Page 1: Tidings · Tidings VOLUME 63 (ISSUE 2) ISSUED MONTHLY CELEBRATING 60+ YEARS! FEBRUARY 2020 WINDOWS The Season of Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Sunday Worship Schedule


The Season

of Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran

Church in America

Sunday Worship


8:30am & 10:30am

Education hour/ Fellowship: 9:30am

Communion Celebrated First and Third Sunday

of each month


Monday -Thursday

9:00am - 3:00pm

Friday 9:00am-1:00pm



is designated to


The focus is to end child abuse and neglect and create strong

healthy families.




What happens if I don’t

update my Windows 7 computer to Windows 10?

How concerned I should be about Internet security?

What’s the best antivirus program? Is Windows Defender


Easy short cuts you’ll love!

Windows 10...its easier than you think!!!

You can find your answers to these questions and any others you’ve wanted to ask an expert geek by showing up at the Senior Ministry Forum on February 12th 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

Our speaker, Brian Culver of Culver Diversified Services, is a network engineer and has been supporting Windows computers since Windows 3.1 (1992). He performs upgrades, repairs, and all manner of whatever is needed for computers with Windows operating systems. He lives and works in New Hope and speaks fluent Geek and English, and is a qualified senior.

Women of all ages!!

Mark your calendar for the fifth-annual Women’s Mini-Retreat, right here at Holy Nativity! It will be Saturday, February 8th, 2020, from 9:00am—2:00pm. Join us for good conversation, delicious food, and a mid-winter pick-me-up. This year, our theme is “Ordinary.” We’ll explore the variety of ways we can connect with God and live out our faith through the every-day, ordinary things of life. Most of us want a deeper spiritual life and a stronger connection to God—we simply don’t have the time! Or at least that’s what we think. Come and learn about weaving your faith into every aspect of your ordinary days—because that’s exactly where God meets us.

Again, this event is for women of ALL AGES, 16 and up! A light continental breakfast and lunch are provided. No cost!! Sign up on the kiosk.

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The Holy Nativity Senior

Ministry team is proud to

The Pastor’s Word

Continued Page 3

Movie Night For All When: Thursday, February 20th

Time: 6:00pm

Where: Annex/Youth Room (come in those doors) Bring: Snack to Share

Movie: “Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again”

Join us in the Annex!


Join us on Tuesday, February 18th at 7:00pm for our next Bingo

outing at Outtakes Bar and Grill in the Midland Shopping Center

(next to the Cinema Grill at 27th and Winnetka)

Dear Holy Nativity Family: We wanted to thank Pat Manning, Janet Adamson, Karen Gaasland, Tom Wiblishauser and all the volunteers who worked during my husband’s Celebration of Life on January 18th. We appreciate the efficient and friendly help we received. ~ ~ Chris Cerra and Alicia Waters Dear Holy Nativity Friends, We wish to thank you for your thoughts and prayers these past months. We have felt the love and caring and God's guidance. Gary so appreciated the HN Youth visiting him, caroling and bringing cookies at Christmas time. We have both enjoyed Pastor's visits, the many cards with encouraging notes, calls, visits and delicious goodies.

Bless you all. ~ ~ Gary and Jackie Peterson

If Christmas, as a church season, is all about joy and abundance and cheer, quick on its heels comes Lent, which, as a church season, is not. It’s only a matter of weeks, really—7 or 8—that separate the joyful celebration of the birth of Christ among us and our pensive, somber journey to his death on a cross.

You could think this is coincidence, or you could think it’s inconsequential, or you could think it’s poor planning. But really, it isn’t. The church calendar, like life itself, holds space for feasting and fasting, for undeterred joy and careful contemplation, for songs of praise and hymns of lament. In following this particular calendar, we are formed into a people who understand joy and also know how to bear it when life is not joyful. Faith is not all sunshine and roses. Neither is life. The church calendar helps us understand this by walking us through the highs and lows of Jesus’ life, that we might be able to celebrate and mourn more authentically in the highs and lows of our own lives.

