resulted

from a change in the stress fields allowing the formation of a

relatively small (less than .007 km3) "pulsating" chamber (Figure

48). This second chamber acted as a short term repository for the

magma while awaiting a pressure increase to push it to the surface, the

chamber size indicative of the amount of magmatic output and pressure

for any given eruption. Basic shape of the second chamber is possibly

vertically elongate, formed as a southward widening of the conduit

(much like a blister) • The main volume of the chamber belongs to the

original magmatic conduit. The structure of the connecting magmatic

conduit would then be a relatively small pressurized conduit between

the l<:Mer main chamber and the second chamber that maintains an

approximate cross sectional area of less than 75 m2• Connecting the

second chamber to the surface is a relatively non-pressurized conduit

that attains an approximate cross sectional area of up to 150 m2

during eruptions.

A system of this type would allow for the explanation of large

inner-crater deformation and lack of exterior deformation. If this is

the type of system that the tiltmeters were recording, then changes in

the far field tiltmeters would be very small. The usefulness of the

far field tiltmeters for monitoring the system as long as it remains in

Page 128: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


Mount St. Crater floor, --- Magma conduit termination

E Non-pressurized__..


Pressurized conduit ~

Primary ,' ,~magma chamber I \ I I t I : . I I l I ??????

0 3

SCALE (km)

Figure 48. Proposed chamber shape and depth model for late 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens. Shown are predicted stress fields and other things relevant to this model.

a dome building state will be minimal. If however the state of the

magmatic system should begin to change, with large increases in tilt at

these stations, it could be expected that either the lower chamber top

surface has changed dramatically (vertical movement or diameter

increase) or that new magma has been added to the lower system (causing

increased chamber volume). In either case the major change of the

system could indicate the potential return of major explosive activity

to the mountain.

Page 129: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


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Page 134: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



This appendix contains monthly plots of raw data from each of the

tiltmeters described in the main text (see Chapter 3, Figure 9). All

of the plots where drawn in reference to GMT (Grenwich Mean Time) and

Julian Date starting January 1, 1980. If further definition of the

exact time in terms of day and month the reader is referred to the

Julian Date conversion chart (Figure 49) •

For purposes of Y-axis consistency and clarity the components of

tilt have been moved relative to this axis to permit them to be plotted

on the same graph. For complete plots of the data during the time

period of the study refer to Figures 10 through 15 in the main text



In all of the plots, the following standardized symbols have been

E - W = East, West component of tilt.

N - S = lt>rth, South component of tilt.

The following is a listing of the figures contained in this


Page 135: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



49 JULIAN DATE CONVERSION CHART 115 50 APE CAVE 183 through 213 116 51 APE CAVE 214 through 244 117

52 APE CAVE 245 through 275 118 53 APE CAVE 275 through 30S 119 S4 APE CAVE 306 through 336 120 SS APE CAVE 3 36 through 366 121 S6 APE CAVE NORTH 183 through 213 122 57 APE CAVE NORTH 214 through 244 123 58 APE CAVE NORTH 245 through 275 124 59 APE CAVE NORTH 27S through 30S 125 60 APE CAVE NORTH 306 through 336 126 61 APE CAVE NORTH 336 through 366 127 62 Blue Lake 183 through 213 128 63 Blue Lake 214 through 244 129 64 Blue Lake 24 S through 27 5 130 6S Blue Lake 275 through 305 131 66 Blue Lake 306 through 336 132 67 Blue Lake 336 through 366 133 68 JUNE LAKE 183 through 213 134 69 JUNE LAKE 214 through 244 135 70 JUNE LAKE 245 through 275 136 71 JUNE LAKE 2 75 through 30 5 137 72 JUNE LAKE 306 through 336 138 73 JUNE LAKE 336 through 366 139 74 PSU 12 183 through 213 140 75 PSU 12 214 through 244 141 76 PSU 12 245 through 275 142 77 PSU 12 275 through 305 143 78 PSU 13 214 through 244 144 79 PSU f3 245 through 275 14S 80 PSU 13 275 through 305 146

