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  • 8/2/2019 TICOM I-200


    I TTICO~V I -200

    . ~ t t .: : .I J ! l 1 > c " ' . is tile :'5:art 011tho intorl'o':::;.J.ti(1n of _:ij1. l~,"'..t.;",:FENJI.l:S:~,chit-f of'1'; Dr : , . n : seniQr cr:rrlta1'l!llyst ( 1 1 ' 0i\:.,/Chi.c::ll'ri,~': Qut ::It O~icilUa,]L:'Y :;1',. K.L. :".::rrin o : i . ' L.S.I.C. :ll'l,'.. Lt. ;~ru:'yO. L:JJ1Cc'l .',.S.:. E'"u'c;'_'C, fr0.:, 17th Sc~,tc,,')~r to :!n,: octQ;'~rl '1946.

    TIC0!~2 2 : 1 , ' . . NQ\tCilbcl'1 1'14;:). 16

    Distri:.'utio11 .~------L.J.I.C._,--1 .. T

    S '14.i5-IS.'19-22.2';.2.} . \"i.:tU.3.L ._.....~. L).G .,. f:71~1.62

    F..o_};r...o1Ti.::v, ~_"ilcs.910-13,

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    T O P S E C R E TI R JIO RT ON T hil l ilIi'l'8 R.:." 'tO G .'i.T10:T OT: '"\T~L: :-.TINI~

    Pirst Interrogation: 17.9.46.

    1. OICIT/Chiliaison i1ith other countries.HUngary. EE}JlIlERaid that all naterial and results were exchangedi"lith the Hungarians, and that an atteGlpt rras ev-en made to divide the110rk be+ween the t\70 depar-tnerit s , but tl1Ut this hac', not -.70rkcd outin practice. He had stated that in urgent oases, measage s werepaased froIl BuCLo.pestto OIm by t.e l.egr-aph, and 1,18 asked hi.n to givesrccific eXD.i.l~;lea. He explained that \711enthey nez-e ani;:]portant tro.ffic currently and found tho.t thcy had. f'ai.Le d to inter-cept SOQC messages, they \Joule. send a telephonic ro ques t to BUdapestand any gaps would be lilled by telegraph. This l,o.ppened forinstanoe in the C:'~th b'~ubsti tu~ion, . but thought that it -.las thc code used by tho "j[i~itar 19rUi.lil.ttac~e ~n Cmra. O K \ I had pro v.ious j.y CO'.IO to the conclusio - bh t Ythi code "D.S unsolvable and hru:J l"id it . , . nil, Sthat they had broken it, b~t ; E N N E R :~~gOht tfh~ ~htah~ns ! _ _ 1U oy must have co.pturec..

    0 K ! " i { tO,ld the ItaliD-ns that their 'Iil't ,o~.but d.i.d nt'" tJ - ...... ary cOUJ.,:S \/"rc v~ry ")Qu. 0 aru or'.1 , ler.: that t'y,y nor~ ~ " a " 1 rr til. _ ~, ~ 1 cr,'f - ~ " '-' ~V~ n' "" cUrrentlll._~ tor tho ~o.ll of l.j'Ussolini, tho North I';;~lian b~' "OIm and of.J.orcd the~r ao-o1Y>ro.t;on. JODL 1 ure .... tUr11;Jc. tol' . - .1.- .... J ,,101/0ver "'0 budl.nJ.S on, anc; he 1010-.; nothinc obout th::ir later' ~ ~: e any furt:l0 rner-o receivOd by OK'dfroD thi,s bureau, - actJ.Vl.t~os. No result::;

    Pl:)~S3 turn ov:;r

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    2. T O P S E C R ECroo.tio.. DurinG the vr,r , they ro cc ivet. 0. visit ==.0. y~unc; cr~:).:iOl:.officor, and I'.['JNNERJOnt to ;.G&:':': to cli::Jousr; tho l)Oss~b~l~t~es or ,;orl.,.nothing 02Lle of this, horlover J since the croats had 110 intercept .fo.cilitios. He c.lid not re!:lQLlbor the n2';':.C of tills officer. His vhntto AGR:0

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    3. T O P R E Tinterccption. The Finns U0rc gOaL, the Eun,srri::ms foir o.n.:l tho ItC'.lio.nBwry :._Joor. Of onti- xis countries, h:; thousht thc.t thc ~cnch .ncr~ vo~yr'oo:1' he lQ1D~'not.hrng or ::::niSlish ['.nC .ncr-i ccn succcsses, out, Juu.r;~ne Y'" . J tl "'. t "I~ no -"'clt sure thatbooks 2l1:l reports on their suooc ssce ~n 1C ..a.r's ,,_r, ,,~thOY'.7erc; very clover .

