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Curtiss HealthcareAnimal Health Asia

Hong Kong, October 2016Thomas Bigger, CEO

HealthCare A New World of Health

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Curtiss Healthcare Highlights & Near Term Milestones

Founded in 2015 to commercialize research of Prof Roy Curtiss lll

Develop novel vaccines to prevent critical infectious diseases in animals & humans

Orally delivered Live Recombinant Attenuated Salmonella Vector (RASV) Vaccines

$1.4M in seed capital raised to date

>100 issued patents licensed exclusively from 3 universities

Series A to raise $12 - $15M to advance 5 - 6 vaccines

In advanced discussions with several prospective AgPharma partners

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Exclusive Licenses Consolidated IP from 3 World Class Universities

Washington Arizona State University

University University of Florida

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What is Unique About Curtiss Healthcare’s Offering

Unique Technology: Disruptive vaccine technology Single vector affords multiple pathogen protection Auto lysing or self destruction (minimizes host &

environmental effects) Vector proven safe in multiple species

Meets Market Needs: Avoids/address concerns about antibiotic resistance Delivered orally Utilizes conventional manufacturing process Economic benefit to producers


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Curtiss’ Technology Initially Focused on Improving Food Safety and Food Quality

Why Food Safety and Food Quality (FS/FQ)

· Increased expectations for food safety & antibiotic free products from major buyers and end consumers

· Middle class growth expanding globally with similar food quality demands in established & growing markets

· FS/FQ is key pillar for growth in all 3 leading food producing animal franchises

· Majority of unmet targets are bacterial, where industry’s portfolio is deficient while antibiotic use being curtailed

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Trader Joe's urged to drop meat from animals raised with antibiotics

Publicized “No Antibiotics Ever” campaign in 2015

McDonalds to cut use of antibiotics in chicken

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Value of Controlling Human Food-Borne Illnesses

Food producing animals contribute more than $300 billion in revenues to the U.S. economy

Food-borne illnesses cost U.S. economy $15 billion annually*CDC estimates there are 48 million food-borne infections in the

U.S. each yearLeading approaches to combat food-borne illnesses

Improving food handling techniques, personal hygiene and sanitary engineering

Vaccines>$5 billion currently spent to control bacterial infections in

food producing animals

6* USDA estimates

HealthCare A New World of Health

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Why Vaccines Are So Important for Agricultural Animals?

Bacterial infections will always be present in agriculture

Prevent many different bacterial infections and reduce the need for broad antibiotic use

Convenient and easy to use

Prevent development of antimicrobial resistance

Economic benefit to producers

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Why Use Salmonella as a Vaccine Vector?

Highly efficient invader in the gastro-intestinal tissues of target species

Vector attaches to mucosal lymphoid tissues and colonizes internal lymph nodes, liver & spleen

Produces robust immune stimulation and long-term protective immunity

Easily manipulated genetically which facilitates vaccine design

Curtiss Healthcare has a broad IP position using Salmonella in vaccines in animals and humans

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Why Is Curtiss Healthcare’s RASV Platform Needed Today?

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· Current vaccines not ideal for initial target infections

· Current treatment for target infections is intensive use of antibiotics

· Market and regulatory pressure to curtail or eliminate use of antibiotics

· Convenient oral delivery (in feeds, water or by spray)

· Maximum immunity with minimal reactivity

· Self-destruct, eliminating shedding and spreading

· Provides cost effective return for producer

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Curtiss Is Targeting Key Markets in FS & FQ - Initial Products in Avian & Swine

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Avian products to reduce food-borne pathogens and improve bird health and growth C. perfringens (Necrotic Enteritis) Campylobacter


E. coli

Swine disease is often subclinical and leads to productivity loss and increased costs Helicobacter


E. coli

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Initial Avian and Swine FS & FQ Products Represent Substantial Revenue Potential Avian (birds) products to reduce food-borne

pathogens and improve bird health and growth C. perfringens (Necrotic Enteritis) Campylobacter


E. coli

Swine (pigs) disease is often subclinical and leads to productivity loss and increased costs Helicobacter


E. coli

Total Peak U.S. Sales Potential of 6 Initial Programs:11

HealthCare A New World of Health

U.S. Peak Annual Sales*

$35 million

$60 million

$40 million

$20 million

$35 million

$45 million

$10 million

$235 million

* U.S. product sales estimates by Prospective Pharma Partner

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· Necrotic enteritis (NE) disease is widespread in broilers, causes diarrhea, high morbidity and mortality 10 - 40%

· Clostrium perfringens is a gram-positive, spore-forming, rapidly growing anaerobe

· Sub-clinical form is most prevalent cause of reduced growth performance

· Affects chickens beginning soon after hatch until death· NE is expected to increase with elimination/reduction of

antibiotic use

Curtiss Healthcare’s Most Advanced Product Targets Necrotic Enteritis caused by C. perfringens

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Healthy Chicks

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Proof of Efficacy in Necrotic EnteritisSalmonella enterica / Clostridium perfringens

Vaccine #2:

In consecutive studies using a single oral vaccination of chicks on the day of hatch results indicate:

Statistically significant protection from mortality; in a “real world” model, including a C. perfringens - coccidia pre-challenge

Statistically significant protection from development of lesions from C. perfringens

A dose dependent effect in protection, supporting the studies

Improved body weights and feed conversion ratios - comparable to the standard antibiotic treatment13

HealthCare A New World of Health

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Business Strategy Initial opportunities for Proof of Concept for RASV

technology in avian market (and then porcine, bovine & companion animals)

Partner initial products to generate cash flow

Identify and develop human Salmonella-based vaccines for infectious diseases (i.e. Influenza, E. coli, Clostridium difficile)

Utilize Salmonella-based vectors for delivery of immunotherapy treatments for Cancer (preliminary data available)

Exploration funded by multiple grants through Dr. Curtiss’s lab at University of Florida

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Management Team Thomas Bigger - CEO/President/Co-Founder

Experienced biotechnology executive Decades of infectious disease experience

Roy C. Curtiss lll - CSO/Co-Founder World class scientist – National Academy of Sciences member, life-

time member American Society of Microbiology Recognized world expert “has played a seminal role in the Salmonella

Vaccine field for at least 30 years” Substantial NIH and Gates funding Decades of experience in developing live vaccines

Dennis Molnar - CFO/VP Commercial Development Experienced biotechnology executive Decades of infectious disease experience

Robert Nordgren – Technical Research Advisor Experienced animal health executive 32 years of experience in developing vaccines for animal health

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Funding the Future for Curtiss Healthcare

3 Phase Funding Plan: Seed funding = $1.4 - $1.7 million

Funds lab start-up & lead program hand-off to partner – C. perfringens

Series A over next 3 - 4 years = $12 - $15 million

Funds next 4 - 5 avian & swine program development to milestones

Milestones & grants >4 years provide sustained funding (+cash flow)

Development in swine/cattle and emerging human programs funded

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