Page 1: Till DiSPATCF M*. HKJHIGAN Note* MASONIC 1 ;:nd Carl Ta*r,anwi ..ero se tiio iiiio 4 hud to pjoii / :!U !v* Lib alV 1\ il.o

— * }<.

!> " > ': . • • . • > ' .


74 T i l l DiSPATCF F'^ruary 13, iy,>:„ » ' - . - - y


W&tt happens to a town when amain highway is routed around it

of down the main itra«*?

Note* MASONICAt Stockbridg* school William ' O v e r 300 peopH attended the

d f *


M*. •

gKranbam and Ann Musolf tied for f

M a s o n i c G u e s t N l t e ' a t j

Jttai.^*'' fc;i*j*velie ChurcSCHOOL

vaii-dictorian and Gary Smith won Pinckney school Saturday,

fewmuli;--ro-.s Michigan; *

limited access highways *HXL f<a kii/e part of the plan. They offerinfcjuulied saT^y with divided nmllie Janes, controlled entrances andby passes around towns and cities.I;lit merchants and villagers are-D*frjurunt to fear that bypasses willt i .t ^ a-or, t3>eir economics structureTheir fears may be limited. Thar*fcu now I O mileo of^<sU.hi^tiways aiid.sijvoy^ made by the UnL--eti States claim that towns they hyr;. • :' \ p..'' .i.r.p" o-. >:J by t h e : , '•«pedally in California^" atd t t i a s .j , . ,f • :;.;.- ;'., nzve oaiiness can bebtiili aioa^ roads with limited aceess Motorists must turn off at seinepjii:* to eat, find lodging or buyg-fcscline. Sturgis which was bypta*td fry .4 mile* increased her inotelA ntt hotel business by 25 percent.CLds-a bypassed 9 years ago grew.Andy Nielsen, village president,said.the merchants d?ciied to b?efli.-ieht. They decorated their

»s and erected 2 signs on thehighway costing flSOt each tx

J u merits of Chelsea.On theother hand Parma lost ft peroentcf itr bsuin«ss when by passtd twoyehrs ago.

man grand

•!th <!u?;# M will be raised with in j tolalawi|||L I w e y e l a r g e delegations from nei/« -• cising- frequency during-the nextj M y ^ M r g g ^ i ^ q ,,f U r i n g tov.-ns.One of 25 from /ov.-sll

y*«rs when 800 miles tf a t * | G r o 4 ? o r y annnniM>« the marriage of headed by Ed Kenny had : t. V:? rotiple highways are constructed, l h e f r <JjHlghtCT# N l d j i , to Frank by L erved for them. Dexter, Ann Artx»r|

i of Lansing. 1 lii-Ljht-u, Stockbridge, FowlervfUtJfht second floor over the Gre^-. ^a-jni delegations and there

;y Tavern caught fire last we«k.occupied by Albert Masehke.

u.u Gregory and Stockbridge fireLK.C wer* called:

then: from DetroitJackson Lansing


urattd Rapkis.Rev. Winder yeve the

De.ooisa* *>ia*y evenly

Friday, evening- aft,*:1 Saiuniay from*. and feumiay b«--ut ViOn p

-vie t:0Aft

Calvar;Hcv. i u


lUrs.Bmmett Berry has sold her , virb. Rloysi* Campbell played[ Verne at Stockbridge to Robert Bay 4 mosic during the dinner which feat

is jf Detroit. j ure I venison from the UniversityCie t e ry ccollected 62.60 in the J of Michigan ga^e. reserve. Tho di-m;

Mother's March of Dimes. er v\as prepared and served byThe Dexter Methodist church has j Masons themselves. There wore

purchased the Joe Schnebelt .ir. { Miii'fs. One worked in the morni -g |hur.e, 2 blocks east of the church j ; a -in« the eouip.-ient there. AnorhTor an educational center. The ( er worked In the afternoon settingch.irch celebrates its 125th annivtr j the tables and preparing toe lood+t ,.•:.\yjJLl\ May . i uiid c i lot i .er \,\A.<: . „ , . . : .

7 Dexter high schcol boys have , .xuv ;d Porter was eJiairman. * Thojoined the naval reserve. ,' Hickory Ridjje Twin V'<:•£<•• and b.

The band boosters of Fowlerviile < <.-ru/., donated and the stores *:y.cwill put on a minstrel show March i aiau.1 and 2. . I Oriand Winslow W. M. ga \c Uu

FowUrville has purchased Ply.. • U J U ^ J S of welcome '-\nd imroducsd

U*efavv trsnip



J K ' • . — . V »

| We hear much of tax

.Malcolm Ludv/i, saw t opossum | PaJ)aCtt M cureall butK-.v. v.L-u- -1 dc in Fiuuk D ^ a i ' i » a ^ tt« «*ch govanun#B»

jSoine oi ub huNe oui own , Lile t u ^ f-« star t with tha 01. , : . . ,u^ pun is. Jo t Pi,i> ;tf kuing to ; o w - T h e wguemmt thatKJ th£ ski t.w. Harold Hollistei' | ^ d i d n o t **v« •»ha« a new radio and record player. I "*Uch »°» e yFie I Singer and Aiiai* iiub-soTthix\a new ;eaiiB. JUU ^aiiison ana

| ijurg new pants. Dorahad a toou; uaiiod, 1

..iv's dog was i in•*»u*dyaa ''a:.1, nt"; b.uto. >..arya touthbrt.ih k.dna iVsoia a nev.-.!,:• r.iid Jackie Keason a new sweater. ihaion and inniic.. i'otter e«cninr-i: n,-^- dreosea. ^ai'dra lluines s ' i l ani? the congressmen whonew bunn '


H tk*


havtt more money to iiead it f> filV*:i-,- according to W. K. Kilaey 1fthang the congressmen who Totad'i --iranee its economy in such way.ii a li* uix cut took place tha a*.

would experience itsin history, afid

o eate a demand for a81and 6000 yards of

I . .

sedan for its police dept, ( the to?.rtn^ster Byron V/iidon oiThey have 4 uniformed officers. i rtiin Ai-l>^r. The High School' Trio.

Beverly Bennett, daughter of the*. N'ancy 'Nash Karbaia M .s. ey anaMnnl :y Bennetts of Hamburg wi'l ; Notl Rcse sang sever;! popular TVbe married to Jack Winkeihaus on nu;.'bers..r?b. 22 » 'F'1' - Masons and guests were in

William McPherson IV of Howcif'4 todu> vd b t'-e lod^o seenhas received the Eisenhower P r a y r ^ Aino.v; thei.i wee Ciydu CorLin,Award for leading the drive that ; "idont of the county siirii.e club an '.

... L U1 , - , . so ld ?517,830 worth o f U. .S Savings j Harold True, former VVJR 'radio!\iwill probably come under l«8rista. | b o n d s i n 1 9 5 6 I : i e v ^ c.i .n.entalor vwio came with, f

tr«-e scrutiny this year. Attorney ;Kavanaugh is against it. He j x i d i e d l a 8 t T u e § U f t y a t b i 8 h o m e Harol J hemtives more power to OM i n Lansing, following an operation. • cout^i,. In

foi1 tumor of the brain. . - The - following left for xailitaiy , - — -fc»..

A p rand jury can only obtain evid I d u t y F e b > 1 : c h f t r l e s H a r d s a n d J ,A E l , o l y V o h l l < , , . , • . o f HoWiil{ H Q n

face that ccan bt used in a coott j P i u i i i p Andrews of Howdl and Rob • Oihcr c o r ^ y ; u , . , . r e Du-.e H^bb."trial The key to. its power in I , r t ^ harbonneau of Pinckney. PtocUbridce. Marvin i r i ^ i e . ,A-\.t

j our ciass.His

uriic^ uyue aelv.c.:,e a ue\. boyto

is Ge.aid


i> r it.A great number of the;rt(jries are engaged in govtrm.ent work.They would all Ida* their

contracts and there would be BO s>oaey in the pockets of the million* o<



i rPJ>;CKNEV Cf)

Ihcy h.d

.. .:, uit; father and hit h:« motii-.ii Porcer sold 2 eiiuua ana a r

v.iut:iv lii:aii>- ht*. a tab-, boy. Hi*...c 1. i^ i t . ih« thinks he

t-an a vak.-.une. Johu

of P ie w y u l d b e u n ^ l e to maka their' ^ ; " n t s o n ^® omet, can «tc.he-v h a v e boUKht and M itock

u>1rkfi* v s u u l d f h l 1 t o ZefPo- ^ ^ ••••ni-> ol* a country depends on kat»

u>* "iV <'-^n^ moving Any suek;L' a s t h i s w o u l d ™*** dlaaitor da-

i r e t h e t h e speeches of Herbartia..L ;:nd Carl T a * r , a n w i ..ero

se tiio

iiiio 4 hud to pjoii

/ :!U !v* Lib alV 1\ il

.o. t llll •.. I f 1

_<i L t i« , \i h iu* x

a n e w bo> it)

h i i i io . i a

Huovtr, Senator Bryd and Secretaryto Hhe contrary.


stitution.un \ras intended by the

Senator Harry Hittle of this dis ' Jiui^x Curand \.»'on th«

cuntcsta»t> i adpaper cups ^>vitli their--ueth

a certain d i s t an t ni,o a \vaate bask

n State polie. made Ann AI-:»I-, Darrell Bakar,in Michigan in 1956. ! land. . Patty Blackr,ar

R ^ y u i a r

p . n.

tootn. iicotLno.

l : e id u t i i i . h

P r e s e n t : Hf.ill1

» . c


(', ' . .(i LO Order by I i v s . Hollo r th .r-i5f.:nittec on Peliys- . i'le sccon.mendd it be sold, Ti:e S

,;:IS in^ti'-jc'tcd to ; !e ,ul a iviof s a '


to grant immunity.Kavanaugh wanUth« 22 panel jury given that pewer.

***** t v n d jury and a M panel ; . h o r 6 s i g n e d ^ W j | h t toTUtehftald | «fave the address. He is witty and1

jury umy the first has powar 4 y e m r g ftg0 h a a r e t i T e d a m ] i s going J H was. weil received. At present ne

to »rida * i s «»ndt!r-t:ng the one maj , ; - a , . d'• — - . ' J u r y Ka::)Uing inve:;t i^a,;n at F l i f

the w o r k i n g s of a


. . , . >

w a i

s * ; w " v* • .••>; ., a. (i

ijiiiUii o . c . n . 1 , .i..u c u m .

iy C . . . l ^ , ^ , .i \ i. •, 'd h i s

;u ue..h -. a

Valentinoa ti«\v

na.s a 'ievli*-'aaon overalls, Carol

<• i>i'a, Hickyv i s i t e d i i i j ,

, : i J I . I . S a


-11 *y -M ,\i'ee, supported' : ' a t windo1. s in

Tiit of deer killed^y


I ONCB LIVED IN HOWELL r a f h' Uary Taylor, 22, who has oonfess- ^ arjind

last # t | j 0 ghooting 8 women arouLd / These guest Nites were s t intstraffif ir MU-hi R o y a I O f t k w i t h a 2 2 rifle, formerly bi'cl< >n 19«5 when H. C. Vedder v,.

2 a lived in Howell where his faher had I master and bave beena gent's furnishings store. This was l"-^»i. The'formerly the Charles Adamse stor«. j l arfi f i •Th« family left Howell in 1951 when.Gary got in trouble and went to St. j

nber of small fame huut- Petersburg. Florida. Here Gary was- 22 percent last year. r B m t t c d f 0 l . i W i S a u l t b u t a c , l U l U , U p

• > . • , ! •

• til0 1 :

3127, an increase of•c K>56. There were

V'. d in 7•"3. 1240 were .o'led lat h e u p p e r p ' i i i r ^ ! » A -d i t :•, i B t h e


a y " - I ,y

attendance is always

Fuiv. ers who wish to make use of'U Nations? Soil Bank must s i f lup by Metivli \§ This is expected tot ; : . : .e <#;••'••' / ' O n a ere . - , o . i t o f ' p r j

thfjtirn and turn them into*grass. -lard--,

The ".•.ji!d vinter is btleived '.uJiji\ e' ifdui: •;• d*«r starvation..

r ..^. ' f)F 4.-H MSMB'BftS'•':•.'.- h n t an appeal for saoney

but to acquaint you with 4--H.

i,;v01, tul i l jy t h e f a m i l y

Camp atPatterson. Lake. Gary has au older,.o...?v named Ted. We knew lhafumilv when they lived at

LIBRARY NEWSMr*.Cacift Cha.;ibcriain got follow^ M'Ltoi- in response to.'oie I.CJ cousin Cong,

•ir4 regarding getting>! s for the Pinckney Li. writes:. iest of

I l l v l y . C . ; ; • •

M l ! ••• ' u ! • •

-tion of school hyw a • •.!. .', c , '

' V S ( r ! ' i : i i . i ; ( i - , : ;: •

T h e n u s i i i o s s i i i - i i i

. d t ' i n c r o p l l)i ; ;

r e (• i ' a . . i : . n i - i • i t e

t o t h e Ai - i

a >\

s ' • t

AL an

• e n t


visted the CorijTeMional

'., reported thatn ' ) \ " . - C »; • _' ii A

B e . i ; . rdtr . P a s : . ' . v . h j o i r ; .: . O U ) •;: "• . i n ,

AM interim financial report wa«v cn hy L!iv? Suj)t, , / h o w i n y thu;r sy.Hom i t wi:hin the budge t ed

