
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Ann Catholic Church July 1, 2018

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Ann Catholic Church July 1, 2018

QUESTION: What is the so-called “Problem of Evil”?

ANSWER: The Problem of Evil is a philosophical problem that many people raise as the reason for their atheism. The argument goes: "God is supposedly all-good and all-powerful. So, He is both able to prevent evil (because He is all-powerful) and He should desire to prevent all evil (because He is all-good). But evil does exist, so therefore God is either not all-good or not all-powerful. But that would mean He isn’t God. Therefore He doesn’t exist.” Sounds like a persuasive argument, no? It convinc-es a lot of people. However, the part that is over-looked is that the argument assumes that God could have no sufficient reason to allow evil for a greater good. But how could we know that? A dog assumes that the vet is simply inflicting pain - it has no concept that this pain is for a greater good. A parent sometimes allows a child to learn “the hard way”; a parent is saddened when a child is harmed, but sometimes they are able to express their love and compassion in new ways in such situations. But God is infinitely wiser than us - could it not be that, although the suffering we en-dure may be great, there is a greater good that is accomplished in us?

Do you have a question for Father Marotti about the Catholic faith or a Catholic practice? Email your question to [email protected].

WELCOME TO ST. ANN CHURCH! We are blessed to have you here.

If you have been considering joining St. Ann Church we have made it super easy! Just stop in the office and say “hi” and pick up a Welcome/Registration folder. Inside you will find a registra-tion form, a parish directory, and information on the many activities in which you can get involved. If the office is closed, folders can also be found on the counter in the vestibule. We are very excited to meet you! Blessings!!

Download myParish App

The St. Ann Catholic Church app is available to download for iPhone and Android smart phones. Download it at

What’s up with the penitential rite?

The introductory rites that begin the Mass are very brief and often not much of a focus when catechesis on the Mass is done. But if our goal is to become engaged active participants at Mass then I believe the penitential rite has an important role to play especially in terms of preparing ourselves to receive the grace that is available to us. The first thing the penitential rite does, for me at least, is to humble me, remind me of my sinful-ness, and my need for a savior. It helps me to see the reality of who I am and who God is. Assisting our children in seeing themselves in the reality of their relationship with God might be one of the most significant aspects of passing on the faith. You may recall that the penitential rite comes in three flavors: Form A

the Confiteor prayer (I confess to you almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters…) Form B Priest: Have Mercy on us Lord . People: For we have sinned against you. Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy. People: And grant us your salvation. (can’t remember ever using form B at St. Ann) and Form C where often we hear our Deacon lead with “You were sent to heal the contrite of heart: Lord have mercy” and we reply, “Lord have mercy”.

Through each of these sequences we are asked to call our sins to mind and repent of them. It is useful to remind our children that we do this so as to prepare ourselves for the reception of the Eucharist. This emphasizes the real presence of Jesus and how we actually eat of his body blood soul and divinity when we receive Him.

Dear Friends,

God made eve-rything, right? Actually, today’s First Reading from the Book of Wisdom tells us explicitly “God did not make death.” This is an important truth to keep in mind, since so many people react to the death of a loved one with the question “Why did God decide to take them now? Why did they have to die? How is this God’s plan?” Well, the answer I often give is that God doesn’t decide to “take them”, it was not His plan that any of us would have to die. God’s initial plan for the human race was to live immortally in His friendship and grace. The entrance of death into the world was the foreseen - but not willed - effect of sin. The gift of our freedom entailed the dangerous possibility of rejecting God. Even though God knew that it would be abused, it was still impossible for us to love Him freely without the possibil-ity of rejecting Him freely. Those are the necessary two sides of the coin of freedom.

Once our First Parents rejected the

gift of immortal life in God’s grace, it threw all of Creation into chaos. Death entered in, human nature suffered a terrible wound, nature is no longer in harmony with itself or with humanity. This is the devastating effect of sin - something not willed by God, but allowed on account of our freedom. But why is God allowing so much sin, and death, and evil? That is the question that has an answer, but not an answer that will satisfy us when we are in the midst of evil, or suffering, or the loss of a loved one. We can comfort ourselves, however, with this truth: God is infinitely good, infinitely powerful, and infinitely loving; if He allows us to suffer, it is only because the glory to be obtained in eternity far surpasses anything we could ask for or imagine. In Christ, Fr Marotti

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Ann Catholic Church July 1, 2018

Parish Finance Council Members: Jeanne Blondia, Bill English, Todd Maddox, Martha Reid, Tom Zavitz




6/3/18 $ 11,897.50

6/10/18 $11,320.66

6/17/18 $11,675.10

6/24/18 $10,015.13

Electronic gifts to date for June 2018 $ 8,350.00

Total gifts to date for June 2018 $ 53,258.39

YTD Actual $681,832.71

Please note: Names will be kept on the prayer list for 30 days. If you need to extend that time, please call the parish office at 269•731•4721.