Page 136: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



Day Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Day

I 001 032 061 092 122 153 183 21' 245 275 306 336 1

2 002 033 062 093 123 154 184 215 246 276 307 337 2

3 003 034 063 094 124 155 185 216 247 277 308 338 3

4 004 035 064 095 125 156 186 217 248 278 309 339 4

5 005 036 065 096 126 157 187 218 249 279 310 340 5

6 006 037 066 097 127 158 188 219 250 280 311 341 6

7 007 038 067 098 128 159 189 220 251 281 312 342 7

8 008 039 068 099 129 160 190 221 252 282 313 343 8

9 009 040 069 100 130 161 191 222 253 283 314 344 9

10 010 041 070 101 131 162 192 223 254 284 315 345 10

11 011 042 071 102 132 163 193 224 255 285 316 3-46 11

12 012 0-43 072 103 133 16-4 194 225 256 286 317 3-47 12

13 013 0-4-4 073 104 13-4 165 195 226 257 287 318 348 13

14 014 0-45 07-4 105 135 166 196 227 258 288 319 349 1-4

15 015 046 075 106 136 167 197 228 259 289 320 350 15

16 016 0-47 076 107 137 168 198 229 260 290 321 351 16

17 017 048 on 108 138 169 199 230 261 291 322 352 17

18 018 049 078 109 139 170 200 231 262 292 323 353 18

19 019 050 079 110 140 171 201 232 263 293 32-4 35-4 19

20 020 051 080 111 141 172 202 233 264 29-4 325 355 20

21 021 052 oar 112 142 173 203 234 265 295 326 356 21

22 022 053 082 113 143 174 204 235 266 296 327 357 22

23 023 054 083 114 144 175 205 236 267 297 328 358 23

24 024 055 084 115 145 176 206 237 268 298 329 359 24

25 025 056 085 116 146 177 207 238 269 299 330 360 25

26 026 057 086 117 147 178 208 239 270 300 331 361 26

27 027 058 087 118 148 179 209 2-40 271 301 332 362 27

28 028 059 088 119 149 180 210 2-41 272 302 333 363 28

29 029 060 089 120 150 181 211 242 273 303 334 364 29

30 030 090 121 151 182 212 243 274 304 335 365 30

31 031 091 152 213 244 305 366 31

(USE IN 1964, 1968, 1972, etc.)

Figure 49. Julian day conversion chart for Leap year use only.

Page 137: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

I i

I • ...

c :.: .... :ti ..J .... .... :



,..... ,., ... 192.M l"-88 196.M 281t.M 287.88 213.M .JULIAN DATE 1980

Figure SO. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting July 1, 1980 and continuing through July 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 138: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

I i

I • ....

I ~



Figure 51. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting August 1, 1980 and continuing through August 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 139: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

I i

I •


; ~'VI'~;v ~~~E-W ':1 !~ v . ;, ~-_ .. e

.; .

.... ,i

~~ ~ h~ ~\rfl}J~ N-S





Figure 52. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting September 1, 1980 and continuing through September 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 140: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

I i

I !





Figure 53. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting October 1, 1980 and continuing through OCtober 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 141: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

I i

':I .......-.---.,_,

!~ ., . :1 ~: E

~· ... ,i ...J -...

I ~




- N- S

.. Figure 54. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting November 1, 1980 and continuing through November 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 142: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


I i

I ~

I ~

:.1 t-~ ..J -t-

i J!






... JW.88 ~ .. ~ ..

Figure 55. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting December 1, 1980 and continuing through December 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 143: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


" r

I ~

I ~





~~U.--.---,-l'--.----l"--··----1'2.--.---l~fs.--.---l~N.--.---n-1-.• ----.29"!--.M~--.297-.-.---2~1-L-.----.Zl~M .JULIAN DATE 1980


Figure 56. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave North tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting July 1, 1980 and continuing through July 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 144: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County




:.I n .... -...J -.... I ti

I n




Figure 57. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave North tiltrneter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting August 1, 1980 and continuing through August 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 145: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

I ;


~· n t--..J -....

I ~




) e-w

~ N-S

s.• 2..e.11 251.11 2"-11 2'3.88 264-88 Uf.11 JULIAN DATE 1980


Figure 58. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave North tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting September 1, 1980 and continuing through September 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 146: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County




" I ~

f\E-W ,.,


W\ ~

":1 ~~ \J ,, • ;, !I! e

211... 2t't... 287'... .. 2'3... 2'6... 2"... 382... 385. .. .JULIAN DATE 1988

Figure 59. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave North tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting October 1, 1980 and continuing through October 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 147: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County




