Download - Tiểu My Verb


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a gentle goat: I'm in my way over head.

Sally 7: ???

Huong Com Thom: i'm over in my hdead.

a gentle goat: I'm over head in my way.

Sally 7: I'm over way in my head.

Huong Com Thom: i'm over in my head.

a gentle goat: I'm in way over my hea.

Sally 7: I'm in way over my head.

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: Sally 7 has correctly answered I'm in way over my head. Score: 25

ilearnenglish_1: lolz

Huong Com Thom: i'm in way over rmy heead.

Sally 7: lol

thuynguyen113: i'm in over my head.

a gentle goat: I'm in way over my head.

Sally 7: Thanks Goat.

a gentle goat: lol

Sally 7: lol

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: [When a person is in debt] He has a mortgage and a huge loan from a bank. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .

Sally 7: so long

Sally 7: He's up to his eyeball in death

a gentle goat: he's up to his eyeball in debt.

Sally 7: He's up to his eyeballs in debt

thuynguyen113: here is up to his eyebow in debt.

a gentle goat: he is up to his eyeballs in debt.

Sally 7: He's up to his eyeball in debt

a gentle goat: he's up to his eyeballs in debt.

engineeringvietnam bt u m webcam ca hView engineeringvietnam

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: Question skipped! The answer is: He is up to his eyeballs in debt

Sally 7: He is up to his eyeballs in debt

l pad: he is up to his eyeballs in debt

Sally 7: troi oi

Sally 7: Vua vi't xong.

ilearnenglish_1: lol

Sally 7:

Sally 7:

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: [Rearrange the words] When a person has drunk too much: I enough. had you've think

a gentle goat: minh dung roi mak ta

giangmiro: he is up to his eyeballs in debt

Sally 7: I think you've had it enough.

thuynguyen113: i had think your've enough.

Huong Com Thom: i think you've had enough.

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: Huong Com Thom has correctly answered I think you've had enough. Score: 1

Sally 7: No "it"....

Sally 7: :*(

Sally 7:

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: [Rearrange the words] When the time is fifteen minutes past the hour: past two. quarter a It's

Sally 7: It's a quarter past two.

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: Sally 7 has correctly answered It's a quarter past two. Score: 26

Huong Com Thom: it's quarter past two.

Sally 7:

ilearnenglish_1: troi sally

ilearnenglish_1: lol

ilearnenglish_1: wd

Sally 7: what's so funny?

Sally 7: ty

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: [Rearrange the words] When you express disagreement with the speaker's point or information: it wrong. You've all got

Sally 7: You've got it all wrong.

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: Sally 7 has correctly answered You've got it all wrong. Score: 27

thuynguyen113: you've got it all wrong.

Sally 7: D:

Sally 7:

Huong Com Thom: you've got it all wrong.

nguyennguyenvu bt u m webcam ca hView nguyennguyenvu

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: [When you ask about blessings of the food] The father looked at the children and asked, WHO WANTS TO __ GRACE?

Huong Com Thom: the

Sally 7: get

Sally 7: have

Sally 7: ?

thuynguyen113: their

Sally 7: say

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: Sally 7 has correctly answered SAY Score: 28

Huong Com Thom: ssay

Huong Com Thom: say

thuynguyen113: say

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: [Rearrange the words] When you encourage a person who is preparing for an important event: moment. big This the is


Huong Com Thom: who wants to say grace

Sally 7: This is the nig moment.

Sally 7: This is the big moment.

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: Sally 7 has correctly answered This is the big moment. Score: 29

Huong Com Thom: this is the big monment.

Sally 7:

Huong Com Thom: moment


ESL Audio Trivia BOT: [Rearrange the words] When a person is not frugal with money: are his fool soon money A parted. and

giangthai: this is the big moment

Sally 7: A fool and his money are soon parted.

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: Sally 7 has correctly answered A fool and his money are soon parted. Score: 30

Sally 7:

Sally 7:

Huong Com Thom: a fool and his money are soon parted.

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: [Rearrange the words] When you try to locate items in a department store: clothes? can find I children's Where

Huong Com Thom: where can i find children's clothes?

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: Huong Com Thom has correctly answered Where can I find children's clothes? Score: 2

Sally 7: Where can I find children's clothes?

thuynguyen113: where can i find childrent's clothers?

Sally 7: wdddddddd

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: [When you start an unpleasant conversation] I HATE TO RAIN ON YOUR PARADE, BUT THINGS __ GONE SOUR. The customer is turning our offer down.