    Sj3COND DlT~RROG .nOli: 18/9/46.

    3. Liaison ;-lith ether GcrdD.n BuroD.U:lC.~NN!3R sto .to c. c cn orc .ll y t;l~.t tho C'. i : ' :- foront rlopD.I't:.lonts T!Or . . Jvory

    joo.lous [ ' n C o thut thoro WOoS very little corrtcct be-tween the:.:; 11:::hi.lBolfthou&ht thin 0. '02.:: ' thins, ['.nc. h".c'. l:;crsu:,_;_-;'o.'- p' ; .m:r to issue an or~.or in 1944to the oi'i':)ct tho.t nll rosul ts =~-:.effort .nis t be centrc.lis:-c-"_ L-l or.'. Inspito of this ordcr , h0 cermet ro._l~:.lbcr c. sin::;le instE).nce in \Ieach hereccive::'. c. r-cpcr t fro,] cnot.hc r ~:e~~,c.rt.:mt ::;xc"rt +hc ?orei2,;n O:':-fic{; j thelioillon ~/nS inpro.ctic(; only co.rri",:. on in the rould of G:::r;:i::;n cy..:hors ge

    _ cLso tried to orG

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    1 this l.1ight. b h 0..i.dnot knott vinereAsked about the Schluesselschie e ~ e. . I - aterial' he '.Iasha e ,or). th r IENZER Sd , bbe found, but th?ught ,it 'JOUl.dd:" g~~ tl~at the Schluesselkasten ,las a oxvery vague on this suoject, an ougfor holding the schluesselsohiebe. 'th four oo:;-ies of hisAll copies of his ov'n r.crks , ehistory of OlC ; were destroyed.

    5. OK IT personnel.VAUCK. 1. 75, broad shoulders, fat, fair~ blue eyes, round h:addsr,eotaoles, divoroed with t"iiO children, frank and honest. ,

    Transferred to ' , IUNSTORF before O I < ! : r left BerlJ.n.JUETERBORG-."J.;n;1'' ' ' ' ' ' 'R,Fr1.z, At least 1.85, thin, br-orm hair brushed back , oval face;i.u::;l'~.J.I!J bl vcs rJarricc1sharp chin, sharp '\"Jell-s~ped nose, spcct

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    5 . T O P ~ t C R Eoodc , Hcrmcnbcre..doloven 1~i_"orioD.l1 odcs [turing tho porioc11922-1945,but "cos not suro h011 neny had boon rooc; tho first of t~10SC, il.5BC1,",!hioh ho.c~ boon r-eed in 1922, \IOS obtc..inoc-:' :'rOL~ tho kustr~ans.

    8. "lfo.1Jrl.\.f 7, VIERLING.b' t h 1 0"1 th"t "~"d\_f 7FENNER was vory vague on th0sC su Joe s; c en \' "", "Ic'_l'-,

    was tho teohnical dc par-bucrrt of tho Hooros'-lo.ffcnD.L1t, ;md YI(15 rcsl')Qns~blofor the cl.oveloP-lont of nacrunor y, IG.RN o;~ ',;D.7tl.f 7 ho.:), been,by the AD.crieo.ns in N~rth Afrioo.~ . : 1 1 1 C . he l:r,;_~J;o~~r~ 0. lettor fr,~'-' )13.:'.fr011 ,,'J.loricC\ about aax ncrrbhs \.I'tor bhe :::,,11 or u).c~ly. HO knO I. - '"L!ZBKrmc=::rrvc_guoly, D.l1(1hat n o \I['.S rcs:;.)on::;iblO for tho C'.evc~~pl0nt OJ:secrot telophony. .:_sked for his ollinion on VIDRLING, he sD.~C. thc.tthero v.cs D. WID in Koenigsberg, whose ncc'_~oIlJ coul.d not rOi:leL,bor, viho.;tho ,iaprUf 7 had considered supo r-i or to VIJRLIHG on this -'.Im"k~ ?KJ,novovcr , oonsado rcd VL}RLlllG to be ':.orc clov.::r 2.n(1 ' :'iOdorn, C.D'_" Q\I~nG tothis differenoe of opinion, thorc 'I18.S friction beh/eon OKi