.'i.ios fov upor;.t:<-ns bu t cam .. >nins

^ c i n t . u

Pinckney put up a good gameith South Lyon on Friday ni-rn

a n c l w e r e ahea4 all the way until the

pected the books av.;il*b;e ; p v p q p ? u b u s i s ' reduce the obligationsfor donation I was disappointed asthey were mostly unbound copies o*'•ojjorts of no great interest. There n i r e s fi> eti"ipl>inu tl^e Ele.r.enta y

ci a in.'-.1. ]:L:pp>'•! u.ikr did. Mary \i ^ u 1 . ; i i i L>L'i*.-ol, J U i t i a •

.i n i s «4<.i"t in i p s i l a i u l . '

w ' l n i i .»hii :^ . .nd y o t1 u m y i J ;um.nfei h«u c o m p a n y , t

., ' .^i dau.> Ij . i i u a \ . Leo H u d s o n

i c i > i t i p L t . l i > . C i i i u y u i . . i ; n t ! i i n i o ^ h , , . '

•icr iiah ne>.- i 'uinituifc. JO© A m -U f y iu'lp d hi?; xa iue r c i^an tiie• A V i i c t i ; , ^ i ( C U J o . i * y . o i i i i i i i ^

-! U:V ;:'0t hib le lfcr» LOi

;:>'. .-uit.lionnie Cur^s y uncles - i uut.iiLs visitcu nei ^^ivia . . . K«M".Vjiii..1 :ii;:> a toy ta*.k, j i r i an W a l t o n

put in a - n e w sink and t ank .Thi. A (irack- Mrs .-i K.u.-:er has a toyine Di;rro'v. spen t liie vv-tk end

out »l

The State of Michigan needsard cov | more money and the legislature !•

^ j ai,i to be seriously considering i»-»n , treasi'-g the sales tax one <MH№

This tax would be on tha peopledj, the other taxes under con-

She • -^deration such as coporation pro.etc. arc on big business. Taa

Republicans meeting at An*Arbor last week went on record a#opposed to any increase in the sal—es ax Thi» tax hits everybody. (••ily a stop gap measure in tha:iibt place but has been on the book*piuctkally unchanged for 26 yaaxa.-,ack in 1932 when the IS mill t t tlimit on property was adopted ta*state treasury was left tjupty.WUl-ijjin^ommck then governor afkd scommittee worked out thato refill the treasury untilihin ' better could be foundwas strong opposition to i t mtk- &•>•was called the "Penny forTax." It resulted in Coraitoak*.

icat lor reelection. Frank _,• h:> <;ucceedeoi him promiaad tO'tak*

'.he tax off food but never ftiriwffaf. atadc of Ann Arbor Young Stpub.icun leader has come up with a;-i«--A- idea. He would increase theon liquor 10 % to finance a

hospital construction• $200,000,000

i n ( ' l ! ' ' m previous y-ars. The ethe .uai-i, capital expei:di-

bound copies of ' b ckof the congreiiionul rec r \ a•',

ia l w e r e ahea4 all the way until t e greiiionul

expected to attend , a a t 3 minutes. At times their lead • <"re*ori«s I can obtain iaun h ih i


areiOl, ou

1 ,r nly\vi'e n .

. They changed their [ Uib meantime .will be on the lookoutnd r»a»- un A le»H the T *or more desirable r.r>r»twv., + ;

i-,ch'iol and should have been bond/d• 'Ar-'i "':. a in const i acli:>n

^ > ' t h e :JOIH1 i b s u e i n a - l e

v . h i s p . j .

t h e d i h t r i i

t i o i t

ishinfe Witl; hio iatner and hisis. '1 lie oaiii Singer's of Devi&i.ou at KaLiue-a Singersy. ,] udy Geai^'s 1110.her h«*>

and the in

a n d

day Sept. thru May,en th,.3rd Satur,

t h e y i f i n a lt 0

Simonson washot for Pinckney the first heif aud

13 points. He did not get any in T h e

i o r


half. Capt. Tom Wylie* wa3

g m%t p §

Mr£ Mae Bryan. Co,o,te. ,

c-offetDances start

«ivi iiMiiiliy around 1:15 p. m. Par

16' *f*adulti^Ot ' iod Pinckney lost her stuff and only ' Hi*&n* and Dora Swarthout.lOc.dou^h «fored 3 points while South got 17.* A s t h i s w a s the 33rd birthday o8:00 a n d . Pinckney again fd l down badly on j t h e 'C i r c l e . Th« president, Mrs li .U

or a Citi*en's Co! i

• ed to tiin a s

.p . Parar« ur^ed to attend with thtfr•

Thank youPutnam Township 4-H Counoil

}• ATnER AND SON BANQUET?bn^ for the Father and Son bail

quet at tae Cong4!, pariah kail o i

t ' ! l L

KING'S DAUGHTERS;h«r Assn. wasvosrd toiy of its

o f p a s t A L V H i : :• i l l ;.->:

s that by Sept. lydOlumber of class

not a c c o n i o d u c e u u r ai! i '

on the free throw line has cost the e i £ ' t o o k P*rt. Mrs Iva Keason'in i A l e ; " c r coiiipKdniaM of m . b.,,Pincknoy team several games this ^ , " s e h o m e the first meeting- wa> i1 * e i v i c t ' v.-a., read and referred to thr;year. They used to bt good OH ttm ! • d > v a a ^ ^ only charter member f b u s i n 9 S a manag-er .throws. Then they practised noons ! P , r e s^n t ' M r s - Ruth ' Curlett re*.-J i vi! b i L s № e r e r e a d * n d on motionin the gym. Now the grade teams | c ' l p p m s : s f r ° m the Dispatch ab.ut

Wu.yon. Her brother.; ->hnny will be a year old »alentinov-...v. cnri.itint uiiiuci iia.i .»

one \\a^ ia iioweli & Ann .-v.e^K. Her mother took hericn.o ui iier friends bowling.

'ihird anu fouiw-i, i»» ^,

There has always been dispute as>to whe.her public funds could kaappropriated or given to rhsrttaalaorganizations. The supreme aouvt• ruo ,HJ3t handed down an opinion l ithe matter. Their decision wasJ-Vix Ramhat, chairman ofiown board of Arthur and thetour, board members must pay baefc

e $1400 they voted the Red Groatanu the .salary increases tfcay TOttilor themselvea.

The barrage of ultimatau&s find

•iCftOOl. Dianne rioy weiu e;Spencer a

up the Gaza strip and thaof Aquba to Egypt have had i o

ffect ;nd now they are threaUning economicc penaltiea. That it tht*countries who belong to the UNwill seil no food or supplies, to

the free throw line only making 9 j mgs'A*orth arranged.hile South Lyon got lT.Poor work c o m m e m o r » t i o n of it in which

i - e tiates, .Frank WyattFob. J. Jack Haao

k. l i e . y . u f t i y P u : i : c




have th« gym noons. The Pinckney


with moaty o u n « w t

team lost 81 to 22. Boys2 games here Friday mte.

Pinckney girls won their 4tht game last Wednesday by

deeating Stockbridge there 31 to 9.

willderations. 1 For Pinckney Cathy Wilt* had 16,ll l h ! Ddi n /

" " * . pUyin, will

year, 2 o m e m b e r s ^ ^

Dext meeting onCamp—

MRS COYLE B E ^ E R I N G *Mis. Threa*. Coyl«

L*} J \

Mr*. Git

our bulletin board dec

Delia Davi* 10, Midge Higgs 4,1 . * / • J » r e » * Coyl« j s recove,-;nR,i>onna Baaydlo 4 Jolen Basydlo and i ''"PneJ'son Hospim from injurBon-iit I^e each 2. The girls play a t i * r c c e i v « d r » t her home Feb. 2 whenH^rtJaud Thursday. [ * • w f t » ^ t e n up by MiktMcGow.m

«: f ordered pai d.Meeting was adjourned.

Tliomas R Bonner, Sec'y. "^

RICHARD BOYLEKirhard Boyle, 53, died last Wed

at hte home at Independen eWebster tovnsnip. Jie \s;is

1 I(JI;:L"(1

! 1,on;: i»i

orijifioa^s. Our liiue

i 11e»..t'i's are learning how to copypoe;n>. Robert •Seeicld went iceinku\ Hichi.rd Klein visited lus *mother in Flint. Leo Allison

. However it won't work «a.Ices this country agrees to

etary Dulles has saidcertain condition* thist do so but we do notILSS would ever support suck a

i he UN seems to have it in for^. So far they have takta a t

' n Kussia's invasion oi HUB*

or India's seizure of

toh u

born Jn Scotland but in De'roitami ice

a riitnix?r of years where he was

a nuv\ c- at and twoy went skalin^

^ at uis coub.ns cotuiA>eLake. Edward .^Ic(janahan

worth isOnly 200lew

land 64. Boysville 40; Ann Arbor46. Battle Creek 464. S t Thomas 67;

( o r up bya fomiej orphan boy.

this week.:^wan pled guilty to

may be wife, Margaret, 2 sons, Richard 'an» Jonn and 2 duuthuerr

Mary «nd Mrs. Martraret Waring irfI : n . * k n e y . T h e r e arr> & vrami h i U !

»*«.- a n e w b t d e b

n ar.Q bixih, .VIr.>. lieaton5th, bth and 7th grades will

CITIZEN'S CAUCUSThtt Citixen's Caucus wili

«t t):e Pinckney Fire Hall18 to nominate a

at 4;00 jp.Committee

UNION CAUCUSA Union Caucus wfll bt _

th« village fire hail MoadaT3'w p. m to platt

* - te



doe, not». Flat Rock M;61. Milan 27; Saline 64. Lincoln :

tt, Brighton 76; Stock

nu v/ho are teaching u > baakethope ou, ice

Page 2: Till DiSPATCF M*. HKJHIGAN Note* MASONIC 1 ;:nd Carl Ta*r,anwi ..ero se tiio iiiio 4 hud to pjoii / :!U !v* Lib alV 1\ il.o

•^jsr^.™*, w.-.-



\ D U . T S $: 2», CHILDREN 7acSERVING STARTS AT 5:21 P. M.

THE C '-




Owned and Ocora.uj


Pad. Whipple has given vp>HoteL Livingston * ^ ^Mr*. McDowell fromrunning it.

T ie Elg'n Butter Co. of Brightonmade $3000 worth of butter andcheese in January.

'•{irk Haze who went to Avoca,Texas, writes he is well.

Paul Bock who bought the Re / .Crane property has returned to Detroit to run a bakery.

W'lliam Moran has purchased anew dray.

The Christian Endeavor will hold

. 15,loweli, Mick. AH Ca»*ttia—•

"*H U K "in Eastman Color ' r riday, Saturday, Feb. 15, 14

i... ' Double Feature ..l»«.or«re Montgomery ,Mona Freeman • Anthony Quinn and Italy JmradU

THOWDOWN AT ALBIKN*!• • — ' • ' * * .

jack Mahoney and Bfartha Hyer y

Color Can*oa

a Washington Social at the Perry, S u n ^ ; T j p V A 17,18,Towle home eb. 22. ^ ^ ^ ^ and 6 gun

The Methodist Ladies Aid*J holds", c l a r k G a b k a^d^ feleahor I»aa so^al at the Pred Hemming-way , J c a n vville.,, BarWra Nichols,,

Shane and Jo VanFWt


Itory Calnoun and Barbara



I 'eaturette '"battle of Gettysburg

Wed to Sat, Feb. 20,21,22,23/ Double Feature

"THF GIRt CAN'T HELP IT'VCinemaScope and OeLux Color

Ttm Elw'cil and Jsvne Mansfield

hcme Feb. 26.The son of Mr. and Mrs. William

Surdam born Feb. 1. died Feb. 3.Born to John Chambers and wife! Color by DeLuxe

ou Feb. 11, a girl. I and.De-use Carpenter and Charles j Color Cartoon and Late

Eddy were married Feb. 1 at theI'ume of the brides parents, the E.G. Capenrers in Pettysville.

John Watson has sold his farmeas>t of Cliubbs Corners and has anauction March 1. x»

J .e Pksieway and \\ife have soldtheir hi;tise on West Main' St. to

I A We* Carpenter of '"^A^OIL


170 nttendt'd the Valentine social j Fort>t Tucker and Ma."iFriday night at the W. IJ. Clark ! Wallace Ford

i 1 owe. J Otier Cartoen and Late News, -.1. J. Reason finally got his Ice I ————

mi; e filled. He was sick last mu:iih a'id then the thaw came and itaid not look as if he would get itt i l e d .

Frank Makinder sold a hog las'-v.eck that weighed -JoO lbs.

Perry Towie is cirawiirailroad.

u. Monday, February 17, II.M.times Sunday 2 Y. M. Heston and Ana Baxter

•THREE VIOLENTin Technicolor

2* Tue«, Wed., Thur, Feb. 18, M,June Ally son and Jor Z'

OPPOSITEope and CeJer


i Cecil Siller is travelling on theI j'oad for a gents furnishings firm.