Sally 7: No class today?

hhuynhtuan: c Tm ko ln

Sally 7: are

thuynguyen113: to

nhoemnhieu01: are

thuynguyen113: get

Sally 7: gets

thuynguyen113: take

Sally 7: got

Sally 7: were

Huong Com Thom: rent

nhoemnhieu01: have

ESL Audio Trivia BOT: nhoemnhieu01 has correctly answered HAVE Score: 8

Sally 7: have

nightowl_36: some

hhuynhtuan: have

Sally 7:

thuynguyen113: have

Sally 7:

khoabinh2004: Co online roi

Sally 7: Online sao chua vo room?

Sally 7:

hhuynhtuan: yeah

khoabinh2004: wait a minute

Sally 7: Game over!

giangmiro: co vao rui ah

katy_katy371 bt u m webcam ca hView katy_katy371

hhuynhtuan: !score

hhuynhtuan: lol

Sally 7: lol

nhoemnhieu01: sally one question.

giangmiro: hi sis TM

hhuynhtuan: hello Ms.Tieumy

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: em chao co Tieu My va cac co chu ah

hhuynhtuan: hello c

giangmiro: khooe nhu voi

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: hello co tieumy

nightowl_36: Hi co TieuMi

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: em chao co Mi

emdep_emkieu_qn15: hi c

ddoi dep ddut quai: men chao Co TieuMy

jjjZ PhoBuonMB Zjjj: hello ss TM

englishstudy_1992: chnh mic to ln 1 cht i c

hhuynhtuan: c i bt mic to ln i c

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: van nho

englishstudy_1992: cha ak

hhuynhtuan: d cn nh

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: em nghe rat ok ma co

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: em nghe ok roi co

hhuynhtuan: em nghe vn cn nh

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: em nghe ok

hhuynhtuan: vn nh c

giangmiro: ok

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: chua du lon

englishstudy_1992: vn nh

hhuynhtuan: em m max ri c

becon83: deo heardphone vao se nghe ro hon

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: nhug em nghi cac co chu keo cai volume trong phong chat len

hhuynhtuan: ko ht max ri y t

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: em keo het muc nghe rat ok

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: da

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: minh cung keo cai nao cung max

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: ma nghe van nho

hhuynhtuan: haizz

lavender_54: d nghe r hn nhiu ri62 c i

lavender_54: d ri

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: da

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: da roi

hoangcaonguyen: yes

khoabinh2004: ok roi co

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: da

giangmiro: lon rui co

hhuynhtuan: 1

giangmiro: da

moonshine_80 bt u m webcam ca hView moonshine_80

moonshine_80: chao co va moi nguoi

Tuan Lee: transform

kathy3961: Cho co TM va ca nha

hhuynhtuan: hi kathy

ilearnenglish_1: hello co TM

kathy3961: hi, Huynhtuan

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: co a

hhuynhtuan: wow

katy_katy371 bt u m webcam ca hView katy_katy371

lavender_54: yes

ilearnenglish_1: ko co oi

hhuynhtuan: that people is a wizard

quangminh1708: lego


ilearnenglish_1: ah

TTTXNTK: kathy cho co TM ci g vy?

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: co

ilearnenglish_1: lap ra

ilearnenglish_1: p

ilearnenglish_1: lap rap

ilearnenglish_1: lego la lap rap

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: transformer

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: co do choi nay

nightowl_36: c m ang chi n

nhoxquay92: co phim transformer

tuanbeovn: hello co tieu my

Tieumy_: B. Linking Verbs:

xubap199: chao co tieu my chao moi nguoi^^

moonshine_80 bt u m webcam ca hView moonshine_80

Tieumy_: -Some verbs don't express action but help complete statements about the subject by describing or indentifying it. the verbs are called linking verbs.

ilearnenglish_1: become

dangyeukhong: gamo

tammy _65: Morning sis Tieumy

tammy _65: hi all

ilearnenglish_1: hello chi tam

tammy _65: hi ilearnenglish

Tieumy_: The most common linking verb is BE and its forms and others are:

dragonheart88: Cho c Tiu My

vuxuan90: hi co TM, hi everyone

Tieumy_: To be (am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been), appear, become, feel, get, grow, hear, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste.

hhuynhtuan: hi vuxuan

Tieumy_: Diane is happy. Tim feels hot. The music sounds good.

giangmiro: yes

hhuynhtuan: no

giangmiro: ko

dragonheart88: yes

giangmiro: yes

Tieumy_: -The verbs of the senses are linking verbs such as: taste, smell, feel, sound and look.

