
Til Verket! / Go to Work! A work of craft as a starting point to renewal of the teaching? Elisabeth Srheim juni 2011 the secret: It isnt seen before Anne Thomassen: Erupsjon The instruction from the artist is never heard before: Knus noe du er glad i! /Destroy something youre fond of! from destruction to construction joy as motivation make something new Anne Thomassen: Erupsjon The secret of art The secret of art as a point of departure for new thoughts in this piece: - concerns philosophy: what is a human being - deals with ecology; responsibility for the future earth by seeing, doing and thinking we may even learn more, learn better ARTS AND CRAFTS SUBJECT CURRICULUM The subject has been structured into main subject areas for which competence aims have been formulated. These main subject areas supplement each other and must be considered together Main subject areas 1 10 (primary and secondary school) Visual communication Design Art Architecture Art (main objective) The tradition of creative work with images and sculpture is continued and developed in this main subject area. Inspiration from art history, from rock carvings via antiquity and renaissance to contemporary art in our multicultural society, forms the basis and point of reference for the pupil's own imagination and creative work with various materials. contemporary art in our multicultural society, forms the basis and point of reference for the pupil's own imagination and creative work with various materials. Hanne Haukom: My Silver workshop for teachers New materials new ideas for teaching Ringenes tale / Tale of the Rings Esther Heln Slagsvold: Slvbeholder for minner, IV Elevresultater fra smykkeworkshop Ringenes Tale - med Esther Heln Slagsvold Elevresultater fra smykkeworkshop Ringenes Tale - med Esther Heln Slagsvold Esther Heln Slagsvold Results from pupils at workshop with Esther Heln Slagsvold Solfrid Tormodsgard-Henriksen /Ingunn Wright:To make a mandala -new materials -new methods -new thoughts - new methods - New materials - new materials - new thoughts See work of craft as an everlasting new starting points for teachinching in the subject of arts and craft as well as in other subjects t

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