Lent, as a season, is about reflection and fasting and seeking forgiveness and denial. And this is not a new concept. According to Joan Chittister, a Benedictine Sister, the “understanding of penance and sacrifice as part of what it means to be a spiritual person is one of the most ancient traditions in religious history. It is common to all religions; it is thousands of years old. In Christianity, it can be traced as far back as the early second century.”

Part of how Christians have traditionally embodied the denial and sacrifice of Lent is to “give something up.” Perhaps you grew up in a household where this kind of practice occurred: the giving up of chocolate or caffeine or eating out for the duration of Lent as a way of

understanding, just a little, the temptation and sacrifice of Jesus.

I’ll be honest: I have never fully understood this. Giving up dessert seems to be a totally superficial way of connecting to Jesus’ trials. Giving up coffee creamer seems to be a totally superficial way of experiencing Jesus’ sacrifice. If we are to deny ourselves something, we should at least deny ourselves something that might benefit those around us—our families or communities. But really, didn’t Jesus die so we didn’t have to deny ourselves at all?

This line of reasoning makes total sense. And is, admittedly, my stance on the eve of most Lenten seasons.

But this year, I feel a little differently. Instead of giving something up for Lent as a way of connecting to Jesus’ struggles, this year I am interested in giving something up for Lent as a way of being formed into the kind of person God desires me to be. And I encourage you to do the same.

Fasting—or giving something up—“enables us to say no to ourselves, no small feat in a world that stresses self-gratification to the ultimate.” As a follower of Jesus, I’m called to stand against some of the presuppositions of the world. I’m called to stand against self-centeredness and entitlement and continual self-satisfaction. And if this is what I’m called to stand against, I need to be formed into someone who knows how to do that. Lent provides the perfect opportunity.

So this year, I encourage you to give something up for Lent. But not for the reasons you may have used in the past. Don’t do it to lose weight or be healthier or because you want to be tempted like Jesus or suffer as he did. Do it in order to be formed into the kind of person God calls

Page 3: Tidings · Tidings VOLUME 63 (ISSUE 2) ISSUED MONTHLY CELEBRATING 60+ YEARS! FEBRUARY 2020 WINDOWS The Season of Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Sunday Worship Schedule


Pastor’s Word continued

Book Look

Adriana Trigiani has written a novel, Lucia, Lucia, which The NY Times describes “as comforting as a mug of chamomile tea on a rainy (or snowy) Sunday”. Her “characters (are) the perfect antidote to an angst-filled world” according to The Denver Post. Set in the glittering , vibrant New York City of 1950, Lucia, Lucia is the enthralling story of a passionate, determined young woman whose decision to follow her heart changes her life forever. Lucia Sartori is the beautiful twenty-five-year-old daughter of a prosperous Italian grocer in Greenwich Village. The postwar boom is ripe with opportunities for talented girls with ambition, and Lucia becomes an apprentice to an up-and-coming designer at chic B. Altman’s department store on Fifth Avenue. Engaged to her childhood sweetheart, the steadfast Dante DeMartino, Lucia is torn when she meets a handsome stranger who promises a life of uptown luxury that career girls like her only read about in the society pages. Forced to choose between duty to her family and her own dreams, Lucia finds herself in the midst of a sizzling scandal in which secrets are revealed, her beloved career is jeopardized, and the Santoris’ honor is tested. Lucia is surrounded by richly drawn New York characters, including her best friend, the quick-witted fashion prote̒ge̒ Ruth Kaspian; their boss, Delmarr, B. Altman’s head designer and glamorous man-about-town; her devoted brothers, Roberto, Orlando, Angelo, and Exodus, self-appointed protectors of the jewel of the family; and her doting father, Antonio. Filled with warmth it also bursts with a New York sensibility that shows the depth and range of the author. As richly detailed as the couture garments Lucia sews, as emotional as the bonds in her big Italian family, it is the story of one woman who believes that in a world brimming with so much promise, she can—and should be able to—have it all.