Tieumy_: This soup TASTES salty.

giangmiro: linking

talinh: linking

tuanbeovn: linking

xubap199: linking

becon83: linking

hhuynhtuan: linking verb

dragonheart88: Liking

hhuynhtuan: c bn no nghe dc ko vy

thocon1919: nghe

Tieumy_: Something SMELLS good.

dragonheart88: yes

hhuynhtuan: yes

hhuynhtuan: linking

xubap199: yes

tuanbeovn: linking

dragonheart88: yes

Tieumy_: Don't FEEL sad.

dragonheart88: Nguoiwf

giangmiro: nguoi

thocon1919: you



xXx Ti Dieu xXx:

lovelove_87: nguy hiem

giangmiro: yes

xXx Ti Dieu xXx:

dragonheart88: linking

Tieumy_: He LOOKS tired

tuanbeovn: look

longrongdoday: I miss Tieumy so now I feel sad

giangmiro: linking

thocon1919: no

tuanbeovn: co'

talinh: n

lavender_54: no

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: now


violet tranle: yes, seeing through the mirror

violet tranle:

giangmiro: nhin trog kinh

thocon1919: tuan

mydog: ngi khac nhin

hhuynhtuan: ko thy mnh trong king

hhuynhtuan: c chuyn ri

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: ko nhin thay dc nhug cam nhan dc minh met

tuanbeovn: da. vang

Tieumy_: He LOOKS tired.

Tranvueger: I look handsome

thocon1919: ec

hhuynhtuan: :S

giangmiro: hihi

thocon1919: lolz


tuanbeovn: hihi

hhuynhtuan: hihi

Tieumy_: Linking verb is a verb that links the subject of a sentence to a noun, a noun phrase, a pronoun, an adjective, a phrase, compliment in the predicate to show a classification, state of being or quality.

Tieumy_: It WAS she (pronoun)

Tieumy_: It was I

talinh: y

giangmiro: yes

thocon1919: cai' nay` la wa'

Tieumy_: Marie IS a doctor. (predicate)

Tieumy_: I lay the book

talinh: predicate nghia la gi co

tuanbeovn: con` cai' predicate la` vi. ngu~ ha? co

thocon1919: predicate=compliment

tuanbeovn: vi. ngu~

thocon1919: bo nu~

talinh: y

Tieumy_: -Become and remain are the most common that connect a noun or noun phrase.

Tieumy_: My roommate and I BECAME good friends.

kieuthuy89 bt u m webcam ca hView kieuthuy89

Tieumy_: -When linking verb doesn't show actual action, an adjective usually follows it.

Tieumy_: She is beautiful

hhuynhtuan: yes

thocon1919: i'm beautiful

dragonheart88: yes

hhuynhtuan: :S

giangmiro: yes

hhuynhtuan: :S

thocon1919: lolz

thocon1919: Tuan is tired

hhuynhtuan: no no no

Tieumy_: -When the same word uses as action verb, an adverb or a direct object may follow it

Tieumy_: I look carefully at him. (adverb)

giangmiro: linking

dragonheart88: action

david_peter_1: action

hhuynhtuan: linking

ilearnenglish_1: action

tuanbeovn: linking

bibirainbow: action

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: linking

talinh: action

talinh: c

violet tranle: action V

talinh: c

ilearnenglish_1: thay

tuanbeovn: thay'

hhuynhtuan: action

violet tranle: yes

nightowl_36: thy

hhuynhtuan: linking

xubap199: c

dragonheart88: action

Tuan Lee: act

talinh: y

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: yes

tuanbeovn: ok

giangmiro: yes

Tieumy_: I look carefully at him. (adverb)

xubap199: yes

tuanbeovn: vang

klutz_92: :P

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: nhin say dam ha co



giangmiro: nhin say dam

giangmiro: ys

giangmiro: ys

thocon1919: nhin` dam' duoi'

nguyennguyenvu bt u m webcam ca hView nguyennguyenvu

Tieumy_: action - adv linking - adj

giangmiro: yes

Tieumy_: My little brother grew corn for a science project. (direct object)

david_peter_1: linking

gamowaxaky: action

mydog: action

ilearnenglish_1: action

giangmiro: action

xubap199: action

Tranvueger: action

Tieumy_: -When the same word uses as action verb, an adverb or a direct object may follow it

Tieumy_: -While action verbs are modified by adverbs, linking verbs are followed by adjectives:

Tieumy_: This cheese SMELLS strong /strongly.

klutz_92: strong

ilearnenglish_1: strong

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: strong

violet tranle: strong

tuanbeovn: STRONG

giangmiro: strong

talinh: strong

thocon1919: 1

anhthao92: strong

xubap199: strong

hhuynhtuan: strong

klutz_92: :P

david_peter_1: strongly

thocon1919: lolz


ilearnenglish_1: olz

hhuynhtuan: 0 0

tuanbeovn: lol

giangmiro: lol

thocon1919: chuc' mung`


hhuynhtuan: 2 ht vit lon65~~~ n h c

Tieumy_: This cheese SMELLS strong.

ilearnenglish_1: chac ban moi vao room do co

ilearnenglish_1: ^^

hhuynhtuan: ng

Tieumy_: This cheese SMELLS strong.

