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TheTeamofARAToursARAToursattends youduringoffice hours in

German and English.Outside office hours you can call us under theemergency number below where you canalso

reach us on weekends.

Visiting AddressSabana

Sur Del Colegio de Médicos 100metros al este y 150 metros al sur

frente a la Universidad La SalleSan José, Costa Rica

Office HoursMonday - Friday: 07.00 - 19.00

24 Hour EmergencyTelephone:8893-3863

HeadOfficePrefix forCostaRica [+506]

[+506] 2232-0400

[+506] 2232-0363

[email protected]


Saturday: 08.00 -16.00

November until end of EasterWeek:Sunday:08.00–16.00

Telephone: 2232-0400 Ext.300

[email protected]

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“Natural Paradise”, “Garden of Eden between the Pacific and the Atlantic”,“Tropical Garden between two Oceans” - that’s how Costa Rica often isdescribed in articles, travel guides, and travel reports. Thismight also havebeen one of the reasons why you decided to go on this trip. Soon, you willsee that the authors of these descriptions did not exaggerate.

Costa Rica is full of colors, shapes, flora and fauna. In addition, there is thefun-loving, open-minded, and hospitably population who will enrich yourstay. With the growth of tourism in recent years, the range of touristattractions has increased enormously, offering plenty of ways to explorethis natural paradise. Enjoy the wide range of opportunities, approachpeople, exchange stories, get inspired by the zest of life, and fill up yourenergy in the nature! But don’t forget that you are a guest in a country with adifferent culture and lifestyle.

Show respect to the people, help to leave nature as it is, and explore it as“gently” as possible. By visiting you help to protect nature and ensure thatthe people living there receive an income.

We would like to express our gratitude and wish you an exciting andinteresting trip through the natural paradise of Costa Rica.

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InformationfromA–Z Health01.





ComplaintsDepositFood and DrinkFlight ConnectionsMoney/Currency/Exchange/Credit CardsATMBaggageInternetClothesNational ParksOceanCurrents MailOfficeConfirmation of the Return FlightReturn Flight/Departure TaxSouvenirs and ShoppingVoltageTaxiPhone CallsTransport/TransfersTaxes and Tips

07. Medical Care

Environment/NatureConservationand SecurityAdvice09.Welcome to Costa Rica10. Environment and NatureConservation11. Security Advice13. Important Phone Numbers

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Regions in Costa Rica Interesting Facts14 Central Region17 Northern Plains19 MonteverdeandSantaElena

Region20 Puerto Viejo deSarapiquí21 North Pacific23 Central Pacific24 South Pacific25 Northern Caribbean26 Southern Caribbean

30 Did you knowthat...

CulturalEvents andHolidays

History of CostaRica

32 January - December

27 1502 - 2014Signs36 Danger ahead!37 Regulatory Signs38 Construction Signs

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ComplaintsIn case you are not happy with one of the servicesor you have a reason for complaints, pleasecontact ARA Tours or your tour guide immediately.

DepositSome hotels may ask you to sign a blank creditcard slip, something that is required at car rentalcompanies. Hotels will ask for this security so thatyou may visit their restaurant or bar and pay bymerely leaving your signature instead of having tocarry cash. When renting a car, the deposit willcover the deductive as well as incidental expensessuch as fuel as well as potential tickets, andsurcharges for one-way rentals. Make sure youreceive this slip prior to your departure. You cansettle your charges with it or your can destroy it.

Food and DrinkWhether local, international or fusion cuisine,there is a wide range of food. Costa Rica is not agourmet land but in several (mostly some moreexpensive) restaurants and hotels you can tastesome delicious meals. In the city center of SanJosé, especially in the noble suburbs such asEscazú and Santa Ana, and generally in themetropolitan area of the central valley, you canfind a wide range of interesting restaurants andbars.Costa Rica’s cuisine is quite rustic but verydelicious. The traditional cuisine is based onrice,

beans, corn, tubercle such as potatoes, sweetpotatoes, taro, arracacha, cassava, andvegetables combined with meat, chicken, and fish.At least once you should try “Casado”, a typicalcombination of some of these dishes. More andmore, vegetarian food is offered whereas veganfood is not very widespread. TripAdvisor providesan overview of restaurants with their offers.People usually don’t eat spicy food but a hotsauce or spicy pickled vegetables - a Chilero - isfrequently offered.

In cookshops, which are called “sodas”, you willreceive small dishes such as Empanadas (frieddumplingsmade of cornmeal and filled with meat,cheese or beans) and Gallos (tortillas filled withmeat, chicken, pork sausage or cheese).The national health ministry inspects all restaurantand cookshops (sodas). The hygienic standard isvery high in Costa Rica. Tap water is potable inmany places, except in some jungle lodges wherespecially filtered water is provided. Ice cubes aregenerally made of filtered water.

Costa Rica grows hardly any wine, this is whyalmost all the offered wines are export productswhich are quite expensive for European standards.Good quality is provided by wine from Chile,Argentina, and California. Supermarkets(especially in the metropolitan area of the central

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valley) usually have awide rangeof different typesof wine from variouscountries.

Beers from large breweries are characterized byEuropean recipes. The most common type is theImperial (export beer), followed by Pilsen(Bohemian Pilsen), Bavaria (Bavarian Light Beer4.8%), and Bavaria Dark (dark, malty). There aresome different alternatives such as Imperial Silver,Imperial light, Bavaria light, Bavaria chill, andBohemia with a slighter flavor and a lower alcoholcontent. A variety of licensed beers such asHeineken (Holland), Toña (Nicaragua), Corona(Mexico), Gallo (Guatemala), and Budweiser (USA)is offered.

In recent years, more and more microbreweriesthat offer their products locally have been built.

Flight ConnectionsCosta Rica provides a good national flightnetwork. The airlines SANSA and NATURE AIRoffer daily direct connections to almost all theimportant places and regions. They provide awell-maintained fleet with modern technicalequipment and highly trained pilots. You willreceive flight schedules and prices at our office.Important: Baggage might be limited ondomesticflights depending on the airline and ticket class(between max. 18 kg (39 lb) AEROBELL and 14kg (30 lb) SANSA). One hand baggage, with theinternational permittedmeasures, is allowedwith4.5 kg (9 lb).

Further information under:

Money/Currency/Exchange/Credit CardsCostaRica’s national currency is the “Colón” (fromSpanish Cristóbal Colón = Christopher Columbus).Bank notes and coins are denominated as follows:

Bank notes: 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000,and 50,000; coins: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500US dollar can be changed at all banks, euros atmost of them. In many stores and supermarketsyou can pay with US$ (not with €) and you willreceive change in the national currency.

With VISA, MASTERCARD, and AMERICANEXPRESS you can pay almost everywhere, withDINER’S CLUB unfortunately not. In general, it isadvisable to carry a small amount of cash inUS$ (small notes 1, 5, 10, 20) or Colones.

Traveler’s checks can only be cashed by banks.This usually takes some time and it will becharged a fee (1-5%).

It is mandatory to show your passport whenchanging money at banks, changing traveler’schecks, paying with credit card, and usuallyalso when paying with US$ notes (bank noteshigher than US$ 20.-- are often accepted bybanksonly).

ATMAt almost every bank you will find an ATM as wellas at some supermarkets in the entrance area(Wallmart, Max x Menos, Automercado, MegaSuper).

At the national banks (Banco Costa Rica, BancoNacional, Banco Popular) functionality is limited tothe time of 5:00 am until 12:00 am for safetyreasons (prevention of assaults).

Private banks (BAC San José, Davivienda,Lafisse, Scotiabank, Banco Proamerica, Citibank,BCT) operate their ATMs 24hours.

On the ATMs it is indicated in which currency youcan withdraw money:¢ = COLONES $ = US DOLLAR

Private banks mostly have a greater acceptance ofdifferent cards. It is usually indicated at the

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entrance which cards will be accepted.

The menu on the screen can usually be displayedin Spanish and English.

Important terms that appear on the screen:


In order to provide details of your piece ofbaggage, please enter the ten-digit referencenumber in the first field and your last name in thesecond field (the last name must match exactlythe data of the Property Irregularity Report (PIR).Then click on the Send button. It is recommendedto carry underwear and clothes for one day in yourhand baggage as well as importantmedication.

Cuenta CorrienteCuenta Ahorro

Tarjeta de CréditoRetiro

Checking AccountSavings AccountCredit CardWithdrawl

InternetInternet access is provided in almost every hotel(usually for free). Please ask for availability andthe access code at the check-in. Many restaurantsoffer this service, too. Some, mostly larger hotels,provide internet on their own

It is often indicated on the screen that the bankwill charge you a fee (usually US$ 3.--) when youwithdraw money. You have to answer with Sí orYes if you want to continue.

The daily credit card limit is determined by yourbank. The limit at the ATM is usually US$ 600.--per operation, depending on the daily limit of thebank/credit card.

BaggageIdeally, you travel in Costa Rica with two pieces ofbaggage. A suitcase and a backpack (bag) forexcursions. There are baggage restrictions ondomestic flights (see topic flights). There might be abaggage weight limit on boat excursions (12-18kg/26-39 lb) and only one hand baggage (4.5 kg/9lb) is allowed. If so, our office or the tour guide willorganize the storage of your main baggage.

If one of your pieces of baggage should not arrivewith the same flight, please report this at thecorresponding counter in the baggage hall.Always indicate your address(es) of the next 2days. You can track the status of this piece ofbaggage on your airline’s website (e.g. Iberia) withthe internationalWORLDTRACER:

computers. This might be liable to costs.