WAXTED--GENERAL HousawerkC ^ r i n ^ Laundry. $1.00 an hour. -PI one. HA 6--958S


ing logs to

The Maccabees will put on the 3ac. comedy Oak Park" at PlainfielJi-eu 25, 2(i.

Lysander Topping- died MI OWOSSO

Thill- Fri., Sat, Feb. 14, 15,F1HST TRAVELLING SALESMAN

• bun day visitors of the Milton Carvers were Mr and Mrs. John Chen-eiet of Dearborn,

The William Schmidts atteaedtht Sweetheart Ball at the Ypsilanto armory Saturday night sponcoi-ed hy 'th& Ford Woman's Club. TkaFred Reickhoffs of Saline ware their

quests. All attended a dinner at the; f)i;/« Hortmiller home, Ypstlantf a€. ir the danc«

fype Wnt«r«a 3" week.

Not h HgO

. Reader anaplayers- to

M^f/viy Kennedy family spentthe Ambro.-e Kennedy


Fohey eiuetnined Mr.-;.F;> n use Monks

•Gardner at bridge ;iwn

r'-of Detroit calle-l nutWin^e r rnedys last Wedne*

Swarthout wontt# Datroit SfctudMy 'from where ho ^

John Uur« Mrs.. <hr- hab;' of Mr. nv,,.

ball irama, Satuv er la.t we-k vb.\. •••;!, \ n n Arb , ,

La rerv:- < '... '•

Her ;(!'"! ib

\n11.: :

Cf-> npfii

d on : ^e

\ . | , rL v • . • f l u -

-;. Joe hos

a n . -..ei-.Jdt i ; • } : ; * : >

at De. oit< - ! •

. . ( K ' i : . ' rii'r/e wad

. ,<.' an.; Mrs. Fannie Kavan!- v. erf in Hovell Saturday.

!Icl "'t v of Ann Arbor called•' " Rrstfcit Ackley home Satur.

wc-nt to +h<» Masonic ban!'ob.

U ii;- Hi:1or and wif< called on'• • Mr:. Dolty Ritter who

I'inckney high av,.iool won-S'u.fl-bi'idji'e last week 1G to 11.

Mrs Florence Rowe, sister ofBarney Lynch died at Florence, New

last week.A Roy F'out Court of Honor will

be held at thp community hall onMarccb 7.

F : T ! Poore of Shelby is the newsupt of the Chelsea school supt.

The program for the MasoniaPast Masters Banquet here Saturay niirht h, as follows:' Welcome,

Ru'-sell Li^ fpr^orp; RespnoLe. Kirkil VanWinkle; Music by Messrs L. C.

Morse, George Jackson and AlbertFrost. Jatkson is an old time fidd..ler, 80 years old who plays old timetunes, Mr. Morse is supt. of Stock—bridge high school. Address by Cong

Seymour Person; Dial^CftSinking, L. G. Morse; Remarks by]Don VanWinkle, Hiram Smith and.lohn Wendell Bird. Introduction ofdistinguished visitors and repr*s;. rtate*; of other lodges. Rev. Ber.quist -^.ve the invocation sr.d bene—ui'-tio;.

i ncKjiey Tndenendents beat thes jc^bndee Independents in an o\-

> Saturday night AS to2u With a minute to J4'o Don 3w*r-

;'t made a l»>ng -hot it -novfirtinip. He ma^de two more I<x shots in i,he ovkriime period )

and St trkbridu'6 did not uet :tnv.^•.varthout had 18 points,Roy Reasont, Rusel i Read 4, and Paul Hickey:i. Wayne Carr was cenLer. The

team was Bob Brcid.IIannewald, Perahing and


TLa.->Uakes Orchestra of Ann Arhor is p1 ^ing Saturday nights for

.he edHen m


ffi withGinger Rogers and Barry Nelson

Sun., Mon., Tue8, Feb. 17, 18, 19Due to length of film it will be•huwn Sunday at 3:00, 6:08,9:30 p.m. p* -JONS AMD CARB0N PAPER


Monday, Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.only"WAR AND PEACE*'

in Vista Vision and Technicolorffi with

Audrey Hepburn, Henry FondaMel Ferrer and Anita Exbery




Lasl Call jor Tuxes




, Dob Hn"t wifp.c ' ' m,were Saturday quests of theVanNornians.

The Dlae V;atersr and tu

Riad off M-«6. Lakeland, ' l i -.oft W-ter Family ^ a s h . L r y Fam ,ly \V*s

s. &•** Rugs,Py- Process!!

Spreads &ui Drap -

• n ,

h o y •>> S t

\ »••• v ;

' CM' • ,1 ' . ! ( ' ' !

: . • . . •• i - a ! • > •

I;.I :•*;•]• ther^1 a t

.^ont at St. Joe h^p i t a l , Ann 1 Kcv- ] l e ^ - S rhmi tU* in FloridarVo; bad Gerald Reason for « f<)!" 2 weeks.

day' dinner !« • •* .v Dinkei. Jobnnv and |


u publivD




Court 'or the Countyof Livingston i» Chancery


>V t l V . T r i ' l

r t ! n.

l a s l n i ; : h t Apprt !'is.-men '

lb e!^"it1 h i ' " ' ' u ; a v i i ; i T . y

-1.. a • b : 'n y b a k e

the- pro V iin> lit u p

v. i-M'e Tom* a n d

Di.L- V.'yilc and T:-r.-k Th>yK S

The (Jna Cairiijiieli^ e n t e r t a i n e d

Cat'', Li^nr find Rr l ' ih P a r k s of L a n

SVM>; and rlob Downs of P o r t a g ea t l;.ncr,oon a f t e r tho Ma^-'-'nc ban

Jack Teutbns of Rorhesier ( , ) (? t S a t u r d j i v n i ? h t P a r k s i s t h e

Meabons Sun - v ; M o f A > H t y M a s o n i c L o d j ? e jf

• Jac -son.attended a T n p (\\\\^Yx r.simphPils of Frnz-r

home tfln«\v: funeral car.Ledwidgre and wife called

Left vidsfe family in, _ ^ 7 _ . W>$ffjijgmW^^' «^d ^ f e attends I

" o f insti.ction

The ^erry Eirhman family calledon i re Rtifc^ell Cilovers in Webb't

••in accompanied' Mrs. Laura I v i l i e Sunday.- ,-.f How nil to Ann Arbor last j B a r n e > T A d a n i s o f A n n A r h o r c a l i "n,,dft.-. I ) ' Hollis Si«ler w h o ' e d ' n t h ° E d w i n Sprouts Saturdv: o p - -. 0 H A P P > . « ,bf-er in tbc honptali there came a t ] d 1Afnt t o t h e Masonic banquet ^ . oS t ion o f s u i r , C o e i ^ in- wth them. w i t h h i m the uunty building, in chw i,uy '-fis. JJcmice Bentt>- and child. N '^^F McCarthy wrecked h t r Uo^:el]) Michigan, on tMa 26th ^ay of.' Lansing railed on Mrs. Emma rnv F r i d n y n i f t h t n t t h « T e e P l e C T 0 ^cl one day last week. . i m ' ' • ™n<? h o n i e f r o m **»• b a 8 k e t

bni! came,

to be cofor s^;<:" ,<i thcr,

!K:C.; once tn eacho:ks in succession, andt :i copy of this order IK-

•ve». up-n the/JefendiiTit, May Eiia-obejii R e - . ' o ' ^ a t the above addreeehy ue^isiared Iu*t'.l, P .wurn

Cdiei.^etjd Fletcher, Cireuit Court G*m

Mr.' alter i l a rk and wife called on j

-oi ly Ritter a t ,he Ann Abor ! R i t a M i l l e r entertained thplsst week. Hie Emmett Marion Junior

1956.•^ent: Hon. E. Rewd Fletol»er,J i r .u i t Court Commissioner

ia the above entitled cause it ap .

\ ' rue eo|>>J •,•>•(!• ! v . D a n i e l s

'Comty WerkHo.ell, Mich.

at W

pa t t h « h o m 9 ty.ent tiie week end wth relatives Thursday njKht .

Dauph*e.« , j x a r t h a t thf_ d e f e n d a n t (May Eli/a - iUM-t Wylie was ii> Paturday.ll were there. ( § e l h H e y l . vis,is not a resident of this on bu.-iness Saturday.' -s. Robert Pike an! , ^ b u t t h a t h e r a d d r e a 8 i s ^4tf l n t r . n e Dinkets s»eat last Maa

were in Owotso i s , ijQcit A v f t n u e > L a s Vegas, Nevada, 'day at Albret Dinkel home.The ann• al dinw- *nr thP ,ch,aol . a n a ' °'lv"n» '''-way. , | IL Is HereDy Orderexi, Adjudstd Mfniil Ma',:ur, Sandy Saitk M *

faculty nnri einpiofiMa will be hell 1 rii ! ! e r ^ o f William Shehan last . anrf ^ ^ j t h a t t h e Defendant, May Max Aforyran of Howell ealled a«

• ConirM Educational bldsr. on j T W L*. T ^ r 0 " S h e b a n ! ( Wednoa t i l z a l w t h Reynolds, enter her appea- Dale Mi!k>) Saturday and wemt. ta

/-'i • ;. TI ii ti JI ••!-« o * I ar n»r nom»> mature" nd s R<

dav. Tlioir babv is a patient in iJt. j ' "' ,.' ' •• , . , , . . . I Mrs. \ l ice Bruff v

.To- hcspitnl, Ann 4.rbor. ' . _ .. . ,~, , ,. . .. . . and ^ovvnnn V n d aThe ar,n- al dinw*- *^r thp , ,

Ho^ell h e v e

;y and children A l b rt s>, i r l o v


Robert Twitchel has the basement

v. Billy Shohrm of Ann Arbor onSaturday and Krupa

w f o c nn ed on completed for his new home on M-- ( l *"? ' h t ' r ©f T)etrrit Sunday.Emma t n e Don Ellen" at K«ego Harbor 36 East. Tom Ware has also built i , A i l m P f n k # 1 *"* w i f t w i r i S u l

Sunday. * new heute « & M « H tkttt • * y d i m M r f u 9 t l 9 *

aHcce in said cause on or W o r « ,the Masonic banquet with USE,three (S)months fromibe date of thia The Pinekney teaehers whe at

aad that within forty (49) , tended the inskrtute at Brlgfctti,the plaintiff, Ouy R. Keynoldi, jWeanesday h«c a i u s s | a i tht

Page 3: Till DiSPATCF M*. HKJHIGAN Note* MASONIC 1 ;:nd Carl Ta*r,anwi ..ero se tiio iiiio 4 hud to pjoii / :!U !v* Lib alV 1\ il.o

mm m^mM>\

. • , * a 5 ^

v ; • • ' ! > •

CKNEY DiSPit€E February Id,

-5^*2 C&ftTC*

t' "'.'100 OF NEW YOki; Cj?* HAVE rocs AS N


№6 Qaintf 0M? Hwarek C*«t«r A. f. 6.r ~ i ^






Jl#>•.lr«^ Cfnt«r, N. T. C.•/irx




J, . ij i. 'U^^



" • * * '

'.* >: r."

- ^ \ ^

fit-' V


You use electriciiy in increasirig amounts to do the monotonous,the tiresome, the time-consuming household tasks. It makes lifemore enjoyable. But there is a problem related to this growing trend.

4 out of 5 homes, including the newest, have electrical systems in-capable of sup lying all the electricity needed for daily living. Thesolution is wiring modernization—fortunately, neither a costly noran involycd procops. F ' r ^ t s : a home that operates smoothly andeffortlessly because electricity becomes available in efficient abun-dance. And a house that has greater re-sale value too.

There are electrical contractors especially well qualified to do thiasort of work, the HOUSEPOWER Services Contractors. Theytailor the mechanics of electrical distribution to your individualneeds and living habits.

You seek plenty of horsepower in your car for maximum comfort,convenience ar.i sa e!y. For the same reason* vou naad plenty ofHOUSEPOWER* in your home.

., v


9•*'/& !$ a smple, one-word way to toy ; .

plenty of eleetr?'ty h tie I erne, wherever and whenever needed* ».

now and in the future

Any HOUSEPOWER Services Contractor will be glad to mirveyyour home's electrical n uils with you. The servka coats nothing—doesn't obligate you.

V *

If you do not know a ft^f/b/fPOWfcR Services Contractor,pi,one your Edison office

Published to ob$erv th*anniversary of

Thomas A , Idlson's otrth—Mruary U, 1847*


10-16 1957

^ ^ » < f 7 ^ t D ^ r , CAIN6S DOS g£S£APCH CSNTgR





Till OWXVKLAN& WERE «0 ^ ^


nt . crequal

incoln On His KneesBy Bishop FuUon J. Sheen

* J STATES v.ill| ABK'S G,<E\TEST AND long-iv .;•-•-.'••:• ••<am M""o!n's j est trial was the war betweenun'-u i ..^r k..;.:, ills j the states. Ke looked 'Upon the'^is defers, and his trust war as a juugenu-rt of God anl

In God. j saw it as no c.:»;•:* p.-evident btiLincoln once said: 4<I have ever seen a war: "it ii quite

been driven ir.aiiy Limes to r;y. pcs:ib!e t ^ , Cci's purpose i3knees by the overwhelming cc.i-, ^n^: . : i::;- diVe:-e:;t from ttitvlction that I had nowhere else i f.!-i -'-e of ei.l.rto go. My own wisdom, ana J/.-.r>'r.'i V:tthat of all 8bout me seemed i piah/iid lor - tinsufficient for that day."