Soi Co Doc: chao m.n

tuanhuiz: ok

tuanhuiz: i know the new knowledge

hhuynhtuan: hello tuanhuiz

hhuynhtuan: hello soi

tuanhuiz: hello

Tieumy_: The substance STATES sweet / sweety.

klutz_92: sweet

ilearnenglish_1: sweet

thocon1919: sweet

nguyennguyenvu: sweet

giangmiro: sweet

david_peter_1: sweet

tammy _65: sweet

hhuynhtuan: sweet

tuanbeovn: sweet

scottgunner: sweet

bibirainbow: sweet

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: sweet

xubap199: sweet

hoangcaonguyen: sweet

moonshine_80: sweet

chungkttv: sweet


david_peter_1: hjhj

klutz_92: :P

Tieumy_: -Some verbs can be both linking and action verbs:

hhuynhtuan: imagination

tuanbeovn: imagine

sarah_1124: chao co Tieumy

hhuynhtuan: image

sarah_1124: chao moi nguoi

tuanbeovn: great imagination.

Tieumy_: The dog SMELLS bad.

gamowaxaky: linking

tuanhuiz: adv

tuanbeovn: action

thocon1919: linking

Soi Co Doc: action

klutz_92: action

sarah_1124: l

giangmiro: linking

xubap199: lin

nightowl_36: action

ilearnenglish_1: linking

tuanhuiz: action

violet tranle: linking

david_peter_1: action

Chi Huyen: action

ngocthuynguyen0023: linking

nguyennguyenvu: linking

hoangcaonguyen: l

talinh: action

tuanbeovn: action

bibirainbow: action

klutz_92: both

violet tranle: linking

bangtam_: linking

sensation85: linking

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: action

nguyennguyenvu: both

hhuynhtuan: both

ilearnenglish_1: roi co cho trung voi hot vit nhieu ne

chungkttv: linking

ilearnenglish_1: lolz

thocon1919: bad

thocon1919: badly

hhuynhtuan: badly

Tieumy_: back bad bed

talinh: con ch hi ah

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Tieumy_: The dog SMELLS badly.

giangmiro: action

mydog: vi con cho co the smell

hhuynhtuan: action

xubap199: action

Soi Co Doc: hi

tuanbeovn: te.

davidphansk: cho ngui kem

hhuynhtuan: con ch hi ci g **** .

giangmiro: yea

xubap199: yes

Tieumy_: The dog SMELLS bad.

hhuynhtuan: con ch th hi

Tieumy_: We TASTE the fine wines. The wine TASTES fine.

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: khc

thocon1919: khac'

david_peter_1: khac

giangmiro: khac

hhuynhtuan: khc

xubap199: khc

bibirainbow: khc

tran nam_57: giong

nguyennguyenvu: khac

ilearnenglish_1: khac

blackcoffeekt: different

AlexanderXachXoBocXi: 1

bibirainbow: 1

mydog: cau 1 la action

xubap199: 1 action

david_peter_1: 1

davidphansk: 1

thocon1919: 1 action

bangtam_: 1

becon83: 1

Soi Co Doc: 1

giangmiro: 2

hhuynhtuan: 1

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: 1

nguyennguyenvu: 1 action

Tieumy_: The wine TASTES fine.

tran nam_57: cau 2

hhuynhtuan: 11

ilearnenglish_1: 1 la action ,2 la linking

AlexanderXachXoBocXi: v

Tieumy_: We TASTE the fine wines. (action) The wine TASTES fine

AlexanderXachXoBocXi: lolz

tran nam_57: hi..

giangmiro: yes

ilearnenglish_1: yes

giangmiro: yes

ilearnenglish_1: nho ca doi


tran nam_57: yes

xubap199: hihi

ilearnenglish_1: lolzzz

Soi Co Doc: mm

AlexanderXachXoBocXi: nhai cho cha'c

tran nam_57: cam on co

Happyforever41: kho thay mo

Chi Huyen: n dm

thocon1919: lolz, nghen chet'

hhuynhtuan: ti em ko phi ~~~~~

Soi Co Doc: >"> Linking

xubap199: action

vk_tran: come

Sweet_Love_Ngoc: a

thocon1919: right.vk

chutanh7: ti n thy c ta

blackcoffeekt: action

vk_tran: LOL thcn

Tieumy_: the doctor is seeing her

vk_tran: khm

vk_tran: a? c dch khm ohair hok?

