
Almost, but not quite entirely, unlike a Quiz

• 25 Questions, a Gen-Ent Lone Wolf Quiz

• Starred Questions to resolve ties

0. What phenomenon?

• It is believed that the ancient Sumerians followed a phonetics based language. By which I mean they did not have words to denote corresponding actions, but rather sounds. Therefore their mind did not have to process the meaning of the sound uttered, rather just react to it.

• According to a high-funda theory I came across, a certain recent phenomenon makes use of similar phonetics to elicit a particular response from listeners upon hearing specific sounds. They do not need to understand what it means, but they just react to it.

• It would have made for a good question, but I cannot, in good conscience, flog this dead ‘horse’ any longer.

• Just gimme phenomenon and reaction.

Oppan Gangnam Style (What else?!)

1. To which person/event is this comic a dedication?

2*. Give X and Y• Presented to the U.S. Ambassador by Soviet schoolchildren, the Great Seal of the

United States hung proudly in his office in Spaso House from 1946 to 1952. Well, after a good bug scan, of course, which turned up nothing. However during a retesting six years later, they pulled a tiny scrap of metal about the length and shape of a pencil tube out of there, which they initially thought nothing of, because it didn't have a single wire or battery running from it.

• In fact, the device had no electronics at all: It was simply wood and metal designed in such a way that sound waves changed the dimensions of the interior space, which an ultra-high frequency signal could pick up on.

• This microphone could be turned on at whim from a remote location, but stayed an inert metal rod inside a piece of wood when not. It was an invention so cunning, simple and effective that only one man, the feared Soviet master of sound, could have invented it: Lev Termen.

• However, Lev Termen later on defected to the US, and changed his name to Leon X, lending his name to an instrument that a popular TV character Y is shown to play.

3. Earliest avatar of who?

4*. What significance? Which comic?

• The murder of Kitty Genovese in 1964, when she was stabbed and raped by a sex fiend and wasn’t helped by anyone, is a well documented and famous case, and is taught in psychology classes for the study of onlookers’ apathy.

• This case has a pop culture significance in that it is used as a pivotal event in the alternate universe of a legendary 1986 comic. The story arc of the protagonist of the comic starts with this event. What is its significance? And which comic?

5. Which author?

Lost Girls is a graphic novel depicting the sexually explicit adventures of three important female fictional characters of the late 19th and early 20th century: Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz and Wendy Darling from Peter Pan. They meet as adults in 1913 and describe and share some of their erotic adventures with each other. The story is written by X and drawn by Melinda Gebbie. Give me X.

6. What phrase?

‘Punch and Judy’ is a traditional, popular British puppet show featuring the characters of Mr. Punch and his wife, Judy. The story basically goes like this:

1.Punch kills his infant child 2. Punch punches Judy until she dies 3. Punch goes to prison and escapes using a golden key.

4. He then kills doctors, lawyers and a hangman 5. He kills Death, as in, the Grim Reaper 6. Then it all ends spectacularly as he kills the Devil.

The really mortifying part is that Punch enjoys the entire process and is thrilled at every kill. This peculiarity gave rise to a popular phrase in the English language.

7*. What song?

The tune that is heard in the whistling scene from the movie The Bridge on the River Kwai, is the first strain of the march "Colonel Bogey.” Besides serving as an example of British fortitude and dignity in the face of privation, the "Colonel Bogey March" suggested a specific symbol of defiance to British film-goers, as its melody had been used for the song “X”, which was composed by Tony O’Brien as part of British war propaganda. Director David Lean wanted to introduce the soldiers into the camp singing this song, but it was thought too vulgar, and so whistling was substituted. However, the lyrics were, and continue to be, so well known to the British public that they recognized the song anyway. Which song am I talking about?

8. What is X?

• The figurative sense of “X" has, until very recently, been thought to allegedly originate from a supposed technique of training young scent hounds. There are variations of the story, but according to one version, the pungent X would be dragged along a trail until a puppy learned to follow the scent. Later, when the dog was being trained to follow the faint odour of a fox or a badger, the trainer would drag a X (whose strong scent confuses the animal) perpendicular to the animal's trail to confuse the dog. The dog would eventually learn to follow the original scent rather than the stronger scent.