ClothesIn Costa Rica you will find quite differenttemperatures which depend on the altitude (0-3820 m.a.s.l./0-12,530 FASL). In the lowlands andon the coasts the climate is hot and often alsohumid. In some regions humidity reaches up to80-90%. In the central highlands, there aresummery temperatures almost all over the year,except in December when temperatures drop to 16degrees (61 ºF). In places surrounded bymountains beyond 1500 m.a.s.l. (5000 FASL) itmight get cool and at night even cold. In the highmountains beyond 2500 m (8200 ft), temperaturesdrop to 0 degrees (32 ºF) and you will be happy tocarry a wind jacket and/or a pullover.Raincoat/poncho and/or umbrella arerecommendable.

Usually, there is no dress code in restaurants andhotels but you should not appear at table inswimwear. It is not allowed to go topless or nakedto the beaches or to public baths.

National ParksToward the end of the 1970s, governments beganto put more effort into supporting nature

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conservation. In the preceding decades, priorityhad been given to the development of newfarmlands, and huge forest areas had beenconverted into agricultural land. Some of thesurviving areas of unspoiled nature were thenaccorded the protection of national park status. Inthese reserves - which are managed by aspecifically designed state institution (SINAC) - itis prohibited to build, cultivate, and removeanything. Only on paths and trails - speciallyapproved for guests - you can explore parts ofthese nature reserves. Currently, approximately25% of the whole country underlie state protection.Other 5% of the country are protected by privateinitiatives but with the support of the SINAC.

The entrance fee is between US$ 10-18.--.

Ocean CurrentsAt all beaches in Costa Rica strong currentsmightoccur and there is often a relatively high surf dueto tidal movements or weather conditions. It isimportant to obey the local advises (red flag at thebeach indicates danger). Ask your tour guide, thelocal population or, if present, the lifeguard aboutthe general and current conditions whether thesea is suitable for swimming. If possible, informfellow travelers or your tour guide about your planto swim. Have respect for the great waves andalways try to keep your feet on the ground. If youget caught by a current, stay calm. Swim parallelto the beach, away from the current. If you needhelp, catch attention by waving your arms(crossed arms over head) andshout.

Mail OfficeMail offices are located in all larger towns. TheCosta Rican mail offices have the monopoly forthe sale of stamps. Only local currency isaccepted, no US dollar. Mailboxes are rather rarein Costa Rica. They are blue with the label“Correos de Costa Rica” and are set up in somehotels and gift shops. Postcards are best

submitted directly by the mail office. Usually, ittakes about 10 days to send a postcard to Europe.The Costa Rican mail office also provides couriermail and parcel service. Prices are mostly lowerthan those from other commercial providers.

Confirmation of the Return FlightAccording to our information of the airlines, aconfirmation of the return flight is not necessary ifthe return flight is set within two months afterarrival. If this is not the case or you would like tohave confirmed your flight anyway, please do soon the airline’s website with the code of theelectronic ticket. There you can also carry out theelectronic check-in and reserve a seat.

Return Flight/Departure TaxThe airport operators recommend to be at theairport three hours before departure. The safetyregulations are, depending on the internationalsituation, quite strict and intensive controls arecarried out. If you booked an additional transferfor your return flight from your hotel, you will findthe corresponding pick-up time on your transferinformation.

When departing from the international airport JuanSantamaría, near San José and Liberia, you willhave to pay a departure tax prior to check-in.These are included in most of the airlines bynow.Check here whether this applies to your airline orconsult them under the following link:

Juan Santamaría Intl. (SJO)

Daniel Oduber Quirós Intl. (LIR)

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Souvenir and ShoppingIn the tourist resorts you will find souvenir shopswith a wide range of popular and traditional goods.

Shopping facilities are provided by the cities ofSan José, Heredia, Alajuela, Cartago, and Liberia.The large, covered shopping malls, which offer avariety of goods in different shops, are verypopular here.

Please note that exportation of the followinggoods are prohibited:

Any kind of plants, animals, insects, corals,tortoise-shell articles as well as pre-Colombianand Indian artifacts (originals). Sometimes strictcontrols will be applied at the airport. Exception:Seeds, plants, and farmed butterflies (exhibit) with avalid export certificate. Reproductions of NativeIndian artifacts should be accompanied with acorresponding certificate.

VoltageThe voltage is 110 volts/60 hertz throughout thecountry. Check the compatibility of your chargers.An adapter for flat contact plugs is necessary forthe sockets type A + B (US standard). You canbuy them at low prices in hardware stores on thespot.

TaxiTaxis are red and have a yellow triangle with thetaxi number on the front doors and a yellow signon the roof. Please travel only by these officialtaxis. All taxis must have a taximeter (“Maria”).Make sure the taxi driver switches it on. Officialairport taxis are orange and have fixed tariffs.

Phone CallsTheareacodetomakecalls toCostaRica is+506.From Costa Rica to US and Canada +1, to theUK+44, to Ireland +353, to the Isle of Man +44-1624,to Australia +61, and to New Zealand +64, followedby the city code (without the first 0) and the phonenumber. At most hotels you can makeinternational phone calls (costs around US$ 1-2.--per minute). If you carry your own cell phone, youcan buy a chip of one of the local telephonecompanies (Kölbi, Movistar, Claro) and somecredit to call home. This is cheaper than roamingwith the ownchip.

Transport / TransfersWe are happy to organize additional transportsand transfers for you throughout the country.Please consider that it will take some time toorganize the transfer and that it is subject toavailability. Therefore, we ask you to make yourrequest early enough. In Costa Rica you can travelby public buses. This is why you should knowsome Spanish in order to ask for thecorresponding bus stops, prices, and departuretimes. Internet often provides information aboutcertain routes. Traveling by bus can take a lot oftime. There are also private minibus entrepreneurswith collective transports which take you right fromyour hotel to your destination. These transfershave fixed schedules and take place with aminimum of 2 persons. If you would like to travelalone or the fixed departure times of the collectivebuses do not suit your program, we recommendour private transfers. Flights with one of thedomestic flight airlines such as a scheduled flightor a charter service are time-saving. We are happyto give you advise about the differentopportunities.

Taxes and TipsThevalueadded taxamounts to 13%atpresent.Restaurants charge a 10% service fee - whichare prescribed by the legislator - that thewhole

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service staff will receive.

If you still like to tip the staff, you can choose itsamount, of course.

Some restaurants only indicate net prices in themenus. In this case, 13% VAT and 10% servicefee will beadded. If “I.V.I.” is indicatedon themenu, itmeans that the VAT is already included and onlythe service fee has to be paid.

Tips for:

Chambermaids: US$ 1.-- per night .Local guides: US$ 1-5.--Drivers: US$ 1-2.-- per dayTour guide: US$ 2-4.-- per day

In general, the amount of the tip depends on yoursatisfaction and is subject to your own discretion.

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The medical treatment is very good throughoutthe country. In the metropolitan area and in thewhole central valley, including the cities of Cartago,Heredia, and Alajuela, there are good nationalhospitals and clinics which are equipped withmodern appliances and good, highly trainedmedical staff. There are two large private clinics inSan José such as “Clinica Biblica” (phone +5062522 1000) and “Hospital CIMA” (phone +5062208 1000). Both private clinics also offer highstandard with modern appliances and good, highlytrained medical staff. Furthermore, they providepharmacies which are opened 24hours.

Private clinics demand to cover costs by a creditcard or your health insurance’s declaration ofassumption of costs. State hospitals are obliged totreat also non-members of the public healthinsurance in case of an emergency. The costs, ofcourse, must be borne by the patient or his or hertravel health insurance.

Outside the capital region you receive medical,stationary care through the national hospitals.Smaller towns and villages provide state clinicsoremergency centers (EBAIS) with outpatient careas well as private medical centers with registereddoctors from different fields. Pharmacies are agood possibility to receive first help, andinformation about doctors who are locallyavailable. The pharmacist on duty can give first

advice in case of non-critical diseases. In largercities there are pharmacies with a 24-houremergency service.On the website of the US Embassy you will find alist with English-speaking doctors, and a list withhospitals andclinics:

In most parts of the country, tap water is potable.Please inform yourself about the respectivedrinking water quality on the spot. If you want toplay safe, you better buy water in bottles. In thetropics it is important to drink regularly andsufficient water.Avoid eating food of street vendors. Always washraw fruits and vegetables or, if possible, peel them.Do not touch or eat plants and fruits you don’tknow when exploring nature. Some of them cancause allergic reactions.

There is a low risk of Malaria in the Matina districtin Central Limón (east) but it is so low that noprophylaxis has been recommended, so far.

Illnesses such as dengue fever, chikunguya, andzika can be transmitted by the bite of the tigermosquito (aedes aegypti). These illnesses occurrepeatedly in different phases. The health

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department fights regularly against possiblehatcheries and sprays insecticide on places thatindicate infections. The windows in the hotels areusually equipped with mosquito screens andsome rooms have mosquitonets.

Please use a reliable mosquito repellentround-the-clock during your stay such as OFF,NO-BITE, ANTIBRUM, etc.

Mosquito repellent can be bought on the spotin all supermarkets andpharmacies.

In case of an emergency, please contact our office(+506 2232 0400 or +506 8893 3863) or callthe official emergency number 911.