Tieumy_: have

blackcoffeekt: hen gap

vk_tran: I see doctor. l i khm phi ko ?

tran nam_57: lam sao biet dc co

bqh007: Sao hm nay nghe c git vy cc bn?

vk_tran: Mnh nghe bnh thng

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: bnh thng m

david_peter_1: l

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: ok ma

nightowl_36: action

ilearnenglish_1: ac

giangmiro: action

nightowl_36: ti ch ng i gp

bqh007: mnh nghe ton b mt t, chn gh!

vk_tran: yep

dragonheart88: yes

Tieumy_: The water feels warm.

vk_tran: Thanks c

hoangquyenanh92: lang qua

talinh: link

thocon1919: linking

talinh: linking

tuanbeovn: limk

giangmiro: linking

saytinh_forever: thks TM

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: l

hoangcaonguyen: linking

dragonheart88: linking

vk_tran: link

tieutinhve: L

chungkttv: liking

nightowl_36: linking

Tieumy_: He feels happy /happily when he thinks of his new bicycle.

vk_tran: Hm nay, v tnh lm c b kp LOL

mk_poor: happy

talinh: happy

tuanbeovn: happy

bibirainbow: happy

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: l/happy

englishstudy_1992: happy

vk_tran: lnking

thocon1919: happy/l

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: happy

tieutinhve: L

ilearnenglish_1: hapy

mydog: happily

chutanh7: happy

Chi Huyen: happy

winxleem: l

tieutinhve: happy

hoangcaonguyen: happy

bangtam_: linking

winxleem: happy

moonshine_80: liking

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: no

tuanbeovn: ko

giangmiro: no

chungkttv: hppily

chutanh7: ng ta ch ngh ch ko hnh ng

saytinh_forever: linking

Tieumy_: He feels happy when he thinks of his new bicycle.

chungkttv: yes

mk_poor: C i ng y vui khi NGH ti ci xe

Tieumy_: She felt her way up to the stairs in the dark

mk_poor: nh th th phi th hin ra l vui ch c

vk_tran: be + adv+ adj = linking phi ko ?

tieutinhve: L

mk_poor: v ngh ti ci xe nn ng y vui

bqh007: bn no c bi text cua co Tieumy send minh xin nh. tks

vk_tran: d

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: l

hoangcaonguyen: action

vk_tran: ya

tuanbeovn: link

englishstudy_1992: action

vk_tran: Vng

thocon1919: linking

Tieumy_: She felt her way up to the stairs in the dark

englishstudy_1992: action

Thesmoke_1212: action

vk_tran: act

giangmiro: action

chutanh7: m ng

tuanbeovn: ok

giangmiro: ok

giangmiro: yes

nguyennguyenvu: ok

chutanh7: a tay>> hnh ng>> action

Haudo229: c ni to hn c k

Tieumy_: She felt her way up to the stairs in the dark. a

Tieumy_: He hopes to get a new bicycle for Christmas.

vk_tran: link

giangmiro: linking

thocon1919: linking

tuanbeovn: link

hoangcaonguyen: linking

winxleem: l\

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: liking

dragonheart88: action'

tieutinhve: L

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: linking

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: hope

dragonheart88: @@ em nhm

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: tu nghi trong bung

Tieumy_: He hopes to get a new bicycle for Christmas. l

chutanh7: I see some peoples raise hand in this rom.>> hnh ng hay linking

Tieumy_: Stephen thinks he will get an A on the test.

vk_tran: hope

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: l

vk_tran: thinks

englishstudy_1992: linking

mk_poor: thinks

tuanbeovn: acticon

dragonheart88: 1 chnh'

chutanh7: linking

Chi Huyen: l

bibirainbow: L

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: linking

mk_poor: LINKING

tieutinhve: L

dragonheart88: 1 chnh

thocon1919: linking

tuanbeovn: think

winxleem: 1

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: think

thocon1919: think

chutanh7: n ngh

hoangcaonguyen: linking

bibirainbow: think

dragonheart88: think

vk_tran: thinks

tieutinhve: think

davidphansk: think

Tieumy_: Stephen thinks he will get an A on the test.

giangmiro: linking

bangtam_: think

hoangcaonguyen: think

tuanbeovn: hieu? co

tuanbeovn: Think

chutanh7: I see some peoples raise hand in this rom.>> l g nao?

Tieumy_: The boys may get lost in the woods.

bqh007: get

thocon1919: linking,chutanh

vk_tran: linking

Chi Huyen: linking

lavender_54: linking

tuanbeovn: link

tieutinhve: L

bibirainbow: L

hoangcaonguyen: linking

dragonheart88: linking

giangmiro: linking

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: linking

vk_tran: get

vcthanh2902: get lost

davidphansk: get

hoangcaonguyen: get

dragonheart88: get

thocon1919: get lost

Tieumy_: The boys get lost in the woods.


vk_tran: may = c th?

thocon1919: ng` noi' ko phai the boy ma` co

dragonheart88: yes

thocon1919: ng` ta du doan'

vk_tran: the wood = forest?