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    6. T O P S E C R E Tt'l bother c.bout trrofie of 2. l~Urely ocrnorci;:.l nc.ture , I.[JI' : : : 'E. t;1cirCtlstoLlcrs _ in .">Orticulc.r Pre:.lc1e H.:Jcro Oilt un,'. .,-cst - cvct: cXj_-rcss c.nypreference for ~k."II'ticulo.r traffic. .' . ~'~'-'"They h . . " . . c l insufficient intcrcc~;tors to t::'...tco['.11 !3r:l. tl-S~ tr~.c ~~e,a.ncl nor-wally eoneontrated on London linl~s. .;hen the ban on a.J_j?lo~, .-IC.S inposed before D-Day, they therefore founD. ther.:scl,:,e~ a.nconsiderable e.iffieulties, since they vr c rc eithor not in 11 pO~;J_t1.on to.intercept the out-stntions, or took a eonsidoro.blo ti,_lC to pick up thel.I'schedul.cs ,He nevor reeeiVClc1 T.', reports frol-] Group I, Illthough he knC\7 tho.tthey were produced. Ls he eXl)lainoc, later, neat of their trD.ffic pa6:odon uuthorised cliplowltie links, and it ,10.6therefore very rorely thc.t "heydid not know the souroe of tho traffic; thus the Ti. reports .lould havegiven bhc.n little c.ssisto.noe. Thoro \1[\8 J of course, verbal eOi~'!D\..U1icutionbeh'icGn tho t;'10 groups on any quories that night ,He ;lention~d thut at thc bO[\inJ1ina of the "ar, 'Ihen he ,las stillin the :_ulitcry picture, they had consiclerable t1if"fioulty in interceptingBritish :_r,::y traffic J ol"ling to the 10Yl pO;1cr of iaost of the stations. H Othought that expcr-tcncntie had been :ciadC in intorcoptinS this tra:ffic frODships,. but ilo..S unable to give any cl.ot2.ils. They had trice. D,lFling st2.tionsfraIl aircraft flying over spain, mel no bolio'IJ-c:i that the British he.:: :.~rulosbilsr experdraerrbs , e.lthough they never auccccdcd in cc.pturinlX any v.B/FGtl,Uip:1cnt fron shot down British plancs.

    13. OK\'i/Chi's Grec.test ~_ehiovC!.ont ,T he greatest orjil}tnnalytie triUi:'.j_)!1of O K iT v za s .tho ret:'.c-:'ing of tho


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    TT H T IID IN T E ;R R OC L T IO N : 1 9 / 9 / 4 6 .

    15. ilL aocles.:.t the ber-;inninc of the \Ic.r" they had bean asked to :.iakc u~ _plO-in Language eocles, rna they 11.0.oxpor-i.ucrrtcd bo~h ',lith tho s:rc.J.[:;l1ttyre and Ylith uosscgcs had :;.]roo.cly boen put Lnt o cypher bvfore.being inelu~1,)f1in D. Lo tbcr , Their grcCLtest pr obIcn vias to .10.1

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    8. T O P S E C R E T,18. Non-I.1orso Traffic. tl R ""inns Inl !J. ;;!ol line_'.t. tho bosinn.inG of the ';/o.~-, . i c ~ " ' ' ' . Lh~ e r e ' c " -;';"8""08' 11.01010rihi h tloy lo.s"or, oncy]) " ,! .'-'D -w ,fror,: B,~RLIN to WSOO\,j , on 1'i C - '} L ~'ult' 1 ., o n e sttic.. that LIDBKNECHTno clote.ils, but thou(lht it was 1010,mas H l~PeX'r no' seorot tele'.l.-rintcr'b' f th' s \wr'- He mcm 0"iJ[\Stho :.ion rospons~ Lo or ~ . .... 1 t t' 'T ~fonart had intorcOl)tccl

    :~CSSEl.CoSther thD.n GorL1D.l1. He,kncv'~,~1['. t'10, 8Istri; but he ,knOil of nosonc kino of Russiun L:OSSD.e;OS ,"Ihioh Oc~_iC ou on 0. J t 1 ' 0"" eV1")Crt . , I 'ht tl -t ItTo'ur"'R tho co 1l1~ ,:..L "".L"sucocss ...-lithsuch trD.ff~o; he tlout 1

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    T23. Lat.;;r Itrclic.n CYJ.?b.ors.

    r , . ' ,J_~'ls 1:l anv eucco sa thoy hr.C.hD.(~""'>"'''''R 'as ~sko'~ to ro, \T O c.e Dc..... J . .:l tl c ,ol~,,"~!~ Y ," 'L ~.., -rr ~. ~ .... ,1~t they h~:, oolv.:;o.. '), ..., L' tt . ~ o''''~h'rs. 110 s....c. U, c.'lith I;.ij_Xlro :'1l1(. ~ or).