IN ONE of earliest cam-paigns for poii" ..i office, Lin-coln was attache ca the groundsof being an un-believer. He vig-orously deniedthe accusation,and went on tosay, "I do notthink I could mv-self be broughtto s u p p o r t am a n whom Iknew to be anopen en err v c:"and a scoffer at rcJ:s:on."

Six years later after 'another

Lincoln spc-,. thfsigning pardons, andfor

fa::d mtrcy to

those who had deserted duringthe war. That evening tat fillby *n ft. : . ; • . / : bu ...

This r. «. .t I : .v;i. .-it, befcflxiffa naiioi.'j ^ . ^ . . i , carryiivf thecross of r.iiticr.;-.! n.iity, iiulIng to h l . •.' wounds atv.':r, c^c c . _• vtrywhich the Zi . -jr of thedied!

IN T H i J i iiiYS whenrifice ai. t ... .'-disciplint

ted as hir.dranctt to ". - -c: •, ;;, behooves Uie

id to look back to a man in


defeat for the Senate, he con- pr::;;cal iue v.l.o sxemplifit* thtgre-.t Christian lr.w—tht^ be a Good Friday III ourJives before there can fct an

soled himself saying,now sink out of view, and shallbe forgotten, I belicvo I have

MM, ••« eh If. T. ft



made some marks whiu* v;'.U , Easier Sunday.tell for the cause of civU liberty! Abraham Uncoln hat•ong after I am gone." the memory of the

Added to political deltats were people to be the &c^l:*i patriot^he personal sorrows in his mar-1 this country hat produce* ~ried life. K: ty rumors about [coin's life teaches us thtttWashington that Mrs. Lincoln must be a defeat befottwas a spy were so circulated as' can be a lastingto be discussed at a Cc must bt a cross beforeatonal hearing. (ot a crenm.

t t

v'n.A -

. . ( . . .



j* %


• •••• fc*


• ; - . ^

, 'cm

*•••• - f $1


Page 4: Till DiSPATCF M*. HKJHIGAN Note* MASONIC 1 ;:nd Carl Ta*r,anwi ..ero se tiio iiiio 4 hud to pjoii / :!U !v* Lib alV 1\ il.o

••CTf^r?\ . ^ w - - ^ ; ^ ^ .


Wednesday, February i r 1957




NO. 4K9


t * the Matter of tho Petition OTFrerlt S. Szymanski, Auditor General of the Stateof Michigan, tor and in Debaif or said State, iortt>O). sale of certa n ;c^di tC'' taxdi disea^ea the con. j •

On reading and tiling me per.:,on o* ;;ie A^Jiror Gev.erai cr tne Stare of Michiganpreying fee o <Je:ree .a'therein oe^c.ocfl , ^,' tr.e j rand charge* ^ tac," ;^r . p,Ciairadd by tne S'ssts CT

It is ordarea rnot i d , jMaich tei iri o* trus '^^^ r.Michigan, or v e I ! ;" o a /<J*y, and tnar <a pdii^"^ "."tho lien claimed tnereon o>Oi u . y p a . i r :.<.-. c . : -• o u , .

er Parcel

lot 60

sar* fer ?«v! *Which Interest and

Chaw** Due-a t .'yn

trv-^. .tats

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V In SelcJ YeanDoOan Cents

toowft laterotteadOeJincjwent Cnerpet Dee

bSeiafWtliars Cent*

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end that ina r i d e i i t e , C J J a5 p . p i j > e J ^' n : . .ai3 ^ • . - ' . >; . '

B o t i o . o u c ; : . c T : c , j ' j j c i t i . r i t - ' t J i 1 ' •...; ^

shel l b e m a d e . <VI!I o e tea :^ , ••' t t - v t . f a t e s . •

m i n e d b y s~cn d e c r e e , d m t , . • * : , . . e . a j , ,n J V I J ,

a . m . « n s a i d a * y , c r o r t h e a o y o- d j , i s..bik.-^..i

c o m p l e t e t r i e ; • • • or ;o a !e a^ o c a of t o c n o r a e

t h e ^wCLji'iTy i i t d j ^ i f i r , ,.• i a ! : J J . c ^ i v e . 1 ' . e ' ' r p i ^ . J

* • county seat oi f~e C o ~ r t y c 1_.. . : iy-;:on, S ' d ' e o r \

t h e r e m a d e • * / . oe a p-b^n. ' a i ^ , d •. . - - .

s e p a r a t e l y exposed toe id^e -or *

m a d e to :r.e p ^ v ^ n p d , i ^ T C-

a c o n v e y a n c e c t - e i n a osf ..

p a y the f a x e i • r a :<-.a;^»i a n d T

whole p a r c e l

interest «rvd

t h e s u c c e e d ,

or d.i'r

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t e o*Te, ea a "

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. r.iga.\ oyomsT oacn parcel OT land>_ to De a^a TOI taxes, interestA f .<I:.JS Db buid Tor rne amounts so

i ' - Co..'•,"•/ J ' L.v.:1 y i r o n , iTa te o*

T' e ';.fje,;...q o: T,r;e C o u ' f on tna t

a; » p a i ' Tf.eieor, a e v i r n q TO cenfesr

i ; . 'c '••'!: 1: v c.'s-*. t i i e jeo r Tneir o u -

e i r r o' ; r ; i i Cco r r obove m e n t i o n e d ,

as c o r e . i t a ana a decree will be.•a ir i 'u-'io-t ciaered That in pur-

:•_• «bT a ' Q C" i-! %i tf b t ' ; e ; f c o n dS <3CTer-

, ?r- ,ereartcr, b t q i . r i n i n q a t 10 o ' c l o c k

^•:r Tr,feiero o i M a y De n e c e s s a r y t o

•. e:-y p a r c e i u . e r e o i , ar m e o t f i c e o f

uv s r o L,e ^ .e icc ied o y ri im ar t h e

'i ^' i q d " 1 a ' a r r d t The i e i e t r e n a n d

d c i . ufeO in m e a e c r e a snan b e

r <i.->a c r j . ^ e j . o . r d r; 8 so e shali b e

; a ' - . r . - c r ; p a r c e l , d^:d a c c e p t i n qp e . t t r ' 0 ' 0 , " ; or, ,• r .o p e s o n wil l

. TCU f - , e e r r , r « r h e - e o T , t n e n t h e

.•: J " G u ' . i ' . c i b e s o d tor Taxesrc,ri T^e tirr e b e i r i q , <jr,d sha l l , on

fsvj* "i'tici, o " d : ' . . '" s u ' n oecf ' d

• e a;; o - r * d ^ o ' f e i d d t h e C o i . i ^ t y

Kirk't Landing Lang Lake1950

Reaueued in 19641951

Reatuued in 19641952

Reassessed in 195419531954

Lots 31 and 32Swmet Subdivision






71 25Supervisor's PUt of Beacon Shore* No. 2

Lor 51 !954 4540GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP

TOWN NO. 1 NORTH, RANGE NO. 6 EASTfafOwn-Mcijug!-.!;n Beach

Lor 20 1954 3 «F*irvt«w Subdivi>ior

Lor 2 , 19MCo'jge and Lot 3 1954Lor 4 1954Lot 42 1954Lot 45 i954Collage and Lot 46 1954

5.3645 !?


cr ^ Circu i t

a ' - a A . L . ":>>'.


4 -

Countersigned,JOHN A. HAGMAN, Clerk.

Groemes' SubdivisionCottage and Lot* 8 and 9 except the Northerly

30 'oer of Lot b and ixcop: thv io.;i.L.,y 30teet of Loi 9 1954 5J.86

I.-.-id Laka Colony Subdivision A n n * /lot 2,' and Sojtti V'i of Lot 28

1954 41.32North Vi of Lor 28 and Cottage and Lot 29

1954 61.22Cottage and Lot 135 1954 41.32Lot 137 r954 17.44C^:ag« and Lot 171 1954 41.32Cottage and Lot 196 1954 81.13

Lake View Park SubdivisionLot 8 :954 21.40

Supervisor'* Plat of Richards SubdivisionLo; 20 1954 33.35Lot 21 1954 21.40

Todd Point Subdivision No. 1Cottage ond Lot 7 1954 49.48


North 200 feet of Sojtn 400 fear of NW U ofSE I * of section lying East of Chilson RoiC

4 1954 9.36Beginning dt d point 705 f««t North and 132

69" E»si from Soathwes' corner of


SE 1/4 of NW VA8 40 1954

Zo^.it 60 oco* ot West Va of N£ VA10 50 1954

Ixjuth 10 acres J of NE VA of NW VA10 10 1954

NW VA of NW V.<-i0 40 1954

North Vi of SE VA of NW VA10 20 1954

NW VA of SE Vi10 40 1954

South 14.JO -«./"«* oiof NE V*

IO 14.50 1954- :^r l i :,!• o lc ' . -/' NE VA

16 20South Va of SE U , of NE

16 20i4ortn Vi ot St >/A

!< 30 1954 122.64IOSCO TOWNSHIP

TOWN NO. 2 NORTH, RANGE NO. 3 EASTCommencing at So. ' t^st co.-cr of section 3?.

• iiencs North 30' Wes: 7.38 chains thence West







£aat 29 acres of West 1/2


1954 22.88

1954 22.88

South lineEast 5.19

of North 88°sect 10.1 32 t henceto beginning

32 1954 54.94A parcel in Southeast corner of SEV4 of section

32, Commenc j;y at South«dst ccrner seer onrhenc* North 30' West 7.37 chains the-nce v\tsit7.83 ch. ,;ii ihw.Kj Jouth 20.5- East 7.92 chainsto South tine .of section th«nce East 5.19chains ;o begm«










Nt of»

Va of s*c::or. ihence North 69°S 32 0 E 313


IN CHANCERYIn tne M a t t e r «t t n e P f ; j n e t )

th j t u t e

Sta r e .

O'f I r e

!y sho


a1 a oarti A

> u a r

i 26

0 or Micr;iqan a"d maxes and 1-e picv .i,,r,. ,;: A r t No. 20b ofr h e P . b ' : c A c : : c : 1 9 3 3 , 0 . .


>t at

•d r e q u i r e d by the ac

: r e d 'oro ' .a 'a ( . i u - ' v

*,:.•:* above..Don w f i i c ;

F r * n k S . S z y r r e r s i c i , A , d • .: ; - e ^ e r « e

e f M L c h i q # n , t o r ana '••• L i e ' 6 : o * ' a i d

t h e s d i e c ; c e r t a . n l a n d . : - A ' o s i e s,ied f h « r n . - o n . j

Te the Circuit Court for the County of LIVINGSTON, in Chancery:F r a n k S . S ^ y r r i a n ^ i , A , . d _,,- U e ^ a . a i 0 : ? r >e S ' a : e .r f A c ' i q ^ r , r e s p e r t r j

u m e t r \ j C o u r t :

1 . T h a t h e is t h e A u a ' o

th is p e t i t i o n i . n d e r , b y v ' - r u a o -

P u b l i c A c t s o f 1 8 9 3 , a-, a m c i d e a

a m e n d e d ;

2 . T h a t S c h e d J e A a n ^ ^ d - • - •?

m e n t i o n e d a n d c o n t e ' Y r . t r e d e » . c r : c t , o r

f i x e s , w h i c h w a r e « s s t . . e d :or t v e r * a

m o r e t h a ^ o.-.e y e a r a i ' ter * i - e , v^r» .

ienajs in seiei c e u n t y h e r e t o f o r e b i d o<

u p o n whic. • * a , ' e i <-<ni;. . v j ' e a s i e ^ o a

s e l d t o t h e S t a t e h a v e r e r n d i n e o , r t p j d

• 1 d e t ; n q u e - t , a n d t h e d e . c n p ' i v i ^r c

e n y i n s t a l l m e n t c^ t a x e ; i . n d e

3. T h a t e » t « r d e d s e p a r a t

t h e r e i n c e n t a i n e d a t ; a ] r>

f o r t h e n o ' i p e y m e ' ; t o1 wh '^ : •

( b ) i n t e r e s t c o m p u f e d * h e r »

' s u i n q , ( c ) a c o i ' e c t i c n ' e a o'i ' o u r p » r cs

w i t h t h e e j r o v i i i a n s o f t h e a c t ' i r s t a b o v e

4 . Thai t a l i u i ' ' ' he a ' ' K e r . a i d 'cj»e'. 11 r © r e ' t - i : d

u n p a i d , eVieJ h a v e r e m a i n e d d e ^ n q . ^ a : t a d u n p , , j « c

r e q u i r e , as p r e s i d e d b y t ^ e ' o ^ e q ^ i r ' . ] ; ; r ts t h o . v e

a g a i n s t w h i c h t n * y w e r e a ^ : e s s e d r» r d a r e e « t e r d e d ' 1

t a x t a l e f e r t h e n e r - p a y m e n t t h e r e o t , a n d k h a t t i , e - ,oid t j x e s i ' - r e r c ^ . c o l ' e ' . f o ' i ( e e a r d