I f"V\

r:i ~ ',, \ \( E-W

I ~

';1 !n ,, • :1 !I! E

c :.I ~ ..--

_J -... I ~

J\) Pf -fJVvV , V N-S

:us.• 311.18 n1.• ... J2'7 ... .. JULIAN DATE 1980

Figure 60. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave North tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting November 1, 1980 and continuing through November 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 148: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



I =l

I ~

'=• \j !J1 ,, . :1 ~I! e-w E

c ;:.I ~ .--

-' -I-I .& N-S

I 0 14

\r ~ I -&: .. 339 ... 3\2. .. 3 S.• 3:5'7·• Moe.• ~- ~-

Figure 61. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Ape Cave North tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting December 1, 1980 and continuing through December 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 149: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


C? 0 N ,..,


'! 0 CID flt


~ 0 .. N

0 --o ". cO .o _i-. ,, • ~o 00 ~o

"'° -e co -0 -o

N --~ ......

0 ~ 0 CD

0 C? 0 ....

0 0



..--_____ E-W


0 uJ.oo 11&.oo 112.00 us.oo ue.oo 201.00 204.00 201.00 210.00 211.00 ~ULlAN DATE 1980

Figure 62. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting July 1, 1980 and continuing through July 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 150: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0

0 N ,.,

0 0

0 ., N

0 0

0 ... C"

0 -o ., . c:O .o ·-"'

c:o _o -c>

N ...... _J

H t-

o 0

0 CQ

0 0



~ \_ N-S

~+---------~------~---------~~------ ----~>--------....1'-

0 0

~·,-3-.o-o---2-,-6-.o-o~-2~,-9-.o-o---2-22-.-oo----2-zs-.-oo----22-e-.-oo----.21-,-.o-o---2~1-4-.o-o---2~3-1-.oo----2~•-o.-0-0---241.oo JULIAN DATE 1980

Figure 63. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting August 1, 1980 and continuing through August 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 151: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0

0 N f")

0 0

0 CD N

Q 0

0 ... N

0 --o ". cO ,.o

N -,, . ._o o~ r..o u\D -E



0 CD

0 0

0 ...

0 0





~ ~-N-S

"'--------------~----.....-------------.r-------.-------------.------.,-----..., °2'4S.OO 20.00 2S\ .oo 2S4.00 257-00 260.00 263.00 266.00 269.00 2 2.00 21s.oo JULIAN DATE 1980

Figure 64. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting September 1, 1980 and continuing through September 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 152: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0

0 N

" 0 0

0 CD N

0 0

0 ... N

0 -o "'. co ,.o




co -0 ...., .

0 N --

t­o 0

0 CD

0 0

0 ..


-\ ~-/!\


------ '-----' E-W

"--- ~'"\ ~- N-S


o+-------------------------~..------..,.-_...:~-,.-------r------r--~-:ir--~--~ ~1s.oo 211.00 211.00 l84.oo 211.00 290.00 29:s.oo 296.oo 299.00 302.00 1os.oo


Figure 65. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting October 1, 1980 and continuing through October 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 153: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0


"" ...,

0 0

0 ID N

0 0

0 . N

0 -o WI• co .o



._o Q~ 1.0 u .. -E

..... 0 0

0 Ill

0 0

0 .. 0



E-W --


o.._ ____________ -r-------r-------,r------.---~~------:.'l":".:-:-'.:~-:t:::-::::---.::'C':"-::"--":;1 °306-00 309-00 312-00 '3tS.OO '3\8.00 l2LOO '324.QO 327-00 330-00 '3 'J.QO J 6.0Q


Figure 66. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting November 1, 1980 and continuing through November 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 154: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 N ,,, 0 0

0 Cll N

0 0

0 .. N

0 --o "'. cO

-~ .,, • ,_o o~ LO

"'° E

co -0 ...,. .

0 N --

..... 0 0

0 ~

0 0

0 .. 0 0




.....-, _ _ J"\ N-S ..../ ~.--~


~-t-6-.00----3~3-9-.0-0---l~4-2-.0-0---l~4-S.-0-0---l~48-.-0-0---l~S1-.-oo--~3S~4-.-00----1S-7-.0-0---l~6-0-.oo----3~6-3-.0-0---.366.00 JULIAN DATE 1980

Figure 67. East-west and north-south components of tilt at Blue Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting December 1, 1980 and continuing through December 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 155: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County




I 'I.


:,1 ..... ~ ..J -t-

i i!