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Welcome to CostaRicaCosta Rica is one of the most important and diverseeco-tourism destinations in Central America. About5% of the world’s biodiversity can be found here.Environmental protection and nature conservation isalready being promoted and has been implemented inmany areas of the country. Over 25% of its 51,100 km²(19,730 mi²) total land area is under protection and ismonitored and administered by the state. Additional5% are private protection and reforestation projectsthat operate with the state’s support.

The Tourism Board ICT pursues a certificationprogram (CST) which assesses the commitment inthe areas of environmental protection, nature andcultural conservation as well as sustainability oftourism companies. Certificates with 1 green leaf to 5green leaves for commitment and implementation ofthe directives areawarded.

In 2015, ARA Tours was awarded the maximum of 5green leaves for the first time and we workcontinuously to keep up this high standard.

That is why we like to present you some advice onhow to preserve the unique nature of this beautifulcountry and also to protect the environment duringyour stay. In order that your stay in Costa Rica won’tbe only relaxing and adventurous but also safe, wewill present you some additional information for yourpersonal security.

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Environment and NatureConservation

Respect Nature

Follow the instructions of the park rangers

Refrain from smoking in natureDo not leave the designated hiking trails

Do not talk too loudly. This makes it easier to spot some wild animals

Do not use the flash on your camera when taking pictures of animals

Do not touch or feed wild animals

Do not touch plants as they might be poisonous

Do not take plants, rocks or corals with you

En route and in your hotel

If possible, avoid plastic packaging

Prefer local products

Separate your garbage during your travelsUse water and energy consciouslyReuse towels in your hotel

Turn off the light, fan, and the air-conditioning when leaving your room

Follow the eco-tips in each hotel

Drive responsibly

Keep the speed limit

Start your car only when you are really ready to go

Use the air-conditioning as little aspossible

Back Home

Find ways to act more eco-friendly in your home

Look for ecological projects in your area and support theseInspire other people to think and act green

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SecurityAdviceIn General

Refrain from wearing expensive jewelry

Exchange money only at a bank or a currency exchange office and store it before leaving

Take a cab at night in the cityOnly take a minimum amount of cash with you

Do not struggle or resist in case of a robbery or attack. Documents and valuables arereplaceable

In the Nature

Follow the instructions of the park rangersStudy the maps of hiking trails (if available)

Do not go alone in remote and impassable areas

Do not leave the designated nature trails

Bring enough drinking waterDo not touch unknown plants

Dono touchwildanimals, especially snakesandamphibians

Wear closed ankle-high shoes during your walks

Do not overestimate your physical condition and skills, and observe the climatic

conditionsPlease inform yourself about potential risks before swimming in the sea/river

In the Hotel

Inform yourself about evacuation routes and safety zones on the property

Use the hotel safe for your valuables and documentsClose windows and doors of your room while you’re gone

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In your Car

Follow the instructions of your car rental service

Fasten your seat belt

Do not make phone calls or send messages while driving

Follow the traffic regulations

Do not drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or prescription drugs Avoid

remote, impassable streets and river crossingsOnly park your car on supervised lots

Donot leavevaluablesandbaggage in thecarAlways lock thecar

Natural Disasters

Keep calm

Follow the instructions of the authorities and the hotel staff Lookfor the signposted security zones and evacuation routes

Call ARAToursand inform us about your condition as soon as possible,

even if you are unharmed

Call your relatives at home

Call your embassy

Ifyoudonotcontactus,wewill trytodetermineyour locationandcondition as follows:

In the hotel

Via your guide

Via the cell phone of your car rental service (Please turn it on and make sure it is charged)

Via the RedCross Via your


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ARA ToursMain Office [+506] 2232-0400

Operations [+506] 2232-0400Extension 300

Operations 24Hours [+506] 8893-3863

InternationalAirport [SJO]

AdministrationAERIS [+506] 2437-2400

EmbassiesIreland [+52] 55-5520-5803 (Mexico)

Great Britain [+506] 2258-2025U.S.A. [+506] 2519 2000

Holland [+506] 2296-1490France [+506] 2234-4167Belgium [+506] 2280-4435Spain [+506] 2222-1933

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Central Region

In the central valley you will find a wide range ofcultural and tourist attractions, including CostaRica’s best museums such as the Gold Museum,Jade Museum, National Museum, Costa Rican ArtMuseum, La Salle Natural Sciences Museum,Insect Museum of the University of Costa Rica,Children’s Museum, and the Museum ofContemporary Art and Design. Furthermore, youwill find the architectural jewel of the country, theNational Theater as well as the attractive MelicoSalazar Theater. All this you can see in the capitalof San José. Visitors to the national parks aroundthe central valley - Poás, Braulio Carrillo, Irazú,and Turrialba - can enjoy bird life, landscapes,craters, and the jungle. San José is the politicaland economical center but also the provincialcapitals - Alajuela, Heredia, and Cartago - providea wide range of commercial and tourist services.

San JoséCosta Rica’s capital is located in the area of a highvalley in the country’s center at about 1100 metersabove sea level (3600 feet above sea level). Thishigh valley is called “Valle Central”. The capital issurrounded by a volcanic chain in the north and bya mighty, over 3000 meter (9800 ft) high mountainrange in the south. Thanks to the fertile volcanicsoil in thecentralvalley,coffee, fruits, vegetables,

and sugar cane grow. The population of San Joséis 1.17 million (2015).

Gold MuseumThe Gold Museum is situated below the Plaza dela Cultura (behind the National Theater) andcontains an impressive collection of pre-Columbian golden works of art, ceramic works,and stonemasonry which will give you a goodinsight into the history and culture of Costa Rica’sindigenous people.

Jade MuseumThe Museo del Jade y Arte Precolombino islocated in the Plaza de la Democracia in the centerof San José and also displays, beside pre-Columbian jade works, works of art made fromstone and ceramic of this era. There are 7000exhibits that are shown in modern exhibit spaces.

National MuseumThe National Museum, which is situated in theformerly military garrison Buena Vista in the Plazade la Democracia, will surely provide the mostextensive collection of artifacts and informationabout the past to contemporary history of CostaRica.

National TheaterThe National Theater of San José, built in

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neoclassical style, is an architectural gem of the19th century with an exquisite internal decor. It islocated right opposite the cathedral at the centralpark. The entrance hall is already very impressivewith a lot of Carara marble, gold leaf, and ceilingpaintings of Italian artists. From here you reachthe adjacent elegant theater café with excellentcoffee, cakes, anddishes.

A guided theater tour in English currently costsUS$ 10.-- (2016).

Braulio Carillo National ParkThis national park is located just 20 km (12 mi)from San José on the National Street 32 whichleads toward the province of Limón. It is one of theregion with the highest precipitations of thecountry, consisting of dense rainforest and mistymountain forest. The National Park StationQuebrada Gonzalez is located half way throughthe park right on the street, and provides thepossibility to explore the forests along 2 hikingtrails

(entrance fee US$ 12.--, 2016).

Rainforest CablewayNext to the Braulio Carrillo National Park you canfind Rainforest Adventures Costa Rica Atlantic.This attraction resulted from a project of the US-American biologist, Donald Perry, who wasable to prove the enormous biodiversity inside thetreetop region in these forests through hisresearch in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The canopytour, the cableway as well as nature trails with birdwatching offer the possibility to observe the floraand fauna from different perspectives. Variouspackages with different prices are provided.

Location: Approximately 45 minutes from SanJosé on the National Street 32 in the direction ofGuápiles.

Poás Volcano National ParkThe Poás Volcano National Park is located on thecontinental divide of the Central Highlands at2708 meters above sea level (8880 feet abovesea level) and has two craters. The main cratermeasures 1.36 km (0.8 mi) in diameter andtherefore it is one of the largest craters in theworld. Its second crater, the Botos lagoon, extinctfor a thousand of years, is filled with a lake. Youcan easily reach both craters on well-kept paths

(entrance fee US$ 15.--, 2016).

CartagoThis city is located about 25 km (16 mi) east of thecapital, San José, at an elevation of about 1'435 m(some 4,707 ft) above sea level, at the base of theIrazú Volcano. Cartago is the capital of Cartagoprovince and was the colonial capital of the backthen province Costa Rica from 1574 to 1823. It isthe religious centre of the Catholic Church inCosta Rica.

The Plaza Mayor in Cartago includes the SantiagoApostol Parish ruins, about seven blocks westfrom the basilica. Despite their beauty, they are notreal ruins but an unfinished building, which wasstarted in the last quarter of the 19th century andwas badly damaged by the disastrous SantaMonica earthquake (8.3 on the Richter scale) on4th of May 1910, just before the roof could beconstructed. The building has been discontinuedsince then and is a national historical site today.

La NegritaAccording to folklore in Costa Rica, a small statuein the shape of the Virgin Mary with the childJesus, made of black stone, was found by amulatta girl on 2nd of August 1635 sitting on arock at the natural spring where she used to getwater every day and gather fire wood. The legendsays that she brought the statue home severaltimes, but it mysteriously reappeared at its originalsite. On the very same site the catholic

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community of Cartago built a church in honor ofthe Virgin Mary, called Basilica de Nuestra Señorade los Ángeles. The statue, which is commonlycalled “La Negrita” is kept in a safe in the basilicaand is revered as the national sacred relic. In thebasement of the church the supposedly originalrock with a replica of La Negrita is on display.Outside the church, the original spring spills itswater from several tubes. Catholic believers cometo the church in order to pray to the virgin Mary,sprinkle some of the spring water on themselvesand take some of it home. The water is consideredholy and with healingpowers.