A« &e) e x t e « e J e d in s a i d T ' l e d . ^ e d . , u is.t e o r ' , P J - C 1 O>- l a n d t h e r e V d e i c r i b e d c o n -

ies v a j W l i * M u p o n e a c h or t h e s a i d s ^ v e r a p a r c e l s ot l a n d d e s c r i b e d in ' . a i d s c h e d -

w h i c h e x t e n d e d in f a v o r ot t n e o e o p i e o f t h e S t a t e o f M i c h -

w h i c ^ L e n this c c . r t m a y e n f o r c e as a p r e f e r e r d o r f i r s t c l a i m

: n e 3 t r e i e

" C i J r ; e j J . d e ' i r

in tne name ot

a, r 1 o r e

' a i d r v:t h e ptr;•

t n e

- a

r m . r »

and') n

^ns ;

', :h«d 'e.unt o '1 ] y ' a < v ' u

j ;d L, '

"* and (

• q . . e n t : • e

" e State e-a> ' o • / / 1 . ' j r

. - • V « u . C^ o

d t h u s h e ' d a n d

, . _ • l a n d s v,

ey v,o b :'E,':;Jr

r? d e ' ^ q . e n t

o i > q , e r *

«v t o t r i e

or dc>

East 66 feet thence So^th 32- 40 ' East 313feet to ihora of Island Lakj Sojrh 56 - 20 'West 50 feet along shore of : . r d l^[:r: .-ior.h38° 10' West 167 feet thence North 32-^ Wei t161 feet to place of beginning

21 1954 40.80beginning 101 feet VV;*i and 431.6 feet Nor;ji of

iOj : . " i - - - r corner of SvV'^ of S W 1 * ot sscticnt1 1 ••- • Nortl . 144.3 fe«t :o uti iror> p ip* onJO-..11 i l ore of ZLk«w ic'\^ thence Southeast-erly along i o j t h shore cf »*.s *o W»rs* edgeof a 20 foot Coral >h»n''.t i c "v / /es tQ r i / .^crr-

; ge of iaid canal to o pom: d j e Easi ofpoint of beginning ihence Wes' 53.8 fact Jobeginning

22 1954 54.2Cbeginning j t a point in So.'ne-sf corner of CA'.'

Vi of SW U thence Wa$r 370 fec-f 10 J poin!thence Nonfi 9 - 12' t iai ' 264 fii.'i1 to <i p e n ,r*-nee Fait 40.42 fet:: tc « point ;i, tnce Soviti10 W.-.r 132 feet to .; po.M •,.. .... L : . ;332.51 fe j t to a point there- ?o. ;h iQ- Wes!132 feet t * bsg :mvng

25 i -V>: 3.59W*5f 10 .-.rras c' S.V : ; of S .V \.\

29 10 i>54 9.36C o n i r n j , ; : i g at £0 "ii^' iS* co n ; - o f ^ w - n r t f i o j :

Cove S u b d i v i s i o n t h e n c ; 20 f»ct Lost for aplace ot b e g : n n : n g !h^ i :;= r • : ' TO ; .el ' ! ei _•N o r t h 120 ieet i e r c t vV-:st 80 feet i henc rSouth 120 f i t ' t to . s g i n n . i v j

3 J I 9.5-1 32,^'iNorth V'2 of tg: o / / iH j J._i>..- b'.u land coi.irrn.-i.1.-

,na „• » po; 1 • L i3 '2 . - ; ; . : • y ; j i - 0: sojtho.v.1

corner of soc:o". t " ie rc; No1 '!. 1 120 6c.

NE 1/4 of SW 1/433

NW 1/4 of SW -1/433

W#*t 1/2 of SW 1/433

SW VA of SW V433,rtARJC«>4 TOWioHIP

TOWN NO. 2 NO.^TH, RANGE NO. 4 EASTEast i/2 of SE 14 a piece of land Le-

ginning at Southeasr corner of section I, thenceNorth 420 faet 9 inches Wesr 412 feet 6 in-.ches thence South 420 feet 9 inche* to cenierof highv/jy th?nc? b'::t 4! 2 fc-f 6 inches incenter of highway TO beginning r-iso e*ceptb ginning in center Ime of No;fh omJ South:,,ynwdy on tast section I ne ><: a point 309.2


V% of SW 1/4)2 80 1954 126.58

ning at a pomt in center of Bull Run/Koed> feet North of South line of viotth V2 of

NW V4 of lection thenca E&>: i<»y te«r thenceNorth 142 feet thence Wear 175 ieet to centeru id rcwd thence South 159 fee: 10 piece ofbeginning

35 1954 39.55Ee*t Unedill* Alack

A piece of land AVi rods wide and 8 rod* long26.46 off the We*t side of Lot 3, Block 5, in village ot' " East Unauiila M duly laic ^ut and platted. Lor

•i and the Wesr </2 ot Loi 2. the lame being apart or v/haf is known a* Mill tfard Block de-scriocc oi foilowi. Comn»enciny ui a pointO rods trorn where the Sootn tine of InghamStreet in said Village kiterwcts with the W e *line of Main Street running from thence SovthH root i,)ertc« Wesr 6 root trwnc* Norm 8rodt ihence £411 6 roo* ,o wv-feuininu .«\I.IYard Block

5 1954 39.55Gregory Village

Original Sown Block ^

twe«n said Lot ana \j>. i. H. ii., said stripbeing 20 test in width more or less.

2 .954 ' 3.41Lots 2 and 3 and North 44 taet of Lot 4

2 1954 3.41Island Lake Snores

Lot 11 1954 24.34Mecce

Lor 26 1954 5.32CITY OF MICH/ONNoble s Hal No. 2


er Parcel

Mcfhetie* —*Lot 40 except South 60

Lot 23Lois 85, 86 end 88

Lot 6

Yoantor ?<

Lot I•respect AeWMew Ne. 1 , ^ _

Lot 4 1954 18174T. W. Mitnet's "WedttMloa HetgMe" MS

Lot 17 end South Vi of Lot 18 and e piecemencing at Southeast corner of Lot 17, *East 8 rods thence North 3 rods thence Weet8 rods thence South 3 rods to beginning, moccupied as one pared „ M

15 1954 MMLots 4 to 8 inclusive also a strip 2 rods N o r *

dnd Sojth by 16 rods East <>nd We*t North •#Lot> 1 to 3 nciusive

Th« fkm Meriea AdeUtkMLot 6 1954 )U,4tNorth Vi of Lot 16 1954 KM





125 00



af unnumbered Lot between Lots 551954195419941954

9yfeet Nor:", of co.n^r Oi saidpoint be ing Norttu-ast corner of parcel of landc.vnc-d by Frank and Mab- ' ! Flsk thence Wcs:412 f e e ' 6 :r,:u-.s .--!o;g N : ;M .;.-. of saidp<src«l of land thtnee f \ lo ' :heastbny to centerl in . j of NJo: '. .nd '00 .'th h.^h.v^y u.iciicc South

Lof 17Lot 18Lor 19


204.574.914.914.914. VI



45 nch ne!o

1 A

o f

of said


slong r?nt«rOf ^ f i . , , - ,,•,;

1954South V2 of NE 1/412 40 1954 13.19

SW VA of SW VA except site for School h o . s e•. nd si re for Town Hall

22 40 1954 24.61Commencing 41 _o^!i.oist coiner of at! that paig

of North V'2 of North Va cff

ofs e c i i o n i / i n g .Ves : - i r i v o f c - n t e r i .ne o f h i g h -w a y md hor, : h ;nc .3 a l o i i g c s r t e r o f s.>icih i g h w a y N o r ' h - r l y 192 f e e : +3r a ; : o i n t o f b e -g l n n n_j T ' ' ;0 , ' .C2 t4 "ss i No : ' : • ; . ' , !y ^ iu r a csnV.^ro f h i g h w a y t r . ence W c s t o r i ' , i £ ^ ' - f p s r a l e !t o bo ' - ' i h l i n e o f s ^ d : 4 o r f h V'2 o f N o r t h 1/2o f SE 1.4 S o ' t h » - i . ' 64 ' j e t r;,.•--,-- E - s e r l y 164f e e i t o p o i n t o f b e g i n n i n g

26 1954 11.40NE VA exespt Sojth Vi of St: V4 of NE 1,4

2s UO 1V51 199.57MtClstehey's 'riangle l'\io Ej'aJos

Lot 25 1954 34.51Th* First Marion Addition

South V2 ef Lo! 16 lr- 54 11.40

to beg inn ing

day$ 1 . 5 0 or oners',

•'"L.a +'3> s a l e

•n a c c o r d a n c e


q s ; a^e v a ' i d , d e ' : n q u e n t a n d

' • . c e r . t t i m e t o a u t h o r i z e a n d

t ' - e a f o r e . a i d p j i c e : s o t l a n d

d ',c**Gd...'C a * 1 f <; r,e<r a r . r . j a i

;iv;,'ice vV:-st 3 r f8cv f.y,feet thenc? Bast 383 ,69

Coll'-m'tWett V'2 of Lot 10 and Lo! 11

1954Edge wood Shores Est»tet




Lot 16Lot 19

Lot 461lot 53?


".ourt may dwfermi: e and de^ ree thatr M i t V e a valid

hedule as there m

W h e r e f o r e your p e t i t i o n e r )»>iys:A . T h a t w l t h : n the t ima p - v i r fed by l. w t h '

t h e a fe rese ie 1 taxes, in terest , r o l l e r t i o n tee a n d c-s'qe: are v a l : d a n dl i t n u p o n e«ch- »;' the said severa 1 parce l . . ;>f l a r j d ^ , : r i b e d in i a i d <e x t e n d e d ;

I . T h e t wt*h in t h e time) proYieieei by law this, c o u ' t m a t e a f inal d e c e e in favor ot h * S t a t e e f M i t l j o a n e g e f o i t e * c h p a r c e l o f sa id lands for t h e paymer . f c f the severs• mounts e f t h r i f t , intexest , AO>*»cTIcW^f«e a n d expenses , as c o m p u t e d a n d ex- tended inseie1 s c h e d u l e « < 3 * r t ' ^ t h * i * v e r a f p a r c e l ' / c j l a n d -here in c o n t a i n e d

Ruth Lake tstat»t19541954

Hiawstht 6:ach19541954195419541954195419541954195419541954

40, SO








C. That '.aid decree p ' ^ v r j .s*v*rai sums connpL *ed and e/t^r• * f c * l s * f lend, er such interest

a* in default, ofsaid '*

ay«itn,< »j. vjide^eci o t the sflici

said schedule, the said several

: e r : a r y t;, ' ^f isfv the amount

r © 1 the premise;

r , h a ' i ' C v 5 /\ y b ? ) ' • fli <„ «•< r..".',

y o p : r p e * i t i c > n « r r n a r . j v ? ' , : j r ' i e t ^ e r 6 r " ' '' . f t h ^

f^ this- c * u r t may seem just «nd e q u i t a b l e .

.'• '-. A n d your o«t ; t ioner will ever p->y, e tc .


Auditr/ ^e-/--«i of tSp S'jto of Michigan,for and in behalf of said SMo,




IsYears for Total of Ttxtt

Which Intpr^s* andOelifip' -"it Chsiqi-s Due

11 S.iid Y e mDollars Cents

Yt«rr. farWitich Inforo-t a>-





; J O • . . • ', / r,. of ; vtt oi Hc t , ^oad, :' .