Over the Christmas/New Year’s break, I was able to shampoo all the Daycare rooms and carpets, the Music Room and staff offices. Before Easter I will finish the Narthex, Sanctuary, Family Lounge and Sacristy. Many thanks to Verne, Dean and Mark for repairing (replacing if needed) all six of our sump pumps as we try to open all floor heat ducts and shades to keep moisture from windows and ceilings, promoting better air circulation. Thanks also to Kirby Miller for continuing to work on light fixture repairs and Verne for replacing the ignition on our Annex furnace and many other repairs. If anything needs cleaning that I may have missed, let me know!


Try resistance bands or tubes to improve your strength. They

come in various colors/tensions and are much easier to store/transport than weights. Start slowly with 10 reps or less, exhale during the more difficult part and inhale during the less difficult part. Variations include the standing hip abduction, chest press, squat, bent-over row, dead lift, leg stretch, & biceps curl. Questions? Contact Tom Wiblishauser.

each of us to be: someone who can say no to instant, self-gratification. Someone who knows that the world doesn’t revolve around them, but rather that we are called to find our meaning and value in loving and serving others, and, ultimately, in Christ.

Peace, Pastor Ashley

i Chittister, Joan. The Liturgical

Year: The Spiraling Adventure of

the Spiritual Life. Thomas

Nelson Press, Nashville, TN 2009

ii Ibid

Join the youth of Holy Nativity as we host the first ever

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

and Trivia Fundraiser on

Tuesday, February 25th!! Come for dinner at 5:45pm and then stay for Trivia. Cost is $15 per spot for dinner and trivia, or for dinner and childcare! Bring your friends and neighbors for a team of 8 together or come sign up and we'll find a winning team for you. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team. Watch for more details. Contact Wendy Grimes with questions.

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Continued Page 5

Holy Nativity Lutheran Church Council Tuesday, January 21st 2020

Call to Order: 7:00pm by Lori Cowman Opening Prayer: Pastor Jason Council Devotions: Marisa Lerum Secretary’s Report: Attendance: December 2018 185 Average 2018 185 December 2019 156 Average 2019 175 December Minutes M/S/Approved.

OLD BUSINESS – Building Update. Shortly before Christmas there was additional water damage over the organ. It was determined the leak was not from outside the building, but internal, most likely a condensation issue. An engineering company can look at the whole situation and advise on a plan to fix the problem. M/S/Approved to hire an engineering company to plan out the necessary steps to fix the moisture damage and leaking in the sanctuary ceiling. The scope of this project also will look at how to reduce excessive humidity in the building and water in the HVAC air distribution system. The total expenditure of funds should not be more than $3,500 from the Building Reserve fund. Reconciling in Christ Update. A Task Force is still being formed. NEW BUSINESS – Constructing and planting a bee/pollinator raised garden with native Minnesota wildflowers and plants.

Presentation by Rachel Eggert, working on her Summit Award project through the Boy Scouts organization. Her proposal includes the construction of a raised garden just south of the church building utilizing volunteers from the church and her scouting unit. She plans to approach lumber stores for donations to this service project as well as fundraise to support it. Suggestions included coordinating with the Building Ministry Team and the Columbarium Committee, for additional project ideas and support. M/S/Approved to affirm and support this project for a 4x6’ space on the south side of the building for a bee/pollinator raised garden. Budget preparations. A comprehensive budget has been prepared by the Finance Ministry Team and Executive Committee for approval by the congregation at its meeting January 26th. M/S/Approved to recommend to the congregation a balanced budget in the amount of $504,012. PASTOR’S REPORTS Pastor Jason Remember the Sunday forum this Sunday is 2020 budget discussion. Come if you can! Clean-up for congregational meeting potlucks have generally been the responsibility of the council. Please stick around and help after the meeting on