Every year on 2nd of August more than 100.000pilgrims from Costa Rica and neighbouringcountries gather at the church. The statue of a LaNegrita is displayed in the church then and manysick come and pray in order to receive healing.

Irazú Volcano National ParkThe Irazú Volcano with a height of 3432 m (11,260ft) is the highest volcano of the country and themost active stratovolcano in Costa Rica’s history.It lies on the continental divide, northeastern ofthecity ofCartago.The last volcanic activity of the20th century was from 1963-65. Since then it hasbeen in a resting phase and it is possible to driveright up to the crater area in order to walk overalunar-like landscape inside an old, huge crater.You can look at the Irazú crater with its 1050 m(3500 ft) in diameter and 300m (1000 ft) in depth,and the smaller De La Haya Crater next to it with600 m (2000 ft) in width and 200 m (650 ft) indepth. The slopes of the Irazú massif are veryfertile, thanks to thevolcanic soil, andare used forthe cultivation of potatoes and different types ofvegetables, up toa height of over 3000m (9800 ft).The uniform climate provides harvests all over theyear. Due to its location it is recommended to visitthe park early in the morning as the panoramicview will disappear behind clouds around noon(entrance fee US$ 15.--,2016).

Location: The national park is well-marked andcan be reached via the city of Cartago.

Turrialba Volcano and National ParkIrazú Volcano’s direct neighbor has the impressiveheight of 3325 m (10,910 ft) and is therefore thesecond highest volcano in the central volcanicchain. After a resting phase of 143 years, it isactive again with strong gas emissions and asheruptions with varyingintensity.

No access to the national park (2016).

Lankester GardenThis botanical garden was originally establishedas a private garden by Charles Lankester in orderto conserve the local flora, especially orchids,bromeliads, and lilies. There are more than 800orchid species to admire but also an enormousdiversity of tropical plants. You can walk throughthe spacious area along well-kept paths.

Location: Lankester Garden can be reached via thecity of Cartago in the direction of Paraíso. Turnright approximately 500 m (550 yd) after the PlazaParaíso shoppingmall

(entrance fee US$ 10.--, 2016).

Orosí ValleyThe landscape between the Irazú and Turrialbavolcanoes and the tropical rainforest is one of themost beautiful in Costa Rica. In the village of Orosiyou can admire the oldest still preservedmonastery church of the country which was builtby Franciscan friars in the year of 1743.

Tapantí National ParkThe Tapantí National Park protects 58,300hectares (472,600 acres) with 150 lakes which areresponsible for a large part of the metropolitanarea’s water supply. The park is situated onaltitudinal zones from 700 (2300) to 3400 m.a.s.l.(11,200 FASL) and includes a variety of climate

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and life zones. In some zones, the precipitation peryear goes up to 7000 mm. This region providesabout 50%of themetropolitanareawith tapwater.45 mammal species live here such as tapirs,jaguars, ocelots, pumas, coyotes, anteaters,white-nosed coatis, new world porcupines, andlowland pacas. There are about 260 bird speciesincluding the quetzal of the Mayans, the quetzalwhich ranks among one of the most beautiful birdsin the world and which lives in the high altitudeareas of this region. The national park can bereached via Orosi. Here you can hike along asmall part of the park and if you’re lucky you cansee one of the shy representatives of the localfauna.

“La Casa del Soñador”The “House of the Dreamer” is made entirely ofwood and bamboo and was home andworkshop of Macedonio Quesada, a local woodcarver who died in 1995. Here you can buyvarious wooden artifacts from local carvers.

Location: Coming from Orosi, follow the path toCachí. The “House of the Dreamer” is locatedapproximately 5 km (3 mi) after the bridge whichleads over the river of Palomo.

Guayabo National MonumentGuayabo, with its total area of 65 hectares (160acres), is the most important archeological site inCosta Rica. The first archeological finds weremade when coffee estates were planted up at thebeginning of the 19th century, but only in the lastthird of the 19th century archeological works andanalyses were initiated.

Between 1000 B.C. and 1400 A.D. approximately2000 to 10,000 indigenous people, whopredominantly were part of the Chibcha culture ofthe Andes, lived in this region. However, there arefinds that show influences of Mesoamericancultures. The excavations exposed aqueducts,water basins, stone stairs, stone statues, and

large, round stone platforms. Conical longhouses,constructed of wood and palm fronds, were up to30 m (100 ft) in diameter and towered 20 m (65 ft)above these platforms which were made ofstacked boulders. The finds show that the centralsettlements of Indian kings, high priests, and therelated upper-class lived here. The surroundingsettlements were connected with the center. Thisis why it is believed that Guayabo was animportantpolitical, religious,andculturalcenter.

When at the beginning of the 16th century theSpanish arrived in this region, the settlement wasalready abandoned for about 100 years. Reasonsfor the inhabitants’ disappearance could havebeen wars or diseaseepidemics.

Location: By driving from the city of Cartago onthe National Street 230 to Santa Cruz de Turrialba,you will reach the well-marked street that leads tothe monument on your left after approximately 10km (6mi)

Entrance fee into the well laid-out area is US$ 5.--(2016).

La Viborana (Snake Farm)The Costa Rican snake specialist, MinorCamacho,has got a collection of snakes used for researchpurposes. He will explain you everything that youever wanted to know about snakes and show you“his” beloved animals (with an entrance fee).

Location: Viborana is located in Pavones deTurrialba on the way to Siquirres.

Northern Plains

La FortunaThis small but lively town is marked by the ArenalVolcano whose perfect cone forms a picturesquebackdrop only some 8 km (5 mi) away. In 1968, itbroke out after 400 years of resting andattracted

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volcanologists from all over the world and lateralso many tourists. It is said to be one of the mostactive volcanoes of the world. On clear days youcan see the top of the youngest volcano (about7000-8000 years) of Costa Rica. Since 2010,there has not been any volcanic eruptions, but acolumn of smoke is almost always visible.

The most important attractions are hot springs,horseback trips, quad tours, hiking, bike tours,river trips (rafting), and canopy tours.

Arenal National ParkThis national park includes the active Arenalvolcano which constantly produced lava until2010. You can hike through vegetation that hasregrown surprisingly quickly, to a field of cooledlava from which on clear days you can get asweeping view of the smoking volcano and thenearby Arenal lake.

Location: Approximately 18 km (11 mi) north ofthe city of La Fortuna, at a small control house ofthe Fuerza Pública (police), you turn left into agravel road. After about 1.5 km (1 mi) you will findthe entrance on your left.

Entrance fee: US$ 15.-- (2016)

Arenal LakeAt the foot of the volcano of the same name liesthe 80 km² (30 mi²) reservoir which was built inthe 1970s by the state-owned electric companyICE. The lake’s water is used to generate power.Not only is the lake of a particularly natural beauty,its water is used to produce 40% of the country’selectricity. Among the activities to do here arefishing, kayaking, motorboating, and, on the windynorthwestern end of the lake, sailboarding andkitesurfing. A picturesque road leads from LaFortuna around the lake toward Nuevo ArenalandTilarán. From Tilarán you can get to the mountainregion of Monteverde or to the hot lowlands of theGuanacaste plains.

Caño Negro Wildlife RefugeThis wetland, designated as a protected area,provides an important habitat for water birds.Water surfaces, created by seasonal flooding,become home for cattle egrets, snowy egrets,great egrets, wood storks, roseate spoonbills, andcormorants. Boat trips are offered to explore thebird life. On the way, you can see mantled howlers,white-headed capuchin monkeys, iguanas, turtles,caimans, and crocodiles. Many different speciesof fish live in the waters. The ethnic alligator gar, abony fish, is a relict of the past. A living fossil.

Boat trips on theRío Frío are offered in LosChileswhich is close to the Nicaraguan border. Here youcan also see a lot of animals.

Location: Drive along the Country Road 142 fromLa Fortuna toward Tanque, then take a slight leftinto the National Street 4 until the intersection withthe Country Road 35 in the direction of Muelle andLosChile.

Ecocentro DanausThis reforestation and nature conservation project- which started in 1997 with 3 hectares (7 acres)of pastureland - provides many exciting attractionsof the flora and fauna. A spring originating on thepremises feeds a 700 m² (7530 ft²) pond whereyacare caimans and turtles live. In the trees aroundthe water you can watch night active boat-billedherons that rest here during the day. Big commonkingfisher look for fish. A small butterfly houseshows several types of butterflies and you canalso take a look at the eggs, caterpillars, andcocoons of these highly developed insects. Ifyou’re lucky you can see a sloth hanging in thetree. More than 300 different kinds of tropicalplants and herbs form the backdrop for tiny, redpoison-dart frogs. There are very good bird-watching possibilities at a feeding spot set up forthis purpose. Furthermore, a night tour with a localguide is offered.

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Location: From La Fortuna you drive along theCountry Road 142 toward Tanque and after about5 km (3 mi) you turn left into a well-markeddriveway.

Entrance fee: Adults US$ 18.--, children US$ 12.--,night tour US$ 35.--(2016).

La Fortuna WaterfallSome meters after the entrance you can alreadysee the beautiful, narrow waterfall of 70 m (230 ft)height. Many stairs lead through the forest to thewater basin of the waterfall. It is notrecommended to go swimming because of thestrong suction of the falling mass of water.

