Page 1: Thomas Aquinas College Chaplains’ NewsletterApr 05, 2013  · (Prop 8), we will have crossed a line, as did Roe v. Wade forty years ago. But Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, in a

Regular Masses and Devotions


7:00am Mass, Extraordinary Form

11:30am Mass, Ordinary Form

5pm Mass, Ordinary Form

10pm Mass, Ordinary Form

3:45pm Divine Mercy Chaplet, chapel

5:30-6:30pm Adoration & Benediction

6:40pm Vespers, chapel choir loft

9:15pm Community Rosary, chapel

9:35pm Compline (Latin), chapel

Confessions before and after every Mass

Your Chaplains

Fr. Cornelius Michel Buckley, SJ

Head Chaplain

Fr. Hildebrand Garceau, O. Praem.

Fr. Joseph Illo

April 5, 2013

Chaplains’ NewsletterChaplains’ NewsletterChaplains’ Newsletter

A Blaze of Glory I was worried that the TAC

paschal fire would not blaze

brightly enough. But our

normally staid acolytes

ignited a blaze of wood and

kerosene that lit up our night,

all the way until dawn at the

Painter’s Shack.

In Catholic iconography,

St. Thomas radiates a

blazing sun from his heart.

All Christians bear the

burning radiance of Christ

Risen. Let no darkness,

neither from the world, the

flesh, or the devil, subdue

the Paschal Fire within us!


April 7 Concert at Libbey Bowl, Ojai,

4-7pm (featuring TAC choirs)

April 12 Spring Concert

April 15 Anniversary of the death of

Dr. Thomas Dillon (2009)

April 17 Groundbreaking for St. Gladys

Hall, Mass at 11:15am

Feast Days

April 7 Divine Mercy Sunday. We will

pray the Chaplet after the 9am

Mass, and have a procession after

the 11:30 Mass

April 8 Solemnity of the Annunciation.

Consecration to the Blessed

Mother after the 11:30 Mass

A Weekly Bulletin of Events and Commentary from your Chaplains

Thomas Aquinas College

Dr. Thomas Dillon

Dr. Tom Dillon came to TAC in 1972, the

College’s second year of existence. He

brought a Ph.D. in philosophy from Notre

Dame, and an acute perception of the Col-

lege’s potential. He served as College

President for 18 years, doubling the

school’s enrollment and faculty, erecting

nine of our buildings, including the library,

St. Thomas Hall, and of course our stun-

ning Chapel of Our Lady of the Most Holy

Trinity. He raised $100 million over his

tenure, making possible a TAC education

for thousands, and a flagship Catholic College for our nation.

On April 15, 2009, Dr. Dillon was driving to a Catholic educa-

tion conference in Ireland with his wife Terri. The car went off the

road and our President perished in the accident. Dr. Dillon “left a

noble legacy of faith and learning, which will continue to enrich

minds and hearts for years to come," in the words of the Papal

Nuncio. His was the first funeral in the chapel he designed. Let us

pray for Dr. Dillon, his wife Terri, and their four children on the

fourth anniversary of his death, next Monday, April 15.

Page 2: Thomas Aquinas College Chaplains’ NewsletterApr 05, 2013  · (Prop 8), we will have crossed a line, as did Roe v. Wade forty years ago. But Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, in a

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Fr. Barron’s Catholicism Series # 6:

The Church. Friday, April 5, 7pm,

Loyola Hall. Food.

If the Supreme Court overturns California’s Constitutional

Amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman

(Prop 8), we will have crossed a line, as did Roe v. Wade forty

years ago. But Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, in a recent

interview with USA Today, says the truth cannot be suppressed

by a court decision: “The natural law has a power written on the

human heart that doesn't go away….After the Roe decision, it

was commonly thought that our society would soon easily ac-

cept the legitimacy of abortion. But the pro-life movement is

stronger now than it ever has been. This is because of the truth:

Abortion is the killing of an innocent human life.... The same

principle applies with marriage: It is simply a natural fact that

you need a man and a woman to make a marriage….Even if the

Supreme Court rules

against this truth, the

controversy will not die

out.” Carpe Veritatem!

Abi and an unidentified admirer (he shaved)

March Madness v. Good Friday

Joseph Lozano was in a quandary. The NCAA Sweet

Sixteen games were playing at the same time as the

Holy Thursday and Good Friday liturgies. He

wondered how he could sneak past Fr. Illo to watch

the games at Loyola during the Triduum services.

So he asked Fr. Buckley for advice. “Not a

problem,” said Fr. Buckley: “That’s what video

recorders are for.” Joseph was surprised. "You

mean I can tape Good Friday?”

Let us remember our

Seniors at our Masses and daily rosaries

Crossword Puzzle by Puzzlemaster Joan Short

Across 1. Future first 5. Prized for its fur 6. St. Teresia Benedicta 8. Part of a hot cereal 9. Half a Latin dance 10. British parenthesis 12. He says, "Hear ye, hear ye." 13. See: Look:: ____ : Listen

Down 1. Rose Sunday 2. What Miss Reyes is no longer (acro) 3. Raincoat 4. Leash 5. Keeps clothes pleated 6. Reaction to ice-cream served in Lent 7. Sean Schmidgall is identi-fied by this 11. Spies' boss (acro.)

Dancing the night away before their defense

Welcome the Church, Abi Retallick!

Fr. Illo will be giving a retreat to the Missionaries of Charity in Peru,

April 10-20. He begs your prayers, and will ask the Sisters to pray for you.

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