
Three lines of evidence for the Big Bang:

1) Doppler shift of stars

2) Background microwave radiation

3) Composition of the universe


1) Stellar nucleosynthesis – makes elements up to iron during last stages of a star

2) Explosive nucleosynthesis – makes elements larger than iron (from free neutrons) during supernova for large stars


H + H He

He + He Be

Be + He C

Be + Be O

Be + O Mg

O + C Si


Red Giant Betelgeuse

Hourglass Nebula - collapsed white dwarf - gas ejected after red giant phase

Death of a star:

Helix Nebula - collision of two gas ejections from a dying star

Eagle Nebula: - Star birth clouds. UV radiation from nearby hot stars is eroding and condensing clouds of cool hydrogen gas that is an incubator for new stars

Helix Nebula – cometary knots

Why are compositions of the planets different?

1) Different temperatures in the protoplanetary disk with distance from the sun

2) No solid ices closer than Jupiter

Why are compositions of the planets different?

Sources for heat of early Earth

1. Impacts of planetesimals

2. Gravitational collapse

3. Compression

4. Radioactive decay of short-lived isotopes

5. Collapse of iron core

6. Impact of proto-moon

Sun is 99.85% of mass of the Solar System




Mars Exploration Rover

3 cm width

Mars Rovers: Mars Rovers: SpiritSpirit and and OpportunityOpportunity

Cross Bedding Indicates Surface Water

Last Chance



Mars Once Had Flowing Water

Evidence of Weathering

Broken Towers



Io (a moon of Jupiter)

Europa (a moon of Jupiter)


Saturn as seen from Titan?

Titan (a moon of Saturn)

A 360-deg panoramic view of the terrain around Huygens' landing site. The white streaks might be a ground 'fog' of methane or ethane vapor.

The temperature of the landing site itself was minus 291 degrees F. The soil has the consistency of wet sand or clay and is covered by a thin crust ... of something.

From an altitude of 16 km, Huygens photographed these drainage channels leading to a shoreline.



Neptune's moon Triton. The surface is so cold (minus -391F) that it is mainly nitrogen ice.


Kuiper Belt

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