Location: Drive south from La Fortuna on theCountry Road 702, after about 1.2 km (0.75 mi)turn right into the side road Diagonal 301. Roadsigns: Catarata La Fortuna. Approximately 7 km(4.5 mi) on a street in a partially poor condition.This terrain is managed by the community of LaFortuna. Entrance fee: Adults US$ 11.--, childrenUS$ 5.--.

MonteverdeandSantaElena Region

C.A.S.E.M.This is a local society of artists and craftspeoplefrom Santa Elena and Monteverde. In thiscooperative you can buy hand-embroidered andhand-painted clothes, and also different souvenirswith themes of the cloud forest region.

Monteverde Frog PondThe frog pond is one of the many attractions inMonteverde. 25 frog and toad species and otheramphibians are kept in terrariums which imitatetheir natural habitat. You pay once the entrancefee of currently US$ 12.-- per person which allowsyou to reenter at night in order to watch thenocturnal species with flashlights (will be


Location: From the town center about 200 m (220yards ) in front of the hotel Poco a Poco.

Jardín de Orchídeas (orchid garden)The orchid garden researches orchid plants in theregion of Monteverde and has a collection of 400species.

Location: In the center of Monteverde, 50 m (55yards) south of the Banco Nacional.

World of Snakes/SerpentariumYou will receive some excellent information aboutmore than 40 snake and lizard species which arekept hereappropriately.

Location: 200 m (220 yards) from the town centertoward Banco CostaRica.

Selvatura Park MonteverdeThis facility provides many attractions: *

Location: Approximately 20 minutes outside ofMonteverde in the direction of Santa Elena, CloudForest Reserve.

* Canopy TourWith its 13 cables and 18 platforms, this is one ofthe biggest facilities of this type in Costa Rica. In aharness, secured with carabiners, you racethrough the trees on steel cables and get anunbelievable outlook of the upper part of the forest.

*Hanging bridges parkYou explore the fascinating world of the cloudforest’s treetop over a length of 3 km (2 mi). Thewell-kept trails alternate with long but very safehanging bridges. From up there you have a greatview of the treetops.*Hummingbird GalleryThe hanging feeding stations attract many

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species of these lovely little birds. Perfect fortaking pictures.

*Butterfly gardenIn a bright hall of 2700 m² (29,100 ft²), a qualifiedguide will tell you about the life of the butterfliesthat are fluttering around in all colors and shapes.

*Museum“JewelsoftheRainforest”inSelvaturaHere you can admire a combination of art andscience. It is an exhibition of thousands of insectspecimen preparations from all over the world,including coloful butterflies, gold and silver coloredbeetles, andother fascinating creaturesof therainforest.

Puerto Viejo deSarapiquí

Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí is located in CostaRica’s northern lowlands on the banks of theSarapiquí River. This place should not be confusedwith Puerto Viejo de Talamanca which is situatedat the Caribbean coast. Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquíis a typical village where the principal income ofthe residents results from agriculture andgradually from tourism. It’s an important startingpoint for boat trips on the rivers of Sarapiquí andSan Juan. It is a perfect place for watching birds.The hotels also offer other activities.

Ant TourIn the region you have the possibility to explore thehighly interesting way of life of the leafcutter ants. Inmany years of loving work, a local farmerestablished this project as a hobby. This unusualtour was started due to the general interest in theexhibition. You can contact us and makebookingsat our office in San José. Phone:2232-0400.

Cocoa TourThose who want to know exactly how cocoa getsinto a chocolate bar should not miss this tour. In

an interesting and funny way you will learneverything about origin, history, and techniques ofthe cocoa and chocolate production. Of course,you can also try some of these sweetdelicacies.

Heliconia IslandThis botanical garden provides more than 70heliconia species that bloom all over the year.Apart from native heliconia species you can alsoadmire varieties of other tropical zones of theworld. Furthermore, it is possible to sight some ofmore than 400 bird species from the tropical forestin the lowlands of Sarapiquí.

Location: Heliconia Island is approximately 8 km(5 mi) away from Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí on theway to Horquetas/Guápiles. At the signpost“Mortero/Finca la Chaves” you turn right, thenfollow the road signs “Isla de las Heliconias”.

Biological Station El BejucoThe Biological Station El Bejuco consists of anarea of about 30 hectares (75 acres) of tropicalrainforest, thereof 66% primary forest. This placeiswellsuitedtoexperiencethetropicalrainforest ofCosta Rica’s North Atlantic lowlands, and tolearn about its flora and fauna and thesurrounding country life.

Location: El Bejuco is situated in Chilamatebetween Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí and La Virgende Sarapiquí.

Biological Station La SelvaThe Biological Station La Selva is a goodexample for biodiversity of the tropical rainforestin the Caribbean lowlands. La Selva provideswide trails and a reserve next to the BraulioCarrillo National Park. This is why the station isa world-famous research center for tropicalecosystems. The biodiversity is spectacularwith 1900 plant species, 330 tree species, and436bird species.

Location: Drive along the street from Puerto Viejo

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toward Horquetas/Guápiles. After 3 km (2 mi) turnin the direction of La Selva and continue about 2km (1 mi) on a dirt road. Guided hikes are offereddaily at 8:00 am and 1:30 pm.

North PacificGuanacaste National ParkThe Guanacaste National Park forms, togetherwith the Santa Rosa Park, a refuge of 85,000hectares (328 mi²) which provides migrationroutes and protection for a large number ofanimals. It also protects the last species of tropicaldry forest which formerly extended along thePacific coast from Mexico toward the south, andwhich today has almostdisappeared.

Rincón de la Vieja National ParkThe active Rincón de la Vieja Volcano is the mostimportant attraction in this park of 14,084 hectares(34,800 acres). When hiking on the well-kept trails(partly adapted for handicapped people), you cansee volcanic phenomenons such as bubbling mudholes, hot springs, and steaming fumaroles.

Location: Coming from Liberia you drive innorthern direction, and a few kilometers later youwill see a road sign that leads to the small villageof Curubandé where you turn right. 15 km (9 mi)later you will reach the park entrance via a gravelroad.

Santa Rosa National ParkThisone-of-a-kindnational park includesseveraldistinct habitats such as tropical, broad-leaveddry forests aswell as oak, coastal, andmangroveforestsbutalsomarshland,swampland,savanna,and rocky shores. A part of the offshore PacificOceanhasbeendeclaredaMarineNationalPark.The corresponding beach of Nancite - as well asOstional and Plaza Grande - is one of the mostimportantnestlingsitefortheOliveRidleyandtheRidley sea turtles. The park protects a large

number of animals and plants.

The ranch house La Casona, where in 1856 theBattle of Santa Rosa took place, is included in thepark.

Location: Coming from the city of Liberia you drivein northern direction on the National Street 1. After34 kilometers (21 mi) you turn left in the direction ofSanta Rosa NationalPark.

Santa Rosa’s CasonaLa Casona - the main building of the Santa RosaHacienda - is a historical museum incommemoration of the Battle of Santa Rosa thattook place here in 1856 between the Costa Ricanvoluntary army and filibuster William Walker’sNorth American mercenaries. The battle was wonby the Costa Ricans. La Casona was set on fireby illegal hunters in May 2001, later it was rebuilt,and in March 2002 it was completely restored andreopened. La Casona is one of Costa Rica’s mostimportant nationalmonuments.

Miravalles RefugeThe Miravalles Volcano is the highest volcano inthe Guanacaste Mountains with a height of 2026meters above sea level (6646 feet above sea level).The peak is usually hidden by massive clouds andrain. There are some thermal baths which are fedby the volcanic hot springs. The national Instituteof Electricity ICE runs a geothermal energy planthere.

Tenorio National ParkThis national park encompasses four volcanopeaks and two craters. Its surrounding area isalmost completely covered with primeval forestthat provides protection for a large number ofanimals and plants. The main attraction is theconfluence of two rivers, one sulfuric and the otherone with a high percentage of calcium carbonate.The chemical reaction colors the water sky blue.

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Palo Verde National ParkPalo Verde National park comprises more than13,000 hectares (30,000 acres) with swamps,floodplains, lagoons, meandering channels, andpools in the lower basin of the rivers Tempisqueand Bebedero. The swampy lagoons providefeeding, nesting, and resting places for manythreatened bird species, such as the jabiru,especially during the dryseason.

Las Baulas National ParkThe park was created to save certain animalspecies from extinction, in particular the GiantLeatherback, the largest sea turtle in the world.These turtles, which can reach a length of up to2.5 meters (8 ft) and a weight of up to 700kilograms (1500 lb), gather at the park fromNovember to April to lay their eggs.

World of the TurtleThis is the museum - situated at the entrance ofPlaya Grande - where you can get excellent,didactic information about turtles.

Ecomuseum of San Vicente of NicoyaThis small village is known for its pottery madeoflocal clay. Some of the families of craftspeople areof indigenous origin from the Chorotega tribe. Thepotters manufacture ceramics in the traditionalmanner. They use natural colors to paint theirbeautiful earthenware which is available in allsizes and forms. You can also find greatearthenware copies of the Chorotega Indians.The museum, founded by people in the area, offersa vivid exhibit of the art and culture of theChorotega potters with its large display of ceramicartifacts by a variety of artists.Location: From Liberia to Santa Cruz. Right beforereaching Santa Cruz follow the signs to SantaBárbara on the left-hand side. Turn left in SanVicente after the soccer field where you find themuseum.

Flight in an Ultralight AircraftFlying Crocodile Lodge offers exciting flights in anultralight aircraft over the regions ofSámara/Nosara.