nguyenthuydung915: sao em ko nghe c g co i

nguyennguyenvu bt u m webcam ca hView nguyennguyenvu

nguyenthuydung915: cc bn vn nghe c ch

thocon1919: nghe

Chi Huyen: ti c ch May nn b nhm

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: van nghe do ban

vk_tran: great

mydog: dung thoat roi vao lai di

bqh007: cau dc cu khng

Tieumy_: That plant will grow quick /quickly. (A / L)

bqh007: thoat ra vo li vn b

dragonheart88: quick

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: quickly

mydog: quickly

becon83: quick

talinh: quickly

nguyennguyenvu: a

thocon1919: linking

chungkttv: quick

giangmiro: QUICKLY

vk_tran: actipon

ilearnenglish_1: quikly

ILinhchiI: quickly

vk_tran: cos

talinh: co

dragonheart88: quickly

winxleem: quickly

dragonheart88: )

vk_tran: grow

talinh: y

vk_tran: Yeah

bibirainbow: yes

Tieumy_: That plant will grow quick /quickly. (A / L)

lavender_54: yes

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: cai gi len vay co


davidphansk: cay gi moc nhanh ghe

giangmiro: PHAI

tuanbeovn: yes

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: da

xXx Ti Dieu xXx:

dragonheart88: yes

vk_tran: yep

giangmiro: yes

Tieumy_: The boys may get lost in the woods.

giangmiro: yes

vk_tran: vng

Tieumy_: John grew two inches last year,

vk_tran: action

chutanh7: action

bibirainbow: action

englishstudy_1992: action

giangmiro: action

thocon1919: action

tuanbeovn: a

vcthanh2902: action

Tieumy_: He grew rich as his business became successful / successfully.

giangmiro: successful

tuanbeovn: ly

talinh: successful

bibirainbow: successful

thocon1919: action

Chi Huyen: succesfully

talinh: linking

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: action

dragonheart88: sucessful

sandy trieu: hello class

vk_tran: ful

lavender_54: sucessful

talinh: linking

giangmiro: linking

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: action

bibirainbow: linking

lavender_54: linking

thumi783: linking

Tieumy_: He grew rich as his business became successful / successfully.

vk_tran: action/linking

hoangcaonguyen: linking

learnenglish_8: action

dragonheart88: liking

Soi Co Doc: ac

thumi783: yeah

dragonheart88: yes

lavender_54: yes

vk_tran: became

bibirainbow: yes

xXx Ti Dieu xXx:

dragonheart88: yu t

Tieumy_: -How do you tell when they are action verbs and when they are linking verbs? A quick way to tell whether a verb is functioning as a linking verb is to see whether you can replace it with a form of the verb TO BE and still have a reasonable sentence, you have a linking verb on your hand

bqh007: 1

Tieumy_: I feel bad/ badly about his losing the election.

vk_tran: l

dragonheart88: c

Chi Huyen: hiu

giangmiro: DC

ilearnenglish_1: dc

vk_tran: ya

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: liking

tuanbeovn: l

Tieumy_: Our dog smells every stranger that comes into the house.

vk_tran: Ni v cm xc l linking ?

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: linking

Chi Huyen: linking

tuanbeovn: l

vk_tran: ko

ilearnenglish_1: li

becon83: no

thocon1919: action

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: no

tuanbeovn: ko

winxleem: a

englishstudy_1992: action

Chi Huyen:

tieutinhve: yes

dragonheart88: yes

Tieumy_: Our dog smells every stranger that comes into the house.


lavender_54: ac

giangmiro: LOL

giangmiro: yes



xXx Ti Dieu xXx: yes

vk_tran: human

Tieumy_: We stayed friends for many years after she moved.

tuanbeovn: ac

thocon1919: action

dragonheart88: no

vk_tran: c

Chi Huyen: linking

vk_tran: LOL

vk_tran: stl

tuanbeovn: vang

Tuan Lee: yes

giangmiro: yes

dragonheart88: YES

talinh: stay dich la g c

Tieumy_: He appeared interest /interested in the game, but he was really bored.

Tuan Lee: L

vk_tran: dc

Chi Huyen: linking

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: interested

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: dc

bibirainbow: interest

tuanbeovn: l

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: linking

Tieumy_: I have become tire /tired.

thocon1919: dc

chutanh7: duoc

tuanbeovn: ac

dragonheart88: c

Tieumy_: I can feel the difference between wool and cotton.(

vk_tran: action

vk_tran: no

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: action

Tuan Lee: no

giangmiro: no

giangmiro: yes

vk_tran: yep

talinh: y

chungkttv: yes

dragonheart88: yep

tuanbeovn: co noi' lai

talinh: He appeared interested in the game, but he was really bored.

talinh: cu ny em ko hiu ngha lm

ILinhchiI: ong ta lam nhu thich thu tro choi

dragonheart88: gi v

fanjaychau: c v

thuhien1990_VN: c v ng ta rt thch tr chi nhng tht s ng ta thy nhm chn

talinh: yes

talinh: yes

Tieumy_: : I can feel the difference between wool and cotton.