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    ' Z 1 . Secret Teloprinter ~'-t et tale"xintcrs." " " r . . . ."R re'"o~te'; th"'t he knon very II 10anou seer 1

    j_lJtnL:> '" ~ - ~ ; he hoi'He 1010' , : thc.t the GCr.JC.n tclcnrintcr eobles went bh r ough SIIcclen, 1'Xl~ ~..c.arc. r-u .ours thc..t tho SYieclo~:2ir:;ht bo exploi tine this trci'fic; theynOVOr received. c:.ny confir~lati:m of +hosc rOlXlrts.

    28. InvcstiE~.tion , ; J f GOr;l2.nEniG:lQ.~NlIBR scid that he ,o.s unab l.c to [iive fZJlydetails el f thein'llvstiro.tions ci."'.rriocl 0Ut on the C_,}r;la.n Eni(PC., o. s thcse hGd been h.......]::."J.O('.

    entirel~ by }Ii l lTTI: : lf"tL,J]J! s socti on, HC know tho.~ one; tos~ ~took, t~c for;Jof cnco:J.l1\ the letter ,:. 50 til.:cs ( < ' . 5 en .:'.[;cnt :.:.~ght ~O, ~:c n o nc., aoco ssto D. .:o.chinc) C\ l1~' . o:;ro:'unine the resultin;:; cYl,hcroG. toxt. flako::' rilly he ~ho.C..Iri tten thD.t the Enic.:a was out: :0,'.0 :." he Berlin, but he }i..D.~'. seen hi;J only three t:L ics , JiC vrasthen infor:::c('_ thc.t lCETTLERha:::' sto..tec., rENNER paased l.

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    \ I


    11. T O P S E C R E Th 0 the Gar: "'n; r- 1~" this 1IOSCzeahs 11.0.['. never clc.i:lc:1 to ro ac; . .10.11 . c , . ~uc., .' ,',.,SU~'1'0S()::'.to hrwo been (:'one by tho; ' ":llish ':IICBERorganisection ~~hiGh ",.8

    co.pture::'. in czoch'Jsl::Jvo.kio., one. ';Ih;s[; '.JcU;.crrte uo rc sent t::> ric.u~t'~~~s;mhi:l:E of O I m . ICIJ:i,{i1il n"'\7 in the Russic..n z:mc,- \IM on ~ry ~o.:.. t" ,.)7ith rENNER, L' .1 lL. only toL'. hi;, tl:u:.t. f~_:l,'.?CSO 'j)Clli:.~nts ~t \Io.~ ~l~Lcr'thd the ]3ni[;: 11.'. h".-: '.bean br ::;kon. l ::t:WGJ :l .11'.S novor ab Lc to so hr::'oc1.ll:cnts hiusolf, ('.nc. ,I?ulc"'. n':Jt like to it ns 0. fnot th.::.t tho"-olea in c.chiew:' this suocess. E~ th::;usht it like;ly thi.'.t .the

    yeiGht occ::tsiono.lly, uncler fo.v')urc.blc cirell ...:JtC..l10CSj. Mvc".chj,e,:u, . c. Ibr-eak _ tho Gor:l.:mS vrorc un20r no illus.i one tllC,t tins 1'1:.5 ~JlJs~bl0. I\ihcthcr \'lho10 ,.!osso_gos )r series d .8:'3C.[.;"':.; .ier(,. roC'.:". ",:'.5 quiteanot hor .K'.tter, , J . I 1 c . he was nevor eJnvincl,~. til:-.t thiz 1 1 . . " . ' . _ _ been :.:mc.

    lIe "1:'.5 ['cskc':',_ vhc thcr' they h~. U"(l~.crtc.kon o:ny j\CC'.3urOS tDl.;::lproVIJ t lLC accur i,ty of tho Eniu.lO. 0.5 2.'Lt of thesc so.i(. tlw.t in tho corly port of the '>"Ic.r, thcy issueC. lists Jlsettings to vo.rious sto.tions. so C\S to ensure that no settinG Drs1l.1ila.r settinE was ovcz- ropoD.tec.. He l)ointce. out that if tYlOnossD.[;;os I:'.ro tro.nsni ttec1 \;1ith s cttin[\s L . , J ' J u . ' l . one. l';u\Jh by ~o.[;c;in5oorraon worels throuC;h the text it '.liGht be possible to rco.oh s o.;cconcllusions ('.bout the wirings. lierc he i.,o. .: 'c 0. ~l.i2rOflsion by sc.yin(:;toot it wcs [l.l.'ticulDrly iuport:mt tha.t [:;oo[:;t"o.phio.::\l ncncs , positions.,etc. shouhl be spcoio.lly cncodcd , so tM.t the of an 00.(1::lGS8D.gC vlould not give muay any vito.l inf'or:.w.tio:n; he quoto(l thc; O(l.SOof 0. nussio.n o.r!'Jy uonoeuvrc code, they hc.u. broken c:'0\7n in 1930to the extent of roo.Qing i.10S5o.C;OS; hOTlover, it provi':'.eu no iuportr.ntini'ort1D.tion, 5in00 tho [Seoe;I'c.~;hienls YJore rocotloc., nne:' they vc ro never'ab Lo to broak this ocdo .Russian lvi(l.chinc.