Ostional Wildlife RefugeThis refuge was founded in order to preserve thenesting sites of sea turtles, especially for the OliveRidley Sea Turtle and the Leatherback Sea Turtle.Following Nancite beach, this region wasdesignated the sea turtles’ second most importantbreeding area worldwide. You can observe the so-called “arribadas” (arrivals) which last about 4-8days. They mostly take place in the rainy seasonand are communicated by the local parkingattendants via Facebook: Asociación de GuíasLocales de Ostional (AGLO) CostaRica.

Nosara Nature ReserveThis private reserve of about 50 hectares (125acres) is part of the Lagarta Lodge. It consists ofmangroves and rainforest along the Nosara River.More than 170 bird species and other animals,such as monkeys, coatis, raccoons, armadillos,snakes, anteaters, crabs, and reptiles, live here.Location: Entrance via Hotel Lagarta Lodge.

Barra Honda National ParkThis park’s main attraction are the limestonecaves. So far, 42 caves have been discovered butonly two of them are open to the public. They areall well-preserved since their vertically alignedentrances are difficult to access. The TerciopeloCave is one of the largest and most beautifulexamples. It is filled with many stalactites -hanging from the ceiling - and stalagmites - risingfrom the ground - as well as other dripstones ofvarious shapes and configurations. Guided toursto the caves are available at the entrance of thenational park.

Entrance fee: US$ 12.-- (2016). Prices for the cavetour on thespot.

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Central PacificCabo Blanco Absolute Natural Reserve(Reserva natural absoluta Cabo Blanco)

Cabo Blanco (White Cape), Costa Rica’s firstnature reserve, was established at the initiative ofOlle Wessberg and his wife Karen Mogensen in1963. Cabo Blanco is a green oasis in a regionotherwise dominated by pastureland. Its 13 km²(3200 acres) of land area and 18 km² (4450acres)of marine area enjoy absolute protection.

The nature reserve is unique because it straddlesthe transitional area between the wet forest andthe dry forest which consists of an interestingmixture of both evergreen and deciduous trees.Favorable conditions ensure that thewatercourses in this very hot and parched regionnever run dry.

Hiking trails lead through the reserve right to thecoast where you find white beaches characterizedby corals and mollusk shells. Seabirds, especiallythe colonies of brown boobies and brown pelicans,can easily be observedthere.

Entrance fee: US$ 12.-- (2016)

Location: Take the ferry from Puntarenas toPaquera and Playa Tambor, then the NationalStreet 21 southward. After the gas station ofCobano turn into the Country Road 924 towardMontezuma. Continue on the coastal highway insouthern direction following the signs to Cabuyaand Cabo Blanco.

Carara National ParkThis park was established in 1973 and covers aprotected area of more than 52 km² (13,000 acres)but only a small part of it can be explored on well-kept trails. There is a loop trail that is suitable for thedisabled. This region in transition from dry torainforest is home of an astonishing diversity of

flora and fauna. Carara is known for the scarletmacaws which nest in these forests and whichyou can hear consistently and maybe even get thechance to seeone.

Left of the Quebrada Bonita trail near the bridgeover the river is a giant tree with a big knotholesome 18 m (60 ft) above the ground. There youcan watch the macaws during breeding seasonthat takes place from December to February.Squabs can be in the nest until May. There arelocal, well-trained guides at the park’s entrance.(US$ 25-30.-- per person).

Entrance fee: US$ 12.-- (2016).

Location: On the National Street 34 (CostaneraSur), 2 km (1 mile) south of the Tárcoles River.

Crocodile Bridge over the Tárcoles RiverFrom the bridge over the Tárcoles River it is almostalways possible to see crocodiles sunbathing onthe sandbars. American Crocodiles can reach alength of more than 5 meters (16 ft). Caution! Donot leave your car unattended or open as alreadymany thefts have been reported. There areguarded parking spaces at the restaurant and thegift shops. You can walk on a narrow sidewalk toget to the middle of the bridge. Be careful whencrossing the street as there is a lot of traffic on thebridge.

In the Tárcoles River there is one of the largestpopulations of these primeval reptiles.

Location: 2 km (1 mile) north of the CararaNational Park.

Manuel Antonio National ParkThis relatively small but very popular national parkprovides - beside a great possibility of watchinganimals - several beaches that invite to goswimming. There are showers (please don’t usesoap or shampoos) and restrooms near thebeach.

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It is one of the best places to see sloths, white-tailed deers, and monkeys. Capuchin monkeysare often present at the beaches and are easy tophotograph. They are specialized in stealing food,so be careful with your backpack as they knowhow to open zippers. That is why bringing food issubject to strict regulations and your bags will besearched at the entrance of the park.

Squirrel monkeys, which in Costa Rica exclusivelyare endemic to Manuel Antonio and Golfito furthersouth, can also be seen in this park.

The park is a very popular attraction, particularlyon the weekends, so large crowds of visitors mustbe expected.

Well-trained guides offer tours in the park for US$25-30.-- per person.

Entrance fee: US$ 16.-- (2016)

Location: Drive on the National Street 34 until youreach the city of Quepos and then follow the roadsigns to the nationalpark.

Hacienda BarúHacienda Barú is a perfect example of privatenature conservation and reforestation. By the endof the 1970s, the ranch discontinued its cattleoperation and started with reforestation. Today, it isa wildlife reserve with an area of 330 hectares(815 acres) and various tropical habitats such asprimary moist forest, secondary forest, mangroves,and shorevegetation.

More than 320 bird species and 105 mammalspecies have been identified here. The Haciendaprovides trails over 7 km (4.5 mi), a birdwatchingtower, and 2 km (1 mi) long clean beaches whichare only suitable for swimming to a limited extentdue to strong currents and surf. Accommodations,a restaurant, a small butterfly garden, a good andcheap canopy tour, a gift shopwith awide range of

textbooks of nature and books with the definitionof leaves can be found in the Hacienda.

Location: On the National Street 34 to the south, 1km (0.6 miles) before reaching the beach town ofDominical. Turn right just before the El Ceibo gasstation.

South PacificTerraba-Sierpe MangrovesNear the sea, the Terraba and Sierpe Rivers build anetwork of channels and isles of special beauty,basically consisting of dense mangrove swamps.This regions offer protection for many bird species,snakes, andmammals.

Caño IslandThis large, uninhabited island of 3 km² (740 acres)is a national park which also includes 58 km²(14,330 acres) of marine reserve. The island islocated 16.5 km (10 mi) west of the Osa Peninsulain the Pacific ocean. Up to 1500 years old finds ofstone balls, tombs with stone statues, goldenvotive gifts, and ceramics prove that the islandwas used as a cemetery for high-ranking personsduring the pre-Columbianera.

The riffs around the island are perfect forsnorkeling and abound with fish. If you’re luckyyou can see dolphins, turtles, and humpbackwhales along the way. The whales come to thesewaters from August to April in order to give birth totheir calves.

The island can only be entered for registrationwith the parking attendants.

Different organizers in Quepos, Dominical, andDrake Bay offer boat excursions as well as thelodges around the Corcovado National Park.

Corcovado National ParkThe National Geographic Magazine described this

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park as “the most intensive biological place of theworld”. It extends over the west sector of the OsaPeninsula and preserves many different habitatssuch as shallow lagoons, mangrove swamps,rivers, rainforest, deep cloud forest, and sandycoasts. It offers protection for some endangeredspecies such as jaguars, tapirs, ocelots, giantanteaters, and scarletmacaws.

Piedras Blancas National ParkThe Piedras Blancas National Park protects oneofCosta Rica’s last lowland rainforests. The parkwas founded as a result of the common efforts ofthe Austrian population and Costa Rica’sgovernment. Thanks to generous donations fromthe Austrian population for the “Rainforest of theAustrians” project, it was possible to buy largeareas of rainforest which now will be preserved formankind.

La Amistad International ParkThis park constitutes the largest nature reserve inCosta Rica. It covers almost 200,000 hectares(500,000 acres) of forested land protecting a widevariety of plant and animal life and the drainagebasins of its main middle and upper water courses.The region provides shelter for many endangeredspecies. La Amistad International Park has itscounterpart in Panama and forms part of theAmistad Biosphere Reserve created by theUNESCO which also includes Chirripó NationalPark, Las Tablas, Hitoy Cerere, and five indigenousreserves.

Chirripó National ParkThe difference in altitude that ranges from 1400(4590 ft) to 3819 meters (12,529 ft) above sealevel and the variate climate zones and soil typesgive rise to the largest biodiversity in the country.About 400 species of birds and 260 amphibianshave been identified.

Here you can find the highest point of CentralAmerica between the four-thousander of

Guatemala and the Andes of South America. Theupper range consists of several mountain peaksover 3700 meters (12,140 ft). The highest is CerroChirripó (3820 m/12,530 ft), the second highestCerro Ventisquero (3811 m/12,503 ft), and CerroTerbi (3760 m/12,340 ft) with the rock formationLos Crestones that rises into the sky opposite thebase camp of the same name, and that has beendeclared a national monument. When hiking to thesummit, you will stay at Crestones Base Camp forone night. The route from San Gerardo to the basecamp is 14.5 km (9 miles) in length and involvesatotal climb of almost 2000 m (6560 ft).

Location: Drive from the city of San Isidro in thedirection of Rivas until you reach San Gerardo deRivas. There you can find the national parkadministration where information about access tothe park and accommodation in the base camp isavailable. Meals are also provided at the basecamp which is situated at an altitude of 3500meters (11,480 ft).