chungkttv: Buy TieuMy and Room

tuanbeovn: ac

Tuan Lee: Th to be c th p dng cho tt c linking hay l ch hu ht thi c TM?

learnenglish_8: co oi co noi tieng viet truoc roi tieng anh sau cho tui em tap nghe co

Tuan Lee: vng

Tieumy_: The water feels warm.

tuanbeovn: link

cando_208 bt u m webcam ca hView cando_208

dragonheart88: yes

Tieumy_: She felt her way up to the stairs in the dark

dragonheart88: no

Chi Huyen: k c

vk_tran: no

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: action

Tieumy_: He hopes to get a new bicycle for Christmas.

mydog: action

davidphansk: he may get lost.

Tieumy_: John grew two inches last year,

vk_tran: ya

Tuan Lee: C exception no m th to be vo ng t chnh m vn c th hiu nhng m khng phi l linking khng c?

nguyenthuydung915: inches l g

ihaveadream21088: interest

talinh: n v o ca anh

Tuan Lee: inch

fanjaychau: n v o di

winxleem: inches l n v o

Tieumy_: That farmer grows corn.

talinh: s nhiu y

thocon1919: action

ilearnenglish_1: ac

dragonheart88: c i

dragonheart88: He hopes to get a new bicycle for Christmas. cu ny em bo action c bo linking m


winxleem: l

thocon1919: linking

giangmiro: linking

dragonheart88: c bo Linking

vk_tran: lnki

talinh: lc ny l linking

Chi Huyen: ac

ILinhchiI: linking

talinh: linking

bibirainbow: c ni cu l linking

vk_tran: linking hopes

dragonheart88: action

mydog: action

talinh: y

Tuan Lee: linking

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: linking

giangmiro: yes

moonshine_80: yes

talinh: yes

lavender_54: linking

dragonheart88: sao ko thay c

thocon1919: hope= tobe

Tieumy_: to be+ to....

dragonheart88: vng

thocon1919: chih' la hope?

LiLyNguyen333 bt u m webcam ca hView LiLyNguyen333

dragonheart88: He hopes to get a new bicycle for Christmas.

dragonheart88: vng

giangmiro: ok

talinh: em cha gp

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: cha

Tieumy_: It grew cold as the sun went down.

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: l

vk_tran: e

talinh: l

bibirainbow: L

thocon1919: dc

dragonheart88: ok

ilearnenglish_1: yes'

giangmiro: linh

dragonheart88: Linking

giangmiro: linking

Tieumy_: He grew rich as his business became successful / successfully.

Tieumy_: He grew rich as his business became successful / successfully.( L) successful.

giangmiro: yes

dragonheart88: yes

talinh: y

vk_tran: yas

nguyenthuydung915: linking la gi a

Tuan Lee: yes

nguyenthuydung915: em moi vao

nguyenthuydung915: co noi lai di co oi

vk_tran: LOL

ilearnenglish_1: lolz

tuanbeovn: linking la tu chu cam? xuc'

talinh: linking verb

vk_tran: C ni ci h ngha l bn y bit

Tieumy_: The winner of the contest will hear the good new soon.

thocon1919: mih nghi chua du.tuan

thocon1919: action

dragonheart88: be

vk_tran: no

Tieumy_: Bob remained at home while the rest of us went to the party.(

vk_tran: a? Hi ny hear l linking m c

thocon1919: dc

giangmiro: NO

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: oh

giangmiro: yes

dragonheart88: yes

vk_tran: context

tuanbeovn: yes thocon hihi

thocon1919: hi

chutanh7: I'll hear the music



blackcoffeekt bt u m webcam ca hView blackcoffeekt

dragonheart88: yes

chutanh7: ok c

Tieumy_: Bob remained at home while the rest of us went to the party.

vk_tran: yes

dragonheart88: c

learnenglish_8: yws

bibirainbow: yes

chutanh7: yes

Tieumy_: The tall boy seems older than he really is.(

vk_tran: yes

dragonheart88: yes

mydog: linking

thocon1919: linkin

tuanbeovn: linking

giangmiro: linking

vk_tran: me

thocon1919: than me

ilearnenglish_1: ling


Tieumy_: The tall boy seems older than I.

thocon1919: dj an trung' voi m. vk

vk_tran: d

engineeringvietnam bt u m webcam ca hView engineeringvietnam

Tieumy_: The tall boy seems older than he really is.

giangmiro: linking

tuanbeovn: linking

vk_tran: mt cp th con

thocon1919: hihi

Tieumy_: It seems to be raining outside.

bqh007: ok

giangmiro: yes

talinh: cu ny dch l g c

vk_tran: sau raning khng phi adj h c?

