Page 1: #ThruHike March 2021 - Palestinian Heritage Trail...The Palestinian Heritage Trail is more than just a hiking trail. It is a means˜ of meeting and making connections with Palestinians

#ThruHike March 2021 02 - 22/03/2021

Walk the Path of History, Experience Nature and Hospitality

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Page 2: #ThruHike March 2021 - Palestinian Heritage Trail...The Palestinian Heritage Trail is more than just a hiking trail. It is a means˜ of meeting and making connections with Palestinians

Palestinian Heritage Trail is a long distance cultural walking  route in Palestine. T he trail is 330 km long and extends from 

the village of R ummana northwest of J enin to B eit Mirsim  southwest of Al- Haram al- Ibrahimi (Ibrahimi Mosque) in 

Hebron. N ew segment from J erusalem to J ericho. 

T he trail passes through 53 c ities and villages where hikers ,  walkers and travelers can experience the legendary 

Palestinian hospitality. 

T he Palestinian Heritage Trail is more than just a hiking trail. It is a means  of meeting and making connections with

Palestinians and  hikers from all over the world. Y ou can explore B edouin  villages and experience a fundamental

Palestinian tradition:  Hospitality. T he Masar Ibrahim not only invites hikers to  experience nature but also to change their perspectives by  sharing common values and tolerance for

acquaintances  along the way. 

J oin us on an unforgettable journey and wander through the  country’s hidden treasures, explore the heights and depths of  its wonder and encounter the local hospitality, rich history  and


Page 3: #ThruHike March 2021 - Palestinian Heritage Trail...The Palestinian Heritage Trail is more than just a hiking trail. It is a means˜ of meeting and making connections with Palestinians

Jenin Region  

T hrough the J enin R egion’s almond groves, Ottoman- era palaces, B yzantine churches, Mediterranean landscapes, windy mountain peaks, and hidden R oman ruins, the stories of the landscape become c lear.   Main s ites of the region: 

➢ B urqin Church ➢ Palaces of Arraba ➢ S anur Castle ➢ S tunning V iews on the J ordan V alley ➢ S abastiya Archaeological S ite 

Day 1:Date: 2 March Distance: 17.00 KM  Difficulty: Moderate /   Difficult Accommodation: Homestay 

Day 2:Date: 3 March   Distance: 14.17 KM  Difficulty: Moderate  Accommodation: Homestay

Day 3:Date: 4 March Distance: 12.70 KM  Difficulty: E asy  Accommodation: Homestay

Day 4:Date: 5 March  Distance: 15.50 KM  Difficulty: Difficult  Accommodation: Guesthouse

Page 4: #ThruHike March 2021 - Palestinian Heritage Trail...The Palestinian Heritage Trail is more than just a hiking trail. It is a means˜ of meeting and making connections with Palestinians

Nablus Region  

N ablus is a fasc inating place – from the small enclave of S amaritans preserving their ancient culture atop Mt. Gerizim to the mosques and markets to be found around each bend of the charming Old C ity’s winding streets . 

Main s ites of the region: 

➢ N ablus Old C ity ➢ Mount Arma ➢ V iew on Al- Qarn Hill ➢ E in S amia V alley 



Day 5:Date: 6 N ovember Distance: 12.10 KM Difficulty: E asy Accommodation: Guesthouse 

Day 6:Date: 7 N ovember  Distance: 18.60 KM Difficulty: Moderate / Difficult Accommodation: Homestay

Day 7:Date: 8 N ovember Distance: 14.80 KM Difficulty: Moderate / Difficult Accommodation: Homestay

Day 8:Date: 9 N ovember  Distance: 14.10 KM Difficulty: Moderate Accommodation: B edouin T ent

Page 5: #ThruHike March 2021 - Palestinian Heritage Trail...The Palestinian Heritage Trail is more than just a hiking trail. It is a means˜ of meeting and making connections with Palestinians

Jericho Region T he trail from the J ericho R egion to the B ethlehem R egion offers a surpris ing variety of natural landscapes and richness of cultural and historical s ites. 

Main s ites of the region:

➢ T ell es- S ultan (Ancient J ericho) ➢ Mount of T emptation ➢ Hisham’s Palace➢ W adi Qelt Monastery ➢ N abi Musa S anctuary 

Day 9:Date: 10 N ovember Distance: 16.30 KM Difficulty: Moderate Accommodation: Guesthouse  

Day 10:Date: 11 N ovember Distance: 18.70 KM Difficulty: Moderate Accommodation:  B edouin T ent

Day 11:al-Mird Date: 12 N ovember  Distance: 15.10 KM Difficulty: Moderate Accommodation: Desert C ave

Day 12:al-Qamar Date: 13 N ovember Distance: 11.20 KM Difficulty: Moderate Accommodation: Guesthouse

Page 6: #ThruHike March 2021 - Palestinian Heritage Trail...The Palestinian Heritage Trail is more than just a hiking trail. It is a means˜ of meeting and making connections with Palestinians

Bethlehem Region  

T he trail continues through the wilderness between the shrine of An- N abi Musa and Mar S aba Monastery with scenery full of breathtaking views on remote desert mountains and valleys. Afterwards, the way meanders steeply up the hills towards B ethlehem, the birthplace of J esus. 

Main s ites of the region: 

➢ N ativity Church ➢ Mosque of Omar ➢ S hepherds’ F ields ➢ Artas Convent ➢ Dead S ea V iewpoint 


Day 13:Bethlehem Date: 14 March Distance: 14.60 KM  Difficulty: E asy  Accommodation: Guesthouse 

Day 14:Date: 15 March Distance: 14.50 KM  Difficulty: Moderate  Accommodation: Homestay

Day 15:ar-RashayidaDate: 16 March  Distance: 24.30 KM  Difficulty: Difficult  Accommodation: B edouin T ent

Page 7: #ThruHike March 2021 - Palestinian Heritage Trail...The Palestinian Heritage Trail is more than just a hiking trail. It is a means˜ of meeting and making connections with Palestinians

Hebron Region  

T he trail from the J ericho R egion to the B ethlehem R egion offers a surpris ing variety of natural landscapes and richness of cultural and historical s ites. 

Main s ites of the region: 

➢ Ibrahimi Mosque ➢ Old C ity of Hebron ➢ Mamre Church ➢ Adh- Dahriya Old C ity 



Day 16:Bani Na’im Date: 17 March  Distance: 22.30 KM  Difficulty: Moderate / Difficult  Accommodation: Homestay 

Day 17:Date: 18 March  Distance: 07.00 KM  Difficulty: E asy  Accommodation: Guesthouse

Day 18:Date: 19 MarchDistance: 12.40 KM  Difficulty: Moderate  Accommodation: Guesthouse

Day 19:Date: 20 March Distance: 11.20 KM  Difficulty: Moderate  Accommodation: Guesthouse

Day 20:Adh-Dahriya Date: 21 March Distance: 13.50 KM  Difficulty Moderate  Accommodation: Guesthouse

Day 21:Mirsim Date: 22 March  Distance: 19 .80 KM  Difficulty Moderate / Difficult  Accommodation: Guesthouse

Page 8: #ThruHike March 2021 - Palestinian Heritage Trail...The Palestinian Heritage Trail is more than just a hiking trail. It is a means˜ of meeting and making connections with Palestinians


Join us for a walk! 




www.phtrail .ps | 

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