I ~





~~.----,.._--.----,-.-.--...... 1'2---M---1-95.--M---l-'8.--M---M-l-.-.---ze-.--.M-----.-.---Z~l-~-----Zl~M JULIAN DATE 1990

Figure 68. East-west and north-south components of tilt at


June Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting July 1, 1980 and continuing through July 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 156: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

,. •



I r.

I ~


.... ,i _, -.... I J!

I ~



a-.... 211.• ue.• 22J.11 229... z z.11 .JULIAN DATE 1980

~& ...

Figure 69. East-west and north-south components of tilt at June Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting August 1, 1980 and continuing through August 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.



N'- s


Page 157: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

I i

I : I ~

':1 !~ .. . :1 :.1


~ ~E-W


~= ~ -------- /~------- N-S


= I ~


So• ~- • ee ua. ee 2u. ee 2"- ee u•. ee .JULIAN DATE 1990

Figure 70. East-west and north-south components of tilt at



June Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting September 1, 1980 and continuing through September 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 158: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

I i

I • ..


ll-A-.1-"- ---· -~--~ i

,, •


.:1 .... :it ..J .... ....

I J!

I .. . , ... ...... 2' .... 2"·•

Figure 71. East-west and north-south components of tilt at June Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting October 1, 1980 and continuing through October 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.


Page 159: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

I ~

I ~

I ~

v •


:1 .... ~ ..J -....



_ e-w

) - N-S

JlS.11 JZ? ... .. Figure 72. East-west and north-south components of tilt at


June Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting November 1, 1980 and continuing through November 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 160: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

,, •

I i

I 'I.

I ~


• • ae.• ~. :aw...

Figure 73. East-west and north-south components of tilt at June Lake tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting December 1, 1980 and continuing through December 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data ~as collected.


Page 161: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0


0 0 . 0 0


-o --o C•

-~ ,, • '" 00 '-0 ". -· E

c .... o

0 _.., ...J -

0 0 . 0 0


0 0


PSU 112



o,+,-3-. 0-0--, ..... -6-. 0-0--...... -,-. 0-0--.... ,-2-. 0-0--, ... ,-s-. 0-0--,-,-.-. 0-0--2 ... 0-1 -. 0-0--2 ... 0-.-. 0-0--2--0-7-. 0-0--2_.1-o-. 0-0--21 3


Figure 74. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU 42 tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting July 1, 1980 and continuing through July 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 162: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0


0 0 ..

-o "'o c.

-~ ,, • ~

00 ~o U• ·-· • c: .:o


-'° -' -0 0 .. 0 0


0 0


PSU 112




+-,__,__-r,__,__,__...,._,__,____.,__,__,__ __ ,__,__ __ ,__,__,__ __ ,__,__ __ ,__,__,__ __ ,__,__ __ ,__,__,___

0 214.00 217.00 220.00 223.00 226.00 229.00 232.00 235.00 238.00 241 .oo 244 JULlAN DATE 1980

Figure 75. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU #2 tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting August 1, 1980 and continuing through August 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 163: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0


0 0 .. 0 0


-o •o C•

-~ ,, • '" 00 '-0 U• -· • c

-0 0 .. 0 0


0 0


PSU 112



~~.~s-.o-o---2~.-,-.o-o----r2s-,-.o-o---2~s-•-.o-o--_,.2s-,-.o-o----.2&-o-.o-o----.26-J-.-oo----.26-6-.-oo~---.2&~9-.-oo--__,2r~2-.-oo--~2,s JULIAN DATE 1980

Figure 76. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU 12 tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting September 1, 1980 and continuing through September 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 164: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0


0 0 . 0 0


-o "'o c:. -~ ..., • .. 00 c.o u· -· • c: .::o



0 0 . 0 0


0 0


PSU 112


f- N-S

-4---------~~--~------~--~--~---~-----~~----------~~---.P"-~---°21 s. o o 278.00 281 .oo 284.00 287.00 290.00 293.QO 296.00 299.00 302.00 305 JULIAN DATE 1980

Figure 77. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU i2 tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting October 1, 1980 and continuing through October 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 165: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

0 0



~ .. -0 0


-o .. 0 c .