    1"'ENNER8",i,1 he lm.d never hour:" of any Russian ncchano trl:'.fh.o,but thouEht it conceivable thcl.t tho Russians usee. 0: riac be tuocnMas 00\1 o.nt1_thc ,l.rr.1Y COf.1LlonCls.

    33. i'olish cypher 8eouri ty Soction.

    3 4 .

    end hQH G '1 a.'3

    Defore the \:IDr, j_'olish cY"'hcrs c-:'evcloJ_:cJ. on very uoue rn linos,thou[!ht tho uan responsible tor 'Ghis i'1a.8 ccllo;l SZCZEZINSICY.o.skot:' to Ylrite up the story of' the c.eveIol)1]Cnt e1' i'ohsh cYIJhors.

    OKi Seetion in Spain.


    mll lNER hrnse Lf knorr nobo::'.y in tho S~l.::'.nish bur-eau, '.:Jut 2urinr. theCivil J C J . r 0. scct i.on frou OKil, inclu,:in TR.':"i.E, iEOE.1J::N . : . n c - : ' lJJ ..LI~,ho.::.:'Gono te l{~,J)RID to set up on 'Jutst8.ti:m, c.n.". they ::'oubtlcss lJ.:'."'~instructiol1lJ to co-oper-abe with thQ Sl'D.)1i~,r::'.3. TRL':"~1l] ~ Ln tb~ .~ .cr-i.cunzono. - YiO~:. be nb Ic . to give ;:lote.Us. lIe 18)0\,' tho.t they ho.:::' \,:lrk:::.:' onRuss.~c.n anu Rca Spruush trn.ffic, he ciic:. not knew whether they h e t . . : . .e.tte .lptcd anythinG clse.The 'cYl'lhers in question '1lere 10C'i~litiw fielc"\.syeto:1s, nestly . :md bhoy ',Ioul~:' ocrtainly have boon solve,:'.Hilfsgoro.cte.

    ~ie slrl:1 thAt nomo of th:l otJwr burotru% ,lOro ciwn tho DKI1.lril1"6~er ....te, cxoopt tho.t tho :POroi@:! oft"ioc hAtl clevolol_X)d. tho R IIHe t~oueht tho.t lJr'Dbc.bly OKH on:' . th0 .JC!_ffcn SS h . . . . . : : . scan tho. bu~ ~~,"nothinE of D.1ly of tho :)thQrs~ lIO ..n'.S aurc thc.t DIm h",1.(' it~" '" J l1 ."Hollorith. L o.