'12 reds, We*t 4 rods, No:th 12 roc,redt ;O Weg'nnlr^

• 2C \ 2 5 J9i4 .i'i '.S

st « f**"1' I 4 6 Q * • • ' s ° l j t h 8 * ' 2 7 ' 2 0 "f North r!/4 Poir of uc\>on th-rna .-.«-

Seuth f 4 1 ' 40" E«n 412 fett thanceW»it 2*0 f«e1 >h«nc« North4HXMi i t f c 4once North 89°

Etit 250 feet n point' o't beginning.M Let 20 of Clshassey S b i i i





.2 or



3 60 . 1954South L3 acres of NE frl '

3 40 195/1E U

3 40 1954< l So !h SO ceres of NE frl 4

3 40 1954of So >'h V2 of SW 1,4 of SW",4


TOWN NO 4 NORTH, RANOE NO 5 EAST>_ ;;^ •' .< pent 1270 f«et fhenca South and34.) 3 r: . .;. o ' i '


260./ 1



2 1 , 1 9

• ofWei; 1•^..:h .• r<S'fe

• ' •!> o . uc . . ' I W I ; . , corfinr 0 ; sec-

" t.( ' 1100 f(v-* *c c n ' o r of chan-O / - t f ',nr! h.- -.. North WJ 30'5 ff.-e* th-nc- Wr>.<>; 300 f?.-:t •horcr-

30' vVc-s. :25,5 foet thenee We»'• iicnc- So. in ICO fee! to po ;nt c,f

_. ;" 1954•riflhten f*wntiy Club

9 eicept U. i . 16 4ohf of way'. : 954

Commenc' 306 f

except U. S. 33 right of way1954

. / 195419541954




la,85735 and 73e East

Lot 25

Lot 11

1954Ceuwtfy Club Ann«x

31# inclusive subicct to


Lake Coieny954




1954 3251954 325

Met ef Fond* Uke Heiehtt• f Wett 1I0A feet of Lots 41 and 42

\ 1954 22.32

72 'feet'W- 50' 3 J - V ^vt Lot 38 ihence North144 feet along Southerly

thenee North 64 feet thence30" West 144 feet along North-

91 thence Scjfh 68 feet to be-H*#m*V 12 feet

19S4 3.041OWWTHIP *KAM«f NO. 4 EAST

of NemS 202.36

1954 6974rf North 202.3* acres

t*S4 33.57... ef Northwest corner104 rods ihence South• y to VA Hne, South

Make en Wett line» beginning

1954 56096• f SW 141954 31.11


46.80t •: o f s r c f i on thence WestNor'h 0 - 3£' Eflst 504 feet

thence North 336 feet to c point in center oflutz Road for a place of beginning thencealong center of Lutz Road Nonh ltil .5 foeti.'- ncc West j SO fe«t thenc* South 181.5 fedt' 1 tas; ;80 f. e; >p p!ice of beuinmng

75 1954 16 02Oak Wood Beach

1954 2377Re id'1 Plat


TOWN NO. 2 NORTH, RANOE NO. 5 EASTNE ••:; of St -,i .-•o-.-pt , ,.-.:c.-.: of 33 rods

' 1 :;- by 40 rods East and West inSoutheetf comer

-i.-75 '954 25.61Vv'.:.' i > of SE 4

1 80 1954 118.56SE VA of SE VA except East 44 rods in width

' i - 1954 14.98Beginning 82.5 feet E*s* and 679.3 feet South of

\ortl-. ' . pes^ of sf:t1oi'i thoncs So'jth 250 feetto W :h I in-: of Gr .f\d R'ver Ro»d H>ence:.o Jth 60 6' 45" Eas( 100 feet thence Nodh

6' 45" West !00 C o n a g e?50 f^ t th,r.« No-th..60.'eet to beg.nnng

0 -51 1954 53.23 iat 77SWU of SW frl U except right of way tno t S 70

!*no owned bj the Ann Arbor Railroad Com i - . 71

Lot 94Lot 95Lor 100Lot 132Lois 163 and 184Lot 298Loi 329Lo's 332 and 333Lou 335 and 336Lois 3^0, 341 <-,rd 342Lot 353 „Lots 357 to 360 inclusive (954 14.70

Hunter'* HeieAttlots 2 end 3 1954 8.59Lots 4 and 5 1954 . 36.90Lot 11 , 1954 , 5.07

Htare* Country C U M SubdivisionLot 211 1954 2,44Lot 212 1954 2.44

tmus SubdivisionLots 16 »r>d \7 except a p*<' of Lo' 17 de&cribed

AS heginning at t:,e Norihsot' corner of stidlot 17 thence So therly along the East i.rv.- ofs.-id Loi 97.5 i-.'et 10 tn? So-!K>BSf cornerthersof ihence Wasterly »!ong the South lineof said Lot 2.8 fj..-' thence Nr)r!hwcs(erly 96.4feet to the Ncrth line ot r,«id Lot at a point13 feel Wtitcriy from V,. Nor'heas* coinertherf^f thence EiJtjrly alon'j Nor;h line ofsad Lot 13 feet to the poio« of beginning

19W4 29.03Lakeside Heights

Lot 6 1954 5.46Ore Lake Height i Subdivision

Lo- 5a 1954 5.21lot 79 1954 45.69Lois 101, 102, 103 and 104 1954 16.24

Ore Lako l i t t le FarmsLor «8 '954 3.73Lot 122 | 9 5 4 27,84

Supetvlser't Plat of Fernieoe*Lot 22 1954 5.91Lot 32 1954 19,09

W.i it a Ledge Country ClubLo: 16 1954 5.46Lot 18 1954 5.46Lot 36 1954 5.46Lot 196 1954 5.46Lo 546 J954 48.67


North 89 acres 0' N£ trl \',\6 b9 1954 95.50


L ^ n d b i s j i ' ^ " n ' ! ''' ' . " • O ' n f e n t , . s : i i n e <•' s e c t i o n

1, 50 roas N o n h 'of So.'i^e??* corner of NF1/4, thence West 128 rods ("ience Nori i i . 03rods thencr Cm1 iO rods -hence Sou*i"i 70 rodsthence East 1 i7 .75 rods thence South 25 rooso b s g m n i n u

1 25 1954 33.00Commencing at Southeast come' of '..-ction 31,

T4N, R6E, South 45° W.-3. 356.7 fsot t^onceSoutn t0° 'j'/es' 375 * -:• rhence Sojth 20 r

West 233 7 feet for a p' .-•; of bcgi-ining thsneeWest 33 feet thencs Nor h 81° 23' West 217.5feet rhence South 170.7 fec-f rhsnee SOJ' I , 88'15' East 2065 feet to center of hig'-.vay thenceNorth 20° East along center of said highway152.6 feet to point of beginning

6 1954 29.85Ea«t Vi of SW V*

19 80 1954 127.47South 37 acres of Wett '/j of NW '4

23 37 1954 39.29Beginning st infcrs^'ion of csn'ertkne of Ma*-

field Rosd and E*ft anH W»st V4 lino of sec-tion said point of beo/r-rvng being South 89C

52' West 820 foot fron- • -.• of sec' on •KenccNorth 5C 3' E;s* slong "••: ccntcriine of M«v-field Road 23395 fee' ; - nee South 89 52'West 1835 58 feet to •'•/•:it line of sectionthence South 1° 14' Wen along West line ofsec on 233.06 feet to Wett VA corner of sec-tion thence North 89° 52' East along East andWest Vj line of section 34 1820 foet to pointof beginning accept Easterly 33 fe«t al»oknown at Lot 1

34 9.726 1954Mexfield lake Orev- Subdrvitien


11 80 1954 85.14Southwe«t 10 acres of SW VA beginning »t South-

w ^ s ' c ^ ' n t r e . k..CNun 3'J th K t : .<J...-,i. 32 r o i i tthence E*st 55 iods thence So 'h 32 roJothence Wast 55 rods to beginning

36 10 1 -j-1PUTNAM T O ' - V ^ H i r 3

T O W N N O . 1 N O f U H , iJXi .^E N OA part ot NE frl U of s-.ction 2 T l ' i

ginning at d point 1/9 feet So ii-east comar o ( « o t : i o n 2, ther,.-; oo~'.thence We»t 225 feet ihenct- Nor.tithence E#s» 225 lect to plac of b ig .nning

2 1954East /2 of SW .4

10 80 1954Wen VJ of Easi 1/2 of SE V4

0 0

Lot 1Lot 2Lot 10Lor 1 1Lof 12Lor ISLot 14Lot 181.0; J5South Va

and 56Lot 117Lor 118Lot 1 19Lor 120

Nebie'* Plet No. 319641954195419>4

Lot 3 / except Southerly 47 feet thereof1954

Townthip 2 North of Rang* e E*stat a point in fe*»i«ny une ef ferend

kwer iirttot <ii f*«ef from Ct,,i:<r of Giaiid Kiver1.dud and di*tanf North 20- Weil 200 feetfiom Nonnwest corner of Liberty Street, North20~ Wes, along said Eat,,eny Une of taid3.. na River Koad 236.0 feet iiijnce i^orth /ut: ; i : 100 teet thence iojtn 20" ta»f 2J6.0 raer

Soutn 70 ' Wear 100 feet to ueainnmg30 J954 I V I . 7 J

beginning at a point in stcnon 31 330 reer

b.o .n 63' 30 MB tee: £d»t uom Nortneat'tOii.t-r of '»Ve*t's Addition, ruerice North 371

Ai)', Eatr 260 feet 10 Wi.sie.-,> nuu ot P. M. 8.K. fjioparty bojtn '<S6~ 3u , t«st iio9 reel 6longis. t\. ;o of Ore Crou*', ooufn J J ^ , *Ve&>255 f«et along center of Ore Creek, North3d oJ ' , Wesr • - TS... ,0 beyuuiiny

31 2.04 I9z+ 123.27Township 2 North ef Kange 6 fcatt

A parcel of land in Edit V2 01 i*W '/A of sec*tion 3 1 , I 2 N , ktt, at (Qhovvs. beyu in tng AINonhea&t corner of Lot / ot vwesi'* Mud i t iun tol':e L.iy ul Oiiy,'"Oi,, i^ f imny mente a i fol-lows. bouiN i>6- v>J , cdbi j y t o r , thcdCoU . . n 1 , /vesr 35i> twm to c e r r f - • ji O ' *Creek, ihence bourn a^ - j g , *. . .•• : j - l if**'«lony canter line of Ore Creek, thence Nortil1-, L^i' ioo.5 leei, oouin oc- JJ t,ut /3-Vt«<*;, i.-itiice Nonii r , cdai 16c i w tc Se-ginning

31 .82 1954 \ijQtBeginning 161 teet «Ve«t ot Northwest com«t

-J<- • J * ice 1 inencc- *veii 00 tetr, ^ rcbi ; t,mi 00 r«s«> to

25.9477A\24 J»

77.417. If


4 EASTbe-

2 J O

SW UA of SE V410 40

W»»t Vi of NE \'A of NE15 20

NW 1/4 or M l VA -_

SE Vt * NW W "*°15 40

Commencing ar i.onnvvA.N vV ,4 iO c.-nter «. (East on Norih ', a /•• •feiicu iiic/n^o SOJ ' I I Othenco W e i r d y ui "<sCenter of CL'dar Lo^^;alcny ceni^f of Csoorbeginning

22 I

T *



69,: a




• 22

31 1954 6V. 1^Township 2 Worth of Kange 6 fcatf

via* S;a;ici) ona idiiu udgmrnny oi 0 pu.nt 310.2teet isonn d»- JU" ¥VB»I and ^o>d.9 i«eri toi n io J J >^u»i ironi JOUWI v». uoit bec-• 'On JO, 11,'-hie NOrineny .U<4.J rterline ot t i i t jd j Kiver MV«.,feat bo jth 3J - 30" Welt thence bournwe»ttrly

•u« . , . / l / j . 5 ree 1 wonh / « - j y to be-ginning

31 1954 69.19fcVighton Weeds

MI me City of

and North 10 fe«r of Lot 1 of Fowler'stion and land beginning at Northwe«t cornerof Lor 22 of Fowisr* 3'rd. Addition, rhenctSouth 12 feet thence East 122 feet then*North 2 feet thence last 10 feet thence Nerth10 feet thence West 132 feet te beginning

1954 16.18' A w u o r i Plet Ne. t

70 feet North and South by 70 feet Eect andWe*t in Northeast corner Lot i)

1954AJMMOT » PUt N9. 4

Lot 15 1954lenfemia'i 2 »d Additie*

Let 11 1954Lor 18 1954

Galloway and Ce<M'« Adeirttt*Let 10 1954L01& 29 and 30 1954Lot 49 1954

Newman's AdditioeLof 1 1954.«, 39 1954

Ralph Fewler'i i'rdLot 44 and North % of Lot 45

1954Lot 62 1954


Block RangeA part of Lor 4 ccw.g 45 feet East end Wett by

122 feet North and South4 4 1954 9 M S

last 6 feet of Lot 7 end West 19 feet of Lot •5 4 1954 74Jt

North 1/2 of Lets 3 and 4 and Houte2 6 1954 24.ed

Lot* 3 and 4 6 7 1954 67.14Lor 5 6 7 1954 40.1tlot* 5 and 6 o 7 1954 59.47

Haze s Additionlots 2 and i except flowage rights and that

:.«rt toid to Dea/oofn k«ct/ and Const. Co.1954 £M

U»*» 1954 S3:or ai end Houe* 1954 WMLot* c2, U J ond a7 1954 §J&

Soil Care Pays OffFor New Corn PrinceD AVID LUX, 18. of ShelHv-

ville, Ind-anu, t!,o IU.W CoinPrince, rnairtr>;n^(1 -\r. "!:] '. ••ni-ly tradition. w}-^n 1^ w n tophonors at the recent Interna-tional Grain aaJ Kav Show inChicago. *

David is a tliird-^en^rat'r nchampion in the family. K'ngrandfather, Peter J. Lux,started it all brick in tru.- 1920'swhen he won the Corn King titlefour times. David's father Mau-rice, was Corn Prince twice and

I f f *

corr. of Z\NJar L >>o Po,.u '.

. 0 4 i:c- to o , w-icjht nri3i!.s 3 /

24.66-V4 o 1,1 -i-IC..'

West pert

It* 85Unnumbered Lot

11).. nee

i e t t

jadjke Toad 8'/



f-.c Log

22 I 195Commencing a' tenter or inter; ci^on of Coaa

fcd U 0 . '. ' R r j n t cf w t y on

32.3S t 0 1of Iut


iee*i AaleUa*^bai^s^^p^e» ^e e^^^vi^^O'^^v^B^Bjps^B^e^PBf

oeiween Lor 51 to 47 i M i i -comer ot ten 5 / thenoe North'

r 132 iL-et thence ^uvth 165 feet/o ID ' , wett to2 tM.r thence

• v ^ 136.88Leith's Subdivision

and Lot lou, c«sr V2 of Loi 101, end


fcoad unU 0 . '. ';•>• R. r - j n t con S o j t h sidti of saici ' igh t of w. iSouth 1V7 feet t l icnc- ~a»t 'Va f e e thenceN o i t n to SO'.i.'h '.nc c: 3 . T. K. R. right of

tnencc North. 1 , s s k r i y a l o n g South i.r.o of

Morgan Park17 and 18 iyj4

Smith and McPhersonirama R«iidsnce and lots 3 ana *



mg a partriant of way to p1, :e of beginning.