Sunday. The Child Care Center board meets Friday. The preliminary 2020 budget looks good and balanced. I would like opinions on whether we should consider a new picture directory. We would need a task force to help and work the desk during picture taking. Other options (other than Lifetouch) include doing our own, potentially with people submitting their own pictures. Council expressed interest in pursuing this possibility. Pastor Ashley The next 2 Equipping Parents speakers are booked! We are excited to have a professor from the U of M out in February to discuss “Parenting in Polarized Times” and a leader from NAMI out in April to talk about the early warning signs of mental illness in children and teens. Stay tuned for dates and more info! The women’s retreat is February 8th, 2020. We’ll be looking at the theme “Ordinary,” and exploring how we can use our ordinary lives and days to draw closer to God and others. A new fundraiser is being planned for the summer trips, which requires your approval. The youth team would like to host a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner and Trivia Night with Trivia Mafia. In short, people would buy a table or individual tickets, assemble trivia teams, and feast on both pancakes and trivia! February 25th would be the date. More info to come based on your approval of this event!

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M/S/Approved a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner and Trivia Night fundraising event to be held on February 25th in support of our youth programs. In all, we have 5 families signed up for family camp and are waiting to hear back from 2 more—this is a good start for a new program! We’re exploring a Lenten theme of “Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood”—something like “Life in the Neighborhood” or “Won’t You Be Our Neighbor?” tying into themes in his television shows. Stay tuned! Soup Supper sign-ups: Linda needs your team to sign up! Begins with Ash Wednesday, February 26th. Closing Prayer. Pastor Ashley Adjourn. M/S/Approved to adjourn at 8:39pm.

Financial Report: The financial report was received and entered into the record. Notes: The 2019 operating surplus/(deficit) is almost (14,000). When compared to the 2018 operating surplus/(deficit) of roughly $36,700), the financial picture this year is $22,700 better than a year ago. We should be able to cover most of the operating deficit by using interest earned on savings, prior year reserves and Thrivent Choice Funds. Positives: Worship Offerings were up roughly $32,000 over the prior year; and Facilities Revenue was up roughly $7,000. Overall, we are in a much better financial situation.

M/S/Approved to allocate Thrivent Choice Dollars through December 2019 in the amount of $3,451 to be used toward our operating expenses for 2019.

Treasurer’s Report for December 2019

On Saturday, February 22nd, from 1:00-3:00pm, we will be painting bowls for the Empty Bowls Fundraiser, benefitting local food shelves, including PRISM. Pottery bowls, materials and paint will be provided by and delivered to HN by Color Me Mine (a pottery glazing store in the Arbor Lakes shopping area in Maple Grove). They will have someone here to explain the process. Our painted bowls will then be taken to Color Me Mine for glazing and firing. They will be returned to us to show off our finished products before being picked up by Empty Bowls for their fundraiser on March 17th at Cooper High School.

The cost is only $5 per bowl. You will need to sign up on the kiosk by Sunday, February 16th so we know how many bowls to plan for. What a great event this is for all ages!

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Winter Wednesday Night Book Study

Join us at 6:00pm on Wednesdays, February 5th, and 12th, as we continue to read and discuss the book, “The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels,” by Jon Meacham. Pastor Jason will lead the discussion. Meacham writes this book in response to our current political climate of partisan fury. He looks at American history and discovers that what we are experiencing is not unique. However, he turns to what Abraham Lincoln called the “better angels of our nature,” as he considers where we are going as a nation. While not written from a Christian perspective, this book should lend itself to thinking about how our Christian faith plays a role in how we understand our history, present, and future.

Members with Mobility Challenges (MMC)

Using Canes/Walkers: American Family Physician A cane may help if you have pain or weakness on one side of your body that makes it hard to walk or balance. A walker may give you more support if you have poor balance or feel unsteady on your feet. The type of cane or walker best for you depends on your strength, fitness level, and balance.