-~ .,, • ~

00 ~o u· -· • c .::o


..... "' -'


~ .. 0 0


0 0


PSU 113

I ~



°2+,-.-.o-o---2T,-,-.o-o---2~20-.-o-o---2~2J-.-oo-----.22-6-.o-o----..22-,-.o-o---2~J-2-.o-o---2~J-s.-o-o---2-J1-.-oo----.2•~,-.-oo----.2•• JULIAN DATE 1980

Figure 78. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU i3 tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting August 1, 1980 and continuing through August 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 166: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


0 PSU 113 ~ ~

0 ~ .. -0 0

N --o •o c .

-~ -,. • '" 00 '-0 u· -· I

c .:o ~

-'° -' -0 ~ .. 0 0

N ~s

0 0

°2+.-s-.o-o---2~.-,-.o-o---2~s-1.-o-o---2~s.-.-oo----.2s~1-.-oo----2&-o-.o-o---2~&-l-.o-o---2~&-&.-o-o---2-,t-.-oo----.2~12-.-oo----.21s JULIAN DATE 1980

Figure 79. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU f 3 tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting September 1, 1980 and continuing through September 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 167: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


0 ~

PSU 113 ~

0 0 ...

0 0


""'o •o E-W c ·~ .,, • L

00 LO

" -· • c ~o ~ --..J -0 ~ ...

: ~N-S ~+7-5-. 0-0--2 .... 7-8-. 0-0--28-,-. 0-0---.28-4-. 0-0--28-7-. 0-0--29_0 ...... -00--29-J-. 0-0--29-6-. 0-0--29-9-. 0-0--30-2-. 0-0--....JOS


Figure 80. East-west and north-south components of tilt at PSU 13 tiltmeter site. A decrease in recorded values indicates East or North positive (inflation). Values are uncorrected hourly averages starting October l, 1980 and continuing through October 30, 1980. Times are all GMT equivalents. Vertical lines indicate eruption onsets as determined from seismic records. Gaps in the data indicate periods periods where no usable data was collected.

Page 168: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



This appendix contains mathmatical derivations and explanation of

models used within the main text body.

MOGI MODEL (single chamber)

Primary assumptions made for this model;

1) The deformation is caused by a spherical source within the

earths crust.

2) That the earths crust behaves as an elastic body for short

periods, but is linearly-elastic for long term


3) That volume change is essentially equal to pressure change

in this system.

4) That deformation at Mount St. Helens is the result of a

definable magmatic body.

5) That deformation is symetrical about the conduit.

The initial equations describing deformation from a single

spherical source (Mogi, 1958) at the surface are given belc:M.

a 3P 2 2

U = ~- * R * Sa + 14f z + Sf - R + r 4µ [(z+2f)2+R2]2,


a 3P

4µ (1)

Page 169: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


u = -- * z 4µ l * 7 2 38f 2 68£ 2z + 4£R2 + 2 2 5 z + z +

[ (z+2f) +R 12

where: Ur = radial component of displacement Uz = vertical component of displacement

a = radius of sphere with hydrostatic pressure P = change in hydrostatic pressure in sphere f = depth to center of sphere from surface µ = Lame's constant R = radial distance from the source



Based on equations 1 and 2 if the radius of the sphere less than

1/2 the depth, the form of the deformation curve is then only a

function of depth with displacements directly dependent on volume

change (a) and radial distance from the source (R) •

Equations l and 2 have been simplified (Walsh, 19751 Kinoshita,

Swanson, and Jackson, 1974) to the following:




3a3P f h at d 0 =--+ max = 4 µ (f2+d2)1 0


3a3P d =- +

4 µ (f2+d2)1 2

f = depth to center of chamber d = horizontal displacement distance from source a = radius of spherical magna chamber µ = Lame's constant P = change in hydro-static pressure in the sphere

The surf icial deformation expressed in equations 3 and 4 is

related to tilt change and volume change (Eaton, 19621 Dan Dzurisin,

1983, personal communication) by the following equations:

( 3)


Page 170: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

v = H 2 1Tf 2 0

3 d t:. h - ..2. * .!...! * __ d.._/_f __

to = 'dt:. d = 4 µ£3 (l+d2/ )2. f 2 2

where T = T at d max

where: H0 v


= maximum vertical displacement at the surface = volume change in the chamber = tilt change at distance d




Using the above equations, computer programs were constructed to

evaluate surface deformation. The boundary conditions used for

calculation where: volume change (derived from field measurements) and,

vertical change (measured by geodetic instruments).

MOGI MODEL (multiple chamber)

The equations for this model differ from those used in the single

chamber Mogi model (1) by the addition of a second deformation source.