<-.' Wes: \-t •".; lection22 195-i 40.10

Beginning on Weit line of :»ctton i:i7 Feet So-thof intersection of Wett line of soction withSoutherly line of G. T. R. R. right of wayihence East 195 fee! thence Souili 288 feeito North tine of lands owned by the fordMotor Company thenco in a Northwesterly di-rection 230 faet to e pomt 143 fuel Sooth ofploca of beginning thence North 143 feet 10beginning

22 % 1954 24.66A piece of land commencing at Southeast corner

of West 1/2 of SW VA of section 30, runningNorth 40 rods thence Welt 24 rods thence

6G. rrame fccrdence and Lots 40 end 50

factory and Cider Mill and Lot 771954

Weir 1/2 of Lots Ia4 and 1*7i954

frame Residence ane1 Lots 217 and 218i954

lots 222 and 223 1954frame Residence »nd Lots 285 and 286

1954Frame Residence and LOTS 359 and 360







fast 221/j feet of West 46 f#et of Lot 771954 243.81North 40 rods thence Welt 24 rods thence . . .

South 40 rods thence East 24 rods to begin- South Vi of Lots 1I8 and 119

"'-" °g

' fbo -ining 900 foot South end 9.7 feet West ofNortiiedi; comsr of SE ''. of SE VA of section2!, thence So-th 2 , m:.: 75 feet ihence vVest.-7! Ieet -Mine- North 5 40', West 75.5 feetthence East 75 feet to becinning

.13Also beginning 86.5 feet North of center erf

lr jge Po'«age Creek thenca West 25feet for a place of beginning thence Wwt 48.4

'foet thence North 40° West 37 feet thenceEast 71 feet thence Southerly 28 feet to placeof beginning. Being a part of SE \4 of SE V*



1954North Vi 9f Lots 269 and 272

Townthip 3 North ef Range 4 E « t43.0C

David Lux, the new Corn Princehis Uncle Frank, also a formerCorn Prince, was named reserve#rand champion corn grower atthe 1956 international show.

The Lux family attribute theircorn growing success to carefulseed selection, good manage-ment and soil fertility.

This year, David's prize win-ning corn was grown on a 5-acrefield he had entered in the 1956Indiana 5-acre corn growingcontest. The seed was an Indi-ana Certified Hybrid, No. 8-44-D.

Altogether, the Luxes had 115acres in hybrid seed corn lastseason on the family's 400-acre

31 1954Chalkw's Larding

Lot 25 " 1954Lo 26 ' 1S54Lot 27 1954Conage and Lot 36 1954Lot 50 1954Lot 51 . 1954Lo: 52 1V54Lo: 53 1954Lot 58 1954lot 59 1954Lot 60 1954Lot 62 1954Lor 63 • >^4Cc'f .ge and Lot 64 1954Lof 66 1954




except South 50 feetB . 35 1954 229.30Beginning 4 rods West of Norihwesf corner of

Lot \2 Eugene E. Howe's Addition' No. I,thenc* We*? 4 rodt thence South 8 rods tttenceEast 4 rods thenee North 8 rods to beginning

36 1954 66.11

2 rodi'cf Lot 44 and all between it end

piece commencing ar a point tn West line of1 f a r m in S h e l b y C o u n t y , I n d . O nWalnut Street 10 chains 67 links North of m o s t fields thp viplrf? n v p r i s p HSouth line of Section 35, measured Wai- wJSZ * I ' ion u Y u i a v e r a g e snur street, thence Westurly a rod* to Me- bd t te r t h a n 120 bushels p e r a c r e .Pherson'* Land, thence Northeasterly parallel O v e r the yeai'S the SOil f e r t i l -W i l^ v V** t

Rl m f °* **'? »rr»«f to South line oi i t y level has been bu i l t -up and

to wist line ^^eJnyAtroetTthonS loutherfy mainta ined by adding manure,along West line of said street to beginning, Crop res idues « ^nd p l e n t y OI

mixed fertirt7vpr.Last season,sthe fertility pro-

gram included 400 pouads peracre of 4-16-16 plowed down be-fore corn plant ;n3, phis 200pounds added in the' row atplanting. In addition, 4o poundsper acre of u0 per ciiit niu'o-gen fertilizer was applied for

Let 4Lot 16

Lor 2

A. K. H. to. land 1954AtMtter's Plat Ne. 2



Auetter't Plat Ne. 4

Attestor'* ?lat No. >i954


•0 35

the com crop,


Deimen4rv(1 tepUt Recorded in liber 6 onPage 34

Lot 26 I 9^4 5.29Hi-Land Lake Subdivision No. 3

Lot 202 and Cottage 1954 36.26Reasons Acres Subdivision

1954 5.39

co- 51Lot 57










- n d L<>: 4Part of East Vs of NW V4

660 fee) SouthVi or NW ::. ofeet thjjnce Ciouth 509 feet 'hencfcr' therwe North 509 feet to beginning LC^S 107, 10S ?i>d

* 3 7.90 '*•. 1954 102.50

NW V4 b^nnin, at . J o ^ g ^ J P - n d L<>

of Northwest corner of East 1 o t 95 a nd Ccttsge; ->ec: on 13 thence- East 693.5 Cottage and Lot 96h 509 feet 'henc: West 6935 97 d 98

C o gWest 693.5 Lots 97 and 98

io>s 109


4 654.654.65



6.76. 7.80

Lot 8Lots 9 to 14 (nciutive

Lot 24Lot 25Lot 26

lot 4

L o 1 75Lot 76Lot 116



Wes* $Mo Subdivision1954




5 39

5^39 225.39

East 1/3 of SE34 80 1954SaMon Shores Ne. I

Lot 2 1954 •Black Oafc«

Lot 14 1954Lot 24 1954

Crooked leke №«M«Mh SuMfvkkmlot 148 1954

Kirk't Landing LoneReassrt4«d in 195^

Lot 49 1950Reassessed in 1754

1951Reassessed in 1954

1952t e e t m w d in 1954



40.85 B l



»t NoriV-ris co-ner of '.Vcs" 27.75eginningof North 34 of West Vi of SW V4 thence

Wesi 182 fe*t thence South 650 faet thervceEast 182 feet thence Norh 65C c " f to u"-

M l 9 i n f l < r > 9 11 2 7 1954 19.18South 19.50 acres of SWV; of SE'A except rail-

11 19.50 T954 28.43South 24 acres of f-asf' ' ;• of SE'/4 except r.-rtl

r M d 11 24 1954 28.433.8*wett Vi of NE Vi*

22 « 1954 116.67751 feet South ef Northwest corner of

thence East 16 rodt rhence South.. 101 0 » rod* *enee West 16 rods thonce New* 10IP.* ,«**b»ojiw*i . i f M m


TOWN NO. 4 NORTH, KAtfAt NO. 6 EAST1 sere in Southwosl co. ivr o; Ess; 50 cccs

North Vi of NE fr' VA 10 rods NoirhSojth by 16 rods t r .:nd A .at

**> 6 I '954 16.09

r.outh 4 rods of West Vi of WesJ Vi of NW VA

, ^ n h 48 rods^of NW 14 o V w V4

South 32 rods of NW VA of $W VA22 16 1954

NE VA of SE I4 except North 1 rod22 39.50 1954*

Lot 12Lot 45

Asseseor's Plat No. t19541954

Fairlawn Beech SubdivisionNor'h Vi of Lot 54 ' ?9a4North 1/2 ot Lot 96 1954t&f 9o 1954Soith Vs of Lot 96 1954 - „ _jcc.w.-, 3 of Lot 125 Beginning 130 feet N o ' -

ond 80 fe*f East ot .Soi-.hwest corner 01 LJ125, thenee North 132 feet thence if ;; 4 Jfeei thence So.'h 132 feet thence »V^: 40feet to beginning..

V 1954 60 08Section 1 of Lot 130 B«ei»n:ng 130 faet Norrh

vest corner of Lot 130, thence Norththence East 44 feet thence South 132

tnence West 44 foet to beginningu * ]954 8.01'l of Section 2 of Lot 130 beginning 130

feet North and 44 feet East of Southwest cor-ner of Lot :30 thence Nonh 132 feet fhenceEast 22 feet rhence South 132 feet thenceWest 22 feet to beginning

1954 8.01Section 4 of Lot 130 deginntng 30 feet North of

lence East 22 tea " 'West 22 feet ro

T9545 of Lot -430 Beginning 30 feet

Winter Storage of•228 Plant Food Assures

Supplies for Spring






8.01North•f Lot

thence South 100 feet thence West"^2 feet tobeginning 1954 ^y6

Section 6 of Lot 130 Beginning 30 feet North

thence East 240 rodt thence Nonh 36 2/3 rod*thence Weet 240 rods to ' ' •

27 40

thence South 100 feel thence West 22 feet to1954 4.76

Lot 186 end all of Lot 1876 6 J 9

Middle wWest Soil 1m-i provement Committee lists

five suggestions for storing fer*tiiizer on the farm this winterso it will be in good conditionwhen it i» needed for springcrop operations:

I—Keep the fertilizer bags offthe ground or on concrete; 2—Store the fertiliser in the barnor son other dry building; 3—Flit the bags on 2 x 4'g or crib-bing above the floor. Then thefertilizer won't soak up mois-ture and get lumpy; 4—Preventcaking by piling Dags only sev-en bags separate from the mainpile. Loose fertilizer soaks upmoisture. •

"Buying and svoring fertilizeron the farm now is particularlyadvisable/* says the commit-tee, ''because of the tight situ*ation on railroad freight c a nneeded to move phosphate andpotash from the mints tc («*•

4Jt gugp tftctorio*.



Page 5: Till DiSPATCF M*. HKJHIGAN Note* MASONIC 1 ;:nd Carl Ta*r,anwi ..ero se tiio iiiio 4 hud to pjoii / :!U !v* Lib alV 1\ il.o


. ^ ^ - , <4.

/ Art of Kaicfcui'fto. uo«eJi a t :

t • ••

Lt. John Hammell and family oiOrlando Florida. ar« viaitiag th*Everett Hammeli,

An inffant ton, born to Mr. andMrs. DouglaB Horst (Beverly Pilgnm) of farmington diad at birth.




Aa,ura bensinger oe. Dexterwas lu. ^ into the driv* at theDick Amburgey home on Pearl St.Sunday night to call on them her,car was hi', in the r«ar by anothercar ..riven by James Massey. Theea were damaged and the eecupantsv,ere hiuises. Dr. Duffy renderedfii»t aid.

Henv Porter is ill at tbe MavisNu>inkr home at Howell.

] Kenneth Darrow of Three Riversspent Sunday with Mrs. Flora Dair'

! ow and the M. E Darrows.Lee Lav«y and wife Write from

Florida they called on the J. Gunaersons fomer local residents wh0 arethere and had dinner with theWayne AtLees on hia 55th birthday.Edv/ard Parker and wife were alsothere.

V.'s )Lave received a copy of the«P'.•::.! edition of the Tampa Morn-ing Tribune through courtesy ofC H McRoi it and wife who are there

, it consist* of 90 pages and is called1 GaapHrilltt Edition after the old

time Florida pirate.Th« Frances Shehans entertained

W agoners Urocei>;6066 P1NCKNSY ROAD

Quality Merchandise





io Tak« 0 *



Everything in Sherwin Wfltiamt PiMte

Coal and Fuel Oil

and Building Hardware

TiAY ii" A Wllr ?LOWEHS

, Th< Gale Hendee family of Owo»so and thr Lloyd Hendee familywer


I<undeena of Berkley, Mrs.Spears and Jack Sheldon forSunday.

iarth Meyer of the Bad Axete police underwent an operation

abcens of the spjne a t SSt. JoeAnn Arbor Saturday. H<s

. Mrs. Aita Meyer.called on

B>. E HOEY * SONSHA 6-8119 Dexter

L'« Suuda/ gue*U of. the Lynn j him Saturday night.} M.-sdames L. Hashay,

.' Hoyt, Winston iiaughn and^'SIl'nhM.nrlc Swarthout cf Swartnout't . Ihiil attended a Home Extensio

Cove suffered a bad «pe!1 Saturday. , J>? -lonstration last Tuesday «t DowCallers of the OHn Robinson» on • e!|. last Tuesday. The Simplicit

Saturday were Raymond Turczyski PatUm Company put on the den^nW. M. cf '.he Veedic Lodpe Detroit \ stra'.ion. 'and B >• -u'iller S. D. Rex Sackett 1 lie Vince LaRo»«s and J\and Jam^y TAinsford and wives of . VanRlaricums ware in n-«*. o, . . , , . .. . _ . . . ,. ' , " • 1 U i-'exter aun--DotrJt oalled Sunday. Also ye edi. daytor.


" 1


iiFe's H o w to Binance

ur Purchase of a Ccfa

- e n terms you'U like— and save money!