Hold your cane in the hand opposite to a weak or painful hip, knee, or leg. Move the cane at the same time as your affected leg. Going upstairs, your good leg should go first. Going downstairs, your affected leg and cane should go first, followed by your good leg. (Up with the good, down with the bad.) Using a walker, keep both feet between the walker’s back legs or wheels. With a cane or walker, stand upright without leaning forward or to the side and avoid putting your weight on the cane or walker to prevent falls. When turning, take your time and do not lift the walker off the ground. Physical therapy is helpful for improving muscle strength, walking, and balance.

MMC Group meets the 1st Saturday monthly online 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Call/Text/Email Karen Carlson [email protected] or at 612-308-2024

Make It A Family Project

Fires in Australia, flooding in Puerto Rico, hurricanes and tornadoes in the U.S. and people forced from their homes by wars and fighting in the Middle East. So many people are suffering from events that have made them homeless.

If you have ever wondered what you and your family could do to help, here’s a trusted answer: Lutheran World Relief. LWR goes to people all over the globe with simple things when all they have is the clothing they are wearing. During Lent you can help LWR by contributing the simplest of items: a new bath towel, 2 bars of soap, a sturdy comb, a toothbrush and a nail clipper. These items will be collected during Lent and assembled into Cleanly Kits by Elizabeth Circle and taken to the LWR Warehouse in St Paul for distribution to places where they are most needed. There will be collection containers at all the Lenten Services and in the narthex on Sunday mornings during Lent. Make it a family project. Adults get the bath towel, older kids the nail clippers or sturdy comb, younger family members the toothbrush or soap. The people who receive the kits will be most grateful.

KidPack Fundraiser Coming Soon! Your Support is Needed and Greatly Appreciated

KidPack will again hold an annual fundraiser to help to support costs of feeding students in need within our school district. This year an All You can Eat Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction has been planned. The fundraiser will be held Friday, February 21st from 4:00 -8:00pm at St. James Lutheran Church, located at 6700 46th Place N. in Crystal. Tickets will be sold before and between worship services beginning Sunday, February 2nd.

Proceeds from the Spaghetti dinner and Silent Auction will help to provide

critical funding, allowing students at Meadow Lake, Lakeview and Forest

Elementary schools to continue to receive a weekly meal bag of food to

supplement students and their families experiencing food scarcity.

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Pastor Ashley [email protected]

Youth Ministry Associate - Wendy Grimes 763-639-3735 or [email protected]

Sunday School Director - Kristen Chamberlain 612-272-3625 or [email protected]

Confirmation February Wildfire is on Wednesday, February 5th at Elim Lutheran Church from 6:30-7:45pm. The ad-dress for Elim is: 3978 W Broadway Ave, Robbins-dale, MN 55422. We will have a speaker from the organization Cherish All Children, who will be pre-senting on safety in personal and online relation-ships. Due to the heavy nature of the topic, parents are encouraged (but not required) to attend.

We have class as normal on February 12th and 19th, and we will continue our study of the Old Testament. February 22nd is Ash Wednesday. There will be no class, but students are encouraged to attend worship with their families at 7:00pm. Throughout Lent, there will be no Confirmation classes; you are encouraged to attend mid-week Lenten services (and soup sup-pers!), and 9th grade students will meet with their mentors on Wednesday nights. More information will be sent to 9th grade families soon! Class begins again on April 15th.

Sunday Forums For January 2/2: The Bible Tells Me So: I’ll Take Door Number Three

2/9: The Bible Tells Me So: God Did What? 2/16: The Bible Tells Me So: God Likes Stories 2/23: Craig Freeman, Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative

Youth and Senior High Forums Youth Forum includes all students in 7th-9th grades. We meet each Sunday at 9:30am in the Youth Room (Annex). Senior High Forum is for all 10th-12th grades. Meet in the Lounge at 9:30am each Sunday.