    36. Knmllcdac .o f' l.::-,chinc s ,

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    ']2. T R E T;J.c,chino) :y I ,,;jrich th~r c:'.~,turc,"'..090v01'r.l s::0cLluns, , '. n.: ' ' ,; orko. ,"'ut; ti.lC,.I.'01'i;)"':.o ;; Q0 bo twcon t.I' :n;'. tllr0;,; dilli ~n; he sa.L"':. th,-:.t they bo lJ_ovv ..'-'-1 t' ",."tho 8\.0:"'..05 cl1:U1l3c:"the innor key f0r "wry ..\'-'Ss ('.[;0 , en., ,,10:: ,' no ro ~I.~"o(.1nsi2.cN.:'~ it unb r-cakob .Ic , II.J r.l::L1 Sl)oko o f ::'. cc.pturc)""':. :2r.nsf0r:.1C '. it:; '1' USV by th e -,.b'~\;;tr; he ,"':.i~"':.ot kn '\1 . ' .ny c " " . u t . : o . . 1 . 1 s . ~t,:C.50nly us,,;'. for :0raneh _.r.:y trn, ['l1.'. :a.mSCH \loul."':. be : '.010 to [\'0 .:'.ctdls. lIo ,"' : .L1.not knou wh.0thor tho :.. :oric::ms ho.."' : .OVOr usa.'. tl:l.O8':[\,11 HC..,clin, but 1010\1th"t in 194) the U.S. ;iilitr.ry _.ttMllo in C0.~.r"hr.". r'lnc~0vor to .icchtno , ::':)1:'!.ha.UCht t:\io ::iEht be 0. Si;lil~ ty~'o \ntllliot"':.Uicc.tions; nothin;:; coul~'. be 2:mo i,lith this trnffio.Tho ucrosse Toohn.iktl W\s 0..130co..pturO("':.; this ',Ins 0.. Im: 'GO~. ~ ' y : ; - a0X" ~I"..::;clin, i.'hioh in c,-"..~'.iim t) the ordinary 1Jhcols hn t (\ lureD ~..r:LV~n~2rtld Ylluc11 caused a scconc :,,)tion in the cour-se of oncyrhori.lent. It h.,\~l_en electric Jf:.ttory. He ( " ' : . : L ' . not lmoYI where or \/hon it VIC.S co.l'tur(K"':., oruhcther it Yl['.S pronch .. British OJ;' 1l.l:1cricon. L vito.l Ylhpel \10.6 .:issin::.;,o..nC.S0 they c0ull not have ('.chiovo:':' even if thoy he,', hi'.(1 c..nytr~fic. He (1ic1not rouonbcr- ever ho.vinS seen : :my British: i;rr.i'fi o,,A.skccli"urthcr cbout the "[): ,osso Tocbnilcu , ho aai.d th.'l,t it hc...] . 6 or 10whco Ls D.l1c ' . thc .:'rivinG "Reiter" (hO u,:o.s lirCsu;.lC\bly roferrinG to the :J 211).NothinC couL:' bo Clono with such 0. \"lith current an.:uytioecl .r.;c:1inory,.me:' oort::tinJ,y L:ooh::m.ico.l 0.1.:'..s "ouL". be nccosaary, Ho lnUChC,"':. vnon ,~.sko,'.if they h('.,: ' trio~'!. to ccvelor ::ci':'s :lor auch zi l=lroblol1, em: 60.i;::' thpt it 1'1('.6truch too cliffioult 0J1~1"1('.5 the [;TOo.t ~,robla:: of th o future. Tho job \I:::'.Stc :o Lo nr, [,J1~"' : . CC::'l,lioutc"_ an;:" ': .va s l~L"':. 0.6i::o.lie: sPJlco n~ tho lillYI:.... 1('.ohin-:, ',. .:'.8 built by the ~lussi::cns,".ll~. I.::'.Sncvo r uac.L; it hr..:'. a. _;.oriJ,"':. J[ on Iy 4-82, 1'/.:'.8qUit0insui'ficicnt f,r :.l()~:'ernro quu-o. .orrta ,n o then Sj_)Ok0 . y J : '1;\";0 gzeoh .... :c.iunlos .,;lich ho 1 1 . " ' : . : - " ',)0011 iJh=,\:n by:;:nrt2K: they 1'o.s.J;.lblc.':.a tYl-c\lri +cr , : ' . n ~ " ' : . h....".t: :nouuo.tio lroyb0~'X,:j Tlhonone ~)l"osso."':. 0. key; tho. ,.().ohincry 'I2I.S :.J"O,:' by :;)10u;.:lC.tio1IrOssuro, '.)1,:' C \Cliffcront lottur v1::cSl'rinto~l_ on tho lX-:'l'cr. It ho.c'.c. fixoc1 forb ... (skrrareriod) Mll no v=i::-.b1oj it o.Lao 'lC~.C .1D.nY;.1istnkCs in oneY Thu l' ....rit,R1. lZCK to12 hin that it h . . . " . i l nOVOr boon used f\.n~l vas only in an cx~))rLlol1tCllsto.[:;c. He was aske " to [;ivo 0. Ylrittcn 2.escription.

    In thi.s connc ct ion , ho st'.ill. thd about 15 J' !"J.r;oho he.,'. boontolc1 th.."':.t the British h0:.1 c. Llo.chinol1hich was probr-.bly of this j_llloUl:l.tietY-fO; he 1010'1"/othing aboub it; end h:'.c1 seon nDthinG in tho parers about;it. Hc ro]_:.cC'.te.: ' . th.'\t ho knew nathinr; of cny British i.1o.ehine tr::IiYic.He h[J.::l_cm',1 of thD OLDlETTI teleprinter J but ht\u. nO\1'Or ao cn ' it ::'.n2.coul.; not c.escribo it; he thOUGht it Y1D.5 "not yet ripo". He bcliDV'Cc~ thoItclio.ns h,,,_d. lutor shown it to tho U.S. Nc-.vy.. Tho S,/ used tho s o..c!""':.,J[u:loroic.l Enic:.l!l, .')1' whic:l OK\!o~t::).nc:l severo.1 cxc.::.I.plcsj le.tur it ' 10.;;; nodificc. by tho Siliss, mJ tho',n.rlJ1[;; , m s . c h o .n 2 ;0 :. 1 .. Ho saL'!. that the li 'oreil3n Office inrkoC. on it, ho di,'.n~t know 1nth .Ihut suoccsa , .1.iENZERnn(1 fIT .mTTENHl . IN ho.(I. hcli~;,l tho', but,nth no results. (S00 110>c-t J.ntcrror;o.tion).Askcu. about the Gcrno.n EniCi:1CtJ ho C1CS01'ibcd tho '.lD-chino in Loncraltcr:.!S, and suid that it had 13 "lQSsiblo stoolurI""" ...... '.t tl.b . .th . , '.l '-"'''''' ~. 10 0 '"l.nnJ.n" OJ:

