
Thought-provoking ideas on using data

People without information cannot act. People with information cannot help but act. Ken Blanchard

Its hard to begin to move when you don’t know where you are moving, how to move, or if you are going to get there. Peter Nivio Zarlenga

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in seeing with new eyes. Marcel Proust

Data can help us replace hunches and hypotheses with facts concerning what changes are needed. Victoria Bernhardt

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Benjamin Franklin

If you know why, you can figure out how… W. Edwards Deming

Disaggregation is not a problem-solving strategy. It is a problem-finding strategy.

Generative learning (i.e. expanding your ability to create) occurs only when people are striving to accomplish something that matters deeply to them. Peter Senge

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Benjamin Franklin

Be hungry for data about your school. Rick DuFour

People who use data to make decisions will do so with more confidence that they are making the right decisions. Deborah Wahlstrom

Data can help us answer the question for our community: “What are we getting for our investment in our children?” Victoria Bernhardt

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