• Nowadays, An X is a clue which is intentionally or unintentionally misleading or distracting from the actual issue.

9. Which movie?

Ten Little Niggers was the actual title of Agatha Christie’s novel, And Then There Were None. It was changed due to the presence of the pejorative word ‘niggers’ in the title. In the novel, ten people, who have previously been complicit in the deaths of others but have escaped notice or punishment, are tricked into coming onto an island. Although the guests are the only people on the island, each is murdered one by one. A famous 1965 Hindi film is inspired by this story. ID it.

10. What is X and Y?

The word ‘X’ does not have a Latin root or derive from a prior French phrase. In printing, a X was a printing plate cast from movable type. This is also called a Y. When letters were set one at a time, it made sense to cast a phrase used repeatedly as a single slug of metal. “X" came to mean such a ready-made phrase. Many authorities say that the French word “X” comes from the sound made when the molten stereotyping metal is poured onto the matrix to make a printing plate, thus making it an onomatopoeia.

In today’s context however, X denotes an expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel.

Y denotes a thought that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things, but that belief may or may not accurately reflect reality.

11*. Who is the bearded guy and what’s happening?

12*. What calamity?

It was May 1910, and the world was living in fear of an impending ‘calamity’. Con artists took advantage of the panic and took to selling pills and umbrellas (as shown in pic) as protection against the calamity. However as the plot unraveled, people learnt that there was nothing to fear, and also that they had been conned. What was everyone expecting in 1910?

13. What is their specialty?

The Mansudae Art Studio is an art studio in Phyongchon District, Pyongyang, North Korea. It was founded in 1959 and employs around 4,000 people, including 1,000 artists. Most of its artists are graduates of Pyongyang University. The studio consists of 13 groups, working with woodcuts, drawings, oil paintings, embroidery and jewel paintings, among other things. Its foreign commercial division is known as the Mansudae Overseas Project Group of Companies. They hold a monopoly in the production of something. What is that?

14. Which photograph?

One of the most iconic images in history, the story behind it goes as such:When the marines took the highest point on the island, Mount Suribachi, they took the photo on the right. When the Secretary of the Navy showed up to the war zone, he was so overcome at the sight he decided he wanted the flag. However a battalion is not supposed to give up its commissioned flag, so to keep the Secretary from stealing their flag, battalion commander Chandler Johnson had his men quickly take this one down, and sent one of his men after a bigger, replacement flag, which they could pass off as the original and give to the Navy secretary.

15. Who are X and Y?

While his son X was a multi-talented genius and a man of science who first postulated the wave nature of light, Constantin himself was a man of letters, a Dutch Golden Age poet and composer. He was also adept at music, mathematics, arts, politics etc. just like his son. He also was a patron of the arts and he discovered a certain promising Dutch artist Y, whom he encouraged. He also sat as model for many of Y’s paintings.

16. Give X and name of company

The X is one of the most famous corporate mascots in the world today. It is literally synonymous with its company. However it wasn’t always intended to be so. Originally, the company just wanted to make one commercial, in 1999, using a one-off joke to make sure people knew how to pronounce their company's name. So it was supposed to be one and done for the X, until the Screen Actors Guild strike hit in 2000. In a scramble to find someone who wasn't part of the SAG, they stumbled back on the animated X they'd just used and signed him up for a whole campaign. And that is how the cockney speaking X became the face of the company.

17*. Who is X? #wikicopypaste

Somnium (Latin for "The Dream") is a fantasy written between 1620 and 1630, in Latin, by X. In the narrative, a student of Tycho Brahe is transported to the Moon by occult forces. It presents a detailed imaginative description of how the earth might look when viewed from the moon, and is considered the first serious scientific treatise on lunar astronomy. Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov have referred to it as the first work of science fiction.

18. FITB

A _________ is an equipment of glass blowers for re-heating glass to soften it so it can be worked further or to keep it hot enough to avoid cracking during other work like adding handles, feet, etc (basically the mouth of the furnace shown in the pic).However, most (ALL) of us know of the term in a wholly different and slightly disturbing context.

19. What is name?

The man on the right was accused of violating his probation in April 2010 in a methamphetamine manufacturing case in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Simple. Give me his name.