    o \:cx,~.~n1~ tllI'cO ~":' stockcroc'!.; j_ f a. 1108So.[;0 WON sent '_'l'acy:'l~orod:1 1..,the ~.~.,~ :~oy bu~ In th:"_~fforcn~ e+ockcr , only bhoao Six Lc tbcr-s ' i Q u i : : . bec..f'~cctu~.) ~:.n.~HD.:NZE~6ho.10:1t~:ct J.t \ioul,l be possible to Ylorlc out by lIvllcri thth:.: stoCko:: },.o Y ' T . < D . J : _ l l . t l ~ u s b(.;, : ; : L l 1 tJ \;,,rk en the !:i[\sic uachano , The [~'u.:\t\leo.1u1~Ss oz tho .l~nJ.c..1lI. II~S thn.t tho lufthl:'.n2 whocI, nOV'Cr ;.i')vu." ~"l~"1tins \/C\o '"' h '1 tl "' '''''~". \.lY

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    ' 3 7 .

    ( ........ _ .. 38.

    1 3 .VI .UOK! S SOat ion.

    V; .UOK never hoL l to doa'L \Iith o:n:y ,_:~1Crioo.nD.r.;cnts' ~ystci;1B, butBri tish c.sonts fIOL.1otiDOSC[CIOul1 in tho Do.lko.ns in oonncotl.on lil.t~ .'"jiiIH{~lLOVIC. Hc nover srm this 13oction at \~Iork,. ;m e :loes nob ~o:' " > J h c . tthose noaaagcs Looked lileo. HO knoy/ ~hO-t tnorc 11o.snovor aufxJ.OJ,ontuntorio.l to brock tho koys, unU'th0Y ;,01'0 only rand. rU'tor tho u[S0l}tshad 15"OonCo.l)turod; ho boliovod th.'\t traffic m:\s oooo.siono.l1y ro~.curtcorrt Ly o.f'tor the key hO1been conI!r'ouisod by one of tho agents ;7ithoutthe of tho others. HO \X1.S uncb'l,c to J3iVOo.ny nones o~sjfOcific oxouplcs. In tho y/ost, cQl British DGen t trl1ffic wns anPr'crich 1nne:;uD.Go,::mC. hClthou[:;ht th..'1.t~ thoy .;01"0. nIlrim11y i:' :>[.50:'.J.n tOii;:loh. ..11 those c::'.~)turel1_ were , Proneh, an ", thoy no'I(;l' tcok c:nyBritish 01" ;.uoricDl'ls, TWO or three ti;.lOS, they wer-o c.blo to i,lC',y th0S0French agents back "fter they h~:' boon cO;i.:rturol:'. HO th:JUCht tho systO:.1onp1oyu~ YlD.Ssouo kina. of book oypher ilith sU~Jtr8.Ct.,r; Tlli..:j_ElOu1e :)0o.blo to [;ivo uoro :leto.i1s. 1.1so Dr. : r . J S : n 1 E R rlOrkoC. lwi',or Vi ,UCK, C'J1:~'tlig.."lt nov be in Bcrlin, where before tho \"laX' 11:;had boon onpLoyod in tho:2 0rgat10ntr.1uElCUl.l. He sciu th",t no s]_lCcial seorocy ' 1 1 1 15 atto.cherl to the~ork of particular scctions inside thc orEanisation.J\t bhc cnd , Vi.U CK ha .::' aboub 12 :~len,oric;inally he h[l:l ho .:" 'c uoro;'I"IhonOKEhoard that he \"IO;S to be tronsforroil to OK'ir, they took thoopportuni ty of stoclinr:; soveral Ol~his lleop1c, Vi~UCKwes a wry nice,honcst nan , o.nt'. \7El.S not a N::tzi .