July 7-8 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM

SACRISTAN A. Kaywood K. Lewis T. Kubiak

E.M. A. Kaywood G. Anthony D. Boone

D. Rzepka L. Bodary B. English

M. Ambro P. Sutherland D. Hadden

L. Ambro C. Longman K. Hadden

LECTOR T. Burkhardt C. Longman K. Borobia

Prayer Requests

If you would like to request that someone be put in the bulletin or on the prayer chain, please fill out the form on the St. Ann website. Go to

Please keep the family & friends of our St. Ann community in your prayers.


Couples Dinner Date Night

David Parker, MD will be present-ing “Fertility, Technology & the Church – A Catholic Physician’s Experience”.

THUR I JULY 26 I 6:30-8:30 pm Lawrence Center Auditorium at Borgess. The cost is $50/couple.

Dr. Parker is a practicing physician at St. Joseph OB/GYN Specialists and Midwifery in Mishawaka, Ind. and completed a fellowship in surgical and medical NaPro Technology at the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction in Omaha, Neb. Contact Socorro Truchan, 269.903.0199 or [email protected]. Joy Filled Marriage Mentoring

We are inviting married couples (5 years and longer) who would like to share their life stories, and walk with or accompany engaged couples who are planning to marry in the Catholic Church. Please contact Socorro at 269-903-0199 or via email at [email protected]


Universal – Social Networks That social networks may work towards that inclusiveness which respects other for their differences.

ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY St. Ann Parish Conference Est. 2003

We are in need of meals in a can (like ravioli, stew, chili) laundry detergent, cereal, canned fruit, and pasta and sauce.

Thank you for your generosity!

Committee Meetings WED | 1:00 pm (except 1st WED)

THUR | 7:00 pm (1st THUR)

Interested parishioners welcome

Office Hours TUE/WED | 10:00 am-12:00 pm

Contact PHONE | 269•389•0370 WEBSITE | EMAIL | [email protected]


SAT June 30 SATURDAY VIGIL Confession | 4:00-4:45 pm Mass | 5:00 pm | †Michael King


Confession | 8:00-8:45 am | 10:00-10:45 am Mass | 9:00 am | The Parishioners of St. Ann Church

11:00 am | †Ronald Gallagher

TUE July 3 ST. THOMAS, APOSTLE Confession | 7:30-8:15 am Mass | 8:30 am | Vocations

WED July 4 WEEKDAY Confession | 7:30-8:15 am Mass | 8:30 am | †George O’Hare

THU July 5 WEEKDAY Confession | 7:30-8:15 am Mass | 8:30 am | Special intention Pam Novak (Baptism Anniversary)

FRI July 6 WEEKDAY Confession | 7:30-8:15 am Service | 8:30 am | Special Intention of Bob and Dorothy Wenzel 50th Anniversary

SAT July 7 FIRST SATURDAY MASS Mass | 8:30 am | †Jim Stouffer Confession | Following Mass


Confession | 4:00-4:45 pm Mass | 5:00 pm | The Parishioners of St. Ann Church

SUN July 8 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Confession | 8:00-8:45 am | 10:00-10:45 am Mass | 9:00 am | †Carl Fry 11:00 am | Special intention of the McPheters Family

Philip Anthony Branson Family Dolly Brogger Ron Carl Tami Carl Kent Clark Dave Creamer Dave Iselli Kalisz Family Marcia and Dave Koestner David LaRue

Margaret McCarthy Jenna Miller Ted Miller Robert Pennock Carl Shumaker Rita Spencer Ernest Stage Danelle Lawrence Sweet Dana Winchester Dale Van Patten

You can find a Magnificat in the church vestibule. It contains daily

readings, information about saints and other

interesting insights about


MON 2 | Am 2:6-10, 13-16 | Mt 8:18-22

TUE 3 | Eph 2:19-22 | Jn 20:24-29

WED 4 | Am 5:14-15, 21-24 | Mt 8:28-34

THU 5 | Am 7:10-17 | Mt 9:1-8

FRI 6 | Am 8:4-6, 9-12 | Mt 9:9-13

SAT 7 | Am 9:11-15 | Mt 9:14-17

SUN 8 | Ez 2:2-5 | 2 Cor 12:7-10 Mk 6:1-6


"Trust all things to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians and you will see what miracles are." - St. John Bosco

We have Perpetual Adoration. Anyone is welcome to adore. Just knock on the door and someone will let you in the chapel.