20. ID road.

Kengal Hanumanthaiah road, which connects the Lalbagh gate to Richmond Circle, was the first road in Bangalore of this kind, and due to this, was given a moniker which is more widely used than its actual name. What kind was it the first of, and what moniker?

21. ID Movie and Scene.

The opening credits to the 1973 Sonny Chiba film ‘The Bodyguard’ , feature a set of apocryphal lines attributed to a prophet. However these lines are not read, but displayed. The lines were immortalized in pop culture history when they were uttered in the scene of a certain film. The director of the movie has openly admitted to his love of Sonny Chiba, and even worked with him in one of his later movies. Now, which movie and which scene?

22*. ID song and band

The picture on the next slide is that of Artis, a street performer from Seattle, Washington. He is known for his unique set of ‘instruments’ and for his collaborations with Frank Zappa and the band X. In fact, when X was working on the song they decided to name the song after Artis’ talent, and in fact, in the song’s bridge section you can hear Artis playing.

23. What food?

On your right is a type of tomato called Solanum Uporo, which can be used to make sauce/ketchup, just like any other type of tomato. However, the sauce of this particular tomato is considered to go best with a particular type of food, and it is very popular in the South Fijian islands.

24.What effect/X?In biology and psychology, the X effect is a phenomenon—seen in nearly

every mammalian species in which it has been tested—whereby males (and to a lesser extent females) exhibit renewed sexual interest if introduced to new receptive sexual partners, even after refusing sex from prior but still available sexual partners. The origin for the term supposedly is an old joke about X when he was President. The President and Mrs. X were being shown separately around an experimental government farm. When Mrs. X came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, “Dozens of times each day.” Mrs. X said, “Tell that to the President when he comes by.” Upon being told, the President asked, “Same hen every time?” The reply was, “Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time.” President: “Tell that to Mrs. X.”

25. FITB

Answers follow

To which person/event is this comic a dedication?

Martin Luther King Jr- ‘I have a dream’ speech

2. Give X and Y• Presented to the U.S. Ambassador by Soviet schoolchildren, the Great Seal of

the United States hung proudly in his office in Spaso House from 1946 to 1952. Well, after a good bug scan, of course, which turned up nothing. However during a retesting six years later, they pulled a tiny scrap of metal about the length and shape of a pencil tube out of there, which they initially thought nothing of, because it didn't have a single wire or battery running from it.

• In fact, the device had no electronics at all: It was simply wood and metal designed in such a way that sound waves changed the dimensions of the interior space, which an ultra-high frequency signal could pick up on.

• This microphone could be turned on at whim from a remote location, but stayed an inert metal rod inside a piece of wood when not. It was an invention so cunning, simple and effective that only one man, the feared Soviet master of sound, could have invented it: Lev Termen.

• However, Lev Termen later on defected to the US, and changed his name to Leon X, lending his name to an instrument that a popular TV character Y is shown to play.

X- ThereminY- Sheldon Cooper

3*. Earliest avatar of who?

Ronald McDonald

4. What significance? Which comic?

• The murder of Kitty Genovese in 1964, when she was stabbed and raped by a sex fiend and wasn’t helped by anyone, is a well documented and famous case, and is taught in psychology classes for the study of onlookers’ apathy.

• This case has a pop culture significance in that it is used as a pivotal event in the alternate universe of a legendary 1986 comic. The story arc of the protagonist of the comic starts with this event. What is its significance? And which comic?

Comic- Watchmen

In the alternate universe of the Watchmen, Kitty Genovese is rescued by Rorschach, in his first act as a vigilante, thereby starting his career as a hero.

5. Which author?

Lost Girls is a graphic novel depicting the sexually explicit adventures of three important female fictional characters of the late 19th and early 20th century: Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz and Wendy Darling from Peter Pan. They meet as adults in 1913 and describe and share some of their erotic adventures with each other. The story is written by X and drawn by Melinda Gebbie. Give me X.

Alan Moore

6. What phrase?

‘Punch and Judy’ is a traditional, popular British puppet show featuring the characters of Mr. Punch and his wife, Judy. The story basically goes like this:

1.Punch kills his infant child 2. Punch punches Judy until she dies 3. Punch goes to prison and escapes using a golden key.

4. He then kills doctors, lawyers and a hangman 5. He kills Death, as in, the Grim Reaper 6. Then it all ends spectacularly as he kills the Devil.