The second deformation source being a very small chamber located

directly above a large chamber with a conduit separating the two


Letting f 1 denote the depth to the first chamber, f 2 the

depth of the second chamber, and assuming that u(rigidity) and

P(pressure amplitude) are constant in both chambers, the resulting

equations are:

3 lld = 3a P +

4µ (7)

Page 171: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County



where: h = amount of vertical displacement d = amount of radial displacement a = radius of sphere (upper chamber) b = radius of sphere (lower chamber) p = pressure amplitude lJ = ridgitity

f 1 = depth to the center of the upper chamber f 2 = depth to the center of the lower chamber

All the assumption stated about the single chamber Mogi model are

applicable here. Additional assumptions made for this model are:

1) There exists in the magmatic system two distinct chambers,

the upper chamber modifying the surface deformation pattern,

the lateral extent of the modification being very limited in

comparison to the deformation pattern created by the lower


2) That deformation resulting from the second chamber is

symetrical with respect to the magmatic conduit termination.

As in the single chamber model, computer programs were

constructed to evaluate the surface deformation. Boundary conditions

used for this model were the same as those in the single chamber model.


Eaton, J.P., 1962, Crustal structure and volcanism in Hawaii: Crust of the Pacific Basin Geophysical Monograph, no. 6, p. 13-29.

Kinoshita, w. T., Swanson, D. A., and Jackson, D. B., 1974, The measurement of crustal deformation related to volcanic activity at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, in Civetta, L., Gasparini, P., Loungo, G., Rappola, A., eds., Physical volcanology: developments

Page 172: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


in solid earth geophysics, no. 6.: Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., p. 87-115.

Mogi, K., 1958, Relations between the eruptions of various volcanoes and the deformation of the ground surfaces around them: Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst. 36, p. 99-134.

Walsh, J. B., 1975, An analysis of local changes in gravity due to deformation: Pure Applied Geophysics 113, p. 97-106.

Page 173: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County


CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS: July, 1980 through December, 1980

01 Jul 1980

22 Jul 1980

1714 PDT

1825 PDT

1901 PDT

1910 PDT

07 Aug 1980

1627 PDT 2232 PDT

16 Oct 1980

2158 PDT 0928 PDT

2112 PDT

Occasional deep, small earthquakes recorded around Mount St. Helens extending from the Elk Lake area 15 km north-northwest to Marble .Mountain 10 km south-southeast of the volcano.

Major explosive eruption, destroying the June dome Buildup of small shallow earthquakes over several hours preceded the eruption; up to 20 events per hour were recorded first ash eruption duration maximum height second ash eruption, duration maximum height third and final ash duration

6 minutes 45,000 feet with pyroclastic flow on north flank 22 minutes 60,000 feet

eruption, with pyroclastic flow 2 hrs. 40 min.

45,000 feet maximum height beginning of small deep earthquakes

Major explosive eruption and emplacement of dome eruptive activity preceeded by several hours of harmonic tremor first eruptive column and minor ahs flow second eruptive column followed by deep earthquakes duration 2 hours eruptive activity proceded by several hours of small shallow earthquaks

Major explosive eruption with the emplacement of the first major dome. The event was precedded by several hours of shallow earthquakes 16 Oct. first plume 17 Oct. second plume; confirmed pyroclastic flow maximum height 47,000 feet 17 Oct. third plume maximum height 45,000 feet

Page 174: Tiltmeter analysis of Mount St. Helens, Skamania County

1235 PDT 18 Oct. fourth plume maximum height 25,000 feet

1428 PDT 18 Oct. fifth plume maximum height 20,000 feet

1520 PDT 18 Oct. first observation of new dome (August dome was destroyed)

height 5 meters width 25 meters

19 Oct 1980 Measurement of final dome growth of October dome diameter 200 meters height 40 meters

13 Dec 1980 Small portion of southeast sector of October dome was blow out

25 Dec 1980 Slight increase in shallow earthquakes beneath the crater

27 Dec 1980 Earthquake frequency increased to 3-4 events per hour and continued for most of the day


28 Dec 1980 Extrusion of new dacitic dome, forming the December lobe to the composite dome.

0900 PDT First observation of the new December lobe

By January 4, 1981, the new December lobe had finished growing

with the approximate final dimensions for the composite dome being:

diameter height approximate total volume Total magmatic output for 1980

200-300 meters 90 meters 5 x l06m3

.24 x km3

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