talinh: y

anhthao92: duong nhu ngoai troi dang mua dung hog co

mk_poor: dng nh ngoi tri ang ma

vk_tran: ya

Tieumy_: The sauce tastes too sweet / sweetly.(

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: sweet

thocon1919: sweet

talinh: linking

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: linking

dragonheart88: linking

giangmiro: sweet

vk_tran: linking

Happyforever41: l

thocon1919: linking

mk_poor: linking

talinh: sweet

dragonheart88: sweet

anhthao92: sweet

Tuan Lee: sweet

becon83: sweet l

Tuan Lee: yes

kullgau94: d vng

chutanh7: yes

giangmiro: tam tam

hoangquyenanh92: hi Tieumy_

hoangquyenanh92: hi chutanh

xXx Ti Dieu xXx:

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: wow

giangmiro: yes

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: lam toi gia luon ha co

chutanh7: hi Hoangquyen

vk_tran: d

giangmiro: yes

dragonheart88: C i bao gi c dy gip bn em v cch phn bit cc th vi

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: yes ^-^

oHo Half Moon Bay oHo: hihi

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: em chua nam ro can ban

kullgau94: !repeat

vk_tran: C gi m quay

learnenglish_8: troi ai ma dam quay co

Happyforever41: 10 nam

kullgau94: lolz

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: nen hoc thay lo mo lam

tuanbeovn: co send lai co oi

vk_tran: Hum qua vk ko hc

Happyforever41: the outline

giangmiro: yes

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: da

Tuan Lee: : ))

sarah_1124: yes

giangmiro: hoc 12nam van ko biet

vk_tran: LOL

nguyenducloi: hi

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: co cho con hoi tham chut ah



talinh: 10 nm th cht em

chutanh7: Lch c dy l vo th 3 t 8h h c?

kullgau94: Phi bm vy TM c lng qua M Tho mi c ;d

CONAN4006: ok theo luon


xXx Ti Dieu xXx: con lap nick ben tu dien anh van trang wed

Happyforever41: >> ri nghe li ko hiu g ht

talinh: l n va kht gi

sarah_1124: yes

Happyforever41: chac tai paltalk co van de

lavender_54: yes


Happyforever41: hic nhieu qua'

bqh007: co bai day cac hom truoc khong co TieuMy?

Happyforever41: dong y 2 chan, 2 tay

vk_tran: day by day

Tuan Lee: : ))

lavender_54: em mi hc anh vn

talinh: gramma ko phi cn bn

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: da

kullgau94: d chu

alibaba2312: Chiu hon?

Tuan Lee: Yup

hoa hai anh: ok

giangmiro: da chiu

lavender_54: d chu


kullgau94: Cho bm vy chu lun

vk_tran: ya

alibaba2312: Chiu a


xXx Ti Dieu xXx: em do lam co

talinh: va nm

hoangquyenanh92: xng pha nht c


vk_tran: mnh amater lm

Tuan Lee: Gu bm vy lun =))

kullgau94: lolz

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: gioi thi cho ngoi o go'c lop an banh va uong nuoc di co Tieumy

kullgau94: kkkkkkkkkk

sarah_1124: langthang555 la chi duoc nghe thoi kg duoc hoc

chutanh7: newbie

vk_tran: yaa

Tuan Lee: Vng

sarah_1124: di roi

hoa hai anh: c i

Happyforever41: thocon gioi roi hoc nhieu zo

katy_katy371: thanks Tm

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: co oi

talinh: hm qua c n g vy?

hoa hai anh: c tm s tip i

lavender_54: bb c tieu my

vk_tran: Cm n c tiu my

Happyforever41: yes

hoangtunhaytrendaydien: cam on co tieumy

giangmiro: dc nghi som sg wa. lol

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: em dang ki nick trong tu dien anh van

katy_katy371: Bi co

dragonheart88: cm n c

nguyenducloi: mai kiem tra mai bai`

nguyenducloi: ah

xXx Ti Dieu xXx: ma sao vo hok dc

dragonheart88: cho c

chutanh7: year, bye c@@ bye guys

Happyforever41: thnkss ns tm

trung000ga: bb c TM

alibaba2312: Byebye

tuanbeovn: co ngu? ngon

Tuan Lee: Thanks

hoangquyenanh92: bye c

katy_katy371: chuc co ngay tot lanh

ILinhchiI: thax Co TM


Tuan Lee: Bye TM

bibirainbow: Bye c TM

toando14: g9 TieuMy

lavender_54: good morning co TM


sarah_1124: thanks co TieuMy

kullgau94: Mi ngi chi xu Dictation khng

bangtam_: bye co TM, thanks a lot


Happyforever41: hungbo

kullgau94: !mic

Happyforever41: khung bo

bqh007: co ban nao co bai hom nay khong cho minh xin voi

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