The really mortifying part is that Punch enjoys the entire process and is thrilled at every kill. This peculiarity gave rise to a popular phrase in the English language.

‘Pleased as Punch’

7*. What song?

The tune that is heard in the whistling scene from the movie The Bridge on the River Kwai, is the first strain of the march "Colonel Bogey.” Besides serving as an example of British fortitude and dignity in the face of privation, the "Colonel Bogey March" suggested a specific symbol of defiance to British film-goers, as its melody had been used for the song “X”, which was composed by Tony O’Brien as part of British war propaganda. Director David Lean wanted to introduce the soldiers into the camp singing this song, but it was thought too vulgar, and so whistling was substituted. However, the lyrics were, and continue to be, so well known to the British public that they recognized the song anyway. Which song am I talking about?

Hitler has only got one ball,Göring has two but very small,Himmler is somewhat sim'lar,But poor Goebbels has no balls at all.

8. What is X?

• The figurative sense of “X" has, until very recently, been thought to allegedly originate from a supposed technique of training young scent hounds. There are variations of the story, but according to one version, the pungent X would be dragged along a trail until a puppy learned to follow the scent. Later, when the dog was being trained to follow the faint odour of a fox or a badger, the trainer would drag a X (whose strong scent confuses the animal) perpendicular to the animal's trail to confuse the dog. The dog would eventually learn to follow the original scent rather than the stronger scent.

• Nowadays, An X is a clue which is intentionally or unintentionally misleading or distracting from the actual issue.

Red herring

9. Which movie?

Ten Little Niggers was the actual title of Agatha Christie’s novel, And Then There Were None. It was changed due to the presence of the pejorative word ‘niggers’ in the title. In the novel, ten people, who have previously been complicit in the deaths of others but have escaped notice or punishment, are tricked into coming onto an island. Although the guests are the only people on the island, each is murdered one by one. A famous 1965 Hindi film is inspired by this story. ID it.

10. What is X and Y?

The word ‘X’ does not have a Latin root or derive from a prior French phrase. In printing, a X was a printing plate cast from movable type. This is also called a Y. When letters were set one at a time, it made sense to cast a phrase used repeatedly as a single slug of metal. “X" came to mean such a ready-made phrase. Many authorities say that the French word “X” comes from the sound made when the molten stereotyping metal is poured onto the matrix to make a printing plate, thus making it an onomatopoeia.

In today’s context however, X denotes an expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel.

Y denotes a thought that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things, but that belief may or may not accurately reflect reality.

X- Cliché

Y- Stereotype

11*. Who is the bearded guy and what’s happening?

Peter Jackson, and trying distance perception for ‘Hobbit-vision’ in LOTR

12*. What calamity?

It was May 1910, and the world was living in fear of an impending ‘calamity’. Con artists took advantage of the panic and took to selling pills and umbrellas (as shown in pic) as protection against the calamity. However as the plot unraveled, people learnt that there was nothing to fear, and also that they had been conned. What calamity was everyone expecting in 1910?

Halley’s Comet

Halley’s Comet was to make a fly-by past Earth in 1910 and it was widely believed that it would come closer to Earth than ever before. Around that time it was discovered than the comet’s tail contained Cyanide compounds and that spread widespread panic. However, the fear eventually turned out to be unfounded. But people sold these pills and umbrellas to protect against Halley’s Comet.

13. What is their specialty?

The Mansudae Art Studio is an art studio in Phyongchon District, Pyongyang, North Korea. It was founded in 1959 and employs around 4,000 people, including 1,000 artists. Most of its artists are graduates of Pyongyang University. The studio consists of 13 groups, working with woodcuts, drawings, oil paintings, embroidery and jewel paintings, among other things. Its foreign commercial division is known as the Mansudae Overseas Project Group of Companies. They hold a monopoly in the production of something. What is that?

All the portraits of all the Kim rulers, all over the country, are to be made only by them

14. Which photograph?

One of the most iconic images in history, the story behind it goes as such:When the marines took the highest point on the island, Mount Suribachi, they took the photo on the right. When the Secretary of the Navy showed up to the war zone, he was so overcome at the sight he decided he wanted the flag. However a battalion is not supposed to give up its commissioned flag, so to keep the Secretary from stealing their flag, battalion commander Chandler Johnson had his men quickly take this one down, and sent one of his men after a bigger, replacement flag, which they could pass off as the original and give to the Navy secretary.