Northern CaribbeanTortuguero National ParkThis region is only accessible by boat or plane.During the last 60 years, transport channels forthe wood industry have been created between therivers and the Tortuguero lagoon. The rainforest,which is adjacent to the waterways, offers manygreat possibilities to watch water birds, monkeys,and reptiles on boat safaris offered there. Thereare 2-day and 3-day packages with a selection ofwell-run jungle lodges.

Barra del Colorado Wildlife RefugeBarra del Colorado is located in the north of theTortuguero National Park bordering Nicaragua. Itconsists of channels, lagoons, rivers, river islands,forests, swamps, and small hills, just likeTortuguero. Barra del Colorado is a well-knownfishing spot and famous for its tarpon fish.

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Like Tortuguero it is only accessible by boat orplane.

South CaribbeanSloth SancturyThis sanctuary, especially established for thepurpose of care and reintroduction of injuredsloths to the wild, offers a 2-hour tour for US$ 30.-- where you will learn a lot about these fascinatinganimals and also get in contact with them.

Location: Drive south from the port city of Limónon the National Street 32. After about 30 km (18mi) you will reach the Sloth Sanctuary which islocated on the left-hand side.

Cahuita National ParkThis national park covers more than 10 km² (2470acres) of land area, 6 km² (1480 acres) of coralreefs, and 22.5 km² (6000 acres) of marine area. Ifthe weather is good, you can hike through the parkon a 4 km (2.5 mi) hiking trail which runs alongclear beaches that invite for swimming. You canwalk until Cahuita Point where often excursionboats are anchored offering a snorkeling tour nearthe coral reef with a guide. It is not allowed toswim to the coral reefs from the beach. Thecoastal forest is home to howler monkeys,capuchin monkeys, sloths, iguanas, land crabsand many seabirds. With good luck you can seeone of the lemon yellow fer-de-lances that hide inthe branches of the trees. Capuchin monkeys areusually found at Cahuita Point. Please do not feedthem!Location: Drive south from the port city of Limónon the National Street 32, after 45 km (28 mi) youwill reach the village of Cahuita on the left-handside. The park’s entrance is located on the beachwhich is accessible from the village.

Gandoca Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge andNational ParkNear the small village of Manzanillo, south of thetourist beaches of Puerto Viejo de Talamanca youcan find a very beautiful, relatively quiet beachwhich is only a bit busier on weekends. At thesouth end of the beach there is a bridge that leadstoward the overlook of Punta Manzanillo.

Small, non-maintained trails lead to the coastalrainforest. They are often slippery due to frequentrainfall in this region. Following these trails youreach the small beach of Punta Mona. From hereyou go back 4 km (2.5 mi) to Manzanillo.

Just off the coast lie the largest coral reefs andmussel beds of Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast.

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1502During his fourth journey Christopher Columbuslanded on Uvita, a small island offshore wherenow the city of Limón, a port on the Caribbeancoast, is located. He named the country CostaRica (= rich coast).

1540Costa Rica was declared to be a Spanishprovince and was under control of the GeneralCaptaincy of Guatemala.

1563Conquest and pacification of Costa Rica by JuanVázquez de Coronado de Anaya.Foundation of Cartago. The city was theadministrative capital of the Spanish crown in theprovince of Costa Rica until 1823.

1723An eruption of the Irazú Volcano destroyedCartago.

1737The construction of a church dedicated to SaintJoseph (San José) in Villa Nueva de la Boca delMonte was the decisive factor in the town’semergence as the future capital.

1808During Tomás de Acosta’s governorship thecoffeeplant was introduced to Costa Rica.

1820First coffee exports: 92 kilogram (202 lb) of coffeeare shipped to Panamá from the port ofPuntarenas.

15 September 1821The Spanish General Captaincy of Guatemaladeclared itself and all its provinces to beindependent from Spain and joined the newempire of Agustín de Iturbide from Mexico.

1823The capital changed from Cartago to San Joséafter a civil war between the republicans (SanJosé and Alajuela) and the supporters of the unionwith Mexico (Heredia andCartago).

1823The Mexican Emperor Agustín I was overthrownand Guatemala proclaimed, for itself and itsprovinces, the foundation of the Federal Republicof Central America.

1824Nicoya seceded from Nicaragua and adhered toCosta Rica as the province of Guanacaste.

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1825The state of Costa Rica proclaimed its firstconstitution.

1838Costa Rica left the Federal Republic of CentralAmerica and gained full independence.

1848A new constitution defined Costa Rica as anindependent republic.

1856In the Battle of Santa Rosa, a Costa Ricanvoluntary army defeat the mercenaries of NorthAmerican William Walker who was forced to returnto Nicaragua.

1870Costa Rica got a new constitution.

1880The first banana exports left Costa Rica.

1890Inauguration of the train from theCentral Valley tothe AtlanticCoast.

1900The underpopulation of Costa Rica was ended bya population explosion.

1910A strong earthquake in Cartago on May 4th 1910with 6.5 on the Richter scale claimes more than700 lives and causes great destruction to the city.

1929/1930Theworldeconomic crisis causedmanycompanycollapsesandstrongpoliticalandsocial tensions.

1940Declaration of war on Germany and expulsion of allGermans.

1943Creation of health insurance and pension fund aswell as introduction of Labor Law.

1948Civil war of 44 days with 2000 victims. JoséFigueres Ferrer “Don Pepe” emerged from the fightagainst the group of Calderonistas as winner withhis group.Abolition of the army and establishment of theelectricity utility. Suffrage for women, black andindigenous people. Adoption of a new constitutionthat is still basically in effect today.

1963Visit of the President of the United States, John F.Kennedy. Five days before his visit, Irazú Volcanoerupted and welcomed the President with an ashfall. The eruption lasted 2 years.

1986Franklin Chang Díaz was the first Costa Rican inspace when he was on the space shuttle missionSTS-61-C.

1983Visit of Pope John Paul II.

1987Oscar Arias Sanchez received the Noble PeacePrize for his efforts to pacify Central America, andfor mediating in the Nicaraguan Contra Waragainst the Sardinistaregime.

1989Costa Rica celebrated 100 years of democracy.

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1990First participation in the FIFA World Cup whereCosta Rica reached position 13.

1991As one of the strongest earthquakes in CostaRica’s history with 7.5 on the Richter scale the onein the province of Limón caused great destructionand claimed 48 lives. The railroad line betweenSan José and Limón was badly damaged andwithdrawn fromservice.

1996Claudia Poll won the first Olympic gold medal forCosta Rica in swimming.

2007Referendum on the free-trade agreement CAFTAbetween the Dominican Republic, Central America,and theUSA.

2009The earthquake of Chinchona measuring 6.1 onthe Richter scale was the strongest in youngertime and claimed 27 lives.

2010The boxer Hannah Gabriels won the world cup insuper welterweight. She defended her title threetimes until 2011.

2012The Costa Rican astronaut Franklin Chang Díazwas inducted in the United States Astronaut Hallof Fame with 8 participations in NASA spaceshuttle missions.

2013In March 2013, the Chinese President XiJinping visited - beside the USA and Mexico -also Costa Rica.US President Barack Obama visited Costa Rica inMay. He was the 7th US President after TheodoreRoosevelt, Herbert Hoover, J.F. Kennedy, RonaldReagan, George Bush sr. and Bill Clinton whopaidan official visit to Costa Rica.

2014Costa Rica participates in the World Cup for thefourth time and made it into the quarter finals forthe first time. Costa Rica loses to theNetherlandsin a penalty shootout,4-3.

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... an algae grows in the sloth’s fur which makes itappear green and serves ascamouflage?

... Costa Rica represents only about 0.03% of theearth’s surface but features approx. 5% of theworld’s biodiversity?

... 915 bird species have been registered in CostaRica? That are as many as in both the USA andCanada.

... there are more butterfly species than in thewhole African Continent, that is to say 12,000different species?

... a quarter of the Costa Rican land area isprotected?

... the rainforest soil is not really fertile and thehumus layer is very thin?

... the primary forest is easily passable and thatthere is almost no understory? The treetops arehigh and very dense so that hardly any lightreaches the ground, and therefore only few plantscan grow.

... you can distinguish the secondary forest by itsdense, almost impenetrable understory?

... the crater of Poás Volcano is one of the largestin theworld?

... Cocos Island - belonging to Costa Rica anddeclared a UNESCO World Heritage Site - is thelargest inhabited island outside the pole area andis designated as a national park?

... Costa Rica has several national symbols? Itsnational bird is the clay-colored thrush (Turdusgrayi), the national animal is the white-tailed deer,the national tree is the guanacaste, and thenational flower is the Guarianthe skinneri, a purpleorchid. The national instrument is the marimbaand the national monument is located in thenational park in SanJosé.

... Costa Rica was the first country worldwide thatabolished its army in1948?

... Costa Rica has been a republic and has beenregarded as one of the oldest and most stabledemocracies since 1848?

... Oscar Arias - the country’s president from1986-1990 and 2006-2010 - was given the NobelPeace Prize in 1987 for developing a road map forpeace for CentralAmerica?


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... Costa Rica is also called “Switzerland of CentralAmerica”, not only because of its mountainouslandscape but also because of its relativeprosperity and the political neutrality which itdeclared - similar to Switzerland (1815) - in 1983?

... with 9% Costa Rica has the highest immigrationrate throughout LatinAmerica?