Interested in becoming a regular adorer? Contact Brenda Sinkovitz 269•491•0377 [email protected]

The Magnificat can be found on the counter in the vestibule. Donations can be left in the office. Large print versions are available.

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Ann Catholic Church July 1, 2018

Congratulations Annamaria Siliciano and Brendon Cochran on your engage-ment and your upcoming wedding on July 21, 2018 .

Please pray for this couple as they join in the Sacrament of Matrimony.

FIRST SATURDAY MASS AND DEVOTION Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form

July 7, 8:30 am Mass followed by

• Confession

• Devotional Prayers

• Five decades of the Rosary

• Keeping Our Lady company for 15 minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary

BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL Thank you to the families who pledged to support the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. We are close to meeting our goal. Please prayerfully consider giving today to help fund the important activities of our Diocese.

How to Give:

• Fill out a pew card and give it to the office.

• Give online at

WANTED!! Theme Baskets for the Festival Raffle

Families are asked to choose a theme such as “Night at the Movies”, “Fun in the Sun”, or “Girls Night Out” and build a basket of goodies around that theme. Use your imagination to build a fun basket to raffle off to parishioners. Google “theme baskets” for ideas as well. Drop your basket off in the office.

John and Julie Ehlich visited St. Anthony's in Gwinn, MI. What a beautiful sanctuary!

The Kinkelas also visited St Brenden's in Hillard Ohio. They did a lovely Angelus before Mass for priest vocations, permanent deacon vocations and religious vocations.

The Kinkelas snapped a selfie outside of St. John the Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio on the feast day.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!! Please sign up in the vestibule or online to set up, serve, help with games etc.

RESERVE YOUR SEAT!! Sign up in the vestibule or online with the number that will attend and the food you will be bringing.

A-D: Fruits and Veggies E-H: Salads I-L: Pasta/Rice/Potato Dishes M-R: Desserts S-U: Chips/Dips/Cheese/Crackers V-Z: 6-2 liter bottles of pop


We want to see the cool places your family attends Mass this summer. While you are on vacation, snap a photo of you and/or your family at the church you where you attended Mass and email it to [email protected]. Include where it was and something cool you experienced at that parish. They will be posted online and in the bulletin.

Tim and Linda Freybler were visiting St. Leonard’s in Boston for the feast day of St. Anthony of Padua. They have a procession through the city. Businesses and parishion-ers donate money as the statue goes by. They also had Saint Anthony bread.

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Ann Catholic Church July 1, 2018


Office Hours: 8:30 am-4:30 pm

12648 East D Ave•Augusta•49012 Fax: 269•731•4147 Email: [email protected] Website:

Clergy Fr. Francis Marotti | 269•731•4721 [email protected]

Deacon Mike Carl | 269•207•7365 [email protected]

Parish Secretary Pat Lawrence | 269•731•4721 [email protected]

Religious Education | 269•731•0295 Director | Pat Vanderpool [email protected]

Associate Director | Bobby Kinkela [email protected]

Parish Communications Michelle Guthrie | 269•998•0587 [email protected]

Bookkeeper Martha Reid | 269•629•7228 [email protected]

Music Minister Martha Reid | 269•629•7228 [email protected]

Maintenance | 269•731•4721 [email protected]

Abuse hotline: 877•802•0115

TUES | July 3 Knights of Columbus 7:15 am I Conference Room

THUR | July 5 Men’s Basketball 6:30 pm I Gymnasium

SAT | July 7 Men’s Small Group 8:00 am I Conference Room

A Good Shepherd Montessori School Ages 3 to 6

And a classical school grades K-8

We are currently enrolling for the 2018-19 school year! Contact Office Administrator Mary Memmott for a tour at

269•203•6808 •

A Message from Carrie Jewett

As we close our 23rd year at Vineyard Academy, and the 7th year of St. Ann Montessori, and take up our expanded mission as Light of Christ Academy, I look back over the countless blessings God has placed in my life. Loving, Christ-centered teachers and staff, incredible students and families, generous, self-sacrificing benefactors that made these past years possible are among our most cher-ished blessings. We are so grateful to St. Ann Parish, Fr. Marotti, Deacon Mike, Fr. John Fleckenstein, our Bish-op, Paul Bradley, and all those who have

worked so hard to bring us to our new home, and to this school community.

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