Iwo Jima

15. Who are X and Y?

While his son X was a multi-talented genius and a man of science who first postulated the wave nature of light, Constantin himself was a man of letters, a Dutch Golden Age poet and composer. He was also adept at music, mathematics, arts, politics etc. just like his son. He also was a patron of the arts and he discovered a certain promising Dutch artist Y, whom he encouraged. He also sat as model for many of Y’s paintings.

X- Christiaan HuygensY- Rembrandt

16. Give X and name of company

The X is one of the most famous corporate mascots in the world today. It is literally synonymous with its company. However it wasn’t always intended to be so. Originally, the company just wanted to make one commercial, in 1999, using a one-off joke to make sure people knew how to pronounce their company's name. So it was supposed to be one and done for the X, until the Screen Actors Guild strike hit in 2000. In a scramble to find someone who wasn't part of the SAG, they stumbled back on the animated X they'd just used and signed him up for a whole campaign. And that is how the cockney speaking X became the face of the company.

GEICO’s Gecko

17*. Who is X? #wikicopypaste

Somnium (Latin for "The Dream") is a fantasy written between 1620 and 1630, in Latin, by X. In the narrative, a student of Tycho Brahe is transported to the Moon by occult forces. It presents a detailed imaginative description of how the earth might look when viewed from the moon, and is considered the first serious scientific treatise on lunar astronomy. Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov have referred to it as the first work of science fiction.

Johannes Kepler

18. FITB

A _________ is an equipment of glass blowers for re-heating glass to soften it so it can be worked further or to keep it hot enough to avoid cracking during other work like adding handles, feet, etc (basically the mouth of the furnace shown in the pic).However, most (ALL) of us know of the term in a wholly different and slightly disturbing (not for some) context.

Glory Hole

Sorry. No photo. THIS IS QUIZ.

19. What is name?

The man on the right was accused of violating his probation in April 2010 in a methamphetamine manufacturing case in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Simple. Give me his name.

Walter White

20. ID road.

Kengal Hanumanthaiah road, which connects the Lalbagh gate to Richmond Circle, was the first road in Bangalore of this kind, and due to this, was given a moniker which is more widely used than its actual name. What kind was it the first of, and what moniker?

Double Road

It was the first road in Bangalore with a divider, and hence got the name Double Road.

21. ID Movie and Scene.

The opening credits to the 1973 Sonny Chiba film ‘The Bodyguard’ , feature a set of apocryphal lines attributed to a prophet. However these lines are not read, but displayed. The lines were immortalized in pop culture history when they were uttered in the scene of a certain film. The director of the movie has openly admitted to his love of Sonny Chiba, and even worked with Chiba in one of his later movies. Now, which movie and which scene?

22*. ID song and band

The picture on the next slide is that of Artis, a street performer from Seattle, Washington. He is known for his unique set of ‘instruments’ and for his collaborations with Frank Zappa and the band X. In fact, when X was working on the song they decided to name the song after Artis’ talent, and in fact, in the song’s bridge section you can hear Artis playing.

Soundgarden and Spoonman

23. What food?

On your right is a type of tomato called Solanum Uporo, which can be used to make sauce/ketchup, just like any other type of tomato. However, the sauce of this particular tomato is considered to go best with a particular type of food, and it is very popular in the South Fijian islands.

Human Meat. It is also called Cannibal Tomato.

24.What effect/X?In biology and psychology, the X effect is a phenomenon—seen in nearly

every mammalian species in which it has been tested—whereby males (and to a lesser extent females) exhibit renewed sexual interest if introduced to new receptive sexual partners, even after refusing sex from prior but still available sexual partners. The origin for the term supposedly is an old joke about X when he was President. The President and Mrs. X were being shown separately around an experimental government farm. When Mrs. X came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, “Dozens of times each day.” Mrs. X said, “Tell that to the President when he comes by.” Upon being told, the President asked, “Same hen every time?” The reply was, “Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time.” President: “Tell that to Mrs. X.”

Coolidge Effect/Calvin Coolidge

25. FITB

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