' ^ our low-cost auto kxm plan and save money(torn start to finish. Our races arc low; with nohidden >xtra§." You enjoy convenient monthly'•rrni- fitted u> your income. Service is prompt,( i d ar.^ <• - :v'";-.'•- .:,.:. Vou l*-k\ yev \'^\:

too, as you i* t .v L". •. «. I

bTAitt BAN*

uF SAFEAli up it!

Federal Dep1mmcd hy Member

! Insurance Corporaliei



IP's fto meet e>j*cfrfcig enjfne </eve/o^m*nt §ln§m fhm tint tedrer was launched!

ACTION I W M K V I POWBftl<h» •KMJWlat bfonJ the ^ m a / iout lbs newfWi"! Tb« J-2 KAck«tso An* 4a«l wirbuMton! J-t «•at • ma/km, aetri ««*t. i

have oWastad i w y«ur% of•ngiaa tbet eombinad ax«es>eiaaiil a<tr««^ana! tec^ne potamtiel wiek otiUtaaaUeg fuelaeoaeM** io noraiai »pa*aaiaB. '

And t«daf, 6id« has k ia ihe eew J>2Seeket.* ToaH iaxl k*M Wt* turn rnginmmndmr thm hoed/

' l» j e w <laf--t*<-4af daiviag, T«II *nymjaa#o« af tk* Ro«k«l—wftb

th« fud of duul-jet an<'a l#-t«-J f n p i e f i o n ratio. But to im*t tiv•»««ptiai)«J dririag tttiitflioa, jM<tt open in*««««l«r»tor J»«you(i th« ^ point ami two

•arUar«lor« attlomaHnnlly jet into. Tbcre'i- • M itxtaut J»ex»-,i ia torquo and

p*Nv«r. Tou'H d^prwiatr th« imm«»iiate re-tp«BM us iui*lii«r Okl« 1 ontrrfiulion to your

u U w i e t j at the wbfel!

trtgim, wilt> wp to 31? h.p., optional at tittn


Th • Probate Couit for the O "Livin^st n

Mattel of The Et^ ie ^.Thomas White, beceasea.

Present Hon Hiram R. SmltBJ i life of Probatfe .

..u a -M * *a*d Court, held at!:• • F3 i , j a ' ' j <;ffii ; in t i i e C i t y o i

How ell in - aid county on t.he 23tdda> i*; .Iiin.iar.\' A. U. 1957.

Notice is Hereby d i ^ n That thePelition of Cla, ie White pra;.injfthai >ne administiution of saidov p t,e K'tmt^d to Arthur Heikkine n hi t o t c . ' i i Q u t MV . U i L a . l e j ; c i ' ; : . > n

a n d t h a t t h e he\.-s of ssiid d^ciM->•"!

o<: .'(lermiaed, will be heard at t t e



/ ;


II is Further Ordered, 1'hRt publ^*

L.OU of a cepy \Uwmt far Hn%w e e ' s co i i ' • t : t ive i> , p r e v i o u s to n^

t; day e f heannp, in the Pincknevtch , a newspaper printed and

<?iiciliated ift said County.H'lum R Smith, Judge a/ Probate

r Jru« CepyHrUr M. Goold

uty Regisler ef Vrefce^*


^ g ^. C






SAT. fVf., FIB. 16 ! - — . -

K«be«sa Morris was sick and key jcr did not teach Monday ',

' Inrencf Faunc« and R. Baxterof I'Dwlen'ille called on the FloriaC'lai'ka Sunday.

The Floyd Fuiforda ef WayiteSaturday ^uttU nof tb« CliffordKile**,


. «•.-.».•'".••i*&Sfr<$

* ..'^^'5r^3^iil***№

Page 6: Till DiSPATCF M*. HKJHIGAN Note* MASONIC 1 ;:nd Carl Ta*r,anwi ..ero se tiio iiiio 4 hud to pjoii / :!U !v* Lib alV 1\ il.o


TAKTThat a Township &.acuB for the .


County of UviagstonState of Michigan

held at theTOWN HALL

*H* uncle

).>Y, FEBRUARY 18, 1057;1t •> oo n r,, for the purpose of nom-i n a l l y '"r.mlidates of said Party(-f :.->" eveja! township offices toh- f•!>-' at IliennSal Township Flee\'u-r. to be held M*"*4 y, April 3,

Give her precious new 'to spend with the family

Make this the year you free that favorite g»J oi yci'tora the long, hot toil of ironing by hand. riivean Ironrite Automatic Ironer.

She will iron in the time on an Ironrite, d's<ing wonderful new hours to eni'.\ with the f\

She will learn to iron quickly p^and simply on an Ironrite, and fher ironing will look more beauti- *ful.

Come in today. Let us show 'vou the Ironrite mode! specially [reserved fox that woman you like JJL.,so much.

Township•'"•". '<- for 2 year term.

1 .hn-ice of Peace for, 4 yr. term.'••• ! H of Review, 4 yr. term

.,r;"- + i( <• oi' Peace or M< mber Q± J

ftoteffen's aunt axim Pat Plummera friend, Bat-

Wing of Bay City visited him.Rollene Singers a an t from Detroitwa* here Pam Seefeld went to AnnAib r Prank Wilson and Bobby Beverid.^e i'ot a lot of fish- RichardM».-CartT ys sister hit a tree wk<itheir e:tr, Kathy Shettelroe wento the me vies last Wednesday, Ou-

Valentine party U Thursday, Weare serving ice cream and cup cakes,

!'« L-ummittees are ho*t, David•Shirty, hostess, Kathy Shettelroe,^uiiica, Dariene tjyvvnn, Rollene

j »si'-;<er and Fiank Wilson, postmas.ej-.s-iac Pliirmner, Bob cteveridgj,Larry Uau^hn Marj, (Jo.-tfray andJ udy lieynoliis,


I'he Fmckii^y Sanitarium

Kay M. durty, SL 0.Piackaey Michigan

Cail 11:00' A. M to 2:00 P. M.Except Wednesdays

. ton? TUB*., FIL, Sat.r:00 to 8:00 f. ML

M6MJEttoa ti. Swartfcwl



*uuer l. v ^joici-^ervicet ami *Jouru:4*tta


SURV8V0Kto Detroi


]\i c;llent repor ts a i t ; Doing given?\»i i"5:vHual states, We congratul ' 0 £ f i c* *A1^ ^

»u— Ittl-W HoweL,i : s

• , » n -

:> r;;••bies, 2 y r t fms.Kennedy. T wnshp Clerk.

- 1 ..i,••••<! of r. baby ^rot ' ier, Joe Esper _n li''.!Tiia and v.e a r e wri t ing

UkU » .

i . Morrisl i iv^n for:~ M-n-^r.y "h seed se]l

•• *>udo<] Fob. 12 Tho boy

wrote poems and storiPs n

Iron? R i t t e

c ' 4 Is- Lar;, i-at'!'\v;i!d w h o istliLMe H a p p y b i r t h d a y M r s , Hea to i ) ,

W e m a d ? c a r d s for h" r , T h o m a s A n••aya ,"ave us a specia l trei' .t on h is

i i ihdriv l ie >iot r a n i s und a



• • . Vi-'-.o r.-n v . r eks \ ; e r e M r s ,'i'lM-nni l a - . \»-eek :;n•! M --. H a i n c si".i?- week ,

ixih Cracie, Mrs . T.isch'"•- ;ii s tadvi i i i ; tho i ' r i ' i s h I s ' e s

. • ISLT--I i i . and C a n a d a , We h a dV-*t o:i Afi ;cra We^ln^sday. For o u r "**©u«••> i i i i e p a r t y we will have p ' P

:u. , 'i; c c\iii)« A ' !>:W a. m,\velie <r>*m t(j p rac t i ce a s sembly .

.n ts.~cnibly r r o g r a m is a b o u t t he

c^h. We decora t ed for Yn.1 ite.u..•••-, \\-hen rliy were s l a . e s a n J

• V.e a r e ^.udun.a- the-

Egaiuencc 814




Printed H HO paper,D L\

ho,v t n c y a r e sti l l t r e a t e d a< s l a \ e si; ••; \va>s We made pens Mon

rV.;. • i ' l i t^ie I'.elp of Mr. B u r g o u r< * . .



. ?.



FOR Room.Jce CpnLile UP 9—:i24-"i

FOR RENT--unfrihsned apartment.6 rooms and bath, hot an<* rold wa-ter furnished. UP ° "-45 WANTED

F A I . E - - - r v n T',.•!•>••.

FOR SALE -Bfca Oavwiport, ^iondfinish UP 8—6*^ »o° •". Mai^ St.rear.

f l o o f .

FORT , . ;',


=: A]



V an 1




. 8.-.• w


a te






P S-

\" jr



p^i>I'^T [ r Ay A r r r S

IWKK N'OTlfETh-.t a TovnsVip (\-cus fnrU-

Tu*»day. Through Saturday11 c 3 and 5 to 7

ana by Appoi .unontAU 7-2^31

Vv t s . uiuiid >.iv«rBK1GHTON


42 ft>


. Carr1 4 2 MILL ST.

U? t 31M

Homes, Lake Propertyrines* Opporttt»ili#»>'eur Property with

North PearlPHONE UP g~816g

. J . fc- CAittl'AUlily*

•126arv'btou At

' V.•jc«ern

HONK U »*TOWN? HI r OF ? I T T . S A - ^

Connty of LivingstonState of Michigan

will be he'd at the jPfX'KXEY FIRE HALL J

MONDAY FEHKl'Un Jh, ..J57 j ^ ,.u :.':')'1 p. nj for ;he purpose of nom-| 1 Jf lyUidUJl i lS: \ - ' ; <; TariHiHitcs of said Par ty 'for th" .several township offu-o* to LA>VN MOWtiHh. j'riied at Biennial TOY, nship Elec ' 1 1 S 3 4 KiverbaiUi L.• :'-n to be held Monday April 1,


U£4N i -J?

i JliOP6 to 8 JA*

'd Lake

S ' i p < i v i s o i " .

'j o ' n s i i i p ' , ' i e r k .

r. t,

:;. i'i Uftteer1. f o r 2 ye1-.! . r r m ,

1 ]•isi'ce or i>e; l(-e foe, 4 yi1. • j v n ,

f i l e m b e i B d o f R e v i e w . 4 v-r • • • i m

•.s»i'. • o. » o.d'e or M» inbei' of

' Hcnrd of Re\ iew tu fill vacant ie if

I '•>••

1 Constables, 2 yr terms.v • r r a y Kennedy. Townshp Clerk.

• ft)K. vwth notor.- A^jply Hov aiii L i a ^ ;it

I FGfi SAJ. ifi—Portable Automatic UWWlt



••:-•>. >

F©RN. J. Buzzard UP b J±3B

P#R RENT—-Modem 6 room•hower, one bedroom and will furnish, — -_heat will furnish, ^as or ebctric £Df\ KENT -- ' \>,,-» l< ... ,r. plenty of hot u-ater. r*>'A c c y r ?T -3" Enst of PiMCKney fa!!for nice couple. M.F. Shirey TTt>T' ^621 Dot; fit Ker. ««><*: iS-4rtt'J

Jack H?"««»*tt" " • TN ' •• '- r ' ' n t o n f a m i l y o f D- 3

troft were Sunday gr«*^s of C. J.

- Oil • l 'EXT--- /\p in tnu'in at"• ;vl SIL. Pint-kney. on March 1.

Call \C 9—3731

iJALE-Two wheel ir^sier.dualVx 6 u«d, ail h

U i A < i i

\ \ T E D - Responsible i-arty '0''• ' over !ov.' monthly payment,- oni piavo. Can be se^n in v i t-

Write Crodit Mvna^ r P ^ tBox ?4. Greenville, Mich.

To meet your taxes..

To |*ay doctor wr

1 0 d e l i Mi

io get eu you.' itet anda ires* »t«i't

- budgeted expenses kav« to(wneth^r you ^«e tbtuii coua

not). Tne co^t la low tacau'e»v many lottii*. TenriB are

to income.your credit here.

Call aa



Q U A L l T Y



i, aleep> 4, b*ox, oil hcau^r, irunii uitau cupboard ^uoU*t^o. Li\xiig I'oom2 bedk cJ si.air and tub.eoiiaix ^ . 2 dprmgs $4. i c t ox di^ua*, ;new, Hoir 'iiand $;j, Mii-iorWHten rutj 9xxii $l(j; tiiucao^ , ^tnitii r a u o *1G. $74 or u k elor $oU. .iieb»n MtrDo.dt 11453ki-land Lake, Phone UF

&lL i l l 0 1 ' a i


Mary VvoiterREAL



BmneiiKraba, Saiesman

Piackncy %)mce UP 8



So. Arbor

^ ••r—Aulo pen A

Automotive Giass S6ld andInstalled i

HowelL Michigan

WatwVii Mai9S86 1

Fhooc HA

mJ P u m j M ,

Seventh Grate, Mr«.\>xt week Dexter comes here to

pay our 7th and 8th grade teams inbasket ball We are putting on aplay for Lincoln's birthday. The 5th6th and 7th grades are putting onthe assembly.

Hrade, Mrs Carr\.'e are liavir.o a Valentine party

and are sroing to dance. Our aide ofthe hal' is puttip r on the assembly

Earline Cotes parents wentarwl the boat show. The Boy



a fishing contest.went to church Sunday at it w tScout Sundny. We elected ram

CASH PAID FOR W H U Treed G/inding Service




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