    FENNER-ecul Lod that C ' . t the end of Hc.y, 1945, in Brun.8Wick, he oberst I lOETZ8L , who nas he ad of OKIJ/Chi until thO bor:;innine of thc '1ar.BOETZEL tolC!. hin thCtt he had boon oc,pturocl and intcrrogc.tec:' by a BritishLt. Col,. GREEN, j;;.lcrioro1 ot:f'ioor, whoso 11DJ.10 he ili.d not knorr, HItwas all 'lOry honeuz-ab'Ic'! , He >lC,8 thon set free I Ol1.l1 l"ENNERhD.anothoarc'Laf' hi.l since.

    F IF TH IN TE iu '10G .. T IO N:. 2/10/46.Je.p'l..ncse I.Iachinc.

    J!ENNERlaS D.sko~l"hother he couE. ~loscribc thoir work with theJapD.neae "Schiobol!. Ho o.vpoarc::'. Genuinoly surpriseCl. and aaic'. that he Mlnov;r of it; ,nor ~icl ho roo~snisc tho inC'.icc_tors CIFOL VEVi,z. ' G h ~ nteL toot HOET'1'ENHi.IN1 J . c l sl)olfen O~ tho solution Qf' this he so.J.Cthat suro1y tho~o nue t 1 ' ' ., ,.. ~ ;)oon a '.~J.sunl_.crstun::'.inr:;!.PrTPTrTr.'JlT. "n.r ,thave been s m k f th ,. ._" .""',J.I~ us

    c, .' l"-'o' lUG 0 - 0 ",lplo::1o.'cic trt:.l1s~)o6ition c.Y11her He fi~\laOUl t ) , - : ' c.ll kno\11cc1_Bc of the existence r? ouch .., '1 ,. l' t . ..ysoluti.:m. u. .., ~> "c.o!, c .:1.10no tho40. Sf/iss Enig;.lQ..

    HUE T T E r . n : t : ~ T ~ C : S . C,coid:.'d to try F!]lITNEll'sr(JQ.otions on sovero.l points of.:.:J "LJ,t .u', 6 work , ilho re no had previo usl ,'.. 1told toot HUETTENEJ I . IN" t~ hnvGw y ~.Ct1lC( D.ny succcas, o . n e . ho 71asin oonjunction \7ith tho Ii'orci 01'1'i suo~cas on tho S\7iss Eni[j.1[c

    h eeC . solvo,'. tho s.-liss I::nic:,u CJ~ut 19~~19~NNER sma 1tha.b t~ porei[.TI Officoby K DIIT Z or L i..:r:rG LO TZ. \T hcn tho c. h ' . ~ - t~0J:' MeLboon infor.:.,c:'_of' this0.::"10 to ao Lvo it nne thoy . -'.1 . ; l O . ? me '/c.S Lloili..i'lcd, they WOJ:'(; no Lonner

    u. ~ CD..!. eeL In liUETTEiNHll. . L;>c.chiovo my result.s, nn'.'. the .. o i ... ~ IN to help , he too fUJ.lcG. to,7hy he Me' yreviously "onied .. rrv no rcna.J.ncd unsolvcc;. I 'ENNEB ,"IQS \.Skoelh - : : l . ( : ' :_,cnnt tl1D.t the LlO,lific.'1 .,~ ~ kno\"lloJGe of success j ho rcplioc. th:ct hoany succosu ,lith this tr-"";; no ,IUS n0t bz-okon., nne. that OKIrnever hMr


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    41. ~ench Hx a section ,iith H?llcrith o. t JUT:0rt30nGnhach hD.d riovc d to BODENBi~CED.t tho end of the "IoU"; he thought th2.t :':.380':;1 s"nc.achinclle Dcrichtw:-stattunc;ll hc.c'. also gone there j he had l.lainto.ine:: 0-courier se rvaco .-;i11 "-.'.SSO,; until tho wry enc, He repeo.ted in thisconnection tht.t he h.:.~ never hc['.rc'. 0: D. ::-o!'eic;n Offioe nolleri th C.eF.rt:~"\ont,.:me:."as un;:',er the lilprcssion thc.t lG.lUG'.lso used. :i:..sSO\'l1nuchinoe ,

    45. 3ritish ]{c.eP.ino Traffic.He .1~S cskeC'...f he he:'. hcc.rc tha.t aIG! euccccdcc in ~~-';n'" [' fc'"[" 0 r . itish ;:.::-.inl:r know ec'Jout th . . '-ct' ~l..:.u~r: ..;C'.tor:tc.l; he rc~1ice:. thc.t- uc, ,.mtcrlul :)ut 7/oul:'. not blO,\l tho

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    T O P S E C R E15

    47. D OO U l:lo nts I" 'rO IJ utlliJn 194.3, .Rl.11,'EL11

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