Page 2: This PowerPoint presentation was made by: Melissa and Minou

Polar bears live on the Arctic, and they don’t live on Antarctica. Some other places were you can fined polar bears are: U.S. (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Denmark Greenland and Norway.

The Arctic Ocean is were they are most of the time because that is were the seals live and they are their favourite food. When polar bears walk on ice they look for holes in the ice because that is where the seals will pop up to breath. Some places in the Arctic it doesn’t freeze so they hope to find some seals there.

Page 5: This PowerPoint presentation was made by: Melissa and Minou

Stalking is a way that polar bears will catch food on warm days when seals are lying on the ice in the sun. A polar bear will try and sneak up on a seal, either from on the ice or swimming up from the water. When the bear is close enough they will get the seal.

Most polar bears catch their food by "Still Hunting". This means that they smell out a seal's breathing hole and wait for a seal to swim to the surface for a breath of air. When the seal comes along, the bear bites it and uses it's huge paws to flip the seal up on to the ice.

Page 6: This PowerPoint presentation was made by: Melissa and Minou

When polar bears are on the sea ice, there is little or no fresh water for them to drink. All the ice they are on is made of salt water, which is not good to drink. When a polar bear eats fat and blubber, they turn it into energy and water. They get all the fresh water from the fat they eat.

Page 7: This PowerPoint presentation was made by: Melissa and Minou

Taste: Polar bears use their big dark tongues to

taste things. Polar bears like lots fat, and even food that is starting to rot. Some days they will chew seaweed

Polar bears prefer certain food’s like: Seals, Wales and Birds eggs

Page 9: This PowerPoint presentation was made by: Melissa and Minou

SightBeing good hunters both at night and during the day means that polar bears have pretty good eyes. Their two dark eyes point directly forward, making it easy for them to see their prey. Polar bears also can see colour but not as good as people.

Their eyes have a protective cover that they can see though. This cover protects their eyes from the bright sunlight and reflection off the snow and ice. It's a little like having built in goggles.

Page 10: This PowerPoint presentation was made by: Melissa and Minou


Although no one seems completely sure how well a polar bear can hear, they seem to be able to hear as well as most people can.

Touch:Polar bears seem to have a very good sense of touch. They can move things carefully with their paws and have been known to pick things up very gently with their mouth.

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