Wednesday Night Dinners for February Wednesday night dinners are open to all! Dinner is served from 5:45-6:25pm*. 2/5: No dinner - Wildfire 2/12 Menu to be determined 2/19: Menu to be determined 2/26: Ash Wednesday - Soup Supper

*Please note—due to the Confirmation Wildfire Events, we will not have dinners on the 1st Wednes-day of the month. Also note that food will not be al-lowed in Confirmation class. Students should arrive in time to eat their meal in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you!

Choristers Kid’s Choir Please contact Kari Johnson ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

February schedule is: Wednesday, February 5th 6:30 - 7:30pm Wednesday, February 17th 6:30 - 7:30pm Sunday, February 23rd Sing at both services

Families interested in Camp Wapo: Camp Wapo Registration is open! If you have a student (4th grade and older) interested in going to Camp Wapo this summer, on-line registration is officially open! Our week at camp is Sunday, August 2nd–Friday, August 7th. Camp Wapo

provides faith-based, outdoor programming in a beautiful setting on Lake Wapogasset in Amery, WI. We help arrange carpools to and from camp. The cost this year is $470 for the week. If you have questions or need more information about registering, there is a letter with all the details on the youth booth. Otherwise, talk to Pastor Ashley!

PLEASE HELP! If you notice the kitchen is out of, or running low on, any items, please notify the office. Also, there is a tablet on the wall by the serving window you can write the info on. Thanks! P.S. We are still in need of a volunteer(s) to keep the kitchen clean and in good order.

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1220 Zane Avenue North, Golden Valley 55422. Phone: 763-529-1350.

Check out the PRISM website or "like" PRISM's Facebook page,

or contact Pat Harwell, 763-544-7186, [email protected]


Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Meets weekly in the Fellowship Hall—10:00-11:00am

Meet with Pastor Jason to discuss the book of Acts.

All are welcome!

Baptism Class

If you anticipate a baptism in the future and have not attended a

previous class, please call the church office. Classes are scheduled as


Flowers! The 2020 flower chart is posted

across from the office. Please consider contributing Sunday altar flowers. $25 for flowers or plant.

Please sign up.

If you have a topic you would be

interested in having us do a forum about, please contact

Mary Lazerine at 763-544-7221 or Bill Hartman at 612-719-5425. We welcome everyone's input.

The Holy Nativity Senior Ministry team

NEED FOR VOLUNTEERS : Contact Kevin Lytle, Volunteer Coordinator at PRISM at 763-432-4204, or at [email protected] for more details. If you have an interest in doing something good for your community, volunteering at PRISM is a great place to be involved.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to:

~ Lisa Baker and family on the death of her grandmother Irmgard Becker ~ Denise Prosek and family on the death of her father Carl “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted”

~ Matthew 5:4

FEBRUARY DONATION FOCUS – Peanut Butter, Jelly, and Pasta PRISM distributes 70,000 pounds of food each month. Every food or cash donation helps.


February 27 Bowl Painting at PRISM – open to the public from 4:00-7:00pm.

Empty Bowls Event on March 17 at Cooper High School. The goal is to raise $25,000 to support PRISM and NEAR Foodshelves.

March FoodShare – Minnesota has 300 Food Shelves. Those with the highest Dollars and Pounds of Food collected compete for bonus cash from the Council of Churches.

7th Annual Taste of the ‘Burbs Gala and Fundraiser – Thursday, May 14, 2020.

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Page 10: Tidings · Tidings VOLUME 63 (ISSUE 2) ISSUED MONTHLY CELEBRATING 60+ YEARS! FEBRUARY 2020 WINDOWS The Season of Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Sunday Worship Schedule

Worship Assistants

Feb 2 8:30 Al Orris Mavis Lindgren Eric Knutson Laura Knutson 10:30 Judy Alexander Butch Alexander Becky Massop Brad Massop

Feb 9 8:30 Kelly Duclos Elsa Duclos Jim Monner Sarah Monner 10:30 Bruce Johnson Terri Johnson Bill Norberg Lisa Scherber