... Costa Rica’s currency, the “colón”, was namedafter Christopher Columbus (Spanish: CristobalColón)?

... the Costa Ricans are proudly called “Ticos”?

... Costa Rica has the lowest illiteracy rate of LatinAmerica?

... the former prison of San José now is the Museode los Niños (Children’sMuseum)?

... the international airport of San José (SJO) islocated near the city of Alajuela?

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agriculture and industry fairs, bull riding, andflower shows.

New Year’s DayJanuary 1. Especially in the district of Zapote inSan José, there is a large fairground withtraditional bull riding, food booths, a lot offireworks, and music.

Copa del CaféMid-January. International tennis tournament atthe Costa Rica Country Club.

Palmares FiestasMid-January. The most visited fair after Zapote.Fairground with bull riding, carnival, music, anddance.

Alajuelita FiestasMid-January.Oxcartparadeaswell aspilgrimageto the ironcross.

Santa Cruz FiestasMid-January. Dance, Marimba, and bull riding.

FebruarySan Isidro del General FiestasIn the first week of February. Livestock shows,

Fiesta de los DiablitosIt takes place in the last week of February in thesouth of San Isidro del General in the indigenousvillage of Boruca de Rey Curré. It represents thefight between the Indians (disguised as little devils)and the Spanish (bulls) with colorful garments,masks, dance, and fireworks.

Puntarenas CarnivalThis event takes places in the last week of Februarywith many parades and festivities.

Liberia FiestasThis festival takes place in the end of February inthe capital of Guanacaste with a lot of music,concerts, and especially a lot of folklore andtraditions.


Oxcart DayThis traditional parade takes place the secondSunday in March in Escazú and over 150 oxcartsparticipate.


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San José DayMarch 19. Religious celebration in honor of SaintJoseph, patron saint of Costa Rica and thecapital’s archbishopric.

UjarrásA religious procession from Cartago to Ujarras tothe ruins of CostaRica’s first church takes place inmid-March.


Easter weekFor the catholic Costa Ricans Easter is the mostimportant church holiday. On Holy Thursday theprocessions that partly reenact the suffering, thedeath, and the resurrection of Jesus of Nazarethbegin. As school vacation is at the same time,many families spend these days on the beaches.

Juan Santamaría DayApril 11. Day of death of the national hero JuanSantamaría. He died during the battle over theMesón of Santa Rosa in Guanacaste in 1856against the filibusters under the command ofWilliam Walker. There are events on this topic inthe hero’s hometown in Alajuela, especially onJuan Santamaría place, .

University weekIn the last week of April there are exhibits, livemusic, and parades at the University of CostaRica.


Labor DayMay 1. There are parades and the president giveshis traditional speech where he informs about thestate of thenation.

Limón FiestasMay 1. The fiestas in Limón offer cricket matches,domino competitions, dance, games, and familypicnics.

San Isidro Labor DayMay 15. There are fairs in all towns named afterthe patron saint of farmers and cultivators, SanIsidro. Animals and crops are blessed andparades and fiestas take place.

San Juan DayMay 17. This day is celebrated with a halfmarathon from Cartago to San José.

Corpus CristiMay 29. Religiouscelebration.


San Pedro y San PabloJune 29. Religious celebration in honor of SaintPeter and Paul.


Virgin of the SeaMid-June in Puntarenas. The celebration consistsof a colorfully decorated boat parade off the coastof Puntarenas. One of the boats has the effigy ofthe patron saint of Puntarenas, the virgin of MonteCarmelo.

Annexation of GuanacasteJuly 25. In 1824 the province of Guanacastedecided to annex Costa Rica. The main celebrationtakes place in Liberia, capital of Guanacaste, withrodeo, parades, and typical food.

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Virgende losAngelesDayAugust 2. Celebration of the patron saint of CostaRica, also called La Negrita. Pilgrims from acrossthe country and even from the neighboringcountries walk, sometimes for days, to the Basilicaof Our Lady of the Angels in Cartago to honor thevirgin Mary who, legend has it, appeared to ayoung peasant girl in the form of a small stonestatue on August 2,1635.

Mother’s DayAugust 15. Costa Ricans celebrate Mother’s Day.Official holiday in Costa Rica.

San Ramón’s DayAugust 30. These festivals take place in SanRamón and include parades, dances, and music.30 patron saints come from the neighboringvillages to honor the patron saint of San Ramón.


Independence DaySeptember 15. The Independence Torch is broughtby relay runners over a distance of 1350kilometers (840 mi), from Guatemala viaHonduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua to theborder of Costa Rica where it arrives on September13 at 11:00 am. On September 14 it is carried toCartago (the former colonial capital) by CostaRican runners and at 6:00 pm the national anthemis sung. After a lantern parade and speeches bythe president and his ministers, the torch will beofficially received at 8:00 pm. September 15 is anofficial holiday. Banks and state institutions areclosed.


San Isidro DayOctober 9. A celebration to commemorate theestablishment of this important agricultural town.

Cultures Days (former Columbus Day)October 12. This day is the reason why thecarnival of Limón is celebrated with a lot of dance,parades, andconcerts.

Virgin of Pilar DayOctober12.Celebration tohonor thevirginofPilar,patron saint of TresRíos.

Corn FiestaOctober 12 in Upala. A parade with costumesmade of corn as well as the coronation of the cornqueen are part of this traditional celebration.


All Souls’ DayNovember 2. Families visit their deceasedrelatives at the cemetery and bring flowers.

Oxcart ParadeLast Sunday in November in San José. Thisparade takes place in San José and honors CostaRica’s oxcart tradition. It starts in the morning inPaseo Colón and ends at the central park.


AdventAlthough many Costa Ricans start decorating theirhouses already in the course of November, theChristmas spirit doesn’t begin until December. The

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Tamales (a typical dish made of cornmeal, meat,and different types of vegetables wrapped inbanana leaves) are prepared according to oldfamily recipes. The Christmas tree is put up andthe house decorated with holiday lights. Snowmenand Santa Clauses made of plastic often adorn theroofs. The nativity, usually lavishly and creativelydecorated, must not be missed in any house. Thebaby Jesus is laid in the manger on December 24.

Los NegritosDecember 8 in the indigenous village of Boruca. Acombination of traditional indigenous festivitiesand catholic rites. This day honors the Virgin ofthe ImmaculateConception.

Immaculate ConceptionDecember 8. This day is celebrated with a lot offireworks.

Festival de la Luz/Lights Festival2nd Sunday in December. The town center isdecorated with many lights. In the evening floatsand marching bands parade through the PaseoColón and the Avenida Segunda. There is also acompetition of the marching bands. In order tohave a good view of the parade, you should startlooking for a place on the sidewalk already atnoontime.

Fiesta de la YeguitaDecember 12 in Liberia. The main event of this dayis a parade in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Ofcourse, the festival would not be complete withoutthe traditional music, dance, and firework.

Christmas Eve/ChristmasDecember 24/25. Traditionally, the arrival of theChrist Child is celebrated on the 24th at midnight.There are midnight feasts, and midnight massesare said in order to welcome baby Jesus.Christmas gifts are distributed. Only December 25is a holiday.

TopeDecember 26 in San José. A well-known horseparade that leads through the center of San José.Proud riders present their well-trained horses thatperform amazing footwork.

CarnivalDecember 27 in San José. The colorful paradewith its themed floats and a lot of music leadsthrough the center of San José.

Zapote FiestasDecember 25-31. The market place of San José’sdistrict Zapote transforms into a setting of one ofthe most popular fairgrounds. Rodeo, mobilediscos, bars, food booths, and other fairgroundactivities are offered. It is best to go there by taxi.

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Intersección adelanteDerrumbes en la vía

Curva adelanteDespacio

Intersection aheadLandslides on the roadCurve aheadSlow

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Velocidad máximaParada de autobuses

Parada de taxisPeatones por laizquierda

Ancho máximo pesoMáximo por vehiculoMantenga su derecha

Fin develocidad restringidaCamiones váa derecha

Estacionamentounahora-6a.m.–6p.m.Se permite virar en u

Altura máxima

No hay pasoNo adelantar

No virar enuSiga con precauciónDoble víaadelante

No ciclistasNo virar a la derechaNo virar a la izquierda

No estacionar

Una víaAlto

25 kphCeda el paso

Speed limitBus stopTaxi stopPedestrians on the left sideClearance widthGross vehicle weightKeep rightEnd of restrictedspeedTrucks on the right lane1 hour parking - 6:00am - 6:00pmU-turn permittedClearence height

Do not enter

No overtaking


Proceed withcautionTwo way road aheadNo cyclingNo right turnNo left turnNo parkingOne wayStopSpeed limit 25 kph (15 mph)Yield right of way

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Construction signs

Carretera en construcción adelanteAsfalto fresco

Vía izquierda cerrada adelanteVía derechacerrada adelante

Carretera en construcciónTrabajos en espaldónadelante

Una vía adelanteCamino cerrado adelante

Maquinaria trabajando adelanteRuta provisionaladelante

Desvío adelanteTrabajosen la carreteraadelante

Principal tramo en reparacion a500 mTerminal tramoen reparación

Road constructionAhead new asphaltLeft lane closed aheadRight lane closed aheadRoad workShoulder work aheadSingle lane ahead roadClosed aheadRoad machinery aheadTemporary routeAhead Detour aheadRoadwork aheadMain construction works in 500 m (545 yd)End roadwork

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