Feb 23 8:30 Youth Member

Youth Member

Youth Member

Youth Member 10:30 Youth Member Youth Member Youth Member Youth Member


Feb 2 8:30 Tim and Sonja Jacobsen 10:30 Tina Haugstad

Feb 9 8:30 Sandee Stenzel 10:30 Eric and Wendy Grimes

Feb 16 8:30 Don Koska 10:30 Alice Loddigs

Feb 23 8:30 Youth Member 10:30 Youth Member


Feb 2 8:30 Ted Davis 10:30 Sherry Tyrrell Feb 9 8:30 Greg Eklund 10:30 Lyndsey Wedll Feb 16 8:30 Chris Daniels 10:30 Jacquelin Lawson Feb 23 8:30 Youth Member 10:30 Youth Member

Scripture Readers

Feb 2 Alice Loddigs

Feb 9 Mark Chamberlain

Feb 16 Kristan Kohls

Feb 23 Alan Sommervold

Council Hosts

Feb 2 10:30 Please Sign Up Feb 9 10:30 Connie Toavs Feb 16 10:30 Melissa Hove Feb 23 10:30 Wendy Birkholz

Nursery Helpers

Feb 2 8:30 Jerry and Karen Gaasland 10:30 Wayne and Jan Moen

Feb 9 8:30 PLEASE SIGN UP 10:30 Margaret Schuster and Sherry Tyrrell

Feb 16 8:30 Dave and Grace Folkerds 10:30 Denise Prosek and PLEASE SIGN UP

Feb 23 8:30 Al Orris and Mavis Lindgren 10:30 Nancy Anderson and Connie Toavs

Coffee Helpers

Feb 2 James Vair

Feb 9 Cresta Hubert

Feb 16 Kim Boursier

Feb 23 Youth Member


Feb 2 8:30 Please Sign Up Dorothy Jorenby 10:30 Kassie Houle Lynn Kvalness

Feb 16 8:30 Mike Dickinson Nancy Dickinson 10:30 Barry Thorvilson Lyndsey Wedll

Communion Assistants

Please Note...If you are unable to serve at the worship time(s) you’ve been scheduled, please find someone to replace you or switch with you, then notify the church office to tell us of the change. If you have any questions, please let us

know. Thank you for your help! Church Office: 763-545-1647/ [email protected]

Feb 16 8:30 Mark Chamberlain Kristen Chamberlain Jim Monner Sarah Monner 10:30 Bruce Johnson Terri Johnson Bill Norberg Lisa Scherber

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Twin Cities MN

Permit No. 2285

Holy Nativity Lutheran Church, ELCA 3900 Winnetka Avenue North New Hope, Minnesota 55427 (763) 545-1647 Fax: 763-545-8339 Email: [email protected] Web site:

HOLY NATIVITY STAFF Senior Pastor Jason Wahlstrom (H) 763-767-3051 [email protected] Associate Pastor Ashley Updegraff (C) 636-448-7751 [email protected] Iver Hubert Director of Music Ministry [email protected] Lisa Baker Organist/Communications Coordinator [email protected] Linda Lien Congregational Care Coordinator and Funeral Coordinator [email protected] Wendy Grimes Youth Ministry Associate [email protected] Kristen Chamberlain Sunday School Director [email protected] Kari Johnson Choristers Director [email protected] Kara Holt Financial Coordinator [email protected] Tom Wiblishauser Custodian [email protected] Amy Laite Sunday Nursery Coordinator [email protected] Brittany Anderson Childcare Director (HNCCCC Office) 763-591-0681 [email protected] General Message [email protected]

Do you need a ride to church on Sunday mornings? We have some church members who have volunteered to help out. Please call the church office (763-545-1647) by Thursday afternoon to leave your name and phone number. You will receive a call back by Saturday connecting you with a driver.

Any volunteer drivers out there?

Please call the church office

Our Mission “Grounded in Christ’s love, Holy Nativity

Lutheran Church is a welcoming community dedicated to helping all know God’s love through worship, service and fellowship.”


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